If you dream about eyes. What do eyes mean in a dream?

Why do you dream about sore eyes? The dream book explains: health problems, troubles at work, deception, betrayal will soon begin. But such a vision in a dream sometimes portends profit and wealth. To correctly interpret this symbol, you need to remember all the details of the dream.

What was the disease?

What disease did you dream about?

  • red, inflamed - severe fatigue, need to rest;
  • myopic - troubles will soon begin;
  • swollen or stuck together - something prevents you from looking at the circumstances soberly;
  • slanted in a dream - irritability, rejection of the situation or others;
  • unhealthy, dull - you will be very worried about the children;
  • thorn - deception in an important matter;
  • losing an eye - make a mistake, and then you will greatly regret it.

Miller's Dream Book: disturbing events

Did you dream that they were inflamed? In reality, expect the beginning of some disturbing unpleasant events. Perhaps problems will arise at work or with colleagues. Beware of the machinations of enemies.

You took the wrong position

Why do you dream about sore eyes? This is a warning about deterioration in some area of ​​life - perhaps troubles in business.

Did you dream that they were sick? The interpretation of the dream suggests: the position or point of view that you defend is incorrect. And although you are completely confident in your own rightness, an event will soon occur that completely refutes it.

Be careful: someone may deceive you

Seeing festering, sore eyes means: it is difficult for the dreamer to understand where the truth is and where the lie is. Sometimes he doesn't want to know the truth at all.

Inflamed, swollen, watery - according to the dream book, they warn: deception is possible. Try not to trust people you don’t know too much - they will “set you up.”

Sore eyes in a dream also warn of confusion that will unwittingly happen due to new circumstances. There is no need to blame anyone, it is better to quickly take measures to correct the situation.

To see cloudy ones - someone will deliberately create mystery in order to confuse the sleeper and mislead him. Probably, due to a lack of information, the person chose the wrong goal or does not clearly see his task.

Other meanings

Why else do you dream about sore eyes? The dream book suggests: your health may deteriorate. The disease may appear in the dreamer's relatives.

Did you dream about loss of vision (blindness) in a dream? A person sleeping in reality loses the ability to think clearly - intuition does not work, he cannot adequately assess the situation.

Trauma is treason, the betrayal of some person in reality. Usually the right eye means a man and the left eye means a woman.

Sore eyes from which blood oozes in a dream is a bad sign. The dream book warns of trouble with one of your relatives or loved ones. Such a vision promises complications at work, an assignment that will be difficult to cope with.

Good omens

Why do you dream of stye on the eyelid? The dream book informs you: financial success is ahead. Carefully planned ventures will bring excellent profits.

Such a vision in a dream promises a person wealth, prosperity, and health. At work, your salary will be increased or unexpected income will appear, which will allow you to save a certain amount and increase it.

For an unmarried man, seeing stye on his eyelid promises a quick wedding with his chosen one.

Eyes are one of the most striking, metaphysical, symbolic images. When these sense organs, which play an exceptional role in the life of every person, are closed, the feeling of the illusory nature of the world intensifies. It is not for nothing that in many cultures the eye occupies a special place in symbolism.

A dream, the main element of which is these bottomless oceans of the soul, primarily reflects the mental state of the sleeper. And the smallest details of the dream will help you find out from the dream book what fate has in store for you.

If in a dream you cannot see the color of your interlocutor’s eyes, then in reality you will not yet find the answer to your questions. A frank conversation is ahead. There is a risk of finding yourself in a difficult situation.

Why do you dream of green eyes - to meet passionate love, to find true friends. It is a sign of sincerity, faith, balance, harmony, healing. However, the dream book warns of the evil eye, jealousy and envy if the main character of the dream was a stranger with the evil gaze of olive eyes.

If you saw blue eyes in a dream, you will soon receive useful information or a gift, and you will meet great, passionate love. Some dream books interpret this dream as a harbinger of failure due to gullibility, indecision, and lack of self-confidence.

You had black eyes in a dream - you will spend the coming evening in pleasant company, fun and carefree.

According to the dream book, black or brown eyes of people around you in a dream speak of deceit and deception. Beware of crafty partners and two-faced comrades who are building dishonest plans behind your back.

The appearance of red eyes in a dream indicates extreme fatigue of the sleeper. It seems that you need to take a vacation and have a good rest, and the dream book persuades you to give preference to active entertainment and sports pastime.

Why do you dream of a person with different eyes? The dream book believes that it means a connection with a deceitful, two-faced companion.

In general, eyes of different colors in a dream notify of the betrayal of a husband, wife, or children. Parental opinion is no longer authoritative for the child; the position of peers is closer and more important to him. Because of this, you feel abandoned, lonely, and unnecessary.

Seeing gray eyes in a dream means unreasonable, ingratiating praise. The dream book warns against rash actions imposed by flattering speeches.

Blue eyes dream of love or flattery.

Seeing yourself in a dream with white eyes means dissatisfaction with your behavior, non-compliance with moral standards.

But yellow eyes in a dream mean torment, sorrow, mental tossing. In some cases, the dream book foretells damage to health, especially psychological.

If you see bloody eyes in a dream, the dream book notifies you of impending trouble with relatives and the existence of an enemy in your immediate environment.

In a dream, looking into someone’s eyes means you show genuine interest in this person, strive to look into his soul. Relationships may deteriorate and mutual understanding may disappear. If in a dream you are interested in the eyes of a stranger, then the dream book informs you about a vigilant rival.

Why dream of bleeding from the eyes - difficulties will arise at work, management will set tasks that require maximum concentration on details. The dream book recommends paying attention to your well-being.

Closed eyes in a dream promise the dreamer wonderful news, as well as a stormy but short-lived romance. In a dream, you closed your eyelids - strong affection. If you dreamed about an object of passion with your eyes closed, the dream book informs you about problems in a relationship. Your significant other is hiding something, and you are guessing about it.

Looking into the beautiful eyes of a child in a dream is a symbol of exorbitant surprise, unexpected news, discovery, enlightenment.

Did you remember that you dreamed about the blue eyes of a child? This means that in real life you will be enveloped in tenderness, care and will happily give your loved ones warmth and affection.

In a dream you have a black eye - public humiliation. The dream book advises not to succumb to provocations, to remain calm and dignified. Lately you have been haunted by thoughts of forbidden pleasure. Obsession gives rise to mental anguish.

In a dream, they found a black eye under the eye - a dream for profit.

Why do you dream of a cat's eyes - you will find an ideal solution in an extremely difficult situation. According to the dream book, you will soon find peace, and the fear of the unknown will go away forever. Along with this, a dream in which another animal is looking at you warns of an envious and jealous person.

Cat's eyes glowing in the dark - dream advice: do not lose your restraint during misunderstandings within the family. Only composure and tact will help avoid the most unpleasant scandal.

Miller's dream book interprets eyes as relentless surveillance by ill-wishers, meanness, betrayal, failure. The one-eyed dream hero notifies you of adversity and misadventures that threaten you.

Three eyes predict pregnancy and the birth of a baby. If your third eye opened in a dream, then your intuition has become more active and you are ready for spiritual development.

Big eyes in a dream promise happiness, prosperity, and a rich inheritance. The dream book signifies that you will meet an intelligent, talented and honest person.

What does it mean to have a dream in which you started painting your own eyes? For young women, such a dream predicts a very obsessive admirer. By the way, his intentions are serious, and courtship can develop into a strong union.

Why do you dream of eye shadow - there is a deceiver near you, but soon you will be able to catch him in a lie.

If in a dream you painted someone’s eyes with shadows, then you plan to sin against the truth. The dream book also offers another meaning of the dream - you are trying to get to know your friends better, to understand the motives of their actions.

Painting your eyes - the dream book considers sleep as a sign of secrecy, a desire to carefully hide your inner world from strangers.

Heavily painted eyes in a dream indicate a desire to conform to the imposed image. At this stage, it is easier to put on a mask than to allow yourself to open up, to be real. Something prevents you from soberly assessing the circumstances. The dream book recommends getting rid of stereotypical thinking.

Why else do you dream about eyes?

If in a dream you carefully lined your eyes, then there is a person who is madly in love with you, and he will accomplish any feat for the sake of your reciprocity.

Doing eyeliner with eyeliner in a dream is a dream for a happy marriage, a blissful family life. Sharpening a pencil before use is a positive event, a trip, a surprise.

A dream in which you painted the eyes of another person with a pencil signifies an extraordinary, fascinating phenomenon, good news from an old friend.

Why do you dream about eye makeup? The dream is a signal of involuntary self-defense, isolation, isolation. For a girl who is interested in all kinds of cosmetics and in reality spends a lot of time on her own appearance, this dream is just a projection of everyday activities.

The dream book warns that dull, lifeless, sore eyes in a dream are a bad sign. You are threatened by illness, failure in business, anxiety, various troubles, mortal danger.

Gouged out eyes signal the loss of a person dear to the heart. If in a dream you personally poked them out to someone, then your demeanor surprises and repels those around you. Dream book hint: behave more modestly and simply, then it will be much easier to find a common language with people.

I dreamed of kind, beautiful eyes - life will be long, successful, prosperous, and love will be sincere and faithful.

If you noticed that in a dream you have stye on your eye, in reality you will be filthy rich.

I dreamed of worms in my eyes - a dream warning of huge troubles due to deliberately postponing resolution of the problem. Don't get caught in the nets pulled by your enemies. Moderate your ardor, get rid of hatred, rage, arrogance.

Why do you dream about a person without eyes - a dream about a break in communication, divorce or the death of a spouse.

In a dream, looking into a man’s eyes means you are trying to figure out his plans. This representative of the stronger sex is incredibly curious to you. Perhaps you are afraid of him or do not understand him, so you want to find out his weaknesses.

If you look into your loved one’s eyes for a long time and continuously, the dream book sees in a dream an alarm signal, concern about some secret. You feel a wall of misunderstanding, worry that your other half no longer supports the previously common ideals and worldview.

In a dream, your eyes are cloudy - you lack money, are haunted by evil fate, failure in business.

I dreamed of swollen eyes - employees or co-owners of a business will deceive, let you down for personal gain. Strictly follow the letter of the law, otherwise fines and litigation are inevitable.

Slanting eyes in a dream are a harbinger of fantastic luck, unexpected luck, healthy and smart children, unearthly love. However, if a woman was horrified by the strabismus that developed in a dream, then the dream book predicts damage to her reputation.

Why do you dream about an eyesore - a dream about obstacles on the way, difficulties, pretense and self-deception, a quarrel, meeting an annoying person. If the thorn is on the right, the man is cheating; on the left, the woman is cheating.

I dreamed that a friend’s eyes changed color - there is a reason to take a closer look at this person. It is possible that your friend is actually a chameleon who will screw you over.

Since the organs of vision in the dream book are associated with the people you love and are closest to, a dream in which an eye falls out often carries a bad omen. Serious problems with one of the relatives are likely. However, the dream may be a consequence of excessive excitement in connection with an upcoming special event or a joyful episode.

In a dream, seeing your eyes without pupils means that a lot escapes your field of vision. Too often withdrawing into yourself risks losing the thread of what is happening around you. Try to maximize contacts with the outside world, engage in effective projects that are necessary for society.

Why dream of a kiss in the eyes - a dream for a holiday, fun, fulfillment of your most cherished dreams. The dream book promises that very soon life will get better and go according to the planned scenario.

If you dreamed of colored lenses for your eyes, expect changes in your relationship with your chosen one. For those who in a dream wore contact lenses with 100% vision, the dream book has prepared interesting advice - immediately choose a goal in life. In addition, stop wasting your energy and time on trifles, identify a priority task and focus on it. Dropping lenses in a dream means doubts, timidity and tightness prevent you from realizing your plans.

To experience unpleasant sensations in a dream because of a speck in the eye means you will have hassle because of your offspring. If you see a speck, in reality you will make excuses and look for a scapegoat. The dream book claims that you are blind on a controversial issue, although the truth in the story that happened is known to almost everyone.

For married women, being blindfolded in a dream is a warning that her marriage is under threat. Someone will make every effort to destroy the family idyll. For others, the dream means a mystery, a game, a mysterious phenomenon. Apparently, you are missing obvious facts. Before you commit, carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

Why dream that a dead person has opened his eyes - a dream about obstacles in the professional field, losses. Sometimes such a dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing the death of a relative. In any case, the dream book tells you to keep other people's secrets, otherwise you will suffer due to the fault of talkativeness.

If you couldn’t open your eyes in a dream, then the subconscious is trying to show a high degree of mental fatigue. The dream book encourages you to change your occupation at least for a short time.

The dream in which you had eye surgery is very symbolic. Finally, look at the unfolding play of your life objectively and closely. There will be an opportunity to re-evaluate victories and fiascoes, to discover hitherto completely unknown aspects of life.

Losing your eyes in a dream means wasted work, troubles, impossible tasks, risky undertakings. At the same time, there is a completely opposite interpretation of the dream book. If in a dream you suddenly lost both visual organs at the same time, then you are guaranteed material well-being.

Why do you dream of wrinkles under the eyes - a dream of joy, a carefree life, a party, an exciting activity. In general, a dream in which there are wrinkles on the face predicts longevity. The so-called crow's feet hint at a long, boring and dynamic life.


Why do you dream about Eyes, dream book What does it mean to see Eyes in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Eyes in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see Eyes - It happens that in a dream you do not see a person’s face, but you only see his eyes. A person's eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is enough to see the eyes to understand whether the dream character is dangerous or pleasant for you. If you saw “strange eyes” in a dream, then serious changes await you in life. If you see your eyes squinting in a dream, then this is a sign of profit. If you think that the eyes are beautiful, attractive, inviting, this is a sign of someone’s romantic attachment to you. If you see a blind person, then this dream indicates that you have no real idea about someone or something. You don't see and don't want to see the truth. Seeing a cyclops, that is, a person with one eye in the center of his forehead, means danger, frightening and exciting circumstances, as well as losses and disappointments.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Eyes in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Eyes - symbolize knowledge; mental perception. Blindfolded eyes mean impartiality and inexperience. A wink is either approval or deception. Red eyes - drunkenness. Loss of vision is loss of understanding and enlightenment. Finding glasses may indicate a deepening of understanding. Depending on the context, one eye (the all-seeing eye) means a lonely target, as the dream book - predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do I dream about Eyes in a dream?

