How to make real manti. Delicious dough for manti. Classic recipe for manti dough. The dough recipe is universal and insanely simple.

Good afternoon dear friends. Winter is just around the corner, which means that we have a long weekend ahead of us and an extra reason to meet with family and friends. And where there are gatherings, one cannot do without a feast. And probably many housewives are concerned with the question of how to surprise their guests?! I suggest you don’t rack your brains, but take a classic dish -.

After all, I think that everyone loves meat in dough!! Most likely, many will cook for the New Year's table, at least in our family it is a custom to celebrate the year with the obligatory presence of this dish. But manta rays, or poses as they are also called, will be very relevant for the winter holidays.

In general, this dish is very popular among many nations, and if we draw an analogy with this dish, it will look like this: in Russia - these are dumplings, in Italy - ravioli, in Georgia - khinkali, in Ukraine - dumplings, and in Lithuania - sorcerers . But for experienced cooks, and for me too, these are all different dishes.

The homeland of manta rays is China, which has a very interesting history. I came across it by accident, read it, I think you will be surprised.

From the history!! As the Chinese legend says, the dish owes its origin to the commander Liang Junge. So he had to sacrifice 50 men to the spirits, but since he did not want to give up his warriors, he resorted to deception: the commander asked to make buns from the dough that looked like human heads, and then fill them with beef. The spirits did not notice the substitution and were pleased. Well, the recipe caught on and became popular in many countries.

The best recipe for manti dough so that it is elastic and does not tear

I want to say that for this dish it is very important to knead the correct dough, because not only the taste, but also the preservation of the juicy filling will depend on it.

I bring to your attention a universal method of preparing dough; it is suitable both for our food and for dumplings and dumplings, and some even make chebureks from it.

Also in the process I will share with you some tricks, follow them and you will succeed!! 😉


  • Flour - 700 gr.;
  • Water - 1 tbsp.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Take a deep container and sift flour into it, and make a well in the middle.

2. Beat an egg into it and add salt. Now stir everything well with a spoon.

Advice!! It is better to knead the dough in hot water. Many people replace water with warm milk.

4. Knead the dough, the longer you do this, the better. You should end up with a fairly stiff but elastic mass.

Advice!! You need to knead it for at least 10 minutes.

5. The next step is to cover the dough with a bag, cling film or a damp towel. This way, when rolled out, it will become much softer and more pliable. Leave everything like this for 1 hour or more.

So, I’ll summarize all the nuances of preparing thin dough so that it doesn’t tear:

  • It’s better to use two types of wheat flour at once;
  • the correct proportion of water to flour is 1:2;
  • for 1 kg of flour you need to add at least two eggs;
  • Be sure to let the mixture sit under a damp towel.

And one more clarification: manti cakes should be rolled out thinly to 1 mm, which is why we need strong and elastic dough.

Different ways to sculpt manti: with a braid and a rose

Let's move on. And now I want to immediately touch on the issue of step-by-step options for sculpting our product. We will consider, in my opinion, the most popular and effective types of serves, and don’t be afraid that you won’t succeed, in fact, everything is simple, the main thing is to practice.

  • An easy way to sculpt manti with a rose

This method is considered the most elementary, since it does not involve complex twists or bends.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take the dough and roll it out into an oblong layer using a rolling pin.

2. Now make a beautiful curly strip from it, for example in the shape of a wave.

On a note!! You can use special figured knives for cutting.

3. Take the minced meat and place it on our workpiece to the middle.

4. Fold the ribbon in half.

5. Now carefully roll it into a roll.

6. Adjust the petals with your hands to create a rose.

  • How to beautifully make manta rays with a pigtail

Pigtail modeling is known to many; it also captivates everyone with its simplicity and beauty.

Manufacturing process:

1. Roll out an oval layer. And make circles out of it using a glass. Take one of the resulting circles and place the filling in the center.

2. Cover the filling base with the edge of the dough.

3. Now we make small tucks on both edges and put them on top of each other.

4. Repeat pinching and folding, picking up more and more portions of dough as you move towards the top of the pie.

5. Simply connect the edge that you have left together.

And if you have plenty of time, you can practice the following types of modeling:

  • Triangle

  • Flower

  • Fish

Well, we’ll talk about the classic method a little lower, but we shouldn’t forget about it either!!

Step-by-step recipe for making manti with meat

Now it’s time to understand all the nuances of preparing a meat dish and find out what is used as a filling.

In general, different types of meat are added to this dish; some cook it from beef, pork and even chicken, and in distant countries they use camel meat as a basis. But still, the filling with minced lamb meat is traditional.


  • Lamb - 700 gr.;
  • Onion - 5 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Dough (see recipe above) - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Take the lamb pulp, rinse and dry. Cut into pieces: some cut larger, some smaller. Do as you please.

