What can be made from sweet sticks. Corn sticks cake. The History of Corn Cake

If guests are already on the doorstep, then this recipe for an incredibly tasty and also quick-to-prepare cake made from corn sticks with condensed milk will certainly help you out. This delicacy will diversify your tea drinking and will please everyone.

Cake made from corn sticks and boiled condensed milk


  • butter toffee – 1 kg;
  • – 200 g;
  • corn sticks – 300 g;
  • natural butter – 200 g.


Melt the butter in a bowl and add the butter toffee, broken into slices. Then add boiled condensed milk and mix thoroughly. Throw corn sticks into the resulting mixture and remove the dishes from the stove. After this, cool the contents a little and proceed to forming the cake. To do this, we wet our hands with water, put the sweet mass on a flat, beautiful dish and form a slide. Cool the finished cake with corn sticks and condensed milk and serve with fresh tea.

Anthill cake made from corn sticks


  • boiled condensed milk – 500 g;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • sweet corn sticks – 150 g.


Chop the butter into pieces, place in a bowl and beat with a mixer until fluffy. Without stopping, add boiled condensed milk and mix until a soft, uniform texture is obtained. Now add corn sticks to the prepared cream and mix thoroughly. We put everything on a large flat dish, give the dessert a mound shape and put the sweet corn sticks cake with condensed milk in the refrigerator for several hours. Then we decorate the delicacy at our discretion and invite everyone to the table.

Recipe for a cake made from corn sticks and condensed milk



We cut some of the corn sticks into rings, and leave the rest whole. Lightly fry the peanuts in a dry frying pan, chop them and pour them onto the sticks. Beat the butter well with a mixer, gradually adding condensed milk. Add the resulting cream to the sticks and mix thoroughly. Next, place the sweet sticks in a round pan lined with parchment paper and place them in the refrigerator to harden for 3 hours. Place the finished delicacy on saucers, decorate with grated chocolate and invite everyone to a tea party.

If you want to get your preschool child interested in cooking, then prepare the Anthill pie with him. You don't even have to turn on the oven to do this. What is “Anthill”? This is an original cake made from corn sticks, which are filled with... anything: boiled condensed milk, melted toffee, chocolate, icing, whipped sour cream. The basis for the cake can be not only corn sticks, but also ready-made factory cookies. Housewives are very fond of “Anthill”, because in this recipe you can use failed, that is, broken cakes. There are many recipes for this cake. The basic precept not only allows, but also encourages the use of imagination. You can include broken chocolate, dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits, and other delicious ingredients in the ingredients. In this article we will teach you how to make a cake from corn sticks. You will find recipes with photos of “Anthill” below.

The easiest way

If you are making a pie with a small child, start with the basic version. For the “Anthill” you will need four hundred grams of fresh toffees. Creamy “Korovka” sweets are also suitable. The most important task for the baby is to properly melt the toffee with a stick of butter. To do this, you can turn on a very low heat under the saucepan. Or you can show your child the principle of operation of a water bath. Place a small one on the sides of a large pan. Pour water so that it reaches only the bottom of the upper container. Place butter and toffee in a small saucepan. And we put a large cauldron on the fire. Butter and sweets will melt under the influence of boiling water. Pour half a pack of corn sticks into a heap, in the shape of an anthill. You need to cover the surface underneath with cling film. This is to prevent the corn popsicle cake from sticking to the countertop. Fill the “Anthill” with melted caramel. We send the pie to the cold. After an hour it can be served.

Corn sticks and toffee cake with chocolate

Now let's complicate the recipe. Melt the toffee and butter as described above. But let’s not pour the caramel mass onto the sticks, but rather mix the crispy products into it. Quickly, before the viscous liquid hardens, lay out a pile of anthills. At this stage, you can complicate the recipe even more by adding raisins or chopped dates, prunes, dried apricots, and figs to the list of base ingredients. You can also diversify the Anthill cake with candied fruits or nuts. Let's leave the anthill pile to cool and start preparing the glaze. Break a chocolate bar without filler (i.e. black, white or milk) into smaller pieces. Place in a bowl with butter (about 50 grams), add a little milk and melt, as you did with caramel toffees before. When the glaze turns into a viscous liquid, pour it over the Anthill.

