Volgograd State Technical University. Volgograd State Technical University Description of the educational institution Volgograd State Technical University

For every person, the choice of profession is decisive. Whether he will be successful in his professional field depends on this decision. Universities in Volgograd train professionals of various levels of training and specialties. This is very important for every future school graduate who is faced with the question of how to realize himself in a future profession, taking into account his existing knowledge, capabilities and desire to work. One of the educational institutions that can help with this choice is Volgograd State Technical University, which provides training in various areas of bachelor's, specialist and master's degrees.

History of the educational institution

Each educational institution does not appear out of nowhere; it has a long way to gain popularity. Volgograd Technical University also went through a lot before becoming popular among students. It began its existence at the Stalingrad Mechanical and Tractor Institute. This educational institution was founded in 1930. During the first years of operation, the educational institution made a breakthrough in development: the training of specialists was at the highest level, graduates of the institute worked at famous plants and factories in the country, and employees were in demand in scientific circles.

During the war, the institute's program was completely subordinated to the needs of the front. All scientific work was aimed at increasing the country's defense capability. The Institute in 1960 had only two faculties. In the early 60s, the national economy was actively developing in the country. This caused a shortage of qualified engineers in various industries. New faculties and specialties began to open in the educational institution. By the beginning of the 80s, it was renamed and began to be called In the Volga region, this educational institution in those years was the largest and most authoritative.

In 1993, having gone through a difficult path to improving teaching, the institute was renamed again and now began to bear the name Volgograd Technical University. With the new status and name, the educational program was reorganized in the educational institution. Being one of the leading educational institutions, this educational institution has risen to a higher level of research and development. Since 1993, Technical University has been implementing an innovative method of assessing students at that time - a system of modules and ratings for students.

Features of entering a university

University students can be not only citizens of the Russian Federation, but also of other countries. Education at the university is carried out both on a budgetary basis and under an agreement on the provision of paid services in the field of education. To enter Volgograd State Technical University, you must submit a number of documents to the admissions committee of the university or branch. These are documents such as:

  • passport;
  • a certificate or diploma indicating that the applicant has received secondary education;
  • if a person has benefits, documents confirming them are required;
  • Unified State Examination results;
  • 4 photographs for documents.

To enroll in a bachelor's degree, a future student must have a secondary general education. To enter a master's program, previous education must be higher, at any level.

The main condition for admission to Volgograd University is passing the unified state exam, the results of which are considered grades. This applies to all applicants, except for foreign citizens, disabled people, disabled children and persons who have passed state certification in general secondary education programs not in the Unified State Examination form during the first year before closing date for accepting documents. For them, as well as for those entering the master's program, entrance tests have been developed.

Volgograd Technical University gives future students the opportunity to undergo rehearsal testing, which allows them not only to become familiar with the Unified State Examination procedure, but also to determine their level of preparation, as well as to prepare themselves psychologically for passing the exam in the form of tests.

What faculties are there at this university?

Volgograd has 8 full-time education faculties:

  • chemical technology;
  • Faculty of Technology of Structural Materials;
  • electronics and computer technology;
  • food production technologies;
  • automated systems and technological information;
  • Faculty of Economics and Management;
  • transport complexes and weapons systems;
  • road transport;

Volgograd Technical University, the faculties of which are noted above, has some more structural elements for evening and part-time students:

  1. Faculty of training and retraining of engineering personnel.
  2. Kirov evening faculty.
  3. Krasnoarmeysk Faculty of Mechanics and Metallurgy.

In addition, the university structure includes the following faculties:

  • training of foreign specialists;
  • postgraduate education;
  • pre-university training.

In which departments do students study?

The main task of the department is to train students within one direction or specialty. The university has 47 departments, which are assigned to the relevant faculties. Depending on the chosen direction or specialty, training takes place in several departments, which are assigned the disciplines necessary to master the chosen profession. There are many graduating departments here, and there are also separate structural units of faculties that are necessary for the comprehensive development of students. These are humanitarian subjects that are taught by employees of the relevant department, for example “Philosophy”, “Political Science” and so on.

University researchers

The highly qualified teaching staff of the university ensures that students are trained at a decent level.

The city of Volgograd is proud of its scientific base. The state university of this city has more than 1000 teachers. Among them there is one academician, 4 members of state academies, 140 professors, 617 associate professors. Nine honored workers of science of Russia work at the university - these are chemists and metallurgists, and 13 honored workers of the school of higher education. 5 people were awarded the “Honored Worker of Science and Technology” badge, and 76 teachers were awarded the “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education” badge.

Infrastructure of the educational institution

The top level of government of an educational institution is the academic council and the rector's office. The academic council of the university, headed by the rector, includes more than 70 people. Its task is to resolve all major issues related to the main work of the university. The rector's office includes 7 vice-rectors, who are responsible for the functioning of individual areas of the university.

The second level of management is the deans and faculty councils. Scientific and methodological councils of directions carry out their work under their leadership. The third level of management is departments.

Social programs for students

Like others, he pays great attention to social issues. The student trade union organization provides assistance in resolving the following issues:

  • awarding increased scholarships to needy first- and second-year students;
  • provision of vouchers to health and sports camps and sanatoriums;
  • providing financial assistance;
  • check-in to dormitories.

Cooperation outside the country

Today, Volgograd Technical University cooperates with universities and enterprises in seventeen countries. These are countries such as India, Belgium, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Great Britain, Vietnam, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Canada, China, Finland, USA, France, Ukraine, Japan. On the basis of cooperation, lectures, scientific seminars, as well as internships and joint research work are organized and conducted.

Thanks to bilateral cooperation agreements, students, graduate students and teachers have the opportunity to give lectures abroad, take part in international conferences, undergo internships and practical training, and have access to the material necessary to write their diploma projects. Cooperation with Germany allows young specialists to receive grants to conduct their research in their country.

Does the university guarantee employment?

Not all universities in Volgograd continue to cooperate with their former students. The Technical University in its structure contains a Center that provides part-time or full-time employment to graduates and students of the educational institution. Its tasks are as follows:

  • providing undergraduate students with work during their free time and during the vacation period;
  • job search in accordance with the specialty for university graduates;
  • cooperation with enterprises of the city of Volgograd, carrying out information and advertising work on issues of employment of graduates;
  • providing the opportunity to participate in organizing professional development events, as well as professional retraining of graduates.


The university has developed a special program, by studying which you can obtain the additional specialty “Master of Business Administration”. It is aimed at training competitive managers of the new generation who use modern methods, techniques and management technologies. In addition, the university has 36 training centers that allow you to obtain an additional specialty.

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