Detailed horoscope for Sagittarius for the year. Horoscope for Sagittarius by year of birth


Personal life

Relationships with loved ones and your loved one in 2017 will become a source of quite a variety of emotions and impressions for you. Some of them will be related to difficulties arising from the fact that you will have to choose between your personal life and your responsibilities, the need to devote part of your free time to the professional sphere, etc. Problems may also arise due to the fact that your partner (or partner) begins to show dissatisfaction with the amount of attention you pay. And to minimize the problems associated with all this, you should learn to maintain a reasonable balance that would allow no aspect of your life to suffer. It’s definitely not worth sacrificing work or something else in favor of your personal life, or, on the contrary, constantly infringing on yourself and your loved one because of other matters.

Among other things, Sagittarius men should avoid frivolity in relationships, that is, not have relationships with several women at the same time and not have one-day affairs. And it is advisable for Sagittarius women to hold their tongues, because next year bad jokes and odious statements can create great difficulties for you in relationships with men.


In 2017, some of the Sagittarians will change their field of activity. The current work will become obsolete and become irrelevant. But this information should not lead you to want to quit your current business as soon as difficulties arise in it or you become bored. You should have a strong feeling of the need to change something in your professional activities. And only after that can you allow yourself to “work” in a new direction.

Many Sagittarians will spend a lot of time correcting old mistakes and resolving long-standing matters that you have put off over and over again. Those of you who fully succeed in this can look forward to significant growth in your career prospects and recognition of personal competence in what you do.

You should make important decisions carefully, and act at favorable moments. Therefore, try to get rid of selfishness and the desire to do something based on the first impression.


In 2017, most Sagittarius will be able to afford to make a major purchase. And perhaps even more than one. This can be, in essence, any purchase, but it is advisable for you to remember that the most positive will be brought to you by “investments” in your relationship with your loved one and loved ones. This could be a gold necklace for a wife (cufflinks for a husband), a new tablet for a son, a laptop for parents, etc. Such expenses will certainly pay off in the future by improving and strengthening relationships.

In addition, Sagittarius can safely spend money on their appearance. Maintaining a respectable (as you understand it) image in 2017 will be one of the most significant aspects for you. You need to refrain from expenses that are not vital only in the last two to three months of the year. At this time, it would be better for you to save as much as you can for next year.

The only taboo for you should be gambling and other dubious adventures related to money. The risks in such situations will be very high for you, especially in the first half of next year.


A sense of personal comfort will be very important for Sagittarius in 2017. This, of course, is not a panacea for all health problems, however, it is the feeling of emotional comfort in many situations that will be the basis for the normal functioning of your body and, therefore, for satisfactory well-being. An important conclusion follows from this: do not do something because it is customary, or because you are embarrassed to refuse someone something. Do as your own self tells you.

Sagittarius women, in addition, must keep their digestive system under control at all times. Do not neglect alarming symptoms in this regard, respond to them. However, keep in mind that it may not be enough for you to simply not eat unhealthy foods. You will almost certainly also have to go in for sports, and also try to give up excesses (alcohol, etc.)

On the contrary, it is advisable for Sagittarius men not to overdo physical activity, as this can lead to problems with the spine. Another point that definitely needs to be mentioned in this case is attention to your own leisure time. This is a special topic, which is that you definitely need to move away from people and be alone at least from time to time. In this sense, it will be right if you can spend your weekends (if possible) and vacation in some remote or at least unfamiliar places and without “accompaniment”.

The Fire Rooster has many opportunities in store for Sagittarius. The only problem is whether a person born under such a sign will be able to see those carefully hidden possibilities.

If you are really ready to give up what you have and change your life three hundred and sixty degrees, go ahead to your dream!

What to expect for Sagittarius women in 2017?

Women born under this sign will have very active intuition throughout the year. They will be able to predict events, see people as they are. They are not so easy to deceive, even for the most skilled liar. Therefore, it is worth thinking before you torture your fate and lie for a Sagittarius woman.

