Sounds with a summary of a speech therapy lesson. Synopsis of the frontal lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group for children with OHP on the topic: “Sounds C - C. Letter C. Working with syllabic patterns

Synopsis of a frontal lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory group for children with OHP on the topic:

“Sounds S - S. Letter C"

  • To consolidate children's ideas about the sounds C - C and introduce the letter C.

1. Teach children to reproduce syllabic rows.

2. Clarify the articulation and characteristics of the sounds С - СЬ.

3. Learn to determine the place of a given sound in a word.

4. Continue to learn to differentiate the sound C and the sound C.

5. Remember the word scheme, learn to lay out the word scheme: juice, Sima. Develop skills in data analysis.

6. Introduce the letter C.

7. Exercise in the visual perception of the letter C.

8. To form the skills of sound analysis and synthesis of syllables, their reading.

9. Learn to print the letter C in isolation and in syllables.


  • A rubber ball, object pictures + two pictures (juice and Sima), syllabic schemes, a cash desk of letters on a typesetting canvas, an object picture "airplane", a magic picture with letters, a magnetic board, individual children's notebooks and colored pens.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment:

The exercise is carried out with a ball.

The one who correctly repeats will sit down:

sa - so - su su - sa - sous - is - os

si - se - sya sya - si - syu uss - es - axis

so - su - sy as - os - us os - ac - is

syu - si - se ass - axis - uss ass - uss - ass

2. Repetition of articulation and characteristics of sounds С, СЬ.

What sounds are we talking about today? (About the sounds С and СЬ).

What do lips do when we pronounce the sound "C"? (smiling)

Where is the language? (Below, behind the lower teeth).

What kind of breeze (or air stream)? (Cold).

Sound C - What? (Consonant, deaf, hard).

Sound C - What? (Consonant, deaf, soft).

2. Isolation of sound by ear:

Remember and name the words that begin with the sound S or S.

Remember and name the words where the sound С or the sound СЬ is heard in the middle of the word.

Remember and name the words where the sound С or the sound СЬ is heard at the end of the word.

Children name the word and specify what sound is heard in the word.

Sample response:

- Chair. At the beginning of a word, a solid C sound is heard.

- Letter. In the middle of the word, a soft sound is heard.

4. Work with syllabic schemes.

Ask the children to put the syllables in front of them.

What color do we represent the sound C? (in blue) Why? (Because the C sound is a hard consonant).

What color do we designate the sound SH (green) Why? (Because the sound СЬ is a soft consonant).

Invite the children to take the blue and green squares.

Show the children in turn subject pictures, in the name of which there is a sound С or СЬ (Table, seven, goose, cabbage, vacuum cleaner, orange, fox). Children name the picture and determine which sound (soft or hard) is hidden in the word, raise the corresponding box up (hard sound - blue box, soft sound - green box).

Two pictures are put on the board: Juice and Sima. After that, invite the children to make diagrams of these words.

Juice. How many syllables are in juice? (One syllable) How many sounds are in the word Sok? (Three sounds) What is the first sound? (C) What is the last sound? (K) What sound is heard in the middle of a word? (O). What color is the O sound? Why? etc.

Similarly, the scheme of the word Sima is drawn up. Ask all children together and individually.

5. Introduction to the letter C.

Explain to the children that the sounds C and C are pronounced differently, but in writing they are denoted by the same letter C. Put the symbol of the letter C on the board.

How are letters different from sounds? (We see, read and write letters, and we hear and pronounce sounds).

Reading a poem:

"Letter C"

C - how to draw a sickle with you:

S - curled catfish with a mustache.

On the snow - shod footprint.

S - the silhouette sparkles.

C - C - C - fireworks sparkle,

Sparks down, glowing, fly.

Sparks fall from the sky

The trace from them is like the letter C.

In order to find out how well you remember the letter C, we will be helped by a magic airplane, which brought an interesting picture with it. Look at her carefully. You need to determine how many letters C are hidden in this picture, and for this you need to find them among other letters. Who found, he shows and calls the found letter C.

After completing the exercise, the children count the number of letters C.

6. Dynamic pause:

We have a nice posture -

We brought the shoulder blades together.

We walk on our toes

And let's go on our heels.

Let's go softly like foxes

Well, if you get tired, then let's go

We are clubfoot, like bears go into the forest.

7. Printing and reading the letter C in isolation and in syllables.

1) Ask the children to prepare notebooks and colored pens on the table.

You know that letters are big and small. For example, the word Sok is written with a small letter s, and the word Seema is written with a capital S. Why? In what other cases is the capital letter C written?

Explain to the children how to write the letter S.

We start from the middle of the right wall of the cell and lead up, rounding the upper right corner, rounding the upper left corner, leading down the walls, rounding the lower left corner, rounding the lower right corner.

I clarify that the capital letter C is written in two cells, and the small letter c is written in one cell.

Let's draw the letter C in the air.

Printing large and small letters C in notebooks.

2) The synthesis of syllables is carried out with the help of a cash register of letters on a typesetting canvas.

If we add the sound C to the sound A, what happens?

What letters do you think I need to take from the box office of letters to get the syllable AC?

What needs to be done with the letters to make the syllable SA?

What letter must be added to the letter O to make the syllable OS?

What letter must be placed first to make the syllable CO?

If the first letter is U and the second letter is C, what is the syllable?

If the letters are reversed, what is the syllable? (SU).

If the first letter is I and the second letter is C, what is the syllable?

If the letters are reversed, what is the syllable? (SI)

After each pronunciation of a syllable, the children print it in a notebook. We clarify that the vowels are printed with a red pen, and the letter C, which comes before the letter I, is printed with a green pen. At the same time, an individual approach, assistance is provided.

3) Reading syllables.

8. Summary of the lesson. Children's assessment.

What sounds did we repeat today?

What letter are we talking about today?

Teacher speech therapist
Gurina Anna Evgenievna

Lexical topic:"Cloth"


  • Correctional and educational: fixing the correct articulation and pronunciation of sounds C - C '. An exercise in determining the place of a consonant sound in a word, in differentiating sounds according to hardness - softness. Enrichment of the dictionary on the topic "Clothes".
  • Correction-developing: development of phonemic hearing, fine motor skills of hands, visual perception and attention.
  • Correctional and educational: the formation of skills of independence and initiative.

Equipment: ball, individual mirrors, pictures of clothes, envelopes with pictures of clothes for each student.

During the classes

1. Org. moment.

Speech therapist: Hello guys! Sit down! Today we have guests at our lesson. They will watch you work in class. And so let's try to answer all my questions correctly and actively participate in the lesson.
Speech therapist: And now they gave each other a smile, we begin the lesson.
Speech therapist: Guys, who will tell me what the weather is like outside today? (children's answers) A cold wind is blowing. Let's imagine a cold wind. How the wind blows. Well done! But they came to school, and it's warm in our school. Let's now try to portray warm breathing. Well done boys!

2. Articulation gymnastics. And now let's do gymnastics and play a little with the tongue. (slide 2-5)

3. Introduction to the topic

Speech therapist: And now we look at the pictures (slide 6) What is shown there? (children's answers) What sound do words begin with? (C and C) And how can we say in one word? (clothes). Good!
Speech therapist: So, in the lesson today we will talk about clothes and remember the letter C and the sounds [C] and [C '].
Let's now discuss what kind of sounds we have?

