10 funniest and weirdest phobias of actors. The most ridiculous phobias of stars (10 photos). David Beckham doesn't like cats

Stars are also people, they are characterized by joys and fears, like all of us (11 photos)

However, at times, many star phobias are surprising. Today I will tell you about the rare fears of the stars

1. Pamela Anderson and mirrors

Pamela Anderson has long suffered from a rare fear - eisoptrophobia. The actress does not hide this fear of hers. In addition to her fear of mirrors, Pamela does not like to watch films with her participation on TV, always changing the channel if they are shown. (Getty Images)

2. Kristen Stewart and horses

Kristen Stewart has repeatedly said that she hates horses. This fear haunts the girl since childhood after falling from a horse, which led to a fractured elbow. However, for filming in the new film "Snow White and the Huntsman" Kristen had to overcome her fear. Portraying a warlike princess who is ready to fight for her happiness, the girl tried not to think about her phobia. According to her, the actress resigned herself to the idea that if she is destined to die under the hooves of a horse, then it must be so.

3. Billy Bob Thornton and antique furniture

The phobia of Billy Bob Thornton will seem rather strange to many. After all, this man wore a flask filled with the blood of Angelina Jolie around his neck, gave her a piece of land in the cemetery and in every possible way spread about their sexual games. The fame of a tough guy always accompanied him. However, Billy is afraid of antique furniture. Funny, isn't it? In addition to furniture, planes, plastic appliances and a Komodo dragon are catching up on the actor. And if the fear of the monitor lizard is easily explained by its toxicity, then what is the fault of the furniture. Billy Bob admits that antique American furniture does not scare him as much as the French of Louis XIV. Moreover, the actor assures that he can easily distinguish a fake.

4. Orlando Bloom and the pigs

The idol of millions of girls around the world, handsome Orlando Bloom, has a very specific phobia. The actor cannot bear the sight of pigs. A fearless hero on the screen, in life, at the sight of a pig, tries to leave. As it was during the filming of the movie "Kingdom of Heaven", when she ran out of the pigs from the pen.

5. Nicole Kidman and the butterflies

Another strange phobia that actress Nicole Kidman suffers from is the fear of butterflies. Nicole has been haunted by this fear since childhood. The actress recalls that if she saw a butterfly on the gate of her house, then she crawled under them or climbed the fence on the other side so as not to face her nightmare. However, we must give credit to Nicole: she tried to fight this fear. At the American Museum of Natural History, she walked into a cage with butterflies, allowing them to sit on her. According to the actress, this method did not work.

6. Christina Richie and houseplants

Christina Ritchie's spectrum of fears is quite wide: she is afraid of houseplants, swimming pools and sharks. The actress says that houseplants seem "dirty" to her, they drive her crazy.

7. Tyra Banks and the dolphins

For many people, dolphins are cute creatures. For Tyra Banks, they are the heroes of her nightmares. To overcome this strange phobia, she specially went to the dolphinarium, where she conducted a course of dolphin therapy and even kissed them. After that, Tyra stated that she was quite capable of controlling her fear.

8. Oprah and gum

Scientifically, Oprah Winfrey's fear sounds like chiclephobia. Most likely, this fear came from childhood, when Oprah was forbidden to take chewing gum from her grandmother's locker. The popular TV presenter is so afraid of gum that she prohibits chewing it not only in the studio, but also at home. Oprah recalls that one day she had to throw out the plate on which her guest had put her gum during dinner.

9. Carmen Electra and water

The Rescuers Malibu star is afraid of water. According to the actress, next to the water she starts to panic.

10. Johnny Depp and the clowns

Actor Johnny Depp has a fear of clowns. However, the actor does not give up and tries to overcome this phobia: everywhere he hangs posters depicting clowns, believing that by surrounding himself with his fear, he will be able to overcome it.

