How to help the planet from pollution. Let's save our planet. What will we leave behind? Large-scale planet conservation

1. Sort your trash. Separating garbage into “components” and throwing it away separately is something environmentalists strive to teach residents of all developed countries of the world to do. The only problem is that trash containers are usually common for all types of garbage.

However, if you wish, you can, for example, hand over glass bottles and jars to a collection point for glass containers, paper, old magazines, newspapers - to waste paper. It is important to keep trash cans free of household hazardous waste. For example, light bulbs, batteries, mercury thermometers, batteries, etc. – things that can harm the environment.

Find out about collection points for used lamps, batteries, mercury thermometers, etc. in my city.

2. Start beautifying your city.

Clean-up days, public tree-planting events, volunteer programs for collecting garbage in parks - you can participate in these events without harming your budget and benefiting your own health. Try going there with your loved ones - this way you will not only help improve the environmental situation, but also have a good time with your family, because joint work, as we know, brings people closer together.

3. Save fuel.

Car owners can also take part in preserving the environment. Try to reduce your fuel consumption while driving. The optimal speed for an average car is 60-90 km/h, sticking to it, you can save up to 20% of fuel. In addition, you should keep your car in order: check the tire pressure, remove unnecessary heavy junk from the car - this will help reduce drag while driving and reduce gas mileage. Another tip - if you are standing for a long time, for example, in line at a gas station, it will be more economical to turn off the engine. More than 10 seconds of idling will be “more expensive” than restarting the engine. It will also be useful to sometimes replace the car with walking, cycling or taking public transport.

4. Reduce your energy consumption.

It may seem that leaving the computer on standby and leaving the microwave on does not use much energy. But in fact, over the course of a year, a considerable amount of wasted electricity and, consequently, money can accumulate. Tip: Turn off all appliances that you are not using from the network, or use “pilot outlets” with a complete power-off button.

5. Choose eco materials.

Environmentalists advise avoiding plastic bags and disposable goods - polyethylene and plastic can take many years to decompose in landfills, and when burned they release acrid black smoke.

Thus, bags in supermarkets can be easily replaced with canvas bags, and disposable plastic picnic tableware can be easily replaced with cardboard plates and reusable cutlery.

6. Save water.

Supplies of clean fresh water are depleting, scientists urge every inhabitant of the planet to think about the future and use water rationally. So, you can take a shower instead of a bath, use economical shower heads with a flow rate of less than 10 l/min, and turn off the water while you brush your teeth or soap yourself. By the way, this way you will not only help our planet, but also save money on utilities.

7. Give away unnecessary things.

At home you can often find a lot of things that you don’t use, but for some reason you keep. After some time, the “junk” will go to the landfill. But you can give those things that have not yet lost their useful properties to places where they can be useful. There are many charities that are ready to accept old clothes, equipment, children's toys and donate them to shelters, orphanages or homeless shelters. Another option is to post an ad on the Internet indicating what you can give away for free.

8. Don't litter.

We see signs with such a call quite often, but does everyone follow this simple commandment? There are a lot of cigarette butts on the roadsides and near the metro, in parks after picnics there are piles of uncollected garbage, and in yards there are beer cans and packets of chips lying everywhere. Of course, it is necessary to cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding world from childhood, but each of us can at least take care of ourselves - do not throw small garbage out of the car window, take a cigarette butt to the trash can, leave the clearing clean after a friendly picnic.

9. Think about the ecology at your dacha.

The summer season is approaching, city residents are happily rushing to their garden plots - some to grow vegetables or flowers, others just to relax from the bustle of the city in silence. At your dacha, you can also use eco-tips: collect rainwater and use it for irrigation, avoid chemical fertilizers for the soil, use natural fertilizers instead, and do not arrange landfills behind your dacha plots.