Seeing Eyes in a dream means Eyes. Seeing the eye is a warning about the machinations of enemies watching your every step. For lovers - a rival. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery, cunning, blue eyes are a failure due to your excessive timidity, gray eyes are a sign of flattery. Your eyes are inflamed or you are losing an eye - alarming events. It is unlucky to see a one-eyed person. Seeing others have sore eyes (slanting, blind, inflamed) - failure in business, deception, trouble, illness. Seeing beautiful eyes is good luck.

Why do you dream of Pecked Eyes - to victory over the enemy.

Dreamed/dreamed of Pecking out eyes (pecking). - To dream of a flock of crows attacking a dead animal and pecking out its eyes - creditors are following in your footsteps.

Why do you dream about widening your eyes - to amazement.

Dreamed/dreamed of looking eye to eye - To a young man’s declaration of love.

Autumn dream book

If you dream about Eyes, what is it for:

Looking eye to eye - To parting.

Blue eyes - Seeing blue eyes in a dream means a gift.

Blindfold - You close your eyes to something.

Bulging - To see bulging eyes in a dream - to Graves' disease.

Different-colored eyes - Seeing different-colored eyes in a dream means your child will take the side of his spouse, and you will be lonely.

Dilated pupils - Someone for whom you have shed many tears will appear before your eyes.

Eyelashes - To embarrassment.

Black-eyed man - A new profitable acquaintance will take place.

Spring dream book

Why see Eyes in a dream?

According to the dream book, looking eye to eye means mistrust.

Dreamed/had a dream of Blue eyes - Seeing the blue innocent eyes of a child in a dream is a sign of tenderness.

Blue eyes - to innocence.

Blindfold - they will deceive you, and you will pretend not to see.

Get used to it. To see eyes bulging - again to amazement.

Slightly open eye(s). - to see in a dream that you are sleeping and suddenly open one eye - to mistrust of some persons who will try to lull your vigilance.

Multi-colored eyes - to the betrayal of your spouse.

Eyelashes - to conceal obvious facts.

A black-eyed person means suspicion will arise.

Summer dream book

Why see Eyes in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Blindfold - Blindfold your eyes - you will hide something from your relatives.

Protruding - To see bulging eyes is a surprise.

Multi-colored eyes - Seeing multi-colored eyes in a dream means communicating with a two-faced person.

Dilated pupils - Be careful, your heart can cause unbearable pain and insult.

Eyelashes - Soon the moment will come when you will be ready, closing your eyes, to run in any direction from problems.

Black-eyed man - For a loving pastime.


Dream interpretation swollen eyes

Why do you dream of swollen eyes in a dream according to the dream book?

Swollen eyes dream of upcoming litigation. They can be related to both work-related issues and everyday problems. You will have to spend a lot of time in government institutions and collect a large amount of documentation. You should make sure in advance that all papers are in proper form to avoid problems with the law.


Seeing your eyes as sick

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Symbolizes someone's close observation or one's own search.

Also a sign of erotic relationships.

Seeing beautiful eyes is a sign of happiness and love.

Animal eyes or separate eyes - enemies are watching you.

Seeing a person with a thorn, with sunken eyes.

Seeing Eyes in a dream - This means that life is calling you to look at something from a new perspective.

Especially if the dream plot reflects problems with the eyes.

In some dreams, your eyes may be injured.

This means that you have received some kind of emotional trauma that prevents you from adequately assessing the situation.

Dream Interpretation - Sick

A sick person climbing onto a cart portends a great misfortune.

A sick person gets up - portends death.

A sick person is placed on a cart - portends death.

A sick person sometimes cries, sometimes laughs - portends recovery.

A sick person riding in a boat portends death.

A sick person singing songs portends great misfortune.

Feeling sick portends a joyful event.

Insects crawl out of a diseased body - you will get the position of charioteer, work related to transport.

Seeing yourself sick is a joyful event.

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Insects crawl out of a diseased body - get a position as a charioteer or a job related to transport.

A sick person climbs onto the cart - a great misfortune.

Insects crawl on a sick body - the disease goes away.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Looking quickly in a dream means well-being.

Seeing poorly with the eyes means a lack of money or some kind of loss.

Losing one eye or both means illness and death of children.

Having sick eyes means a misdeed that will soon be repented of.

Also foretells the death of parents, children and friends.

Seeing slanted eyes in fact does not promise anything, but for others it foretells a stop in their affairs, a breakdown in their condition and abandonment as friends.

Having many eyes in a dream foreshadows happiness and success in any undertaking.

Seeing eyes out of place is a bad sign and portends blindness to the person seeing this dream.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

If anyone sees an eye on his hand, he will receive a certain amount of hard cash. If a poor person sees himself blind in a dream, he will be freed from the burdens of need. And if an important person, while traveling, sees himself blind in a dream, he should abandon that trip. If he continues on his way, he will not return from this journey back. If a person on a journey sees one extra eye in his dream, he will get lost, and if a person staying in one place sees such a dream, he should take great precautions to protect his property. If someone sees in a dream that he is rubbing his eyes with antimony, then he will work to educate himself in the truths of faith and will exalt himself in the eyes of people; if he sees antimony on his hand, he will receive property.

Dream Interpretation - Sick, going crazy

Dreams about illnesses are generally unfortunate and good only for prisoners and criminals.

A dream in which you are sick is a sign of mental anxiety. However, if you feel physically unwell in a dream and cannot move or do anything, then you should take care of your health. Such a dream also foreshadows unpleasant conversations and worries that will disrupt the usual course of your life. Only for fugitives or criminals does such a dream foretell that they will be able to avoid retribution for their deeds. For young people, the dream predicts that their marriage may be unhappy. For old people, a dream predicts receiving help or support. For a young woman to dream that she is terminally ill, the dream predicts that soon an unusual incident will cause her to be disappointed in her marriage. For other people, such a dream may indicate their addiction to alcohol. A dream in which you visit a sick person predicts that you will soon receive bad news. The dream in which you beat a patient has the same meaning. Caring for a sick person in a dream is a harbinger of imminent happiness and joy. You will help a friend or relative who finds themselves in a difficult situation, and subsequently you will be generously rewarded for this. Seeing your relative sick in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon some event will bring discord into your family, and you will experience worry and grief. Sick children in your dream are a bad omen. See interpretation: children.

Going crazy in a dream or experiencing panic as a result of some kind of mental illness means that you should beware of the machinations of enemies who are up to no good. See interpretation: madness. To see a dream in which you are sick with the same disease as someone means that you should be wary of exposure and refrain from participating in risky ventures.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

A symbol of the soul (mental state), foresight, the proximity of fateful events. Beautiful, oblique, luminous, large or strange - for extraordinary luck; happy love; good kids. Many eyes success, happiness. Have a third eye, the activity of intuition, spiritual self-knowledge; pregnancy, birth of a child. The animal's eye is a predatory, selfish part of the sleeper's personality; danger; obvious influences of black magic. An eyesore, deception, evil. Someone’s evil gaze is an evil eye, someone’s evil forces are interfering in the life of a sleeping person. See Blind, one-eyed (R. People), go blind (R. Hospital), barley (in R. Kozha).

Dream Interpretation - Eye

A dreamed eye is a warning against the machinations of enemies who are relentlessly watching your every step. They just sleep and see to ruin everything for you.

For a lover, this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Brown eyes are a sign of treachery.

The look of blue eyes promises failure.

Gray eyes are a warning against excessive gullibility.

Losing an eye in a dream means disturbing events.

A one-eyed person is unlucky.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Catching someone's gaze in a dream is a sign that in reality someone unknown is showing increased interest in you. Perhaps you have a secret rival or rival.

Sideways glances in a dream: - reflect your misgivings that others may suspect you of something unworthy.

A glass eye or eyesore in a dream: warns that someone may misinterpret and misunderstand your actions.

The look of inflamed or angry eyes directed at you in a dream: warns of the presence of some secret enemy who can cause you great trouble.

If in a dream your eyes become inflamed or your vision suddenly deteriorates: this is a sign that you are incorrectly assessing the situation and risk being cruelly mistaken in some important issue.

Good vision in a dream: portends success in your affairs and plans.

Dream Interpretation - Eye

If you dreamed of an animal's eye(s), the spirits of the forest have taken charge of you. They look after you and protect you from danger. To make it easier for them to help you, carry a small bump with you for a week.

If in a dream you saw a person’s eye(s) (including dreams that you have something wrong with your eyes:

itches, hurts, glows, etc.), then you are under surveillance, someone is showing too much interest in you. To get rid of persecution, wear as many green clothes as possible for a week.

If possible, wear jewelry with emeralds.


Seeing your eyes painted

Dream Interpretation Seeing your eyes painted dreamed about why you dream about seeing your eyes painted? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your eyes painted in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

"devil's eye"

"not seeing the obvious."

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Dream Interpretation - Eye

Dream Interpretation - Eyes and number two

Dream Interpretation - Eyes


Keep your eyes on

Dream Interpretation Keep your eyes on dreamed of why you dream in a dream Keep your eyes in? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Keep your eyes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

The appearance of the eyes, the quality of vision are signs of the dreamer’s state of mind, the intensity of his/the dreamer’s spiritual life, their health, illnesses/love organs of the dreamer himself, his sex, potency.

Having good vision, “moving your eyes quickly” is good, happiness, health.

It’s hard to see, it’s hard to open your eyes, “they move slowly” - loss, poverty / harm from sexual exhaustion.

Being nearsighted is a nuisance.

Feeling pain in the eyes, sand in them or something bothering you is an unpleasant self-knowledge, a bad conscience.

Having a thorn is a deception; adult children will have to be taken care of a lot; they will not “come out into the public eye” soon.

Losing one eye means complicated affairs, useless labors/misfortunes with children.

The eye leaks in a dream - pangs of conscience.

Going blind in a dream means trouble/betrayal/death of loved ones: children or sister.

Rubbing your eyes is a tendency towards masturbation.

Seeing in the mirror that you have big beautiful eyes is happiness (happiness is in children).

That you have dull, sore eyes means misfortune (anxiety about children).

Seeing yourself in the mirror with colorless or white eyes means realizing the soullessness of your behavior.

With goggle-eyed eyes popping out of their sockets - petrification of the soul, callousness.

Seeing yourself in a mirror with holes instead of eyes means loyalty to intuition, deep insight, clairvoyance.

With burning eyes - to feel dangerous, demonic forces within yourself.

To see your eyes falling out means a wedding/children will begin an independent life.

Taking out and examining your eyes means a feeling of the falsity of your perceptions, a misconception about the world / to see your children from a new perspective / your intimate life will become the subject of conversation.

Having a third eye in a dream means the birth of a child / for a woman: pregnancy / danger of destroying what one has created with one’s labors.

Use the light from your eyes to illuminate your path - to begin to perceive the world in a new way.

Seeing as if a certain creature is chasing you and trying to eat your eyes - experiencing inconvenience and trouble from other people's secrets / a warning against the dangerous development of spiritual powers, dangerous spiritual immaturity.

Seeing a human eye on a table, in a bowl, glass, etc. - shameful details of your life will be revealed / experience fear of divine justice.

Seeing a bunch of human eyes are gems.

Seeing eyes with eyesores means enemies are closely watching you.

Seeing someone's evil gaze is a bad dream, foreshadowing a dangerous collapse of plans, deception, most likely occurring from relatives.

To see only someone's eyes in the darkness - the hard work of your conscience, hidden from you, will yield unexpected results / someone is watching you.

To see dull ghost eyes in daylight without a body is an unpleasant, painful split personality to experience.

Seeing a brightly sparkling eye in the clouds in the sky is a symbol of authority that should be obeyed.

To gouge out someone's eyes - to scare away and turn people against oneself / to suffer severely from jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Having excellent vision in a dream is a harbinger of great success and recognition. If in a dream you saw that your vision has deteriorated or you cannot see something clearly, then financial difficulties or illness of your loved ones await you. For lovers, the dream predicts that they are wasting their time and relying on a person who does not value them at all. An eye disease in a dream means betrayal or the loss of a friend due to some serious illness. Losing your eyesight in a dream is a sign that you will break your word or your children are in mortal danger. Sometimes such a dream predicts the loss of a close friend. If in a dream your eyes darken or become clouded, then you will experience repentance for a bad or criminal act. Sometimes a dream predicts the loss of property. Being left without eyes in a dream means poverty or loss of loved ones. For a pregnant woman, a dream predicts that the child she gives birth to may become a criminal and go to prison at a young age. See interpretation: blind.

Having three or four eyes in a dream is a sign of a strong family and a happy marriage. If you dream that you have your friend's eyes instead of your own, then you are in danger of blindness. Seeing blind or slanted eyes in a dream means misunderstanding, quarrel, failure.

To be nearsighted in a dream means trouble. Meeting a one-eyed person in a dream means deception. To have only one eye in a dream means that you may become a victim of spiteful critics. To dream that some eyes are watching you is a harbinger that someone is seriously thinking about you or that great luck awaits you. If in a dream something happened to your eyelids, then your friend is in trouble and decides to ask you for help, which you would never refuse him. Seeing very beautiful eyes means great affection; black eyes in a dream mean the machinations of enemies; omitted - a sign of insincerity;

Closed eyes, one’s own or someone else’s, mean short-sightedness and the need for clarification of circumstances.

Tear-stained eyes in a dream - to sadness and chagrin. Seeing big and beautiful eyes means happiness, wealth and good luck. If in a dream you see an animal or a person without eyes, then you will experience separation from your lover or a complete misunderstanding of your partners. An eyesore means that you don't see what's going on under your nose. See interpretation: thorn, eyesight, cry, face.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Seeing someone's eyes in a dream foretells good luck, success in business and joy. If the eyes are unhealthy, blind, slanted, etc., this means deception, resentment, illness and other troubles.

To quickly follow with your eyes means well-being; to see poorly means lack of money, loss. At the same time, myopia means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest, and farsightedness means that you will learn about the existence of a rival living with you under the same roof.

Losing your eyes in a dream means illness, death of loved ones. A one-eyed person means a hitch in business, unexpected and undesirable. Seeing eyes out of place is a bad sign, foreshadowing weakened vision or progressive eye disease. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning, gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person, blue eyes are a sign of failure due to your own timidity.

