Now you can easily check the current accounts of any company. All ways to find out and check the current account of an organization, individual entrepreneur How to check a bank account

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  • Checking and restoring bank accounts

    Questions and answers on checking bank accounts:

    What is it for?

    By checking invoices, they determine the correctness writing correspondent or current accounts, as well as bank identification code (BIC). In addition, if for some reason one of the numbers in the specified details is lost (for example, poorly printed on the company stamp of your counterparties), it will be restored with 100% accuracy. If the account is entered correctly, the results window additionally displays information about the account currency and the geographical location of the bank.

    How does it work and what is the guarantee of correct verification?

    Account verification is based on the "security key" principle. The security key is a redundant digit located in the 9th position of a 20-digit account. A security key has been designed to formally verify the correctness of account numbers entered into computers by bank employees. That is, the verification does not guarantee that such an account actually exists in a particular bank (and there is a lot, a lot of money in it :-). If desired, the fictitious account number can be created by the attacker himself if he has certain knowledge in this matter (or simply by using the “Bank Account Verification” presented here from the “site”). However, such a “test” of the account is the first step towards verifying its reality.

    Checking the calculation and corr. accounts are carried out independently of each other, but in mandatory connection with the BIC. So calc. the account is checked in conjunction with the 7th, 8th and 9th digits of the BIC; corr. account - in conjunction with the 5th and 6th digits of the BIC. That is, when checking, the account and the corresponding BIC numbers are considered as a single thing. It follows that The first four digits of the BIC cannot be verified(as, incidentally, they themselves do not influence the verification of accounts). The first two digits of the BIC for Russia are always equal to “04”, and the 2nd and 3rd digits form the code of the region in which the bank is located (if these two digits are unknown, they can be restored using the classifier “System of designation of objects of administrative-territorial division, as well as populated areas (SOAT)."

    Detailed information about the verification algorithm can be found in the “Procedure for calculating the control key in the personal account number” (Central Bank of the Russian Federation 09/08/97 No. 515)

    What are the rules for filling out the "Bank Account Check" fields?

    The "BIC" field contains 9 digits and must be filled in as for checking the calculation. accounts, and for checking correspondents. accounts.

    The fields "Calculation/account number" and "Corresponding account number" by digits are used independently of each other and contain 20 digits each.

    In the fields "BIK", "Calculation/Account Number" and "Correspondent/Account Number" in addition to numbers "-" sign may be used. It replaces the unknown number that needs to be restored. If the account number or BIC indicates “-”, then checking the correctness of the count turns into finding the missing digit.

    If one of the BIC digits is unknown (except for the first 4, which cannot be restored), replace it with the “-” sign and use the following rule:

        • if the 7th, 8th or 9th digit of the BIC is unknown, use the check via calc. check.
        • if the 5th or 6th digit of the BIC is unknown, use the check via corr. check

    A maximum of one unknown digit is allowed: either in the account number or in the corresponding BIC digits.

    From here you can see that if the calculation numbers. and corr. accounts are available in full, but in the BIC two numbers are unknown at the same time, one of them is among 5-6 digits, and the other is among 7-8 digits, both of these numbers can be restored. To do this, enter "-" first instead of one unknown digit, replacing the other with any number, and then, after restoring it through checking the calculation. or corr. accounts, do the same with another unknown number.

    Since 2014, banks have not opened new current accounts for companies whose other accounts are blocked. How exactly is this rule applied in practice? Sergey Tarakanov, 2nd class adviser to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, answered this and other questions about blocking accounts.

    Briefly about the important

    — How can a bank find out if a company has blocked accounts?

    — Through the new service of the Federal Tax Service, it is called “BANKINFORM”, its Internet address is

    — Do inspectors have the right to block accounts if a company submits a paper one instead of an electronic VAT return?

    - No, you have no right.

    — Sergey Alexandrovich, this year the rules for working with current accounts have changed - now banks do not have the right to open a new account for a company if it already has one blocked in any credit institution. But how will bankers find out this information?

    — Last summer, the Federal Tax Service of Russia launched a new service “BANKINFORM”. Since January 2014, this service allows banks to receive information about the suspension of transactions on accounts. To do this, at you must enter the taxpayer’s INN and BIC of the bank on whose behalf the information is being verified. In response, the system will show whether the decision to suspend expenditure transactions is currently in effect for the taxpayer. If yes, then the date of the blocking decision and the code of the tax authority that made this decision will be shown.

