Fortune telling oracle of the Sibylla prediction. Oracle's predictions. Oracle "Golden Dreams Lenormand"

From this article you will learn:

    What are Oracle cards

    What can you learn from Oracle cards?

    How to tell fortunes using Oracle cards

    Which decks of Oracle cards to buy

Since ancient times, people have tried to predict the future and used a wide variety of symbolic systems to do this: from looking at stars and clouds to fortune telling by the flight of birds or coffee grounds. However, the most popular fortune-telling tool has been “Oracle” cards for several centuries. They are used by gypsies to predict people success, love, changes in life, illness, etc. Nowadays, there are a huge number of decks of Oracle cards: astrological, psychological, associative and thematic, oracles of animals, stones, etc.

What are Oracle cards and how do they differ from Tarot?

What does the word "oracle" mean? The Great Encyclopedia defines it as follows: “An oracle (from Latin oraculum) is in ancient times one of the means by which a person tried to enter into direct communication with a deity. The sayings of the Oracle were considered revelations of the deity. All Oracles can be summed up under three categories: predictions were received either in the form of maxims, or in the form of symbols, or in the form of dreams.”

Card Oracles are symbolic systems. The structure of different decks of Oracle cards may vary, which distinguishes these cards from the Tarot, which must contain the major and minor arcana. Oracles have a completely different number of cards. They depict scenes or symbols from a single set.

Thus, in the Oracle of Numbers there are 32 cards, and each of them consists of two halves - a number and a Kabbalistic sign. Madame Lenormand's Oracle deck contains 36 cards, the content of which are characters (for example, Horseman) or abstract images (Ship, Clover). The Gypsy Oracle contains 52 cards, all of which are story-based. But this is not the limit: the Simbolon Oracle has as many as 78 cards (this deck combines astrological images and other symbolic subjects).

In terms of accuracy of predictions, Oracle cards are not inferior to Tarot. However, there is one significant difference: the strict symbolic system of the Tarot is not obvious and convenient to everyone; Oracles are simpler in this sense. To interpret the meanings of Oracle cards, it is enough to recognize the plots and images on them, while to use Tarot cards you need to have a good understanding of all the symbolism that they cover.

The problem with some Oracle decks is that they are superficial. These maps reflect the external outline of events rather than the deep essence of what is happening, so with their help it is impossible to obtain comprehensive and accurate answers to the questions posed. Unlike Oracle cards, Tarot reveals the entire chain of causes and consequences, starting from the energy level and ending with the event level.

If you want to bring a little magic into your daily life, turn to your own feelings and intuition when reading Oracle cards. It’s not scary if at first it seems that intuition is silent and does not participate in what is happening. To begin, take the entire deck in your hands, hold it, listening to your own feelings. The one of the decks that will be more “lively” and “warm” for you is yours.

Fortune telling with Oracle cards: interpretation and rules

Fortune telling cards of the “Oracle” type have become a real breakthrough in the field of predictive techniques. In order to lift the veil of secrecy over the future, it is necessary to make a layout and then interpret its result (the meaning of the symbol is usually written on the card itself). Cards are not a blind weapon, but a rather capricious entity that can remain silent without giving an answer. If fortune telling is unsuccessful, put it off for another day, do not persist, be patient.

Oracle card decks typically contain 33 cards, one of which is a client card. Cards can be upright or upside down, and this also matters (as, for example, in Runes).

As for the meaning of Oracle cards, it consists of several components:

    Card suits (diamonds, crosses, etc.).

    The general meaning of the card (9 inverted worms, for example, symbolize sadness, straight ones - joy).

    Exact value. For example, for nine hearts in an upright position, the adjacent card gives information about what kind of joy awaits you. If it has a cross suit, then it will be joy caused by unexpected receipt of money.

Thus, two cards provide information:

    The speaker is the one you are interpreting.

    Neighboring – located next to the speaker and clarifying her meaning. The card lying to the right of the speaker will have more weight.

The basic rules for fortune telling with Oracle cards are as follows:

    We select a client card - a person who addresses his question to the Oracle.

    We carefully shuffle the cards. To do this, you first need to hit the deck, then split it with your left hand, then split it into two halves again and mix it again.

    The day of fortune telling affects the result. On Monday it is better not to touch the Oracle cards, but Friday (especially falling on the 13th) is a very good day for fortune telling. The first of January, the 13th of each month and your birthday are also suitable: the predictions will be deep and accurate.