Inflamed eyes - to anxiety and terrible events, reddened - unfortunately with friends.

Bulging eyes are a warning against the machinations of your enemies, who are watching your every move.

Languid, droopy eyes - to a charming rival.

A blindfold means an epiphany, a change of opinion about something, an eyesore means deception, a stye means wealth.

Black eyes - beware of false friendship, green - ardent love, colorless - a decline in business or a demotion at work, drooping - love is ripening in the soul and will soon make itself felt, closed - you will receive good news. Stupidly blinking eyes portend loss through one's own fault.

Large and very beautiful eyes are a sign of happiness and wealth.

Seeing a person without eyes means losing a loved one.

Crying eyes are a harbinger of a bad future.

Crying in a dream or constantly wiping your eyes from tears while cutting onions foretells that your rivals will inflict a serious defeat on you.

Wearing glasses over your eyes in a dream means you will reach a ripe old age. Seeing glasses in front of others means take a closer look at your property, here you may suffer losses.

Having your eyes treated by an ophthalmologist in a dream means that you are not satisfied with your life and will resort to very sophisticated means to achieve the desired success.

Dream Interpretation - Hold

Holding a tree branch in your hands means changes in business. If the branch is a palm tree - to joy, if it is a laurel branch - success and glory in art await you.

Holding an eagle owl in your hand means in reality you will have to accept and entertain a completely boring person who does not understand humor. Holding a horse by the bridle in a dream means danger awaits you. If in a dream you hold a snake in your hands, it means that you will be able to find a way to curb someone who is trying to blackmail you. If a young girl holds a cat or kitten in her arms in a dream, then in reality she will be involved in some unseemly affairs.

Holding a banner in your hands means occupying a false position in society. Keeping your horoscope compiled by an astrologer you know foreshadows unexpected changes in business and a long trip, which will be accompanied by meetings with famous people.

Holding some food in your hands and dropping it means that your lover will shift his attention to another, and you will regret your unreasonable behavior. Holding an icicle means getting sick for no apparent reason.

If a young girl sees that she is holding someone on her lap, it means that in reality she will be sharply condemned. If she holds a cross in her hands, this predicts that she will observe modesty and goodwill in behavior, thereby winning the love of others and arousing the favor of fate.

Holding a thermometer under your arm means that you are experiencing family troubles and are not satisfied with your job.

Holding a pan on the fire in a dream foreshadows a verbal altercation that will develop into a domestic scandal. Holding on to the railing means that you will try to use the desperate opportunity to hold on to a passionate person. Seeing wooden dishes in a dream means you will have the opportunity to make some savings for a rainy day.

Wooden shoes - thanks to frugality you will achieve wealth. Wooden furniture seen in a dream foretells that an atmosphere of mutual dissatisfaction and misunderstanding will be established in your home for some time.

Wooden products mean that you are annoyed by a certain bore and you don’t know how to get rid of him. Wooden details mean that your intentions will be criticized and will be revised. Wooden crutches or artificial limbs instead of legs - you have to hit the road. Drinking wood oil means that one of your loved ones will become ill.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

“open your eyes to something” see the essence, notice. "Glass eyes" - indifference, disinterest. “Look with all eyes” or “look with both eyes” passion, extreme attention, vigilance. “Looking with eyes wide open” horror, extreme surprise. “Closing your eyes to…” inattention, avoiding a problem, deliberately not noticing. “And don’t blink an eye” excerpt. Rejection hurts the eyes. “My eyes popped out of my head”; extreme surprise, surprise. “Having your eye on something, someone” is the desire to take possession of it. “An eyesore” is boring, annoying. To “show off” is to embellish, to create the wrong impression. "Poking in the eyes" to reproach. “Blinded by success” does not take into account real circumstances. “Incinerate with a glance” anger, hatred, love passion. "Look with loving eyes."

“I see”, “I saw it with my own eyes.”

"devil's eye"

“third eye”, “all-seeing eye (clairvoyance).

"not seeing the obvious."

"evil eye", "jinxed". "An eye for an eye" - irreconcilable enmity, revenge. “Punch in the eye” is aggression, a blow to a vulnerable spot. “Shoot with your eyes” to seduce, show interest in someone, try to make someone fall in love with you, attract them.

Dream Interpretation - Hold

Entering a boat holding a lantern, torch, or lamp in your hand is great happiness.

Holding a sword in your hands, inflicting injections on another person is a loss.

Holding an object in your hands, you climb the mountains - your wife will bring you a noble son.

Holding a lantern, torch, lamp in your hand and entering a boat - portends great happiness.

Sitting in a boat, going to your home - portends ruin, loss of prosperity.

Holding the sun and moon in their arms is a noble position for a ruler.

Holding banners in your hands means favors, praise, rewards.

Holding a bow and arrows in your hands portends great happiness.

Holding a sword (knife) in your hands and striking and stabbing another person portends loss.

Holding regalia, banners or similar objects in your hands portends favors, praise, and rewards.

Holding a smeared tablet for recording audiences will be a great favor from a noble person.

Keeping grain in handfuls indicates prosperity and career.

Holding a constellation in your hands means great wealth and nobility.

Another person holding your mirror in his hands portends misfortune with his wife.

A woman holding a sword in her hands means great happiness and honor.

A boat or cart breaking down or being destroyed is a harbinger of misfortune.

Carrying or holding a seal means a noble offspring will be born.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul; they reflect everything a person thinks about and feels. People have the following proverbs and sayings for this occasion: “hide your eyes”, “make eyes”, “beautiful eyes”, “eyes run wild”.

Eyes not only reveal a person’s mood and thoughts, but also serve as a guide in space: “it’s dark, even if you poke your eye out.” Eyes are a great value given to a person that needs to be protected, therefore the value of other things is expressed in proverbs and sayings where eyes are mentioned. For example, the value of life and the weight of an oath are expressed by the words: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Sometimes they give instructions using the comparison “to cherish like the apple of your eye.”

To see a person walking in a cloud of dust and trying to find the way - this dream warns that you are following the wrong path, someone is deliberately trying to lead you astray from the true path, beware of a veiled obstacle, a trap.

To dream that views are flashing before your eyes that you don’t even have time to consider - you are irritated by the lack of time and because of this everything is falling out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to improve them, in fact you need just stop and focus on the main thing, discarding everything that is unimportant.

You dream that you are warned about the wrath of a powerful man who watches absolutely everyone and always knows where, what and with whom is happening - you have a rich imagination, and therefore you are nervous about what is not there; You are afraid of those in whose hands the power is, stay away from them.

To see in a dream in the middle of winter an orange tree growing on a mountain that is impossible to approach - this dream foretells you prospects, the implementation of which relates to the distant future; You will be passionate about a new project.

You dream of a conversation with a person who constantly avoids looking at you, and you cannot even catch the expression of his face, consider the color of his eyes - you will be put in a difficult position; do not be afraid of frank conversation; do not try to find out what constantly eludes you, because the time has not yet come; forgive old debts, otherwise you will get sick.

You are walking down the street in a bad mood and, as luck would have it, you notice that all the passers-by you meet have garbage and tears in their eyes - this dream indicates growing dissatisfaction with yourself and the inability to cope with your sorrows; You are overly critical.

To see that you are wandering in pitch darkness and cannot understand whether something has happened to your eyes, or whether it is really dark - indecision will take you by surprise and will not allow you to make the right decision in time; Beware of anything suspicious and watch your health.

To see in a dream in front of you everything that you have dreamed of lately and to be at a loss - to disappointment, tedious work, difficult thoughts.

Seeing protective cases that you are trying to attach to your eyes so that nothing could accidentally hurt them - something will appear in your life that you will greatly value and worry about its safety; to a successful purchase.

Seeing a stranger in a dream who is trying to attract your attention with his gaze means an unexpected acquaintance, a romantic date; You will witness something secret that can bring you troubles and troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

If you look intently into someone's eyes in a dream, this means that you should not trust your friends too much: brown eyes - expect treachery and deception on the part of your best friend; blue eyes - you will not be able to resist gossip, the reason for which will be your trust in a person who, at first glance, has shown sincere concern for you; gray eyes - dangerous flattery that will lull your vigilance; black eyes - a cheerful friendly party will end in a quarrel and disappointment; eyesore - you are in the dark about the true meaning of the goodwill of your colleagues. To see the eyes of an animal or just eyes - you are being watched by an enemy hiding behind the guise of a friend; a person with one eye is looking at you - betrayal of loved ones is just around the corner; for lovers - you will have a rival from your immediate circle.

Imagine that you look into the eyes of the person you dreamed of for so long that he cannot stand it and looks away. You emerge victorious from this battle of views.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Seeing your big beautiful eyes in the mirror is fortunate in children.

Dull and sore eyes - unfortunately, worries about children.

You see your eyes closed in a dream - to strong love.

Quick movements of the eyes - to well-being.

Many human eyes - to receive jewelry or profit.

It is difficult to see with the eyes - to a lack of money or some kind of loss.

An eye is leaking out or gouging out someone's eyes - by your actions you are scaring away or turning people against you.

Blindfolded in a dream - a warning for a woman - you should be more careful, a situation is developing around you that can create many problems for you and even lead to disaster.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes and number two

Seeing two burning eyes looking at you in complete darkness means that in real life you have a strong opponent about whom you do not yet know anything. If in a dream the eyes come close to you, then after 2 weeks you will fall into a trap prepared for you by your enemy, but if the eyes move away or are frozen in place, then after 11 days you will expose your enemy and will not give him a chance to defeat you.

Seeing a human face with disproportionately large eyes in a dream means that problems will arise in your family - in 2 days you will cheat on your spouse or let your parents down.

Seeing that only one eye on your face looks normal, and the other is leaking or covered with a cataract, means in reality you will have a choice, and you will choose the familiar as opposed to the new and lose.

Seeing that there are more than 2 eyes on your face means that you are in danger of trouble in life related to money: perhaps in 2 weeks and the same number of days as there are eyes on the face you saw, creditors will come to you and demand to return the loan you took to in full, or your checkbook and all your cash will be stolen.


Your sore eye

Dream Interpretation Your sore eye dreamed of why you dream about your sore eye? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your sore eye in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

The appearance of the eyes, the quality of vision are signs of the dreamer’s state of mind, the intensity of his/the dreamer’s spiritual life, their health, illnesses/love organs of the dreamer himself, his sex, potency.

Having good vision, “moving your eyes quickly” is good, happiness, health.

It’s hard to see, it’s hard to open your eyes, “they move slowly” - loss, poverty / harm from sexual exhaustion.

Being nearsighted is a nuisance.

Feeling pain in the eyes, sand in them or something bothering you is an unpleasant self-knowledge, a bad conscience.

Having a thorn is a deception; adult children will have to be taken care of a lot; they will not “come out into the public eye” soon.

Losing one eye means complicated affairs, useless labors/misfortunes with children.

The eye leaks in a dream - pangs of conscience.

Going blind in a dream means trouble/betrayal/death of loved ones: children or sister.

Rubbing your eyes is a tendency towards masturbation.

Seeing in the mirror that you have big beautiful eyes is happiness (happiness is in children).

That you have dull, sore eyes means misfortune (anxiety about children).

Seeing yourself in the mirror with colorless or white eyes means realizing the soullessness of your behavior.

With goggle-eyed eyes popping out of their sockets - petrification of the soul, callousness.

Seeing yourself in a mirror with holes instead of eyes means loyalty to intuition, deep insight, clairvoyance.

With burning eyes - to feel dangerous, demonic forces within yourself.

To see your eyes falling out means a wedding/children will begin an independent life.

Taking out and examining your eyes means a feeling of the falsity of your perceptions, a misconception about the world / to see your children from a new perspective / your intimate life will become the subject of conversation.

Having a third eye in a dream means the birth of a child / for a woman: pregnancy / danger of destroying what one has created with one’s labors.

Use the light from your eyes to illuminate your path - to begin to perceive the world in a new way.

Seeing as if a certain creature is chasing you and trying to eat your eyes - experiencing inconvenience and trouble from other people's secrets / a warning against the dangerous development of spiritual powers, dangerous spiritual immaturity.

Seeing a human eye on a table, in a bowl, glass, etc. - shameful details of your life will be revealed / experience fear of divine justice.

Seeing a bunch of human eyes are gems.

Seeing eyes with eyesores means enemies are closely watching you.

Seeing someone's evil gaze is a bad dream, foreshadowing a dangerous collapse of plans, deception, most likely occurring from relatives.

To see only someone's eyes in the darkness - the hard work of your conscience, hidden from you, will yield unexpected results / someone is watching you.

To see dull ghost eyes in daylight without a body is an unpleasant, painful split personality to experience.

Seeing a brightly sparkling eye in the clouds in the sky is a symbol of authority that should be obeyed.

To gouge out someone's eyes - to scare away and turn people against oneself / to suffer severely from jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Having excellent vision in a dream is a harbinger of great success and recognition. If in a dream you saw that your vision has deteriorated or you cannot see something clearly, then financial difficulties or illness of your loved ones await you. For lovers, the dream predicts that they are wasting their time and relying on a person who does not value them at all. An eye disease in a dream means betrayal or the loss of a friend due to some serious illness. Losing your eyesight in a dream is a sign that you will break your word or your children are in mortal danger. Sometimes such a dream predicts the loss of a close friend. If in a dream your eyes darken or become clouded, then you will experience repentance for a bad or criminal act. Sometimes a dream predicts the loss of property. Being left without eyes in a dream means poverty or loss of loved ones. For a pregnant woman, a dream predicts that the child she gives birth to may become a criminal and go to prison at a young age. See interpretation: blind.

Having three or four eyes in a dream is a sign of a strong family and a happy marriage. If you dream that you have your friend's eyes instead of your own, then you are in danger of blindness. Seeing blind or slanted eyes in a dream means misunderstanding, quarrel, failure.

