3 compulsory subject of the exam. Russian language: plus speech literacy. Unified State Exam in Computer Science - minor changes

Nobody was going to cancel the Unified State Exam

Despite many rumors, the unified state exam will not be canceled in the near future. To do this, we will have to completely redesign the secondary education system and change the algorithm for entering universities. Talk that the Unified State Exam in 11th grade in 2018 will be the same as before in Soviet times is an idle fiction. Moreover, at least until 2025 there are no plans to abandon the already familiar procedure.

But responsible work requires constant improvement. The main news about the 2018 Unified State Exam is related to the increase in the number of certification disciplines. In the coming year of the Yellow Dog, you will most likely have to take 4 exams. The final decision will be made in March. The Russian language and mathematics are inviolable, but the introduction of a mandatory Unified State Exam in English in 2018 can be expected.

On a note! There will be no oral part of the Unified State Exam in Russian. A test “speaking” will be carried out on the GIA in grade 9 in three regions of the Russian Federation.

Grand plans

Test questions that left a chance for random hits are gradually being replaced by more creative tasks. So, in mathematics you need not only to solve the example correctly, but also to construct an algorithm. When answering a Russian language ticket, not only a competent answer is important for the overall score, but also logical reasoning, adequacy of thinking, knowledge of the rules of vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation. The Unified State Exam in History 2018 involves not only memorizing dates, but also understanding the mechanisms of certain historical processes.

Experts agree on which compulsory subjects are included in the Unified State Exam 2018. Most believe that Russian and mathematics will continue to remain untouchable, and there will be no additions this year. But just in case, it is necessary to prepare in depth in other subjects. If only for the sake of the fact that by 2019 6 exams are planned - 3 mandatory and 3 at the discretion of the student. Even a 4 + 2 scheme is possible. Those subjects that are most often taken as an elective are competing for the place of compulsory ones, namely:

  • story;
  • social science;
  • physics;
  • foreign language;
  • geography.

Important! In the foreign language exam, you can demonstrate knowledge of English, French, German, and Spanish. By 2020, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese will be added to this list.

How will the Unified State Exam be taken in 2018?

The basic rules of certification remain unchanged. To prepare, you need not only to study diligently, but also to attend additional classes, and, if necessary, work with a tutor. Moreover, this should be done not during the last six months, but during the 10th and 11th grade. It is important by this time to decide on the direction of further education in order to understand which disciplines require increased attention.

It is convenient to track operational changes in the Unified State Exam 2018 on the FIPI website. Here are the exam forms, typical examples from previous years' assignments, and demo versions and video materials. The basic rules remain unchanged. Exams begin at 10:00 local time. You are not allowed to bring anything with you except a pen, passport and water. Russian language and mathematics are given 3 hours 55 minutes.

Remember! During the exam, the psychological attitude of the student is very important. The day before, the schoolchild should go to bed early, have a hearty breakfast in the morning, and parents should not tire of instilling in the child confidence in eventual success.

The Unified State Exam has undergone many changes since its implementation, especially after changes in the composition of the Ministry of Education. Recently, the Unified State Exam has been subject to widespread criticism, both on behalf of teachers and students. The main complaints are about excessive demands on students, absurd assignments, and the imperfection of the system itself in general. In connection with these complaints, proposals to cancel the exam are periodically made, and certain State Duma deputies are preparing appropriate bills. But the point of view of the Ministry of Education in this case is unchanged - the Unified State Exam will not be cancelled. In addition, the exam showed that it is the best way to test knowledge. In addition, the ministry agrees that numerous aspects of the Unified State Exam should be rethought and improved.

Will there be changes in the Unified State Exam 2018?

The state exam will undergo changes, however, over time, so that students can more easily adapt to innovations. The main problem worrying graduates is how the list of compulsory disciplines will change in 2018. Former head of the Ministry of Education Dmitry Livanov said that the list of testing disciplines will be increased to 6. According to his project, 1 subject was added to the list in 2017, and in 2018 – already 3 subjects: 1 compulsory and 2 optional. After Olga Vasilyeva became the head of the ministry, adjustments were made to the plans.

