What does it mean to see a tiger in a dream. Why does a child dream of a Tiger, interpretation of sleep. Why do you dream about a white tiger?

In the East, the tiger is one of the most energetically powerful symbols. From time immemorial it has been associated with danger, aggression, strength and cruelty. At the same time, it is a vivid symbol of talent, energy, desire for goals, endurance and will.

A beautiful and dangerous animal rarely appears in dreams - it may portend hidden enemies, dangers and serious changes. The ambiguity of the symbol makes its interpretation confusing. Great importance should be given to the appearance, behavior and your interaction with the animal.

For many peoples and religions, the tiger is a sacred and totem animal, the personification of masculinity, as well as the personification of valor.

According to Eastern mythology, this is a powerful amulet that requires great care in handling.

The society of wild animals, almost like human society, has its own structure, in which everyone occupies his assigned place.

The body of a tiger, equipped with strong teeth and long claws, is only its ability to survive in a not always friendly world, therefore details of a dream can tell us how a person behaves in harsh reality.

For correct interpretation, it is important to take into account the psychological state after awakening. It is with its help that one can understand whether the appearance of an animal in a dream was negative or positive.

Depending on the scenario

Dreams into which striped predators penetrate are of 2 types:

  • observation from the outside;
  • direct collision.

Depending on where you saw the tiger and what its behavior was, you can interpret the dream completely differently.

Identify an animal by color

Most often, striped tigers that are more familiar to us appear in dreams - red tigers with black and white stripes, and then it is difficult to guess the meaning of the dream only by color.

Although this is considered evidence of danger, it is necessary to take into account the behavior and condition of the animal.

So, to see a large, beautiful and proud lion in a dream is like gaining confidence that you have noble friends who are ready to provide support in any situation.

A small animal is not usually a signal of danger, but a warning or vice versa, a reminder of support from a strong person. A small and affectionate tiger cub or a tame, kind animal means that there is a powerful person in your environment, but he is not dangerous and can even help.

For women, a small and predatory tiger cub in a dream is a warning that a real young man is extremely unpredictable, he can show his “teeth”, and therefore you need to be careful and not provoke a man’s anger.

Even less often than ordinary tigers, you can see a white or black animal in me. A beautiful and rare animal with a noble white color is not such a good sign. He says that a dangerous imaginary friend is lurking in the immediate environment and you should be careful.

Other dream books say that white tiger is a happy omen, whereas an animal with a dark, black skin is a threat, a warning of lurking danger. Moreover, the larger the flock, the happier or unluckier the vision. An albino tiger predicts great surprise.

According to another version, the white beast transfers all possible plots and scenarios to a more subtle plane: from the monetary and material world to the plane of creativity and intellect.

If the animal was not present in the dream, and you only remember the tiger skin, this means exquisite pleasures in the near future.

Interpretation for women and men

Representatives of the fair sex should be especially careful with the interpretation of dreams about tigers.

Usually the beast symbolizes a man, or simply a very important person in her life, who has a great influence on the girl.

You should be wary if a large animal regularly appears in dreams, this indicates that the woman lacks support.

  • If the animal is in the house, then it acts as a protector, while it can guard the peace both fiercely and menacingly, and calmly and affectionately.
  • According to Indian mythology, the tiger is part of the warlike image of the god Shiva. Therefore, an animal seen in a dream can warn of the imminent appearance of such a strong man who can completely change a girl’s life. How beneficial these changes will be depends on the woman’s life experience and wisdom.
  • If the main element of a girl’s dream was a tigress with cubs, most likely it symbolizes her herself, as a resolute defender of her family and offspring.
  • Very rarely, two strong and powerful animals appear in dreams at once: a tiger and a lion. This may mean that the girl does not fully understand who her patron is, because even in the wild it is difficult to meet these two predators together.
  • A tiger in a single woman’s house may indicate that she will soon find a new wealthy man, a partner.

Despite the fact that one can often come across the myth that a tiger dreams of pregnancy, none of the interpreters confirms such information, while this may indeed hint at marriage, a marriage proposal, or simply the appearance of a new patron.

As for men, a tiger in their dreams almost always means an enemy.

  • If a tiger attacked you in your own home, this means a quarrel over an inheritance, but if you managed to kill the animal that got into your home, it means that no one can disturb the peace of this home and family.
  • A mortal fight, where you fight to the last, means that you have enough strength, knowledge and experience to overcome any troubles in life. This also means that the amount of vital energy is much greater than what the current situation requires and one should move forward to implement serious projects and plans.