To be nearsighted in a dream means trouble. Meeting a one-eyed person in a dream means deception. To have only one eye in a dream means that you may become a victim of spiteful critics. To dream that some eyes are watching you is a harbinger that someone is seriously thinking about you or that great luck awaits you. If in a dream something happened to your eyelids, then your friend is in trouble and decides to ask you for help, which you would never refuse him. Seeing very beautiful eyes means great affection; black eyes in a dream mean the machinations of enemies; omitted - a sign of insincerity;

Closed eyes, one’s own or someone else’s, mean short-sightedness and the need for clarification of circumstances.

Tear-stained eyes in a dream - to sadness and chagrin. Seeing big and beautiful eyes means happiness, wealth and good luck. If in a dream you see an animal or a person without eyes, then you will experience separation from your lover or a complete misunderstanding of your partners. An eyesore means that you don't see what's going on under your nose. See interpretation: thorn, eyesight, cry, face.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Seeing someone's eyes in a dream foretells good luck, success in business and joy. If the eyes are unhealthy, blind, slanted, etc., this means deception, resentment, illness and other troubles.

To quickly follow with your eyes means well-being; to see poorly means lack of money, loss. At the same time, myopia means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest, and farsightedness means that you will learn about the existence of a rival living with you under the same roof.

Losing your eyes in a dream means illness, death of loved ones. A one-eyed person means a hitch in business, unexpected and undesirable. Seeing eyes out of place is a bad sign, foreshadowing weakened vision or progressive eye disease. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning, gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person, blue eyes are a sign of failure due to your own timidity.

Inflamed eyes - to anxiety and terrible events, reddened - unfortunately with friends.

Bulging eyes are a warning against the machinations of your enemies, who are watching your every move.

Languid, droopy eyes - to a charming rival.

A blindfold means an epiphany, a change of opinion about something, an eyesore means deception, a stye means wealth.

Black eyes - beware of false friendship, green - ardent love, colorless - a decline in business or a demotion at work, drooping - love is ripening in the soul and will soon make itself felt, closed - you will receive good news. Stupidly blinking eyes portend loss through one's own fault.

Large and very beautiful eyes are a sign of happiness and wealth.

Seeing a person without eyes means losing a loved one.

Crying eyes are a harbinger of a bad future.

Crying in a dream or constantly wiping your eyes from tears while cutting onions foretells that your rivals will inflict a serious defeat on you.

Wearing glasses over your eyes in a dream means you will reach a ripe old age. Seeing glasses in front of others means take a closer look at your property, here you may suffer losses.

Having your eyes treated by an ophthalmologist in a dream means that you are not satisfied with your life and will resort to very sophisticated means to achieve the desired success.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

“open your eyes to something” see the essence, notice. "Glass eyes" - indifference, disinterest. “Look with all eyes” or “look with both eyes” passion, extreme attention, vigilance. “Looking with eyes wide open” horror, extreme surprise. “Closing your eyes to…” inattention, avoiding a problem, deliberately not noticing. “And don’t blink an eye” excerpt. Rejection hurts the eyes. “My eyes popped out of my head”; extreme surprise, surprise. “Having your eye on something, someone” is the desire to take possession of it. “An eyesore” is boring, annoying. To “show off” is to embellish, to create the wrong impression. "Poking in the eyes" to reproach. “Blinded by success” does not take into account real circumstances. “Incinerate with a glance” anger, hatred, love passion. "Look with loving eyes."

“I see”, “I saw it with my own eyes.”

"devil's eye"

“third eye”, “all-seeing eye (clairvoyance).

"not seeing the obvious."

"evil eye", "jinxed". "An eye for an eye" - irreconcilable enmity, revenge. “Punch in the eye” is aggression, a blow to a vulnerable spot. “Shoot with your eyes” to seduce, show interest in someone, try to make someone fall in love with you, attract them.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul; they reflect everything a person thinks about and feels. People have the following proverbs and sayings for this occasion: “hide your eyes”, “make eyes”, “beautiful eyes”, “eyes run wild”.

Eyes not only reveal a person’s mood and thoughts, but also serve as a guide in space: “it’s dark, even if you poke your eye out.” Eyes are a great value given to a person that needs to be protected, therefore the value of other things is expressed in proverbs and sayings where eyes are mentioned. For example, the value of life and the weight of an oath are expressed by the words: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Sometimes they give instructions using the comparison “to cherish like the apple of your eye.”

To see a person walking in a cloud of dust and trying to find the way - this dream warns that you are following the wrong path, someone is deliberately trying to lead you astray from the true path, beware of a veiled obstacle, a trap.

To dream that views are flashing before your eyes that you don’t even have time to consider - you are irritated by the lack of time and because of this everything is falling out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to improve them, in fact you need just stop and focus on the main thing, discarding everything that is unimportant.

You dream that you are warned about the wrath of a powerful man who watches absolutely everyone and always knows where, what and with whom is happening - you have a rich imagination, and therefore you are nervous about what is not there; You are afraid of those in whose hands the power is, stay away from them.

To see in a dream in the middle of winter an orange tree growing on a mountain that is impossible to approach - this dream foretells you prospects, the implementation of which relates to the distant future; You will be passionate about a new project.

You dream of a conversation with a person who constantly avoids looking at you, and you cannot even catch the expression of his face, consider the color of his eyes - you will be put in a difficult position; do not be afraid of frank conversation; do not try to find out what constantly eludes you, because the time has not yet come; forgive old debts, otherwise you will get sick.

You are walking down the street in a bad mood and, as luck would have it, you notice that all the passers-by you meet have garbage and tears in their eyes - this dream indicates growing dissatisfaction with yourself and the inability to cope with your sorrows; You are overly critical.

To see that you are wandering in pitch darkness and cannot understand whether something has happened to your eyes, or whether it is really dark - indecision will take you by surprise and will not allow you to make the right decision in time; Beware of anything suspicious and watch your health.

To see in a dream in front of you everything that you have dreamed of lately and to be at a loss - to disappointment, tedious work, difficult thoughts.

Seeing protective cases that you are trying to attach to your eyes so that nothing could accidentally hurt them - something will appear in your life that you will greatly value and worry about its safety; to a successful purchase.

Seeing a stranger in a dream who is trying to attract your attention with his gaze means an unexpected acquaintance, a romantic date; You will witness something secret that can bring you troubles and troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

If you look intently into someone's eyes in a dream, this means that you should not trust your friends too much: brown eyes - expect treachery and deception on the part of your best friend; blue eyes - you will not be able to resist gossip, the reason for which will be your trust in a person who, at first glance, has shown sincere concern for you; gray eyes - dangerous flattery that will lull your vigilance; black eyes - a cheerful friendly party will end in a quarrel and disappointment; eyesore - you are in the dark about the true meaning of the goodwill of your colleagues. To see the eyes of an animal or just eyes - you are being watched by an enemy hiding behind the guise of a friend; a person with one eye is looking at you - betrayal of loved ones is just around the corner; for lovers - you will have a rival from your immediate circle.

Imagine that you look into the eyes of the person you dreamed of for so long that he cannot stand it and looks away. You emerge victorious from this battle of views.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Seeing your big beautiful eyes in the mirror is fortunate in children.

Dull and sore eyes - unfortunately, worries about children.

You see your eyes closed in a dream - to strong love.

Quick movements of the eyes - to well-being.

Many human eyes - to receive jewelry or profit.

It is difficult to see with the eyes - to a lack of money or some kind of loss.

An eye is leaking out or gouging out someone's eyes - by your actions you are scaring away or turning people against you.

Blindfolded in a dream - a warning for a woman - you should be more careful, a situation is developing around you that can create many problems for you and even lead to disaster.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes and number two

Seeing two burning eyes looking at you in complete darkness means that in real life you have a strong opponent about whom you do not yet know anything. If in a dream the eyes come close to you, then after 2 weeks you will fall into a trap prepared for you by your enemy, but if the eyes move away or are frozen in place, then after 11 days you will expose your enemy and will not give him a chance to defeat you.

Seeing a human face with disproportionately large eyes in a dream means that problems will arise in your family - in 2 days you will cheat on your spouse or let your parents down.

Seeing that only one eye on your face looks normal, and the other is leaking or covered with a cataract, means in reality you will have a choice, and you will choose the familiar as opposed to the new and lose.

Seeing that there are more than 2 eyes on your face means that you are in danger of trouble in life related to money: perhaps in 2 weeks and the same number of days as there are eyes on the face you saw, creditors will come to you and demand to return the loan you took to in full, or your checkbook and all your cash will be stolen.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

they mean a person’s faith and his reason, with which he clearly distinguishes the True Path from the path of error. Whoever sees many eyes on his body, then this is an increase in faith, piety and righteousness. And whoever sees that his eyes are made of iron will be exposed and heavy worries will befall him. Whoever sees that his vision has become sharper and stronger, then secrecy from faith and religion is better than openness, and this is also a sign of the strength of his mind and insight. Whoever sees a thorn in his eye will suffer sorrow or separation from those who are dear to him. Loss of vision is a sign that punishment will befall him from Allah Almighty. And if he sees redness in his eye, then he will be overcome with anger or rage because of some incident that will ever happen to him. Losing your eyes in a dream means the death of your own child. To become blind in a dream means deviating from the truth, weakening faith and piety. The Koran says: “It is their eyes that are blind, and their hearts that are in their breasts are blind.” (Surah Hajj, 46).

To look askance and intently in a dream means to experience hatred towards the one to whom one is looking.

Eyes on the heart - to purity, purity and complacency. And the brighter the eyes shine, the more these qualities appear.

Seeing blue eyes means something new will happen; green - a person can change his religion; black - religiosity, piety of a person; blue - impiety.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Eyes or one eye watching you in a dream is a warning dream about ill-wishers watching your actions.

Inflamed, sore eyes, blindness, loss of one eye promise disturbing events, deception, illness, confusion in business.

Eyes without a face, very beautiful, large - joy, success, wealth.

One-eyed man - suspicions, misfortunes.

Brown eyes are a sign of cunning and treachery.

Blue - failures due to excessive timidity.

Gray - a warning about the appearance of a flatterer in your life.

If you dream that you have many eyes, you will get married very soon and have children.

For an evil, treacherous person, a dream about many eyes promises exposure.


Swollen eyes

Dream Interpretation Swollen Eye dreamed of why you dream of a swollen eye? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a swollen eye in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

The appearance of the eyes, the quality of vision are signs of the dreamer’s state of mind, the intensity of his/the dreamer’s spiritual life, their health, illnesses/love organs of the dreamer himself, his sex, potency.

Having good vision, “moving your eyes quickly” is good, happiness, health.

It’s hard to see, it’s hard to open your eyes, “they move slowly” - loss, poverty / harm from sexual exhaustion.

Being nearsighted is a nuisance.

Feeling pain in the eyes, sand in them or something bothering you is an unpleasant self-knowledge, a bad conscience.

Having a thorn is a deception; adult children will have to be taken care of a lot; they will not “come out into the public eye” soon.

Losing one eye means complicated affairs, useless labors/misfortunes with children.

The eye leaks in a dream - pangs of conscience.

Going blind in a dream means trouble/betrayal/death of loved ones: children or sister.

Rubbing your eyes is a tendency towards masturbation.

Seeing in the mirror that you have big beautiful eyes is happiness (happiness is in children).

That you have dull, sore eyes means misfortune (anxiety about children).

Seeing yourself in the mirror with colorless or white eyes means realizing the soullessness of your behavior.

With goggle-eyed eyes popping out of their sockets - petrification of the soul, callousness.

Seeing yourself in a mirror with holes instead of eyes means loyalty to intuition, deep insight, clairvoyance.

With burning eyes - to feel dangerous, demonic forces within yourself.

To see your eyes falling out means a wedding/children will begin an independent life.

Taking out and examining your eyes means a feeling of the falsity of your perceptions, a misconception about the world / to see your children from a new perspective / your intimate life will become the subject of conversation.

Having a third eye in a dream means the birth of a child / for a woman: pregnancy / danger of destroying what one has created with one’s labors.

Use the light from your eyes to illuminate your path - to begin to perceive the world in a new way.

Seeing as if a certain creature is chasing you and trying to eat your eyes - experiencing inconvenience and trouble from other people's secrets / a warning against the dangerous development of spiritual powers, dangerous spiritual immaturity.

Seeing a human eye on a table, in a bowl, glass, etc. - shameful details of your life will be revealed / experience fear of divine justice.

Seeing a bunch of human eyes are gems.

Seeing eyes with eyesores means enemies are closely watching you.

Seeing someone's evil gaze is a bad dream, foreshadowing a dangerous collapse of plans, deception, most likely occurring from relatives.

To see only someone's eyes in the darkness - the hard work of your conscience, hidden from you, will yield unexpected results / someone is watching you.

To see dull ghost eyes in daylight without a body is an unpleasant, painful split personality to experience.

Seeing a brightly sparkling eye in the clouds in the sky is a symbol of authority that should be obeyed.

To gouge out someone's eyes - to scare away and turn people against oneself / to suffer severely from jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Having excellent vision in a dream is a harbinger of great success and recognition. If in a dream you saw that your vision has deteriorated or you cannot see something clearly, then financial difficulties or illness of your loved ones await you. For lovers, the dream predicts that they are wasting their time and relying on a person who does not value them at all. An eye disease in a dream means betrayal or the loss of a friend due to some serious illness. Losing your eyesight in a dream is a sign that you will break your word or your children are in mortal danger. Sometimes such a dream predicts the loss of a close friend. If in a dream your eyes darken or become clouded, then you will experience repentance for a bad or criminal act. Sometimes a dream predicts the loss of property. Being left without eyes in a dream means poverty or loss of loved ones. For a pregnant woman, a dream predicts that the child she gives birth to may become a criminal and go to prison at a young age. See interpretation: blind.

Having three or four eyes in a dream is a sign of a strong family and a happy marriage. If you dream that you have your friend's eyes instead of your own, then you are in danger of blindness. Seeing blind or slanted eyes in a dream means misunderstanding, quarrel, failure.

To be nearsighted in a dream means trouble. Meeting a one-eyed person in a dream means deception. To have only one eye in a dream means that you may become a victim of spiteful critics. To dream that some eyes are watching you is a harbinger that someone is seriously thinking about you or that great luck awaits you. If in a dream something happened to your eyelids, then your friend is in trouble and decides to ask you for help, which you would never refuse him. Seeing very beautiful eyes means great affection; black eyes in a dream mean the machinations of enemies; omitted - a sign of insincerity;

Closed eyes, one’s own or someone else’s, mean short-sightedness and the need for clarification of circumstances.