    For fortune telling, you can only use your individual deck of Oracle cards. It, like a toothbrush, cannot be passed on to other people.

    Fortune telling is done alone. At least not surrounded by people who are skeptical about predictions - in this case the cards will be silent.

    But a cat, on the contrary, is a wonderful companion and assistant in fortune telling. It's better to guess when the cat is in the room. If she showed interest and walked through the cards, see where exactly she stepped.

    To communicate with Oracle cards, sit in a comfortable, quiet place with dim lighting.

    You can also make wishes with the help of fortune telling Oracle cards. To do this, on February 2, you need to put a card under your pillow before going to bed, whose symbolism reflects your desire.

Oracle cards: layouts and some fortune telling techniques

Four Aces Oracle

Ask a question that has a clear answer: either “no” or “yes.” Take the top 13 cards from the deck. Set aside the aces you find among them and the client card. Repeat the entire procedure three times.

Interpretation of the result:

    The dropped four aces in combination with the client card indicate great luck, for which you do not have to make any effort.

    Four aces, but without a client card, is also a great success, but with the participation of other people.

    Three aces along with the client card indicate that you will have to try a little to achieve success.

    It's just that three aces are interpreted as a very low probability of luck.

    Two aces in combination with a client card are an opportunity for success in the distant future.

If there is no clear answer from the Oracle cards, you should postpone fortune telling for a while and ask the question of interest later.

Little Oracle of Letitia

Take two cards, then set aside the one that goes with the client's card. Repeat these steps two more times. As a result, you should get three cards from which you can predict life events in the next three days. To interpret them, consult an interpreter.

For this fortune telling, 32 Oracle cards are taken (without the client card). A pile of cards is thrown face down, then nine cards are selected from it, turned over and laid out according to the suits in the order in which they were removed. These cards will be talking.

Then the next nine cards are removed and placed next to each of the speakers. These are adjacent cards.

Formulate questions for each suit. Take a talking card of the required suit and read its meaning from the interpreter. After this, refer to the adjacent card to clarify the result.

Great Oracle of Laetitia

This method is similar to fortune telling with the Oracle of Flowers, only you need to remove not nine, but thirteen cards. After the cards are revealed, they are laid out in the order they were removed in a circle (there should be no groupings). The cards are then sorted by rank. The speakers will be the first six cards on the left, and the neighboring ones will be the last six cards on the right. The talking and neighboring cards should be laid out according to the following scheme:

1-13 2-12 3-11 4-10 5-9 6-8,

the seventh card should be in the center, surrounded by six pairs of other cards.

Processing of the results consists of interpreting the talking cards and subsequent clarification of their meanings based on neighboring cards (only their suit is taken into account). The central card is a surprise. It can also be interpreted by drawing another card from the pile, which will become a pair for it.

Oracle for the future

Predicting the future is not at all difficult if you have a deck of Oracle cards at your disposal. Here is one of the simplest methods of fortune telling:

    shuffle the deck and remove the top card;

    then pull out a pair of cards;

    when faced with a client’s card, put aside the card that is paired with it;

    do this three times;

    interpret the three cards set aside according to the interpretations that are written directly on them.

Where and what Oracle cards to buy

Oracle "Golden Dreams Lenormand"

The famous fortune teller and psychic Madame Lenormand developed her own method of card fortune telling. Her Golden Dreams deck has become very popular and has been actively used for many decades. The secret of the success of this Oracle is that it is not only able to predict the development of events, but also helps to make a decision in a difficult situation.

A modern version of the Lenormand Oracle was illustrated by digital artist Ciro Marchetti. Each of these maps is a real little masterpiece, combining exquisite detail and original imagery of plots. For those who are just starting to get acquainted with the Lenormand Oracle or already have some idea about it, the Marchetti deck is an ideal option.

This edition of the deck takes into account all the principles of the classic versions of the Lenormand Oracle, but by increasing the number of cards from 36 to 47, the predictive capabilities of the deck are significantly expanded. 11 new cards have been added to the traditional set of cards, namely Well, Bridge, Compass, Mask, Magnifying Glass, Owl, Dice, Man, Lady, Labyrinth, Time.

Oracle "I Ching"

Each of us would like to know how to achieve success, gain knowledge and spiritual strength, live every new day at the peak of feelings and possibilities, what changes fate has in store for us around the next turn.