Interpretation in different dream books

The explanation of dreams can often depend on cultural traditions, customs, as well as which of them to take as the basis for solving.

For example, according to Muller's dream book, or the European tradition of deciphering dreams, the beast is endowed with cunning, aggressiveness and cunning, while Eastern beliefs admire the nobility and wisdom of the tiger.

All interpreters agree on one thing: to see a tiger in a dream is development in all directions: emotional, spiritual, intellectual, personal. This is a symbol of strong, inexhaustible energy that should be used for its intended purpose. Depending on the situation, this is either hidden aggression, or one’s own strength and ability to overcome life’s adversities.

What different interpreters say:

  • Dream interpretation of Zhou Gong – promotion, ability to cope with a difficult situation.
  • Miller's Dream Book - a beast means enemies or troubles, as well as how you will be able to deal with them.
  • Gypsy dream book – hostile forces and the fight against them.
  • Esoteric dream book – relationships with superiors, for example, feeding a tiger means pleasing your superiors, and an attack by an animal promises the boss’s displeasure.
  • Islamic dream book - the roar of a tiger means the speech of a selfish and greedy person, an enemy, at the same time, the beast is associated more likely with positive signs - promotion, receiving patronage or fame.
  • Freud's dream book - psychoanalysis interprets the appearance of the beast as a vivid aggressive way of the dreamer's self-expression. This is often associated with imminent marriage, or the search for a patron.

Value by day of week

Not only what matters, but also when you saw it in a dream.

  • For example, if a tiger dreamed from Sunday to Monday, such a vision should not be trusted, they come true extremely rarely, but they indicate possible problems, and therefore the appearance of a tiger in them can be a hint or a warning, depending on the situation that occurred in the dream and the emotions experienced.
  • A dream from Monday to Tuesday is also a warning about danger, at the same time it is filled with tips on how to act in order to achieve success. If you succeed in your dream, most likely everything will turn out just as well in life.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday is a kind of analysis of the past, drawing experience from past days and hardships endured; it can also tell a lot about loved ones. Such visions usually come true, but bad events can be neutralized by active resistance to trouble.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday you can see a lot of interesting and useful things about your professional life. For example, a tiger can be a harbinger of a promotion or new responsibilities. If you remember such a dream, it will definitely come true, but you need to pay a lot of attention to details.
  • Prophetic dreams most often occur from Thursday to Friday, and come true within a period of 1 day to 3 years. They usually take place in the morning, and if you really like what you see, don’t tell anyone about it until it happens in real life.
  • A dream from Friday to Saturday seeks to tell us not only how events will develop, but also how best to respond to them. They almost never come true exactly, but they contain a lot of clues and hints.
  • From Saturday to Sunday, dreams, as a rule, have a strong influence on the subconscious, revealing abilities and talents that were never suspected before. This is also a kind of test for a psychological state, where everyone sees what and how they want.

Having studied all the interpretations, we can conclude that there is no clear answer to the question of why a tiger dreams. Much depends on contact with the animal, the dreamer’s feelings and what is happening in his life.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Tiger in a dream?

A tiger approaching you means that enemies will pursue you. If the tiger attacks, then failure will deeply sadden you. A dream in which you manage to repel the attack of an animal or kill it foreshadows unimaginable success in all enterprises.

Seeing a tiger running away from you means overcoming resistance and winning a high position.

Tigers in cages are a harbinger that you will be able to neutralize the enemy.

The skin means you are on the path to luxury and pleasure.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about a tiger attack?

A woman dreams of your enemies. If tigers are approaching you from all sides, you are surrounded by enemies. If tigers wait in ambush in a dream, your enemies are waiting for an opportunity to harm you.

Why does a woman dream of tigers - to fight a tiger, to kill it in a dream - to defeat her enemy. Tigers in a dream for a woman mean a difficult period of struggle with hostility towards her.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

Why did tigers dream?

The tiger and the bear are a manifestation of the dreamer's temperament.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about Tiger?

What might a tiger dream about in terms of love relationships? It all depends on his intentions and appearance.

  • Dozing tigers can be seen to bring harmony in relationships. If you quarreled with your significant other, now there will be a period of reconciliation.
  • Fighting a predator means a romantic date, love pleasures.
  • If you dream of your partner in the form of a tiger, according to the dream book, in reality you dream of a passionate relationship, but are afraid to admit your erotic fantasies to your loved one.
  • Friendly people are also fans. How many animals appeared in a dream, so many secret or obvious admirers will be in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream of a Tiger in a dream?