2. Chop the onion and chop it into small cubes.

3. Add a little salt to the chopped onion and stir to obtain juice.

4. Combine the meat with the onion and mix well with your hand again. If desired, the minced meat can be peppered.

5. Take our elastic dough and roll it into a thin layer. Cut into squares.

6. Place the meat mixture in the center of each square, about one teaspoon.

7. We form our cakes with meat, connecting all the corners.

8. Dip the bottom of each resulting piece in vegetable oil, and then place it in a double boiler and set the time for 45 minutes. This way, our dish will not break through when pulled out, and we will retain all our juice.

On a note!! Manti, unlike dumplings and dumplings, are steamed and not boiled in a pan. For this purpose, use a special manty dish, double boiler or multicooker.

Recipe for manti with meat and potatoes so that they are juicy inside

In addition to the meat filling with onions, very often they try to add vegetables, such as potatoes, to the minced meat. And this type of cooking really attracts me and many people appreciate it, making the dish only according to this recipe. And the whole point is that thanks to potato pieces, the poses become very, very juicy.


For the test:

  • Flour - 3.5 tbsp;
  • Water - 1 tbsp.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon..

For filling:

  • Minced meat - 500 gr.;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Onions - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Salt, pepper, zra - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Break an egg into a deep cup, pour in water and add salt. Stir and gradually add the sifted flour to the mixture. Knead the dough, cover with a damp towel and leave for an hour.

2. At this time, let's prepare the filling. This time I took beef and pork, somewhere in equal proportions. Chop it finely. I also cut onions and potatoes into small pieces. Season the finished minced meat with salt and pepper, add corn.

Advice!! Many potatoes and onions are grated on a coarse grater, but I don’t advise you to do this, otherwise the meat will not be 100% juicy.

3. Now let's start sculpting. Pinch off a small piece of dough and make a sausage. Cut it into 8 pieces and roll out flat cakes with a diameter of 12 cm.

4. Put the filling in each flatbread and make manti.

5. Lubricate the bottom of the mantyshnitsa with vegetable oil and lay out our poses for 60 minutes.

Advice!! To ensure that our preparations do not tear, it is convenient to first lay out slices of zucchini or leaves of Chinese cabbage, and only then place manti on top. Just do not cover the holes in the dishes, otherwise the steam will not pass through properly.

6. The finished dish can be decorated with finely chopped dill or parsley.

Preparing poses with pumpkin at home

We will also add bacon and cheese, just lick your fingers, my mouth is already watering))


  • Pumpkin - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Bacon - 400 gr.;
  • Cheese that melts easily - 300 gr.;
  • Provençal herbs - to taste;
  • Dough - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pumpkin into pieces and remove the peel and seeds.

2. Then grate it on a coarse grater and be sure to squeeze out excess juice.

3. Add spices to the pumpkin.

4. Peel the onion and grind it in a blender. Send to pumpkin mixture.

5. Mix everything well.

6. Make small cakes from the dough.

7. We replace meat with bacon. Remove the skin from the bacon and cut it into slices.

8. Place bacon on rolled out tortilla and top with pumpkin filling.

9. Top with three cheeses.

10. We sculpt our product using the classic method:

  • fasten the parallel edges in one place;

  • We do the same with the second parallel edges;

  • connect the side edges on one side and the other;

  • fix them well with your hands.

11. Steam the dish for an hour, not forgetting to grease the dishes with vegetable oil. Bon appetit!!

Delicious manti with meat and cabbage

Since it is unlikely that you will be able to find a pumpkin in winter, I suggest making a dish using regular white cabbage. Just right for a change!!


  • Flour - 500 gr.;
  • Water - 1 tbsp.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Meat - 600 gr.;
  • White cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 gr.;
  • Ground black pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Mix egg, water and salt. Slowly pour in the sifted flour and knead the dough. Cover with cling film and leave for 30 minutes.

2. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, and finely chop the peeled onion and cabbage into cubes. Add vegetable oil, pepper and salt. Mix everything well.

3. Model the poses using a bag or in a way convenient for you (see modeling options above).

4. You can immediately cook the meat dish in a pressure cooker or double boiler for 40 minutes, or freeze it for future use.

Advice!! Be sure to place the manti at a distance from each other, as during cooking they increase in volume and can stick together.

Video on how to properly prepare beef poses

Of course, I want you to see in real life the process of preparing our delicious food. I found a good video for you. We will cook manti with beef.

By the way, after cooking, I really like to fry them in a frying pan until golden brown in butter, it turns out just amazing!!

Bonus recipe for lazy manti

They are also popular among many nations. Everything is done in the form of a roll, and the taste is not lost. My friend from Dagestan often treats our family to this dish, although she always adds chopped walnuts to the filling.


