What awaits the cat this year? How will relationships with money develop for those born under the sign of the Rabbit?

RABBIT/CAT (1963.1975.1987.1999.2011)

For Rabbits, 2017 will not be cloudless. However, it is difficult to imagine most of them as victims. Fighters are a more correct description, because they clearly do not intend to passively put up with difficulties. On the part of the Master of the Year, the attitude towards Rabbits is not so much unfavorable as bewildered; their claims are largely incomprehensible to him. As a result, we get the Rooster in the role of an observer who watches, with self-distance, what will come of all this, and Rabbits who try to behave in the way that seems most correct and convenient to them, not in accordance with the circumstances and people.

General forecast

The owner of the year creates endless fuss, which greatly irritates the Rabbit. The rooster runs around with slogans, gathers demonstrations, shouts chants. The cat doesn’t like all this, he is against all kinds of revolutions. Why fuss if everything is fine? And it doesn’t matter that only he is doing well, while the rest are a complete disaster. The rabbit is not too touched by other people's troubles.

For the first few months of the year, the Cat continues to lie on a stump and watch the Rooster’s bustle. In the spring it will suddenly occur to him that he can lie like this for another year, but what about things and all that? By summer, the Cat will begin to develop vigorous activity. The cunning animal learned to arrange its affairs unnoticed by the Rooster.

In the fall, the Rabbit will closely engage in his own business and learn to benefit from the chaos reigning around him. He has many good friends with whom he can establish mutually beneficial relationships. The cat will meet the New Year completely satisfied; he is guaranteed a large plate of rich sour cream.

Horoscope for a man

Men of this sign show themselves to be hard workers at work. They fulfill their duties and take on overtime with zeal. But if you look closely, it becomes clear that they only create the appearance of vigorous activity. The cat dreams that everything is done by someone else's hands, and he will just come and lick the cream.

The horoscope for 2017 for the male Rabbit does not promise him serene lying in the corner. You will have to work so as not to be left without money. An enterprising Rabbit will open his own business if he previously worked “for his uncle.” Those who work for the benefit of the state simply fulfill their duties. Sociable representatives of the sign will not fail to take advantage of the chance and make useful acquaintances “for the future.”

In the love sphere, everything is still good. The charming Cat easily conquers the ladies, without a twinge of conscience promising them mountains of gold. Of course, he won’t keep his promise, but he will get what he wanted. Amorous and sentimental ladies should be skeptical about the advances of the Cat. Married men can get carried away with strange women. Be careful, if your wife finds out, there will be trouble.

Horoscope for a woman

Ladies of this sign are slightly slow, have good manners, and know how to conduct small talk. They have a calm, melancholic character, which attracts confident, active men to them. This is the ideal wife for leaders of large companies, politicians, diplomats, and public figures. She always remains in the shadow of her socially influential husband, while influencing him herself.

The horoscope for the Rabbit woman promises a meeting that will change her established life. In the year of the Fire Rooster, various kinds of activists and revolutionaries who are dissatisfied with the ruling regime come to the fore. If such a figure meets a woman of the Cat sign, he is doomed to success. She will offer him her brilliant mind and useful contacts, for which in return she will demand to provide a reliable rear.

Single young ladies are looking for a good husband all year round. They are very prudent in choosing a life partner; such an acquaintance is likely in the middle of the year. Family Rabbits are concerned with improving their home: repairs, replacing furniture, plumbing, etc. Some will even decide to improve their living conditions, others will move to the countryside.

Love horoscope for 2017

Cats fall in love very quickly. Men will not miss the chance to hit on an attractive woman. Even if she is not free, the Cat, without a twinge of conscience, is capable of making eyes at his other half in the presence of her husband. Ladies of this sign love increased attention to their person. They frankly don’t understand how I can dislike someone. Cats have extremely high self-esteem.