Planned changes in the Unified State Exam 2018: in 2018, the list of compulsory subjects will be expanded by only 1, the name of the subject has not yet been determined. Experts believe that history will probably be the third compulsory subject, as it is an integral element of the patriotic education of the future generation.

The next contender for inclusion in the list of compulsory subjects is social studies, which is very popular for its ease; in this case, the tasks will be made more difficult.

It cannot be ruled out that, along with mathematics and the Russian language, schoolchildren will have to take physics in order to increase the demand of applicants for technical specialties. But this is still a controversial issue because not all high school students plan to pursue engineering degrees.

Unified State Examination Physics 2018 changes:

  1. The first part is increased by 1 basic level exercise, on elements of astrophysics.
  2. The total primary score for the entire work has changed from 50 to 52 points.

Unified State Examination Chemistry 2018:

  • Lack of test part.
  • Mandatory short answer to simple questions in the form of a word or number.

Unified State Examination Informatics 2018 - no changes are expected. In the Unified State Examination 2018 biology, no changes are provided.

From the words of Olga Vasilyeva, it becomes clear that most of the changes will be made to testing based on literature.

Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam

Secondary general education

Russian language. Line UMK ed. Shmeleva A.D. (VENTANA-COUNT)

UMK Merzlyak line. Algebra and beginnings of analysis (10-11) (B)

Line UMK V. P. Dronov. Geography (Wind Rose) (10-11) (basic)

How to take the Unified State Exam in 2018

We have answered the most pressing questions that parents ask about the Unified State Exam...

Everyone who took the Unified State Exam this year can relax: work has been checked, scores have been assigned, appeals have been filed and considered. Now it is the turn to worry for those who have just entered the 11th grade, as well as their teachers and parents.

For the Ministry of Education, schools, and experts, the Unified State Examination is an established annual practice, but for those who take the exams, it is always the first time, and therefore causes great excitement.

Especially for those who will have to take the Unified State Exam next year, as well as for sympathetic and concerned parents, we are giving a brief excursion into the general rules for conducting exams, talking about the innovations of 2018, how to motivate a high school student to prepare for exams and how not to “overdo it” in preparation for the main exams of the country.

Unified State Exam 2018: what's new?

Since the introduction of the Unified State Exam and the State Examination (now the Unified State Examination), at least something has changed in the exams every year - in terms of the grading scale, the forms of tasks, and the procedure. This article will focus specifically on the Unified State Exam, a unified state exam that graduates take in the 11th grade. Over the past three years, the ministry has announced many plans for changes to the Unified State Exam. Those who will have to take exams in 2018 are primarily interested in the following questions:

    Will the oral part be introduced into the Unified State Examination in the Russian language?

    Will graduates take the mandatory Unified State Exam in Russian history?

    Is it true that the Unified State Exam in English will become mandatory for everyone this year?

    How many exams will schoolchildren take - three, four or six, as former Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation D.V. once promised? Livanov?

All these questions were answered by the press center of the Ministry of Education and Science on April 24, 2017: “No changes are expected in the Unified State Examination in the coming years, all proposals for modernizing the exam must undergo preliminary broad expert and public discussion” (source - MIA Rossiya Segodnya) . At the moment there is no talk of any discussions.

Indeed, in recent months the press has actively discussed the idea of ​​making the Russian history exam universal and compulsory as soon as possible. The implementation of this idea will take place gradually. According to the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva, The Unified State Examination in history will most likely become mandatory only by 2020.

As for the oral part of the Russian language exam, this innovation must first be tested in the ninth grade. On July 6, at a meeting of the Commission on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Olga Vasilyeva said that from 2018, ninth grade students will undergo an oral interview in the Russian language for admission to the State Duma (source - MIA "Russia Today").

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics (profile level): assignments, solutions and explanations

How is the Unified State Exam conducted?

At the moment, those who are about to take exams are interested in everything related to the content and procedure for passing the Unified State Exam. All minor updates to the content of the Unified State Exam will become known at the end of the summer: as promised in the press center of Rosobrnadzor, in August draft documents defining the structure and content of the KIM Unified State Exam 2018 will be posted on the FIPI website. From August to October there will be a wide discussion of these projects, and a final decision will be made to switch to a new examination model (Rosobrnadzor press center for the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency).