11. Woody Allen and ... everyone

Woody Allen's phobias are as varied as they are strange. He is afraid of insects, heights, crowds and cancer, sunlight, bright colors, children and deer. The director is afraid of transport, hates bathrooms. He conveyed his fear of living somewhere far from Manhattan to one of his characters in the painting "Annie Hall".

All human fears often accompany us from early childhood to old age. And they are subject to both weak-willed and strong successful people. The richest and famous world this, due to hard work and a series of stresses, perhaps, suffer from phobias more than ordinary people. Having such fears makes them vulnerable, from which most celebrities try to hide their weaknesses. But, as a rule, the more carefully you try to hide, the more obvious it becomes.

Consider the most common fears of world stars.

Jennifer Aniston is afraid to fly

Popular comedy actress Jennifer Aniston has fears of flying. But because of her work, she constantly has to use air transport services, she came up with her own way to overcome the phobia. She enters the plane only with her right foot, and before that she knocks her fist on the board three times. A little bit funky, but it really helps her deal with stress.

Justin Bieber is claustrophobic

A favorite of teenage girls around the world, American singer Justin Bieber is claustrophobic, which means a fear of enclosed spaces. He avoids any cramped spaces in every possible way, including the elevator. Whatever the floor of the skyscraper, Justin climbs only on foot. He got this phobia just because of the elevator, in which he was stuck and sat for several hours.

Madonna is afraid of the dark and thunder

Pop queen Madonna has always hidden the presence of any weaknesses, but her former spouse Guy Ritchie once told the press that she did have them. And the singer is afraid ... of darkness and thunder.

Cameron Diaz is afraid of doorknobs

Actress Cameron Diaz suffers from a very unusual phobia. She is afraid of door handles, namely, dirt and germs on them. She never touches the handles in public places without gloves, and if they are not there, then her guard opens the doors for her. In addition, Cameron never shakes hands with anyone, and all because of the same microbes.

Orlando Bloom is afraid of pigs and ... pork

American handsome Orlando Bloom is not at all fearless Will Turner and Legolas. V real life he is afraid of ... pigs, which makes him not even eat pork. His phobia was revealed during the filming of Kingdom of Heaven, when a pig unexpectedly left the fence. Noticing the animal, the actor started screaming and ran away.

Lady Gaga is scared by small children and mobile phones

But the queen of outrageous Lady Gaga is frightened by small children and mobile phones. With the former, she feels confused and does not know how to behave. But the subject of mobile communication is capable of producing brain cancer, which is why she uses it only in cases of real need.

David Beckham is afraid of disorder

Soccer celebrity David Beckham is obsessed with arranging food in the fridge. The food must be exactly in the correct order, otherwise he will not be able to fall asleep at night. This is called ataxophobia, fear of disorder. All items in David's wardrobe are carefully sorted by color and brand. In addition, he is uncomfortable with odd numbers. The question arises, what did the parents do to him in childhood?

Fear of germs

Among stars, there is a widespread phobia of microbes. In addition to the aforementioned Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts is also afraid of them. She demands that the restaurant be thoroughly disinfected before she sits on a chair. And Jennifer Lopez carries her own sheets with her, not trusting the laundry, even in expensive hotels.

Fear of terrorists

After terrorist attacks all over the world, many celebrities became afraid of attack or surprise attack by terrorists. Madonna even built an underground tunnel from her villa, which leads to Miami Bay, where workers are on duty around the clock near the yacht in order to have time to evacuate the star. And Robert de Niro erected a twenty-meter tower with modern technologies to monitor the situation around the perimeter.

Actress Gwyneth Peltrow has stocked up on food, batteries, flashlights and masks in case of bombing or the end of the world.

Jim Carrey is afraid of being followed all the time.

Cheerful and positive on the screen, Jim Carrey is a real paranoid in real life. The actor is afraid that he is being watched all the time. Therefore, in the hotel rooms that he removes, there are no lampshades where the camera could be hidden, and the doors and windows must be closed from the inside. Checking in, Kerry himself checks all the coals of the rooms with a special device.