At the beginning of the year, Rabbits will have to break old ties. The outdated relationship weighs on the Cat, he needs to free himself. Astrologers recommend breaking ties as carefully as possible in relation to the feelings of the other person, after all, a lot connected you. You shouldn’t immediately strive to start a new romance; give yourself time to think about the situation. However, harmless coquetry is not forbidden.

Couples in strong relationships will register them in 2017. That’s right, the Fire Rooster “creates” strong families. Already married Cats are preoccupied with pressing problems related to housing. You will probably change your region of residence, even radically. In any case, this year changes are for the better.

Money horoscope for 2017

Rabbits have no problems with finances. These are extremely lucky people who are able to benefit from even the most “dead” business. The Sly Cat will easily sell a completely unnecessary item to the most practical buyer. An excellent businessman with an excellent sense of the “right moment”. But there is a nuance: Cats work productively in a calm environment. Vanity and minor troubles completely unsettle them.

The eastern horoscope for 2017 for Cats does not promise calm. Therefore, you need to learn to act in extreme situations. In the event of force majeure, the Rabbit should not panic, running from corner to corner, but seek advice from his influential friends. Having so many connections, he will always be able to provide the rear. It is better to sell a business that does not generate a stable income in 2017 rather than drag it out with all your might.

Throughout the year, representatives of the sign will be concerned about the issue of successful investment. Astrologers suggest thinking about purchasing real estate. And not necessarily within the city: in the countryside there are excellent inexpensive options. On your own land you can always not only provide food for your family, but also make good money.

Career horoscope for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 for the Rabbit is optimistic in terms of career growth. You have every chance to succeed. However, there is a wish from astrologers: be more active. Don't wait for weather by the sea, although this year you are in exactly the same mood, at least in the spring. By summer you will “cheer up” and a plan to improve your financial situation will mature. Cats will need help from acquaintances and friends.

People of this sign should choose creative professions: acting, producing, music, painting, etc. A woman will find herself in the service sector, especially in the beauty industry. Cats have a developed vision of beauty, they have good taste. Open beauty salons, spa centers, beauty salons. You will not end up with clients. Psychologists say that in turbulent times, women spend the most money in salons, trying to be even more beautiful.

Cats should be diligent in their work in 2017. In this case, there will definitely be a bonus in the form of a promotion or business success. And don’t gossip about your colleagues, otherwise you risk making enemies.

Health horoscope for 2017

All the diseases of Kotov are due to his laziness. Some representatives of the sign are ready to suffer for years from a chronic sore, but do nothing to eliminate the cause of the ailment. And all because you are too lazy to go to hospitals, have no time to take tests, and it is inconvenient to take pills by the hour. You have an excellent chance to correct the situation in the year of the Red Rooster, when energy is in the air.

Rabbits prefer lying on the sofa to active recreation. And in vain! Half of your ailments are due to this. Shake yourself up, buy a bike, and start going on exciting bike rides with like-minded people. Or go camping, spend a couple of nights in a tent under the open sky. You will be surprised how much your well-being will improve.

In the summer, Rabbits are recommended to improve their health in a seaside boarding house and undergo the necessary procedures there. You should definitely find an opportunity to visit a city that you haven’t been to for a long time or that you’ve been dreaming about for many years. Take your loved one with you on vacation, it will be an unforgettable time for both of you.

People born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat)

Joseph Stalin, Albert Einstein, Walter Scott, Oleg Efremov, Eldar Ryazanov, Vyacheslav Kotenochkin, Vladimir Menshov


The beginning of the year promises to be the most problematic for Rabbits. In winter, they are at high risk of catching colds. And besides, those who suffer from various forms of chronic diseases should be wary of their exacerbation.

Another important point is the tendency to abuse junk food and alcohol in the first few months of the year. Rabbits should limit themselves in every possible way in this, because the consequences in the future due to this kind of excess may be the most serious.

Among other things, it is highly advisable for representatives of this sign not to be lazy about taxing themselves physically. Rabbits cannot be called hyperactive people, however, their laziness, usually moderate, risks becoming a real scourge in the year of the Rooster.