As for the procedure for passing the Unified State Exam, all the details are described on the official website of the Unified State Exam. Based on the site data, we answered the most pressing questions that parents ask about the Unified State Exam. Please note: before passing the Unified State Exam in 2018, changes may occur in the exam procedure - and then you can find out about them on the official Unified State Exam website or on the FIPI website. We kindly ask you to be suspicious of unofficial Internet resources: no one can guarantee that the information provided on them is complete and reliable.

How many USE exams should everyone take?

To obtain a certificate, it is enough to pass two main exams - in the Russian language and mathematics. To enter universities, each graduate has the right to take as many elective exams as he or she wishes. The list of elective Unified State Examinations includes 12 positions, among them: physics, chemistry, history, social studies, computer science and ICT, biology, geography, foreign languages, literature.

When does the Unified State Exam take place?

The Unified State Exam is taken by students in the eleventh grade (the exception is the Unified State Exam in Geography, which can also be taken in the tenth grade). The early period for passing the Unified State Exam takes place in March-April, the main period is from the end of May to the end of June, the additional period is in September-October 2018.

They say that the Unified State Exam is not held at the school where the graduate studies, but in some other specially designated place. What are these places and how to get to them?

Most often, special points for conducting the Unified State Exam (PE) are located in educational institutions. It may turn out that your school turns out to be your PPE. In any case, the organizers of the Unified State Exam must promptly inform all Unified State Exam participants where each exam is held.

All Unified State Examinations begin at 10:00 local time. Of course, you need to come to the PES in advance: admission to the building begins at 9.00. Participants get to the training center in an organized manner, accompanied by school representatives.

Organization of preparation for the Unified State Exam in chemistry: redox reactions

What can and cannot be taken with you to the Unified State Examination?

Standard list of things and documents that the exam participant must have with you:

    Pen, gel or capillary.

    Passport (must be presented at the entrance to the PPE).

    Bottle of drinking water. Necessary medications and food can only be carried with you with special permission.

Besides, allowed take with you to the exams:

    in mathematics - a ruler;

    in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator;

    in chemistry – non-programmable calculator;

    in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator.

List of things that a USE participant forbidden Have with you during the exam:

    notification of registration for exams,

    means of communication,

    electronic computer technology,

    photo, audio and video equipment,

    reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information.

Of all the items required to pass the Unified State Exam, the most important is your document, that is, your passport: without it you will not be allowed to take the exam. If you do not have your passport with you for objective reasons, then you will be admitted only after written confirmation of your identity by an accompanying person from the school.

But what about all the other personal items - keys, phone? Can I take my talisman with me?

Exam participants can leave all their belongings in a specially designated storage area - this must be done before entering the PES territory. The administration of the building in which the exam is held is responsible for their safety. If you are worried about your things, it is better not to take them with you to the exam. Be careful when choosing a talisman: of course, no one will take it away from you, but it is important that it does nothing did not resemble a means of communication or other dubious item (calculator, gadget, notes, notebook, etc.).

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: analysis of tasks with a teacher
What to do if you are late for the start of the exam?

You cannot be late for the Unified State Exam: you will not be able to extend the exam period and repeat the instructions, including how to fill out the registration fields of the Unified State Exam forms.

What happens after participants pass through the metal detectors and enter the PES area?

Here, specially authorized organizers help exam participants: indicate classroom numbers, escort them to the door, etc. In the auditorium, the organizers re-check the passports of those submitting them and direct them to their workplaces (audiences and workplaces are determined in accordance with the automated distribution). Attention! Changing the workplace at the request of the Unified State Examination participant is not allowed.

This is followed by instructions (conducted by the organizers in each classroom). Then the participants begin to be given sets of examination materials. The task of those taking the exam is to carefully examine the package, make sure that it is intact and has not been previously opened. Each package contains a CMM (testing and measuring material), a registration form and answer forms No. 1 and No. 2. Form No. 1 is for the test part and tasks with a short answer, form No. 2 is for questions that require detailed answers and solutions.

Kits must be opened as directed by the organizers. After opening the package, check the number of Unified State Exam and CMM forms and inspect them for defects. If a participant finds extra or missing forms, or sees a defect, he must inform the organizers and his package will be replaced. Attention! If the participant did not have the package replaced or he noticed a violation of the order at this stage, he can file an appeal on the day of the exam about the violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam.