4. Sound characteristic(slides 7-8)

[C] - consonant, hard, deaf. On the letter, we denote it with a blue filled square.
[C '] - consonant, soft, deaf, denoted by a green square in writing.

Game "Catch the sound"

Speech therapist: And now, let's play the game "Catch the sound." You will need to capture the correct sound. When you hear the sound [C] you will have to clap, when [C '] - stomp. Get ready! Be careful!
P, S, S, K, L, S, P, S.
Speech therapist: Well done! Everyone was able to catch the sounds correctly! Now let's look at the screen.

5. Reading syllables (slides 9-13) Now look at the screen and read the syllables. We read in chorus!


Scouts game

Speech therapist: Guys, now let's play the Scouts game. We know that scouts are people who listen carefully and memorize. I have several reports. Now each of you will read in turn, and everyone else will listen and memorize. (slide 14)

1st student - SA-CO-SU
2nd student - AS-OS-US
3rd student - SA-SU-SI
4th student - IS-AS-US
5th student - OS - US - YS
6th student - SU - SHO - SO.

Speech therapist: Well done, you are real scouts.

6. Physical education.

The wind blows in our face
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter,
The tree is getting higher and higher.
- Exercise for the development of breathing,
How did the wind blow? (Strongly)
Let's blow hard like the wind.
And now we blow intermittently, weakly, the breeze subsides.

Speech therapist: Have a rest?! Well done! We continue the lesson.

7. Acquaintance with the lexical topic.

In summer, during hot hours -
Only a T-shirt and shorts.
And in winter we need:
Sweater, warm pants,
Scarf, coat, sandals,
hat and so on.
Hat ..., sweater ...
However, I...
I'm confused, friends!

Speech therapist: Guys, where did I get confused? (children's answers) Tell me, what do we wear in winter? In the summer? (children's answers) Well done!

Speech therapist: Now look at the blackboard. (On the board are pictures of clothes). What do we have there? (children's answers: sundress, skirt, trousers, dress, sweater, shirt)
Speech therapist: And how do we say them in one word? (children's answers: clothes)
And now we find only those pictures in which there are sounds [С] or [С']. (children's answers: sundress, sweater, shirt).

8. The game "What's missing"

Subject pictures with the image of clothes are exhibited in front of the children. The speech therapist invites the children to close their eyes and hides one of the pictures. After that, the children open their eyes and say which picture is missing.
Speech therapist: Well done, guys!

9. The game "Giving gifts"

Speech therapist: And now back to the screen. Today two girls Sophie and Sima came to our lesson (slide 15).
What are they wearing? Sophie is wearing a blue dress. Why guys? What do you think? Because in the word Sophie we have a solid sound [C]. And Sima is wearing a green dress. Why? Because in the word Sima there is a soft sound [C '].
And now let's give them gifts (slide 15). If the word has a [C] sound, we will give this gift to Sophie. And if the word has a sound [C '], then we will give this gift to Sima.

10. Didactic game "Hide and Seek"

Speech therapist: We continue to play. You have envelopes on the table. Everyone has their own envelope. (In the envelopes there are pictures with sounds [C] and [C ']. For example: an airplane, a wasp). Now we open it in turn and say what is there. Look at the drawings.

  • And we determine the place of the sounds [C] or [C ']. - at the beginning, in the middle, at the end. And we answer one by one. (children's answers)
  • After that, each child chooses a picture he likes and makes a sentence with this word. (children's answers)

11. Acquaintance with the letter P

Speech therapist: Guys, here we once again remembered the sounds [C] and [C ']. How are we going to write this letter? (slide 16)
On the letter sounds [C] [C ']. are written with the letter "C". Now let's try to draw a "C" in the air, on the desk. And now we have prepared pens and write the letter C.

12. Summary of the lesson

Speech therapist: So, guys, let's remember what we talked about today?
- What did you like?
- What was difficult?
Speech therapist: (slide 17) Guys, I really liked the way you worked. Well done, everyone did a great job.

13. Homework: Color the drawings with sounds [C] or [C ']. and memorize the words.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general development type No. 28

Lesson on the sound culture of speech in the middle group "Gnomes"

Topic. "Sounds of s and s"

Completed by: teacher Tkachenko E.M.

Belgorod, 2012

Target. one. Explain to children the articulation of the sound with, exercise in its correct, distinct pronunciation (in words, phrasal speech), exercise in pronouncing onomatopoeia at different volumes.2. Develop phonemic hearing. 3. To educate the intonational expressiveness of speech.

Equipment. Paper for the teacherstrips of tissue paper - for children, water, two buckets. Soft toys Fox, Magpie - white-sided. Picture - foxes.

Lesson progress

Organizing time.

Stand up kids, stand in a circle, stand in a circle, stand in a circle

He is your friend and that friend of yours.

Let's hold hands together

And we smile at each other.

There is a knock on the door.

caregiver asks the children: “Who is this?” (the teacher goes out the door and brings in the Fox toy).

Fox. Hello guys. I was in such a hurry to get to your lesson, my foxes do not know how to speak a sound with. We must say we are little foxes, fluffy animals, they say we are small lyata, fluffy animals.

caregiver . Guys, let's sit on the chairs and offer Lisa to sit on the chair

Children. Sit down on the chair.

“The tongue lives and lives in his house,” says the teacher. - And the tongue's house is a mouth. The house opens and closes. (Slowly closes and opens her teeth. Lips in the position of a smile.) The tongue either looks out of the house, or hides.

The teacher invites the children to let the Tongue out for a walk, and then return it to the house.

“The tongue loves to sing different songs very much,” the teacher continues. - Once he sang: "Eee." How did he sing? Do you want to sing along with me? Then help me: "Eeee." (Sing softly.)

“S-s-s-s,” water poured from the tap. “Tongue, learn, perhaps, a hundred, and my song.” “Good,” agreed the Tongue and sang: “S-s-s-s.” (Pronounced abruptly.)

Let's sing the water song together. To make the song sound good, you need to press the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth.

Close your mouth, take a rest. And now again press the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth and sing softly: "Ssss."

Let's listen to how Yaroslav (Sasha) turns out the song of water. (Summons 4-5 children, including those who have not mastered the pronunciation of the sound.)

Now let's sing the song together.

Water flows in a small stream - sings a soft song.

Now the water gurgled louder. Quiet. Quite quiet. Closed the faucet.


We are autumn leaves

We sit on the branches (sit down)

The wind blew and flew

We flew, we flew (easy running in circles)

And quietly sat down on the ground (sit down)

The wind came up again

And I picked up all the leaves (easy running in a circle)

Twirled, flew

And quietly sat on the chairs (sit on the chairs)

Educator: If you sing the song of water slowly and abruptly (like that!), then it seems that a breeze is dancing around your lips. Do you want to verify this? Then make the same fence as mine (brings a palm to his lips, but does not press it to them), and let the breeze dance.

