I dreamed that I was fishing. The magic of numbers. Fish is a harbinger of disasters and disasters

Most often, fishing is dreamed of success or a positive course of affairs; this dream can show a person that he is moving in the right direction and will soon achieve his desired goal. It is important to note that for men and girls the interpretation of the same dream about fishing will be different, and knowing why a girl dreams of fishing, you can achieve success.

What if a girl dreams of fishing?

Fishing for a girl, unlike guys, promises happiness and good luck, especially if the girl herself is busy fishing and she is good at it, she literally attracts a good life to herself.

Fishing where nothing happens, the fish are not biting, and there are no traces of other people nearby, means that a difficult situation has arisen in life, from which it will be very difficult to find a way out. And the girl who has seen such a dream is subconsciously looking for the best way out for herself, but do not be afraid, the situation will be resolved very soon, and this will require minimal participation on the part of the dreamer. In the same case, if in the same calm, static dream a girl fishes not with a fishing rod, but tries to catch fish with a net, she will gain financial independence and will not need money for a long time. Moreover, in such a situation, the funds that easily came into your hands should be invested in a bank at interest, this will help to further increase your capital. Being energetic and inventive, the girl will be able to achieve all her goals and even achieve more than she herself could have expected.

Fishing in a dream usually portends luck in small matters, which can later lead to more significant plans, for example, after such a dream, a shuttle bus will not keep you waiting at the stop and the dreamer will get a good seat, and when leaving the house on a gloomy day , rain can be avoided even if the umbrella has been forgotten.

A successful fishing trip, in which a girl catches a lot of fish without outside help, promises her a quick meeting with her chosen one, if he is not there yet, and a subsequent happy marriage. There is no need to doubt whether this is the right thing to do or not, the dream clearly indicates that there is a person nearby, destined by fate, life together with him will be bright and emotional, and the girl will not have the opportunity to regret her choice.

If a married girl already had such a dream, it is worth stopping and thinking about what is happening at a given moment in time; plans and calculations built on hypocrisy and achieving goals, going over their heads, will inevitably fail. A planned adventure, in which strangers may suffer, will not end well - everything planned will come to the surface and even close and devoted people who treated her with respect and showed favor will turn away from the girl. Having seen such a dream, you should give up ambitious plans and be yourself, without trying to frame or denigrate someone who is nearby, on one side of the barricades and can help for free, you just have to ask for it.

What does it portend?

Fishing that took place during the cold season, particularly in winter, foreshadows a positive, memorable trip that can charge the girl who saw this dream with emotions for a long time to come. This will turn out to be an adventure that will be impossible to forget; stories about it will last for a very long time. The desire for change and new experiences will be fully felt on this train, so in no case can you refuse such an offer, you should agree to it without hesitation.

If the fish caught during fishing was not quite ordinary, but turned out to be, for example, a shark, a whale or even a dolphin, it means that very soon a person will appear in the girl’s life who will teach her to look at the surrounding reality differently, from different sides and angles .

The inability to get away from a lake or river suggests that soon the dreamer may be faced with serious assignments from his superiors, which must be completed as soon as possible, otherwise serious problems will arise at work that will not be possible to get rid of.

Dreams can also be harbingers that the body is very tired and needs rest as soon as possible, but more often than not, they carry some meaning, which, if interpreted correctly, can turn the course of affairs in a favorable direction for yourself.

Those who like to sit with a fishing rod by a pond should not think twice if they dream of fishing. The dream book says that they want to rest. It is advisable for everyone else to consult with interpreters. It’s not just that in the country of Morphia you were engaged in fishing. This is a sign from the subconscious. Which? Let's figure it out together.