Sharon Stone is afraid of electrical appliances

The femme fatale Sharon Stone has a fear of electrical appliances. To conquer fear, she even visits a psychoanalyst. The actress is afraid to turn on the TV on her own, as she believes that it will explode.

Sarah Michelle Gellar is afraid of graveyards

The main winner of vampires Sarah Michelle Gellar is incredibly afraid of the cemeteries where most of the episodes of the famous series were filmed. At first, she had to cope with her phobia, but after gaining fame, she demanded to create the decoration of the cemetery in the studio pavilion.

Johnny Depp is afraid of clowns

The main pirate of Hollywood Johnny Depp is afraid of clowns. It always seemed to the actor that real evil was hiding behind the actor's smile. As a child, he dreamed of clowns in nightmares. To overcome this phobia, in adulthood, Johnny hung himself a portrait of the famous clown Wayne Gacy, who actually turned out to be a serial maniac. Maybe Depp's fears are not entirely unfounded?

Sean Conery is afraid of traffic lights

Chief James Bond Sean Conery is afraid of traffic lights, namely red. It seems to the actor that he will not be able to brake in time and will have an accident. His fear arose after the accident in which his father died. To avoid stress, Koneri takes a taxi or walks.

Chuck Noris is afraid of alcohol

Fearless superhero of many generations of moviegoers Chuck Noris is afraid of alcohol. The actor himself never drinks alcohol, he does not even tolerate the smell of booze. Noris's father was an alcoholic and a tyrant, and although he died 50 years ago, the actor still has a fear of drunk people.

Schwarzenegger is afraid of the needle

The famous Terminator fears the smallest thing - a needle, whether it is medical or sewing. Schwarzenegger avoids cuts in every possible way so that they do not have to be sewn up later.

Penelope Cruz is afraid of the red carpet catwalk

The Spanish beauty Penelope Cruz suffers from a truly stellar phobia - she is afraid of the red carpet fashion show and for some time even thought to stop attending all public events.

Oprah Winfrey has a fear of chewing gum

American television presenter and actress Oprah Winfrey has a dread of chewing gum. This fear haunts her from an early age, as her grandmother often chewed, but did not throw out the gum, but glued it to the furniture. Winfrey never chews gum herself and has banned it to all staff in the studio where her show is filmed.

Nicole Kidman is afraid of butterflies

Australian actress Nicole Kidman is afraid of ... butterflies. Harmless insects introduce her into a state of panic, from which Kidman avoids outdoor recreation in every possible way.

Robbie Williams was afraid of cartoons

British singer Robbie Williams actively visited a psychologist to overcome his fear of cartoons. Even as a child, Williams hid when animated films were shown on TV. Scooby Doo scared him the most. For a long time, he avoided everything cartoon, but in the end, the singer managed to get rid of his fear.

What scares you the most?

Sometimes an accidental childhood impression or an unpleasant experience leaves a trace for life in the form of a phobia. Obsessive fears are an evolutionary relic that we inherited from our ancestors. A dangerous experience is remembered forever, and a person will never again pick up a poisonous jellyfish or sit on a bicycle from which he fell.

But besides the understandable fears that everyone has, there are also really strange phobias. We invite you to read about the strangest celebrity fears.

Pamela Anderson - eisoptrophobia (fear of reflection in the mirror)

Fashion model and actress Pamela Anderson is terribly afraid of mirrors and herself in them - she cannot calmly look even at the accidentally caught reflection in the window. One can only guess what tricks she has to resort to in order to look good. Pamela Anderson's makeup is provided by an army of makeup artists, and the actress can find out how she looks from the numerous glossy magazines that print her pictures every now and then.

David Beckham - ataxiophobia (fear of disorder)

David Beckham is a true perfectionist. His passion to put everything in its place and sort by colors, sizes and properties reaches a painful degree. For example, in the house where Beckham lives with his wife Victoria, he personally arranges all the products in the refrigerator according to a special logic. David Beckham's son Brooklyn said in an interview that his father spends a lot of time putting his things into an ideal system.

