A commander must die standing, meaning. Preparation for the Unified State Exam. essay. Social values ​​and norms

Wise thoughts

Roman Emperor. Unlike his father, his full namesake (Vespasian), who went down in history under the personal name Titus - Roman Emperor (79-81). Deified (divine Titus, lat. Divus Titus).

Quote: 1 - 13 of 13

Vespasian, sensing the approach of death, said: “Alas, it seems that I am becoming a god.” (Emperors were deified after death.)

Money doesn't smell. (lat. Pecunia non olet) (“Titus reproached his father [Vespasian] for taxing the outhouses too; he took a coin from the first profit, brought it to his nose and asked if it stank. *No*,” answered Titus. * But this is money from urine*, said Vespasian” (Suetonius, “The Divine Vespasian”, 23, 3). (The Latin expression “Non olet” (“Does not smell”) is usually associated with this historical anecdote, although in the same sense was used before (for example: Cicero, “Brutus, or On the Famous Orators”, 154).)

Vespasian failed to atone for the shame of his former stinginess. And even at his funeral, Favor, the main mime, speaking, as usual, wearing a mask and depicting the words and deeds of the deceased, publicly asked the officials how much the funeral procession cost? And, hearing that it was ten thousand millions, he exclaimed: “Give me ten thousand and throw me into the Tiber!” (According to Suetonius)

When he [Rabbi Yochanan] arrived at the camp of the Romans [who were besieging Jerusalem], he said: “Greetings to you, O Emperor!” Vespasian told him: “You are twice sentenced to death. The first time for calling me emperor, although I am not an emperor at all, and the second time for not coming to me right away, if I am an emperor.”

When the messengers reported to him [Vespasian] that it had been decided to place a colossal statue of considerable value on his public account, he extended his palm and said: “Place it immediately, here is the pedestal.”

One of his favorite servants asked for a managerial position for a man whom he passed off as his brother; Vespasian ordered him to wait, called this man to him, took the money from him for the petition, and immediately appointed him to his place; and when the minister intervened again, he said to him: “Look for another brother, and this is now my brother.”

Rulers have the worst life: when they discover conspiracies, they are not believed until they are killed.

Titus reproached his father [Vespasian] for taxing the outhouses; he took a coin from the first profit, brought it to his nose and asked if it stank. “No,” answered Titus. “But this is money from urine,” said Vespasian.

Alas, it seems that I am becoming a god (Vespasian, lying on his deathbed) (Suetonius. Vespasian. 23.4) (Words of the terminally ill Vespasian (Suetonius, “The Divine Vespasian”, 23, 4). >Svetonius., p. 266. Roman emperors after death they were deified.)

A smart commander seeks to sow discord between enemies.

If you want peace, prepare for war.

It is fitting for Caesar to die standing (Last words of Vespasian. Suetonius. Vespasian. 24). (The sick Vespasian “continued<...>engage in government affairs and, lying in bed, even received ambassadors. When he was weakened almost to death, he declared that the emperor should die standing; and, trying to rise and straighten up, he died in the arms of those who supported him<...>"(June 24, 79). (Suetonius, “The Divine Vespasian”, 24, 1.))

Social structure of Russian society 1. “Under a heap of money the human soul can be buried” (N. Hawthorne, American writer, 19th century) Paragraph I 1. This statement indicates the problem of human immorality. 2. This problem...

Social structure of Russian society 1. “Under a heap of money the human soul can be buried” (N. Hawthorne, American writer, 19th century) Paragraph I 1. This statement indicates the problem of human immorality. 2. This problem is also relevant for modern society. In our time, immorality has become so strongly integrated into a person’s personality that it leads to the commission of crimes. II paragraph 1. The outstanding American writer N. Hawthorne in his statement speaks about the influence of money on a person’s life, on his character, on his moral qualities. 2. One cannot but agree with N. Hawthorne’s point of view. As a person becomes richer, he “loses” his moral and ethical qualities. By receiving money, a person gains power. And having gained power over others, a person is deprived of all rationality. III paragraph 1. Theoretical substantiation of this point of view. Morality is the degree to which an individual has assimilated the moral values ​​of society. Human moral consciousness - reflected