Tear-stained eyes in a dream - to sadness and chagrin. Seeing big and beautiful eyes means happiness, wealth and good luck. If in a dream you see an animal or a person without eyes, then you will experience separation from your lover or a complete misunderstanding of your partners. An eyesore means that you don't see what's going on under your nose. See interpretation: thorn, eyesight, cry, face.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Seeing someone's eyes in a dream foretells good luck, success in business and joy. If the eyes are unhealthy, blind, slanted, etc., this means deception, resentment, illness and other troubles.

To quickly follow with your eyes means well-being; to see poorly means lack of money, loss. At the same time, myopia means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest, and farsightedness means that you will learn about the existence of a rival living with you under the same roof.

Losing your eyes in a dream means illness, death of loved ones. A one-eyed person means a hitch in business, unexpected and undesirable. Seeing eyes out of place is a bad sign, foreshadowing weakened vision or progressive eye disease. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning, gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person, blue eyes are a sign of failure due to your own timidity.

Inflamed eyes - to anxiety and terrible events, reddened - unfortunately with friends.

Bulging eyes are a warning against the machinations of your enemies, who are watching your every move.

Languid, droopy eyes - to a charming rival.

A blindfold means an epiphany, a change of opinion about something, an eyesore means deception, a stye means wealth.

Black eyes - beware of false friendship, green - ardent love, colorless - a decline in business or a demotion at work, drooping - love is ripening in the soul and will soon make itself felt, closed - you will receive good news. Stupidly blinking eyes portend loss through one's own fault.

Large and very beautiful eyes are a sign of happiness and wealth.

Seeing a person without eyes means losing a loved one.

Crying eyes are a harbinger of a bad future.

Crying in a dream or constantly wiping your eyes from tears while cutting onions foretells that your rivals will inflict a serious defeat on you.

Wearing glasses over your eyes in a dream means you will reach a ripe old age. Seeing glasses in front of others means take a closer look at your property, here you may suffer losses.

Having your eyes treated by an ophthalmologist in a dream means that you are not satisfied with your life and will resort to very sophisticated means to achieve the desired success.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

“open your eyes to something” see the essence, notice. "Glass eyes" - indifference, disinterest. “Look with all eyes” or “look with both eyes” passion, extreme attention, vigilance. “Looking with eyes wide open” horror, extreme surprise. “Closing your eyes to…” inattention, avoiding a problem, deliberately not noticing. “And don’t blink an eye” excerpt. Rejection hurts the eyes. “My eyes popped out of my head”; extreme surprise, surprise. “Having your eye on something, someone” is the desire to take possession of it. “An eyesore” is boring, annoying. To “show off” is to embellish, to create the wrong impression. "Poking in the eyes" to reproach. “Blinded by success” does not take into account real circumstances. “Incinerate with a glance” anger, hatred, love passion. "Look with loving eyes."

“I see”, “I saw it with my own eyes.”

"devil's eye"

“third eye”, “all-seeing eye (clairvoyance).

"not seeing the obvious."

"evil eye", "jinxed". "An eye for an eye" - irreconcilable enmity, revenge. “Punch in the eye” is aggression, a blow to a vulnerable spot. “Shoot with your eyes” to seduce, show interest in someone, try to make someone fall in love with you, attract them.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul; they reflect everything a person thinks about and feels. People have the following proverbs and sayings for this occasion: “hide your eyes”, “make eyes”, “beautiful eyes”, “eyes run wild”.

Eyes not only reveal a person’s mood and thoughts, but also serve as a guide in space: “it’s dark, even if you poke your eye out.” Eyes are a great value given to a person that needs to be protected, therefore the value of other things is expressed in proverbs and sayings where eyes are mentioned. For example, the value of life and the weight of an oath are expressed by the words: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Sometimes they give instructions using the comparison “to cherish like the apple of your eye.”

To see a person walking in a cloud of dust and trying to find the way - this dream warns that you are following the wrong path, someone is deliberately trying to lead you astray from the true path, beware of a veiled obstacle, a trap.

To dream that views are flashing before your eyes that you don’t even have time to consider - you are irritated by the lack of time and because of this everything is falling out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to improve them, in fact you need just stop and focus on the main thing, discarding everything that is unimportant.

You dream that you are warned about the wrath of a powerful man who watches absolutely everyone and always knows where, what and with whom is happening - you have a rich imagination, and therefore you are nervous about what is not there; You are afraid of those in whose hands the power is, stay away from them.

To see in a dream in the middle of winter an orange tree growing on a mountain that is impossible to approach - this dream foretells you prospects, the implementation of which relates to the distant future; You will be passionate about a new project.

You dream of a conversation with a person who constantly avoids looking at you, and you cannot even catch the expression of his face, consider the color of his eyes - you will be put in a difficult position; do not be afraid of frank conversation; do not try to find out what constantly eludes you, because the time has not yet come; forgive old debts, otherwise you will get sick.

You are walking down the street in a bad mood and, as luck would have it, you notice that all the passers-by you meet have garbage and tears in their eyes - this dream indicates growing dissatisfaction with yourself and the inability to cope with your sorrows; You are overly critical.

To see that you are wandering in pitch darkness and cannot understand whether something has happened to your eyes, or whether it is really dark - indecision will take you by surprise and will not allow you to make the right decision in time; Beware of anything suspicious and watch your health.

To see in a dream in front of you everything that you have dreamed of lately and to be at a loss - to disappointment, tedious work, difficult thoughts.

Seeing protective cases that you are trying to attach to your eyes so that nothing could accidentally hurt them - something will appear in your life that you will greatly value and worry about its safety; to a successful purchase.

Seeing a stranger in a dream who is trying to attract your attention with his gaze means an unexpected acquaintance, a romantic date; You will witness something secret that can bring you troubles and troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

If you look intently into someone's eyes in a dream, this means that you should not trust your friends too much: brown eyes - expect treachery and deception on the part of your best friend; blue eyes - you will not be able to resist gossip, the reason for which will be your trust in a person who, at first glance, has shown sincere concern for you; gray eyes - dangerous flattery that will lull your vigilance; black eyes - a cheerful friendly party will end in a quarrel and disappointment; eyesore - you are in the dark about the true meaning of the goodwill of your colleagues. To see the eyes of an animal or just eyes - you are being watched by an enemy hiding behind the guise of a friend; a person with one eye is looking at you - betrayal of loved ones is just around the corner; for lovers - you will have a rival from your immediate circle.

Imagine that you look into the eyes of the person you dreamed of for so long that he cannot stand it and looks away. You emerge victorious from this battle of views.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Seeing your big beautiful eyes in the mirror is fortunate in children.

Dull and sore eyes - unfortunately, worries about children.

You see your eyes closed in a dream - to strong love.

Quick movements of the eyes - to well-being.

Many human eyes - to receive jewelry or profit.

It is difficult to see with the eyes - to a lack of money or some kind of loss.

An eye is leaking out or gouging out someone's eyes - by your actions you are scaring away or turning people against you.

Blindfolded in a dream - a warning for a woman - you should be more careful, a situation is developing around you that can create many problems for you and even lead to disaster.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes and number two

Seeing two burning eyes looking at you in complete darkness means that in real life you have a strong opponent about whom you do not yet know anything. If in a dream the eyes come close to you, then after 2 weeks you will fall into a trap prepared for you by your enemy, but if the eyes move away or are frozen in place, then after 11 days you will expose your enemy and will not give him a chance to defeat you.

Seeing a human face with disproportionately large eyes in a dream means that problems will arise in your family - in 2 days you will cheat on your spouse or let your parents down.

Seeing that only one eye on your face looks normal, and the other is leaking or covered with a cataract, means in reality you will have a choice, and you will choose the familiar as opposed to the new and lose.

Seeing that there are more than 2 eyes on your face means that you are in danger of trouble in life related to money: perhaps in 2 weeks and the same number of days as there are eyes on the face you saw, creditors will come to you and demand to return the loan you took to in full, or your checkbook and all your cash will be stolen.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

they mean a person’s faith and his reason, with which he clearly distinguishes the True Path from the path of error. Whoever sees many eyes on his body, then this is an increase in faith, piety and righteousness. And whoever sees that his eyes are made of iron will be exposed and heavy worries will befall him. Whoever sees that his vision has become sharper and stronger, then secrecy from faith and religion is better than openness, and this is also a sign of the strength of his mind and insight. Whoever sees a thorn in his eye will suffer sorrow or separation from those who are dear to him. Loss of vision is a sign that punishment will befall him from Allah Almighty. And if he sees redness in his eye, then he will be overcome with anger or rage because of some incident that will ever happen to him. Losing your eyes in a dream means the death of your own child. To become blind in a dream means deviating from the truth, weakening faith and piety. The Koran says: “It is their eyes that are blind, and their hearts that are in their breasts are blind.” (Surah Hajj, 46).

To look askance and intently in a dream means to experience hatred towards the one to whom one is looking.

Eyes on the heart - to purity, purity and complacency. And the brighter the eyes shine, the more these qualities appear.

Seeing blue eyes means something new will happen; green - a person can change his religion; black - religiosity, piety of a person; blue - impiety.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Eyes or one eye watching you in a dream is a warning dream about ill-wishers watching your actions.

Inflamed, sore eyes, blindness, loss of one eye promise disturbing events, deception, illness, confusion in business.

Eyes without a face, very beautiful, large - joy, success, wealth.

One-eyed man - suspicions, misfortunes.

Brown eyes are a sign of cunning and treachery.

Blue - failures due to excessive timidity.

Gray - a warning about the appearance of a flatterer in your life.

If you dream that you have many eyes, you will get married very soon and have children.

For an evil, treacherous person, a dream about many eyes promises exposure.


Eyes watching me

Dream Interpretation Eyes watching me I dreamed about why I dream about eyes watching me? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see eyes watching me in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Seeing someone's eyes in a dream foretells good luck, success in business and joy. If the eyes are unhealthy, blind, slanted, etc., this means deception, resentment, illness and other troubles.

To quickly follow with your eyes means well-being; to see poorly means lack of money, loss. At the same time, myopia means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest, and farsightedness means that you will learn about the existence of a rival living with you under the same roof.

Losing your eyes in a dream means illness, death of loved ones. A one-eyed person means a hitch in business, unexpected and undesirable. Seeing eyes out of place is a bad sign, foreshadowing weakened vision or progressive eye disease. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning, gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person, blue eyes are a sign of failure due to your own timidity.

Inflamed eyes - to anxiety and terrible events, reddened - unfortunately with friends.

Bulging eyes are a warning against the machinations of your enemies, who are watching your every move.

Languid, droopy eyes - to a charming rival.

A blindfold means an epiphany, a change of opinion about something, an eyesore means deception, a stye means wealth.

Black eyes - beware of false friendship, green - ardent love, colorless - a decline in business or a demotion at work, drooping - love is ripening in the soul and will soon make itself felt, closed - you will receive good news. Stupidly blinking eyes portend loss through one's own fault.

Large and very beautiful eyes are a sign of happiness and wealth.

Seeing a person without eyes means losing a loved one.

Crying eyes are a harbinger of a bad future.

Crying in a dream or constantly wiping your eyes from tears while cutting onions foretells that your rivals will inflict a serious defeat on you.

Wearing glasses over your eyes in a dream means you will reach a ripe old age. Seeing glasses in front of others means take a closer look at your property, here you may suffer losses.

Having your eyes treated by an ophthalmologist in a dream means that you are not satisfied with your life and will resort to very sophisticated means to achieve the desired success.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

“open your eyes to something” see the essence, notice. "Glass eyes" - indifference, disinterest. “Look with all eyes” or “look with both eyes” passion, extreme attention, vigilance. “Looking with eyes wide open” horror, extreme surprise. “Closing your eyes to…” inattention, avoiding a problem, deliberately not noticing. “And don’t blink an eye” excerpt. Rejection hurts the eyes. “My eyes popped out of my head”; extreme surprise, surprise. “Having your eye on something, someone” is the desire to take possession of it. “An eyesore” is boring, annoying. To “show off” is to embellish, to create the wrong impression. "Poking in the eyes" to reproach. “Blinded by success” does not take into account real circumstances. “Incinerate with a glance” anger, hatred, love passion. "Look with loving eyes."

“I see”, “I saw it with my own eyes.”

"devil's eye"

“third eye”, “all-seeing eye (clairvoyance).

"not seeing the obvious."

"evil eye", "jinxed". "An eye for an eye" - irreconcilable enmity, revenge. “Punch in the eye” is aggression, a blow to a vulnerable spot. “Shoot with your eyes” to seduce, show interest in someone, try to make someone fall in love with you, attract them.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

The appearance of the eyes, the quality of vision are signs of the dreamer’s state of mind, the intensity of his/the dreamer’s spiritual life, their health, illnesses/love organs of the dreamer himself, his sex, potency.

Having good vision, “moving your eyes quickly” is good, happiness, health.

It’s hard to see, it’s hard to open your eyes, “they move slowly” - loss, poverty / harm from sexual exhaustion.

Being nearsighted is a nuisance.

Feeling pain in the eyes, sand in them or something bothering you is an unpleasant self-knowledge, a bad conscience.

Having a thorn is a deception; adult children will have to be taken care of a lot; they will not “come out into the public eye” soon.

Losing one eye means complicated affairs, useless labors/misfortunes with children.

The eye leaks in a dream - pangs of conscience.

Going blind in a dream means trouble/betrayal/death of loved ones: children or sister.

Rubbing your eyes is a tendency towards masturbation.

Seeing in the mirror that you have big beautiful eyes is happiness (happiness is in children).

That you have dull, sore eyes means misfortune (anxiety about children).

Seeing yourself in the mirror with colorless or white eyes means realizing the soullessness of your behavior.

With goggle-eyed eyes popping out of their sockets - petrification of the soul, callousness.

Seeing yourself in a mirror with holes instead of eyes means loyalty to intuition, deep insight, clairvoyance.

With burning eyes - to feel dangerous, demonic forces within yourself.

To see your eyes falling out means a wedding/children will begin an independent life.

Taking out and examining your eyes means a feeling of the falsity of your perceptions, a misconception about the world / to see your children from a new perspective / your intimate life will become the subject of conversation.