Rabbits will most likely be able to avoid significant financial problems in 2017. Moreover, they need to take into account that the first half will be more successful in this regard than the second, and plan their expenses accordingly. True, these people will also have to bear considerable costs in the year of the Rooster. And first of all, they will be related to family needs and investments for the future, for example, for training or something similar.

During this period, presumably, there will be many people who will want to borrow money from the Rabbits. The latter should approach such situations very carefully, because not all of their potential debtors will be inclined to honestly return what they took.


The professional sphere is another successful aspect of the existence of Rabbits in the year of the Rooster. Here, the reluctance of the Master of the Year to help will even be to their advantage, because the Rabbits themselves will know well what they expect from their work. And outside help would become something like good intentions that lead to that very notorious bad place.

In 2017, Rabbits will probably have to travel a lot. This will bring them many pleasant moments, although initially they may not be very happy with this state of affairs. For those of them who are engaged in business, trips will bring new useful contacts, while others will allow them to gain new experiences and impressions. And a considerable number of Rabbits during this period, thanks to their profession, will be able to strengthen or improve their social status.


For those born under this sign, the family promises to become something of a quiet haven in which they can hide from everyday problems. Married Rabbits may not be afraid of shocks and unpleasant “surprises” from their other halves. Singles will have a chance to meet potential life partners who will suit them in almost all respects.

In general, Rabbits will be surrounded by a lot of potential suitors and admirers in the year of the Rooster. And if for those of them who are already married, this will not become a particular problem, then for single people this situation can create problems. The fact is that among the motley “swarm” surrounding them there will be many random people who will only distract the Rabbits from those who they really truly need.

For people born under the sign of the Rabbit, 2017 will be a promising year. First of all, this concerns success at work and possible career growth. But only those “rabbits” who can put in a sufficient amount of effort, diligence and hard work will be able to achieve such heights. Those who prefer to wait for “manna from heaven” without doing anything will not deign the stars with their attention. Already in 2016, this sign of the eastern horoscope took the right position - he began to slowly but confidently advance in his career, earning the favor of his superiors. You shouldn’t stop there next year either - the path chosen by the rabbit is the most correct.

Under the auspices of the Fire Rooster, which has great influence in 2017, rabbits will be able to improve their personal life. After all, comfort, mutual understanding between all family members and the opportunity to create their own nest with a loved one in which they can spend their whole lives are extremely important to them. Thanks to these character traits, rare in our time, rabbits have earned the favor of the Owner, who will help achieve the implementation of all existing plans.

The positions of the planets adopted by them in 2017 will especially strongly influence the professional activities of rabbits. But despite the fact that they will not impede career growth, quite the contrary, as mentioned above - complete immersion in work by the end of the year will bear fruit - career advancement, salary growth, or obtaining a new specialty to master the nuances of which will take some time. Some rabbits will wish to receive a second education. The stars will not interfere with this sudden impulse. This year you can enroll in a higher educational institution, or take simple advanced training courses or courses in a new skill for rabbits, for example, hairdressing or culinary. You can be sure that someday in the future this will definitely come in handy.

The distinctive features of people born in the year of the rabbit are their good nature, ease of making friends and cheerful disposition; for this reason, 2017 promises many acquaintances that will bring pleasure from communication and obtaining new information for both parties.

It should be noted that it is for rabbits that the stars foretell a small number of conflicts with the people around them; on the contrary, settling disputes and finding compromise solutions will be the trump card of all rabbits.

Rabbits' love relationships also develop very well. Men in love will give their chosen one gifts and surprises. Women will give their gentleman such a large amount of affection, care and warmth that it would be enough for several more people. It is quite possible that some rabbits at the end of the year will wish to legitimize their relationship through legal marriage. For married rabbits, the Fire Rooster promises an addition to the family. In general, 2017 is a very favorable year for your personal life. Love and mutual understanding will reign in the family.
Among other things, throughout the year the rabbits will experience such a surge of energy that their desire to work, strive forward, and learn something new will be null and void. They will not have to think about possible failures and health problems.