Orlando Bloom - porcuphobia (fear of pigs)

During the filming of the film "Kingdom of Heaven", where Orlando Bloom starred with Eva Green, it was accidentally revealed that the actor is horrified at the sight of ordinary pigs. During a rehearsal of one of the scenes, which took place next to a pig pen, one animal ran out of the fence, and Bloom fell into a panic. The pig was quickly put in place, and Orlando Bloom was calmed down for a long time. The actor said that he does not even tolerate pork and prefers not to be in places where it is sold. I wonder how the general fashion of having mini-pigs in Hollywood houses influenced Orlando Bloom's life?

Lady Gaga - Little Children and Phone Calls

Lady Gaga is not afraid of meat (she once appeared in public in a dress made from raw beef), but she falls into a state close to a panic attack at the sight of small children. She explains her fear of babies by the fact that motherhood would forever change her life and put an end to creativity.

Lady Gaga has another phobia, which is more common - she is afraid of phone calls. In the song Telephone, which she recorded with Beyoncé, Lady Gaga mentions her fear: the lyrics of the song contain lines that she will no longer pick up the phone and will not answer the call of the guy who decided to drop her on the phone.

Johnny Depp - Coulrophobia (fear of clowns)

Johnny Depp has been afraid of clowns since childhood. In an interview, he said that he always felt the dangerous darkness that lies under the bright makeup. Moreover, Depp is afraid of simply heavily painted faces. The actor is trying to fight himself. He bought a portrait of John Wayne Gacy, a notorious serial killer who often donned a clown costume. Depp hung a picture of a maniac in his house and made it a rule to look at him every day.

Coulrophobia is a common fear. The writer Stephen King has done a lot to spread it with his novel It. After the release of the film adaptation in 1990, the clown Pennywise became the hero of the nightmares of children and adults for many years.

Kendall Jenner - trypophobia (fear of small holes)

Model Kendall Jenner is afraid of small holes, so she cannot stand porous bread, the back of Lego bricks or honeycombs. She said that she begins to experience strong unaccountable anxiety, even when she just sees on TV a cartoon about SpongeBob: you never know what can hide in small deep holes.

Kendall Jenner is not the only one in the Kardashian family who has a strange phobia, for example, Khloe Kardashian is afraid of navels, and even tries not to touch her own. But their common sister and the main celebrity of the family, Kim Kardashian is not afraid, it seems, of nothing at all.

Scarlett Johansson - blattophobia (fear of cockroaches)

After the divorce of her parents, Scarlett Johannson alternately lived in Los Angeles with her mother, then in New York with her father. Once in her mother's home in California, Johansson woke up and screamed in horror: a fat, large cockroach sat on her face. Since then, she has not only felt a slight disgust for these insects, but is truly afraid of them.

Nicole Kidman - lepidopterophobia (fear of butterflies)

Nicole Kidman is not only Scarlett Johansson's colleague in the shop, but also her sister in misfortune. The Australian woman is terribly afraid of butterflies. Nicole Kidman herself says that butterflies look beautiful and fragile, but if you look closely at them, you can see all the numerous and disgusting details: their faceted eyes, chitinous coating, pollen on the wings ... In the warm climate of Australia, where Nicole Kidman grew up, butterflies lives a lot, so it remains only to guess what the actress had in childhood.

Jim Carrey - Paranoia (fear of being followed)

American comedian Jim Carrey was once afraid to go on stage or under a movie camera. Fortunately, he managed to overcome this fear, otherwise we would never have known about his existence. Kerry managed to take this phobia under control, but he still has a fear of CCTV cameras: the actor demands that the cameras be turned off at the hotels where he is staying during his visits. He always personally and carefully checks his number so as not to become the hero of the video chronicle.