This recipe is also very simple. But provided that you buy already boiled condensed milk. After all, preparing a can of milk for three hours not only takes a long time, but also carries the risk of the canned food exploding. Stores sell a product called "Toffee". It is brown in color and is contained in half-liter glass jars. The disadvantage of such boiled condensed milk is that it is too hard in consistency. And we need a cream to lubricate and partially soak the corn sticks. Therefore, if we use a factory-made product, we will mix a pack of heated (but not melted!) butter into it. This will make the condensed milk creamy. You can also beat this mass with a mixer. Then you can do two things: pour the cream onto stacked sticks or mix them with condensed milk, and then “sculpt” an anthill.

Simple honey cake

Other adhesive materials can also help hold the corn pops cake together. For example, honey. Preference should be given to dense varieties. Buckwheat or just last year's crystallized honey will do. This beekeeping product has the property that is useful for culinary experts: when heated, it becomes liquid, but, unlike butter, it does not change its taste. To be sure that honey will become a cementing material and not a dissolving material for corn sticks, ground nuts should be mixed into it. The proportions here are one to one. For a standard pack of corn sticks (600 grams) you should take a glass of honey and walnut kernels. You can add candied fruits to this cream for greater confidence. The “Anthill” cake is called so because of its shape. But we don't have to make it a slide. You can do it differently. Pour a little cream onto the dish. Sprinkle with corn sticks. Then - again cream and again a layer of crispy products. Alternate layers. There should be honey cream on top.

“Anthill” with cocoa and nuts

The recipe is also ridiculously simple. Essentially, this is the same cake made from corn sticks with condensed milk, only cocoa powder is added to the list of ingredients. Mix a can of boiled milk with a stick of melted butter. Beat with a mixer. Sift cocoa powder through a strainer to make the cream chocolate in color and taste. Beat again. Add a pack of corn sticks to this mixture. Knead. On a flat dish, pour a handful of not very finely crushed kernels of nuts (any kind, but not pine nuts). Let's level it out. Place the Anthill cake on this layer, giving it the shape of a cone if possible. We also sprinkle the product with nuts on top. This pie should sit in the refrigerator for a couple of hours before serving. This recipe can be supplemented by including grated chocolate in the topping. You can also add it to the cream base. But then you don't need to add cocoa powder. After melting the chocolate along with the butter, pour it into the boiled condensed milk.

Complex cake “Anthill”

This dessert will become not an everyday snack for tea, but a decoration for the holiday table. A cake is prepared from corn sticks, honey, nuts, egg whites, chocolate, and candied fruits. And served with red wine sauce. First, separate the whites of six eggs. Beat them with a glass of powdered sugar into a thick foam. Grind a glass of nuts and one hundred grams of candied fruits, pour in 200 g of honey, mix. Carefully fold in the whipped egg whites and a packet of vanillin. Pour a little cream onto the dish. Place a small portion of corn sticks. So we alternate layer by layer. Put the cake in the refrigerator. Prepare the sauce. To do this, place the egg yolks in a saucepan. Rub them until they turn white. Gradually add a glass of red wine and six tablespoons of honey. Place the saucepan in a large container and heat in a water bath, whisking constantly. When the mixture thickens and foam appears on the surface, the sauce is ready. After an hour in the refrigerator, the cake should already have a firm shape. We take it out and pour the sauce over it. Top with three dark chocolate bars. Place in the refrigerator again overnight.

