Im yu a. Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after. Gagarin Yu. See what “Yu. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy” is in other dictionaries

The founder of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MGIFKSiT named after Yu.A. Senkevich is the Moscow City Government. The functions and powers of the Founder are carried out by the Moscow Sports Department.

The Institute as an educational institution dates back to September 30, 1966, when, by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 789 “On training personnel to work with foreign tourists,” Higher Courses for the training and retraining of specialists related to serving foreign tourists, as well as Foreign language courses. In those years, the average annual contingent was 1,200 people, including 500 people who were trained off-the-job.

Taking into account the positive work experience, by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 2273-r of October 7, 1975, Higher Courses and, within them, the Problem Research Laboratory for the development of industry rules for the reception and service of foreign tourists and Soviet citizens on the territory of the USSR in the field of the hotel and tourist complex were transformed into the Institute for Advanced Training of Managers and Specialists of the Glavintourist (IPK), where managers and their deputies, chief specialists of departments, agencies and enterprises, accounting services, hotel service bureaus underwent training and retraining lasting from 2 weeks to 9 months at the IPC. and other workers. In addition, courses ranging from 2 months to 2 years provided training and improvement of knowledge in 19 foreign languages. In the IPC, at the Foreign Language Courses, in their branches in the country's major tourist centers of Irkutsk, Leningrad, Tashkent, Baku, Lvov and Tallinn, from 1975 to 1990, they annually underwent training and retraining to improve programs for the stay of foreign tourists in the USSR and knowledge of foreign languages ​​from 10 up to 15 thousand managers and specialists out of 70 thousand working in the industry, including 2.5 thousand guides and interpreters.

By order of the State Committee for Tourism of February 6, 1990 No. 25, the IPK was transformed into the Higher Commercial School of the State Committee for Tourism of the USSR, which, after the delimitation of powers between federal and municipal property, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 3, 1992 No. 14 and the order of the Vice-Mayor of Moscow of January 28 1992 No. 38-RVM, was transferred to the joint-stock company "Mosintur" of the Moscow Government.

In order to provide the hotel and tourism complex of Moscow with mid-level specialists, by order of the Mayor of Moscow dated December 16, 1993 No. 728-RM, the Higher Commercial School was transformed into the “Higher School of Tourism and Hotel Management” (HSTG). VSHTG worked in this status until mid-2000, performing a basic function - training specialists for the hotel and tourism complex of Moscow under secondary vocational education programs.

Then a new qualitative stage began in the activities of our educational institution. By order of the Mayor of Moscow dated May 16, 2000 No. 519-RM, VShTG was transformed into the Moscow Academy of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business, giving it the status of a state educational institution under the Moscow Government, which provided a real opportunity to form a multi-stage system of continuous professional education on the basis of one educational center, including training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in the tourism industry, stimulating the development of a wide variety of activities that are integrally related to it and designed to accelerate the growth of its efficiency.

The next document that draws a definite line under the reform of our educational institution is the order of the Moscow Government of March 24, 2004 No. 504-RP “On the Moscow Academy of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business under the Moscow Government,” by which the Academy was renamed into a state educational institution of higher professional education city ​​of Moscow "Moscow Academy of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business (Institute) under the Moscow Government." The functions of the founder of the Academy on behalf of the city of Moscow and on behalf of the Moscow Government are assigned to the Moscow City Tourism Committee.

In 2009, our educational institution entered under a new name - decree of the Moscow Government dated December 31, 2008 No. 3190-RP State educational institution of higher professional education in the city of Moscow "Moscow Academy of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business (Institute) under the Moscow Government" was renamed into State Educational Institution establishment of the city of Moscow "Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry".

On July 5, 2010, by order of the Moscow Government No. 1390-RP, the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MGIIT was named after the famous scientist-researcher Yuri Aleksandrovich Senkevich and in the future the Institute will be called: State educational institution of higher professional education of the city of Moscow "Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu. A. Senkevich."

By order of the Moscow Government dated December 21, 2011 No. 985-RP, the type and name of the institute was changed to the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the city of Moscow "Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. Senkevich."

By Decree of the Moscow Government of March 17, 2015 No. 126-PP, the functions and powers of the Founder of the Institute are exercised by the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations and Tourism of the city of Moscow.

By order of the Department of Sports and Tourism of the city of Moscow, the Charter and name of the “State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the City of Moscow” Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. Senkevich".

