Where to find a good interior designer. How and where to find an interior designer: a complete guide. Looking for you - ways to find a designer


Depending on which one you need, look at specialized publications. The ideal option is to first see the design work, for example, decorating a kitchen at your friends’ house, and only then hire exactly the person you liked so much. Therefore, take a closer look at the design of suburban areas (if you need a landscape designer), the layout of newspapers and magazines (if you are looking for a printer), and so on, everywhere you go. When you find the option you like, all you have to do is find out the name of the person who made this or that design.

Another way to see the “product in person” is to search on the Internet. As a rule, almost all design firms and many independent specialists create their own websites today, where they post their work and immediately stipulate the conditions (approximate terms, prices, style of work). If you are on a limited budget and cannot afford the services of highly qualified professionals, try looking for a designer on freelance exchanges. Often, students and beginners offer their services there, who need to practice and who are ready to meet you halfway in discussing the financial side of the matter.

If you are looking for a designer through newspaper advertisements, be sure to ask for a portfolio when you first meet. Any self-respecting representative of this profession should have a set of high-quality photographs of their work, or at least projects. Talk to your designer candidate personally: outline what exactly you want, listen to his suggestions. A professional will never categorically insist on his own, even if he does not like the customer’s ideas, but will try to find a reasonable compromise. Be sure to ask the designer about the terms of work and payment in advance, even before he gets down to business.

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  • "Find an interior designer"


The second is to decide on a list of those abilities and types of education that will help you complete your projects with high quality and unlike what previously existed. At the same time, you have the opportunity to choose not only the field in which you have already tried yourself, but also the desired one. There are several types in the area - landscape, textile, etc.

After that, look for projects for creative self-realization. It is very promising in this sense. Here on specialized sites they search work both professional designers and novice craftsmen. Often professionals look for assistants to implement large projects. Have proven themselves to be the most promising sites www.sdrussia.ru, www.weblancer.ne and the like. These same resources can provide you with advice and help you find so-called trial projects.

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Helpful advice

You need to constantly try yourself in the field of design. In this case, under no circumstances should you stop. All your work should be sent to specialized sites for inclusion in the database. Don’t neglect even small and uncomplicated jobs. Sometimes works in the style of simplicity and minimalism will play a positive role. If you don't have a special education, it's worth getting one. If you want to connect your life with design art, you should think about professional education.

After cosmetic, major or European-quality renovation of your apartment, did you want to change the interior design? This is a great idea, but to create a warm and cozy atmosphere at home, you need to contact only an experienced specialist. How to distinguish a real master of residential design from a beginner amateur posing as a professional?

You will need

  • creative thinking and interior design skills / friends who have already ordered this service / computer with Internet access


It's worth thinking about the future long before you start. And almost immediately you need to decide where to hire an experienced specialist who will do his job at the proper level. At the same time, do not forget that a lot will depend on your wallet.

Option one, budget, but risky - do it yourself and create a unique one. This is possible if you have completed design courses at one time and would like to bring your previous “works” to life. A big plus in favor of making such a decision will be that you will not have to pay for the services of a specialist, and the savings will be used to purchase more expensive furniture and accessories. But there is one “but” - are you confident in your creative potential?

Option two, more familiar, but paid, is to invite an experienced specialist. First, try calling your friends and acquaintances who recently made renovations or changed the design of their premises. Collect the coordinates of the designers they contacted. And when the list of necessary coordinates has been compiled, feel free to start calling and choose a specialist based on the results of a personal “interview”.

If you have not been recommended to anyone, turn to the services of a large agency, whose work can be familiarized with the example of ready-made, completed projects. Such companies, as a rule, employ people with decent experience in their field, who will carry out interior design at a high professional level.

So, the designer has been found. All you have to do is develop your own original plan to change the “face” of the apartment, and a qualified specialist will bring all your ideas to life!

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The market for design services today is developing so dynamically that choosing the best specialist is sometimes very difficult. Hiring a good designer can be the key to a successful project or high-quality implementation of a media plan. That is why the efforts spent on finding a professional are unlikely to be unnecessary.

A beautiful interior is what every person strives for. After all, the desire to live in a beautiful and modern apartment, to relax in a house where everything is in place, is natural and understandable. That is why the demand for the services of specialists who can help with this task is increasing every day. If you are one of those who cannot cope without the help of a professional, then let's think about how and from whom order apartment interior design which will make you happy.

1. For this type of work you need a person who:

  • has sufficient experience in this field;
  • knowledgeable about fashion trends;
  • knows how to create projects that are not familiar and standard.

In addition to all this, he must also have personal qualities, such as:

  • integrity and responsibility;
  • determination;
  • interest in an excellent result.

Naturally, such a person exists, and therefore the main task is to find him.

2. With all these qualities and his talents, he must present his services at prices affordable to everyone. At this point everything will be difficult, because many have already become convinced that inexpensive apartment designer– this is more a myth than reality. We want to please you and tell you that such a specialist can be found. This may well be an excellent student who is just starting his career. You may also be lucky and meet someone who will not claim a large amount of money for some personal reasons. Various things happen, and therefore your main task is to search.