Social structure of Russian society 1. “Under a heap of money the human soul can be buried” (N. Hawthorne, American writer, 19th century) Paragraph I 1. This statement indicates the problem of human immorality. 2. This problem is also relevant for modern society. In our time, immorality has become so strongly integrated into a person’s personality that it leads to the commission of crimes. II paragraph 1. The outstanding American writer N. Hawthorne in his statement speaks about the influence of money on a person’s life, on his character, on his moral qualities. 2. One cannot but agree with N. Hawthorne’s point of view. As a person becomes richer, he “loses” his moral and ethical qualities. By receiving money, a person gains power. And having gained power over others, a person is deprived of all rationality. III paragraph 1. Theoretical substantiation of this point of view. Morality is the degree to which an individual has assimilated the moral values ​​of society. A person’s moral consciousness is a reflection in a person’s consciousness of the attitude towards moral standards. 2. Many active individuals discussed human morality, for example, Carlyle Thomas, who argued that “Cash is not the only connection between a person and a person.” There are sayings that “money has no morals,” “money spoils a person.” And it’s difficult to resist this. Because in fact, this is how it is. IV paragraph The problem of the influence of money on personality was also touched upon by famous writers. In his story “Hero of Our Time,” M. Yu. Lermontov reveals the essence of people who put the goal at the forefront of everything - acquiring wealth. So, the brother of the main character, in order to get a horse, decided to give his sister to a gypsy, while coming up with a plan according to which it was conditionally impossible to involve him in committing an inhumane act. V paragraph. Argumentation The influence of money on a person can be observed in everyday life, you just have to turn on the TV. On any channel you can see news that talks about a crime committed for selfish purposes. There are so many court cases in which relatives go to extreme measures (including murder) in order to obtain a will.

VI paragraph. Conclusion Returning to the topic raised, I can say that the problem of immorality in the country, as it was, will remain so until the state establishes supervision over the observance of moral standards, since the problem of immorality is too great and cannot be “destroyed” without government intervention " 2. "A world in which all people are free and equal would be an earthly paradise. It is difficult to create such a world; but, faced with a choice, we must put freedom above equality” (Karl Popper (1902-1944), Western philosopher) In his statement, Karl Popper raised the problem of the mutual influence of freedom and equality. Lack of freedom, Popper wrote, inevitably leads to despotism. But inequality, as the writer believed, does not necessarily lead to the abolition of freedom. Freedom is the ability of a person or a process to choose an option and implement (ensure) the outcome of an event. Equality is the position of people in society, ensuring their equal attitude to the means of production, the same political and civil rights, and equality. In this case we are talking about equality before the law. But on the other hand, all living beings differ from each other in strength, intelligence, courage, perseverance and everything else on which success depends. But everyone should have equal opportunity. Equality of opportunity and equality before the law are not only compatible with freedom, but essential to its existence. So, freedom is a necessary condition for equality in society. And equality without freedom can lead to the establishment of despotic power, and all despots insist on the equality of their subjects. The implantation of equality destroys not only freedom, but also equality itself, for, as communist experience has shown, those who are entrusted with ensuring social equality demand privileges and elevate themselves high above the crowd of ordinary citizens. The promotion of equality also gives rise to pervasive corruption, since the elite, which controls all goods and services - as they should be, since they are subject to equal distribution - expects to be rewarded for this activity. Is it possible to make both free and equal at the same time? More than a century ago, Walter Bagehot observed that there was no way to make people both free and equal. In everyday life, in the competition between equality and freedom, equality has superior power, since the loss of freedom is felt only when it happens, and the pain caused by inequality has to be experienced every day, at every step. Many are ready to unconditionally give up their freedoms in exchange for social equality, forgetting about the consequences. And the consequences are that their ability to retain and use their earnings and their property, to independently decide on hiring and firing, to freely enter into contractual relations and even to express their opinions is reduced, all of which are gradually deprived of them by governments absorbed in the redistribution of private wealth and subordination of individual rights to group rights. Youth in modern society 1. “Do you want an inheritance from your father? This is knowledge. Otherwise, you will squander your property in half a day” (S. Shirazi, Persian moralist poet)