You can try to participate in lotteries or competitions for vigilance and intuition - it will not let you down. In addition, it will bring huge monetary profits. This special insight will also help in matters of raising children and communicating with loved ones. You can see through all their tricks without much difficulty. Just don’t put too much pressure, people shouldn’t know everything about each other.

Family and relationships for Sagittarius women in 2017

Men are always polite to Sagittarius women, because they are very charming and unpredictable. These women are mysteries that cannot be comprehended and understood until the end of their days. Almost no one can win them over or attract attention. Therefore, men, you will have to turn on all your masculine attractiveness and peculiarity in order to become the subject of her attention, at least for a minute.

However, if Sagittarius falls in love, she will make her husband the happiest in the world. Because they are very homely and flexible. As for children, Sagittarians are still children themselves. And they will remain so forever. Therefore, you should have great patience and understanding, only then can these fidgets be curbed and tamed.

Sagittarius has money - women for 2017

Funds this year will simply stick to you like bees to honey! Of course, you will become a very lucky girl. Take part in some kind of drawing - the prize is yours, right?! This will be the case throughout 2017. There is one rule - never doubt yourself or your ability to win.

Perhaps this year you will learn about a major legacy left to you by distant, long-forgotten relatives. Regarding earnings at work, everything will be stable and standard. Of course, if you show hidden abilities and complete the plan twice as fast, your bosses will take pity and give you a bonus.

If we talk about cash receipts, then most likely they are random. Only with their help will you be able to get rich in 2017 – once and for all!

Career horoscope for Sagittarius – women for 2017

If you work where you have always dreamed. And if your work brings only pleasure, soon, when you comprehend all the secrets of this activity, you will become a leader in production. The most important thing in choosing a future profession is to love it and be able to properly manage your time.

Most people are looking for a job where they can make a fortune. However, is it worth it to wake up every morning with the thought: “When will all this end?” Sagittarians don’t think so, because enjoying life is a very important and necessary thing for them.

Health horoscope for Sagittarius – women for 2017

Sagittarians need to watch their diet. After all, now every third person suffers from disorders, ulcers or gastritis. You should always eat right, do not overindulge in fatty foods, sweets and spicy foods. It is best to contact a specialist and talk to him about what kind of nutrition is right for you.

In addition, you need to start playing sports. Every woman should take care of herself and always be in great shape. Choose something like fitness or dancing. Two or three classes a week and the result will be visible on your face - your heart will not be naughty, extra pounds will go away, problem areas will tighten up. Plus, people who exercise automatically start eating healthier.

What to expect for Sagittarius men in 2017?

Unfortunately, men's intuition is not as well developed as the fair half of our society. However, they are dominated by the ability to think sensibly and logically, to consider their every step, and to make the right decisions. Men are not as emotional as women, which is a plus in solving complex problems. Therefore, when you need to decide something, think it over carefully - you know perfectly well what will be right. Therefore, there is no need to doubt yourself.

Set clear goals. If you decide to do something, create something, think carefully about it, draw up a business plan, calculate in advance the possible ways of ending the situation - the most realistic, positive and negative. And only when you are clearly aware of the possibilities of profit and loss, start working.

Family and relationships for Sagittarius men in 2017

Sagittarius men are people with an economic mindset. They always keep accounts, record income and expenses. The only problem is that they do this not only at work, but also at home. If in the first case it brings profit, then in the second it brings displeasure to his family members. Therefore, you need to be a little more loyal to your loved ones and close people, learn to put yourself in their position and demand to become the same as you.

Children are always a little afraid of fathers who were born under the sign of Sagittarius. Therefore, they communicate more with mothers. If you feel dislike on the part of your child, put the papers aside and go to the park with your baby and talk about more everyday matters.

Money for Sagittarius - men for 2017

You always write down everything, keep records. Not a single penny is wasted. This, of course, is very good, because in the future you can earn more than one fortune. Not only will you be among the top ten richest, but you will also be able to put your children on their feet.

But we need to take a break from eternal calculations at least a little. Family also requires attention. And you yourself need at least a little bit of care, affection and warmth.