  • Lamb pulp - 500 gr.;
  • Potatoes - 400 gr.;
  • Flour - 0.5 kg;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Fat - 100 gr.;
  • Salt, red and black pepper - to taste;
  • Oil - for lubrication;
  • Water - for dough.

Cooking method:

1. Knead the dough and let it rest.

2. Peel and rinse the onion, cut into small pieces.

3. Peel the potatoes and also cut them into cubes.

4. Finely chop the fat and roll it together with the meat.

5. Combine vegetables with minced meat, add spices, mix well.

6. Roll out the dough into a very thin layer.

7. Grease the resulting circle with oil and place our prepared minced meat on it.

8. Smooth the filling around the entire perimeter, leaving some space at the edges.

9. Gently roll the roll, pressing the dough on each curl.

10. Secure the edges and place our large manti in a double boiler for 40 minutes. Be sure to thoroughly grease the steamer bowl with oil.

11. Cut the finished dish into pieces and pour over your favorite sauce, preferably garlic.

Well, my dear readers, haven’t I tired you?! Tell us, how often do you cook this dish and according to what recipes?? For us, this is a traditional dinner; two or three times a month I always cook juicy manti, and instead of dressing I use soy sauce. I look forward to your comments and say goodbye. See you!!

Do you want to make something tasty, satisfying, unusual and at the same time without high costs? Try the manti recipe. Such a dish will certainly surprise your family and make you famous among your friends as a zealous housewife and skillful cook.

Manti dough can be prepared in several ways with different ingredients. It can be as simple as it is, or made with milk or kefir.

Universal dough for manti

Required Products:

  • half a small spoon of salt;
  • 0.8 kg flour;
  • a large spoon of olive or vegetable oil;
  • one egg;
  • a little more than half a small spoon of sugar;
  • 0.1 liters of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the contents of the egg into the specified amount of flour, add oil, salt and mix.
  2. Then add sugar, pour in water and mix thoroughly again. You need to do this for at least 10 minutes so that the dough has a good consistency.
  3. We wrap it in cling film and put it in the cold for 15 minutes, after which the workpiece can be used.

Recipe for manti in Uzbek

Required Products:

  • 100 milliliters of water;
  • one egg;
  • a little salt to taste;
  • 0.3 kg flour.

Cooking process:

  1. Break the egg into water at room temperature and beat a little with a fork until the mixture is homogeneous.
  2. Add salt to your taste and flour. We begin to knead and bring it until smooth so that nothing sticks to the skin.

Delicate version with milk

Required Products:

  • 0.25 liters of milk;
  • 700 grams of flour;
  • half a small spoon of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the milk on the stove and wait until it starts to boil.
  2. Add a little salt and a third of the specified amount of flour, stirring the contents. The mass should come out thick and slightly sticky.
  3. Gently start adding the remaining flour and bring the mixture to the desired consistency. Let it rest for 30 minutes and you can move on to sculpting.

Classic recipe with water without eggs

Required Products:

  • 0.5 liters of water:
  • 0.7 kg flour;
  • pinch of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the flour in a deep container so that there is a mound in the middle. We make a hole in it, add salt and a little water there.
  2. We begin to mix and bring to the desired state, while gradually adding water.
  3. When a non-sticky ball is formed, remove it for 30 minutes, covering it with something. After this time, the dough can be used.

Choux pastry for manti

Required Products:

  • a glass of just boiled water;
  • vegetable oil – 20 milliliters;
  • 0.6 kg flour;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Take a little more than half the specified amount of flour, mix with salt and water.
  2. Carefully mix the contents and add the remaining flour, butter and bring to the desired consistency with your hands.
  3. After the dough ball has rested in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, it is ready to use.

Simple kefir base

Required Products:

  • 3 cups flour;
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 liters of kefir;
  • half a small spoon of salt and the same amount of soda.

Cooking process:

  1. Add salt, baking soda and butter to kefir at room temperature and mix.
  2. Add flour and begin stirring for at least 10 minutes. If necessary, add more flour - check the consistency. The dough should be smooth and elastic.
  3. Leave it for 20 minutes under cling film. Then you can roll it out and prepare manti based on it.

On mineral water

Required Products:

  • 0.25 liters of mineral water;
  • salt to your taste;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 cups flour;
  • 200 grams of sour cream.

Cooking process:

  1. In a deep container, combine the contents of the egg, salt and sour cream. Whisk everything a little with a whisk until the salt dissolves.
  2. Pour mineral water into this mass, add flour and use your hands to bring it to elasticity. Remove for 30 minutes, after which the dough is ready for further cooking.

How to cook delicious and juicy manti?

To make manti, you can use any dough you like. And you can choose the filling from a variety of recipes presented.

Traditional manti in Uzbek

Uzbek manti, of course, is similar to dumplings, but still it is a different dish.

And the classic version uses lamb.