The statement of the Armenian Soviet poet Shiraz that I have chosen for consideration relates to philosophy. Philosophy is the science of the universal laws of development of nature, society and man. The general theme addressed by Shirazi in his statement is knowledge. There are different types: scientific, extra-scientific, everyday-practical (everyday, common sense), intuitive, religious, etc. This topic is multifaceted. Shiraze in his statement talks about knowledge in the process of practical activity. I agree with Shirazi's point. The main thing that a person should receive first of all is knowledge, and everything material can be lost and wasted. If a person has knowledge, he can increase his inheritance. However, if they do not exist and the person does not strive for them, then the inheritance can be lost in one day. There were quite a few cases when people lost, drank and squandered their inheritance. A person may not have a material inheritance, but if he has knowledge, he will make his own fortune. For example: William Henry Gates III (the largest shareholder of Microsoft); Steven Paul Jobs (chief executive officer of Apple) became rich and famous people thanks to their knowledge and ability to use it. Anyone who owns knowledge and information owns a lot, so it’s worth listening to the opinion of Shirazi. 2. “Whoever does not receive education in childhood will not know happiness in life later” (S. Shirazi) First paragraph 1. “Whoever does not receive education in childhood will not know happiness in life later.” In this statement, the Persian writer and thinker S. Shirazi points to the problem of the need and importance of timely education of a person. 2. This problem is relevant at all times and, of course, in our modern society. After all, education is the basis of personality; it is education that influences a person’s behavior, his life guidelines and values. Second paragraph 1. According to Shirazi, without education a person will not know happiness in life. 2. I agree with the author’s statement and believe that in the absence of education a person will not be able to become a full-fledged member of society. Third paragraph Education, first of all, is carried out by such a social institution as the family. Family education is understood as the conscious influence on the formation of children’s personality undertaken by older family members. The educational function of the family involves the child’s assimilation of norms and forms of behavior accepted in a given society, as well as the transmission of moral values ​​to the next generation. Education is important from an early age, when the personality of a child or teenager is not yet fully formed. And its absence negatively affects human development. Fourth paragraph

For example, lack of upbringing can be one of the reasons for a young person’s deviant behavior. This can lead to him committing antisocial acts, such as hooliganism, fights, crime, etc., which is becoming more and more common among young people. Fifth paragraph Thus, education is necessary for every person for his full development, for his harmonious existence within society. Life and everyday relationships 1. “He is the happiest of all, be he a king or a peasant, who has found peace in his own home” (I. Goethe (1749-1832), German poet, thinker, scientist). 1 paragraph, 2 elements. 1. This statement indicates the problem of everyday relations in social life. 2. This problem is relevant in modern society. Everyday relationships play an important role in the life of a modern person. Any person is spiritually connected with his home. A calm and peaceful environment in the home creates favorable conditions for successful work and a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle. 2 paragraph, 3 elements. 1. The German philosopher and poet Johann Goethe believes that the happiest of all is the one who has found peace in his own home. 2. I agree with the author's assessment. Of course, every person needs different things to be happy. Some people get money, some people get a high position. But the main thing for everyone is a good family life. Family gives a person strength and supports him in difficult times. 3 paragraph, 2 elements. 1. Everyday life is a stable system of everyday non-productive connections between people. Comfort and a cozy atmosphere in the home largely contribute to the satisfaction of universal human needs. 2. "My home is my castle." This old saying is still true today. In the house, a person can hide from everyday misfortunes and problems, and criminal liability is provided for entering someone else’s home. 4 paragraph. Many creative personalities (Dostoevsky, Lermontov) needed a comfortable environment to develop their talent. 5 paragraph. I can confirm from personal experience that a comfortable home environment contributes to productivity and better rest. 6 paragraph. A person needs a peaceful and calm situation in the home. It is needed for full development, moral and physical health. Happy is the man who has this! 2. “A home, warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable” (M. Andersen-Nexo (1869-1954), Danish writer) 1 paragraph 2 elements