10. Don't break the law.

This applies to illegal deforestation, collection of rare and endangered plants, poaching, intentional or accidental arson, pollution of river waters with chemical waste and other illegal activities. Sometimes people can break the law simply out of ignorance - cutting down a Christmas tree for the New Year, picking a snowdrop, throwing an unextinguished cigarette butt in the forest, which will start a fire. Violations of laws may result in severe sanctions, including criminal liability. But the main thing is that irreparable harm to nature can be caused, which will ultimately have a negative impact on the inhabitants of the Earth themselves!

The ecology of the Earth is deteriorating every day. Instead of preserving and protecting the resources of our planet, we mercilessly spend them: we waste electricity, pollute water, poison the atmosphere, etc.

At the same time, everyone thinks: “Nothing depends on me anyway,” and is mistaken. Everyone must take care of the health and cleanliness of the world in which he lives, only then can he hope for a positive result.

How to do it? Here are some simple examples:

Plant a tree. This is good for the air and for the earth. In addition, it will be incredibly interesting for you to watch how the tree that you planted with your own hands grows, becomes covered with greenery, gives shade to people fleeing the sun, etc.

Make sure your car's engine doesn't run in vain. Considering today's gasoline prices, this will save not only the environment, but also your wallet.

Try to dry things in the traditional way as often as possible - using a rope and clothespins. Firstly, you will extend the life of your favorite clothes, and secondly, you will save a lot of energy that the “drying” mode spends.

Once a week, have a “meat-free day.” Producing half a kilo of meat requires 10 thousand liters of water and several trees cut down for pasture. In addition, such fasting will improve your digestion.

Try to wash your items at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees. This saves energy. Also try to fully load the washing machine tank.

According to statistics, the average person uses 6 paper napkins per day. If everyone reduced their number to at least five, 500 thousand fewer napkins would end up in trash cans each year.

Use both sides of the paper. You need many documents for personal use, and if some text is already printed on the other side, it will not interfere with you. Every year, office workers send about 21 million tons of A4 paper to landfill. This amount can be halved.

No one has canceled waste paper collection points. Instead of throwing away newspapers and magazines you read, recycle them. Some organizations provide such a service as pickup. It is very comfortable. Recycling Sunday newspapers saves half a million trees a week.

Plastic bottles are not recycled. They decompose over millions of years or are burned, poisoning the atmosphere. Buy a special reusable container and use it by filling it with purified drinking water. This will allow you to improve the environment and reduce costs.

Even if you love taking a bath, try to give it up in favor of a shower at least once a week. The shower uses half as much water.

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, you don't need it anyway. This way you can save 5 liters of water per day.

Do not preheat the oven. Almost no dish, except baking, does not need this. Monitor the cooking process through the transparent door without opening it.

Instead of buying a paper airline ticket, book your ticket online, which requires very little time spent on the computer. And in general, give preference to electronic media rather than paper ones.

Use cardboard matches, which are a product of recycled paper, instead of disposable lighters made of plastic and filled with butane.

When leaving a room, always turn off the light behind you. Even if you plan to return in 15 minutes.

When traveling by car on business, try to accomplish as much as possible of what you have planned at one time. If you get everything done in one trip, you will save gas, time and make your small contribution to improving the environment. Also try to think through the route in advance so as not to add extra kilometers.

Create a flower bed in front of the house. Surely, none of your neighbors will be against it, and most will even support your endeavors.

Try to use disposable tableware as little as possible. For example, instead of buying coffee from a vending machine, drink a cup in the morning before work or keep a cup at your desk. This will reduce the amount of difficult-to-recycle waste and give you more positive emotions.

Refuse plastic disposable bags. They take tens of times longer to decompose than any other garbage. Replace them with biobags or a stylish shopping bag.

Replace at least one light bulb in your home with energy-saving fluorescent ones. You can use it in your pantry, closet, toilet, etc.

If you turn your computer off instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 kilowatt-hours per day.

When washing dishes, many are accustomed to rinsing them first and then using detergent. The water continues to flow at this time. If you only turn on the water to rinse out the detergent, you can save a huge amount of water.

Each discarded bottle takes more than a million years to decompose, so they must be handed over to special collection points. Recycling glass reduces air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50%.