Career horoscope for Sagittarius – men for 2017

Skeptics like you should only be in leadership positions. You know how to properly organize the work process, extract maximum abilities from your subordinates, and manage business well. Profit is your main goal. However, no less attention is paid to the work environment and the dedication of your subordinates to the common cause.

You will be very upset if you find out that not everyone takes your common cause as seriously as you do. But this does not mean that the person does not care. He just has different priorities in life. And this is also worth taking into account.

Health horoscope for Sagittarius – men for 2017

Excessive busyness and attention to money issues will not have the most positive impact on your well-being. In addition to standard problems with the heart and blood vessels, you may develop a number of other diseases, the treatment of which will require not only a lot of time, but also money. Therefore, think about whether it is worth working in order to be treated for malaise, colds, body weakness, and vitamin deficiency.

Therefore, keep records not only of “income and expenses,” but also of your well-being.

In 2017, take up active recreation, as frequent overwork may occur due to work. Rest often, even if only a little, but rest is necessary. A short bike ride won’t take you much time; you can ride your bike to the store every day.

  • Forget about diets this year. Your physical shape is normal, and there is no need to starve yourself. Nothing bad will happen if on the weekend you want to lie on the couch and relax. Don't forget about regular small workouts, and you will maintain your figure without much effort.
  • In the year of the Rooster, you may often suffer from insomnia; to avoid it, learn to rest and relax properly. Sign up for yoga, with its help you can relax at any time without much effort. Or take up meditation.
  • Spend your free time outside more often, or even better, somewhere outside the city or in the village with your grandmother. Regardless of the weather, a walk in the fresh air won't hurt you. Water procedures will also help you. On weekends, you can safely go to the river, and if you haven’t been on vacation for a long time, it’s time to go to the sea with the whole family, they will definitely be in favor.

Family horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

This year will be a good one to improve relationships with family. Do some household chores yourself, they will show you that it is not so difficult, and at the same time you will help your family.

  • Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12) The time has come to become the head of your family, you will succeed without any problems, don’t even worry. You know how to behave during family disputes, and besides, there won’t be very many of them in the coming year. And you will get along even better with the relatives of your other half than with your own.
  • Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12) This will be favorable for you in the field of repairs. You can add a couple of rooms to the house. Your design skills will pleasantly surprise your family, so don't be afraid to try something new. You can also build something unusual at your dacha, for example, grow grapes or various fruit trees.
  • Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12) Don't be so strict with your family, pamper them at least a little. Stop controlling your children too much, a little freedom will not hurt them. And your older household members will definitely rejoice at your attention. Try giving gifts for no special reason and organizing small celebrations. The whole family will love this. And don’t forget about yourself, sometimes you can relax in the company of friends.

Children's horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Your children will want to explore the world on their own, so don’t limit their freedom. This way you will become ideal parents for them.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12) These active kids want to become more independent every day. They might even bring a bunch of kids to visit, which isn't a bad thing, it's just that your child wants to interact with their peers. Try to invent new games and entertainment in which the child will play the leading role and be able to control everything.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12) But for such children, on the contrary, your attention will always be needed, without it they will go crazy. Don’t be afraid to take your child to work or on a visit, he will behave calmly in front of people. He may even express his opinion on something, which will make everyone smile, and this may even help you.

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12) Little Sagittarius will simply be at the peak of their activity, and will certainly not give you peace. They will be able to shine with at least 10 nannies. Calmness is not for them, get ready to catch your baby the next time he falls from the tree. To use energy for good, send your child to the sports section.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Be careful with the feelings of other people, your desire to be independent and free has already broken a lot of hearts.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12) You can easily charm any admirer with your sensuality, and this can be perceived as a hint of a serious relationship. If you're not ready for it yet, try to hold it in. You don’t need to promise anything to anyone; warn the person right away about your intentions; if your views are similar, enjoy your chosen one and don’t bother your head with unnecessary things.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12) You are a master of your craft; if you like a person, you easily manage to keep him close. But don't use this gift too often, because you probably don't need a bunch of people surrounding you. Better wait for the moment when you meet your future half.