Cookies and corn sticks cake

We mentioned above that the basis of “Anthill” can be other edible fragile products. Let's try to combine corn sticks (100 g) with regular cookies like “Baked milk” or “For tea”. We will need 300 grams of these confectionery products. Break the cookies and sticks into pieces and add four tablespoons of coconut flakes. In a saucepan, mix one hundred grams of sugar, 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and 80 milliliters of heavy cream. Stir and place the mixture on low heat. When the sugar has dissolved, remove the saucepan from the stove and add the butter (150 grams) cut into pieces. Stir until it dissolves. Without waiting for the mixture to cool, pour the sticks with cookies. Add a glass of coffee cream liqueur (Sheridans or Baileys). Stir, place the mixture on cling film and shape. Photos of a corn stick cake do not always show the “anthill” cone; sometimes it can be a roll or a round loaf. Let the product stand for soaking for an hour or two in the refrigerator and we can serve it to the table.

Secrets of the dish

Recipes for corn stick cake are so simple that the dessert simply cannot fail. The only rule to follow is that the impregnation should not be too liquid. The sticks will remain intact and even crispy if they are enveloped in a viscous thick substance. And it doesn’t matter what it will be - chocolate glaze, whipped sour cream, boiled condensed milk or butterscotch caramel - the result will be amazing.

If you want to prepare an unusual dessert, you can use the simplest ingredients that can be purchased at any store. Among the products used to make no-bake cakes, one of the most popular are corn sticks. Using them in the cooking process is as simple as possible, so even an inexperienced housewife can prepare a cake.

Each of the recipes assumes that in addition to the sticks, the required ingredients will include butter (margarine as an exception) - about 100-200 g. Corn sticks should be classic - without additives, coloring agents or flavorings.

Recipe for corn sticks cake with condensed milk

Condensed milk is an excellent addition to sweet dishes. The cake, which is based on corn sticks, was no exception. You can prepare it for tea with your family or relatives.

Preparation steps:

After cooking (immediately before serving), remove the film. If desired, the cake can be decorated with cream, coconut shavings or fruit on top. For this purpose, you can also use powdered sugar, which you can easily prepare yourself by grinding the sugar in a coffee grinder.

"Anthill" with toffee

Anthill cake made from corn sticks and toffee is easy to prepare using a simple set of ingredients:

  • butter (butter or cooking fat) – 200 g;
  • candies (taffy) – 450 g;
  • corn sticks – 350 g.

Cooking time – 110 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g of cake – 68 kcal.

Preparation steps:

  1. Oil or cooking oil used in baking should be heated. To speed things up, it is recommended to use a water bath.
  2. Unwrap the toffees, chop a little, add to the melted butter;
  3. Place the resulting composition on low heat and melt the toffee. In order to avoid burning, you will need to constantly stir the mixture.
  4. After the composition is completely homogeneous, without pieces of candy, corn sticks should be added to it without chopping;
  5. In the form for preparing the “Anthill” you need to put cling film, then lay out the mass and cover it with another piece of film on top;
  6. Place the container in the refrigerator until completely hardened (from 40 minutes to 2 hours - depending on the volume of the future cake).

Before serving, the film must be removed, and the resulting sweetness must be decorated with cocoa or coconut shavings, as well as seedless dried fruits.

"Lazy Anthill"

There is an option for preparing “Anthill” with corn sticks, which is ideal for welcoming unexpected guests. It is prepared quickly, combines tenderness and aesthetic appeal, so it is appropriate to serve it at a children's party. Make sure you have the following ingredients before you start cooking:

  • butter (salted butter or margarine can be used) – 65-70 g;
  • boiled condensed milk (to save time, you should buy ready-made) – 1 can;
  • cocoa (powder) – 50 g;
  • nuts (walnuts) – 120-150 g;
  • sticks – 300 g;
  • powdered sugar – 30 g.

Cooking time – from 90 minutes.

The calorie content of the finished cake is 67 kcal.

Steps for making a cake from corn sticks, nuts and boiled condensed milk:

  1. Peel the shells of walnuts and chop using a blender for this purpose;
  2. Break the sticks into halves (each);
  3. Melt the butter used in cooking (it is recommended to use a water bath for this);
  4. Then add boiled condensed milk (a full jar) and cocoa to the butter, mix;
  5. Place cling film or parchment in the mold, pour the sticks into it and pour in the resulting cream of butter and condensed milk, then add chopped nuts.