    — It turns out that taxpayers can also use this service, checking their own accounts and the accounts of counterparties, if they enter the TIN and BIC of any bank?

    — Yes, anyone can go to the website and check whether a decision has been made regarding a particular taxpayer to suspend operations. The number of calls to the database is not limited in any way. The main thing is to know the TIN and BIC of the bank.

    — The period of quarterly VAT reporting will begin soon, which almost all companies must now submit via the Internet. If I send paper reports instead of electronic ones, will inspectors have the right to block the company's accounts?

    “I believe that in this situation the inspectorate does not have the right to suspend operations. One of the grounds for blocking an account is the tax return being late by more than 10 days (Clause 3, Article 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - Ed. note). But the company reported. This means that the Federal Tax Service only has grounds to apply a fine under Article 119.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - 200 rubles. for each report submitted in paper format instead of electronic.

    — What if you accidentally mix up the form and report on an invalid form?

    - In such a situation, you also do not have the right to suspend operations on the account. There is judicial practice according to which a person who submits reports on time with all the necessary data, but on an outdated form, is considered to have fulfilled his obligations.

    — Now inspectors are required to send decisions on unblocking accounts to the bank within 24 hours. But sometimes accounts still remain blocked for a very long time. Can a representative of the organization take a copy of the decision to cancel the blocking from the inspectorate and take it to the bank to speed up the process?

    — Decisions of tax authorities to lift the suspension of operations sent to banks exclusively in electronic form have legal force. The legislation does not provide for other methods of delivering such decisions. But, in my opinion, in exceptional cases such decisions can be sent on paper. For example, if there are some technical problems and the bank cannot receive a solution in electronic form.

    “But quite often inspectors are still late in unblocking accounts.

    — In this case, I recommend filing a complaint with the Federal Tax Service and also filing an application for payment of interest for the delay. Thus, the decision to suspend transactions on accounts is canceled no later than one business day following the date on which the company submitted the required declaration. If the inspectors violated this deadline, the taxpayer has the right to receive interest for each calendar day of unlawful suspension of operations. The interest rate is assumed to be equal to the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    Almost every organization has a current account. It makes it much easier to carry out most financial transactions. But there are authorities whose powers include suspending these operations by seizing the account. Therefore, it is important to know where and how to check your current account for blocking.

    In what cases is an account blocked?

    And only after these payments should repayment be made in favor of the tax office. Therefore, the bank is obliged to make transfers for all the above exceptions. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the account is seized or not.

    Guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the tax inspectorate has the right to suspend the account for a number of reasons. The main thing is that all actions take place within the framework of the law. Therefore, it is very important to know the rules and clarify the reason if such a harsh measure is applied to you.

    What if the account is already frozen?

    Have you decided to check whether your organization's current account has been blocked by the tax office, but don't know how? The official website of the Federal Tax Service has all the information on this issue. You will need to select the “System for informing banks about the status of processing electronic documents” tab. Next, follow the link “Request for valid suspension decisions.” You will be asked to enter your company information. It is necessary to indicate the taxpayer's INN and BIC of the servicing bank. Next, to check that you are making the request and not a robot, the computer will ask you to enter the numbers from the picture. You need to complete the procedure by clicking on the “Send request” button.

    To check information online, you can use the official tool on the Federal Tax Service website.

    After submitting an online application to block your current account, a response is generated and sent to you electronically. Everything is indicated in the letter. The answer should be examined with particular care for errors or inaccuracies. False data is grounds for appealing the decision.

    Information about blocked current accounts must accurately reflect the following:

    • All deadlines, including the date when the account was blocked, as well as the period of overdue payment.
    • The specified amount of non-payment.
    • Signing a document with the stamp of the tax authority.
    • A link to a request for collection or suspension of an account.

    After checking the current account on the website and making sure that some data is presented incorrectly, challenge the decision. If this cannot be done by the tax service, you can safely go to court. Remember, since you received a demand for non-payment, it means that the tax service is already hinting at a possible arrest. But if you have not yet paid the debt on time and received a decision to suspend operations on the account, know that the tax office, first of all, sends the decision to the bank. Therefore, you can find out about a frozen account after the transaction has been completed.

    Working on bugs

    Did you check for blocking of your current account and get a positive result? Dont be upset! Believe me, a seized account is a headache for all taxpayers. After all, frozen money does not work, which means it is impossible to make payments to partners and clients. Therefore, the director of any company who finds himself in such a situation is interested as quickly as possible.