Daniel Craig - acrophobia (fear of heights)

Daniel Craig had to face his fear on the set of three parts of Bond. In the films about the fearless special agent Her Majesty, there are a huge number of spectacular stunts, some of which are associated with high heights. Most of the difficult and dangerous feints are performed by professional stuntmen, but Daniel Craig still had to cope with the fear of heights and star in several scenes himself.

Penelope Cruz - fear of the red carpet

One of the most beautiful actresses of our time, Penelope Cruz hates the red carpet runs of film festivals. A catwalk show under camera flashes and hundreds of interested, appraising glances for Cruz is an almost unbearable duty for a famous actress. Therefore, she tries to appear at film festivals with companions - her husband Javier Bardem or director Pedro Almadovar.

Matthew McConaughey - fear of revolving doors

It is unknown how actor Matthew McConaughey manages his visits to large shopping malls: some of them he simply could not get into due to fear of large revolving doors. Whether McConaughey is afraid that he will be squeezed between the door and the wall, or whether he is afraid of getting stuck in a stopped glass "aquarium" - is unknown. Matthew McConaughey himself says that he cannot even watch the door revolve, or be near it. The phobia of Matthew McConaughey is so rare that there is not even a special name for it.

Tobey Maguire - arachnophobia (fear of spiders)

Oddly enough, the performer of the role of Spider-Man Tobey Maguire suffers from arachnophobia, that is, he is terrified of spiders. During the filming of Sam Raimi's trilogy about the superhero Tobey Maguire, nightmares plagued. He spent a lot of time with a psychoanalyst in order to speak out his fears and thus experience at least a little relief. Tobey Maguire's ex-wife Jennifer Meyer is known to have the same phobia. It is unlikely that Maguire chose a wife by this criterion, but they clearly had something to talk about on the first date.

Chuck Norris - fear of alcohol

The hero of numerous jokes about his superpowers, Chuck Norris is actually not devoid of weaknesses. In particular, Norris does not even tolerate the smell of alcohol, has never drunk a drop in his entire adult life and tries not to appear in pubs and at parties. This is due to the difficult childhood of the performer of the role of the Lone Ranger.

Chuck Norris's father was a car mechanic, drank a lot and terrorized the family in an alcoholic delirium. After the divorce of his parents, the life of Chuck Norris became more stable, the family changed the old trailer to a real house, but the actor's dislike for alcohol and drunk people remained for life. Internet users can only joke that "it's not Chuck Norris who gets drunk from alcohol, but alcohol gets drunk from Norris" and that "Chuck Norris's favorite cocktail is the Molotov cocktail."

Rihanna - ichthyophobia (fear of fish)

Singer and model Rihanna was born on the island of Barbados in the West Indies and she had a difficult time: Rihanna suffers from ichthyophobia, she is tremblingly afraid of fish of all shapes and sizes, but most of all - tropical fish swimming in clear water. It is not known what caused her unusual phobia, but she herself said that from childhood she preferred not to swim in the sea, preferring the pool.

Kristen Stewart - hippophobia (fear of horses)

Kristen Stewart has been afraid of horses since childhood. At the age of seven, caring parents took her to riding lessons, and at one of the lessons the horse carried her, Kristen fell and suffered a serious fracture of her arm. For the title role in Snow White and the Huntsman, Kristen Stewart had to overcome her fear. The producers organized psychotherapy sessions for her, and the actress herself wore a full bag of sedatives to the shooting. By the way, Kristen Stewart's Twilight partner,

Salma Hayek - herpetophobia (fear of snakes)

Salma Hayek, who played the role of a stripper with a snake in Quentin Tarantino's film, is terribly afraid of snakes in real life. On the set of the film, the actress had to overcome the stupor and nausea, into which she fell, as soon as she was given a huge python. In the frames of the film, however, this is not at all visible. Try to peer at close-ups and try to see the fear in the eyes of Salma Hayek.