Watch the fishing

The decoding, as usual, depends on what exactly was dreamed. The dream book interprets a plot in which fishing appears as a desire for significant earnings. If it was not you, but other people who were sitting with the fishing rod, then you will begin to observe the work of others. Interest in how someone makes a good living, but only in the sense of gaining experience. If you get carried away with criticism or envy, you will suffer losses. Most likely, you yourself have not yet found the scope of application of your abilities. Activities in this direction should be intensified. If you have seen how someone else’s fishing brings good luck, the dream book recommends watching your friends. Try to identify the principles of their activities in order to transfer them to your work. There is a very lucky person nearby from whom you can learn a lot. According to him, fishing that does not bring results means that a person is working for nothing. His hopes for profit are unfounded. You must try to identify mistakes, otherwise you will be left penniless, but with enormous fatigue.

Fishing for yourself

This is a wonderful vision, of course, if it is crowned with success. In fact, fishing (the dream book is sure of this) is a harbinger of some profitable, but risky enterprise. Its outcome will depend on human efforts. If he tries and spares no effort, he will receive a large income. The fish he caught speaks of him. But the result will be the opposite, disappointing, if no one is hooked. This is a sign of miscalculation. You failed to take into account all the circumstances of the case when you conceived the project. His success is not guaranteed. Everything needs to be carefully analyzed again. These are the conclusions of interpreters, researchers, and men.

The dream book offers a completely different interpretation of the same plot appearing in a woman’s night vision. The sea is the process of her life. If she sits on its bank with a fishing rod, it means she is trying to catch a patron who will provide her with a comfortable and problem-free existence. The fish pecked - there is such a handsome prince nearby. If the expectation turned out to be empty in a dream, it means that the time for luck in life has not yet come. Catch a lot of fish - have a choice among a large number of gentlemen. It is important not to make a mistake here.

Catching fish with nets

Great story. But only when the catch turned out to be significant. This is a symbol of receiving a very large amount. If you dream of such fishing, the dream book recommends not to yawn. Circumstances are favorable to improving financial well-being. But the money itself will not jump into your hands. You'll have to earn them. Therefore, work more actively, without being afraid to offer something new, to improve the ways and methods of your activities. There is a wonderful, promising, very profitable time ahead.

Another thing, according to the dream book, is fishing in a dream, which ends in nothing. That is, pull the net out of the sea waters empty. This means that your efforts will not lead to the long-awaited enrichment. The efforts will be completely in vain. Most likely, you have contacted an unreliable person who will deceive you and not pay for your work. Or they used inaccurate information when planning their project. Everything should be weighed and analyzed again. This vision recommends that girls not try to captivate all the men around them. Otherwise, the only one destined by fate will turn away from you, suspecting you of excessive vanity.

Catch a goldfish

Remember the fairy tale about the old man who was lucky? His wife could not appreciate such a happy chance and was left with nothing. You may find yourself in approximately the same situation. A person gets many chances from fate. But not everyone can use it due to ignorance, inexperience, and inattention. If you dreamed of a goldfish, try to look around with both eyes. Fate will soon reward you immensely. You just need to be able to recognize the signs of a lucky chance and realize it. And don’t be capricious like that old woman. Give thanks for what you have. Then wishes will come true much more often, the dream book promises. - does not mean catching her) - a wonderful activity when it ends in prey. It’s bad if nothing gets into the network. Then the meaning of the vision turns out to be the opposite.

Didn’t catch anything: the meaning of sleep for a woman

It is extremely unpleasant to see fishing in any way that ends in vain. For girls, this plot foreshadows that they will not be able to conceive a child, no matter how hard they try. This will probably be retribution for the sins of the past. The girl should immediately consult a doctor for advice after this dream. Maybe the situation is not as bad as it seems. It can be corrected with the right treatment. If an older woman dreams that she could not catch a fish, it means that her hopes for the appearance of grandchildren will not be realized. Also an unpleasant story. Catching a sea creature with your bare hands means pregnancy for a young lady. The plot suggests that she is already ready for procreation. If this is not included in the dreamer’s plans, it is necessary to strengthen methods of contraception so that an abortion is not necessary.


Almost all dreams about fishing should be taken positively. They push us to be more active in life, in the area that is important to a person. Achieve, work, come up with something new. If fate is not yet on your side, it will soon turn with a smiling face and help you achieve success. Good luck and prosperity!