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12) To finally find your chosen one, you will have to try a little. Change your lifestyle, change your social circle, in a word - change. Having become better, you will easily find the right person. Moreover, in the year of the Rooster you will become much more romantic than usual.

Business horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Financial gains will constantly visit you, and no matter where you hide, they will still appear.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12) The Fire Cockerel has his eye on you, and he will not leave you without work. In any place you will have a chance to make a profitable deal. There will always be great deals nearby that you shouldn't refuse, so buy plenty of pens to sign documents with.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12) It's time to find out how many really close people you have. Tell them that you have no money at all, half of it will certainly suddenly disappear somewhere. Only the most faithful friends will remain with you, who will help you in the future. Let it be better to have fewer friends, but real ones. You can immediately take them on as business partners.

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12) It's high time to realize your dreams, which you may have already forgotten about. Remember what you dreamed of several years ago and finally try to do this business. 2017 will be a good year to start your own business. If you choose creative work, you will not find rivals in your city.

Horoscope for Sagittarius by year of birth


Good luck will definitely come to your home, but still, you should not forget about attentiveness. It should be demonstrated both at work, when choosing a business partner, and in your personal life. Although the Cockerel will select the best candidates for you, be careful and choose the one in whom you are confident.


On New Year's Eve, having made a wish, or maybe even several, in the near future you will see how quickly they will begin to come true. It won’t be difficult for the cockerel to bring them to life. So go ahead, be hardworking and don’t give up, then everything will work out well. There won’t be any particular problems with money; on the contrary, there is a chance to win the lottery.


You don’t have to be afraid of your opponents and rivals; they all fled long ago and gave you the path to success. So you can rest easy, although soon you will get tired of doing nothing, and you yourself will go to work, where there is nowhere without you. They've already been waiting for you there.

Sagittarius-Rabbit (Cat)

You have everything to achieve your goals, especially you can easily exist in different conditions, this can provide you with growth in your career. Such changes can attract the attention of all sorts of flattering individuals, who, of course, cannot be trusted. Be careful, because now many envious people may appear.


Very soon you will be provided with a new place, with a big salary. And all this is due to the fact that your head is full of all sorts of new ideas that your colleagues and bosses will like. Serious changes are expected in your personal life. Free dragons will find their mate. And there is news for families, you may soon have a little dragon.


It's time to open your own business; lucrative offers and plans are already waiting for you. Have a pen ready to sign contracts. Partners already know that they can do business with you, you will be able to achieve anything with your charm. Soon you will receive a financial boost, and you will have to count money often.


Success awaits you in your field of activity, and in general, no matter what you do, things will go well in everything. But don’t forget about your family, of course they are happy for your victories, but you also want attention. Take a vacation and go on vacation with your family. Nothing will happen if you are away from work for a few days.

Sagittarius-Sheep (Goat)

In 2017, the Cockerel will give you a lot of happiness. There won’t be any special problems with money, but be careful, it’s better not to scatter it anywhere. If you are single, then this will not last long; soon the chosen one will appear who will delight you with beautiful deeds.


This year you will easily become the soul of any company, both among friends and colleagues. Your sense of humor will definitely help with this. But you shouldn’t joke with influential people all the time, be serious. And in love affairs, everything will work out for you, you will begin to understand each other, and resolve small problems quickly without quarrels.


Expect various surprises in 2017. Your financial condition will improve, and without much difficulty. The main thing is to find the very deals that bring good money. Use your charm, but use it only towards those people who are attractive to you. Otherwise, you may gain unnecessary fans.


Hurry up to change jobs, Cockerel has already found you several good places. You will be able to achieve success in business, find good partners you can trust. Only sincere and kind people will surround you, but hide your fangs, you won’t need them. Enjoy life and don't worry.

Sagittarius-Pig (Pig)

You will easily fulfill all your desires in 2017. Try to attend social events more often, there you will find good connections that will definitely help you in the future. You just have to put in a little effort and all your dreams will come true. So go ahead, don't wait for anything, take action now.

