Work 6 create computer documents. Ways of understanding the world around us. Explanation of new material

Computer workshop

Work 3. We repeat the capabilities of the graphic editor - a tool for creating graphic objects


Exercise 1

1. Launch the graphics editor Paint (ColourPaint).

2. Open the file Puzzle.bmp from folder Blanks. Using a tool Line While pressing the key, try “without lifting your hand” to connect all the dots as shown in the figure:

3. If necessary, use the Cancel command

4. Save the result of your work under the same name, but in a personal folder.


Task 2

1. Create a new image in a graphics editor Set the work area to be 20 cm wide and 15 cm high. To do this:

2. Draw a snowman consisting of three circles of different sizes (tool Ellipse, with the key pressed)

Attention! Snowman- quite a complex object. It is advisable to depict complex objects in parts. Draw each of the circles for the snowman separately. Alternately select the second and third circles (the Select, Transparent selection) and drag them to the desired places.

3. Make so many copies of the resulting drawing so that after filling the circles with blue and blue colors, all the drawings are colored differently.

4. Using a tool Text (Inscription) in the free part of the work area, indicate how many different options for coloring the snowmen you managed to come up with.

5. Save the drawing in a personal folder under the name Snowmen.

Task 3

1. In a graphics editor, create a new image 20 cm wide and 15 cm high.

2. Draw the national flags of Russia, France and the Netherlands and sign them.

Attention! The flags use the same colors.

3. Save the drawing in a personal folder as a .

Technological map of the computer science lesson 6 lesson No.

Lesson topic: Ways of understanding the world around us.
Practical work No. 6 “Creating computer documents”
Lesson type - lesson on updating knowledge and skills
Lesson objectives:
subject - the concept of judgment and inference as a form of thinking; sensory knowledge of the surrounding world;
meta-subject – ICT competence (skills in working with a text editor);
personal – understanding the importance of computer skills for study and life;

Solvable educational tasks:
give schoolchildren an idea of ​​judgment and inference as a form of thinking;
give an idea of ​​the sensory perception of the world around us;
master the techniques of creating computer documents.
Basic concepts covered in the lesson:
Sensory cognition:
ICT tools used in the lesson:
teacher’s personal computer (PC), multimedia projector, screen;
Students' PCs.

Electronic supplement to the textbook:

Presentation “How we understand the world around us”;

Lesson stage
Teacher activities
Student activities

Hello guys! Sit down. Check if you are prepared for the lesson. Do you have all the supplies for the lesson on your desks? Today we have not only theoretical material, but also very interesting practical work.
The guys check their readiness for the lesson. Self-control.

Guys, in the last lesson we got acquainted with a large number of concepts on the topic “Personal computer as a system.” Which ones?

Checking D/z. RT No. 69, 70, 71 (p. 67), additional creative task in a graphic editor.
Independent work 10 minutes (on individual printouts)

Let's find out the topic of the lesson.
Formulating the topic of the lesson “Ways of understanding the world around us”

What are our lesson goals?
The guys name the main concepts they learned:
an object;
systems approach;
systemic effect;
informational resources;

The guys give definitions.
Students give examples.

No. 71. Interface:
menu (list of commands),
graphic (icons),

Students make their guesses.

Students formulate the goals of the lesson.

Primary consolidation stage
The presentation of the material is based on §7 and the presentation “How we understand the world around us”

Consolidation occurs when completing task No. 77 p. 72 RT
A) sensation
B) presentation

A) offer
B) pronoun
D) speed
D) segment
E) triangle
G) pyramid
3) unit
I) simple
K) mutually inverse
The guys speak out. Joint discussion.

Joint decision. Formatting in workbooks.

Student answers, discussion

Students speak out

Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation
Completing practical work No. 6 task 1.2.
We discuss a plan for completing tasks together

Students independently complete tasks 1 and 2 of practical work No. 6.

Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it
Let's write down the homework, I'll explain.
§7 (read, questions 1-8), RT No. 75, 76, 79 (p. 71), additional creative task in a graphic editor.
Write down homework, discuss completion

Guys, you did a good job today. And each of you set goals and objectives for yourself at the beginning of the lesson. Tell us, have you achieved the planned results?
Grading for practical work
The guys speak out. Listen to the ratings

Attached files

Lesson topic : Abstract thinking. Practical work No. 5. We create computer documents

Lesson objectives:

Educational: form the concept of judgment and inference as a form of thinking; form ideas about the main categories of logical thinking.

Developmental: enrich students' vocabulary; develop the ability to analyze, highlight the main thing, compare concepts; develop memory.

Educational: cultivate cognitive interest in the subject.

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material.

Basic terms and concepts: knowledge, sensory cognition, sensation, perception, representation, logical thinking, concept, judgment, inference.

ICT tools used in the lesson: teacher’s personal computer (PC), multimedia projector, screen; Students' PCs.


Lesson steps




Teacher activities

Student activities

1.Organization of the beginning of the lesson

The bell rang loudly -
The lesson begins.
Your ears are on top of your head,
The eyes are wide open.
Listen, remember,
Don't waste a minute!

Sit down please. Let's start the lesson!

Students greet the teacher and take their seats.

2.Checking homework

§7 RT: No. 75, 80 (a-e)

They check the answers to tasks No. 75, 80 (a-e) in RT.

No. 75. Continue the sentences.

No. 80 (a-e). Instead of the ellipses, substitute a suitable logical connective into each judgment.


tion of knowledge, formulation of the lesson topic

Let's, guys, remember together what we studied in the last lesson.

What new concepts did you learn in the previous lesson?

Student answers:

We studied the topic “How we understand the world around us”

Sensory cognition and its types (sensation, perception, representation)

4.Learning new material

Today in class we will get acquainted with the new concept of “Abstract Thinking”

Presentation “How we understand the world around us” ( author of UMK - L.L. Bosova) slides 13 – 20.

Students perceive the presentation, make a brief summary of the main concepts

5. Physical education minute

And now, guys, we will rest a little and give our eyes a rest. Let's do some eye exercises.

Look at the tip of your nose

And look between the eyebrows.

Circle, square and triangle

Repeat three times.

We close our eyes,

We inhale slowly.

And on the exhale again

Make your eyes blink.

Now let's relax

We went to the places.

Students perform a set of exercises to relieve eye strain.


development of new material

    Work in pairs followed by mutual testing.

Establish correspondence between concepts and their definitions:

Practical work No. 5. We create computer documents (Textbook by L.L. Bosov p. 158)

Students find correspondence between concepts and their definitions.


§7 RT: No. 84.

Students write homework in diaries

8. Reflection

Let's each answer the questions:

    What was unclear about the lesson material?

    What concepts still need to be studied in detail at home?

    Which material did not cause any difficulties in perception?

Answer the teacher's questions.

9. Summing up the lesson. Student assessment

Summing up the lesson, grading


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