The cooking process will take place in the refrigerator and will require from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the volume of the mold and cooling power. After cooking, the Lazy Anthill is sprinkled with powdered sugar on top as a decoration.

Another cooking option - with chocolate chips


  • corn sticks – 600 g;
  • almonds (peeled kernels) – 50 g;
  • condensed milk – 1 can;
  • chocolate (chips) – 100 g.

The time required for preparation is from 140 minutes.

The calorie content of the cake is 61 kcal.

Preparation steps:

  1. The sticks should be cut into rings and then placed in the prepared pan on cling film;
  2. Pour condensed milk evenly onto the sticks, mix, distribute throughout the entire volume of the mold so that the layer is even (leave for a few minutes so that the sticks are saturated with condensed milk);
  3. Chop the nuts, cover with the next layer, form an anthill, put in the refrigerator until hardened.

Before serving, decorate the cake with chocolate chips.

Corn cake with sticks, coconut and liqueur

This option would be appropriate for serving at a celebration or family holiday, as it contains exquisite ingredients:

  • sticks – 400 g;
  • coconut flakes – 70 g;
  • liqueur – 30 g;
  • condensed milk - 1 can.

Cooking time – 100 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​61 kcal.

Preparation steps:

  1. Chop the sticks a little;
  2. Mix condensed milk with liqueur and combine with chopsticks;
  3. Place the mixture on parchment paper and refrigerate until hardened.

Before serving, sprinkle the cake with coconut.

In order for a cake that contains corn sticks to turn out perfect, you will need to know a few simple rules: it is better to fry the nuts a little first in a hot frying pan without oil - the aroma will be rich.

For a piquant taste, liqueur or cognac is added, but if there are children in the house, it is recommended to replace this ingredient with fruit or berry syrup.

If you plan to use chocolate, then it is better to use dark chocolate for contrast.

Condensed milk can be used with flavoring additives, and dried fruits should be soaked in warm water to soften before adding.

Corn sticks(see photo) is one of children’s favorite sweet treats. The finished product is presented in the form of shaped dried foam, which is made from corn grits.

The very first to come up with this product were the American brothers John and Will Keith Kellogg, who founded a medical sanatorium in the USA. They decided to prepare dishes for the patients using maize flour. But since there was a lot of dough left, and it was a pity to throw it away, the rest of the dough was passed through special rollers. Thus, flakes appeared, which were then fried in sunflower oil and presented as a dessert for tea.

The familiar corn sticks in their current form first appeared in 1963 at the Dnepropetrovsk plant for the production of food concentrates, where the production of the product took place according to the specified technology and on the one developed by V.Ya. Krikunov. equipment.

Today there are quite a lot of varieties of such corn products. The product can be not only sweet, but also salty, glazed, creamy, chocolate, with the taste of bacon, cheese, cinnamon, vanillin, lemon.. In addition, some manufacturers make the sticks multi-colored and also make the product gluten-free and sugar-free.


The main composition of real corn sticks includes the following products:

  • deodorized sunflower oil;
  • corn grits;
  • salt;
  • powdered sugar.

The calorie content of this product is quite high, so you should not abuse it so as not to harm your health.

How are corn sticks made at the factory?

The process of making corn sticks at the plant takes no more than ten minutes, so the company’s workers can make more than three tons of this product per shift. The production of natural sticks is as follows:

  1. Corn grits are placed in an extruder (special equipment for kneading dough into sticks). There, under the influence of a temperature of one hundred and fifty degrees and strong pressure, it turns into a homogeneous dough.
  2. Then the corn mass passes through a special matrix with holes of different shapes, which gives the sticks the desired appearance.
  3. After the extrusion stage, the sticks are still wet and should therefore be further glazed and tumble dried.
  4. As soon as the sticks fall into a special drum, they will begin to dry and various flavoring additives will be sprayed on top of them, as well as warm sunflower oil.
  5. Next, the oil-soaked sticks are sent to another compartment of the drum, where they are completely immersed in powdered sugar. Due to the fact that there is warm oil on the sticks, the powder will begin to melt and turn into a sweet glaze.