Look: now I will sing the song of water, and the piece of paper that I hold in front of my mouth will begin to move. What did you saw?(Paper moves.)

Take the same strip of paper (narrow strips of tissue paper lie on the tables) and sing a water song. Let's look at Dani's strip when he sings a song (Sasha, Sonechka...).

Put the papers aside and listen: The tongue began to compose other songs similar to the song of water. First he sang. Pure tongues:


What did the Tongue sing? Later:

"Sya-sya-sya, axis-axis-axis."

Su-su-su - berries in the forest,

Us-us-us- there are a lot of beads on the mountain ash."

Educator. Oh, someone else knocks (brings in a magpie-white-sided) reads a Russian folk song "Forty, forty ...":

magpie, magpie,


cooked porridge,

Jumped on the threshold

Called guests

The guests heard

They promised to be.

Guests - in the yard,

Gruel - on the table

The teacher repeats the song, encouraging the children to finish the words with sound With (highlighted in italics).


On leaves here and there

purple salute,

It's on a warm May day

Blooming ... (lilac)

Note. For individual work with children who have poorly mastered the pronunciation of sounds s, s, you can use the appropriate pages of the workbook. (Lessons of literacy for kids. Middle group. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006. - Topic: “Sound With"


V.V. Gerbova Classes on the development of speech.

Program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

A lot of children experience minor difficulties with speech and articulation, but, as a rule, by the age of 5–7, such problems disappear by themselves. The speech apparatus of the child develops, sound extraction improves, and the baby begins to speak clearly. There are also problems that, without due attention to them, persist throughout life. This may require a speech therapist or independent exercises in speech therapy and articulation. The sooner you start correcting and overcoming speech disorders, the easier this process will happen for the child. You can start setting up the sound yourself - in most cases, speech therapy and speech therapy exercises are not difficult.

In speech therapy, staging a sound is a special process that combines the development of pronunciation skills for a certain letter, as well as the formation of a connection between kinesthetics, vision and the nervous system. Thus, in the course of staging, the child learns to pronounce the letter on demand in various combinations and in isolation.

In children, there are often violations of the pronunciation of whistlers - these can be like sigmatisms (when instead of a sound with or sing a child pronounces their distorted version), or parasigmatisms - in this case, the whistling is replaced by some other (front-lingual, hissing).

Setting the sound is very, very important. The fact is that any speech disorders affect the nervous system. Incorrect or impaired sound pronunciation can cause the following diseases:

  • dysgraphia - various violations of written speech, automatic rearrangement of letters during writing, substitution of letters, etc.;
  • dyslexia - the inability to adequately read the text and put the letters into a coherent text;
  • dyslalia - serious violations in the pronunciation of certain sounds.

How to say the sound C and soft C

The correct pronunciation of whistlers depends on the shape of the tongue muscle - you need to track that the tongue is in the correct position. Normal pronunciation occurs as follows: a relaxed flat tongue is pressed against the teeth with its lateral edges, and its tip rests against the base of the lower front incisors. The tongue takes the form of a hillock, and has a hollow in the middle part.

If the baby did not part with the nipple in childhood, then he probably has an even, flat tongue, and the hollow and the transition are weakly expressed. If there is no hollow, with whose help a trickle of air is formed during exhalation, then there will not be a jet that forms whistling sounds.

Correct articulation of B and C

Sponges should be stretched in a slight smile so that teeth are exposed. The gap between the teeth is not more than two millimeters. The relaxed tip of the tongue is fixed on the lower dentition. The frontal segment of the dorsum of the tongue forms a fissure with the upper incisors, while the middle of the dorsum of the tongue rises towards the hard palate. The tongue is pressed against the teeth with the lateral edges, the soft part of the palate is raised, pressed against the pharynx, thereby blocking the air from entering the nasal cavity. The ligaments at this time should be relaxed, without vocal vibration.

Exercises for pronunciation of the sound С and С

To develop the correct pronunciation of the sound S, you will need to perform exercises on phonemic hearing. Before doing the exercises, make sure that the child knows how to pronounce the sound C and C (there have already been classes of this kind), and is able to distinguish between the sounds D and T, as well as V and F.

The best exercises that help develop phonemic hearing and come close to the correct pronunciation of the sound C and C are based on sound imitation. Show your child some pictures that show:

  • ordinary pump;
  • a bicycle tire pierced with a nail;
  • a balloon that releases air.

The set of pictures may differ depending on the age and interests of the child, the main thing is to show clearly, using examples accessible and understandable to the child, how the sounds C and C differ. Sound memorization exercises can be continued by guessing sounds, or by developing phonemic hearing skills.

Correct articulation when pronouncing the sound C

The tip of the tongue is fixed on the lower teeth, the lips are strongly parted in a smile and do not overlap the teeth, the teeth are practically closed. Air should be released with effort, feeling its movement along the groove. If you bring your palm to the oral cavity and pronounce the sound C, then a cool air stream is felt on the skin.

After the exercises with the sound Сь are completed, you can move on to the sound С. It is important to explain the difference to the child, show it visually and let him feel the difference between the sounds С and Сь by kinesthetic and articulatory. Emphasize that when pronouncing the sound C, the child smiles, while a hard, deaf C causes a grimace, more like a grin.

Preparatory exercises

First of all, you need to identify the ability to release an air stream with effort. You need to take in air, blow with effort through lips folded into a tube. You can control the flow of air with your hand (for adults), but it is better for a child to let a piece of cotton, a feather or a small piece of paper blow off his hand.

To better feel the formation of the groove during the pronunciation of C or C, you need to do exercises for the flexibility and mobility of the tongue. It is necessary to stretch out the tongue, calmly lay it on the lip. Along the tongue (at the place where the groove appears), you need to put a smooth stick, match or toothpick, and then press to make a groove. The teeth are wide open, the lips are slightly rounded, in this position you need to blow out a strong air stream several times. Exercises should be repeated until the result is fixed.

Over time, you can move on to a more complex version of this exercise - repeat the same thing, but without a wand.

In order to correctly pronounce the sound C, it is necessary to control the position of the tongue and lips, and also to feel the stream of cool air that moves during pronunciation along the tongue. If for some reason it is not possible to pronounce the sound C correctly, you should return to the preparatory exercises and go through them again, only after that it is possible to automate the pronunciation.

Articulation exercises

  • Wide smile - you need to keep your lips in a smile (similar to pronouncing the sound and), while controlling the tension of the lips - the teeth should be open.
  • Whistling - with clenched teeth, it is necessary to stretch the lips with a tube, as during whistling.
  • When both exercises are mastered, you need to alternate them to a slow count, rhythmically and measuredly.
  • Brushing your teeth is a good exercise for articulation, performed like this: the lips are open in a wide smile, the tip of the tongue strokes the teeth - first the upper ones, from bottom to top and from left to right, then the bottom ones.
  • The following exercises are useful to perform in turn.
  • Clock hand - lips open in a smile, teeth parted, the tip of the tongue alternately touches the corners of the mouth. It is necessary to control the immobility of the lower jaw (the chin should not move).
  • Swing - with this exercise, you can achieve high mobility of the tongue. A relaxed, wide tongue rises as much as possible to the tip of the nose, then stretches towards the chin. After that, the tongue rises to the upper lip and descends to the lower one, then touches the space between the upper teeth and the lip, and then rests against the space between the lower teeth and the lower lip. It is necessary to ensure that the tongue remains flat and wide all the time, the lips do not fit the line of the teeth.