If possible, try to use diapers less often. Of course, they relieve many problems, but at the same time they cause enormous harm to the health of our planet. Each child manages to send approximately 3.5 million tons of poorly recyclable garbage to a landfill. Diapers and cloth diapers are less convenient, but better for the environment.

Be creative. Come up with unusual packaging for gifts. It could be an old capta, newspaper, fabric, etc. This way you will make your gift more original and will not waste extra paper.

Every two minutes you sacrifice while showering will save more than 10 liters of water.

If you have the opportunity, get around the city by bike. This will help you improve the health of you and your planet.

Try to buy local products. Thus, you will support the economy of your area and reduce fuel consumption for transportation

During a barbecue, many people lose sight of their plastic plates, forks and other disposable utensils. Most solve this issue simply - unpack a new set. As a result, plastic utensils are wasted and thrown away several times more. Label the dishes so you don't lose sight of them. To make it more fun, you can come up with funny nicknames for all the barbecue participants.

If you have the opportunity, make an agreement with your boss and work from home. You will save money on travel, regardless of whether you use personal or public transport, and will also make your small contribution to the fight against air pollution from cars.

Before throwing away any item, think about whether it is necessary. Maybe you can give it to someone who needs it or take it to a thrift store?

Never leave trash behind. If everyone cleans up after themselves, our planet will become much cleaner.

Discard the discs; they decompose very poorly, just like their packaging. You can download any movie, any program, any game and any music album using the Internet. Whether you pay for it or not is your choice.

Use rechargeable batteries instead of regular batteries.

Visit second-hand and consignment stores more often. The fact that someone used a bicycle, a net, a blanket or checkers before you does not make these things worse. Let them serve you better instead of littering the environment.

I turn to you for the help our planet needs. I understand that everyone has problems. But now there is a problem for the one who cannot ask for herself. She can hint... she can explain with some signs... and she cannot say... but many people hear her. I'm talking about our beautiful planet Earth, our home, our cradle. The earth, thanks to which we exist, we live on its lands, eat what it gives, it raised us and helped us become who we are, despite the fact that it destroys her, she is like a loving mother who ready to give everything for my child. We turned our backs on her, and she suffers. We are all her children, but we think only about ourselves, we solve our problems... but we are still children who want to seem like adults, and forget that the mother may die by giving away her last. Without it, we cannot survive, and not because there is no planet in the universe where we can live. But because the universe will never accept those who killed their mother. Humanity, having killed the planet, will destroy itself. We have many problems now: wars, diseases, hunger, children's illnesses, drug addiction, and many others. But by solving only these problems, we become like a sinking ship, from which water is scooped up with teaspoons. In order for the ship to sail further, the hole must be repaired.

There are forces that help us, forces that can stop our almost inevitable death. God, the universe, the energy of matter, other living beings. If humanity shows that it is ready to sacrifice selfish desires, and if it is necessary to sacrifice itself to save the Earth... then the death of the planet, nature, and our smaller brothers can be prevented. If you suddenly don’t believe in miracles, then I affirm that I say this as a fact: the whole universe rests on miracles, and there is no need to try to understand them all, to explain them with laws. Nothing is impossible. But... a miracle will not happen if all of humanity does not unite its efforts in order to preserve our home. I appeal to your mind and heart, help the one who gave life to all of us, because our stupidity will destroy her, please do not turn away from her...

I know that it is often difficult to start; thoughts arise: how can this be done, since we cannot help ourselves, but how can we help the whole planet? I swear with all my heart, with all my soul, if we start helping the planet, then our problems will be solved, and there will be fewer of them. And so I propose to start with several very specific and real actions:

Lead a healthy lifestyle, do not leave garbage in nature, try to ride environmentally friendly transport (bicycle, trolleybus, train), reduce meat consumption to a minimum, or refuse altogether, use less paper, demand that factories and authorities comply with environmental standards and waste recycling : paper, plastic, etc. Paper can be replaced with electronic media and do not buy printed products, meat can be perfectly replaced with plant foods, moreover, plant foods are healthier and cause less harm to the environment than animal husbandry.