Interpretations of a wide variety of dream plots can be easily found in modern dream books. Most often it is the fair sex who have to fish in their night dreams. For them, such a plot becomes a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy or other changes.

Miller considers the plot under discussion an excellent harbinger for the girl. An excellent bite in a dream suggests that fate will smile on the fair sex in reality. The main thing is to notice the opportunity in time and use it correctly.

Freud suggests that a very large fish on a woman’s hook in a dream promises her a new love and/or sexual relationship. If the sleeping woman is married, it is likely that she will have a man on the side.

The Small Velesov dream book interprets dreams about fishing in a special way. If there are only dead inhabitants in the reservoir, then in reality you should expect losses. But a significant live catch on the net is a harbinger of a profitable financial deal.

Why does a woman dream of fishing with a fishing rod?

It has long been believed that dreams with fish always promise the fair sex changes in her personal life. To understand which ones, you need to take into account all the details of the plot that you managed to remember in the morning.

If a woman had to catch fish with a fishing rod, it means that in reality a quick marriage proposal awaits her. Sometimes the details of a dream even help to guess how happy the marriage will be. So, catching a stinking dirty fish tells you that you need to take a closer look at your fiancé. In fact, he is not at all who he claims to be. A marriage with such a person can turn into a real tragedy for the sleeping person.

Fishing with bare hands

Why do you dream of catching fish with your hands? This plot is clearly interpreted in almost all known dream books. A large catch with bare hands portends pregnancy for the fair sex.

Perhaps, in this way, the subconscious sends signals to the dreamer that she is completely ripe for motherhood. And the only thing that prevents a girl from taking an important step is her fear of drastic changes.

The dream was dreamed by a married, unmarried, pregnant woman

The exact interpretation of the dream will also depend on the girl’s marital status at the moment, whether she plans to become a mother and what plans she has for the near future.

  • If a woman is married and no children are expected in her family, then the dream under discussion may suggest that she will finally achieve the cherished goal that she set for herself quite a long time ago. The results obtained will cause the envy of others and respect for the sleeping woman.
  • For an unmarried young lady, a dream about fishing can be a harbinger of a new relationship, a long-awaited wedding, or even a lucrative career offer. The last interpretation option is relevant if the catch turned out to be very significant.
  • If the girl is already pregnant, then for her the interpretation of a dream with fishing will be special. Perhaps such a plot becomes a hint from the subconscious that it is time to go on maternity leave and devote time to rest. It happens that expectant mothers catch bright exotic fish in their dreams. This is a clear sign that the child born will be an extraordinary person and will achieve great success in life.

Catching and cutting fish in a dream

If a woman pays due attention to contraception and definitely does not plan to become a mother in the near future, then a dream in which she managed to catch a fish may also have another meaning not related to pregnancy. Did you have to cut up a large underwater creature? This means that the girl will expect unexpected profits or an imminent long journey. Thus, the young lady can be warned about the move in reality. There is a possibility that she will have to change not only the street or city, but even the country. But such dream meanings are relevant only for those options when the fish is fresh. Otherwise, the plot with cutting may promise health problems for the sleeping person.

Cleaning fish in a dream means that there are serious mistakes and shortcomings in the girl’s plans for the future. To avoid problems, you will need to carefully analyze and correct them. If a woman cuts off the fins of a fish, it means that she just needs to remove unnecessary items from her life plan. Immediately after this, the dreamer will be able to achieve everything she dreamed of.

Did you need to cut up small fish in your night dreams? This means that the division of property and minor disagreements with relatives await the fair sex in reality.

Why do you dream of unsuccessful fishing?

If the fishing in a girl’s dream was unsuccessful, then this is a hint that you need to be patient. To achieve your goals you will have to work hard. On the way to them, obstacles will constantly arise. Despite all the difficulties, a representative of the fair sex cannot despair and give up. You must fight for your goals until the very end.