If a girl’s name begins with the letter “U,” then her element is communication, meetings, clubs, parties, concerts and everything related to entertainment and fun. You can add romance here, but if you think that such a girl has only trifles in her head, you will be mistaken. She is persistent and knows how to get her way; if there is a goal, passion, perseverance, fearlessness and absolute faith in success awaken in it. Only one thing hinders her - she is always a little child at heart, and her ideas about many things are idealized and prevent her from correctly assessing the situation. So she has something to work on, but if she copes with her shortcomings, she will become not only positive, but also successful.

  • Juliana - a name of Latin origin, from the name "Julian". An emotional, restless and lively girl, with good artistic abilities. She is sociable, friendly and non-offensive, but no one will be able to convince her. 28
  • Julia - probably from the Latin “Iulia” - “July” or “from the family of the Julians.” The girl has a good sense of humor, a sharp mind, observation, resourcefulness, and at the same time she is quite unrestrained and hot-tempered, with a difficult character. Julia is often prone to taking risks and making quick, unexpected decisions. If she is lucky with her immediate circle, she can succeed, otherwise she will most likely create problems for herself and others. 85
  • Yuna - (Una / Yunna / Junia) from Latin - “the only one”. An extrovert, she likes to attract attention, dress brightly, and communicate a lot. He manages the house well and enjoys cooking. She behaves quite selfishly with her husband, often being jealous for no reason. She can’t stand criticism, but she is not without a sense of humor and, in general, kindness. The husband will do the right thing if he simply smiles at her whims. -51
  • Junia - probably came from the name Juno. She is a rather reserved and closed girl, who at first impression may seem rather arrogant. In fact, she is sociable, unforgiving and friendly. She always has a lot of energy, and it is important for her to find a job she likes, because this girl is ready to devote her whole life to work. -140
  • Juno - Translated from Latin - “forever young”. Character - lively, spontaneous, impulsive. He doesn’t like to argue and doesn’t particularly insist on his opinion. She very much attracts others with her qualities; she is distinguished by her kindness and ability to sympathize with people. She has good intuition and good taste, but household chores are not her thing. By character - a typical owl. To the men around her she seems unapproachable and strict, but with her chosen one Juno will be gentle and sensitive. -179

KnAAZ (Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after Yu. A. Gagarin, formerly KnAAPO Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association named after Gagarin, Yu. A.) is an aircraft manufacturing plant in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Leading industrial enterprise of the Sukhoi Aviation Holding Company, manufacturer of Su type aircraft. Currently, it takes part in three leading programs of the holding: the production and development of the Su-35 multi-role fighter, the Sukhoi SuiperJet-100 passenger regional aircraft and the 5th generation military aviation complex. It produces double and single-seat variations of aircraft such as the Su-27 - Su-30MK2, as well as the Su-27 SKM/SM, deck-based fighters Su-33UB, Su-33, modernization and repair of aircraft in service with air force and military aviation. - naval forces of the Russian Federation. KnAAZ is proud to be one of the certified suppliers of Boeing Corporation.

From 01/01/2013, KnAAPO as a branch became part of the open joint-stock company “Company “Sukhoi”” and became known as a branch of the open joint-stock company “Company “Sukhoi” “Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after. Gagarin" Yu. A. (KnAAZ).

In 2007, the number of workers at the plant was about 17 thousand people, and by 2011 it dropped to 13.5 thousand people


Initially, the plant was planned to be one of the city-forming enterprises of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The Nanai camp of Dzemgi was chosen as the site for construction; later the construction site was mobilized to its current location deep into the taiga. On July 18, 1934, the first stone was laid in the foundation of the main mechanical building of the future aircraft plant No. 126.

05/01/1936 the R-6 reconnaissance aircraft (designed by Tupolev A.N.) was prepared for flight. During the Second World War, the company produced DB-3F - long-range bombers. A total of 2,757 copies of these military vehicles were created.

In the period after the war, the plant set up production of the Li-2 passenger transport aircraft. 355 copies of these aircraft were created here.

One of the most important stages in improving the enterprise was the first jet-powered fighters MiG-17, MiG-15, and their variations.

In 1956, the plant linked its future fate with Sukhoi's experimental design bureau. Joint work gave the Armed Forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics thousands of Su class military aircraft.

Simultaneously with the production of fighter aircraft, the enterprise produced cruise anti-ship homing missiles "Amethyst" and P-6, supplied the Novosibirsk Aviation Plant for cooperation with fuselage tail parts with fins and wing rotating parts for the Su-24 (front-line bombers), produced tail parts for the (passenger airliner) plumage.