Evgenia Evus

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

The Sagittarius sign will be one of the luckiest in 2017. Sagittarius will be lucky in all areas of life, but they will have to focus on social contacts: establishing relationships with relatives and old acquaintances, making new friends and balancing the climate in the work team. The family will become the focus of Sagittarius - they will feel a surge of warm feelings and the need to provide care and attention to those closest to them. For those Sagittarius who have not yet found a life partner, it’s time to leave their usual indecisiveness and go in search of their other half - the year of the Fire Rooster will bring them only pleasant and lasting acquaintances.

2017 is the best year for Sagittarius to travel. This applies to both long vacations in distant countries and trips out of town for the weekend. Go to cultural events more often: festivals, exhibitions, open lectures. It will broaden your horizons, give you food for thought and introduce you to new people. Sagittarius may find it uncomfortable to leave their already warmed comfort zone and expand the circle of people with whom this representative of the sign has long been familiar. However, having overcome some unsociability, Sagittarius will feel satisfaction and personal growth. Such acquaintances can be useful both for the business sphere and develop into a strong friendly company.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will also be favorable for career growth. Sagittarius will receive tempting offers regarding a change of job or additional income, but due to indecision they may miss these offers. Don’t chase dubious successes: think carefully about everything, avoid potentially illegal sources of income. However, if the offer comes to you from reliable sources, then agree and do not deviate from the decision made. This is your chance to realize your potential - do not ignore the advice of astrologers to be courageous and take advantage of it.

Financial stability will allow Sagittarius to strengthen and expand their family unit by the end of 2017: if you have long wanted to purchase real estate, now is the time to do it. If you don’t need this, consider upgrading your furniture or renovating it, or set aside money for relaxation and wellness. This year, frequent travel will work to your advantage, and medical services may be needed during the winter exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Money and career

In the field of finance, 2017 will be prosperous for Sagittarius. At work, everything will also generally turn out well, but the danger lies in the intrigues of colleagues and nervous overstrain. It’s not easy to deal with the first one - perhaps one of your envious people will play on your straightforwardness and will deliberately provoke you.

The Sagittarius sign is prone to openly expressing irritation and anger, which can make them look bad in front of their superiors. Try to treat the troubles happening around you philosophically: your priority is quality work done, and not self-affirmation through conflicts.

With nervous overstrain, things are somewhat more complicated. The Oracle warns Sagittarius that additional work responsibilities may fall on this zodiac sign. To be prepared for this, pay special attention to planning your day: evenly distribute the amount of work ahead and, if possible, arrange for yourself a variety of leisure activities. Rest is not only sleeping and watching TV, although you can afford that sometimes. Take long walks or cultural leisure for yourself: then you can return to your duties refreshed and inspired to work.

In addition to the lurking dangers, there are also positive aspects. If you run your own business, then in 2017 there are high chances that it will finally be fairly valued and will bring Sagittarius a sufficient amount of money. This applies equally to ordinary employees: in the year of the Fire Rooster, those projects that have been dragging their tail behind you will finally find worthy use. The astrologer's predictions for this zodiac sign are extremely encouraging: by reading the horoscope for 2017, Sagittarius can stop worrying about financial problems and pay attention to self-development and their loved ones.

Family and romantic relationships

As already mentioned, family will be the main cause of concern for Sagittarius in 2017. This is especially true for those representatives of the sign who have acquired their own life partner and children. Astrologers' predictions warn of possible problems for Sagittarius' relatives, so don't be surprised at their whims and scandals out of nowhere. Instead of responding aggressively to such attacks, sit down and talk frankly with your loved ones. Perhaps you have not noticed their difficulties for a long time and therefore seemed callous, so do not refuse to help them now.

For those Sagittarius who have not yet tied the knot or a serious relationship, a kaleidoscope of whirlwind romances will begin. The second half of 2017 promises to be especially rich in romantic adventures. Most likely it will be summer and autumn, when Sagittarius will go on a trip and start a holiday romance. Do not deny yourself the expression of feelings: such relationships will leave you with warm memories for a long time.