Filling out forms. All forms are filled out in block letters, under the guidance of the organizers. The registration form is filled out, then the registration areas of answer forms No. 1 and No. 2.

Additional form No. 2. It will be issued to the test taker upon request and only if both sides of the first form are completed. Answers entered in the additional form will not be assessed if the main form is not completely completed.

Drafts. You cannot use your own drafts for the Unified State Examination. Participants receive official drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on which the PES is located from the organizers. During the oral part of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages, drafts are not issued.

Listening. All tasks for the “Listening” section of the written part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​are recorded on audio media.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in English: assignments, reasoning, answer options

Why can someone taking the Unified State Exam be removed from the exam?

The basis for removing a participant from the exam may be a violation of the rules of conduct for the Unified State Examination or refusal to comply with them. Removal is recorded if an act on the removal of a Unified State Examination participant from the exam is drawn up and a mark indicating the fact of removal is placed on its forms. Work with such a mark is not allowed until verification.

So, during the exam, participants Absolutely forbidden:

    Remove examination materials from classrooms and PPE in any medium.

    Remove writing materials, notes and any other means of storing and transmitting information from the classrooms.

    Take photographs of exam materials.

    Talk to each other.

    Exchange any materials and items with other USE participants.

    Rewrite CMM tasks into drafts.

    Freely leave the classroom and move around the PPE without being accompanied by an organizer outside the classroom.

Naturally, USE participants can go to the toilet or to the medical room during the exam, but they do this only when accompanied by the organizer. Beforehand, the organizers check all exam materials left by the participant.

Having finished your work, you put the CMM in the envelope of your individual kit, put everything else on the edge of the table, the organizers collect the materials, check that you have filled out the forms correctly - and you are free!

Unified State Examination in History: reviewing assignments with the teacher

How to find out the results of the Unified State Exam?

To do this, you need to enter a single electronic database using your unique identification code or document number without a series. Exam participants receive codes at school (if we are talking about those taking the Unified State Exam for the first time).

How to file an appeal?

If you believe your exam score should be higher, you can appeal your score. The appeal is submitted within two working days after the official day of announcement of the Unified State Examination results in the relevant subject.

Please note that the conflict commission does not consider appeals regarding the content and structure of assignments in academic subjects, as well as issues related to the assessment of short-answer assignments and incorrect formatting of examination work. No later than a month before the start of the exams, information on the dates, places and procedure for filing and considering appeals is published on the official website of the Unified State Examination. The examination participant and/or his parents, as well as public observers, may be present during the consideration of the appeal.

If you failed to pass the profile Unified State Exam, what should you do? Is it possible to retake?

A retake is possible, but only next year. In this case, you will receive a certificate of secondary general education: for this it is enough to successfully pass two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics, basic or specialized level. (A basic level is sufficient for the certificate.)

What to do if a participant missed the Unified State Exam due to illness?

You will need to provide the school with a medical report as soon as possible. The school will submit information to the State Examination Office, and you will be given another day to take the missed exam.

Alexandra Chkanikova

The main wave of the Unified State Exam 2018 has begun. 731 thousand people will take the exam, including 645 thousand graduates from previous years. Who will be allowed to retake the Unified State Exam? Why can they be kicked out of the exam? Is it possible to buy real assignments and answers online? Will Unified State Exam scores affect the grades on the certificate? The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, answered questions from the hotline.

My son will take two levels of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (basic and specialized). If he does not pass the profile level, but passes the basic level, will he be able to retake mathematics at the profile level? Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam to improve my scores? What result will be valid in this case?

Sergey Kravtsov: If you did not score the required points on the mandatory Unified State Examination, which is basic mathematics and the Russian language, then you can retake the exam this year on a reserve day. If it doesn’t work out again, then in September.

Elective subjects can only be retaken the next year. And when applying to a university, you can use any result that has not expired. You will probably choose the best one. If your son took the Unified State Exam in mathematics at both levels at once and passed one of the exams, for example, the basic one, then it is possible to retake specialized mathematics in a year.

Will the points received for the Unified State Exam in subjects affect the mark on the certificate?