Required Products:

  • 0.5 kg lamb;
  • required amount of dough for manti;
  • seasonings;
  • two large onions.

Cooking process:

  1. We divide lamb into meat and fat. We chop both into small squares, mix with onions, which we season with spices in advance.
  2. We cut the dough into thin squares, put a little filling in them and fasten them well.
  3. Cook the prepared envelopes in a pressure cooker or in a multicooker for steam for 45 minutes.

With potato

Manti with potatoes is an Asian analogue of the usual dumplings, but there are some differences in the cooking process.

Required Products:

  • seasonings and herbs;
  • potatoes - five pieces;
  • onion – 0.3 kg;
  • about 0.6 kg of manti dough.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the potatoes, turn them into cubes using a knife, combine with chopped onions, herbs and spices.
  2. We make a thin layer of dough, cut out oval shapes, put the filling there, glue the edges together with our hands and send it to the pressure cooker.
  3. Cook for about 40 minutes, covered, after the water begins to boil.

Lazy manti in the oven

There are also lazy manti that can be cooked in the oven without much fuss.

Required Products:

  • 0.4 kg of potatoes;
  • bulb;
  • spices;
  • half a kilogram of any meat;
  • dough – 0.6 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. Chop the meat very finely or pass it through a meat grinder. Mix with chopped onions and potatoes, which need to be cut into thin strips. Season all this with spices to your taste.
  2. We make a round layer of dough (not too thick) and cover it with the filling so that there is some space left around the edges.
  3. Roll the dough with the filling into a roll, seal the edges and put it in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

The finished dish is cut into pieces. You can also top it with sauce to taste.

Lenten manti with pumpkin

Manti with pumpkin are prepared from the simplest dough without eggs. And it turns out to be a satisfying and healthy dish.

  • onion and sweet pepper;
  • seasonings;
  • 0.7 kg of dough without eggs, in water;
  • 0.3 kg pumpkin;
  • greenery.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the pumpkin, remove the skin and grate it. Mix with chopped peppers and onions, season with any spices and herbs.
  2. Make a layer out of the dough and cut it into equal squares. Fill each with pumpkin filling and secure.
  3. Steam for 25 minutes - by this time the pumpkin should have become soft.

Manti with meat in a slow cooker

There is a special device for preparing this dish, but you can make manti in a slow cooker if your model has a suitable mode for this.

Required Products:

  • 0.5 kg of manti dough;
  • two onions;
  • spices;
  • 600 grams of any meat.

Cooking process:

  1. Chop the meat very finely with a knife, add chopped onion to it, add seasonings and knead.
  2. We turn the dough into a sausage, cut it into pieces and make round cakes from each. Place a spoonful of prepared minced meat in them and carefully fasten them together with your hands.
  3. Place the pieces on the steamer tray, fill the bowl with water, turn on the “Steam” mode, setting the time to about 45 minutes.

Beef option

Minced manti is usually made from lamb, which is not twisted, but chopped.

But this meat is not a frequent guest on our tables, so it can be replaced with beef.

Required Products:

  • bulb;
  • 0.3 kg beef;
  • seasonings;
  • half a kilogram of dough.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the meat well, remove excess parts and chop thoroughly.
  2. Mix with onion, cut into squares, and season this mixture with various spices.
  3. We cut out squares from the dough, put a little prepared filling on them and fashion manti.
  4. We bring them to readiness within 40 minutes using any “steam” method.

In Tatar

Delicious and satisfying manti, which are slightly different from the traditional version.

Required Products:

  • three potatoes;
  • two onions;
  • any suitable dough – 0.5 kg;
  • clove of garlic and spices;
  • 0.3 kg of meat.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the selected meat, chop it, mix it with chopped potatoes and onions, and sprinkle with seasonings.
  2. We separate pieces from the dough, make flat cakes out of them and fill them with the prepared filling. We seal the edges so that the blanks are in the form of manta rays.
  3. Place them in the pressure cooker and wait about 40 minutes until the dish is ready.

Delicious and juicy manti with lamb

To make the dish really juicy, you will need fatty lamb and onions, which should be more than meat.

To prepare you will need:

  • lard – 50 grams;
  • 0.3 kg lamb;
  • onion – 0.4 kg;
  • spices;
  • 0.6 kg of dough.

Cooking process:

  1. Finely chop the onion, mix with spices, and then with chopped lamb and lard. Leave this mass to infuse for some time.
  2. Then you should roll out the dough and cut into squares. Place a small amount of prepared filling in them, secure the edges well together and steam until cooked. This will take approximately 40 minutes.

Original recipe with fish

Of course, manti are always made with meat, but you can experiment a little and cook them with fish.

Required Products:

  • seasonings;
  • 0.5 kg of dough;
  • 100 grams of onion;
  • egg;
  • one pink salmon.