By the way, for those Sagittarius who are already in a relationship, it is also useful to take their other half to warm countries. This will strengthen your relationship and give you new unforgettable emotions. Even the longest journey will not seem tiring to you, and all the problems you encounter will be so ridiculous that they will remain in your memories only as a reason for a joke.

Sagittarius men, fed up with short-lived summer romances, can meet their true love in winter. Your relationship may not last until death, but the person you meet will definitely stay with you for a long time. Long-term relationships will arise due to high compatibility: you will not annoy each other and will be able to more fully realize yourself as individuals. In turn, Sagittarius women in 2017 may be in danger of falling into the clutches of swindlers. The first ten days of spring are especially dangerous in this regard. However, you shouldn’t be too careful, because endless suspicions can cause you to miss the love of your life.

Rest and health

As mentioned above, the Oracle recommends Sagittarius to have a dynamic rest: traveling and walking. This zodiac sign needs a similar organization of pastime - without movement and change of views, Sagittarius slowly withers away. In addition, the Sagittarius sign is prone to vascular and heart diseases, so walking and light jogging will be a good help for health.

Sagittarius men need to pay close attention to their habits. Count the number of cigarettes you smoke and alcohol you drink in a week and take these numbers seriously. A frivolous attitude towards your own weaknesses is guaranteed to land you in a hospital bed, so free yourself from bad habits now, without waiting for frightening diagnoses.

Sagittarius women can go to the other extreme: strict diets, exhausting workouts, and the most dangerous thing - replacing drug treatment with “non-traditional” means. Know the limits in your health concerns: the load should be adequate to your physical condition. And miracle doctors with a whole arsenal of magic pills or herbs can only convince you of the effectiveness of treatment, but not contribute to it. Approach the methods of unofficial medicine skeptically, otherwise you will miss a serious complication of the disease.


Sagittarius is practically the luckiest zodiac sign in 2017. For its representatives, no difficulties are expected either in finances or in relationships with people. All that the year of the Fire Rooster requires from Sagittarius is the desire for self-development and attention to their loved ones. Sagittarius should perceive the horoscope for 2017 as an impetus for active work - take a break from routine and immediate responsibilities and get down to those things that you have long wanted to do, but did not find time for. The same applies to purchases: if you have been hesitant to spend a large amount of money for a long time, now is the time to do it.

However, there are a few things that Sagittarius should avoid in 2017. First of all, this is dishonest business, promiscuous relationships and wasting money on trinkets. Some Sagittarians may take this lightly as a way to “relax,” but think about how your weaknesses will affect you later. Casual relationships can harm your moral character, and manic shopping will result in remorse and remorse.

Choose a more useful way to forget about the routine: sports, friendly communication and new experiences. In addition, the Fire Rooster favors those determined representatives of the sign who will find the strength to abandon old bad habits and dubious acquaintances. Thus, Sagittarius has the power to make 2017 the most fruitful year in their lives, or to let everything take its course.

Work and work - this is the motto of Sagittarius for the year of the Rooster, which does not tolerate discouragement. Every seed sown will sprout, but no one will sow it for you. Having looked at all areas of his life, which are sanctified by the horoscope for 2017, Sagittarius will see many interesting turns of events, and, having decided to ride luck, he will achieve his goal.

The rooster will look at you as if he were a negligent stepdaughter, but when he sees your pressure and patience, he will thank you. The year will begin easily and naturally, as if after a difficult rehearsal, you will play the first act perfectly. Spring will become a litmus test that will highlight hard workers, autumn will be a moment of recognition. Only you decide what to get in the end: huge bouquets of flowers or disappointment of the viewer.

This year will become a sieve through which all artificial relationships, connections and attachments will be sifted out. You will become morally mature and completely honest with yourself and others. It will be in your best interest.

Health and strength

From the very beginning of the year, be careful in choosing products. The rooster is not picky about food. Production dates, product brand - check and double-check everything. Be attentive to the exotic table, new dishes and chefs. By looking at the horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017, you can avoid troubles with the digestive tract and even poisoning. Canned food, and especially mushrooms, are not your product in the first half of the year.