Automation Exercises

Sound setting begins with identifying problems in pronunciation, then it is necessary to prepare the speech apparatus and oral cavity for the correct pronunciation, learn how to pronounce the sound correctly, put an easy pronunciation and automate it. To do this, the following method is used: you need to gradually introduce sound first into syllables, then into simple and compound words, then sentences and free speech.

Isolated pronunciation is achieved by repeated pronunciation of an isolated sound with constant control of the movement of the teeth, tongue and lips.

When the child begins to easily perform simple and complex articulation exercises, and will extract the sound correctly, you need to introduce the pronunciation of direct and reverse syllables into the lesson. Direct syllables - Sa, Si, Se, So, Su. Reverse - Ac, Ys, Es, Os, Us. Soft Xia automation is also important - Xia, Xiu, Xi, Xo and vice versa.

Sound production (automation) in independent speech is the most difficult stage, it is hard to get used to speaking correctly, therefore, in everyday life and in everyday life, you need to focus on erroneous pronunciation and achieve the right one.

Sound production and automation in speech therapy are due not only to the need to put pronunciation, but also to overcome incorrect conditioned reflex connections and ligaments.

Not only the staging of sounds is important, but also the automation of pronunciation. The lips and tongue should automatically take the right position in order to pronounce the sound correctly. Automation in live colloquial speech can be done by memorizing poems and songs - speech therapy pays great attention to nominal rhythmic exercises. If there are difficulties with the selection of suitable material, you can always watch a video that shows the correct automation of sound with the help of songs, poems and tongue twisters.

With normal speech development, by the age of five, the child correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native speech. If the baby has shortcomings in sound pronunciation, then work to correct them goes in three stages:
Articulatory preparatory exercises for a specific group of sounds (in this case, these are the whistling sounds С, Сь, З, Зь, Ц)
Calling this sound by imitation (its production),
Fixing the correct pronunciation of this sound in syllables, words, phrases.

Learning the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds is carried out in a certain sequence:
First, work is underway on the sound C and its soft version C, and games and exercises are carried out to automate the correct pronunciation of these sounds.
Then the child learns to pronounce the sounds З and Зь. And there are exercises and games to automate these sounds.
And then the child exercises in the correct pronunciation of the sound Ts.

Automation of whistling sounds С, СЬ: games, poems, tongue twisters, tongue twisters.

Today in this article you will learn how to help your child learn how to pronounce the sounds C and C (whistling sounds) correctly. We will talk about the third stage - automating the correct pronunciation of these whistling sounds. For this, games, game exercises, tongue twisters, jokes, riddles, sayings, tongue twisters, songs, stories are used, in which the sound С and СЬ is often found.

For games and exercises to automate the sounds С and СЬ in a child's speech, you will need a list of words with the sounds С and С, which is given below.

This is important to know and take into account: When choosing words for automating the sounds C and C, you need to take into account that in Russian, before the soft consonants t, le, n, the sound C is pronounced softly. And therefore, in the words lingonberry, donkey, plum, suit, thermometer, the soft sound C, and not the hard C.

Words with sound S:

Sound C from the beginning of the word - sled, dog, cheese, boots, candle, pig, table, owl, bench, scoop, sandals, salute, satellite, jump rope, pine tree, magpie, scooter, plane, glass, catfish, saber, whistle, juice, chair, garden, cod, fat, bag, ship, construction site, builder, rolling pin, puff, tablecloth, fame, sweetness, sugar, slush, frying pan, nightingale, snow, snowflake, snowman, snowfall, snow maiden, soldier, icicle, elephant, laughter, knitting needles.
Sound C in the middle of a word - wheel, mask, scales, cabbage, fox, paint, sock, dishes, oil, butter dish, beads, radish, wheel, pump, sausage, flippers, sand, meat, vacuum cleaner, pan, tie, bushes, spring, rhinoceros, herd, shepherd, snowdrop, baseball cap, butterflies, badger, astronaut, spaceport, dump truck, bowl.
Sound C at the end of the word - nose, globe, ear, coconut, canopy, pineapple, bus, apricot, tennis, compass, gladiolus, tray, kvass, hour, forest, rice, boxing, pump, cactus, oats, cake, sail, dog, fruit drink, belt, frost (we write the letter z, but the sound s is heard)

Words with the sound S:
Sound X at the beginning of the word - herring (herring), hay, salmon, surprise, sideboard, earrings, heart, saddle, sister, middle, lilac, plum,.
Sound С in the middle of a word - geese, orange, taxi, autumn, donkey, piglet, letter, sausages, donkey, bicycle, gazebo, cornflowers, leaves, lingonberries, suit, thermometer.
The sound S at the end of a word is goose, elk, crucian carp, lynx.

Games for the development of phonemic perception. Sound S, S.

The game "Claps". Game option 1.

Ask the child to clap if he hears the sound S in the word.

Mix words with the C sound in different positions (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of words). For example: phone, boots, dad, fruit drink, book, rain, nightingale.

The child claps when he hears a word with the sound C (do not confuse the sounds C and C themselves - these are different sounds, although the letter is the same!)

If it is difficult for a child to distinguish sounds in a word by ear, then speak the words drawlingly, for example mmmoooorrrssss. This game teaches the child to distinguish different sounds in speech, develops phonemic hearing.

An option to complicate the game: You can give the task to clap if you hear the sound C and stomp if you hear the sound C.

The game "Claps". Game option 2.

Say to the child: "Clap if you hear the syllable Sa." Next, we say a sequence of syllables, for example: sa, na, sha, sa, za, ra, yes, sa, tsa, sa, la, cha. Does the child distinguish between the sound C and the syllable SA in the speech stream? Does it confuse it with other similar sounds? Children very often confuse the syllable sa with the syllables za or tsa, as well as with the hissing ones - with the syllable sha. And it is very important for us to teach children to distinguish between these sounds and syllables. This is also important for teaching writing at school so that the child does not confuse these sounds and the letters that denote them in written speech when he begins to write.

Echo game.

Repeat three syllables in a row, and the child should repeat them like an echo, that is, a little quieter than you say. If the child repeats three syllables easily, increase the number of syllables in the repetition chain. Be sure to praise and encourage the little echo. If the "echo" is wrong, repeat the chain of syllables again.

Task examples:
asa-aso-asu-asy, etc.

The game "Guess what's whistling?"

You will need two pictures - "pump" and "water flows from the tap." You can draw them yourself (schematically depicting a pump and a faucet). The main thing is that they are recognizable to the child.

Show the child the picture of the pump. Say: “The air coming out of the pump whistles like this: ssssssssss. He whistles angrily sss!”

Show the second picture and say: “Water is pouring from the faucet. The water whistles softly, like this."

Ask the child to say how the water whistles (shhhhh) and show the corresponding picture. Then ask him to imitate how the air whistles from the pump - ssss - and show the desired picture.