Cooking process:

  1. We clean the fish, cut into pieces and grind in a meat grinder along with peeled onions. Add egg and seasonings to this mixture.
  2. Cut out small circles from the dough, fill them with filling and seal them.
  3. Place the workpieces in a pressure cooker, which has been pre-lubricated with oil, and steam for 40 minutes.

Cooking in a steamer

You can bring the manti to readiness in a pressure cooker, a slow cooker, or use the most ordinary double boiler, in which this process is faster, since there is a lot of space in the device.

One can argue for a long time about who first invented manta rays. But almost everyone will agree that this dish is very tasty.
Manti connoisseurs and lovers claim that they can be prepared with absolutely any filling: meat, mushrooms, potatoes, pumpkin and herbs.

The dough for manti can also be different. It is mixed with water and milk, kefir and yogurt. It is made fresh and sour (yeast). The only thing that remains unchanged is the method of boiling them - steaming. To do this, use a pressure cooker, a double boiler, a multicooker, even a colander.

Write down the most interesting recipes for manti stuffed with minced meat and potatoes, pumpkin, chicken liver, prepared at home.

Manti with chicken liver in a pressure cooker

This dish is not for everyone. If you are lukewarm about this offal, then such manti may disappoint you. Manti turns out to be satisfying, with a pronounced liver taste.

Boiled liver is soft, but a little dry, so manti with chicken liver is not as juicy as with meat or vegetables. Therefore, it is recommended to serve them at the dinner table with gravy. It will not only make the manti juicier, but also enrich its taste.


  • Products for unleavened dough: sifted wheat flour - 320 g (later you need to add about 90 g more);
  • boiled water – 125 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • sunflower oil – 15 g.
  • For the filling: chicken liver – 350 g;
  • onion – 350 g;
  • pumpkin – 150-200 g;
  • red pepper;
  • salt;
  • paprika – 1/3-1/6 tsp.
  • And also: any vegetable gravy.

How to cook manti at home - step-by-step recipe with photos

How to prepare unleavened manti dough

Pour warm water and sunflower oil into a small container, add salt and egg.

Lightly whisk the liquid until the egg and salt are completely combined with the water.

Some housewives, when planning to make dough for manti, use the entire amount of flour specified in the recipe at once. This should not be done, since the thickness of the dough depends not only on the amount of flour, but also on its quality, gluten, and also on the size of the egg. Therefore, part of the flour must be added already on the table - when kneading the dough.

Pour flour into a bowl and pour in the egg mixture.

Stir with a spoon until all the liquid is absorbed into the flour.

Place 3 tablespoons of flour on the table and turn out the dough.

Knead it for at least 20 minutes, gradually adding flour sprinkled on the table. Usually, by the end of kneading, there is no more flour left, and the dough becomes moderately tight and smooth.

Place it in a bag and leave for 35-45 minutes. The rested dough will become plastic and pliable.

How to prepare the filling with liver for manti

Examine the chicken liver from all sides to exclude the presence of bile and places that have turned green from contact with it, otherwise it will taste bitter. Fill it with cold water and leave for one hour. Rinse well.

Place the liver in a colander or sieve, wait until all the water has drained.

Cut the liver into small pieces. Add chopped onion.

Peel the pumpkin, wash it, cut it into small cubes. Combine with the rest of the filling.

Add salt, pepper and paprika to the manti filling, depending on your taste preferences.

Mix the mixture well. Despite the fact that the filling turns out to be liquid, the juice from the meat and vegetables will not accumulate at the bottom of the bowl.

How to beautifully sculpt manti - step-by-step instructions with photos

Place the finished dough on the table. To prevent it from sticking to the countertop when cutting, sprinkle the work surface with flour. Cut the dough into several pieces.

Form into thick sausages and cut them into balls.

Mash each piece into a flat cake.

Then roll out the workpiece into a very thin piece, with its middle being thicker than the edges. Place the chicken liver, pumpkin and onion filling in the center of the tortilla.

To prevent the filling from leaking out, make manti by gathering the edges of the dough in the middle in the form of a “bag”.

How to cook manti with liver and serve

Lubricate the cascans of the pressure cooker with oil. Place the manti on the grill at a distance from each other. Place them in the pressure cooker, placing the cascans on top of each other. Cook the manti with liver at a vigorous boil, covering the dish with a lid, for 35-40 minutes.

Place the finished manti on a dish and immediately pour oil over it. Place a portion of manti on a plate, pour over the gravy, sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe for manti with potatoes and minced meat

Manti is steamed, so for cooking you will need a special pan - a steam cooker. If there is none, then a double boiler or multicooker can replace it to some extent.

Every possible combination of dough and meat is a common feature in the national cuisine of the East. Manta rays are a prime example of this combination. As a rule, such dishes are adapted to Russian cuisine by adding potatoes, and pork or beef is used for minced meat instead of lamb.


