Numerological horoscope for the day, month and year. Forecast for the year by date of birth Fortune telling by date of birth

According to all forecasts, economic, political, and esoteric, this 2016 year of the Fire Monkey does not promise to be calm, smooth and successful. However, some people will still be lucky this year.

Please look carefully at the dates; perhaps you or your loved one will be favored by Fortune in 2016 if your birthday falls on the following days:

from February 7 to February 14, 2016,
from June 8 to June 15,
From 10 to 17 August
From 9 to 16 December

You should prepare for a year filled with events of all kinds. At some point, you may feel that the changes that are taking place in many areas of your life are so lightning fast that you seem to be rushing upward on a roller coaster. It will take your breath away to see how many different opportunities will open up in front of you. Remember the most important thing: take advantage of every chance, every opportunity, especially those that come your way. New acquaintances, new relationships, new love, new sources of income. And someone is waiting for the birth of a baby or a long-awaited move. You can clarify and ask exactly what surprises 2016 will have in store for you.

Forecast for 2016 for those born on these dates:

from April 28 to May 2,
From June 30 to July 3,
From October 31 to November 4
From December 30 to January 2

During 2016, you will be able to experience all the opportunities to realize your dreams and desires. You will notice that many of your dreams, what you have been dreaming about for so long, have begun to come true in the smallest detail. This is a truly amazing year for you, when you will feel great faith in yourself, as well as the help and support of the Higher Powers in all your endeavors. Your soul will sing, ask for romance. Your creativity will awaken. So don’t be surprised if you suddenly want to go to an art gallery or the opera. The soul will demand beauty and harmony. And you will know exactly where to find it. The realization of creative ideas, true love, favorable changes in your career, great financial opportunities - all this can easily come true in your life. What other benefits and in what areas of life you can receive can be seen in a personal consultation. Write, call, let's look into your future.

find out what will 2016 be like?, if your date of birth falls on:

January 13 to 28,
March 14 to 28,
July 16 to July 31,
September 16 to October 1,

Then you should prepare for a very active first half of the year. Many of you will already feel in February how “the earth is burning under your feet”, your vital activity will increase, you will want to urgently change something in your life in order to improve it qualitatively. Even the winter blues will not be able to extinguish the fire that will light up in you. You will surprise your loved ones and acquaintances with your changes in life, which you yourself will begin to initiate. For many, the changes will affect their external image, career, and work. For women during this period, relationships with the opposite sex will be relevant. And for men, the “iron horse” will become one of the main topics along with career and work (suddenly you suddenly want a more powerful car, and will look for ways to get it). In addition, breakthroughs are possible in various areas of your life, which ones can be clarified in a personal consultation and contact

Numerology is a science that is in many ways similar to astrology, but it still has slight differences. A numerology horoscope is an interesting way to find out what awaits you in the future. You can find out the forecast for 2016 now.

Numerology appeared long before our era. This is an ancient science that has gained immense popularity throughout the world. She deals with the magic of numbers, including important dates, for example, the current year. Scientists and followers of numerological theories are sure that the date of birth influences a person’s destiny.

Initial numerological calculations

So, let's start with numerological calculations that will help you find out what awaits you in 2016. First you need to calculate the kernel or main number. It can be calculated in the simplest way for the coming year - you need to add up all the numbers. The coming year is 2016, which means we add 2+0+1+6. It turns out 9. Based on this, we can say that numerology predicts the development of events along 9 different paths.

To find out what path awaits a particular person, you need to know his full date of birth. Let's take August 30, 1989 as an example - that's 08/30/1989. We add all the numbers again - it turns out 3+0+0+8+1+9+8+5=34. We continue adding: 34=3+4=7. Our desired number is 7.

If you get 10, 20, 30, 40 and so on, you simply add these two numbers, that is, it will be 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Now you can check what will be more profitable for you to do in the new year, and what you need to be wary of.

9 paths of fate

Find the number that you were able to calculate from your date of birth and find out your horoscope for the new year.

1 . If you get a Unit, then know that the year will directly depend on your efforts. This means that it is unlikely that anyone will try to stop you on the path to your dreams. The only one who can do this is yourself. You will have to refuse revenge and bad deeds, which are likely to make things worse only for you. Beware of rash decisions.