Where to look for an interior designer?

This is the key question of our article, so we will tell you where people most often find inexpensive interior designer and avoid lengthy searches. Currently there are many such places. The most famous of them is the Internet.

1. Online classifieds

Beginners and low-cost professionals submit information about themselves on a variety of message boards. These information certificates look different. On sites where they offer or look for work, you can also find someone who offers design, renovation and other construction services. Of course, one phone call will not be enough, so if you decide to turn to private experts in your field, then expect various difficulties. But there is no need to be sad, because this is the method that brings maximum usefulness.

2. Personal sites

It will be easier to find a professional here, but be prepared for the price to be higher. In the search engine you just need to enter your city and a lot of results will appear. We recommend that you pay attention to the portfolio, which will reveal to you the secret of how creative the person you have found is. From the photo you can easily determine whether you like his style of work.

The eternal problem of those who are just starting their business: you already understand how important high-quality design is right now - after all, it is the “face” of the company. And then we realized something else: there is no money for this at all.

Have you already asked for help from a friend who accidentally had Photoshop from 1996 on his computer? Have you tried to find an undemanding student on YouDo? There are many options - and we tried them all. Most of them turned out to be a waste of time and money.

If you want great design at a great price, then outsourcing design services is your option. Compared to the usual search for friends, it will be faster, cheaper and more reliable (thematic sites give you guarantees). Getting high-quality results on “cheap” freelance sites will not be easy. But it is quite possible - if you know the right approach.

It’s better if you can translate the technical specifications into English - this will greatly expand your capabilities.

All prices are indicated at the time of writing.

Method one: design competition

You place a task and choose the reward amount. Several designers will work on your project completely free of charge. You choose a winner who gets the money.

Yes, you can get up to hundreds of options. And in many cases you don’t have to pay if none of the options suits you.

At first glance, this is an ideal option. But the designers themselves are far from perfect.

Most of them are either inexperienced students or guys from India (or another low-wage country) who are desperate to make money. They enter competitions because they can't get another job. So you're left with a hundred options from twenty different designers. And they are all absolutely terrible. This is what happened to us.

To attract better designers, you need to offer good compensation. In our experience, competitions are the best for logo design. Even if you don't get a logo that suits you 100%, you at least have initial concepts that can be improved. Tasks that require attention and involvement (UI, website design, etc.) simply cannot be achieved in competitions.

The most popular sites with design competitions:

This is more of a competition platform than a regular freelance marketplace. The minimum price for posting a project is $299 (reward to the performer is $200). Crowdspring promises you'll get around 50 options.

As work comes in, you can make edits for free and choose the best option once the corrected versions are sent to you. Next, you choose the winner and finalize the best one with him. The designer will receive payment once you have finalized the work.

If you still don't find a suitable option, crowdspring refunds your money (except service commission).

You post a project, set a deadline and leave a deposit equal to the price of your project. The project is seen by more than 33 thousand designers and design studios around the world. DesignCrowd states that tasks on the site receive an average of 50 responses. The minimum price for posting is $59. To this you need to add the price you are willing to pay for the design. The support team will help you determine the price if necessary.

If you do not find a suitable option, the money will be returned excluding the service fee.

Everything is as usual: you post technical specifications, designers send options. You give feedback, make edits and choose a winner. The designer receives a fee, and you receive the rights to his work. Minimum prices vary depending on the project, ranging from $79 for a Facebook page header to $599 for a web page or WordPress theme.

It's difficult to say which of these services is better. In our experience, there are more experienced Australian designers on DesignCrowd. But if you want to attract designers from developed countries, you need to offer compensation at the top end. But 99designs is the most popular site, it has a huge database of designers. We have tried other services, such as Hatchwise, but we do not recommend them: at least they have an inconvenient interface.

Warning for Freelancers / Good News for Clients

99designs and Crowdspring are criticized for dumping the work of designers and promoting the principle of speculative work (where people invest a lot of effort and time without any guarantee of payment). 99designs also transfers to the customer all rights to the original work.

Yes, some designers do not recognize such a scheme, but others happily respond to orders. Therefore, these sites remain a good option for those who want to get a project done quickly, have choice, and still fit into a budget.

Method 2: project and hourly work

If you find yourself a good designer, take care of him. After all, he already knows what you like and will give you the desired result faster than a new person.

Posting competitions for any reason is simply not profitable. To begin with, you can organize a competition, choose a winner, and then hire him on an hourly basis for the following tasks.

What’s better – pay by the hour or by the result? It’s possible both ways. If you don’t have a lot of tasks, then it’s better to pay for results. If there is a constant flow of tasks for several months or longer, then it is more convenient to pay by the hour. Then you won’t have to constantly calculate how much the next task costs. You will need a time tracking tool (for example, Time Doctor or Upwork).

Where else can you find designers for hourly or project work?

On freelance sites like Upwork (formerly oDesk), you can post a job offer, and contractors from all over the world will bid for your project (virtually an auction).