Salma Hayek danced with a snake, although she is terribly afraid of them

Jennifer Aniston - aerophobia

Actress Jennifer Aniston, like many, is afraid of air travel. Any landing on the plane is a great stress for her. Aniston herself says that until some time she managed to cope well with her feelings and fly without hysterics. The situation became more complicated when one day the plane in which Jennifer Aniston was flying was caught in a severe thunderstorm. The liner chattered like a paper airplane, lightning flashed outside the window, stewardesses with tense faces walked quickly through the cabin. Since then, Aniston has necessarily performed several ritual actions before entering the cabin: she steps over the ladder only with her right foot and touches the walls of the plane. So she manages to calm herself down a little.

Charlie Hunnam - germophobia

British actor Charlie Hunnam at one time refused to shoot in the BDSM hit “50 Shades of Gray” not for moral reasons, but because of his germphobia. He was terribly afraid of picking up any germs from his partner Dakota Johnson. Hunnam said that he cannot kiss with anyone except his constant partner.

He acquired the fear of becoming infected in childhood, when a dangerous virus was walking in the north of England. The illness he was suffering could leave a person blind for life. Since then, Charlie Hunnam, very frightened by this incident, washes his hands thoroughly, avoids public toilets, and is very careful in filming intimate scenes.

Phobias are inherent in many people, not necessarily famous or eccentric. The editors of the site invites you to test your strength and read about the most terrible animals in the world.
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Many famous people and historical figures also suffered from phobias.

Some of them are quite common, like the fear of air travel, while others are downright strange, such as the fear of indoor plants.

Famous people and their phobias

Famous Hollywood director Alfred Chitchcock, known from the films "Psycho" and "Dizziness", suffered from ovophobia - a phobia of eggs, which he considered disgusting. In all his life, he had not tasted a single egg, as he was repelled only by the sight of the protein with the yolk flowing out of it.

Ironically, but Walt Disney, who gave the world Mickey Mouse, was afraid of mice.

Marilyn Monroe suffered from agoraphobia - fear of open space and crowded places. Barbra Streisand and Kim Bessinger had the same phobia.

Famous footballer David Beckham admitted that he was afraid of disorder. His phobia - ataxophobia - is similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder. He can hardly stand when things are disorganized, not lined up or not paired.

Pamela Anderson afraid of mirrors, namely his reflection in the mirror. She does not look at herself when she is shown on TV, and if this happens, she immediately turns it off and leaves the room.

American TV presenter Oprah Winfrey confessed to a chewing gum phobia. Her grandmother often chewed gum and stuck it to the closet, where long rows of chewing gum formed. The presenter also banned chewing gum from the television studio.

Stephen King afraid of flying on an airplane, cats and the number 13. When writing a book, he never stops at page 13 or multiples of 13. In addition, he is afraid of the dark and falls asleep only with the lights on.

Filmmaker Woody Allen has been treated by a psychoanalyst for 40 years and suffers from many phobias and fears. In addition to the fear of spiders, he is afraid of heights, closed space.

Among his stranger fears are the fear of bright colors, the elevator, animals, the stage, children, cancer and other diseases, and even peanut butter that can stick to the palate. In addition, he is afraid to bathe in the shower if the drain hole is in the middle, and he always cuts the banana into exactly 7 pieces before placing it with his morning cereal.

Historical figures: fears and phobias

Gustave Eiffel the creator of the famous Eiffel Tower suffered from dyslexia and was terrified of heights.

Sigmund Freud afraid of guns and ferns. He himself argued that a fear of guns is a sign of insufficient sexual and emotional maturity. About ferns, he did not spread much, but there is a version that he had a traumatic experience associated with ferns in childhood.

Nikola Tesla- the famous inventor was a hermaphobe, and avoided touching people and any objects on which there were germs. He is very often we hands. In addition, he was afraid of jewelry, especially earrings with pearls, which disgusted him.

Napoleon Bonaparte the emperor of France was afraid of cats, which caused him to panic. Interestingly, many leaders including Hitler, Mussolini, Nicholas II, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar suffered from ailurophobia - a fear of cats.