2 . If last year was a nightmare for you and full of various negative aspects, then in the coming 2016 the numerological horoscope says: the situation may change at the beginning of the new year. In the case of the opposite - when everything is fine with you - expect stability, but be careful what you wish for. This means that there is a risk of doing something that you will regret in old age.

3 . Beware of strangers of the opposite sex who will show affection. No, this is not a reason to lock yourself at home until next winter. This is just an attempt to warn you against breaking up with your loved one. Three is a good number, but in love two are better. Just try not to upset your significant other and loved ones.

4 . This number in numerology differs from others in that it will bring you good luck, for which you may have to pay. By losing less, you will gain more. You shouldn't be afraid of changes in the new year. Numerology is on your side; just go towards new horizons, and everything will work out.

5 . Five. A favorite number for many people since school. The cherished number is not the best this year, but don’t be upset - for those who get a Five, fate promises a warm blanket, a fireplace and a cup of coffee. Most likely, no serious shocks or changes will await you. Just resting and improving your health is what will be best in the new year.

6 . Six, by definition, will be a lucky number, because the year is 2016. There is nothing more pleasant than making new acquaintances, of which you are expected to make a lot - this is good for business and just pleasant. It will not be easy to snatch out the most necessary people from the entire mass, but it is quite possible. Try to avoid conflicts and turn enemies into friends.

7 . This number is revered and very interesting in numerology. It's rare that something bad is associated with it - and this year is no exception. A new road will await you in 2016. You will most likely be able to keep everything you have and even increase it. We are talking not only about material values, but also about spiritual ones.

8 . If you get an Eight, know that you may soon learn about a secret that is best kept behind a stone wall. People will trust you, but not everyone: flattery and lies towards you will become normal. The year can be stressful, but interesting. Just keep your eyes open.

9 . Nine is the opposite number of Six. Take care of your health, do not abuse alcohol and do not offend people close to you - this can lead to irreparable consequences. Favorable activities for you will be moderate work and solving matters that you have been putting off for so long. By the end of the year the situation may become more pleasant.

One way or another, 2016 promises to be filled with new emotions and events. It is polar and can bring good luck, or, conversely, failure, which will depend not only on you. Let's meet him in a good mood, because if you start with a positive attitude, then adversity will pass you by. Be happy in the new year and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.12.2015 00:10

Sometimes it’s interesting to know what awaits us in the future and what we should prepare for. Do it...

To compose numerological horoscope for 2016, it is necessary to determine its number. To do this, we add up all the numbers: 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9. So, nine is the number of next year. It closes the numerological cycle of natural numbers, therefore it is filled with both maturity and new possibilities. This is the mouth, and the source, and the last step of the past, and the first step into the future. Nine is unique because it has the qualities of all numbers, which gives it limitless magical possibilities. This number contains the Universe and our whole life!

It is for nine months that the child develops in the mother’s womb; nine days after the burial of the body the soul is allowed to explore the beauties of paradise. Among the ancient Slavs, the week consisted not of seven, but of nine days, and there were nine months in the year. Norse mythology begins with nine worlds connected by a giant tree, at the top of which live the gods, and among the roots is the underworld. There were nine muses in the mythology of the ancient Greeks, and a cat, according to legend, had nine lives. This may be why cats are associated with magic more often than other animals. This is an amazing number that will rule the coming year.

Of course, 2016 will complete many processes, both on a global scale and on a personal level. This will be a year of rethinking and rebooting, finishing and starting at the same time. Best of all, many will begin to think more. External factors (public opinion, everyday bustle) will not have too strong an influence on us, and spiritual life will become more important. We will begin to make high moral demands on ourselves and on those around us.

Regarding career, business and finance, 2016 of the Monkey is expected to be successful for those who strive to achieve high professionalism. The most in demand will be specialists who have their own opinion and are able to defend it. World currencies, which have become perhaps one of the main sources of stress in the past year, promise to behave more wisely and with restraint.