It's sad, but alcohol is also contraindicated for you. Here, damage can be caused both by the alcohol itself and by drunken situations. Be attentive to yourself and evaluate every step.

Get diagnosed with bone diseases, take a course of essential vitamins, take calcium, drink dairy products, eat cheeses. Everything related to calcium and strengthening bones is your direct responsibility in the year of the Rooster. A chicken, one grain at a time, and you, a little at a time, will get everything your body needs.

Love and relationships

In this area, the sign can be completely sure - he is happy, mutually loved and kind. His every word in the family is perceived by others as truth. You inspire confidence in the opposite sex and can use it. You are attracted to your strength and erudition. Love horoscope for 2017, Sagittarius feels internally and does everything right. The flow of energy from your ego binds you and forces you to give up. Family signs will achieve dominance and look at the other half from a different angle. They will find completely new qualities in her, and this will significantly strengthen the marriage. You may want to go on a new honeymoon and confess your love to your loved one once again. Don’t be confused, if this thought comes to you, implement it.

Free from relationships, burdened by existing relationships, take a closer look at the people who love you and are patiently waiting for you to mature. These are the most faithful and true friends who will be your support and foundation in the family. These people will be your crutch in your most difficult hour. Beware of easy relationships - they are not for you, you will definitely lose something by going through them.

Career and success in business

You have long wanted to open your own business, do what you love. Your time has come - all the cards are in your hands. Take on exactly what you wanted to do, what you dreamed about for a long time.

Do not change the direction of your activities - you will not achieve anything in a new place. No matter how wonderful it is, you will be disappointed. A high salary will no longer please you after they ask you for any reason or without it. You will be checked and rechecked. A new profession will only bring sad memories and depression. Sagittarius, your career in 2017 will be on the rise only in the area of ​​your understanding and experience, your knowledge and achievements.

But in the old place you can easily go uphill. A promotion is inevitable for you. You will be recommended by a colleague to take his place when moving to a higher position or upon retirement. Most of your colleagues will be in your favor when choosing a department head or even a deputy director.

Don't be afraid that you won't make it. You understand this matter more than many others, and you will be helped by employees who value and trust you very much. The only thing is that a situation awaits you where you will have to support everyone and speak out in defense of your subordinates - this will only strengthen your relationship.

Finance and savings

The financial horoscope for 2017 foretells that Sagittarius will ride the waves of stability. There will be no salary increase, but there will be no delays or waste. Everything is normal and this cannot but rejoice. The Rooster has prepared another surprise for you - receiving a large sum or real estate as a gift or inheritance. Take a closer look, do you have a relative who is quite loyal to you?

Sagittarius are interesting natures who spend actively, and sometimes even wastefully for their loved ones, and at some point they are simply misers, and you cannot beg snow from them. This is their gut feeling, not a claim to luxury. They know when to buy and when to hold back and stock up on savings.

Existing loans will become smaller due to the large investment of money towards payment. This needs to be done before the fall, and by winter be ready for a new purchase.

Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Try not to leave deposits, even successfully invested, on one site. Look for possible options with a higher percentage - they will be there. Do not hesitate to express your intention to the bank - perhaps they will offer to increase the percentage in order not to lose you as an active client with an excellent history and a large amount of money.

Horoscope for Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman is fire and sobering water at the same time. During the day, the impossible happens in her head - she is offended and at the same time wants to communicate. She chooses a new dress and buzzes to her husband about the most severe savings. The Sagittarius woman accepts the horoscope for 2017 with a hint of mistrust; she knows the value of joy from good luck, and is inclined to analyze what is happening. Nothing will pass her by - she is attentive to all the little things, focused and persistent in her actions. Read more >>>

Horoscope for a Sagittarius man

This is one of the most interesting signs - it combines the incongruous and conceals the unconcealed. This year, tactics and decision-making are on men's minds. Decisions that will change their lives radically. The Sagittarius man views the horoscope for 2017 as an instruction for action, because he internally feels this need. All his steps will be aimed at creation. This is the time to make plans that you have been putting off for some reason. Read more >>>