  • For unleavened dough: wheat flour - 400 - 500 g;
  • one egg;
  • boiled water - 400 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • Filling: homemade minced meat (pork and beef) - 600 g;
  • potatoes, cut into medium cubes - about 600 g;
  • onions - about 600 g;
  • salt, spices.

How to cook

Prepare manti dough with potatoes and minced meat. It is kneaded like dumplings, but only one egg is added.

If the dough is kneaded without eggs, then the manti is prepared immediately, without leaving it to freeze.

Sift the flour into a cup, make a well in the middle, and beat in the egg. Pour 100 ml. boiled, cooled water.

Add a pinch of salt and three tablespoons of sunflower oil. Knead, gradually adding water (another 300 ml.). Then pour a glass of flour onto the table and level it, put the dough on the table on the flour, knead. Roll the finished dough in flour, wrap it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

We prepare the filling for manti from minced meat with potatoes. If the minced meat is not fat enough, add lard. It can be finely chopped or minced in a meat grinder.

Onions give juiciness and unique taste to this dish. If there are not enough onions, this will negatively affect the result. The minced meat will stick together into one lump inside, and the manti will lose its juiciness.

The onion must be cut into cubes, like potatoes, and not minced.

Stir, add a teaspoon of salt, black pepper and spices to taste.

To get rid of the excess liquid that potatoes provide, the minced meat should be placed in a sieve or colander and put in the freezer for twenty minutes. After this, it will be much easier to sculpt the manti, the juice will not interfere with the sculpting.

Remove the rested dough from the refrigerator and cut into pieces the size of a walnut. You can first roll out the flat cakes, and then proceed directly to modeling. Then, after rolling, cover the flatbreads with cellophane so that the dough does not dry out and lose elasticity.

How to make manti with potatoes and minced meat in a rosette. The flatbreads should not be too thin, but they should not be too thick either. Place the minced meat into the flatbread and pinch the opposite edges on top.

Pinch the edges on the other side. The result should be a kind of envelope.

Connect adjacent corners of the envelope with soda. At both sides.

To ensure that the finished manti can be easily removed and not torn, the clean and dry levels of the manti cooker are lubricated with sunflower oil.

When cooked, the manti will increase in size. Therefore, the distance between them is left sufficient so that the mantas do not stick together as a result. 11-15 pieces are placed on one level, depending on the size.

The tiers with manti prepared for cooking are placed on the pan only when the water is already boiling.
Manti should be cooked for 45 minutes to one hour.

If a multicooker is used to prepare manti, the cooking time increases to 1 hour 15 minutes.

Cook with the lid closed.

Manti with pumpkin and mushrooms - a simple and tasty recipe

Manti with pumpkin and mushrooms is an excellent alternative to meat dishes. Suitable for people following a low-calorie diet, a vegetarian diet, it is possible to use this dish during Christian fasting, in this case we remove sour cream and butter from the recipe and replace it with olive oil.

In general, this dish is very good because its nutritional and taste properties are not inferior to meat manti, and even surpass them in the content of nutrients and vitamins. So it’s perfect for people who are on a diet, but sometimes want to eat a hearty and tasty meal! Properly cooked pumpkin, combined with mushrooms and onions, gives an excellent meaty taste!

We will need

  • unleavened dough;
  • pumpkin - 200 grams;
  • champignons - 200 grams;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • ground black pepper, salt, sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons.

How to cook manti stuffed with pumpkin and mushrooms

Cut pumpkin and mushrooms into small cubes. Chop the onion, fry it in oil until transparent, add salt, pepper and mushrooms, simmer it all for 5 minutes over low heat, mix everything well with the pumpkin. We don’t stew the pumpkin, we put it in raw manti.

Prepare the dough for manti: in a dough bowl, mix 1 egg, 2/3 cup of water, a pinch of salt and 3 cups of flour.
Roll out the dough, cut into squares, add minced meat, make manti, steam and cook for 20-30 minutes. When serving, garnish with herbs, sour cream, and melted butter. Tasty and easy!

Video: delicious manti with meat in a slow cooker

Note to the housewife: how to cook manti deliciously

Be sure to keep the part of the dough that you are not working with in a bag, otherwise it will dry out.

To prevent the finished manti from sticking to the wire rack, before placing it on it, dip each product (bottom only) into a saucer with oil.

For gravy, you can use ordinary vegetables: onions, carrots and bell peppers. Sauté them in oil, add a small amount of water, and add spices. Simmer vegetables for 30 minutes.

Manta rays are known all over the world. Why gourmets and lovers of simple food liked it so much can only be understood by trying it. The main thing is that the manti be real, that very unique, authentic, incomparable... This is exactly the kind of dish you can prepare, based on the step-by-step guide. Finally, all the secrets of the chef's art are revealed: from kneading dough to the riddle of how to wrap manti.