Tiger - you will have an evil opponent.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Tiger as an image in a dream

Tiger - You will have an evil opponent.

Esoteric dream book

Tiger in night dreams

Seeing - negotiations with superiors. Petting a tiger means pleasing management. Aggressive, attacks - reprimand, dissatisfaction with the boss or commander.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

If you dream about Tigers

The tiger is an evil enemy.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did Tigers dream according to spiritual sources?

The tiger is a dangerous enemy.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a Tiger in a dream, what does it mean?

Tiger - The betrayal of a loved one will unsettle you for a long time.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Tiger?

If in a dream you see a tiger approaching you, your ill-wishers will annoy you in every possible way. If a tiger attacked you, you will fall into despair due to some serious failure. If in a dream you repel the attack of a tiger or even kill it, success will accompany all your endeavors. Seeing a running tiger in a dream is a harbinger of victory over enemies, strengthening your position at work or in society. A tiger in a cage is a sign that you will be able to confuse your opponents. A tiger skin in a dream foretells exquisite pleasures.

Gypsy dream book

The meaning of the dream about the Tigress

Tiger - Seen in a dream, signifies an evil, treacherous, irreconcilable enemy; throwing him to the ground means success in business; killing him is a favorable sign, promising great wealth.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does a Tiger mean in a dream?

Tiger - Danger.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Tiger Interpretation

A ferocious tiger roars loudly - portends a position.

Tiger - You travel on a tiger. - An unpleasant situation will be resolved. The tiger enters the house. - Foretells appointment to an important position.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Tigers from your dream

Tiger - Danger; disease; evil person; feeling of revenge.

Ancient French dream book

Tiger - why do you dream?

Dreaming of a tiger - warns against the machinations of your enemies. Killing a tiger in a dream means success; killing a tiger is a harbinger of a happy fate.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Tiger, what does it mean?

Tiger is a sign of physical energy, activity, and enthusiasm of the dreamer himself. Killing a tiger or running away from it means defeating the enemy, success. To see a tiger tearing someone apart is to be accused of intemperate behavior.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Tiger?

  • To dream that tigers are waiting in ambush means that enemies are waiting for an opportunity to harm you.
  • Dreaming of tigers approaching you from all sides foretells that you are surrounded by enemies.
  • Dreaming of killing a tiger means victory over the enemy.
  • For a woman to dream of tigers is a difficult period of struggle with hostility.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a tiger, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream

  • A tiger fawns over you in a dream - a symbol of power and might.
  • If you dream of an animal with game in its teeth or paws, you can hope for unexpected encouragement from your superiors.
  • The tiger as a pet signifies peace personally and professionally.
  • If you dreamed of yourself in the form of a striped predator, then soon you will have to start a fight against your superiors who infringe on you.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

There is a dangerous enemy on your way.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Tiger - You will have a strong patron.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Predator - A surprise attack will be made.

A beautiful, but very dangerous predator - the tiger - is a rare guest in our dreams, and this is not without reason.

To understand why a tiger dreams, it is important to take into account all the features of your night dreams. What kind of animal was it - angry or calm, tame or bloodthirsty, and what did it do in a dream?

As a rule, “tiger” dreams are of two types: you either observed a striped predator from the side, or came into direct contact with it. One way or another, the scenarios for such dreams are as follows:

  • You saw a predator growling at you.
  • A tiger was approaching you in a dream.
  • You saw a tiger cub in your dreams.
  • You tamed a predator in a dream; it was kind and harmless.
  • The beast was sitting in a cage.
  • You saw a tiger in your own home.
  • They hunted him, killed him or fought him.

Depending on the scenario and behavior of the predator, you can understand why the tiger is dreaming and draw conclusions about what will happen in reality.

See a predator and not be scared

Let's figure out why you dream of a tiger in a dream where you did not come into contact with it, but only watched from the side.

1. If in your dreams a dangerous tiger sits in a cage, this is a sign: you will defeat your enemies and competitors and will win. Be determined, but do not use unworthy methods in the fight.

2. Tiger or lion skins dream of exquisite and expensive pleasures. You are about to enjoy something exceptional and rare!

3. If ferocious tigers roar, this may foretell a high position and new responsibilities for you. Are you ready for this?

4. A tiger in your own home also portends promotion and new responsibilities. This promises you profit and success, but there will also be more difficulties in your work, you will need strength of character.