It happens that in a dream you cannot catch a large slippery fish. She constantly slips out of the dreamer's hands. This means that the girl is lazy and for this reason she fails to get everything she wants from fate. If the sleeping woman is engaged in business, then the described plot may tell her that the partners of the fair sex are as “slippery” as fish. You should be careful with them.

If the sleeping woman and her friends caught a fish, but it turned out to be rotten or otherwise spoiled, it means that there is an ill-wisher in the company. One of the close friends set out to quarrel among themselves for the sake of some personal gain. You can’t fall for his provocations. You should try to carefully identify such a person and remove him from your close circle.

Catching big and beautiful fish in a dream

A very beautiful live fish is a dream of great luck. Luck will follow the sleeper after such a dream in all areas of life without exception. We need to try to take as much as possible from this successful period.

A huge shiny fish, which was caught very easily and quickly in a clear reservoir, promises a fateful acquaintance for the fair sex. On her life's journey, a girl will meet a man whom she has been looking for for a very long time. The new relationship between lovers will most likely lead to an early wedding. It is interesting that this interpretation is relevant even for those women who are already married, but do not feel absolutely happy in it. A new attractive partner will appear on their horizon, who in all respects will be better than the current spouse.

If a fish of impressive size is caught in a girl’s net, this is also a great sign. Especially if she turned out to be not only big, but also beautiful. This plot suggests that the dreamer will finally be appreciated by those who just recently did not take her seriously. The changed attitude of others will open up new large-scale prospects.

I dreamed of a fishing net with fish caught in it

A very important symbol from the dream is a fishing net. Empty nonsense symbolizes false hopes, controversial ideals, as well as personal delusions. If there is a fish in the net, then the meaning of the dream changes dramatically.

Many small fish in the net are a hint that the girl needs to understand something in real life, as well as find its meaning. Currently, the woman is confused and has absolutely no idea about her future. If you cannot figure out the issue under discussion on your own, you should seek help from a professional psychologist.

In a dream, does a fish slip out of a net and swim away safely? This means that the dreams of the fair sex will not come true, and the expectations will not bear any fruit. A woman can abandon past plans and begin to build more promising and realistic combinations.

If a man catches a large fish in front of a sleeping woman, then she should be careful. Most likely, a familiar representative of the stronger sex sympathizes with the young lady and is trying to do everything possible to catch her in love captivity. The man’s goal is not only to make the dreamer fall in love with him, but also to completely subjugate her.

The meaning of sleep depending on the day of the week

Depending on the day of the week on which the plot with the caught fish was seen, the meaning of the dream may change:

  • From Sunday to Monday, catching underwater inhabitants with bare hands promises excellent profits for the stronger sex. But, if the fish swam away immediately after it was caught, it means that the young lady will spend all the money she earned on completely unnecessary things.
  • If an elderly person dreams of fish from Monday to Tuesday, then he will be able to cope with life’s troubles only thanks to his rich life experience.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday, very large prey caught in a net or net promises recovery. This is true even in cases where a man or woman suffers from a very serious illness.
  • Did you have to cut up a large fish from Wednesday to Thursday? This means that in real life you will have to share the inheritance with relatives. If caviar was found in the fish, then the best part of it will go to the dreamer.
  • From Thursday to Friday, catching a large number of fish suggests that the girl needs to refrain from promiscuity. Otherwise, she cannot avoid unpleasant gossip.
  • Unsuccessful fishing from Friday to Saturday in a dream is a warning. The plot suggests that a woman should not rush into making decisions.
  • Fishing in dirty, stinking water from Saturday to Sunday portends an unsuccessful pregnancy or abortion.

Did you dream that you were fishing on the river bank or sitting by an ice hole? Why do you dream about fishing?

Most dream books interpret such dreams as a sign of quick success. There are many dream books with the help of which the interpretation of night visions looks completely different. To thoroughly understand the meaning of any dream, you need to remember everything that you dreamed at night. All details are very important. Namely such factors as:

  • Paul: who are you? For a man, a woman and a girl, such a dream can be interpreted completely differently.
  • Activity: Did you fish yourself or watch fish being caught?
  • The outcome of the action: a big catch or a meager one.