Having a third eye in a dream means the birth of a child / for a woman: pregnancy / danger of destroying what one has created with one’s labors.

Use the light from your eyes to illuminate your path - to begin to perceive the world in a new way.

Seeing as if a certain creature is chasing you and trying to eat your eyes - experiencing inconvenience and trouble from other people's secrets / a warning against the dangerous development of spiritual powers, dangerous spiritual immaturity.

Seeing a human eye on a table, in a bowl, glass, etc. - shameful details of your life will be revealed / experience fear of divine justice.

Seeing a bunch of human eyes are gems.

Seeing eyes with eyesores means enemies are closely watching you.

Seeing someone's evil gaze is a bad dream, foreshadowing a dangerous collapse of plans, deception, most likely occurring from relatives.

To see only someone's eyes in the darkness - the hard work of your conscience, hidden from you, will yield unexpected results / someone is watching you.

To see dull ghost eyes in daylight without a body is an unpleasant, painful split personality to experience.

Seeing a brightly sparkling eye in the clouds in the sky is a symbol of authority that should be obeyed.

To gouge out someone's eyes - to scare away and turn people against oneself / to suffer severely from jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Having excellent vision in a dream is a harbinger of great success and recognition. If in a dream you saw that your vision has deteriorated or you cannot see something clearly, then financial difficulties or illness of your loved ones await you. For lovers, the dream predicts that they are wasting their time and relying on a person who does not value them at all. An eye disease in a dream means betrayal or the loss of a friend due to some serious illness. Losing your eyesight in a dream is a sign that you will break your word or your children are in mortal danger. Sometimes such a dream predicts the loss of a close friend. If in a dream your eyes darken or become clouded, then you will experience repentance for a bad or criminal act. Sometimes a dream predicts the loss of property. Being left without eyes in a dream means poverty or loss of loved ones. For a pregnant woman, a dream predicts that the child she gives birth to may become a criminal and go to prison at a young age. See interpretation: blind.

Having three or four eyes in a dream is a sign of a strong family and a happy marriage. If you dream that you have your friend's eyes instead of your own, then you are in danger of blindness. Seeing blind or slanted eyes in a dream means misunderstanding, quarrel, failure.

To be nearsighted in a dream means trouble. Meeting a one-eyed person in a dream means deception. To have only one eye in a dream means that you may become a victim of spiteful critics. To dream that some eyes are watching you is a harbinger that someone is seriously thinking about you or that great luck awaits you. If in a dream something happened to your eyelids, then your friend is in trouble and decides to ask you for help, which you would never refuse him. Seeing very beautiful eyes means great affection; black eyes in a dream mean the machinations of enemies; omitted - a sign of insincerity;

Closed eyes, one’s own or someone else’s, mean short-sightedness and the need for clarification of circumstances.

Tear-stained eyes in a dream - to sadness and chagrin. Seeing big and beautiful eyes means happiness, wealth and good luck. If in a dream you see an animal or a person without eyes, then you will experience separation from your lover or a complete misunderstanding of your partners. An eyesore means that you don't see what's going on under your nose. See interpretation: thorn, eyesight, cry, face.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul; they reflect everything a person thinks about and feels. People have the following proverbs and sayings for this occasion: “hide your eyes”, “make eyes”, “beautiful eyes”, “eyes run wild”.

Eyes not only reveal a person’s mood and thoughts, but also serve as a guide in space: “it’s dark, even if you poke your eye out.” Eyes are a great value given to a person that needs to be protected, therefore the value of other things is expressed in proverbs and sayings where eyes are mentioned. For example, the value of life and the weight of an oath are expressed by the words: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Sometimes they give instructions using the comparison “to cherish like the apple of your eye.”

To see a person walking in a cloud of dust and trying to find the way - this dream warns that you are following the wrong path, someone is deliberately trying to lead you astray from the true path, beware of a veiled obstacle, a trap.

To dream that views are flashing before your eyes that you don’t even have time to consider - you are irritated by the lack of time and because of this everything is falling out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to improve them, in fact you need just stop and focus on the main thing, discarding everything that is unimportant.

You dream that you are warned about the wrath of a powerful man who watches absolutely everyone and always knows where, what and with whom is happening - you have a rich imagination, and therefore you are nervous about what is not there; You are afraid of those in whose hands the power is, stay away from them.

To see in a dream in the middle of winter an orange tree growing on a mountain that is impossible to approach - this dream foretells you prospects, the implementation of which relates to the distant future; You will be passionate about a new project.

You dream of a conversation with a person who constantly avoids looking at you, and you cannot even catch the expression of his face, consider the color of his eyes - you will be put in a difficult position; do not be afraid of frank conversation; do not try to find out what constantly eludes you, because the time has not yet come; forgive old debts, otherwise you will get sick.

You are walking down the street in a bad mood and, as luck would have it, you notice that all the passers-by you meet have garbage and tears in their eyes - this dream indicates growing dissatisfaction with yourself and the inability to cope with your sorrows; You are overly critical.

To see that you are wandering in pitch darkness and cannot understand whether something has happened to your eyes, or whether it is really dark - indecision will take you by surprise and will not allow you to make the right decision in time; Beware of anything suspicious and watch your health.

To see in a dream in front of you everything that you have dreamed of lately and to be at a loss - to disappointment, tedious work, difficult thoughts.

Seeing protective cases that you are trying to attach to your eyes so that nothing could accidentally hurt them - something will appear in your life that you will greatly value and worry about its safety; to a successful purchase.

Seeing a stranger in a dream who is trying to attract your attention with his gaze means an unexpected acquaintance, a romantic date; You will witness something secret that can bring you troubles and troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

If you look intently into someone's eyes in a dream, this means that you should not trust your friends too much: brown eyes - expect treachery and deception on the part of your best friend; blue eyes - you will not be able to resist gossip, the reason for which will be your trust in a person who, at first glance, has shown sincere concern for you; gray eyes - dangerous flattery that will lull your vigilance; black eyes - a cheerful friendly party will end in a quarrel and disappointment; eyesore - you are in the dark about the true meaning of the goodwill of your colleagues. To see the eyes of an animal or just eyes - you are being watched by an enemy hiding behind the guise of a friend; a person with one eye is looking at you - betrayal of loved ones is just around the corner; for lovers - you will have a rival from your immediate circle.

Imagine that you look into the eyes of the person you dreamed of for so long that he cannot stand it and looks away. You emerge victorious from this battle of views.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Seeing your big beautiful eyes in the mirror is fortunate in children.

Dull and sore eyes - unfortunately, worries about children.

You see your eyes closed in a dream - to strong love.

Quick movements of the eyes - to well-being.

Many human eyes - to receive jewelry or profit.

It is difficult to see with the eyes - to a lack of money or some kind of loss.

An eye is leaking out or gouging out someone's eyes - by your actions you are scaring away or turning people against you.

Blindfolded in a dream - a warning for a woman - you should be more careful, a situation is developing around you that can create many problems for you and even lead to disaster.

Dream Interpretation - Eye

Seeing the eye is a warning against the machinations of your enemies, who are watching your every step in order to ruin your business.

For those who love, this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning. The look of blue eyes fixed on you in a dream promises you some kind of failure, the reason for which will be your excessive timidity. Gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person.

If in a dream your eyes are inflamed or you lose an eye, expect disturbing events in reality. An unfavorable dream where a one-eyed man appears to you - it promises misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes and number two

Seeing two burning eyes looking at you in complete darkness means that in real life you have a strong opponent about whom you do not yet know anything. If in a dream the eyes come close to you, then after 2 weeks you will fall into a trap prepared for you by your enemy, but if the eyes move away or are frozen in place, then after 11 days you will expose your enemy and will not give him a chance to defeat you.

Seeing a human face with disproportionately large eyes in a dream means that problems will arise in your family - in 2 days you will cheat on your spouse or let your parents down.

Seeing that only one eye on your face looks normal, and the other is leaking or covered with a cataract, means in reality you will have a choice, and you will choose the familiar as opposed to the new and lose.

Seeing that there are more than 2 eyes on your face means that you are in danger of trouble in life related to money: perhaps in 2 weeks and the same number of days as there are eyes on the face you saw, creditors will come to you and demand to return the loan you took to in full, or your checkbook and all your cash will be stolen.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

they mean a person’s faith and his reason, with which he clearly distinguishes the True Path from the path of error. Whoever sees many eyes on his body, then this is an increase in faith, piety and righteousness. And whoever sees that his eyes are made of iron will be exposed and heavy worries will befall him. Whoever sees that his vision has become sharper and stronger, then secrecy from faith and religion is better than openness, and this is also a sign of the strength of his mind and insight. Whoever sees a thorn in his eye will suffer sorrow or separation from those who are dear to him. Loss of vision is a sign that punishment will befall him from Allah Almighty. And if he sees redness in his eye, then he will be overcome with anger or rage because of some incident that will ever happen to him. Losing your eyes in a dream means the death of your own child. To become blind in a dream means deviating from the truth, weakening faith and piety. The Koran says: “It is their eyes that are blind, and their hearts that are in their breasts are blind.” (Surah Hajj, 46).

To look askance and intently in a dream means to experience hatred towards the one to whom one is looking.

Eyes on the heart - to purity, purity and complacency. And the brighter the eyes shine, the more these qualities appear.

Seeing blue eyes means something new will happen; green - a person can change his religion; black - religiosity, piety of a person; blue - impiety.


Eyes turn sour

Dream Interpretation Eyes turn sour dreamed of why in a dream your eyes turn sour? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your eyes turn sour in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

The appearance of the eyes, the quality of vision are signs of the dreamer’s state of mind, the intensity of his/the dreamer’s spiritual life, their health, illnesses/love organs of the dreamer himself, his sex, potency.

Having good vision, “moving your eyes quickly” is good, happiness, health.

It’s hard to see, it’s hard to open your eyes, “they move slowly” - loss, poverty / harm from sexual exhaustion.

Being nearsighted is a nuisance.

Feeling pain in the eyes, sand in them or something bothering you is an unpleasant self-knowledge, a bad conscience.

Having a thorn is a deception; adult children will have to be taken care of a lot; they will not “come out into the public eye” soon.

Losing one eye means complicated affairs, useless labors/misfortunes with children.

The eye leaks in a dream - pangs of conscience.

Going blind in a dream means trouble/betrayal/death of loved ones: children or sister.

Rubbing your eyes is a tendency towards masturbation.

Seeing in the mirror that you have big beautiful eyes is happiness (happiness is in children).

That you have dull, sore eyes means misfortune (anxiety about children).

Seeing yourself in the mirror with colorless or white eyes means realizing the soullessness of your behavior.

With goggle-eyed eyes popping out of their sockets - petrification of the soul, callousness.

Seeing yourself in a mirror with holes instead of eyes means loyalty to intuition, deep insight, clairvoyance.

With burning eyes - to feel dangerous, demonic forces within yourself.

To see your eyes falling out means a wedding/children will begin an independent life.

Taking out and examining your eyes means a feeling of the falsity of your perceptions, a misconception about the world / to see your children from a new perspective / your intimate life will become the subject of conversation.

Having a third eye in a dream means the birth of a child / for a woman: pregnancy / danger of destroying what one has created with one’s labors.

Use the light from your eyes to illuminate your path - to begin to perceive the world in a new way.

Seeing as if a certain creature is chasing you and trying to eat your eyes - experiencing inconvenience and trouble from other people's secrets / a warning against the dangerous development of spiritual powers, dangerous spiritual immaturity.

Seeing a human eye on a table, in a bowl, glass, etc. - shameful details of your life will be revealed / experience fear of divine justice.

Seeing a bunch of human eyes are gems.

Seeing eyes with eyesores means enemies are closely watching you.

Seeing someone's evil gaze is a bad dream, foreshadowing a dangerous collapse of plans, deception, most likely occurring from relatives.

To see only someone's eyes in the darkness - the hard work of your conscience, hidden from you, will yield unexpected results / someone is watching you.

To see dull ghost eyes in daylight without a body is an unpleasant, painful split personality to experience.

Seeing a brightly sparkling eye in the clouds in the sky is a symbol of authority that should be obeyed.

To gouge out someone's eyes - to scare away and turn people against oneself / to suffer severely from jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Having excellent vision in a dream is a harbinger of great success and recognition. If in a dream you saw that your vision has deteriorated or you cannot see something clearly, then financial difficulties or illness of your loved ones await you. For lovers, the dream predicts that they are wasting their time and relying on a person who does not value them at all. An eye disease in a dream means betrayal or the loss of a friend due to some serious illness. Losing your eyesight in a dream is a sign that you will break your word or your children are in mortal danger. Sometimes such a dream predicts the loss of a close friend. If in a dream your eyes darken or become clouded, then you will experience repentance for a bad or criminal act. Sometimes a dream predicts the loss of property. Being left without eyes in a dream means poverty or loss of loved ones. For a pregnant woman, a dream predicts that the child she gives birth to may become a criminal and go to prison at a young age. See interpretation: blind.

Having three or four eyes in a dream is a sign of a strong family and a happy marriage. If you dream that you have your friend's eyes instead of your own, then you are in danger of blindness. Seeing blind or slanted eyes in a dream means misunderstanding, quarrel, failure.

To be nearsighted in a dream means trouble. Meeting a one-eyed person in a dream means deception. To have only one eye in a dream means that you may become a victim of spiteful critics. To dream that some eyes are watching you is a harbinger that someone is seriously thinking about you or that great luck awaits you. If in a dream something happened to your eyelids, then your friend is in trouble and decides to ask you for help, which you would never refuse him. Seeing very beautiful eyes means great affection; black eyes in a dream mean the machinations of enemies; omitted - a sign of insincerity;

Closed eyes, one’s own or someone else’s, mean short-sightedness and the need for clarification of circumstances.

Tear-stained eyes in a dream - to sadness and chagrin. Seeing big and beautiful eyes means happiness, wealth and good luck. If in a dream you see an animal or a person without eyes, then you will experience separation from your lover or a complete misunderstanding of your partners. An eyesore means that you don't see what's going on under your nose. See interpretation: thorn, eyesight, cry, face.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Seeing someone's eyes in a dream foretells good luck, success in business and joy. If the eyes are unhealthy, blind, slanted, etc., this means deception, resentment, illness and other troubles.