Watch your diet in general, don’t eat everything, only “pigs” eat everything. Go to the store with reusable bags, and if you do take a bag, try to use it many times. Wear your clothes and shoes longer; you can always sew up a small hole, or just ignore it altogether! Do not use shampoos, gels, and liquid soap - all of these are good substitutes for regular soap, such as Tic-Tac.

Dear girls!!! think about the fact that cosmetics are harmful not only to the environment, but first of all to yourself, your health, and the health of your future children!

These are a few small steps that we need to start taking now, and then there will be a long and difficult path that needs to be taken until the Earth is completely healed. And it doesn’t matter that he is difficult, but what matters is that he is noble and happy.

And I ask you to help each other with this. Because not only me but also you need this.

And unfortunately, money is also needed here. For example, planting one hectare of forest will cost 100,000 rubles. We also need financial support for scientific projects, to save endangered species of animals, to maintain nature reserves, and much more.

It is possible that someone will say, but what does he have to do with it? The state should do the same. So, this is the business of every inhabitant of the earth. Since the vast majority of us drive polluting transport, use plastic bags, pollute the water with waste (only crazy idiots and fools could think of dumping waste back into the water, into rivers, lakes, seas, oceans). And therefore, every inhabitant of the earth is simply obliged to think about how he can help the planet.

1) First of all, change your consumer attitude towards nature, this is the main thing.

2) And secondly, do something, right now, or today, or this week. Plant a tree, ride a bicycle or take public transport instead of a car, send money to any fund, any amount, even 10 rubles, do something that you think is beneficial for the planet. You don’t even have to do something for someone, do it for yourself... get up early in the morning and go for a run... or just find a beautiful place with a piece of nature, stop and admire it, mentally thank it for being you, bye There is still such an opportunity to say...

If you want to help the site and in my endeavors, I will be grateful for your support

But in fact, it’s not the money that’s important... It’s what you do today that’s good and useful. This is the only thing that really matters.

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In the article we will analyze the responses about darsonval “Crown”. This compact device is suitable for regional darsonvalization. It replaces, and at the same time expands and repeatedly increases the effectiveness of the influence of cream and ointment. This device has a unique perspective for the prevention and therapy of every dermatological, neurological, vascular and respiratory pathology. This darsonval is used in cosmetic medicine, in the field of sports medicine, in healing and preventive organizations, and in addition, in the practice of a family doctor and home physiotherapy. Then we will analyze the operating instructions for the presented device, and at the end of the article we will provide feedback on the Corona darsonval. Ease with convenience…

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The trend of the new millennium is conscious consumption and economical use of natural resources. How to make the planet cleaner and save it from garbage?

Admit it, the environmental situation is terrifying, uncontrolled garbage cemeteries, our indifference and haste. What will we leave to our children and descendants? The question is not rhetorical, but requires fundamental changes in our consciousness.

If you think that taking the first step is difficult and you don’t have enough motivation, then you are deeply mistaken. Put economy, cleanliness and then global cleansing of the planet at the top of your priorities - this strange and contradictory set works 100%! Any miracle begins with small steps!

1. Replacing plastic bags with fabric bags and bags

The solution to the problem came from vegans. It was in their shops that the first fabric bags and bags appeared. Let's look at the pros and cons. Now you can get rid of numerous bags in a bag, free up the bowels of the kitchen cabinet or space under the sink! It is there that, most often, deposits of packages are stored.

A lightweight cotton fabric bag fits perfectly into even a small women's bag, is much stronger and more durable than a bag, and, importantly, more environmentally friendly. The only “but” is that it requires washing and drying. Perhaps this is the only negative and worry for the owner.

2. Use of rechargeable batteries and rechargeable batteries

If you can't stop using batteries, then bet on proper disposal and purchase batteries that only need to be charged periodically. Recycling will allow you to quickly recycle the material, and rechargeable batteries will significantly save the family budget.