When it comes to personal money, many will have to tighten their belts, but in the end it will be beneficial. Family and romantic relationships can change the format: someone will start a life together, someone, on the contrary, will decide to separate. In any case, the choice will be made meaningfully and will give each partner the opportunity to develop. The main lesson that everyone should learn is to learn to forgive. On a global scale, problems associated with previously unknown infectious diseases, most likely caused by environmental pollution, will come to the fore. Natural disasters will continue to shock us. The emergence of new technologies and scientific discoveries in the fields of chemistry, medicine, and astrology are likely.

These are the general numerological trends of 2016. And what it will be like for you personally will be shown by the personal number of the year. First, let's calculate the number of birth. To do this, you need to add the numbers that make up the date of birth until you get a single digit. For example, you were born on January 21, 1984: 2 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 26; 2 + 6 = 8. So eight is your birth number.

Then add the number of the coming year to your birth number. In our example, you need to add 8 (birth date) and 9 (year number). It turns out 17. We add again until we finally get a single-digit number: 17 = 1 + 7 = 8. The result of these calculations is the personal number of the year.

Number of the year 1. In the coming year, you are able to make the Wheel of Fate spin in the right direction. The year promises to be extremely successful, subject to your personal activity. And remember: it is in 2016 that you lay the foundation of your life for the next nine years.

Number of the year 2. You should be tactful and master the art of diplomacy. Thanks to the ability to persuade, you can achieve great success. The topic of partnership will be important for you, be it business cooperation or marriage. Trust your intuition - it will help you be in the right place at the right time. And in general, pay attention to the messages of the subtle world (dreams, signs, insights).

Number of the year is 3. Are you already excited about the upcoming holiday and upcoming changes? This is right: the coming year will be one of the most prosperous and happiest for you. Everything that was previously sown will bear excellent fruit. The year is favorable for starting a family, as well as for replenishing it. Be in nature more often, recharge your energy, and it doesn’t matter if it’s not outside the city, but in the nearest park.

Number of the year is 4. This year you cannot avoid responsibility. You may have to take on certain obligations, as well as learn to set clear boundaries and protect your own territory, moral principles and achievements. Show persistence and perseverance. 2016 is favorable for starting your own business, registering a marriage, building a house and any long-term stable projects. There is only one condition: always act in accordance with the law.

Number of the year is 5. You definitely won’t be bored in the coming year. New acquaintances, unexpected offers, and unforgettable trips await you. In addition, you will find yourself at a kind of crossroads of fate, and you will have to choose from two options. The question may be related to work, love relationships, or your deepest desires. One way or another, you need to decide once and for all, without leaving yourself any loopholes.

Number of the year is 6. As the new year 2016 dawns, you may be surprised to find that you no longer want to rebuild the world. And I want family warmth, comfort and harmony. Home, family, children, parents will become even closer and dearer to you. There will be a desire to arrange your own nest. Many will decide to make repairs, change furniture and household appliances. This is also a good time for inner work, freeing yourself from fears and complexes that prevent you from developing and moving forward.

The number of the year is 7. Changes are coming! In 2016, you will complete some important stage and decide to choose a new path. This impulse will be accompanied by a feeling of joy and self-confidence. There will be a chance to renew and diversify life, get rid of routine, break out of the captivity of everyday life. There is a high probability of numerous trips and movements.

The number of the year is 8. If you have been moving in the right direction for the past seven years, then it is in the coming year that you will achieve your goal. If you went with the flow for quite a long time, complained about fate, blamed everyone and everything (except yourself) for your problems, then in 2016 you will have to pay the bills. In other words, you have to either reap the fruits of your efforts or actively work on your mistakes.

The number of the year is 9. Time to say goodbye to the past. In the coming year you will have a very important dialogue with yourself. Leisurely reflection can lead to a reassessment of values, a revision of previous ideas about success, well-being, and love. Don't let anyone put pressure on you or force someone else's opinion on you. When you reach agreement with yourself, turn over the next page of life to start all over again. It’s not a fact that your path will be covered with rose petals, but rest assured, you can overcome it. Self-discipline, responsibility, endurance and perseverance will help you achieve excellent results.

Despite the fact that Kryon sends us its parting words and calls 2016 is a year of great changes, these changes are in many ways of a final nature, because 2+0+1+6 = 9 is the number of completion. Moreover, “9” is under the auspices of Mars, which means that the dynamics of change will be very active, and sometimes quite impatient, if not volcanic. In other words, 2016 ends the decade and sums up the results.