If we consider the whole year as a whole, then it will be joyfully productive and filled with happy moments. Some of the rabbits will receive a new position or status, while others will simply learn to appreciate and enjoy the things they currently have.

What to expect for male rabbits in 2017

In the year of the “fiery rooster,” the stars promise representatives of the stronger sex born under the sign of the rabbit a calm, measured life, which they have already dreamed about a lot. Under favorable conditions, male rabbits will be able to show all their best qualities - creativity, perseverance, the ability to think outside the box, which will definitely be noticed and appreciated by management.

Many people mistakenly believe that this sign of the eastern horoscope is devoid of perseverance; if necessary, it can show enviable perseverance to achieve its goals, thereby proving the presence of ambitions. But despite such successes, some male rabbits will never be able to fully get rid of frequently occurring depression and a pessimistic attitude.

The distrust of people characteristic of most rabbits, which periodically haunts them, can also have a negative effect on achieving goals. You need to work on this side of your character.

In the coming year, male rabbits will try with all their might to avoid conflict situations both with colleagues and with people close to him. If they notice that with their statements they will offend their interlocutor or somehow hurt his interests, they will certainly step aside. Men born in the year of the Rabbit, as a rule, have a very wide social circle - many friends with whom he will certainly keep in touch throughout his life. Friends are a very important component of life, without which he simply cannot be happy.

Astrological forecast for female rabbits

For a woman born under the sign of the rabbit, 2017 promises to be calm and fairly smooth in all directions. If you believe astrologers from the East, then it is in this year that women are born who are endowed with a gentle character, bringing kindness, warmth and tenderness to others. The man who will be next to her will be incredibly lucky; she will be able to make him truly happy. Wherever such a woman is, at work or at home, she will try with all her might to maintain a complacent atmosphere, showing extraordinary diplomatic abilities. In addition, female rabbits take to heart all the words spoken to them, for this reason, people around her need to be very careful about what they say.

Many may mistakenly believe that the soul of this woman is an open book, but this is not at all the case - she keeps a lot of feelings to herself, without showing them to anyone. The rabbit woman is the real keeper of the family hearth. They will make every effort to give their family comfort, warmth and tranquility. For those closest to her, she will play the role of a psychologist - eliminate all conflicts that arise. At work, a woman born under this sign will be a diplomat recognized among her colleagues.

Whatever field she chooses, she will succeed in everything in the year of the “fiery rooster”, just like men born under the influence of the sign of the rabbit. We can say with complete confidence that this is a very favorable year for those born under this sign. They will succeed in any task - the main thing is to make enough effort and the stars will show their favor.

2017 portends many good and interesting events for representatives of the eastern calendar - rabbits (cats), which is filled with both pleasant moments and difficult and unpleasant ones.

Rabbit Woman: Horoscope for 2017

Catwomen in the year of the Fire Rooster will be characterized by some passivity. There may even be disappointment in yourself and in life.

The means of healing will be the attention of your partner. These women will be popular with men, and this will spur their will to action. True, actions may be different. Thus, married women will direct all their new energy to maintaining and preserving the family, so it is better for fans not to pester them with ambiguous offers.

Catwomen should also be careful with their colleagues. There are envious people and intriguers around them who can prevent these women from getting a decent assessment of their abilities.

The support of loved ones will help Cat women survive attacks of unconstructive mood and cope with all the problems that the year of the Rooster may bring.

Rabbit Man: Horoscope for 2017

Rabbit men risk getting into trouble due to excessive popularity with the fair sex. The temptation will be too great to completely surrender to entertaining affairs and novels. The consequence is missed career opportunities and financial profits, family conflicts.