The corn sticks are ready and ready to pack.

Benefits and harms

Corn sticks are not particularly beneficial because they contain a large amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, many experts recommend eating as many sticks a day as can fit in one hand, and only as a dessert for tea after the main meal, otherwise the product may cause constipation.

Many doctors do not recommend giving corn sticks to children under three years of age, since the young body cannot yet cope with large amounts of carbohydrates, and also in order not to provoke the development of an allergy to the sticks.

In addition, during pregnancy and breastfeeding you should avoid eating chopsticks. Since the product has a high calorie content, it can cause unwanted weight gain in a pregnant woman. A nursing mother should not eat them either, so that the baby does not have bloating, constipation, or an allergy to the new product.

Since the corn product contains many calories, it should not be eaten during a diet. Also, people who have had their gallbladder removed should not use chopsticks.

What can you cook?

You can make many different sweet desserts for tea with corn sticks. The sticks are mainly used for making cakes with condensed milk, toffee, honey, pastries, and rolls.

The product is also great for making cookies, rafaello, chips, and sweet sausages.

As an independent dish, corn sticks can be eaten for breakfast by pouring milk over them. In addition, the product can be eaten simply, washed down with tea or milk.

How to do it at home?

Making corn sticks at home is quite simple, since the process does not require special equipment (an extruder). Therefore, the housewife will not have much difficulty making natural homemade corn sticks.

To prepare sticks at home, you need to pour about seventy milliliters of homemade milk into a saucepan and add about fifty grams of butter. Boil the liquid, add half a glass of corn flour and stir continuously so that there are no lumps. The mass should be of uniform consistency. Then you should let the milk-corn mixture cool, and then beat in two eggs and mix thoroughly.

Place the dough in a special pastry bag and squeeze out into small “sausages” onto a warm baking sheet. Place the sticks in the oven and bake until done. Sprinkle the finished hot product with powder and you can serve it.

Below is a video on how to make corn sticks.

Corn sticks cake is an unusual dessert that even an inexperienced housewife can make easily, quickly and with a minimum amount of ingredients. This cake with an interesting idea is suitable for holidays and every day. In this article you will learn how to make a delicious corn stick cake without much effort.

Corn popsicle treats are super easy to make. The basic idea is that the sticks are glued together to form one large cake. This can be easily done using condensed milk, toffee or chocolate. This will create a sweet and crunchy base for the cake. You can finish preparing the dessert here, you can decorate it with candied fruits, chocolate and nuts, or you can prepare cream for it so that the treat is even more reminiscent of a regular sponge cake.

Corn sticks make a great base for a cake. Their spongy, crunchy texture adds a distinct flavor: you can either leave the pieces crunchy or let them soak in the cream and soften. Cakes are made in a variety of ways - with whole sticks or small crumbs, with fruit or wine sauce, mixing a variety of products or simply taking what was in the refrigerator.

The fastest cake like this can be made in ten minutes. True, then it will take another couple of hours for the treat to stand in the refrigerator and thoroughly soak in the cream.

A no-bake corn stick cake resembles an anthill. It is usually made with sour cream or condensed milk. There are many recipes for corn stick cake - from the simplest to the relatively complex. In this article we will consider only a few of the most interesting options.

A simple three-ingredient recipe with condensed milk

For the simplest dessert option, you only need three ingredients. It also doesn't take long to prepare - it's a great way to please the family with homemade treats even if you're busy all day. You can surprise your guests with such a quick and delicious cake by preparing the dessert in half an hour before their eyes. This is also a great treat option that is easy to bake for a children's party. It will be a pleasure to do this even with children.