Moreover, Since 2013, a new countdown of harmonious time has begun for the planet 13/20 and 2016 is the 4th year in a row, which means that harmony through conflict will strive to enter all areas of our lives. The good news is that the expected harmony will flow through Beauty, Art and Love.

It would seem that these are just the numbers of the year, but if you believe Pythagoras, the ancient Greek scientist and first philosopher, then “all things can be represented in the form of numbers.” And although, according to the famous encyclopedist Manly Palmer Hall, with the death of Pythagoras, the great key to the science of numbers was lost, yet the attempt to consider the world of forms and ideas in the form of numbers is much preferable to relying on chance, because more precisely.

In addition, the mischievous Fiery Monkey, together with the hardworking and thrifty Badger, will make their contribution to the year's schedule, the first by demonstrating playfulness and lightness, and the second by tirelessness in achieving what they want. All together promises us a very non-trivial future.

This article is the fifth in a series of forecasts, starting withand, as its name implies, considers aspects of the future based on the potential symbolic and numerological characteristics of 2016.


Between a word of Greek origin forecast, which is based foresight, and modern trends in planning and forecasting, as in the example of management, lies a whole system of contradictory knowledge and beliefs, in which prophecies, providence and predictions occupy a certain place.

In modern “permitted science,” forecasting, as the study of trends in the development of existence, is not a science, despite the fact that, for example, there is an entire International Academy for Future Research.

However, if we consider the future not linearly, but as a process that simultaneously exists in our consciousness, just as the past actually exists in our subconscious, then any probable development of events in our life is largely determined by the picture of the representation or (imagination). This means that, taking into account certain trends of a cosmic, numerological, astrological nature, we are thereby “armed” with information that we can subsequently align with our own energy fields of what is called the mind/body/spirit complex.

An interesting fact: in the past, forecasting, as the dynamics of the time process, was taken much more seriously than today, as, say, in a large section of natural science - medicine. After all, its universally recognized Father, Hippocrates, paid tribute to prognostication, and not to modern ascertaining diagnostics, implying not a frozen space-time framework, but the dynamics of development, like

Someone may note that this is not a significant difference, but it is precisely in this that lies the modern medical approach to a person as a static unit, and not an intelligent self-healing mechanism.

However, let us return to the topic of our article, namely symbolism, because as the Scottish writer and philosopher Thomas Carlyle once said, “In a symbol there is either concealment or revelation.” And this means that our task is to discern in any symbolic meaning what it veils, so that a revelation descends that makes life more meaningful and clear.

Moreover, as occultism testifies: “a symbol is an outward visible sign of an inner spiritual reality manifested on the physical plane through the power of embodied inner life.” - Djwhal Khul.

How this reality will manifest itself depends on many factors, namely the free will of each individual human being.

But, at the same time, numbers, being an information channel, definitely influence us through the perception of life in time-digital segments. Therefore, the research carried out in this material is not just a figment of the imagination of its author, but an area of ​​trends and probable possibilities for the development of events. Moreover, these trends are of an overview and rather generalizing nature, which does not at all reject the possibility of their specific application to the life events of each of us.

So, let’s first consider the symbolism of the number “9”, as was said at the beginning of the article, since the year 2016 is the “hidden” “9”.


Perhaps not everyone knows that “9” or the Ennead is the number of man (9 months of embryonic development), the number of initiation (all initiations are 9), as well as the number of Shambhala - the ethereal City of the White or White Island, which previously existed on an island in sparkling blue Gobi Sea, now the Gobi Desert in southeastern Mongolia.

As various esoteric sources testify, it is in Shambhala that the Coming Messiah will be born. And now it is an exceptionally mysterious place due to its connection with the future.

In English, SHAMBALA contains 9 letters S.H.A.M.B.A.L.L.A.

“Shambhala is the spiritual center of our planet, the House of the Father, the Center “where the Will of God is known.” When the human race on Earth develops etheric vision, the location of Shambhala will be established and its reality known. In the meantime, this is the birthplace of mysticism and the Secret Doctrine.” - Djwhal Khul.


In his article I wrote that numerology is the ancient science of those initiated into celestial arithmetic. But even today, in the era of awakening and discovery, numbers and figures are still shrouded in an aura of mystery, because they indirectly influence us, even if we do not focus our attention on it.