Horoscope by birth numbers

Sagittarius whose birth falls on the date from November 28 to December 2, you should be more attentive to your health. Your achievements are visible and tangible, but you can't stop chasing a bigger piece. Each of your new projects or ideas succeeds, and this takes a lot of emotional balance. You are determined and do not look for yellow brick roads - you build them and walk along them, looking around for opportunities for new achievements. Stop for a moment, take a deep breath and compare performance with banal greed. Work is not a table in a casino where you are lucky right now, which means you need to bet and bet. You need a vacation. It doesn’t matter - summer or winter - go somewhere, be it a village, a Mediterranean beach, mountains or a boarding house in the region. This will benefit you and will affect your relationships with your loved ones. They want to see you around at least occasionally.

Born from 5 to 10 December They will unexpectedly see prospects in a completely new business, in a new relationship or in a career. They are not as cloudless as you think! Take a close look at the subject of your unexpected luck. Have you calculated and checked everything correctly? Have you double-checked? Have you consulted with competent people? Then take it. Be prepared step by step - read, delve into it, trust not your emotions, but only the facts.

Don't forget about your parents - they want your attention and are ready to give you care, they need you. If you do not take a step towards them, they will offend you. Take gifts from them, give them yourself, devote time to them. Be careful - this will support them better than medication.

Sagittarius born from 10 to 13 December, will decide to change their status. Those who have lovers will take a closer look at them and will be surprised at how attached people are to them. Family signs will decide to leave easy connections - they will find a lot of advantages and new charm in their other half. Singles will be ready to take a serious step and tie themselves with long-awaited ties. Closer to autumn, you will already appreciate the correctness of your action, since everything will be better for you: health, financial situation, inner state of peace. And all this thanks to the right choice of your passion. Try to avoid courts and disagreements, be careful when drawing up documents and with affixing a seal and signature.

For signs that do not fall within these time frames, the year gives stability and confidence. They will go with the flow, but their rivers are full and will supply abundantly according to their requests. The main thing is to make a thoughtful and verified choice. In the summer, do not deny yourself relaxation and meetings with elderly relatives - you will move to a completely new level of understanding of life, learn to accept advice, appreciate care and give it yourself. Trust your family and close, trusted friends - this is your foundation on which you can build ideal relationships with those around you and be in harmony with yourself.

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, Sagittarius can safely take on the fulfillment of their desires and plans. Particular success awaits representatives of the sign in self-realization and career. The stressful times are over and you can look to the future with optimism. Changes also occur in your worldview. Your talents and abilities are revealed, new opportunities open […]

As the horoscope for August 2017 recommends, Sagittarius should not put off until later things that can be done today. Now you are the architect of your own happiness. You will be attracted by changes, distant countries, and the desire to realize yourself creatively and professionally. Are you ready to start studying again to improve your skills? The stars recommend Sagittarius to look for new friends, attend courses and […]

As the horoscope for July 2017 predicts, Sagittarius will spend the month very actively. Throughout July, representatives of the sign will be in a hurry somewhere, striving to achieve their goals. No matter how great the desire to relax, you cannot relax now. We will have to work hard for the good of the future. Don't back down when large amounts of work need to be done [...]

As the horoscope for June 2017 predicts, Sagittarius must actively engage in social affairs. Try not to avoid communication and always be visible. Make new acquaintances and maintain old contacts, this will open up new opportunities for you. This tactic will make you incredibly popular and authoritative in the eyes of others. But avoid giving in to vanity, pride and [...]

As the horoscope for May 2017 promises, Sagittarius will be able to easily find a way out of a difficult situation. The astrological situation favors Sagittarius in moving towards success. Now representatives of the sign can take a sober look at the situation and find a compromise on any issue. Now you are more proactive and ambitious than ever. In May, your life will be active and [...]

April 2017 will be an unpredictable month for Sagittarius. As the horoscope for April 2017 says, Sagittarius may face unexpected turns in the field of health and finance. Difficulties in work will be resolved in the second half of the month, be patient and save money. Those signs who will have to undergo various examinations in April may […]

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