Ingredients for Success

As it should be in every magical task, in order to prepare manti with brilliant results, you need to meet three conditions:

  1. Quality products.
  2. Sharp knife.
  3. Good mood.

for manti

The recipe for its preparation is elementary simple, like all great works. There is nothing in it except flour, a pinch of salt and water.

The ratio is approximately this: half a glass of water per 500 grams of flour. It is impossible to give exact proportions, because the volume of the product will vary depending on the quality of the flour and even the temperature of the water. You may have heard the expression: “How long will the dough take?” It just means that the dough needs to be kneaded thoroughly, stirring in flour in portions, until the dough stops sticking to your hands, and itself becomes smooth, elastic and pleasant to the touch.

At this moment you should not roll it out. Set aside this recipe calls for. And no less than 20 minutes. Time is necessary for the dough to finally “set” and acquire elasticity.

You can prepare the dough differently for the one offered to your attention, which is far from the only one. Moreover, there are many of them. There is no doubt that once you try manti, you will make it again and again. Change the recipe for dough and fillings until you get your favorite result.

Butter dough

Sift a kilogram of flour onto the table, add a teaspoon of salt. Make a “crater” in the center of the flour slide, pour one egg and three tablespoons of vegetable oil into it (you can do without it). Mix.

As you knead the dough, add room temperature milk in portions, about one tablespoon at a time. You may need about half a glass in total.

The butter dough needs much more time to rise - up to one hour. Wrap it in cling film and send it to rest.

A very tasty and beautiful dough is made using just yolks. For half a kilo of flour you will need from 6 to 10 yolks. The quantity depends on their size.

The method of preparing the dough will not affect how to wrap the manti.

Advice! The dough can also be made in a food processor. This greatly simplifies the task and provides an opportunity for creative experiments. For example, add chopped spinach to the dough. In this case, it will acquire a pleasant greenish tint and additional taste.

The dough in the food processor is considered ready when it comes together into a single lump. Don't miss this moment. Over stirring will ruin everything.


While the dough is being laid out, it's time to make the filling. Minced meat can be anything, even vegetarian, that is, exclusively vegetable. Very tasty manti stuffed with cheese and boiled eggs (grate on a coarse grater and mix). But still, real manti are stuffed with lamb. But not in a meat grinder, but with a sharp knife, finely chopped!

Chop about 800 grams of lamb and 200 g of chicken fat. This fat is very soft and will completely dissolve during cooking, making the minced meat unusually juicy. For the same purpose, add 400 grams of onions, cut into thin half rings. Salt and pepper to taste and pour in a couple of tablespoons of oil. You can add a glass of pumpkin, cut into small cubes, to the minced meat. Of course, not everyone loves it, but there are no true manti without pumpkin. It unusually refreshes the taste and makes it richer.

On a note. Only in minced lamb, beef, chicken or a mixture of them should you add interior or this component is not added to the pork filling.


All the ingredients are ready, which means it’s time to put the manti-kaskan on the fire. Don't be upset if you don't have such utensils. A regular steamer will replace it. Fill the pan three-quarters full with water and place it on the stove. Let the water boil...

How to wrap manti correctly

Now you know the traditional Uzbek way of wrapping manti.

  • Grease the grated bottom of the steamer with vegetable oil. Before putting the manti into the pan, their side surfaces also need to be greased with oil. This is where you need a bowl with vegetable fat. Dip the mantu and place in a double boiler.

  • Place the manti at some distance from each other so that they do not stick together.
  • Cover the pan with a lid. After 45 minutes the manti are ready.

Variation No. 1

If you are surprised by what manta rays look like, it means that you got an idea of ​​them in public catering places. Because they serve manti of a different shape. This does not mean that they are “wrong”. It’s just that when things get underway, there’s no way to mold a complex figure out of dough. Perhaps your loved ones loved the Uzbek dish so much that it is “vitally” important for you to know how to wrap manti in a “bag”:

  • Place the filling in the center of the mug:

  • Raise one edge and make the first fold:

  • Use the thumb and index finger of your left hand to hold the dough, and with your right hand, add new folds until you get a nice “bag”.
  • “Pinch” the dough on two opposite sides.

  • Start forming beautiful pleats from the center pin point outward.

  • You should get about three folds on each side, six in total.

Please note that the beautiful grooves are located on only one side. So, probably, now the question of how to wrap manti (there were enough photographs and theory!) should not arise. This is a matter of aesthetic taste, which is also not disputed. You can make three folds on different sides or come up with your own version.

Hello everyone who visited my blog today! So today we will cook the most delicious homemade manti together. Even if you have never cooked this dish before, there is no need to be afraid. They will definitely be tasty and juicy - the main thing is to choose the right recipe.