To quickly follow with your eyes means well-being; to see poorly means lack of money, loss. At the same time, myopia means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest, and farsightedness means that you will learn about the existence of a rival living with you under the same roof.

Losing your eyes in a dream means illness, death of loved ones. A one-eyed person means a hitch in business, unexpected and undesirable. Seeing eyes out of place is a bad sign, foreshadowing weakened vision or progressive eye disease. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning, gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person, blue eyes are a sign of failure due to your own timidity.

Inflamed eyes - to anxiety and terrible events, reddened - unfortunately with friends.

Bulging eyes are a warning against the machinations of your enemies, who are watching your every move.

Languid, droopy eyes - to a charming rival.

A blindfold means an epiphany, a change of opinion about something, an eyesore means deception, a stye means wealth.

Black eyes - beware of false friendship, green - ardent love, colorless - a decline in business or a demotion at work, drooping - love is ripening in the soul and will soon make itself felt, closed - you will receive good news. Stupidly blinking eyes portend loss through one's own fault.

Large and very beautiful eyes are a sign of happiness and wealth.

Seeing a person without eyes means losing a loved one.

Crying eyes are a harbinger of a bad future.

Crying in a dream or constantly wiping your eyes from tears while cutting onions foretells that your rivals will inflict a serious defeat on you.

Wearing glasses over your eyes in a dream means you will reach a ripe old age. Seeing glasses in front of others means take a closer look at your property, here you may suffer losses.

Having your eyes treated by an ophthalmologist in a dream means that you are not satisfied with your life and will resort to very sophisticated means to achieve the desired success.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

“open your eyes to something” see the essence, notice. "Glass eyes" - indifference, disinterest. “Look with all eyes” or “look with both eyes” passion, extreme attention, vigilance. “Looking with eyes wide open” horror, extreme surprise. “Closing your eyes to…” inattention, avoiding a problem, deliberately not noticing. “And don’t blink an eye” excerpt. Rejection hurts the eyes. “My eyes popped out of my head”; extreme surprise, surprise. “Having your eye on something, someone” is the desire to take possession of it. “An eyesore” is boring, annoying. To “show off” is to embellish, to create the wrong impression. "Poking in the eyes" to reproach. “Blinded by success” does not take into account real circumstances. “Incinerate with a glance” anger, hatred, love passion. "Look with loving eyes."

“I see”, “I saw it with my own eyes.”

"devil's eye"

“third eye”, “all-seeing eye (clairvoyance).

"not seeing the obvious."

"evil eye", "jinxed". "An eye for an eye" - irreconcilable enmity, revenge. “Punch in the eye” is aggression, a blow to a vulnerable spot. “Shoot with your eyes” to seduce, show interest in someone, try to make someone fall in love with you, attract them.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul; they reflect everything a person thinks about and feels. People have the following proverbs and sayings for this occasion: “hide your eyes”, “make eyes”, “beautiful eyes”, “eyes run wild”.

Eyes not only reveal a person’s mood and thoughts, but also serve as a guide in space: “it’s dark, even if you poke your eye out.” Eyes are a great value given to a person that needs to be protected, therefore the value of other things is expressed in proverbs and sayings where eyes are mentioned. For example, the value of life and the weight of an oath are expressed by the words: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Sometimes they give instructions using the comparison “to cherish like the apple of your eye.”

To see a person walking in a cloud of dust and trying to find the way - this dream warns that you are following the wrong path, someone is deliberately trying to lead you astray from the true path, beware of a veiled obstacle, a trap.

To dream that views are flashing before your eyes that you don’t even have time to consider - you are irritated by the lack of time and because of this everything is falling out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to improve them, in fact you need just stop and focus on the main thing, discarding everything that is unimportant.

You dream that you are warned about the wrath of a powerful man who watches absolutely everyone and always knows where, what and with whom is happening - you have a rich imagination, and therefore you are nervous about what is not there; You are afraid of those in whose hands the power is, stay away from them.

To see in a dream in the middle of winter an orange tree growing on a mountain that is impossible to approach - this dream foretells you prospects, the implementation of which relates to the distant future; You will be passionate about a new project.

You dream of a conversation with a person who constantly avoids looking at you, and you cannot even catch the expression of his face, consider the color of his eyes - you will be put in a difficult position; do not be afraid of frank conversation; do not try to find out what constantly eludes you, because the time has not yet come; forgive old debts, otherwise you will get sick.

You are walking down the street in a bad mood and, as luck would have it, you notice that all the passers-by you meet have garbage and tears in their eyes - this dream indicates growing dissatisfaction with yourself and the inability to cope with your sorrows; You are overly critical.

To see that you are wandering in pitch darkness and cannot understand whether something has happened to your eyes, or whether it is really dark - indecision will take you by surprise and will not allow you to make the right decision in time; Beware of anything suspicious and watch your health.

To see in a dream in front of you everything that you have dreamed of lately and to be at a loss - to disappointment, tedious work, difficult thoughts.

Seeing protective cases that you are trying to attach to your eyes so that nothing could accidentally hurt them - something will appear in your life that you will greatly value and worry about its safety; to a successful purchase.

Seeing a stranger in a dream who is trying to attract your attention with his gaze means an unexpected acquaintance, a romantic date; You will witness something secret that can bring you troubles and troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

If you look intently into someone's eyes in a dream, this means that you should not trust your friends too much: brown eyes - expect treachery and deception on the part of your best friend; blue eyes - you will not be able to resist gossip, the reason for which will be your trust in a person who, at first glance, has shown sincere concern for you; gray eyes - dangerous flattery that will lull your vigilance; black eyes - a cheerful friendly party will end in a quarrel and disappointment; eyesore - you are in the dark about the true meaning of the goodwill of your colleagues. To see the eyes of an animal or just eyes - you are being watched by an enemy hiding behind the guise of a friend; a person with one eye is looking at you - betrayal of loved ones is just around the corner; for lovers - you will have a rival from your immediate circle.

Imagine that you look into the eyes of the person you dreamed of for so long that he cannot stand it and looks away. You emerge victorious from this battle of views.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Seeing your big beautiful eyes in the mirror is fortunate in children.

Dull and sore eyes - unfortunately, worries about children.

You see your eyes closed in a dream - to strong love.

Quick movements of the eyes - to well-being.

Many human eyes - to receive jewelry or profit.

It is difficult to see with the eyes - to a lack of money or some kind of loss.

An eye is leaking out or gouging out someone's eyes - by your actions you are scaring away or turning people against you.

Blindfolded in a dream - a warning for a woman - you should be more careful, a situation is developing around you that can create many problems for you and even lead to disaster.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes and number two

Seeing two burning eyes looking at you in complete darkness means that in real life you have a strong opponent about whom you do not yet know anything. If in a dream the eyes come close to you, then after 2 weeks you will fall into a trap prepared for you by your enemy, but if the eyes move away or are frozen in place, then after 11 days you will expose your enemy and will not give him a chance to defeat you.

Seeing a human face with disproportionately large eyes in a dream means that problems will arise in your family - in 2 days you will cheat on your spouse or let your parents down.

Seeing that only one eye on your face looks normal, and the other is leaking or covered with a cataract, means in reality you will have a choice, and you will choose the familiar as opposed to the new and lose.

Seeing that there are more than 2 eyes on your face means that you are in danger of trouble in life related to money: perhaps in 2 weeks and the same number of days as there are eyes on the face you saw, creditors will come to you and demand to return the loan you took to in full, or your checkbook and all your cash will be stolen.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

they mean a person’s faith and his reason, with which he clearly distinguishes the True Path from the path of error. Whoever sees many eyes on his body, then this is an increase in faith, piety and righteousness. And whoever sees that his eyes are made of iron will be exposed and heavy worries will befall him. Whoever sees that his vision has become sharper and stronger, then secrecy from faith and religion is better than openness, and this is also a sign of the strength of his mind and insight. Whoever sees a thorn in his eye will suffer sorrow or separation from those who are dear to him. Loss of vision is a sign that punishment will befall him from Allah Almighty. And if he sees redness in his eye, then he will be overcome with anger or rage because of some incident that will ever happen to him. Losing your eyes in a dream means the death of your own child. To become blind in a dream means deviating from the truth, weakening faith and piety. The Koran says: “It is their eyes that are blind, and their hearts that are in their breasts are blind.” (Surah Hajj, 46).

To look askance and intently in a dream means to experience hatred towards the one to whom one is looking.

Eyes on the heart - to purity, purity and complacency. And the brighter the eyes shine, the more these qualities appear.

Seeing blue eyes means something new will happen; green - a person can change his religion; black - religiosity, piety of a person; blue - impiety.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes

Eyes or one eye watching you in a dream is a warning dream about ill-wishers watching your actions.

Inflamed, sore eyes, blindness, loss of one eye promise disturbing events, deception, illness, confusion in business.

Eyes without a face, very beautiful, large - joy, success, wealth.

One-eyed man - suspicions, misfortunes.

Brown eyes are a sign of cunning and treachery.

Blue - failures due to excessive timidity.

Gray - a warning about the appearance of a flatterer in your life.

  • The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul; they reflect everything a person thinks about and feels. People have the following proverbs and sayings for this occasion: “hide your eyes”, “make eyes”, “beautiful eyes”, “eyes run wild”.
  • Eyes not only reveal a person’s mood and thoughts, but also serve as a guide in space: “it’s dark, even if you poke your eye out.” Eyes are a great value given to a person that needs to be protected, therefore the value of other things is expressed in proverbs and sayings where eyes are mentioned. For example, the value of life and the weight of an oath are expressed by the words: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Sometimes they give instructions using the comparison “to cherish like the apple of your eye.”
  • To see a person walking in clouds of dust and trying to find the way - this dream warns that you are going along the wrong path, someone is deliberately trying to lead you astray from the true path, beware of a veiled obstacle, a trap.
  • To dream that views are flashing before your eyes that you don’t even have time to consider - you are irritated by the lack of time and because of this everything is falling out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to improve them, in fact you need just stop and focus on the main thing, discarding everything that is unimportant.
  • You dream that you are warned about the wrath of a powerful man who watches absolutely everyone and always knows where, what and with whom is happening - you have a rich imagination, and therefore you are nervous about what is not there; you are afraid of those in whose hands the power is, stay away from them.
  • To see in a dream in the middle of winter an orange tree growing on a mountain that is impossible to approach - this dream foretells you prospects, the implementation of which relates to the distant future; you will be passionate about a new project.
  • You dream of a conversation with a person who constantly avoids looking at you, and you cannot even catch the expression of his face, consider the color of his eyes - you will be put in a difficult position; do not be afraid of frank conversation; do not try to find out what constantly eludes you because the time has not yet come; forgive old debts, otherwise you will get sick.
  • You are walking down the street in a bad mood and, as luck would have it, you notice that all the passers-by you meet have garbage and tears in their eyes - this dream indicates growing dissatisfaction with yourself and the inability to cope with your sorrows; you are overly critical.
  • To see that you are wandering in pitch darkness and cannot understand whether something has happened to your eyes, or whether it is really dark - indecision will take you by surprise and will not allow you to make the right decision in time; Beware of anything suspicious and watch your health.
  • Seeing in a dream everything you have dreamed about lately and being at a loss - to disappointment, tedious work, difficult thoughts.
  • Seeing protective cases that you are trying to attach to your eyes so that nothing could accidentally hurt them - something will appear in your life that you will greatly value and worry about its safety; to a successful purchase.
  • Seeing a stranger in a dream who is trying to attract your attention with his gaze means an unexpected acquaintance, a romantic date; you will witness something secret that can bring you troubles and troubles.
  • The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul; they reflect everything a person thinks about and feels. People have the following proverbs and sayings for this occasion: “hide your eyes”, “make eyes”, “beautiful eyes”, “eyes run wild”.
  • Eyes not only reveal a person’s mood and thoughts, but also serve as a guide in space: “it’s dark, even if you poke your eye out.” Eyes are a great value given to a person that needs to be protected, therefore the value of other things is expressed in proverbs and sayings where eyes are mentioned. For example, the value of life and the weight of an oath are expressed by the words: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Sometimes they give instructions using the comparison “to cherish like the apple of your eye.”
  • To see a person walking in clouds of dust and trying to find the way - this dream warns that you are going along the wrong path, someone is deliberately trying to lead you astray from the true path, beware of a veiled obstacle, a trap.
  • To dream that views are flashing before your eyes that you don’t even have time to consider - you are irritated by the lack of time and because of this everything is falling out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to improve them, in fact you need just stop and focus on the main thing, discarding everything that is unimportant.
  • You dream that you are warned about the wrath of a powerful man who watches absolutely everyone and always knows where, what and with whom is happening - you have a rich imagination, and therefore you are nervous about what is not there; you are afraid of those in whose hands the power is, stay away from them.
  • To see in a dream in the middle of winter an orange tree growing on a mountain that is impossible to approach - this dream foretells you prospects, the implementation of which relates to the distant future; you will be passionate about a new project.
  • You dream of a conversation with a person who constantly avoids looking at you, and you cannot even catch the expression of his face, consider the color of his eyes - you will be put in a difficult position; do not be afraid of frank conversation; do not try to find out what constantly eludes you because the time has not yet come; forgive old debts, otherwise you will get sick.
  • You are walking down the street in a bad mood and, as luck would have it, you notice that all the passers-by you meet have garbage and tears in their eyes - this dream indicates growing dissatisfaction with yourself and the inability to cope with your sorrows; you are overly critical.
  • To see that you are wandering in pitch darkness and cannot understand whether something has happened to your eyes, or whether it is really dark - indecision will take you by surprise and will not allow you to make the right decision in time; Beware of anything suspicious and watch your health.
  • Seeing in a dream everything you have dreamed about lately and being at a loss - to disappointment, tedious work, difficult thoughts.
  • Seeing protective cases that you are trying to attach to your eyes so that nothing could accidentally hurt them - something will appear in your life that you will greatly value and worry about its safety; to a successful purchase.
  • Seeing a stranger in a dream who is trying to attract your attention with his gaze means an unexpected acquaintance, a romantic date; you will witness something secret that can bring you troubles and troubles.