And indeed, Certain numerological meanings are by no means random in our lives.

So, for example, “9” is the number of infinity, “the ocean and the horizon,” although it is often associated with mistakes and shortcomings, which, you see, is characteristic of our personal nature. But there is nothing beyond “9” except “10”, which according to Pythagoras is the number of perfection. In this sense, "9" is called a boundary and limitation, a sphere of air surrounding the number like air surrounding the earth. Accordingly, “9” is the number of spheres through which consciousness broke through at its birth. In this sense, because of its resemblance to sperm, "9" is associated with the origin of life.

In addition, in the human body, the nine vertebrae of the sacrum and coccyx symbolize a great mystery, since the lower coccygeal center Muladhara is the center of vitality and the focus of the serpentine force of Kundalini - the potential energy of creation, which in due time should, having risen into the head, become the Dragon of Wisdom. Therefore, “9” is the sacred number of man.

So, on the one hand, “9” symbolizes the completion of the old, and on the other, it initiates new beginnings and opportunities.

In the square of Pythagoras, “9” is the number of mind/reason and intellect. And as the esoteric truth testifies: “the consciousness of the bulk of the human race will be more and more controlled exclusively by a specific mind,” which in the year 2016 will mean that the dominant influence of all kinds of mass media, direct propaganda and behind-the-scenes manipulative levers of influence on the collective consciousness will continue.

Among the ancient mysteries, one can distinguish nine Nordic mysteries of Odin, (similar to those of the Eleusinian mysteries) which were held in nine halls, representing nine spheres that subdivide the Universe, among which Midgard - the Earthly World of human beings, which is located in the middle place.

The number "9" is associated with the Kabbalah of the Nine Chambers, a type of coded writing (secret) kept by Jewish rabbis for the purpose of concealment.

There is an opinion that under the Sphinx in Giza there are prisoners enclosed within each other and somehow connected with the consciousness of the Earth 9 crystal Spheres. It is possible that it is in 2016 that they will activate their power and many of us will feel noticeable progress, both in spiritual and ordinary life.

It would be appropriate to emphasize here that the entire science of symbolism is built on 9 symbols that are currently known:

  1. Cross of different types. I touched a little on the symbolism of the cross in my material “Symbolism of Creation. Laws of existence."
  2. Lotus.
  3. Triangle.
  4. Cube
  5. Sphere and point.
  6. The eight animal forms are goat, bull, elephant, man, dragon, bear, lion and dog.
  7. Line.
  8. Some zodiac signs are where the importance of studying astrology comes from.
  9. Chalice or Holy Grail.

As the Ancient Stanzas testify: “All these symbols, in combination or separately, serve to convey one or another of the seven Mysteries.”


Moreover, a similar meridian in Eastern medicine will be “the most sensitive” in the desired year, which indicates to us the importance of spiritual aspiration (spleen - spiritual center/chakra) and the translation of irrepressible energy of desire (pancreas) into implemented projects and real prospects for personal development.

Read more about the influence of the elements on our health in the chapter on health.


« 9", is responsible for mind, memory and clairvoyance under the aegis of 9 Rays – Evolution, Unity and Cooperation.

In addition, 9 is formed by 4 digits “2” – energy radiation and magnetism, under the aegis of 2 Rays of Love-Wisdom (Moon), behind which “0” – emptiness or a new beginning, passing the baton to the unit 1"– the energy of personal aspiration of faith and will to achieve through 1 Rays of Will and Power (Sun) and ending with the number “6” , the number of industriousness and efficiency - “the perfect form representing space, instrument and expression of the spirit and allowing one to respond to vision, rushing upward towards the light” through 6th Ray – Devotion or Idealism, completing its influence on humanity in the current evolutionary cycle.

Moreover, the influence of the Sixth Ray in 2016 is that of Saturn and Mars in the ordinary man and Neptune in the disciple/aspirant, and also of Venus, since Venus is the house of the Planetary Logos of the Sixth Ray.

Thus, from the point of view of numerology and esoteric astrology, 2016 will be influenced by:

  • 1st Ray – Archangel Michael – Ray of Power – indigo color.
  • 2 Rays – Archangel Jophiel – Ray of Wisdom – golden color.
  • 6 Rays – Archangel Uriel – Ray of Peace – purple-golden sphere.