    To do this, you need to perform a few simple steps. First, you need to submit a personal income tax return or calculation. Secondly, you must sign a receipt for accepting the claim. You must acknowledge receipt of the request and then notify the tax office.

    Thirdly, you need to send a request to unblock the erroneously seized amount, if any. It is unfair if the tax service froze an amount greater than the amount of arrears. In this case, the taxpayer has the right to demand compensation due to him. And the tax office is obliged to reimburse it.

    Well, fourthly, it is necessary to pay off the debt itself. Make sure there are enough funds in your account to complete this procedure. Do not pay the debt separately. Otherwise, the bank may duplicate the operation and write off the same amount from your account. This will lead to unnecessary loss of time to eliminate the misunderstanding that has arisen.

    After all the conditions are met, you are on your way to the tax office. You must notify its employees that any violations have been corrected. The arrest from the account will be removed one day after all actions have been completed.

    It’s easy to find out whether an organization’s account is blocked. It is much more difficult to solve the unlocking problem. After all, it is the speed at which all obstacles are removed that determines how quickly the company will resume its normal operating mode. The best way to avoid getting into trouble is prevention. Therefore, constantly check whether the accountant submits all reports on time. Then you won't have to download the IRS website to find out whether your account has been seized or not.

    According to paragraph 4 of Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” of February 1998 No. 4, such institutions have the full right to open bank accounts.

    In turn, a current account can be created temporarily to allow participants to credit their own share to the existing authorized capital. Immediately after this, financial capital can be distributed to meet any needs, and the account itself is closed.

    Despite this, according to paragraph 6 of the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated October 2013 - in one day for each individual agreement, LLC has the right to make settlements of no more than 100 thousand rubles, and without taking into account:

    • payment of wages to hired workers;
    • various social benefits;
    • funds provided to hired staff on account.

    Based on this, depending on the amount of financial capital the company has, it may be necessary to open a current bank account in accordance with Article 861 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    What does a current account contain?

    Bank current account includes 20 digits(example: 40702810100010000123), which display the following information:

    The rules by which accounting and the chart of accounts are carried out are described in the developed Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On the rules for carrying out accounting in institutions whose labor activity is located on the territory of the Russian Federation” dated July 2012.

    What details can you find?

    In the process of searching on the Internet, everyone has the right to find out information such as:

    • the full name of the organization, without any abbreviations, including its organizational form. For example, LLC, OJSC, and so on;
    • full legal address where the organization is registered;
    • OGRN;
    • the time when registration was carried out;
    • if, during the period of searching for the necessary information, the institution stopped its work, then you can find out the specific date when the work stopped.

    If you need to find out any additional information, you can upload a file containing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in pdf format to the official portal of the tax service By downloading such a document, you will be able to find out information regarding:

    • information about the founders;
    • spheres of labor activity according to OKVED, and so on.

    In practice, such information is rarely needed.

    additional information

    In the process of searching for available information regarding the TIN, you can get a starting point for further search.

    For example, in many regions of the Russian Federation there are specialized portals on the Internet that provide detailed information on organizations whose activities are carried out in a particular region.

    In addition, if you have information regarding the TIN, you can determine which territorial department of the tax service you need to contact to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities regarding a particular company.

    If there is a fact of cooperation or acquisition of any product or service from an organization, appropriate agreements, payment documentation, and so on are always formed.

    If you need to find out the current account of an LLC, you can refer to the available documents, which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, must contain the details of the parties.

    For example, if there is an agreement, it must contain the details of the bank account of the LLC with which it was signed. If there is a payment order, similar information is also displayed in it.

    In simple terms, details must be indicated in almost all official documents that can confirm the business relationship between the parties.

    Government bodies

    All information regarding legal entities is stored in the Federal Tax Inspectorate.

    For this reason, if there is a need to search for all the information regarding an LLC, you must contact the territorial department of the tax office or, which is much better, go to the official portal of the Federal Tax Service.

    A search through the official portal of the Federal Tax Service allows you to obtain detailed information on the LLC of interest within a minute after the request is generated.

    Search instructions

    To find the necessary information, it will be enough to have:

    • Personal Computer;
    • any information regarding the company (only the TIN will be sufficient).

    To be able to find all the necessary information about a bank current account, you must:

    1. Go to the official portal of the tax authority using the link After going to the site, the user is taken to a page of information that is displayed based on its entry into the unified state register of the LLC.
    2. After this, you will need to fill out the search fields and indicate: TIN, OGRN and other information that is known at the time of the search.
    3. Based on the generated request, all necessary information will be provided

    If the official portal does not contain the necessary information on the LLC current account, you must go to the portal Here, too, after the transition, it becomes necessary to fill out the search fields.