For the cake, prepare the following products:

  • 130 g corn sticks
  • half a package of butter, spread or margarine
  • half a can of condensed milk

How to bake this cake:

  1. Pour condensed milk into a separate deep plate and add butter. Beat them until you get a fluffy consistency. Make sure that the oil does not form lumps. It is highly advisable to do this using a mixer, although you can vigorously mix the ingredients with a whisk - you will just spend more time in this case.
  2. Gradually start adding corn sticks into the bowl. Do this carefully so that they do not crumble or break too much. Carefully mix the resulting mass so that each stick is coated with oil and condensed milk on all sides.
  3. Cover the mold with paper or film, pour the resulting mixture out of it and cover the top with foil or a lid. Place the cake in the refrigerator overnight. Take it out, place it on a plate and decorate as you wish - a simple and delicious corn stick cake is ready.

A simple cake recipe with dried apricots and sour cream

Another anthill cake made from corn sticks will also not take much of your time. This is another easy recipe: you only need three ingredients to make this dessert. With corn sticks, dried apricots and sour cream, you can prepare a treat for tea, saving your time and effort.

To make the cake you will need:

  • 20% sour cream
  • three handfuls of dried apricots
  • packaging of corn sticks

Method for preparing the cake:

  1. Cut the corn sticks into small, even pieces.
  2. Mix them with pre-prepared sour cream in a deep separate bowl.
  3. Chop the dried apricots and add them to the total mass.
  4. Place the resulting mixture in the mold and press lightly.
  5. Cover with a plate, foil or film and place in the refrigerator. After some time, your confectionery masterpiece can be served.

Children's cake “Bees” with chocolate and almonds

This is another easy recipe for nut and chocolate lovers. In combination with corn sticks, they will give an unusual taste and consistency. This cake includes interesting decorations in the form of bees made from corn sticks - it will be an excellent option for any children's party.

  • two packs of corn sticks
  • 500 g almonds
  • chocolate bar
  • can of condensed milk

How to make a bee cake:

  1. Pour condensed milk over corn sticks. Place them on separate flat plates in a single layer so that they are thoroughly soaked in the condensed milk.
  2. In a small bowl, make chocolate chips using a grater or knife.
  3. Now you can make bees. Divide the corn stick into three parts - this can be done with a knife. Soak the middle part with condensed milk and sprinkle with chocolate chips. By connecting three parts you will get a body for a bee, and you can make wings from almonds.
  4. Place the bees beautifully on the cake, put it in a cool place for a while, and then you can treat your guests.

Chocolate and Walnut Cake Recipe

This is a more complex and interesting recipe for those who enjoy the process of culinary creativity. The result is definitely worth the time and effort - you will get a crispy dessert with a rich taste that combines different ingredients.

If in most previous cakes the sticks served primarily to facilitate and speed up the creation of the cake, this time they are an integral part of a rather complex confectionery recipe. Although you don't have to bake the cakes, creating this confectionery masterpiece requires skill and the precise combination of many ingredients.

To make the cakes you will need:

  • a quarter of a pack of butter, spread or margarine
  • 60 g walnuts
  • chocolate bar
  • 600 g corn sticks

To create the cream you need the following products:

  • a glass of powdered sugar or sugar
  • vanilla, cinnamon or other spices to taste
  • 150 g candied fruits
  • two handfuls of nuts
  • small jar of honey
  • 7 egg whites

To make the sauce, prepare:

  • glass of dry red wine
  • seven egg yolks
  • five spoons of honey

Method for preparing the cake:

  1. Pour sugar or powder into a bowl and pour in the egg whites. Beat the mixture with a whisk or mixer until it becomes a voluminous, airy foam.
  2. Cut the candied fruits into small pieces and mix them with honey. Add vanilla. Carefully add whipped cream to the honey mass and mix everything together vigorously, not allowing the cream to settle.
  3. Pour the egg yolks into another container. Beat them until smooth and white. Slowly pour the wine and honey into them, stirring everything together until the color is uniform.
  4. Pour the yolks with honey and wine into a saucepan, place them in a water bath and beat until an airy, dense foam appears.
  5. Coat the plate with the resulting cream and spread the nuts on it in a thin layer. Place the corn pops on top in one tight layer. Then fill them with cream and lay out another layer, gradually laying out all the sticks in the same way.
  6. Cover the cake with film or a plate and place in the refrigerator for a while so that the sticks are soaked in cream.
  7. Remove the cake and pour the wine-honey sauce over it.
  8. Decorate with candied fruits and nuts on top. The cake can be served immediately.