In 1976, the enterprise began production of the fourth generation military aircraft - the Su-27, which became the main version of aircraft designed by the Sukhoi experimental design bureau. The Su-27 fighter, and in the future its variations - the Su-27SKM, as well as the Su-27SK and Su-33 B Su-30MK2, became the main product of the plant in the 1980s.

The Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant has recently undergone technical re-equipment and reconstruction.

From the runway of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant in January 2010, the T-50 PAK FA (5th generation fighter) took off for the first time.

Among other civilian products, they produced, for example, Amur-type boats (swivel-drive), Cosmos bicycles, the Vostok water-jet propulsion system, and the Strela outboard motor.

In 1999, the production of boats was separated into a subsidiary independent enterprise - the AMUR plant for the production of small-sized vessels. The production of boats of all models was discontinued in 2005-2006. The production of components and spare parts for boats has been closed since 2009.

The enterprise, with its considerable 75-year history, has produced several thousand military aircraft from such famous aircraft designers throughout the Soviet Union as Ilyushin, Tupolev, Gurevich, Mikoyan, Beriev. and Sukhoi.

Activities of trade unions

Mass media

The plant operates a printed organ: “Wings of the Soviets” (previously called “Forward” and “Sturmovik” and) (newspaper of the open joint-stock company KnAAPO). The newspaper tells about various aspects of the life of the plant and the labor exploits of the team. The newspaper is published under strict censorship of the plant management; general management on this issue is entrusted to the director of the press center.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu. from 09:00 to 17:00

Fri. from 09:00 to 16:00

Gallery MGIIT im. Yu.A. Senkevich

general information

State autonomous educational institution of higher education in Moscow “Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. Senkevich"


No. 01586 valid indefinitely from 06.08.2015


No. 02113 is valid from 07/12/2016 to 07/12/2022

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for MGIIT named after. Yu.A. Senkevich

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 6 points)4 6 5 5 2
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study63.94 65.51 65.08 63.57 62.31
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget69.51 70.18 71.55 74.92 84.82
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis53.42 61.24 61.43 67.54 71.5
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled50.1 61.48 60.42 65.10 59.1
Number of students1162 1511 1926 1890 2087
Full-time department449 510 627 713 608
Part-time department218 312 378 376 380
Extramural495 689 921 801 1099
All data Report Report Report Report Report

About MGIIT named after. Yu.A. Senkevich

Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu. A. Senkevich is one of the best universities in Russia, where they train highly qualified specialists who can work in the field of tourism, hotel business, serve domestic and foreign tourists and have a perfect command of foreign languages.

Education at MGIIT named after Yu. A. Senkevich

At the institute, students can receive higher education and a bachelor's degree in the following faculties:

  • tourism and hospitality in the specialties “Technology and organization of tour operator and travel agency services”, “Technology and organization of excursion services”, “Restaurant activities” and “Hotel activities” on a budget or contract basis. It is mandatory for students of the faculty to study two foreign languages, the first is English, the second is of the students’ choice;
  • economics and management in the specialties “Economics of Enterprises and Organizations” and “Marketing”. Students study at the departments of tourism industry economics, tourism management and marketing, management psychology, European and oriental languages, IT and mathematics;
  • correspondence courses, where students can receive the specialties “Economics of Enterprises and Organizations”, “Marketing”, “Technology and Organization of Tour Operator and Travel Agency Services”, “Hotel Activities” and “Restaurant Activities”. Studying at the correspondence faculty, students receive high-quality knowledge right at home, only occasionally coming to the institute for consultations, additional lectures and seminars, as well as to pass the exam;
  • tourist service, where students receive secondary vocational education in the following specialties: tourism, hotel service and organization of catering services.

After receiving a bachelor's degree, students of MGIIT named after. Senkevich can continue his education in graduate school, where future scientists or university teachers are trained in the specialty “Economics and Management of the National Economy.” After postgraduate studies, students will be able to write and defend a candidate or doctoral dissertation.

In addition, the institute offers the opportunity to take advanced training courses for current specialists who work in the service sector. In these courses, they will expand their knowledge of their chosen specialty, which will significantly increase their competitiveness and contribute to rapid career advancement.

Material and technical base of MGIIT named after. Yu. A. Senkevich

The educational process at a university takes place with the mandatory use of modern computer techniques, technologies and computer programs, which are now used in modern firms and enterprises.

To ensure complete computerization of university students, the institute has 150 of the latest computers, which are interconnected into a single local network. In addition, some classrooms have special multimedia equipment, thanks to which students can see a visual representation of educational material, which contributes to its better assimilation. Every year, the material and technical base is constantly updated and its capacity is increased so that the institute can keep up with scientific and technological progress.