Meaning for the stronger and weaker sex

1.If a woman dreams of fishing with her own participation, we should expect that in the near future she will “hook” good luck or a period will come in life that will solve all problems for the better.

A girl caught in a dream promises pregnancy in reality. This is stated by all famous dream interpreters and dream books.

Fishing, in which a girl was hooked by a small, nimble black fish, means that disappointments and tears are coming.

2. What do “fishing” dreams promise for a man? All dream books write that fishing or seeing fishermen in a dream is a sign of good news.

Men dream about fishing mainly when in reality they are experiencing great psychological or physical stress, so for the stronger sex this may mean that it is simply time to go on vacation.

Fishing gear in the hands of a man who fishes in a dream tells that fateful changes will occur in life. In addition, to see fishing gear in your hands in reality means making a quick profit.

Why do you dream about fishing in company? Go fishing with a large group of friends - be prepared to meet new people who can have a positive impact on the development of your planned project. Fishing in the company of family and relatives - expect minor squabbles and quarrels in the family.

A dream about unsuccessful fishing for a man, woman or girl is a sign of fate, which advises you to calmly wait out an unfavorable period in your life, be patient and move forward with new strength and ideas.

A person who dreamed that he was a poacher must admit that dishonest methods are used when doing business. If a man dreams that the catch was unsuccessful due to a bad bite, this means that his cherished desire will never come true.

On the way to success

  • If you dreamed of fishing on the bank of a river with clean, clear water, this is a sign of success.
  • If the river has muddy water that makes it difficult to fish, then you are surrounded by enemies who interfere and negatively affect the success of the business project.

If a man often has dreams in which he fishes, this may mean that the subconscious is looking for a way out of the current situation that is causing anxiety. A successful, big catch in a man’s dream means financial success.

Why do you dream about fishing in winter? Winter fishing means that you have a journey ahead or the very desire to see something new and unknown. A dream about winter fishing means that a person is tired of the daily routine and simply longs for changes in his life.

You dream that you are fishing:

  • Sitting on the shore is a warning to be careful and prudent in your affairs.
  • In the middle of an open body of water from a boat - you are a person succumbing to passions. You can put everything on the line, but, nevertheless, luck often smiles at you.

In a night dream, catching fish with a large new net is a sign that you will receive great, but short-term success in business. If you have a tattered, dilapidated network in your hands, then such a dream can mean losses and failures, especially in the family. Empty fishing in a dream means that disappointment and failure await you in reality.

If in a dream a woman, man or girl sees that they have caught a lot of big fish, good luck and profit await them. A girl’s dream in which she caught a big fish could mean an early marriage for her. If the fish is off the hook, then marriage will most likely elude it.

In many cases, when you dream about fishing, it is a sign that you are indebted to some person who has done a lot of good things for you. In reality, you should take a closer look at your surroundings and try to thank this person.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Fishing in a dream?

A dream about fishing is favorable. If you didn't manage to catch a single fish, don't expect anything good.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about fishing?

To a subconscious desire to change something in your life, make new acquaintances, go on a trip. If you dream that fishing is not going well - in reality you should be more patient and then the desired result will not be long in coming. If you have a good bite, it promises great luck in real life.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about Fishing in a dream?

Fishing indicates difficulties in business, the duality of the situation, the inconstancy and precariousness of your position. You catch fish in a dream - in reality you will look for a way out of a difficult situation.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about Fishing?

Perhaps you are tense about something and this tension does not allow you to fully enjoy intimacy. This state can lead to bad consequences, so you need to take your mind off everything, learn to relax and have fun.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Fishing for a woman promises a rich husband. If you watch someone fishing, you will soon become pregnant. If you caught a live fish in a dream, a huge success awaits you.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Fishing dreams of receiving an inheritance. You may receive the property of one of your relatives; in some cases, the dream suggests that your loved ones are eyeing your savings, wanting to inherit them.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Catching fish with bare hands means making enemies. Fishing is a sign of an unprofitable and pointless activity that will disappoint you.

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