Moreover, on the scale of the year and of all humanity, the Chohans of the three Rays will exert their influence most powerfully in 2016:

  • Chohan of the 1st Ray - El Morya - teaches the law of the will of God and the mastery of energy through the throat chakra (Vishuddha) using the Science of the Spoken Word.

Moreover, the Great Divine Director, the ruler of Karma of the First Ray, together with the Goddess of Freedom on the Second Ray and Portia, the Goddess of Justice on the Sixth Ray, will “set the karmic tone” in 2016, determining the degree of personal responsibility taken by each of us and the possibility of “writing off karmic debts of the past "to escape the eternal circle of samsara of material conditioning.


As I wrote at the beginning of the article, in 2013 a new cycle began in the new history of mankind, although it was not noticed by the majority.

2013 was a turning point in the history of our planet, the year of the establishment of the Dominion of Arcturus and the year of galactic synchronization and switching from a distorted rhythm - from 12/60 to 13/20, thereby helping us restore the lost memory of our stellar origin.

The 13/20 cosmic rhythm discussed in this article, being a galactic plasma beam of fourth dimensional time, was activated on our planet July 26, 2013, thereby confirming predictions about the transformation of Earth/Terra/Gaia. This means that in the summer of 2016, the place of the third, current Ray of Active Intelligence will be replaced by the fourth Ray.

In my article, I examined in detail the symbolism of the number “4” and its connection with numerology, astrology and the lunar calendar. Here I will give only a brief overview in connection with the influence of the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.

The desired diagram shows the influence of the fourth Ray of Harmony, Beauty and Art.

This characteristic of the cosmic Ray of Harmony through Conflict implies various spheres of human life, in particular health, relationships: personal and interpersonal, as well as any family, social and group connections and interactions in the format of such relationships.

By the way, the number “ 4"– tetractys or tetrad is the number of a person (like the number “9”) and his life realization through the conflict between the personality and the soul and the subsequent harmonious reunion with the spirit.


The health of each earthly representative using the Gregorian calendar will be influenced by the numbers 0, 1, 2, 6 and 9. This is especially true for those of us who have these numbers of elemental principles present in their date of birth.

To determine your elements, you need to take your birth number, which, if two-digit, when added, forms 1, 2, 6 or 9, the day of the month, the last digit of the year, as well as the sum of all the numbers of your birth by natural addition of its constituent digits.

Thus, you will get 4 digits of the defining elements associated with the main organs and systems of your body. If they are in your birthday numbers, then these “risk zones” should become areas of special attention for you.

In our case, we are considering only the year, so we use all the digits of the year, plus the sum of all the digits of the year, total 5 Numerology Influences:

  • "1"- This element metal/air “yin”light e, emotion sadness and the corresponding meridian, the internal course of which begins above the navel and rises upward, crossing the diaphragm, enters the chest cavity and is divided into branches: one branch goes to the lungs, the others to the larynx, trachea, throat, thus indicating the area of ​​involvement when functional disorders.

"9"element earth "yin», spleen/pancreas, the internal course of the spleen-pancreas canal begins at the level of the midline of the abdomen just above the navel. From here it rises up, connecting with the stomach, pancreas and spleen.

It is very important to use the potential of the year correctly - then you will be able to realize everything you dream of.

It's 2016. What will it be like for each of us? It is very important to properly use the potential of the year. Many believe that what they dream about and strive for will come true this year.

From a numerological point of view, we all live in 9-year cycles (9 personal years, 9 personal months, 9 personal days). Each of us is in 2016 at one point or another in the 9-year cycle.

According to numerology, every year carries a certain vibration. It is the vibration of your personal year that shows what you should pay attention to in 2016. To do this, you need to determine the Number of your personal year.

Formula for determining the number of the personal year

Personal year number= Personal Number + Number of the calendar year.

Formula for determining Personal number

Personal number= Birthday + Month of birth

If necessary, reduce the resulting amount to a single digit number from 1 to 9

For example: Person's date of birth 19.06

Personal number a person born on June 19 is equal to 1+9+ 0+6=16

We reduce the number 16 to a single digit number and get 16= 1+6= 7. This means that the personal number of a person born on June 19 is 7.