Then say, “Now we are going to play a mindfulness game. If you hear the song of the pump - a solid sound of sss - then raise the picture with the pump. And if you hear a song of water - a soft sound - then raise the picture with water. You say these sounds at random (s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s), and the child raises the desired picture.
First, the game is played with sounds, then with words. You say a random list of different words: door, nightingale, herring, frost, banana, hat, water, and so on. If the word contains “pump song - solid sound C”, then the child raises the picture with the pump. And if the word has the sound s - a soft sound, “a song of water”, then you need to raise a picture with water. If there is neither one nor the second sound, then the pictures do not need to be raised.

Joke game with sound C "Confusion".

Children are invited to guess which words are mixed up and put them in their places.

Examples of confusion-jokes with sound C (Author L. M. Kozyreva, from the book "Speech Development. Children 5-7 years old"):
Carp lives in the forest. A pheasant swims in the river. (That's right - "A pheasant lives in the forest. A carp swims in the river").
For lunch we had a delicious robe. Alyonushka has a new salad.
The polar cod flew in the clouds. There was a seagull on the table.
The zander has two eccentrics (that's right - "the eccentric has two zanders")

A few more confusions by the famous author of poems for children A. Shibaev:
Painters paint a rat in front of the children's eyes. (Not a rat, but a roof. Instead of the sound C, you need to put the sound Sh).
They say one fisherman
I fished out a shoe in the river.
But then he
The house was hooked. (Not a house, but a catfish)
Lying lazy on a cot,
gnaws, crunching, guns. (Not guns, but drying)
On the yellowed grass
The lion drops its leaves. (Not a lion, but a forest)

A few of my author's jokes - confusion for classes with children:
That's it, daughter! Beauty! My daughter has a long goat! (not a goat, but a scythe).
At Anechka's house, the bowl lives, dances, plays and sings songs! (Not a bowl, but a teddy bear. Another correct option for a replacement is a pussy).
Katya ate a delicious tooth. Katya's soup fell ill. (On the contrary, I ate soup, but my tooth ached).
There is an owl in the room. A sofa sits in the forest. (No. There is a sofa in the room, and an owl in the forest).

Children usually laugh when they hear a joke - confusion. But not every child can correct a mistake and unravel the confusion. If a child has speech disorders, then you often have to give a hint - “Which word got lost? Which word makes sense? The answer also begins with the sound m. This is a toy. Guess what it is?")

Games for automating the sound C and C in words:
Game "Tails" (author of the idea - S.A. Maksakov)

Show the child a strip of paper and say that they are hidden in it - different words are encrypted. The words are all different, but they have the same beginning. You have to figure out what these words are.

An example of a task - words that begin like this - “ska” are hidden in the strip. What are these words? Tell the baby: "I'll start, and you keep talking: ska- ... (meika), ska ... (kalka), Ska ... (ska), ska ... (rub)". If it is difficult for a child to guess, draw a small picture in which you depict a part of an object and ask you to guess what kind of object it is and what kind of word it is that begins with “ska”.

Another example for this game is words starting with “sa”: sa ... (flyer), sama, sleigh, scooter, Saratov, Sasha, Sanya, independent, Samarkand, fat, bag, samovar, boot, Savka, garden, garden , gardener, soot, carp, salute, net, saber, sausage, sardines.

If you find it difficult to find words for a certain syllable, then there is a good helper - a dictionary. Introduce the child to the dictionary of the Russian language, show how to find words in it, read to him about several new words that begin with the desired syllable.

The game "Collect in a basket."

I usually play Tails and other game variations a little differently. It is very important for preschool children to see visually the result of their actions. And in speech, there is usually no such visual result that can be seen or felt. That is why children are very fond of drawing, sculpting, doing various crafts, but they are not very fond of speech exercises. Let's take into account this feature of young children. I came up with a special game technique for teaching speech and called it in my study "a visual result of children's speech." Despite such a complex name for the technique, it is very simple and interesting, and all children like it, making them interested in performing a speech task. The essence of this technique is for the baby to see that his speech action leads to a visual, tangible and vital result.

Tell the children that the Old Man-Rechevichok lost all the words from his basket and was very upset. How to help him? The words got lost - scattered all over the world (or all over the album) and we need to collect them again in one basket. In the basket were words with the sound C. We must find them among other words. This is a game situation in which we will use visual assessment of speech. Let's see how in the situation with a basket we can organize a visual assessment of children's speech actions.

We draw on a board or easel the silhouette of a basket, which we will “fill” with words. The task is to fill the basket completely. You need to fill the basket like this. As soon as you and your child come up with a word, draw this word in the silhouette of a basket (for example, it will be an oval) and paint over it (color the oval). It's like we "put" the word in the "basket". Further, each word with the sound C adds another oval to the basket. The game ends when we have completely "filled the basket with words."

You can take a real basket and fill it with "words" - cubes from the building kit.

In this game, you can give any tasks - put words with the sound C in one basket, and words with the sound C in the other. Or collect in a basket only words in which the sound C is in the middle of the word. Or only words beginning with the syllable Sa.

Children usually remember well where the word invented by each child is located in a basket, what color it is, they show with a finger: “I put this. And this is Svetino's word. If you play in tandem with a child, then he remembers well where your word is, and where his words are, and "who put more words."

Bag and net game.

This game was born to me unexpectedly in speech classes with preschoolers. I know that not all children are interested in picking up words with sounds, but I wanted to make this task fun for kids. But I really did not want to use competition for motivation (who will come up with more words?) Why?
Firstly, because some children in this competition are obviously at a disadvantage.
Secondly, because there is too much competition in our lives, and too little cooperation.

Therefore, we began to play the game "bag and net" - a game that teaches everyone to do tasks together and enjoy the overall results together. And all the children began to like the exercise of selecting words with sounds, moreover, the children continued to play with the bag and the net even after classes.

How to play?
We draw a rectangle with handles - this is our bag in which we will put the products. Next, draw an oval with handles. This is our network.
We determine with the children what sound the word "bag" begins with. Yes, from the C sound. It's a hard sound. Therefore, we will put products in the bag, in the name of which there is a solid consonant C.
What sound does the word "mesh" begin with? Yes, from the sound of S. This sound is soft. Therefore, we will put only words in the grid, in the name of which there is a soft sound S.
We begin to pack for a trip and put the necessary things in a bag and net. The task is not to confuse what goes where. And have time to get ready for the road and put the items in the bag and net in 5 minutes. We set a timer.

Game options:
You can give the children a set of pictures that need to be laid out in a bag, in a grid, while there are extra pictures that need to be put aside and do not need to be used in the game (since there are no given sounds in these words).
You can set the task in a different way, without pictures - to come up with as many names as possible with the sounds С and СЬ. Each word invented by a child or a group of children is drawn as a rectangle inside the outline of a bag or net. And we complete the task - to fill the bag and the net in a given time.