To find answers to these questions, the I Ching oracle was created in ancient China, the “canon of change” - a philosophical concept, ritual and technique for predicting the future. The classical I Ching involved drawing sets of lines, solid and broken, and throwing a coin to create a hexagram - a set of six lines, which is then interpreted in a certain way.

The I Ching, embodied in a deck of cards, simplifies the fortune telling procedure and makes it more understandable and convenient for a person of the European tradition, accustomed to Western mantles. To find out your destiny, you no longer need to perform a Chinese ritual; you just need to draw an Oracle card.

Oracle Rumi

Rumi's Oracle Cards will allow the reader to connect with the divine and experience love and beauty. This is a conversation through dance movements, not words.

The authors of the deck were inspired by the poems of a Sufi poet and philosopher named Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, who lived and worked in the 18th century. The images reflected in the cards of this Oracle originate in the mystical whirling dance practiced by the dervishes, and which, according to Rumi, helps to throw off the shackles of the material world and soar to the spirit.

Oracle by Suzanne Kipper (Fin de Siecle Kipper)

This deck of Oracle cards has a long and interesting history. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to Suzanne Kipper, a very gifted fortune teller, who at some point needed her own author's cards. She illustrated maps in a style typical of 1870s Germany, where she lived. The oracle turned out to be very popular (no less than the Lenormand cards).

This Oracle was later creatively reinterpreted by artist Ciro Marchetti, who created the third version of the Mystic Kipper in the style of Victorian England. Oracle cards by Marchetti are distinguished by a clear system of interpretation, an abundance of interesting details, and subtly and luxuriously painted interiors and portraits. This makes this deck of Oracle cards very popular.

Runic Oracle “Legends of the Northern Roads”

The Runic Oracle deck of cards, based on Legends of the Northern Roads, provides an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the runic predictive tradition through cards. Its authors are Anna Simonova, a tarot reader, and Dmitry Shevtsov, a Russian artist. The deck contains 25 cards, including an “empty” rune, which can be used or not used at the wish of the person doing the fortune-telling. These Oracle cards come with instructions in Russian.

Our online store “Witch's Happiness” is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia. Here you will find what is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

Fortune telling may seem like science fiction to you, but thousands of practitioners around the world know that it is a reality and that looking into the future is possible and not difficult.

In "Witch's Happiness" there is a suitable oracle for everyone. For beginners, we have created a selection of decks that are ideal for getting to know the Tarot. And experienced players will be pleased with the abundance of unusual and rare cards.


On Sunday, August 11, Jupiter, which supervises the rulers, and Uranus, which is responsible for revolutions and castlings, will simultaneously be in a stationary phase. What makes the situation especially piquant is the fact that Uranus begins retrograde motion, due to which this active planet is sure to throw something out, and Jupiter’s phase of motion visible from Earth, on the contrary, changes to direct. That is, the “ruler of powers” ​​will be determined to be at the helm of changes in activated Uranus seriously and for a long time. What awaits us? Astrologer Lydia Nevedomskaya told us about this.


Love is what puts two people on an equal footing. In love there is no one who dominates, there is no one who submits. Love as a creative fusion never ends; it is an exploration of man by man, which is only developing. Love is a process. And we can be included in it or remain outside, dreaming of one way or another returning to the feeling of love.


In Avestan astrogeography there is an important concept - “vara”. This word denotes an absolutely protected, fertile place, as if located behind an indestructible wall and invisibly connected to the inexhaustible forces of earth and sky. Vara is something like an earthly paradise for the most ordinary people. This is a place where you can soak up the healing energy of Mother Earth and quickly restore your emotional and physical strength.


On August 11, Jupiter returns to direct motion in Sagittarius and will remain there until December 3, 2019. Here he has his abode, and the power of Jupiter - the planet of great happiness - will increase many times. Forecast for the near future from Natalie Lo Yan.

  • Astrological forecasts for the month for each zodiac sign;
  • Calendars of beauty, health, love, money, travel and household;
  • Tarot forecast for the month;
  • and much more!

Oracle is fortune telling, which has survived to this day from antiquity. It is known that in addition to the visible part of our world, there is another level. Spirit level. Only a few people are able to capture its vibrations and transform them into predictions. Our online service is based on mechanics that can accurately interpret these fluctuations and predict the future based on them. Fortune telling Oracle has been preserved in its original form, but the concepts have been simplified and transformed to the modern level.