    It is worth paying attention to the fact that the portal allows you to search not only for current account details, but also to search for other information solely based on the information provided (for example, for the specified current account you can find: the name of the banking institution, legal address and etc). To do this, just click on the “Additional attributes” button and indicate the available information.

    If necessary, the user should find information about the OKATO, OKFO and others classifiers; they will need to use the official portal On this site, it will be enough to select the classifier you are interested in and indicate the available information about the LLC.

    To display the information available on the portal, after filling out the fields, just click on the “Search” button located in the corner of the page.

    Often there is a need to find the details of a company because it is suspected of some kind of fraud or illegal labor activity. To do this, it will be enough to contact law enforcement agencies.

    However, law enforcement officials have every right to refuse to provide such information if the applicant does not have the authority to do so or in the absence of evidence.

    If you look from the other side, and the company’s illegal actions are confirmed, they always turn to law enforcement agencies.

    Basic methods

    Typically, an LLC current account includes 20 digits and begins exclusively with 40702810. Full details are displayed in the agreement in the subsection “Details of the parties.” It also contains information regarding the company’s TIN.

    If the details of interest are not available, it will be possible, as noted above, to find out the necessary information via the Internet by going to official portals that provide the ability to search.

    There are often situations when LLCs have their own personal website or group on any social network, where you can find out the necessary information, including a bank account number.

    And yet, the main way to search for information regarding a current account is considered to be the official portal of the tax service.

    What should a claimant do if he does not know the current account of the LLC?

    As for the main options for finding bank account details, you need to refer to Federal Law No. 229, which states that every creditor has every right to find bank details using such options as:

    1. By contacting a financial institution that most likely has an open LLC of interest. Despite the fact that banking institutions do not have the right to provide this kind of information, they can write off the debt from the LLC account in favor of the creditor. After transferring the amount of money, the applicant will become aware of the details.
    2. Contacting the bailiff service directly, who have the right to recover the outstanding amount of funds from the debtor.

    Based on this, due to the fact that Article 26 of the Federal Law “On Banking Institutions and Their Activities” provides for the storage of bank secrecy, this kind of information can be provided exclusively to their owners and government bodies: courts, the Accounts Chamber, the FSSP, and so on.

    How to change organization details in 1C programs - in this video.

    Check the key in the bank account number. The procedure for calculating the control key in the personal account number. Functionality for checking the correctness of basic bank details: bank BIC, current account, correspondent account. Before making a payment using the provided details, it will be useful to formally check them using this functionality.

    Check the key in the bank account number.
    The procedure for calculating the control key.

    In order to ensure that your bank details are correct, enter the BIC, current account, correspondent account in the form below and click the “Check!” button.

    Theory, fundamentals of banking in Russia.

    Whatever the purpose for which you open a bank account in Russia, the three details that you must obtain are the following:

    1. BIC (bank identification code) - has a length of 9 characters (digits), uniquely identifies the bank (bank branch). It is important to understand the difference between a bank branch (a structure that has its own balance sheet) and an operational office (additional office), which does not have its own balance sheet and is necessarily a subordinate division to a specific bank branch or the bank’s parent organization.
    2. Current account - has a length of 20 characters (numbers, but there is an exception - the 6th position for special personal accounts when using a clearing currency may contain the letters 'AVSENKMRTH').
    3. Correspondent account - has a length of 20 characters (digits).

    The three specified details are basic.

    All other details: TIN, checkpoint, name, address, etc. are derived from the above three.

    Some examples of bank accounts.

    The three main bank details (BIC, Current account, Correspondent account) are logically connected to each other by a special algorithm that determines the value of the so-called. control key (position 9) in any bank account.

    This allows formal checks to ensure that the values ​​are correct. Before making payments or, conversely, providing your bank details to partners for payment in your favor, it is very reasonable to first check the correctness of your bank details using this functionality.

    Instructions - how to use the functionality

    Note. If you want to check only a r/account, or only a correspondent/account, then enter only the account that you want to check. If you enter both a r/account and a correspondent/account, both accounts will be checked.

    Typical problems and questions

    Confusion between bank divisions - it often happens that a current account is opened in one bank branch (for example, in Samara), and accounts for a salary project are opened at the head office in Moscow. The accountant is trying to transfer money for salaries using the BIC of the Samara branch of the bank, although in this case it is necessary to use the BIC of the Moscow head office.