In our experience, finding a qualified designer there is very, very difficult. Most designers are from low-income countries like India. Their skills, frankly speaking, vary from mediocre before terrible(or maybe they just have a different understanding of aesthetics). There are exceptions, but to find them you will have to work hard and spend a lot of time scrolling through profiles.

Design jobs that are best suited for outsourcing


In our experience, design competitions work best here.

Simple website or printed product layouts

Design competitions are also quite suitable for this. If you don’t have any special design requirements, you can make everything even simpler - use ready-made templates (search design templates on Google).

Complex sites

If the site has more than 20 pages, it is better to find a permanent designer and pay him by the hour or as the work is completed. You can pay for the entire project at once, but then try to make an extremely clear technical specification.

Interface design

Can new users quickly find what they need? Do the forms on the site work effectively or are they difficult for users to fill out? If you have a complex website with many functions, then usability is everything. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find a designer who has a good understanding of UX principles. And it’s even harder to find an inexpensive UX designer. If you're on a tight budget, it's best to try to figure out the theme yourself and then carefully guide the designer. You can also copy the solutions of sites that have already spent billions of dollars on usability (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google).

Improved conversion

Do you want your website to actually sell for you? This is a very advanced skill that is not found in low paid designers (or even high paid ones!) Again, you will have to figure out all the conversion stuff yourself (and guide the designer yourself). These sites have a lot of free information on conversions: marketingsherpa.com and abtests.com.

The right brief for the designer

One of the most important factors for getting quality work is a competent task. 99designs offers a very competent sample technical specification, it contains all the information that you need to provide to the designer. For example, is your new logo just a word (text logo), a symbol, one letter?

Should the style be feminine, youthful, fun and catchy, simple and modern? A good designer will definitely ask about this before starting work. It would be a good idea to prepare examples of logos that you like.

Tip: Ask for the finished design to be sent to you in as many different formats as possible. For example, a vector version of a logo will be much more useful than a raster image in Photoshop (you can change the size without losing quality). But also ordinary .png may be useful for certain purposes.

Other useful information that needs to be included in the statement of work

In addition to the general description, you should clarify for yourself and indicate for the designer:

  1. Project name.
  2. Where will the project files need to be uploaded? FTP? Dropbox?
  3. Deadline and completion dates for intermediate stages.
  4. Any sketches and other existing resources you already have, including market research.
  5. Headings, calls to action, body text that need to be included in the design.


  • Design competitions are a great way to get started, especially if it's a logo.
  • If the work ahead is more complex and lengthy, it is better to find a permanent designer who pays an hourly rate.
  • You don't necessarily have to spend $10k on a design for your business. You can get excellent results for a much more modest amount.

If you need someone for a permanent job, place an ad on one of the design forums, for example, DesignerTalk (English-language, international audience). If you only need a Russian-speaking specialist, you should look at Freelance (paid subscription, from 500 rubles).


If you haven’t tried working with outsourced specialists yet, this guide will help you do everything as efficiently as possible.

If you want to read more about design services, here is a list of “101 Design Blogs You Should Follow” .

If previously only people with high incomes turned to designers for help, now this work is one of the most in demand among everyone who wants to furnish their home or apartment as comfortably as possible.

Young interior designers of the Yudu website have the following necessary professional qualities:

  • sociability
  • artistic imagination
  • spatial-imaginative thinking

The young designer will transform the interior of any room. For him, developing a project is an interesting task in which he can realize his creative impulses.

Changing the interior: stages of work for a novice specialist

Finding a designer who does his work efficiently and inexpensively will not take much time if you use the Yudu service. With it, the creation of a project will be effective, and the customer will definitely like the end result.

Before developing documentation, the specialist agrees on the following issues:

  • room decoration style
  • dimensions and number of floors of the object
  • primary colors
  • preferred materials
  • preparation of documentation corresponding to the project

The main task of the young specialist is to find optimal solutions and create a project that will take into account all the customer’s requirements. He will be able to find a way out of any situation so that, if necessary, he can combine incompatible things in order to emphasize the client’s individuality.

What does a design project consist of?

The services of a beginning designer are not much different from the work of specialists with extensive experience in this field. If you hire a beginner specialist, you will receive the same package of documentation as when working with the most famous masters of architecture and design.

The documentation consists of the following sections:

  • planning solutions
  • technological solutions
  • style solutions
  • decoration
  • selection of materials and equipment
  • author's supervision

To find a suitable solution for decorating a room, a novice designer goes to the site, takes the necessary measurements, and also discusses all issues with the customer. Significant changes to the project are possible only at the initial stages, so it is very important to immediately determine what exactly the client wants.

How to order services from Yudu masters

Using the Yuda website, you can hire a designer who can complete the design of the project at a low cost. To order services, you must fill out an application in which you indicate the main criteria, as well as the price for the work. The advantage of the site is that the client can set his own prices.

After placing an application, available performers will begin to send their proposals. The price for creating an interior designer can vary. If desired, the application may not indicate the cost of the work so that there is an opportunity to discuss this issue in person. On the Yudu website, any interior designer is a master with specialized education and creative thinking, and a beginner also has a “fresh” look and approach to solving the task.

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