5. I wonder why you dream of a white tiger - a beautiful and rare animal. This is evidence that there is an imaginary friend in your environment, and he is quite dangerous. You do not suspect or expect trouble, and the person you trust may be holding a stone in his bosom. Be careful!

6. A tame, kind tiger or a small cute tiger cub, which caresses you and is not at all dangerous in appearance, indicates that, in reality, there is probably a strong, powerful person next to you. But this person will not harm you. On the contrary, it is your friend, and it is a useful friendship.

7. It’s curious why the tiger cub dreams. Such a dream is significant for a woman or girl: it directly tells you that your current partner is quite unpredictable, you don’t know him well. He can show his other side, show aggression and anger. Be alert, do not provoke a man's anger.

8. A beautiful and proud predator symbolizes good, loyal friendship, support for a noble and brave person in your environment.

Encounter a predator in a dream

Dreams in which the animal does not just stand aside, but directly contacts you in one way or another have a completely different meaning. It all depends on the actions - both yours and the striped predator itself.

1. As the dream book says, if tigers in your dream are approaching you, slowly and viciously, this may indicate that in today’s life you have a clear enemy, and he is quite dangerous. Be careful not to get involved in unpleasant and risky situations.

2. Hunting a tiger with the aim of killing it is a rather promising dream. You will not only identify your enemies, hidden or obvious, but also find out what vile intrigues they are plotting for you. You will be able to avoid trouble, and you will win with intelligence and cunning, without obvious conflict.

3. As the dream book warns, a tiger attacking you in a dream foretells failure in a planned project or business. Reconsider your plans and weigh your chances carefully.

4. It’s good if in your dreams you managed to kill and defeat an evil tiger. This means, expect success in all the things you have in mind - you will be at your best, good luck is with you. Seize the moment to implement bold plans!

5. If you failed to kill the predator, but he got scared and runs away, expect a bright, complete and final victory over his ill-wishers. No one and nothing can defeat you!

6. According to the dream book, the tiger, which has become your vehicle, promises you success and a resolution to the most hopeless and unpleasant situation.

7. But if you pet a dangerous animal in a dream, in life you will do everything to please the management. Just know when to stop, let it be worth it and be justified. Author: Vasilina Serova

It can be difficult to figure out why a tiger dreams. This is a very ambiguous symbol that can be both a positive and negative omen. Even the smallest and seemingly insignificant details will need to be taken into account.

In the Universal Dream Book, a tiger that fawns on a sleeping person foretells the opportunity for him to significantly rise up the career ladder. A new influential, powerful acquaintance will help the person with this. If an animal purrs when stroked, it means that the dreamer will be able to pacify his own aggression, cope with outbursts of anger and suppress animal instincts.

Freud is sure that the tiger (like all predators) symbolizes the sexual excitability of a man or woman. The animal indicates a person’s excessive sensitivity and suggests that he has sadomasochistic tendencies.

In Miller's work, the tiger is, in most cases, a positive harbinger for sleepers of both sexes. He suggests that all the dreamer’s ideas will be successfully realized. And a predator running away from a person promises him a quick victory over his enemies.

A man, a woman had a dream

If the representative of the feline family under discussion enters the house of a sleeping person, then such a plot promises the man an appointment to a prominent position in reality. For a woman, he foreshadows a meeting with a strong and even slightly tyrannical partner. If the sleeping woman likes to obey her significant other, the new relationship will be comfortable for her.

  • It happens that a woman dreams of tigers running out of a cage. If an animal breaks out of captivity, this promises the fair sex the acquisition of the desired independence. She will finally stop depending on her parents or spouse.
  • For a man, such a dream is a hint that in reality he will be accused of excessive temper and intemperance.

A tiger in a dream sits on a tree and looks at the sleeping person?

He points out to the man that in real life he does not notice obvious danger.

You need to be more careful and refuse to participate in any risky enterprises. For a girl, this plot promises a conflict with a cunning and ruthless ill-wisher.

Seeing a white, red tiger in a dream

The interpretation of the dream even depends on such details as the color of the predator’s fur:

  • The white tiger turns out to be a harbinger of unexpected and drastic life changes. How successful they will be depends on the reaction of the sleeper to the animal he meets in a dream.
  • A red-haired predator promises a man or woman fabulous luck. This chance to improve your life should never be missed.
  • A black tiger portends bad things. Trouble will happen due to the dreamer’s too explosive nature and his unreasonable quibbles with other people.