Sergey Kravtsov: The results of the Unified State Exam do not affect the mark on the certificate. But if you do not achieve the required minimum in compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics, you will not be able to obtain a certificate. But in the 9th grade, the results of the Unified State Exam influence the grades on the certificate.

If you did not score the required points on the mandatory Unified State Exam, you can retake the exam this year

Where and when can I find out the results of the 9th grade exam?

Sergey Kravtsov: At my school. Processing and checking of examination papers takes no more than ten working days after the day of the examination.

For cheating we will be kicked out of the exam and will be allowed to take it in a year. And in France - in five years. Photo: depositphotos

Now on the Internet there are offers to “buy” the Unified State Exam, supposedly there are ready-made answers to all test options. Is the leak of answers or KIM-2018 themselves real before the Unified State Exam? How is this tracked?

Sergey Kravtsov: Information security measures at all stages of preparation and delivery of examination materials eliminate the possibility of leakage of assignments and correct answers. All supposedly variant assignments and correct answers appearing on the Internet turn out to be fakes. Therefore, all offers about the opportunity to buy options with the correct answers are nothing more than a banal scam. The new technology eliminates the influence of the human factor. By the way, the problem of additional forms for exam participants is also eliminated, and the time required to check the Unified State Exam is reduced. Last year, for the first time, we checked all the work not in 14 days, but in 10.

Some universities require an Unified State Examination certificate, where can I get it?

Sergey Kravtsov: The certificates have long since been cancelled. There are no paper certificates for the Unified State Exam. Inform the Rosobrnadzor hotline which universities require a certificate. We'll figure it out.

Sergey Kravtsov: On appeal, points can be either added or reduced. Photo: Arkady Kolybalov/ RG

If an 11th grade graduate does not agree with the scores given, what needs to be done to have the result revised?

Sergey Kravtsov: You can file an appeal about disagreement with the awarded scores within 2 working days from the date of announcement of the results. The graduate files an appeal at the school or to the conflicting commission. The conflict commission either grants the appeal or rejects it. But you need to understand that on appeal, points can be either added or reduced.

I submitted an application to take the Unified State Exam, in which I indicated four subjects (specialized mathematics, Russian language, physics and computer science), but by mistake, only three subjects were added to the database (all except computer science). What to do?

Sergey Kravtsov: The decision to add or change the selected subjects for the Unified State Exam is made by the state examination commission of the region. You should apply there with a written application. If it is confirmed that the operator made a mistake when entering data, the commission will make a decision and add the required item to the information system.

Will a Unified State Examination participant be removed from the exam if he is found to have a mobile phone at the end of the exam?

Sergey Kravtsov: It is prohibited to carry any communication equipment with you at the examination site. If this requirement is violated, the person will be removed from the exam and their results will be cancelled. And it doesn’t matter when the phone was discovered - at the end of the exam or at the beginning.

Will a child be allowed to take the Unified State Exam if he is late for the exam or has forgotten his passport?

Sergey Kravtsov: If a person is late for the exam, he is allowed to take the Unified State Exam, but the end time of the exam is not extended and no one will conduct repeated general instructions. A school graduate who, for some reason, came to the exam without a passport, is admitted to the exam reception point after an accompanying person from the school confirms his identity in writing. Graduates from previous years without documents are not admitted.

In what cases may they not be allowed to take the Unified State Exam?

Sergey Kravtsov: They will not be allowed to take the Unified State Exam if the graduate does not receive a pass for the final essay. There is one more requirement: only those students who have completed the full curriculum or individual curriculum and who have annual grades in all academic subjects for each year of study are not lower than satisfactory are allowed to take the Unified State Exam.

Is the school obliged to organize the delivery of GIA participants to the exam point if it is located several kilometers from the place of study?

Sergey Kravtsov: Delivery will be organized if the school or municipality has such an opportunity.

For how long are the Unified State Exam results valid?

Sergey Kravtsov: The results are valid for five years - in the year of passing the Unified State Exam and the subsequent four years.