How to make a meringue and fruit cake

This is a great light and summer option. The combination of crispy sticks, cookies and meringue with the taste of fresh fruit gives this dessert a special twist. Lovers of homemade fruit cakes will surely appreciate this recipe. You can add any other fruit depending on your preferences and the current season. Apples, tangerines, grapes, cherries - all this will give your treat a special taste.

You will need:

  • 2 ripe kiwis
  • 120 g meringue - store-bought or homemade
  • 250 g shortbread cookies
  • 130 g corn sticks
  • 2 oranges
  • 2 bananas
  • 140 g butter
  • 3 tablespoons raspberry, strawberry or cherry jam
  • dark chocolate bar
  • any nuts: hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Use your hands to break up the meringue, cookies and corn pops. If you want a more uniform cake consistency, rub them into crumbs; if you want to taste each ingredient separately, medium-sized pieces will do.
  2. Add nuts to this mixture.
  3. Break the chocolate bar into pieces, place in a bowl and melt in a water bath.
  4. Using a knife or grater, peel one of the oranges. Cut the skin into small thin pieces to make the zest.
  5. After this, divide the orange into two halves and squeeze out the juice. It is better to use a special citrus juicer, but any other will do.
  6. Melt the chocolate. Add it to the mixture. Then add orange zest and juice. Add oil and mix everything until smooth.
  7. Now mix the cookie crumbs, meringue crumbs and corn pops into the chocolate mixture. Place it all in a deep plate and keep it in a cool place for some time.
  8. Remove the resulting cooled mass from the refrigerator. Cover it with jam on all sides.
  9. Peel bananas, orange and kiwi, cut them into thin slices. Place fruit on cake.
  10. To prevent bananas from darkening, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice. Also, to make the cake look even more beautiful, you can pour dissolved gelatin on top. Homemade fruit cake will be ready.

How to make a cake from corn sticks?

Having mastered all these recipes, you will be convinced that a delicious dessert for tea is easy to make, either in twenty minutes from just three ingredients, or in a few hours, trying to achieve an interesting and balanced taste. As you can see, there is a huge variety of corn cakes. But you shouldn’t even limit yourself to this: using the basic techniques from these recipes, you can always create your own culinary masterpiece. You only need to have a little experience in making cakes and a lot of imagination.

  • In many cakes you use nuts. They taste better if you fry them before adding them to the cake.
  • The corn sticks in the cake can be left whole, broken into small crumbs, or cut into even pieces - depending on this, you will get a different effect.
  • If you have the time and desire, you can prepare condensed milk for the cake at home: this way you can certainly be sure of its quality.
  • Even if you choose a cake recipe with condensed milk or sour cream, you can pour caramel on top of the resulting dessert - then you will get a beautiful golden crust.
  • You can also make sugar chocolate frosting. A combination of dark and white chocolate or sugar will look especially interesting. If the surface of the cake is smooth enough, you can make inscriptions and drawings this way.
  • Corn sticks will be an excellent composition for a mastic cake. Mastic will allow you to create any design you want, and using one of these recipes you can make a delicious crispy filling that won't take much time.
  • If you want to add a spicy note to the treat, you can add a spoonful of cognac or liqueur.

You can make an interesting Raffaello cake from corn sticks, a cake from corn sticks and toffee instead of condensed milk, or a Lenten cake. The main secret of a delicious dessert is the correct ratio of all ingredients. By experimenting, the ideal proportions can only be found through trial and error. In addition, they are different for each person: some like sweet cakes with rich cream, while others like them less sweet and drier. Use your imagination, and you will definitely be able to create a unique masterpiece from simple ingredients.

Video: Corn sticks cake

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