The children and I came up with more than 50 words in this game! I am always surprised by the activity of children in this exercise, I am surprised at how they want to “put” their word into a common net or bag. At the end of the game, we are happy that together we were able to come up with so much!!!
By the way, another idea that is suitable for children aged 6 years and older. Before starting the game, ask the children how many words you can put together in the bag and net. Write down the expected result. Then compare. Show the children how many words they planned to pick up and how many they actually found. Usually children say that they can pick up 10, 15, 20 words. How surprised they are that they were able to pick up so many words as a group, two or three times as many! “We didn’t even expect it!” – so they usually exclaim. And this is very important for the formation of self-confidence in kids, the idea that they can do a lot, even what they still don’t know about themselves!

Here are the words for the bag and mesh on the topic “Products. Food”, which we collected together. I confess that I did not even expect that the bag and net would be so full, there was not even enough space! And the children were satisfied and happy from their success!
The bag will contain: salad, soup, sauce, sausages, drying, butter, cheese, spaghetti, cabbage, pickle, salt, sugar, pineapple, apricot, soufflé, plum, rice, prunes, asparagus, coconut, radish, cranberries, currants, russula, pie, juice, syrniki, sour cream, kvass, fruit drink, beef stroganoff.
The grid will contain sausages, syrup, seeds, salmon, crucian carp, orange, herring, aspen mushrooms, chanterelles, peaches, kissel, oatmeal, salmon.
The game "Guess what's in the hand."

Put an object or toy in the bag, the name of which has the sound C (or the sound C, depending on the task). Give the bag to the child. Invite them to guess by touch what is in the bag. The child needs not only to guess, but also to correctly pronounce the sound in the name of this object.
Games for automating sound C in phrases.

Game Come Here.

This is a game for a group of children, but it can also be played in pairs. Then you need to show together with the child a staging of how the little animals play such a game.

Option 1. Playing in a group. The leader in the game stands away from the group of children. He calls one of the children to him, calling by name. At the same time, he must come up with a word with the sound C. For example, the host is Vasya. Vasya calls: “Lena, come here! I found the whistle!" (that is, the child came up with what he found - an object in the name of which there is a sound C). Lena runs up to Vasya and invents what she has found and whom she will call. Lena calls: “Katya! Go here! I found a pussy! Katya runs up and thinks about what she found. Words cannot be repeated. Katya says: “Denis! Go here! I found a fairy tale! etc. In the game, you need to follow the correct pronunciation of the sound. If the sound is pronounced incorrectly, then you still need to “find something”, that is, come up with another word with the C sound and pronounce it correctly.

Option 2. Staging. If you will conduct such a game with toys in an individual lesson, then tell the child how the toys once played the game “Come here”. Suggest to play the same. Choose toys with sound to play with: pussy, fox, dog, elk, sailor, Sasha doll and others. Next, stage a game with toys. You speak for the first driver, and then the child plays, performing all the roles in turn. For example, the fox says: “Pussy! Go here! I found a sausage." A pussy runs up and calls for the next toy: “Sailor! Go here. I found the wheel."
Game "Shop"

You will need toys or pictures of objects that have the C sound in their names (see the list of words with C and C sounds at the beginning of the article). To “buy” a toy or a picture in our store, you need to name it correctly, “pronounce” all the sounds and say where the C sound is in this word - at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end of the word. When pronouncing the name of an object, the C sound is slightly distinguished, pronounced exaggeratedly, for example, “sssslon - the C sound is hard, is at the beginning of the word”, “Misssska is the C sound is hard, is in the middle of the word”, “elk is the C sound is soft, is located at the end of a word."

An exemplary dialogue in the game is given below (the dialogue, of course, can be changed by saturating it with other words with the C sound). Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the sound With children in all replicas of the dialogue between the seller and the buyer.

Note: This dialogue can be entered when the child already pronounces the sound well enough with. Otherwise, the triple task of "pronouncing the sound correctly + having a dialogue + determining where the sound is in the word" will be too difficult for children.


Hello! Please pass. What do you want to buy?

Give me an elephant, please. How much does it cost?

We have a secret in the store. Guess the secret - you can get an elephant as a gift. Where is the C sound in the word elephant?

In the word "sssslon" the sound C is solid, stands at the beginning of the word.

Right! Here is your elephant! Goodbye! We will be glad to see you again!


Clean tongues for automating the sounds С and С:

Clean tongues often seem ridiculous and unnecessary or even useless to a non-specialist. And indeed, at first glance, why would a child of five or six years old repeat such simple words and phrases that are understandable even to a two-year-old? In fact, cleanliness is very necessary. The athlete before the jump takes a run to achieve the best result. So a tongue talk is a kind of “run-up” for a child, which helps him move from the correct pronunciation of a sound in a syllable to the correct pronunciation of a sound in a phrase. This is a training of articulatory organs, in which it is easy for a child to follow his correct pronunciation. In addition, rhyming tongues can be completely composed with the child and make up your own versions. Below you will also find a video with pure words - songs to automate the correct pronunciation of the sounds С and СЬ.
Clean tongues with a solid C sound to automate the C sound:

As-as-as. The light in the window went out.
As-as-as-as. We bought a pineapple.
Os-os-os. Sailor on deck.
Os-os-os. There is a tray on the table.
Us-us-us. There are many beads on the tree.
Ys-ys-ys. The cat catches the rats.
Sy - sy-sy - Katya has two braids.
Sy-sy-sy - grandfather has a long mustache.
Sa-sa-sa - Here comes the fox.
So-so-so - The fox rolls the wheel.

Sa-sa-sa - Here is a wasp flying.
Su-su-su- Chase away the wasp.
Sa-sa-sa - Fly away, wasp!
Su-su-su - Berries in the forest.
Sy-sy-sy - The clock is ticking.
Clean tongues with a soft sound C:

Si-si-si- bring water to the house.
Si-si-si - the taxi arrived.
Se-se-se. Ribbon in braid.
As-as-as. The crucian swims.
Us-us-us. Here is a beautiful goose.
Axis-axis-axis. Moose in the meadow.
Clean tongues-songs (video) for automation of the whistling sound S.

Osa - automation of the solid consonant C

Humorous tongue twisters "Correct the mistake."

There is a special kind of tongue talker - a tongue talker - a joke with a deliberate mistake. Here are our author's tongue twisters with errors. Make up your own phrases like this - it's easy and fun! Children can also participate in inventing tongue twisters - jokes for their peers and kids. Be sure to write down the children's compositions. By doing this, you not only save unforgettable moments of childhood for the future of the child, but also show him how important and significant his speech creativity is.
Sa-sa-sa-sa, a fox is flying over me. (Not a fox, but a wasp!)
Sy-sy-sy-sy, the titmouse has a mustache. (No, the titmouse has no whiskers. And who has them? What word got lost? The kitten has a mustache, the squirrel has a mustache, the tiger cub has a mustache - come up with different correct variants of a tongue-twister)
Su-su-su-su, I'm grazing a kitten. (No, they don’t graze a kitten. It must be said differently: I am grazing a goat, or I am grazing a lamb).
Co-co-co-co, the wheel is sad (No, the wheel is not alive, you need to say it differently: “co-co-co-co, the wheel rolled, the wheel fell off, the wheel spun, the wheel spun, the wheel creaked” - come up with different options).

In addition to tongue twisters, there are also very interesting speech exercises called "Answers-repeaters"

Answerers - repeaters with sound C.