Salvador Dali was afraid of grasshoppers to the point that if a grasshopper jumped on his face, he would rather jump into the abyss. Entomophobia - fear of insects, a fairly common phobia, especially the fear of spiders, from which it suffers Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Scarlett Johansson.

Writer Nikolay Gogol afraid of being buried alive. In his youth, he suffered from malarial encephalitis and throughout his life suffered from complete loss of consciousness, followed by deep sleep. He was afraid that people would think he was dead and bury him. In old age, he did not even want to sleep lying down, and preferred a sitting position.

Composer Frederic Chopin and storyteller Hans Christian Andersen also suffered from this phobia. Andersen always left a note in which it was written that he was not dead, although he might look like that, but in fact he was asleep.

Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky he was also afraid of pollution and germs and tried not to touch the door handles, using a handkerchief for this. After shaking hands, he always washed his hands with soap, and carried iodine with him.

Sergey Yesenin was terrified of contracting syphilis. As his friend Alexander Mariengof said, he took any pimple as a sign of illness and looked at himself for a long time in the mirror.

Personality Joseph Stalin tried to analyze many psychologists and psychotherapists. Among the fears of the Soviet leader were the fear of being poisoned, the fear of flying by plane, and the fear of going to bed.

Hollywood stars: strange phobias

Megan Fox hates paper, namely dry paper, and uses a glass to dip his fingers into to turn a page in a book or script. In addition, she admitted that she was afraid of germs and therefore did not use public toilets and appliances in the restaurant. The Transformers actress is afraid to look at herself in photographs and video films. She said that she once drank champagne to gather her courage and still look at herself.

Matthew McConaughey is afraid of revolving doors, and will not enter a place where there are such doors. He also has a fear of tunnels. But he is not afraid of what will be in the tunnel, but is afraid of the very entrance to the tunnel.

Johnny Depp scared by clowns. As Johnny himself says: “There is something frightening about a painted face and an artificial smile. All the time it seems that under the surface there is darkness, real evil. "

Have Nicole Kidman lepidopterophobia - fear of butterflies. Once she tried to walk past the butterfly exhibits in the museum, but she could not overcome her fear. As a girl, Nicole did not go into the house if she saw a butterfly at the entrance.

When fans find out about Johnny Depp's obsessive fear, they are surprised - the actor is afraid of clowns and mimes, although in his films he is often transformed with the help of makeup. The reason for the star's fears again lies in the children's story: little Depp was once greatly frightened by a circus artist.

Alexey Chadov, fear of vampires

The actor admitted that in childhood he had a dream in which his brother Andrei turned into a vampire. After that, Alexei stopped watching films about ghouls, but for the sake of filming in "Night Watch" he decided to overcome his fear. Alexei constantly repeated to himself that everything that was happening was just a fictional plot.

Tyra Banks, fear of dolphins

Fortunately, model Tyra Banks has overcome her inexplicable fear of dolphins. At least, according to Tyra herself, she once spent a whole day at the dolphinarium, swimming and even hugging animals.


Natalie Portman, fear of cartoons

Actress Natalie Portman confesses her fear of cartoons - the blue gnomes Smurfs especially panic the actress. Apparently, for this reason, the artist, unlike her colleagues in the stellar shop, never voiced cartoons - only once gave a voice to one of the minor characters in The Simpsons.

Uma Thurman, claustrophobic

Fear of closed space is the main phobia of actress Uma Thurman. As luck would have it, her heroine in the second part of the cult action movie "Kill Bill" was locked in a wooden coffin and had to get out of it on her own. This scene cost the actress a lot of nerves and patience.

Winona Ryder, fear of water

Actress Winona Ryder explains her fear with childhood trauma: at the age of 12, she almost drowned and now tries to stay away from open bodies of water. An exception had to be made for the filming of the fourth part of "Alien": for the sake of saving humanity, her heroine had to swim a lot under water. Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet assigned three lifeguards to the star, and she coped with the task.