They have long ceased to be a dish of any specific national cuisine. All peoples in the post-Soviet space prepare them. Therefore, I ask you not to be like tactless individuals who argue about the pronunciation - manti or manta. For us, the main thing is not the emphasis, but the taste! Everyone can pronounce it as they like, but be kind enough to cook according to established recipes.

In this article we will show you how to knead dough for manti. How to prepare minced manti at home. And we’ll show you several ways to make manta rays with your own hands. You can choose any method of sculpting manti you like. We will also prepare homemade manti with potatoes. And tender manti with pumpkin. These recipes are in front of you. Choose any according to your taste and cook with pleasure.

Homemade manti - step-by-step recipe with photos

This is a classic recipe. I knead the dough for manti without eggs. I make minced meat only from lamb, fat tail fat and onions. I also love manti with fried onions.

What you will need:


  1. I knead the dough. I pour the water into a bowl and add salt. I add sifted flour and knead a thin dough. I pour the remaining flour onto the table and knead the already stiff dough with my hands. I leave it to sit in the bag.
  2. I will chop minced meat, fat tail and onions. It is advisable to chop the meat and fat tail into small pieces with a sharp knife.
  3. I cut the onion into cubes and mix with the minced meat. Salt, pepper and add cumin seasoning. I mix the minced meat. But I don’t recommend mashing it too much, so as not to give away the juice ahead of time.
  4. I sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the entire dough into a thin sheet with a large rolling pin. I constantly turn the dough layer and roll it out onto a rolling pin. If possible, the dough sheet should be rectangular.
  5. I coat the dough layer with flour and fold it like an accordion.
  6. I cut the dough crosswise into pieces of equal width. I unfold the strips and lay them one on top of the other. And again I cut it into equal parts.
  7. The result is squares with sides of 10 - 12 cm. I lay them out on the table.
  8. I put a pinch of minced meat on the square. There should not be enough minced meat, but the edges of the squares should be free.
  9. I pinch the manti, as I am used to doing. This is a simple method. First, we collect all the corners of the square on the top of the head.
  10. And I also mold the protruding corners together on the sides.
  11. There are through holes in the upper part of the mantle. This is fine.
  12. I put the pressure cooker with water on the fire. I grease the grates of the pressure cooker with vegetable oil. You can simply dip each mantik in oil. I put the manti on the racks.
  13. Cooking time is from 20-40 minutes. Depends on the size of the pressure cooker. I have 3 racks in my pressure cooker, I cook for 30 minutes. While the manti is cooking, I prepare the frying. I cut the onion into half rings and fry with butter.
  14. I cut the tomatoes into half circles and add them there. I fry the tomatoes for another 2 minutes and the frying is ready.
  15. I grease the dish with oil and place the prepared manti on it. I pour the onion and tomato mixture on top.

Manti should be eaten hot and always with your hands, so as not to spill the delicious juice. Try manti according to this recipe. I hope you and your loved ones will like them.

Manti with potatoes and meat in Tatar style is a tasty and satisfying dish. An egg is added to the dough of these manti, and the minced meat is combined with potatoes. This gives them a very delicate, interesting taste. You don’t need to use as much onion for this recipe as for manti made from meat and onions.

What you will need:


  1. Sift the flour into a large bowl. Add water and egg. I knead the dough and leave it to rest in the bag while I prepare the filling.
  2. I cut the meat into very small cubes. I also cut the potatoes and onions into the smallest pieces. I mix everything with salt, pepper and cumin. And I leave it to brew under the lid.
  3. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a layer approximately 3 mm thick. I divide the dough into squares. And I put a pinch of filling on each square. If you cannot take equal parts of the filling with your hands, add it with a tablespoon. This will be more accurate.
  4. I pinch the edges of the dough using any method. You can already set the water to boil in a pressure cooker.
  5. I place the manti at a distance of at least 0.5 cm from each other. I dip each one in oil first.
  6. The water in the pan began to boil. I put the racks with manti on it and cover with a lid and cook for 30 - 40 minutes.
  7. When the manti is cooked, turn off the heat and leave the manti under the lid for 5 - 7 minutes. They will be easier to remove from the grill.

If you haven’t tried manti with meat and potatoes yet, I highly recommend preparing them using this recipe.

Here are some more incredibly tasty oriental manti with meat and pumpkin. Video recipe from Alina Bayazitova’s channel

Manti with pumpkin and meat at home - video recipe

That's all about cooking manti for today. Although these are only basic popular recipes for making manti at home. In fact, there are a great many recipes for this wonderful dish. Different nations call them differently and prepare them with some differences, which in no way detracts from their amazing taste.

Write in the comments if these simple recipes were useful to you. And a big thank you to everyone who cooked with me today! If you liked the recipes, click on the social media buttons to save them on your page!

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