I will give an example of answers invented by the famous speech therapist T. A. Tkachenko. You will find many different answer-repeaters in her books from the Pronounce Sounds Correctly series. During the answers - repetitions, you need to teach the child to make sure that they pronounce the sounds correctly. You can immediately give an answer to the question in the answer box - the repeater, but it is best to give the task to guess how to answer the question. Rule - in the word of the answer there must be a sound with and this word must rhyme.
Who do I give two bowls to? Pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy.
The downpour pours where from heaven? Into the forest, into the forest, into the forest, into the forest.
Who carried slippers to the sofa? Dog, dog, dog, dog.
What couldn't you drink? Juice, juice, juice, juice.

And these are our author's answers - repeaters, invented on the idea of ​​T.A. Tkachenko:
Looked in the window? Sun, sun, sun, sun.
What are we going to drink now? Kvass, kvass, kvass, kvass.
Who did we see in the forest? Fox, fox, fox, fox.
What is girl beauty? Spit, braid, braid, braid.
Where can I find apples? In the garden, in the garden, in the garden, in the garden.
What is in Sanka's hands in winter? Sled, sled, sled, sled.
What will we all get for lunch? Soup, soup, soup, soup.

Tongue twisters and phrases with the sound C:

A wasp doesn't have whiskers, it has antennae.
At little Sanya, the sledges go by themselves.
Sanka has a brand new sled.
Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.
Mow, spit, while dew, dew down - and we are home.
Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge - lope, Senka from his feet, Sanka to the side, Sonya to the forehead. Everything - in a snowdrift!
Everyone should sit down and eat together.
Sveta and Stas are always together.
Seva's son eats the soup himself.
Dusi has blue beads. Kostya has guests. Senya has a sled. The cat Vaska has a mustache in sour cream.
Ten owls are sitting on a pine tree.
A family of goslings scurries to the bench.
Senya is sitting on a pine tree in a dream. Sitting on a pine Seva in a dream.
A homebody neighbor has a fidget neighbor. The neighbor has a restless neighbor a homebody.
Seven of them got into the sleigh themselves.
At the bridge behind the bush there are two chanterelles, two sisters.
Senya was carrying a hay cart.
The well-fed catfish sleeps calmly, the catfish sees a calm dream.
Sonya and Senya mow hay, they themselves carry hay in the canopy.
Sveta goes into the woods, into the woods. And Sveta has tuesok, tuesok.
Mom sat on the bench. On the right is Seva. Glory is on the left.

Poems with sound C:

In verses, you need to monitor the correct pronunciation of the child mastered by the sound С or СЬ. If the baby is wrong, then ask him to correct himself, to remind him that his tongue has already learned to speak the sound C. Also pay attention to the intonational expressiveness of the child's speech. With what intonation is it better to pronounce the phrase? Try to repeat the same phrase in surprise, joy, sadness, admiration, fear.

Let's build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests
Let's fly over the forests
And let's go back to my mother (A. Barto).

A sparrow sat on a pine tree.
Fell asleep and fell asleep.
If he had not fallen in a dream -
Until now, I would sit on a pine tree.

The house painter smells
Turpentine and paint.
Smells like a glazier
Window putty.
You go past the carpentry workshop -
Smells like shavings
And a fresh board. (J. Rodari)

Forty once sat on a pear,
Forty once sat on a pear,
Solved magpie cases.
And jumped once - and flew back,
And jumped off two - and flew back,
And jumped off three - and flew back,
But still I couldn't decide.
Forty forty things. (E. Berger)

Kitty grief.
Crying pussy in the hallway.
She has
Great sorrow.
Evil people
Poor pussy
Do not give
Sausages. (B. Zakhoder).

Two tits flew to the pine tree,
Two tits whistled about spring.
- How much light! How much light!
The height has become blue!
Summer is coming! Summer is coming!
Beauty! Beauty! (V. Suslov)

The sun looks out the window
Lights up in our room.
We clap our hands
Very happy with the sun! (A. Barto)

The snow has melted! The snow has melted!
This news is not easy!
It means it's coming
Real spring!

The grass is green
The sun is shining.
Swallow with spring
It flies to us in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful
And spring is sweeter.
Chirp out of the way
Hello to us soon.
I will give you grains
And you sing a song.
What from distant countries
I brought it with me.

The icicle was afraid of heights.
The icicle began to cry from fright.
And so the slush came again.

Sleepy day, sleepy day.
Sleepy winds are too lazy to blow.
Sleepy chickens are too lazy to peck.
Sleepy day, sleepy day...

Pussy, pussy, pussy, come on!
Don't sit on the path!
Our Simochka is coming -
Through the pussy will fall!

Sleeping in the corner of my elephant
Two little elephants
Sleep for a long time - they want to sleep for a long time.

Look at the little owlets
The little ones sit side by side.
When they don't sleep, they eat
When they eat, they don't sleep.

Meadows sleep, forests sleep,
Fresh dew has fallen.
The stars are burning in the sky
In the river, the streams speak.
The moon looks out the window to us,
Tells small children to sleep.

It's dark in the forest.
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
One owl does not sleep.
He sits on a bitch.

Elephants are smart
Elephants are quiet
Elephants are calm
And strong.

Hello winter guest!
We ask for mercy on us -
Sing the songs of the north
Through forests and steppes.

Such frost!
Such frost!
Takes by the nose
Moves to tears.
Such frost crackling!
Sticky, sticky, bored.
So cold, so cold!
Cover your nose
Grown to the eyebrows.
Such a healthy frost!
It goes, crunches dear.

Pines want to grow to the sky,
They want to sweep the sky with branches,
So that during the year
The weather was clear. (I. Tokmakova)

Some four guys
Rolled down the hill.
Two are sitting in sledges.
How much fell into the snow? (N. Konchalovskaya).

Why do they say so?
Do not sit in your sleigh.
No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.
Take care of your nose in severe frost.
Video for speech classes with children on the automation of whistling sounds C and Cb. Songs.

The samovar cooks itself.

Sonya loves to sleep. They began to call Sonya Sonya.

Sonya - sleepyhead


Verses-dialogues with sound S.

Read the poem by role.

Do wolves sleep?
They are sleeping. They are sleeping.
Do bees sleep?
They are sleeping. They are sleeping.
Do the birds sleep?
They are sleeping. They are sleeping.
And the foxes?
They are sleeping. They are sleeping.
Everything in the world
They are sleeping. They are sleeping.
Just me and the locomotive -
We don't sleep
We don't sleep
And flies to the stars
Smoke to the sky
Smoke to the sky.

A dialogue game for automating the sound C and C in phrases based on the poem "Are you all full"

At the heart of this game I invented for speech classes with children is a poem by I.G. Sukhin.

We play like this. We lay out pictures of girls in front of the child (you can find a lot of pictures on the Internet and print them out for this game). Under each picture there should be an inscription (the name of the girl is printed).