This statement points to the problem of everyday life and everyday relationships in our social life. This problem is very relevant for people at all times and, of course, in modern society. Everyday life is an integral part of people’s lives. Throughout his entire stay in society, a person finds himself unwittingly participating in everyday relationships. 2 paragraph 3 elements The Danish writer M. Andersen - Nexe, who lived in the 19th - 20th centuries, believes that a home, warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable. I agree with the author's point of view. In everyday life, we develop various relationships, and, of course, we have people close to us who provide support and help throughout our lives. Naturally, when a friend is nearby, a person feels protected. 3 paragraph 1 element Life is a stable system of everyday non-productive connections between people regarding the satisfaction of their primary needs (food, clothing, housing). Ethnography is a science that studies everyday life. 4 paragraph An example would be the relationship between children and their parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents and others. 5 paragraph Returning to my topic, I can conclude: the better a person’s relationships, both everyday, friendship and other social ones, the person will feel more confident and invulnerable. Therefore, everyday relationships are an important part of our lives. Institute of Family and Marriage 1. “Marriage is the first stage of human society” (Marcus Tullius Cicero) 1 paragraph. This statement points to the problem of marriage and family. This problem is relevant in modern society, since now a very large number of marriages are not successful. 2 paragraph. The author of this statement, Marcus Tullius Cicero, an ancient Roman politician, philosopher, brilliant speaker and writer, believes that marriage is the basis of society. I agree with the author’s assessment and believe that marriage is the most important step in a person’s life, even more important than choosing a profession. Fate depends on it

several people. When getting married, you need to listen not only to what your heart says, but also to your mind. 3 paragraph. Marriage is a legally formalized free and voluntary union of a man and a woman, aimed at creating a family and generating mutual rights and obligations. A family is a family based on marriage or consanguinity, uniting people associated with a common life and mutual responsibility. Even such famous people as Ya. L. Sukhomlinsky said: “The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.” N. Chamfort spoke about marriage like this: “Only a reasonable marriage is successful, only a reckless one is exciting. Any other is built on base calculations.” 4 paragraph. In my opinion, the best marriage is a love marriage. After all, if people love each other, they are happy together and their children will be raised in love, they will follow the example of their parents, for boys the authority is the father, for girls - the mother. If this chain is extended, there will be no such problem in society. 5 paragraph. Many girls, barely finishing school, get married, dreaming of a fairy tale. But in the end, every second one is left alone with a child in her arms. And who is to blame for not thinking properly? Nothing can be fixed now. It’s very terrible to see such girls with strollers alone, of no use to anyone except their parents... And almost every day television tells us about such cases. 6 paragraph. Returning to the stated topic, I can say that Cicero was right, it is the marriage union that is the basis for full development. 2. “If only a marriage concluded for love is moral, then only one in which love continues to exist remains moral” (Friedrich Engels) 3. “In marriage, mutual education and self-education does not stop for a minute” (V. A. Sukhomlinsky ) I paragraph. The statement I have chosen for consideration by the outstanding Ukrainian teacher and candidate of pedagogical sciences V. A. Sukhomlinsky relates to sociology. Sociology is the science of society, the systems that make it up, the patterns of its functioning and development. This statement points to the problem of mutual education and self-education in the family. This problem is relevant for people in our modern society. Adaptation to family life involves the spouses adapting to the new status of husband and

wives, associated roles. From the moment of marriage, a new stage in the life of the newlyweds begins, they create a family, and keeping it strong and friendly requires a lot of effort: trust, understanding, as well as mutual education and self-education. II paragraph. Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences V. Sukhomlinsky believes that in marriage there is always a process of mutual education and self-education. I completely agree with the author’s opinion and believe that as soon as people get married, they must realize that from that moment they begin a new life, that great responsibility awaits them. In a close-knit family, spouses' needs, interests, desires, and intentions gradually become closer. Husband and wife influence each other, thereby mutually educating them. Each of them wants to benefit their family, tries to create their own family home, becoming better and better, that is, a process of self-education is taking place. III paragraph. As we know from the social studies course, a family is an organized social group, the members of which are connected by a common life, mutual morality, and responsibility. Marriage is a voluntary union of two persons who want to legitimize their relationship. Spouses in marriage combine their worldviews, ideals, interests, thereby carrying out the process of mutual education - the purposeful formation of personality in order to prepare it for participation in family life, in this case, and self-education - the development by a person of qualities that seem desirable to him. This statement can be confirmed by other statements of the author about education and self-education: “Every moment of the work called education is the creation of the future and a look into the future,” “Self-education is human dignity in action,” or “By raising your child, you are educating yourself.” , you affirm your human dignity.” IV paragraph. Very often nowadays marriages break up for various reasons. One of them is the lack of mutual education and self-education. For example: as you know, early marriages have started to happen very often recently. At an early age, people are not quite ready for the new roles of husband and wife. They often do not understand each other, often quarrel, and the process of mutual education and self-education does not take place in their family life. And as a result, the marriage, quite often, breaks up. V paragraph. I can confirm the author’s statement from personal experience. My parents divorced when I was five years old. And this happened precisely because they lacked common goals, interests and desire to educate each other. And without this, as we have already seen, the marriage will not last long. There should always be a process of mutual education. VI paragraph.