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    Official details of the organization for the contract

    Organization details- data that allows you to accurately identify the organization (Legal entity or Individual entrepreneur).

    To uniquely identify a Legal Entity or Individual Entrepreneur, basic details are used. Official details in the Russian Federation are assigned to an organization by the Federal Tax Service upon registration, as well as by the Federal Statistics Service upon registration.

    Mandatory company details include:
    . Name of company;
    . OGRN;
    . TIN;
    . Checkpoint (for Legal entities);
    . Legal address (in the case of individual entrepreneurs - the address of the place of registration of the Entrepreneur);
    . OKPO;
    . OKVED (may be included in the details as an indicator of the main type of activity of the organization).

    When concluding an agreement, payment details are also used - bank details of the organization
    . Current account of the organization;
    . Correspondent bank account;
    . BIC bank.
    Also, when drawing up an agreement, it is necessary to indicate the position and full name of the head of the company.

    On the CHEST BUSINESS portal, you can obtain full official details of any organization for free. The data on the portal is updated daily and synchronized with the service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation*.
    The cards contain current new company details. Just click the link “Details for the contract” and copy the necessary data.

    To search for the details of a legal entity/individual entrepreneur by INN/OGRN/OKPO or other details, use the search line:

    To do this, enter the company’s INN or OGRN in the search bar.

    If you do not have exact details, it will be enough to enter the company name.

    Check the counterparty's current account

    If the name is common and your request produces a list, it is advisable to clarify your request:
    . enter the company name + director's surname (for example: TEKHPROM IVANOV)
    . or: company name + location (for example: TEKHPROM MOSCOW)
    . or all parameters at once (for example: TEKHPROM IVANOV MOSCOW)
    How to search for more details...

    A brief algorithm for checking a Counterparty (how to identify a reliable Counterparty using CHESTESTNYBUSINESS.RF):

    1. The organization must exist, its status must be Active.
    2. The company should not be in the special registers of the tax service (FTS), otherwise a red inscription will appear on the card under the company name. For example:
      There is no connection with a legal entity by legal entity. address (according to the Federal Tax Service).
    3. Companies that have been operating for less than a year have increased risks (determined by the date of registration). According to statistics, every 3rd company ceases operations within the first year.
    4. The company must be located at the registered address. The company must not have a mass registration address. How many companies are still registered at this address is indicated in the card below the address. Bulk addresses are often used by unscrupulous or shell companies.
    5. The company's activities must coincide in meaning with the actual activities of the company.
    6. Head (director) of the company. If you know who the head of the company is, check this data. There are cases when companies are registered in the name of nominal managers, i.e. persons not participating in the activity. This is one of the main signs of unscrupulous companies.
    7. Check for registration with extra-budgetary funds. Without registration, for example with the Pension Fund, a company cannot contribute funds to the Pension Fund.
    8. Authorized capital of the company. The minimum in the Russian Federation is 10,000 rubles. The larger the authorized capital, the lower the risks when working with the Counterparty.
    9. It is also worth paying attention to Financial indicators (does not apply to companies that have existed for less than a year). Please pay attention to the articles: “Net profit (loss)” - an unprofitable company may have financial problems. The article “Fixed Assets” shows the presence of Property in the company's ownership.
    10. Particular attention should be paid to the data of the Arbitration Court (a separate tab in the card of a Legal Entity or Individual Entrepreneur on the CHEST BUSINESS portal). The presence of court cases for non-fulfillment of obligations and claims for the recovery of funds against the inspected Organization indicates the unreliability of the Counterparty.

    We wish you to work with reliable, honest Contractors!
    Convenient, comfortable work when checking Counterparties on the portal!

    * Data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs are open and are provided on the basis of clause 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”: Information and documents contained in state registers are open and publicly available, with the exception of information to which access is limited, namely information about identification documents of an individual. On the website ZACHESTNYYBIZNES.RF you can check the Counterparty for free and exercise Due Diligence. All instructions and requirements presented on the website ZACHESTNYYBIZNES.RF are not mandatory and are advisory in nature. Recommendations are given for possible reduction of economic risks. When concluding transactions, taxpayers, first of all, need to take into account the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    Due to the principle of freedom of economic activity, the taxpayer carries out business activities independently at his own risk. The administration of the website ZACHESTNYYBIZNES.RF is not responsible for possible economic losses/cases of lost income and does not give any guarantees or assurances to third parties.

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