The animal bites, attacks

An aggressive tiger in a dream symbolizes human enemies. If he openly attacks the sleeping person, it means that his enemies will soon act in the same way in reality. We need to prepare in advance for a long war.

Does the predator bite the man or the woman? Such a plot can be considered a harbinger of obstacles on the way to your goals - obstacles to self-realization will appear.

It happens that in night dreams the dreamer is very afraid of a big cat. Most likely, even in reality a person is worried about fears that do not allow him to fully demonstrate his true capabilities and significantly advance his career.

Stroke and feed the tiger

In a dream, did you have to pet a tiger that the dreamer was afraid of? In reality, there will be a need to please your superiors. This will be an unpleasantly difficult task for the sleeper. If the process did not cause fear in a person, it means that he will meet an influential person who will provide him with invaluable help in reality.

Feeding a large, unfriendly cat symbolizes a conflict with others, which the sleeper tries not to notice. To stop it and get rid of this burden, you will need to give in.

Is the dreamer feeding a gentle, calm tiger? This means that he has a huge supply of vital energy, which he spends very wisely.

Kill a tiger in a dream - meaning

Did you manage to quickly and easily destroy a large predator? This means that in reality you will be able to cope with all the problems on your own. The enemies of a man or woman will retreat after receiving a worthy rebuff.

People often dream about the murder of the feline in question shortly after starting a new project. Such a plot is a sign that even the most complex of them can be successfully implemented.

Lots of tigers

A large number of tigers from a dream is an ambiguous symbol. If they surround the sleeping person, it means that in the near future in reality the person will have to take responsibility for the destinies of other people. Such a need will negatively affect the dreamer’s psychological state and may even lead him to depression.

Many aggressive tigers in the house of a man or woman are a clear warning of the danger that is already hanging over a person’s head. In the near future, you need to behave extremely carefully in all areas of life. It is better to enlist the help of family and friends, otherwise even death is possible.

Tigress with cubs

If a man or woman dreams of a tigress with cubs, soon the person will have to actively defend his own interests. It is important not to get confused at the most crucial moment and to be absolutely confident that you are right.

An aggressive predator with a tiger cub from a dream is a bad sign for the fair sex. The plot promises them the appearance of a dangerous rival. Most likely, some cunning, insidious young lady will lay claim to the sleeping man.

A predator with albino tiger cubs that appears in night dreams suggests that a person is very jealous of the success of friends and comrades. This feeling literally eats him up from the inside and interferes with a calm, happy life. It is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Appearing in a dream, a tiger makes it very colorful, because it is a proud and beautiful animal. It represents a symbol of danger and aggression, but then it turns out that its appearance in a dream is a bad sign? This article will talk about why a tiger dreams.

Appearing in a dream, a tiger makes it very colorful

  • Was there a meeting with the beast, or was the dreamer simply looking at it?
  • Human feelings during a meeting with an animal.
  • Behavior and location of the animal, etc.

If a person dreamed of a tiger, it can be interpreted as follows:

  1. The key point of the dream is the skin of the beast. Watching a tiger wash itself or enjoying the beauty of its skin means enjoying life. Such a dream suggests that the dreamer will plunge into an atmosphere of pleasure and the fulfillment of his desires.
  2. If a person hears a tiger's roar in a dream, this means a promotion at work. Moreover, the stronger the beast growls, the better the new position will be.
  3. Seeing a white tiger or an albino tiger in a dream means hypocrisy on the part of close friends. A person should think about his surroundings; most likely, someone is weaving intrigues behind his back.
  4. Dreaming of a cute tiger cub means that next to the dreamer there is a very strong and powerful personality who influences his destiny. But you should not distance yourself from this person, because there is no point in expecting any trick from her.
  5. To dream of a proud, beautiful and graceful tiger walking along the road means a long and strong friendship.
  6. It is believed that a tiger can appear in a dream when a person has found a strong patron.
  7. If the animal is angry with the dreamer or is about to attack him, this means that he will soon have to face the betrayal of a person from whom this was not expected.

A tiger frightened by something symbolizes a person’s own fear. Most likely, very soon the dreamer will find himself in a situation where not his best qualities will be revealed.

Why do you dream about a tiger (video)

Why does a woman dream about a tiger?