Students are taught using licensed Microsoft computer programs. Students also study Linux computer platforms. In addition, students study the 1C accounting program in depth, knowledge of which allows students to become more competitive job seekers.

Language labs are used to study foreign languages, allowing students to better master them. Students of the Faculty of Tourism conduct classes in special rooms, which are equipped with hotel furniture and equipment, which allows them to learn some practical skills already during their studies at the university.

International activities of MGIIT named after. Yu. A. Senkevich

One of the priority activities of the institute is its international cooperation. The university is a member of the Association of Schools for Training Personnel for the Hotel and Restaurant Business in Europe (EURODIP) and the World Association of Hospitality and Tourism Educational Institutions (WAHTT). It was thanks to the cooperation of the institute with EURODIP that university students participated in a professional competition held by the Association and received high marks for their participation, indicating a quality education.

MGIIT has close friendly ties with foreign tourism universities. More than 2,000 university students have already studied and trained there, and also participated in student exchange programs. International relations of the institute with universities in Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, Turkey, Finland, Latvia and other countries contribute to their joint improvement of the educational process.

In order for students of the institute to hone their English to perfection, they can take part in a 2-week internship in Malta and London at the European English Language School. In addition, this internship will allow them to gain experience in operating in the hotel industry.

"Research and testing center
cosmonaut training
named after Yu. A. Gagarin"
International name Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
Former name RGNIITSPK named after Yu.A. Gagarin (1995-2009); 1st Research Center named after Yu.A. Gagarin (1969-1995); 1st CPC named after Yu.A. Gagarin (1968-1969); 1st TsPK (1965-1968); Air Force Central Command Center (1960-1965)
Director P. N. Vlasov
Location Star City
Legal address Star City, Moscow region, 141160, Russia
Media files on Wikimedia Commons

Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Testing Center for Cosmonaut Training named after Yu. A. Gagarin" (FGBU "Research Institute Cosmonaut Training Center named after Yu. A. Gagarin") is the main Soviet and Russian institution for training cosmonauts.


Current status

On the basis of the former 70th Aviation Regiment, in 2010, the aviation department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Institute of the Training Center named after Yu. A. Gagarin” was created, where the aircraft and flight technical personnel of the regiment were partially transferred.

In April 2017, reports appeared that about ten cosmonauts had recently left the Center, citing “internal organizational problems at the Center” as the reasons. On April 25, one of the cosmonauts, Gennady Padalka, published an open letter criticizing the head of the Cosmonaut Training Center, Yuri Lonchakov, and calling for his dismissal.

In October 2017, Yuri Lonchakov resigned. Deputy Head of the Center for Management and Development Maxim Kharlamov was appointed acting head of the Center for Management and Development instead of him. On November 24, the new head of the Center, Pavel Vlasov, who previously headed the Center, was introduced to the CPC team.

Technical facilities for training cosmonauts (TSPK)

The TSPC center includes various simulators, two centrifuges - TsF-7 and TsF-18, a hydro laboratory, and an Il-76 laboratory aircraft. Centrifuges are designed for overload training; the TsF-18 centrifuge is located in a cylindrical building on the territory of the Center. In another cylindrical building there is a three-story hydro laboratory containing a container of water with a diameter of 23 meters and a depth of 12 meters. In the hydrolaboratory, actions are being tested in conditions of weightlessness in outer space on a full-size mock-up of an orbital station (once Salyut-7, later Mir, currently the ISS). The laboratory aircraft is designed to create short-term weightlessness.

Heads of the center

  • Colonel of the Medical Service Evgeniy Anatolyevich Karpov (from February 24, 1960, first head of the Cosmonaut Training Center, to 1963)
  • Colonel General of Aviation Mikhail Petrovich Odintsov (1963)
  • Major General of Aviation Nikolai Fedorovich Kuznetsov (1963-1972)
  • Georgy Timofeevich Beregovoy (1972-1987)
  • Lieutenant General of Aviation, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR Vladimir Aleksandrovich Shatalov (1987-1991)
  • Colonel General, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR Pyotr Ilyich Klimuk (1991-2003)
  • Lieutenant General, pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation Vasily Vasilyevich Tsibliev (2003-2009)
  • USSR pilot-cosmonaut Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev (March 30, 2009 - March 27, 2014);
  • pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation Yuri Valentinovich Lonchakov (April 2014 - October 2017);
  • Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation Pavel Nikolaevich Vlasov (since November 2017).



  1. Cosmonaut Training Center (undefined) (unavailable link). Retrieved October 24, 2008.

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