Help "RG"

Unified State Exam 2018 schedule

How to pass specialized mathematics with 100 points

Ivan Yashchenko, director of the Center for Teaching Excellence:

The demo version has evaluation criteria. Pay attention to them. If the problem is not completely solved, still transfer it to the final copy and you can get points. Problem number 19 is not an Olympiad problem, but of increased complexity. Don't be afraid of such tasks, try to solve them. The answer can be very short and sweet. The latest tasks in the Unified State Exam are for those who want to get more than 80 points and go to leading technical universities. Calculate your strength. It may be enough for an economist to reach the 17th problem and solve it. It has an economic theme - credit, optimization... no special knowledge is needed, all you need to do is translate the problem into mathematical language. I would advise a future engineer to solve the 18th problem. In tasks where there are points: “find, calculate, determine...”, all points are evaluated independently of each other, and you can get points for each. We do not ask you to indicate the names of the theorems and do not try to do so, so as not to confuse something. And one more thing: if, for example, in the 15th task in the Unified State Exam in the Far East there were logarithms, this does not mean at all that in Voronezh or Perm there will also be logarithms in this task.

The topic of the Unified State Exam worries not only graduates, but also their parents and teachers. Work is constantly underway on this system of testing the knowledge of graduates; innovations in the Unified State Exam do not stop and many adjustments are being made. And, of course, you need to study the latest Unified State Exam 2018 news in advance so that you know what to prepare for and not worry.

A couple of years ago there were a lot of rumors about the Unified State Exam in 2018: some wanted to cancel it, others wanted to increase the number of compulsory subjects to six. Schoolchildren complain about the clichéd nature of assignments and the lack of opportunity to show their best sides. Universities are faced with the problem of silent students because students are taught to memorize material and mark the correct option. Therefore, the already famous phrase “forget everything you were taught at school” has a place in universities. It is not yet known for certain how the Unified State Exam will change its appearance in the coming years.

News from 16.03.2018 . State Duma deputies will introduce a bill to abolish the Unified State Exam. This information was received from Boris Chernyshov, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, co-author of the bill.

But everyone who hoped for the cancellation of the Unified State Exam in 2018 will not be happy. The Ministry of Education and Science does not support such an initiative and states that it is premature to talk about canceling the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Exam 2018 news

There is a new Minister of Education in power, not Dmitry Litvinov, who planned to increase the number of subjects to six by 2018. Vasilyeva, who holds the position of minister, is a supporter of gradual changes, she said that the project to reform the Unified State Examination will continue, but there is no need to be afraid of global changes.

So what changes will there be in the Unified State Exam 2018?

  • The number of compulsory disciplines may change.
  • One more subject will be added to the existing twelve – Chinese language.
  • Mark for the final essay.
  • Changes in the structure of CMM options.
  • Tightening of examination measures.
  • The influence of the exam result on the score in the certificate.

Let's take a closer look at these new provisions.

What compulsory subjects are included in the Unified State Exam 2018?

The number of compulsory exams for grade 11 is constantly changing. Previously, the question “how many subjects should be taken” did not arise among eleventh-graders. The following were and are necessary:

  1. Russian language, consisting of two parts;
  2. mathematics (since 2015, divided: profile - for those entering technical specialties; basic - for those entering humanitarian specialties).

To obtain a more necessary certificate than a certificate, these two exams must be passed with a positive mark.

The issue of a third compulsory subject has been under consideration for a long time; it is possible that at the end of this academic year, children will have to take three compulsory disciplines.

Candidates for the 2018 mandatory exams vary, but the top leaders are:

  • History - even V.V. Putin spoke out in defense of this subject;
  • Social studies is the most popular discipline;
  • A foreign language in the age of globalization is gaining many supporters;
  • Geography is included here for the same reason.

Disputes are ongoing, and accurate information will only be given at the beginning of the school year.

Choose and submit!

Elective subjects are called that because graduates choose them themselves, based on what subjects are required for admission to the desired university. The number of additional disciplines to pass is not limited. Therefore, what to take for the Unified State Exam and how many subjects to take is up to you to decide. There are 12 elective disciplines:

  • Humanities: history, social studies, literature

Languages: English, German, French, Spanish.

  • Technical sciences: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and ICT.

In 2018, Chinese was added to the list of elective disciplines.

What innovations will affect the final essay?

The latest news reports that marks will now be given for the final essay. If previously there was only pass/fail, now a five-point scale is used to evaluate essays. The evaluation criteria can be viewed on the FIPI website. You remember that when you apply for an essay, points are added? This could be your ticket to a coveted place at the institute.