If a woman dreamed that she won a fight with an animal, good luck will favor her in all her endeavors

If a woman had to see a tiger in a dream, then it can be interpreted as follows:

  • If she dreamed of a tiger approaching her, whose thoughts were not clear, then in real life the girl will encounter ill-wishers.
  • A dream in which a woman was attacked by this beast foreshadows despondency due to conflicts with other people.
  • If a woman dreamed that she won a fight with an animal, good luck will favor her in all her endeavors. A dream in which the animal had to run away from the dreamer could have the same interpretation.
  • But if a woman dreamed of an affectionate, cute tiger cub, this indicates that her current chosen one is not honest with her. Perhaps she doesn't know him well.

Dreaming of a tiger attacking

An attack by someone or something in dreams is always associated with long-term experiences and stress in real life. Such a dream is a harbinger for the dreamer that he will soon have to make every effort to achieve his goal.

So, a dream in which a tiger attacks, growls and attacks a person is interpreted as follows:

  1. If on the eve of such a dream a person decided to do something significant, then there is no need to expect a favorable outcome of events. Failure and the inability to influence the situation - this is what the dreamer will face.
  2. A large approaching tiger symbolizes the image of the enemy. The dreamer must be wary of his enemies, because one of them could harm his reputation.
  3. The attacking beast is associated with despair and depression. If a tiger attacks in a dream, a person will be subject to attacks from other people, this will significantly affect his self-esteem.

Why do you dream of a tiger in the house?

If the dreamer happened to see a tiger in the house, this can be interpreted in two ways

If the dreamer happened to see a tiger in the house, this can be interpreted in two ways:

  • On the one hand, a person expects success, happiness and positive emotions. The fact is that if such a large and terrible animal as a tiger is in a home environment, this is associated with a feeling of security. A person will feel comfortable and good in real life.
  • On the other hand, a rather large burden of responsibility will fall on the person. As you know, you have to pay for everything good in life, including comfort.

The main thing that the dreamer must understand after such a dream is that to achieve success you need to make every effort.

Kill a tiger in a dream

  • If in a dream a person had to kill a tiger, this indicates that he will reach his goal, despite all the obstacles. In such a dream, the image of a tiger is associated with the image of the dreamer's enemy. Therefore, the interpretation is quite simple: the dreamer will be able to defeat those who prevent him from reaching the desired peak.
  • If on the eve of this dream a person has a conflict situation, then he will certainly emerge victorious from it.
  • If the dreamer has some troubles in his life, he will cope with them without making significant efforts.
  • A person will be able to identify all his secret enemies and ill-wishers and limit their influence on himself.

It turns out that according to the dream book, killing a wild cat is a very good sign, foreshadowing the dreamer many positive events and emotions.

The meaning of a tiger in Miller's dream book

Miller interprets the image of a tiger as an image of an enemy

Miller interprets the image of a tiger as an image of an enemy.

  • An approaching tiger is associated with approaching stress due to conflicts with the enemy.
  • Attacking animals dream that the dreamer will be plunged into stress by communicating with a bad and evil person.
  • However, if in his dream a person was able to defeat a wild cat, success and victory over the enemy await him.
  • The tiger flees - a person can cope with all failures and problems.

Stroke a gentle, kind tiger in a dream

A kind animal always dreams of something good

If a person had to pet a kind tiger, feed him or play with him, then this means that in real life he will be useful to someone. If during stroking the dreamer is embarrassed or apprehensive, he will have to please his superiors.

In general, a kind animal always dreams of something good. If a person managed to establish contact with him, then in real life he will be surrounded by people with whom communication will be very pleasant. Also, such a dream can promise a meeting with a true friend.

Why do you dream of a tiger in a cage?

In this dream, it is very important to pay attention to the emotions that arise in a person while he looks at a wild animal driven into a cage.

  1. If the dreamer sees a tiger in a cage that he himself drove into the same cage, rejoicing and triumph await him in real life. The symbol of a tiger in a cage is associated with victory over an ill-wisher and achieving your goal. If on the eve of sleep a person had competitors in some type of activity, then they will certainly fade into the background.
  2. If while a person looks at an animal he rejoices, this is a very good sign. The stronger the rejoicing in a dream, the stronger it will be in real life.
  3. Does the dreamer, looking at the animal in the cage, feel pity for him? In real life, a person will sympathize with one of his close friends or relatives.

Tiger in a dream (video)

It turns out that “tiger” dreams in most cases do not pose any danger. The strength, fearlessness and courage of the tiger will certainly influence the course of the dreamer’s events in real life, introducing into it an atmosphere of power and strong will.

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