Rupert Grint, fear of spiders

The fear of spiders does not allow the star of "Harry Potter" Rupert Grint to sleep peacefully: before going to bed, the actor always checks for these insects in the room. Rupert cannot explain his phobia in anything, and moreover, visits to psychics and psychologists have not cured the guy of obsessive fear. However, it was the phobia that helped the actor to better get used to the image of Ron Weasley, whom the writer J.K. Rowling also endowed with a panic fear of spiders.

Kristen Stewart, fear of horses

The phobia of actress Kristen Stewart also comes from childhood: at the age of seven, she fell from a horse and broke her arm. From that time on, the actress tried to avoid meeting animals before she was invited to the film "Snow White and the Huntsman". According to the plot, her heroine had to ride a horse, therefore, having enlisted the support of trainers and sedative pills, the actress briefly forgot about her fear.

Nicole Kidman, fear of butterflies

Butterflies can also be a source of nightmares. So, actress Nicole Kidman from her youth was afraid of these insects, and given that there are a lot of species of butterflies in his native Australia, Kidman had to look for workarounds every time on the way to school and back. Later, after becoming famous, Nicole tried to overcome her fear (for example, she tried to enter a cage with live butterflies), but, alas, her attempts turned out to be a failure.

Brad Pitt, foot anxiety

Brad Pitt's inexplicable fear of his own feet was revealed on the set of Troy. The actor asked to replace the leather sandals of his character Achilles with boots. In addition to this strange phobia, the actor admits to being afraid of spiders and sharks.

Orlando Bloom, fear of pigs

Hate and fear of pigs almost pissed off actor Orlando Bloom on the set of Kingdom of Heaven. The animals were on the set with the actor, and later one of the pigs managed to run out of the pen, which greatly frightened Orly.

Matthew McConaughey, fear of revolving doors

By his own admission, actor Matthew McConaughey does not tolerate the sight of revolving doors, does not like to be in tunnels and walk along the corridors.

Scarlett Johansson, fear of germs

Like many other girls in the world, actress Scarlett Johansson is constantly keeping clean. But sometimes attempts to tidy up the premises cause verminophobia - fear of dirt, viruses and insects in the house. If an actress enters a hotel room, she prefers to do the cleaning herself, without resorting to the help of a maid whom she does not trust.

Ivan Dorn, fear of doctors

Musician Ivan Dorn confesses to completely human fears: doctors and height scare him. The artist is also afraid that he may lose his voice or fall asleep while driving from fatigue.

Tom Cruise, fear of baldness

Tom Cruise carefully monitors his appearance, but takes special care of his hair. This is due to peladophobia - the fear of baldness. According to friends, the artist also has a fear of alien intelligence. An adherent of the Church of Scientology, Cruise believes in the possibility of life on other planets, but at the same time, dating aliens causes him to panic.

Max Barskikh, fear of frogs

Singer Max Barskikh told us a whole story about his phobia: “I remember very well that warm spring evening in my native Kherson. I think I was about five or six years old. My friends and I walked in the yard in search of another adventure. Well, the adventure was not long in coming. Itself jumped out of the bushes onto the road. It was a large brown toad. Naturally, we all rushed to catch her, but only I was “lucky”: I grab her and she bites me. Toad. Bites your finger! I just threw it away then. And I would have forgotten about the history if after a while a wart had not jumped on the bitten finger. I tortured my parents with the question “what is this?”, And my parents tortured me with attempts to bring her out. Since then, the sight of a jumping greenish-brown amphibian has caused me only one reaction - to move away and not touch. It is interesting that I am quite calm about the images of the toad. The main thing is that she is not real and does not jump! Well, during a trip to Thailand, I tried all the local delicacies - I ate grasshoppers, locusts, scorpions, and beetles. But I didn’t dare to taste a frog (even a frog!) ”.

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