You need to be especially careful with the latter, since the wife’s acute reaction to her husband’s “spree” can lead to a breakup. You need to quickly come to your senses and try to soften the situation; it won’t hurt to listen to the advice of relatives or friends - they will point out the wrong points in behavior.

Men are often indifferent to their health, but this will not go away in the year of the Rooster. You will have to be especially attentive to your diet - snacks during your lunch break at McDonald's are excluded. The reason is the high probability of poisoning (this scourge primarily affects men). Exacerbations of chronic diseases are also possible.

The most important thing is to believe that no fate is a sentence, and you need to “correct” it with your own active actions.

Rabbit: Love horoscope for 2017

People born in the year of the Rabbit will be very sought-after lovers in the new year. Those of them who are single are lucky - there are excellent chances of finding a life partner or simply starting a stunning romance. The charm of the Cats will be irresistible, and success is guaranteed.

Busy Rabbits risk conflicts with partners due to excessive attention from outsiders. Married men should be especially careful - women will not be too inclined to go to great lengths anyway.

At the same time, the Rabbits will not even show much initiative - everything will go by itself, they will only have to make a decision and make a choice. That is why the year is favorable for starting a family or strong relationships - the choice will be given, and it can be made carefully.

Rabbit: Finance and career horoscope for 2017

This is not to say that this is a good year for Cats. You should avoid any risky actions - gambling, “too profitable” offers, and especially violations of the law. Working abroad will not bring the expected benefits either.

Quick ways to get rich in 2017 are not for Rabbits. It would be better to rely on small but reliable and regular profits. Various types of trading operations can give good results. If you need a part-time job, you can turn to remote earnings. When doing business, you will need to pay attention to the slightest subtleties of the law (it is better to hire a qualified lawyer).

Working for hire will not provide prospects for rapid career growth. The intrigues of envious colleagues can interfere, so it is better to avoid significant official violations. If an offer is made to take a leadership position, it is better to think ten times - Cats are far from the best leaders.

To maintain financial stability, Rabbits will have to curb their spending habits. They tend to buy a lot, even when they don’t really need the item. Things won’t work that way—you have to live within your means. It will also be useful to get rid of mercantile acquaintances who are only interested in the opportunity to profit.

Rabbit: Health Horoscope for 2017

You need to take care from the very beginning of the year - Cats love warmth and are prone to colds. A course of vitamins or medications to strengthen the immune system can help avoid winter troubles. Rabbit food - fresh fruits and vegetables - will be very useful.

You need to be very careful about the expiration dates and quality of products - digestive disorders and poisoning are possible. It’s worth going to a preventive appointment with your doctor - chronic diseases may worsen.

For physical activity, Rabbits should pay attention to water procedures. A visit to the pool can bring significant benefits to their health.


Aries is usually overcome by thoughtfulness and passivity, which is usually unusual for this sign. However, it is worth listening to their opinion - the advice will be wise and balanced.


Creative activity can add joy to life and set you in a constructive mood. It’s worth a try - perhaps this is what will lead to success after a while.

Rabbit Gemini

They have to be the life of the party. But caution doesn’t hurt – excessive popularity can provoke envy and quarrels with your partner.


A strange phenomenon - sentimental Cancers will become mercantile and calculating. In addition, their manners may deteriorate - you should think about it before letting them into high society.


It’s a strange combination, and the character of such people will also manifest itself in an unusual way. No leonine arrogance - these will be peaceful domestic cats.


And there is nothing strange here - this combination always gives birth to peaceful domestic creatures. This is how Virgos will be.


These are lucky - they will have much less difficulties than other Rabbits. You can enjoy life.


Explosive combination. Such Scorpios will behave not like cats, but rather like tigers. Even if they are small.

Rabbit Sagittarius

They will be able to get out of difficult situations with dignity. You should call Sagittarius as an adviser if the problem is difficult to solve.


Capricorns will be in the mood for romantic relationships. Their partners are lucky - they will receive attention and affection.

Rabbit Aquarius

They will have a chance to show their talents. Especially in the “battle of psychics” or in competition with Pavel Globa.