Dream book eyes

Dreams are an amazing secret of the subconscious. And since any of its manifestations are strictly individual, dreams also have a personal interpretation. This projection is most typical if you dreamed about your eyes. The dream book cannot reach a single point of view on such a symbol, so the most important thing is to focus on your own intuition.

It is quite difficult to understand what eyes mean in dreams, because different sources give different interpretations, even the opposite. On the one hand, it is joy, love, pleasant moments. On the other hand, your rivals and enemies are closely watching you and waiting for the most favorable moment to strike a crushing blow.

The most ancient interpretations, explaining why eyes are seen in dreams, say that this is a sign of the all-seeing eye, which does not sleep, but records every wrong or evil act. A little later, an interpretation appeared that these were hidden enemies looking out for weak points. And modern dream books believe that clean, large and beautiful eyes are dreamed of as a sign of a trusting and deep relationship.

In order to get the most accurate interpretation, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The color of the eyes seen in a dream (light ones are usually considered a favorable sign, while dark ones promise trouble).
  • Who do they belong to (a woman, a man or a child, or maybe it was the eyes of an animal).
  • Their number and condition (one, two or three eyes were on the face, whether they were healthy or in a dream they had to see an illness or injury to the eyes).

Interpretation based on color

If you dreamed about eyes

As a rule, this is the main direction that some dream books have decided to limit themselves to. But this is not entirely correct, because other details may reveal additional meaning, and ultimately, a favorable forecast may be replaced by a warning one, and vice versa.

Natural colors

Seeing eyes in a dream that are any natural color is usually pleasant and not scary. If they are beautiful, healthy and do not express strong negative emotions, then their color will approximately describe the actions of loved ones from your environment. But almost every interpretation has two sides: both positive and negative.

Blue and gray

Blue is the color of recognition and fidelity in love. On the other hand, blue eyes may indicate flattery from a person who wants to gain your favor.

Gray - help in household matters. Gray ones are the same type of everyday work, in which you would like to receive all possible help. This color speaks of stagnation and routine in your life. Therefore, if you had to see gray eyes in a dream, get ready for some disappointments or mild depression. Gray eyes also mean that there is a person who shares your feelings and is ready to share your gray everyday worries with you.

But it’s much easier to understand what blue eyes mean in dreams. They symbolize deep loyalty in love.

Brown and black

What color were your eyes?

Brown means passion. Deep velvety brown eyes promise vivid impressions of a surging feeling. But don’t expect brown eyes to be as fiercely loyal as they are to blaze with uncontrollable passion. There is also another interpretation, according to which brown eyes mean envy.

Black eyes are pleasure. Black eyes promise long nights. You won't even think about everyday problems, because black eyes will spin you in an eternal dance of joy and fun. Some dream books say that if you dreamed of black eyes, then they mean strong anger against your special one. Sometimes, there is an interpretation about the mystical abilities that will open in the dreamer after he has dreamed of big black eyes.

This category also includes green eyes, which are often attributed magical properties. To understand what green eyes mean in dreams, you need to remember that this color is an average between brown and blue - therefore, such a look means a love adventure.


Multi-colored eyes in a dream symbolize indecision or a sudden change in circumstances. If you dream of a loved one whose right eye is a different color than his left, be prepared for the fact that he has not yet decided on his feelings for you. Different eyes of a stranger symbolize the duality of fate, when you yourself can choose one of the proposed paths. To see that a stranger's eyes change color - be careful, his opinion of you may become exactly the opposite.

If you dream of a friend with eyes of different colors, he will not be able to provide you with the necessary support in time.

Unusual color

This is what the esoteric dream book says: eyes, the color of which is unusual, are one of the most important details for interpretation. After all, it is important to pay attention to the fact that in the modern world, if you use lenses, your eyes can easily radically change color. Therefore, night dreams in which yellow, red or white eyes were seen, completely without pupils, lost their terrifying meaning. This is especially true for those who own contact lenses and sometimes like to use such products to radically change the color.

If the eyes were an unnatural color

  • Red - danger, envy. If the dreamer noticed red eyes in his mirror, it means that it is difficult for him to pacify his pride. Seeing red sparkling eyes peering through the darkness is a serious temptation. Wearing red lenses means trying to give the impression of an aggressive and confident person. A friend with such a look is his rage.
  • White people without pupils are spiritual emptiness. You follow the one who is ready to take your hand first. White eyes symbolize the absence of a moral basis or spiritual core. Putting on white lenses means hiding true intentions under spiritual simplicity.
  • Yellow - betrayal, lies, deceit. Yellow eyes are most often found in snakes and cats, and both of these images bring nothing good. Seeing that yellow eyes are watching you is an expectation of betrayal from a good friend. Putting on yellow lenses is a sign of cheerfulness, especially if during the process of putting them on the thought “I can do anything” was spinning in my head.
  • Multi-colored are unusual entertainment, says the modern online dream book. Putting on bright lenses of different colors attracts attention. To see that the eyes themselves change color is to discover previously unknown abilities.

Whose eyes excite consciousness

When such images appear in night dreams, you need to try to remember who the dreamed eyes belong to. The intensity of influence on your life by third parties will depend on this, and possible advice in which area of ​​life you need to exercise maximum caution.

If you looked into the eyes of a child

It is important to pay attention to exactly whose eyes were looking at you during the dream. These were the eyes of a man, woman or child. Or perhaps it was the loving eyes of a beautiful stranger or a loved one. This is of fundamental importance for interpretation.

  • Feeling the gaze of a strange man on you, and in your head the thought “I can’t look at him” - feeling shame for past actions.
  • Melting under the gaze of a loved one is a manifestation of tender feelings.
  • Watching a stranger cast a sidelong glance is envy.
  • Seeing your child’s eyes means purity and naivety. If you don’t have children, but you understand that a child’s gaze is watching you, pay attention to your actions, you are doing them only out of your own pride.
  • The look of a fortune teller - you are afraid that someone will find out about your secret, warns the esoteric online dream book. She looks at your child - the new project is in jeopardy.
  • Fish eye - you will show insensitivity towards your loved one. Seeing a fish eye in your palm is a gift. A friend with fish eyes - he will remain cold to your grief.
  • The look of a wild animal is subconscious fear. Taking out the eyes of an animal means your rage can blind you.

Number and condition of eyes

This is what the modern dream book says: eyes that clearly appear in a dream must be interpreted based on their condition. And no matter how strange the dreams are, their number also matters. Sometimes completely unnatural visions come in dreams, when a person’s face has only one eye, or vice versa, as many as three.

Seeing many people whose eyes are out of place, or whose number does not correspond to the natural one, means that you are in a group where it is not customary to express your point of view or express your own feelings.

One more, one less

Seeing a person with one eye in a dream means getting a one-sided opinion about your work. If you dream of a cross-eyed person, it means a non-standard view of the situation.

The interpretation of dreams in which a person with three eyes appears is much more difficult. Three eyes can symbolize close attention to your person. Whether this is for good or for worse is not yet known. The only thing that is clear is that you are being watched.

For a married woman, seeing three eyes on her face means pregnancy and a successful birth.

If childbirth is impossible for some reason, or a man sees three eyes on his face in the mirror, then this means a sharp sharpening of intuition, the ability to freely receive information from the Universe.

Three eyes are a rather difficult image to interpret. It can mean literally any unusual phenomenon. These are the three pillars on which the earth rests among the ancients, that is, the foundation, the main moral basis, and three spiritual dimensions (reality, nav and rule). Therefore, when interpreting such images, it is important to take into account other details of the dream.

Losing the third eye means giving up the gift. Finding it in a dream means gaining additional opportunities, but it will also impose serious obligations. If a child has a third eye, get ready for the fact that he is destined to become great. And seeing the third one in your pet - a cat or a dog - your friend will instantly save your life.

Seeing a lot of people who have a third eye painted on their face means getting into the company of high-ranking people.

Health or illness

Seeing beautiful, healthy, big eyes is a sign of happiness, openness, and breadth of soul. But why do you dream about eye disease? As a rule, closed, sore or swollen eyes indicate that a person stubbornly does not want to see either serious problems or his dishonest actions.

What were the eyes like?

Seeing your eyes swollen in a dream means worrying about your own reputation. If the mirror reflects cloudy or tightly closed eyes, it means that you are being skillfully deceived, or you like to abuse alcohol. In general, cloudy eyes indicate a tendency to stereotypical thinking, blurred vision, and a reluctance to look for the cause of problems either in oneself or in circumstances.

To understand that your eyes see poorly is a tendency to postpone problems rather than quickly solve them. If, in addition, they are sick or bloody, beware of nervous diseases. Losing the bloody organs of vision is a serious health problem for close relatives or children. Danger of losing blood relatives.

If you cannot open your eyes in a dream, you remain deaf to the requests of your loved ones. Opening them after long attempts, but realizing that they do not see well is a failure, due to the fact that you made a choice in favor of the “bird in hand”.

Feeling that it’s painful to look at, the image is blurry, it’s hard to see - worrying about previously made mistakes, there is an understanding that I can’t change anything.

Understanding that worms can live in your own organs is unbearable for some people. Although, there is an opinion that there is not a single person who does not have worms living in his body. To dream that worms have appeared in your eyes is too unpleasant a sight that deserves detailed consideration.

Seeing your eyes that are swollen and sore, possibly with pus, and noticing that worms come out along with the pus is a bad sign. The situation will develop in such a way that you will quickly understand who is your friend and who is your enemy. Worms symbolize the rapid development of events that will become painful for you. After this, life will improve, but only when you begin to take an active part in shaping your own destiny. Because worms in a dream symbolize those people who are trying with all their might to prevent you from doing this.

If worms in your eyes prevent you from opening them, and they are constantly closed, your life is filled with enemies who impose their picture of the world on you.

Getting worms out of the eyeballs is an attempt to solve the problem, instead of the usual denial of it. A friend takes the worms out of your eyes - only this person is capable of telling you the truth. But you don't want to listen to her.

When the worms fall out on their own, the pus is poured out, and the look becomes clean, healthy and fresh - your enemies will not be able to harm you. They will quickly give in to your determination and common sense.

Without pupils

If there were lenses in the eyes

If you see someone’s gaze in a dream, but this person’s eyes have no pupils, you don’t have to try to resolve bureaucratic issues. The people you will communicate with are mentally blind.

Seeing that a friend has no pupils means that his emotions will become more important than common sense. You will find yourself in a compromising situation, but your friend will not believe you. If the thought “I can’t believe this” is spinning in your head at this time, then the situation will be shocking even for you.

I symbolize my eyes without pupils as a look into the inner world, as a hermit. If you are not inclined to do this, then such a dream indicates an unwillingness to hear the truth.

If you use lenses so that your pupils are not visible, you will be impersonating another person. If the lenses fall out of your eyes and everything around you falls on you, you will face misunderstanding.

In an unusual place

Seeing your eyes on your palms, while having good vision and not seeing empty eye sockets, is an unusual perception of the world around you.

A friend whose eyes are located all over his body symbolizes that everyone around you will watch your every move. But if a similar situation arises with you, but you understand that “I can’t do this anymore” - difficulties with communication.

If your eyes are located on your back, and this is not what your friend pointed out to you, you have a high position in society.

A look in the sky

If you saw eyes in the sky

Seeing huge eyes in the sky is a symbolic dream. It means fear of God. If there was a meaningful look in the sky, it means that you are worried about whether your behavior corresponds to accepted moral standards.

  • Watching the sun go out in the sky, but the glowing eyes open, is a sign of disaster. It means a serious disaster in the sky (possibly an airplane) or a severe epidemic on the ground. If there is an understanding that “I can’t stand it,” then you are not at one with the Universe enough to know its truth.
  • Seeing the gaze of deceased relatives in the sky means melancholy, difficulties with mutual understanding, explains the newest online dream book. Perhaps you're worried that your daily responsibilities aren't bringing you joy or financial satisfaction.
  • If a pyramid with an eye drawn inside appears in the sky, this is a symbol of the all-seeing eye. You worry that your every action is under control. Show a little independence, and then he will become less tough.
  • Seeing crying eyes in the sky, especially if there were bloody tears, is very bad. This is our own anxiety on a huge scale. Egregor is trying to warn about serious changes.
  • Looking at the expansive gaze in the sky, like that of a newborn, is a new era.
  • Pay attention to what the look you saw in the sky was like: strict, you need to show strong-willed qualities; sad - patience is needed; affectionate - you are on the right track.

Look hidden by makeup

If you dream about painted eyes, it means that either you or someone from your environment is trying to make a bright impression. The dream does not explain why this is needed, but the upcoming events will be concentrated around the person who had painted eyes in the dream.

If the dreamer’s activity is related to makeup, then a dream book is not required to interpret such night dreams - it is simply a reflection of professional activity.

  • Dreaming of using a lot of eye shadow means trying to hide your past misdeeds.
  • Only the right eye is painted - you can give the impression of a highly erudite person; only left - your talents will be appreciated.
  • The girl dreams that she is drawing arrows, spending a lot of time doing this activity - an attempt to hook a gentleman with her appearance.
  • Opening your eyes to see the makeup that was done in the salon, and then being horrified when you see it is ridiculous gossip.
  • Draw arrows on each other's eyes, open them wider to get a beautiful drawing - you will compete for one gentleman.
  • Using lenses to change eye color is secrecy. Putting on your usual lenses in a dream, because in reality your eyes see poorly - routine work, familiar stress.

Shows of affection

Eyes are often an important element in love poetry and prose. Since this symbolism is more accessible to the subconscious, the manifestation of tenderness in this direction often occurs in a dream, rather than in reality. But, unfortunately, kissing the eyes only in poetry is considered a manifestation of platonic and deep love. Such an action in a dream most often symbolizes lying, concealing betrayal

  • Open your eyes when you feel a kiss - you are being deceived in the most vile way.
  • Giving a kiss to a friend means a quarrel with him.
  • Looking your loved one straight in the eyes, silently asking for a kiss - he will distance himself from you for a while.
  • A father's kiss to his child is a sign of worry about leaving.
  • Kiss the eyes of your loved one - he will do anything to hide the truth from you.
  • You give your loved one a kiss on the eye - you will have a rival.
  • Looking at the kiss of a baby's eye - you are trying not to notice small troubles.

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