Another news: instead of three essay topics, five will now be offered. There is a chance to choose a more interesting or simple one for yourself. But with an increase in the number of topics, the required volume also increases - 250 words instead of 200. Reformers are trying to achieve competent written speech from schoolchildren in this way. The hope that schoolchildren will at least read a few books for the exam does not die.

Tests are removed, creativity is added

Yes, yes, this is exactly what experts were guided by when creating new Unified State Exam KIMs in literature. Assignments with short answers are eliminated, and the length of the essay increases. This discipline is subject to much controversy and is most often subject to reform.

Changes in the Unified State Exam in 2018 also apply to other disciplines. Test tasks that require a simple choice among these options are gradually being removed. There are tasks of medium and high complexity. Exams in biology and social studies were left without a test part; the examinee must himself give a short answer to the question posed. In this way, it is planned to improve the quality of education in the disciplines.

The oral portion of the exam on The Great and Mighty will be coming soon, but don't worry, not this school year. But the point is that the association of the Unified State Exam with a test, where you can tick boxes at random, is being actively removed.

There is also news for those taking computer science: the Unified State Exam will be taken on computers.

Metal detectors didn't help, we'll have to install jammers

According to numerous surveys and studies, many schoolchildren manage to pass exams in the classroom. Cameras, metal detectors, threats, orders from teachers - none of the above stops students. It’s still possible to walk through with a phone and even use it. Therefore, starting from 2018, it is planned to install mobile communication jammers. Rosobrnadzor is determined to tighten measures in the preparation of options and their delivery; approach observers and teachers even more seriously to avoid the possibility of cheating.

Unified State Examination and certificate

Changes in the Unified State Exam also affected the scoring of the certificate. The mark can be either improved or damaged. But there is an advantage to this. For example, you have studied Russian all your life with a solid “4”, and suddenly you write an exam with an “excellent”. Most likely, the teacher will meet you halfway and give you an “A” on your certificate. But we all understand that, in the end, only the teacher decides what mark to give you on your certificate.

Now you know what changes will be in the Unified State Exam 2018 and you can try to use them to your advantage. More detailed information about what the Unified State Exam will be like in 2018 and about innovations in the Unified State Exam will appear in the fall.

When is the exam in 2018?

The exams take place in several stages:



May 28 Geography, Computer Science and ICT
May 30 mathematics (basic level)
June 1st mathematics (profile level)
June 4) history, chemistry
June 6 Russian language
the 9th of June foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 13 foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 14 social science
June 18 biology, foreign languages ​​(written)
June 20 literature, physics
22nd of June reserve: geography, computer science and ICT
June 25 reserve: mathematics (basic and specialized levels)
June 26 reserve: Russian language
27th of June reserve: biology, foreign languages ​​(written), history, chemistry,
June 28 reserve: literature, social studies, physics
June 29 reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)
July 2 reserve: for all subjects


4 September Russian language
September 7 mathematics (basic level)
September 15th reserve: mathematics (basic level), Russian language

How many points should I get in 2018 to get admitted?

To get a certificate, not a certificate, you will need one number of points, and to enter a university another. These two concepts should be distinguished, since the numbers may vary. Every year the “minimum scores” change, depending on how well people pass the test across the country. Therefore, today we can only give approximate Unified State Exam scores:

  • mathematics – 27;
  • Russian language - 36;
  • physics, chemistry, biology – 36;
  • history, literature – 32;
  • geography – 37;
  • computer science and ICT – 40;
  • social studies – 42;
  • foreign languages ​​- 22.

To obtain a certificate you must have the following number of points:

  • Russian language – 24;
  • mathematics – 27, or a basic level of 3.

But, if we compare these figures, it becomes obvious that the doors to universities are closed to those who simply sought to somehow obtain a certificate.

All students who have entered the 11th grade can only be advised not to hope that the Unified State Exam will be suddenly canceled in 2018, but to take into account the changes in the Unified State Exam in 2018 and get ready to pass. Many leading figures believe that it is this exam that helps young people from the hinterlands make their way to the country's leading universities. If this is so, then the Unified State Exam is live!

The FIPI website already has options for all disciplines. If you are prepared, no changes will affect your results! Good luck!

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