They will overcome all challenges with honor thanks to calmness and poise. It is worth taking an example from them.

The Rabbit's horoscope for 2017 will be held under the banner of apathy and depression. Representatives of the sign will be overcome by laziness and idleness, which will affect their work, relationships, and health. The Fire Rooster advises you to engage in your own development and draw up a clear plan for your future life. Only understanding yourself and the events happening around you will help you move forward and achieve your goals. Hard work and ambition can lead Cats to success and prosperity in 2017.


In 2017, Rabbits need to pay primary attention to their lifestyle and health. There is a risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases, so it is important to visit doctors in a timely manner so that the situation does not get out of control. Rabbits are characterized by idleness and laziness, which can cause their well-being to deteriorate. In the coming year, you need to spend more time outdoors, not abuse alcohol, and it is advisable to give up addictions altogether. The time has come to monitor nutrition, and the principles of vegetarianism or separate nutrition will easily fit into the life of representatives of the sign if they decide to take care of their body.

Love and relationships

Family representatives of the sign will spend 2017 in harmony and mutual understanding. There is a risk of disagreement in the autumn, but calm Rabbits will quickly find a way to compromise, which will only improve relations. From the middle of the year, the likelihood of having offspring increases. Children will not cause trouble in the coming year, but parents may have health problems. It is worth supporting them and showing concern.

Lonely Rabbits will feel constant attention from the opposite sex, but they will show unexpected laziness in building relationships. Perhaps they will decide to move on to a more serious stage, but if everything is so good, they can let the situation take its course. Taking decisive action in relationships in 2017 is not for Rabbits.


The horoscope for 2017 for the Cat (Rabbit) is very contradictory. For some, it promises a desire for leadership positions and intense workload at work. Others, on the contrary, will be lazy in completing work tasks and may even refuse a promotion if it requires the demonstration of leadership qualities.

In the middle of the year, many Cats will have a desire to earn extra money, but through illegal means. Such a desire should be immediately thrown out of your head, because, firstly, it can result in unwanted problems, and, secondly, in any case it will not bring the expected money. To obtain a stable income, entrepreneurs should decide to transfer affairs to professionals, then the business will grow much faster.


The sphere of finance for Rabbits does not promise stability and prosperity, although representatives of the sign will strive for it with all their might. Playing lotteries, casinos and sweepstakes is a deliberately losing option, since the coming year does not promise victory and, especially, significant sums of money. Some Cats will decide to make money abroad, but this venture will not be successful either. It will only bring additional expenses, so the most favorable outcome will be the full recoupment of the trip; there can be no talk of profit. Real estate transactions carried out at the end of winter or spring may be successful, but you should not get into a mortgage, as an unstable financial situation will make payments difficult.

Horoscope for the Rabbit man

The horoscope for the Rabbit for 2017 promises complete stability. A man in a relationship will fully support his soulmate, which is why harmony will reign in the family. Lonely Cats will express themselves with restraint in the love field, but they are guaranteed attention from the opposite sex. Even if they have their eye on someone, the girl will not be able to resist the tenderness, care and affection of the persistent representatives of the sign.

At work, Rabbits will have to show ambitions that were previously deeply hidden. Such a desire for career growth will certainly be noticed by the manager and appreciated.

Horoscope for the Rabbit woman

The Rabbit's horoscope for 2017 promises many pleasant changes. A woman will feel a desire for new activities, so getting another profession or pursuing a hobby will become quite natural; you should not deny yourself this. At work, there is a risk of serious trouble, since one of the ill-wishers will want to get the position held by representatives of the sign.

In the love sphere, Cat women will feel the close attention of men, but most of them will offer only frivolous relationships. This also applies to married women, but they will easily say “no” to fleeting affairs.