How to play?
Let's get acquainted with the cards. The child is asked to read or guess the girls' names. Each name has a sound C. We check if the child remembers all the names (3-5 cards participate in one game).
Next, we think of one of the girls. To do this, we put a pictogram under one of the pictures - a schematic image of a disgruntled face. This girl in the game will be hungry, "not full." It will need to be guessed in the game. You need to put a pictogram under the girl’s image so that the child does not see your actions.
We ask the baby to guess who they forgot to feed, who is not full? We speak the text. For example, a child asks: “Is Sveta full?” You answer "Sveta is full" if this picture is not guessed. Or answer “Sveta is not full! She's hungry!" Then the child guessed, congratulate him, and in the next game you will switch roles - the child thinks of a girl for you, and you ask him and must guess the name of the hidden girl.

The game is very interesting! Kids love guessing! Sometimes they need to be prompted for names if they can't read yet.

Useful tips for conducting a speech game "Is everyone full?"
You can also play with the names of the boys. The list of names for the game can be found below.
In the game, you need to pay attention not only to the correct pronunciation of the sounds C and C, but also to the correct intonation - interrogative and narrative in the question and in the answer.
It is possible, as a variant of the game, to give the task to the child to choose a treat and “feed” the girl by finding a picture of food, in the name of which there is a sound C.
For one game, take 4-5 pictures with the names of girls, no more. Then, in subsequent games, change the pictures to new ones, with new names. Then the child does not get bored with the game. In addition, he gets acquainted with new names. And we continue to exercise him in the correct pronunciation of the sound C.

Sample dialogue in the game.

Syta Nyusya?
Syta Nyusya.
Sat Nastya?
Sat Nastya.
Sat Sofya?
Satisfied Sophia.
Is Anfisa full?
Satisfied Anfisa.
Syta Tosya?
No. Tosya is not full!
(I.G. Sukhin)
Names for the game:
Girls' names: Nyusya, Nastya, Sofya, Sonya, Oksana, Anfisa, Sveta, Tosya, Taisiya, Asya, Dusya, Xenia, Sima, Musya.
Boys' names: Sasha, Savva, Seva, Vasya, Osip, Senya, Styopa, Stasik, Maxim, Athanasius.

Mobile game "Sun Bunnies".

Give one child a mirror. He says text:

"Sun Bunnies
They play on the wall.
Beckon them with your finger -
Let them run to you!

The leader, speaking the text, must correctly pronounce the sound C in it. Otherwise, the mirror goes to another child. If the child is wrong, ask him to correct himself.

Mobile game "Two Frosts". Automation of sound C in speech.

Divide the playing area into two halves. Children will walk on one half of the site, and two Frosts will live on the other. On the side where the children live, draw a house where the children will run away from the Frosts.

Frost says:

"I'm Frost Red Nose!

I'm Frost Blue Nose!"

And together: "We'll freeze you!".

Children respond to Frost:

“We are not afraid of threats!

And the Frost is terrible for us!

After these words, the guys run to their side into the house, and the frosts catch them and the caught children are taken away to their half. Caught children become Frost's helpers and in the next game they also catch children.
Riddles with sound S.

When memorizing riddles with children, you should always do this for the sake of solving some interesting life task. For example, learn riddles in order to make them to your grandmother or dad, or make them at a children's matinee or birthday. It is necessary to monitor the correct pronunciation of the sounds С and СЬ by the child in the text of the riddle. Below you will find a list of riddles in which the sound C is often found:

The calves fell asleep
The chickens fell asleep
You can't hear the merry squawks from the nest.
Only one boy
named Vanka,
named Vanka
Never sleeps! (Answer - Vanka - Stand up)

No planks, no axes
The bridge over the river is ready.
The bridge is like blue glass:
Slippery, fun, light. (The answer is ice).

They grow in summer and fall off in autumn. (Leaves).

Who wears his own house? (Snail).

First a gleam, then a crackle, then a splash. (Thunderstorm).

I swam in the water, but remained dry. (Goose).

Proverbs and sayings with the sound S.

Ask the child to answer the question: “Why do they say that?”
Take care of your nose in a big frost.
The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.
Spring is red with flowers, and summer with sheaves.
Stories for children to exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound C and C
The story "Ladder" (authors - V.I. Rozhdestvenskaya, E.I. Radina. From the book: Education of correct speech in children) to automate the pronunciation of the sound S.

Read the story to the child. Together, remember those words from the story that have the sound C and the sound C. Read the sentences with the words that the child did not notice and ask them to find the words with the C sound in this sentence. Act out the story with toys. When staging, you need to monitor the correct pronunciation of the sound With the child, ask him to correct his mistake.

“There is a ladder in the yard. It has five steps. A rooster jumped up on the first step and sang loudly: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”.
A cat jumped onto the second step and meowed: "Meow-meow-meow."
The dog jumped onto the third step. He sits and growls at the cat.
Borya sat down on the fourth step. He sits and waggles his legs.
And Sima sat on the fifth step. She sang a song:
"We are sitting on the stairs,
And we sing songs.
Suddenly the wind blew. Often, often it rained.
The rooster jumped under the porch. And the dog got there.
The cat deftly jumped out the window.
And Borya and Sima are sitting, they don’t leave the stairs. They cry.
Mom came. She removed the children from the stairs and took them home.

A story for automating the correct pronunciation of sound C in phrasal speech "Sonin's Corner". Author - M.F. Fomichev. From the book "Educating Children to Correct Pronunciation"

“Sonia has her own corner. There are Sonya's table and chair. The table is by the window. The window overlooks the garden. There are cacti on the window. On a small bench near Sonya's table there are dolls: Oksana and Alice. Above the bench. Sonya's books are on the shelf. Sonya loves her corner"

After reading the story, ask questions about its content. Ask the child to listen to the story again and remember it (you can put Sonya's room on an easel or carpet maker from the pictures). Next, tell the child: “Imagine that you are an artist and you are painting Sonya’s room. How would you draw her?

The child answers something like this: “I would draw a table and a chair. I would draw a table by the window. There would be a blue tablecloth on the table. And on the window I would draw cacti. Cacti would be green and with large spines, on one cactus I would draw a large flower - it bloomed - and so on.

In this exercise - verbal drawing - not only the sound C in phrasal speech is automated, but the child learns to use the subjunctive mood of verbs in speech (would draw). Word drawing is always interesting for children, as it provides an opportunity for creativity and a wide scope for imagination.

The story "In the garden" to automate the correct pronunciation of the sound S. The author is M.F. Fomicheva. From the book "Educating Children to Correct Pronunciation."

With this story, you can conduct speech work similar to that described above.

Story text:

Sonya and Sanya in the garden. Sonya has an owl. She pours the dry sand into the bowl. Sanya has a scooter. The scooter is on the bench. Sanya is on the bench looking at a book. Sonya and Sanya have a dog, Boxing. Boxing in your booth. There is a bowl by the booth. Boxing soup in a bowl. There is a flower bed in the garden. Sonya and Sanya planted poppies in the flower bed themselves. A plane was flying high above the garden. Sonya and Sanya saw the plane.

The story "Family" (words with a soft consonant СЬ). The author is M. F. Fomicheva.

“The whole family is at home today. Everyone is relaxing in the garden. Sima and Senya are sitting in the gazebo. Sim collects blue beads. Senya makes a whistle. Mom is talking to Lucy. Papa and Vasya are chasing geese out of the barn.

Based on site materials

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