Fortune telling online Oracle - free and simple. In order to the result was more accurate, try to detach yourself from the physical world and focus on the issue that interests you. Then enter your birth details - day, month and year, and you can click the button.

By fortune telling with the help of our electronic predictor, you can not only better understand yourself and other people. But you will also receive accurate predictions about what awaits you in the very near future.

The cuisine of the freely revived Delphic Oracle is food for your soul! When you reject bad thoughts and turn to your heart, you will become not a servant of others, but a master of yourself.

There is no reading of the future or the past; the answer is dictated by the present moment and its possibilities. It carries a healing message to the soul, a warning, an advice. Don't be afraid to get any answer.

In the end, there is no yes or no: agreement on one thing is a refusal on the other, and vice versa. Everything here is true, and everything here is false at the same time. Only the choice between them decides everything.

Don’t let anything gnaw at you, seize the moment. Know yourself in everything that happens.

Think about your question!!!

Hints to the texts of Delphic Dumplings

Varenik's answers are divided into 6 cycles.

1 cycle is associated with Mastery, if you come across similar words: “master”, “genius” - this is an indication that, thanks to the events you are asking about, you can improve your experience and receive a powerful impetus for change. Events that occur invite or push you to self-realization or fulfillment of your destiny.

Cycle titles: Effort, Patience, Control, Love, Development, Relief, Merit.

Cycle 2 is associated with Obstacles, which is important to learn to overcome without shying away from personal responsibility. The answers of the cycle are associated with the passage of obstacles and development-limiting conditions or events, due to which you can reach the bottom if you give up, or strengthen your character and reveal your strength.

Cycle answers: Quarrel, Enemy, Luck, Past, Parting, Struggle, Obstacle, Loss, Deception.

Cycle 3 is called Dream, and is associated with beginnings, ideas, adventures, and travel. Mostly the answers from the cycle are motivating or encouraging. If you come across the words: guiding star, angel, inspiration, help, advice - this is a call to ensure that you do not stop hoping for the best and believe in yourself in the given question.

Loop responses: Beginning, Travel, Help, Advice, Honors.

Cycle 4 is associated with Society: order, rules, permissions or prohibitions, which often form certain stereotypes and reactions, and require standard behavior from you, while the way out often lies beyond the choices provided and is associated with your personal creativity and awareness of your freedom and uniqueness. It is also the influence of your environment on the issue.

Cycle answers: Patron, Woman, Child, Family, Law, Conversation, Solitude, Power, Passion, Error, Sacrifice.

Cycle 5 symbolizes Destiny– events of an irreversible, unpredictable nature, which often occur unexpectedly, take you by surprise and leave behind a rich life experience. This includes both positive and negative responses, which indicate gifts worth accepting or wounds that are important to heal in relation to the question being asked.

Cycle names: Loss, Despair, Loss, Fate, Knowledge, Gift, News, Completion.

6 cycle Personality associated with your personal priorities, abilities and capabilities that are worth recognizing, developing, applying or learning to control. The cycle also indicates the months of the year, by which you can determine the time of the event, as well as understand what mood is important or necessary in your situation.

Cycle names: Healing, Strength, Friend, Money, Success, Intuition, Intelligence, Weakness, Spontaneity, Achievement, Opportunity, Emotions.

New project coming soon!

An oracle is a fortune telling that has come to us from time immemorial. It is known as the Druid Oracle or the Druid Tarot. The ancients believed that the world we live in represents only one level of existence. Besides it, there is another world - a world of energies, spirits and forces that guide us and help us if we recognize their existence and accept their reality.

The oracle includes 33 cards, each of which features an animal representing a specific symbol. By reading with the help of the Oracle, you can discover what energies can help you, better understand yourself, another person or the situation you are asking about. Remember that the Oracle does not predict the future. This fortune telling offers ideas and interpretations that can give you new insight into your life, people or events.

How to guess?

The oracle provides answers to a variety of questions. It is important that you feel calm before fortune telling, because a subconscious connection is established between you and the Oracle, and your anxiety can be transmitted to the Oracle, which will affect the results of online fortune telling.

Ask the Oracle a question and move your cursor over the cards. Once you feel their vibrations, select three cards and click "Show". Your cards will be revealed and their value will be shown to you. Oracle cards are laid out in order from top to bottom. The first of these denotes the dynamics, impulse, guiding idea or motive behind the situation. The second represents the situation at the level of emotions or relationships. The third card shows the situation on a physical or material level.

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