Horoscope according to Zodiac signs for Rabbit

Rabbit – Aries

In the coming year, the Aries Rabbit will be rolling around in oil. 2017 promises the fulfillment of all desires, especially in the labor field. If Aries begins to systematically move towards his dream, having developed a plan and taking certain actions, already at the beginning of the year he will feel that his efforts are not in vain, and by the end of the year they will have exactly the result that the stubborn representative of the Zodiac is counting on. Money will flow like a river, and this applies not only to those Aries Rabbits who work for themselves. When introducing a new technology or optimizing activities in an organization, management will appreciate your zeal and reward you generously.

Rabbit – Taurus

2017 promises to be difficult for Rabbits-Taurus, and not because eternal problems and troubles await them, but because it will not be easy to find a “golden mean” in relationships and work. For a whole year, the Cats of this zodiac circle will have to be torn between two spheres of life, and in both, it will seem that not enough time is being devoted. In order not to be made a fool, the Fire Rooster advises to draw up a schedule from the beginning of the year and explain to your other half in what mode you will have to live in 2017. This is the only way to maintain harmonious relationships and achieve good results in your career.

Rabbit – Gemini

Representatives of the sign will be overcome by an irresistible desire to radically change their field of activity. Some will change their occupation, others will decide to open a business. The Fire Rooster will not fully support such an aspiration, but will reward Gemini with a charge of positivity and creativity. It is these qualities that will help bring the things started to fruition, which is why by the end of the year Gemini Cats will look at everything they had to go through with different eyes and rejoice at their incredible strength. They are guaranteed moral satisfaction from a difficult decision, and material satisfaction, of course, too.

Rabbit – Cancer

The horoscope for 2017 promises a lot of adventures. The Cancer Rabbit will have to show qualities unusual for him in order to join the new atmosphere, unusual and exciting the blood. Gather all your strength, intelligence and courage, because they can help you achieve your goals. It is precisely because of dramatic changes and unusual situations that Cancers will have to always remain on the alert. Only in this way will they sensibly assess the situation and benefit both themselves and those around them. At the beginning of the year, representatives of the sign will be afraid of such changes, but soon they will join the new regime and feel the affection of the Fire Rooster.

Rabbit – Leo

The beginning of the year for Leo should take place in the skin of the cautious Rabbit. Despite the fact that representatives of the sign are accustomed to being the center of attention, right now they will have to become “invisible”, able to cover their tracks and avoid being seen again. Excessive anxiety will take over Leos, but loyal friends will help them cope with it and support them in difficult times. Risk in any area of ​​life will turn against Leo Rabbits, but from the middle of the year the Fire Rooster will give them a chance to improve their financial situation. You just have to remain careful, and money will flow like a river towards the representatives of the sign.

Rabbit – Virgo

The Fire Rooster is favorable to the representatives of the sign in the coming year. Literally all areas of life will be stable, and with due attention to them, they will also change for the better. A pleasant event is expected in their personal lives: some will meet their soulmate, others will have a wedding, others will prepare for the birth of a baby. In addition, a fateful meeting is expected in 2017 that will bring positive change and success to one of the remaining areas. It is possible that such a person will be someone from the past with whom Virgo decides to re-establish a connection.

Rabbit – Libra

Representatives of the sign should be attentive towards loved ones, because this is what the horoscope for 2017 advises. The Libra Rabbit may feel that his surroundings are putting a spoke in his wheels and preventing him from moving forward towards his cherished goal. But this is only a far-fetched opinion that can ruin relationships if representatives of the sign do not deviate from the intended path. The main attention should be paid to family and friends, because it is not easy for them now, they expect the support of sensible Libra. If representatives of the zodiac circle sacrifice themselves for the sake of the family, the Fire Rooster will give them prosperity and success in all their planned endeavors, even those that will have to be temporarily abandoned at the beginning of the year.

Rabbit – Scorpio

The horoscope for 2017 is on the path of global changes. The Scorpio Rabbit will feel that his life principles have ceased to mean something to him, so he will easily abandon them and paint a new picture of his own existence. Representatives of the sign will want to completely renew themselves, and they will succeed with a bang. Only a complete reboot will help bring bright colors to life and change all areas for the better.