3. Down with household chemicals - we are looking for an environmentally friendly alternative!

Modern household chemicals make a woman’s life much easier, simplifying and speeding up household chores. The only reason we refuse chemicals is food and skin allergic reactions. Unfortunately, every year there are more and more such complaints. How to solve it? Let’s use “grandmother’s” remedies and proven methods. To do this you will need vinegar, lemon juice, mustard for washing dishes, and soap root for washing. A set that saves many allergy sufferers! By spending just 5-10 minutes, you can find many recommendations and tips on the ratio of ingredients.

4. Disposable bottles are a thing of the past, we are looking for a replacement!

Of course, plastic bottles are very convenient, they are light and have different volumes, but used plastic decomposes up to 500 years! Unless it is a biodegradable material, the decomposition time of such a discarded bottle is much shorter - about a year.

What has come to replace the usual disposable plastic? Containers made from biodegradable material, bottles with built-in filters, soft reusable bags, and the list of eco-innovations is growing daily.

5. Install a water sprayer on the tap

We often use tap water completely thoughtlessly. Did you know that just for the morning procedure, brushing your teeth and washing your face, up to 5 liters of water are spent. And during the day, one person can use up to 250 liters. It’s scary to think how much water is wasted if the family is large, and even with a small child! Washing dishes, cleaning, showering family members...

We do not call for skimping on hygiene, but only for consciousness. After all, you can turn off the water while you are washing or brushing your teeth, do not run the washing machine with 2-3 items, and one more tip - install aerators, special attachments on the taps. They reduce water consumption by 50%, and modern models also additionally purify the water from terrible impurities!

6. Looking for new uses for old things

How hard it is sometimes to part with your favorite things, you must agree. But sometimes a strict revision of closets and living space is still required. Something can be given away as a gift to those in need, something unnecessary but valuable can be sold, something can be sent “courageously” to the trash, and something can be given a new life in an apartment or in a country house!

Pots can be perfectly turned into flower pots, broken dishes into an artful panel in the country, old T-shirts can be used to make bright rugs. Immediately awaken your creativity and sleeping genius, let you create and create!

Don’t indulge yourself with illusions that someday you will lose the hated 10 kilograms and fit into a dress or jeans from 15 years ago. Charitable foundations, shelters, churches will gratefully accept your old clothes. The main thing is to bring it in good, washed condition, and give it away with a pure heart!

7. We help shelters and “adopt” a new family member

Animal shelters are a headache not only for animal activists, but also for their owners who are trying to help four-legged street children. How can we help them, make their city safe and clean?

We cannot influence the increase in the number of animals, but we can help with money and medicine, or shelter a little friend. Alas, he will not have a rich pedigree and you will not be able to show him off at the exhibition either, but you will gain a reliable friend.

8. Install a motion sensor

Everyone associates motion sensors with foreign films and institutions where security is strictly monitored. We assure you that such innovations are appropriate for apartments and country houses. Sensors will significantly save energy consumption by almost 70%. With simple mathematical calculations, you will understand that the cost of purchasing and installing the device quickly pays off! Why pay more?

9. We sort the garbage

Properly recycled waste in Europe and Japan allows you to heat houses, create electricity, and obtain new items for use. Luckily, we too are finding innovative ways to recycle our recyclables. You just need to learn and help. As a standard, collection points accept plastic, glass, paper, metal products, food waste separately, lamps and batteries go separately. By the way, did you know that expired medications cannot be thrown away in a twisted form? Required, go pour it down the drain and wash the bottle, or mix the tablets with crushed food waste.

10. Infuser instead of bagged tea

An incredible number of different flavored sachets delight us during a five-minute break and lift our spirits. Here you will find aromas with the smell of chocolate, and with mango and strawberry, how can you refuse such temptation? It is possible and necessary! Tea connoisseurs unanimously claim that bagged tea is the worst evil. And the point is not that there is practically no tea in the bags, but that they decompose for a very, very long time.

Give preference to brewed tea, it is more healthy and aromatic, and you only need a couple of minutes more time to brew.

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