The number of the calendar year 2016 is reduced to a single digit number 2+0+1+6=9

Personal year number for a person born on June 19, it is equal to 7+9=16

We reduce the number 16 to a single digit number and get 1+6=7

In total, we received the Number of the personal year 7.

Thus, for a person born on June 19, 1987, 2016 will be influenced by the vibration of the number 7.

Now let's analyze what 2016 will be like for each of us.

Personal year number 1

A great year for any endeavor. You are starting a new 9-year cycle. Implement your plans and ideas, if necessary, start a new life. Everything you do now will affect your future. Show your originality, uniqueness, independence and perseverance. Be prepared for changes in life.

You will have to think and plan not only for yourself, but also for others. Use your talents, take the initiative and act. You will be able to receive lucrative offers, start new projects or enter into lucrative contracts. Solve issues of your personal life and career. The people who come into your life this year will help you succeed. Only June is not the best month for new beginnings, investments and marriage. Romantic acquaintance in April may be a gamble.

Number of personal year 2

A year of cooperation, partnership, diplomacy, and slow progress. Perhaps this year you will have to take a higher position, which you aspired to before. Let things progress on their own. This year has the vibrations of good friends, love and even marriage. The year suggests a romantic meeting. A good year for creating businesses and advancing your career. enterprises. Try to talk less about your plans for the future. You will become more sensitive, more emotional.

It is very good to arrange your home. Be patient and success will come to you. Use this year to build up the strength that you wasted last year. May is an unfavorable month for major acquisitions, setting up businesses and getting married. Romantic dating in March and December can be adventurous.

Personal year number 3

A year of self-expression and self-improvement. It is designed for entertainment, communication and profitable deals. A favorable year for moving up the career ladder and resolving financial issues. This year, people will flock to you, attracted by the richness and vibrancy of your personality. Do everything with pleasure, using imagination and creativity. A time of enthusiasm and revealing your talent.

An active social life, travel and entertainment will not let you get bored. A good year for career growth and marriage. April is not the best month for major acquisitions, establishing businesses and getting married. February and November are unfavorable for romantic dating.

Personal year number 4

A year of stabilization, vibration of strength, creation, endurance, perseverance, consistency and hard work. It's time to get to work. This year you are able to lay the foundation for your entire future life. Whatever you do now will pay dividends in the years to come. Year of acquisition of real estate, land.

Single people may meet their soulmate this year. However, January and October are unfavorable for finding your other half. Many will resolve issues in their personal lives and some will successfully marry. It is very good to start construction this year. In general, this is a year when anything can await you, including large expenses and difficulties with finances. March and December are unfavorable months for major acquisitions, setting up businesses and getting married.

Personal year number 5

A year of successful risks, major changes - changes in positions, changes in work, place of residence, areas of activity. You are starting to reap the benefits of the past year's efforts. A time of exciting and surprising events, new acquaintances, travel, adventure and love. You can take risks and make significant progress.

In terms of love and family relationships, this is a year of hesitation and doubt. You will be able to introduce something new into your usual relationships. Hurry up to live, use this year as fully as possible. However, there will be an element of uncertainty throughout the year. This year is not suitable for romantic dating. February and November are unfavorable months for major acquisitions, setting up businesses and getting married.


Personal year number 6

The year of home, spiritual culture, and reasonable decisions. Love, charm, tenderness - this is what you should give to those who are dear to you. A time of patronage and goodwill. This is a period of stable relationships and partnerships. It is possible to purchase a house, a plot of land, or arrange a “nest”. Live without stress, take care of your health.

Think about self-education: the year is very suitable for this purpose. In addition, you can travel without causing financial problems. Decide on the future development of your affairs and try to improve your living conditions. In terms of work and career, the year is favorable for promoting your own independent activities. January and October are unfavorable for major acquisitions, setting up businesses and getting married. Romantic acquaintance in August may be a gamble.

Personal year number 7

The year is intended to gain knowledge, take informed actions and strengthen your positions. It's time to relax and take care of your health. You will need some alone time to reassess your goals, your relationships, and the very direction of your life. This is the year of mental cleansing. Business and personal matters will move slowly.

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