Rabbit – Sagittarius

Who will not be able to sit alone in the coming year? Sagittarius will be in great demand in all areas of life, especially in work. Not only colleagues, but also management staff will constantly seek advice and help, rely on the opinion of representatives of the sign and set them as an example on every occasion. Sagittarius Rabbits should not avoid such demand, but, on the contrary, strive to help everyone, because the Fire Rooster does not sleep. The Cats of this Zodiac will be generously rewarded for their responsiveness, including in monetary terms.

Rabbit – Capricorn

Representatives of the sign will need to take care of their inner world and find harmony in the soul. To do this, you should exclude worldly vanity from life and indulge in self-knowledge. As an ideal pastime, the Fire Rooster recommends traveling to a secluded place, preferably warm, where you can think about your current life and make a new plan. For those for whom travel is not suitable, it will be enough to use other methods of immersion in oneself, including meditation or reading philosophical books. It's time to look at yourself differently and feel the love arising in your soul.

Rabbit – Aquarius

The Aquarius Rabbit will spend 2017 positively, because everything will turn out just fine. Representatives of the sign will not have time for a relaxing holiday, because pleasant changes will await them around every turn. Over the coming year, your circle of acquaintances will expand significantly, among whom, perhaps, there will be the very person with whom you can walk side by side throughout your life. In addition, pleasant changes at work are expected. If Aquarians cope with such an influx of events and make informed decisions on time, then they will be guaranteed a sea of ​​bonuses, because in 2017 the Rooster is very generous to them.

Rabbit – Pisces

2017 is good for Cats of this Zodiac in terms of developing their own talents and disseminating them to the masses for the purpose of earning money. Inspiration will accompany Pisces throughout the year, and it is from it that they will draw strength for new achievements. Self-realization will be the best path for them, which is why they will receive not only internal satisfaction, but also additional bonuses in the form of an improved financial situation and an expanded circle of acquaintances, often influential and generous.

For Rabbits, the coming year cannot be called too good. At the very beginning of the year they will be overcome by apathy and laziness. Some Rabbits may even end up in deep water. This threatens the loss of life goals and motivation. And now about everything in more detail.

Horoscope for 2017 Rabbit woman

Rabbit women need to focus their efforts on drawing up a clear plan that will help you not slide into the abyss of wasting time. This will give you a chance to turn your life for the better and avoid a negative ending to the year.

Thanks to planning, you can quickly get back on track with success:

  • Something unknown will soon await you. Perhaps you will find a new hobby for yourself or get a different specialty. You must use every opportunity that arises to your advantage.
  • This year you will receive attention from male representatives. Most likely these will be only fleeting affairs. Therefore, be prudent and do not get involved in such ventures. This is especially true for married rabbits.

  • In your career, you should be twice as careful. Pay attention to your colleagues. There is a chance that one of them is going to trip you up at the most inopportune moment.
  • You should not get involved in any types of gambling. This is not your path to financial success. It is worth paying attention to real estate. If you achieve profit, it will be only in this area.

Horoscope for 2017 for Rabbit - men

Rabbit men should take a closer look at the people around them. Most likely, someone from your inner circle will want to use them for personal gain. In this regard, we recommend that they show some secrecy and moderate their simplicity. Don’t rush to share your ideas; ill-wishers are quite capable of stealing your idea.

Don't let others get on your neck. Show strength of character more often. Although you strive to maintain peaceful relations with everyone, do not allow them to enter your territory.

You love your friends very much and value good relationships with them. In the new year everything will remain the same. The same applies to family relationships. Although you will be invited on dates from time to time, you will refuse for fear of being disappointed. If you are already married, then you will devote all your time to your spouse and children. A time of tenderness and romance will come for you.

Horoscope for 2017: video

Look what astrologers predicted for Rabbits in the coming year.

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