Returning to the stated topic, I can conclude that the author was completely right in his statement. Nurturing each other and self-education is the foundation of a happy and long marriage. 4. “The dependence of family life makes a person more moral” (A.S. Pushkin) 1 paragraph 1. In this statement, Pushkin points to the influence of the family in the formation of a person’s moral values. Family is a small group that unites people in their life development, formation and manifestation. In the family, the foundations for the harmony of personal development and interpersonal relationships are laid, the goal, meaning of life and the role of a person in it are perceived, realized and embodied. Experience is passed on in the family; the family determines many aspects in a person’s life. 2. The most important function of the family is educational. The importance of the family as an educational institution is due to the fact that the child stays in it for a significant part of his life, and in terms of the significance of its impact on the individual, none of the educational institutions can compare with the family. The educational function is expressed in satisfying the needs for fatherhood, motherhood, and raising children. 2 paragraph 1. The role of the family is enormous; it performs the most important functions. The influence of family is felt by every person, from birth to death. The family is the original legal, economic, social, spiritual and cultural unit of any state, and the state of the family determines the character and level of the entire society. 3 paragraph 1. Family is an organized social group, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity, which is determined by the need of society for physical and spiritual reproduction. 6 conclusion A family is necessary for absolutely every person for full development and preservation of moral values. Therefore, no matter what a person is, he needs a family. Interethnic relations and national politics 1. “A person who hates another people does not love his own” (N.A. Dobrolyubov (1836-1861), Russian publicist) 1 paragraph This statement indicates the problem of interethnic relations. This problem is very relevant. In a multinational state, interethnic relations play a significant role. The state regulates relations between nations. The set of rules by which interethnic relations are regulated constitutes national policy.

2 paragraph The famous Russian publicist Dobrolyubov believes that a person should treat both his own and “foreign” people equally. I agree with the author’s assessment and believe that one cannot consider another people completely alien and treat them with disrespect. People tend to look for differences in other people and to be different from them themselves. Each ethnic community has its own characteristics. Unfortunately, these features cause hostility among some peoples. But this fact should not turn into interethnic conflicts. 3 paragraph Interethnic relations are subjective experienced relationships between people of different ethnic communities and nationalities. The nature of interethnic relations can be different: friendly, neutral, or conflictual. The nature of interethnic relations develops depending on the history of peoples, on the everyday and economic living conditions of the people. Interethnic relations can arise without direct interaction between nations. It is also worth paying attention to national policies. National policy is a system of measures aimed at updating and further evolutionary development of the national life of all peoples. This statement can be confirmed by a quote from Friedrich Engels: “A people who oppress other peoples cannot be free. The power he needs to suppress another people always turns against himself in the end.” 4 paragraph When identifying national stereotypes in the USA in the early 30s. , it turned out that it was not African Americans or even representatives of any other discriminated people who were more unpleasant to white Americans. It turned out that the Turk is the most unpleasant for white Americans. But it is unlikely that any of the respondents are even familiar with a native resident of Turkey. I believe that this attitude towards the Turks shows that white Americans do not respect their own people either, since they unreasonably hate other people. On the contrary, interethnic relations in the USSR were very friendly. To a certain extent, national inequality was eliminated. More than 130 nations lived together. People respected each other. And at one time the USSR was one of the most powerful powers. During the Second World War, Jews were killed simply because they were Jews. German fascism destroyed this people with particular hatred. 5 paragraph I believe that, for example, there are almost no original Russian citizens left. A person who, for whatever reason, oppresses another people, oppresses his own. After all, there are no ideal people and there are no ideal nations either. As far as I know, Muslims do not give their girls as wives to boys of a different nationality. 6 paragraph. Conclusion

Returning to the stated topic, I can draw a conclusion. The most important thing in a person is not his nationality, but his moral qualities. Different nationalities should serve as a reason for communication. Nations and peoples should be “friends” with each other, and not “enmity.” 2. “Hatred of an entire people is a sin, it is murder, and the hater must bear responsibility” (N.A. Berdyaev (1874-1948), Russian philosopher) Paragraph I The problem in the statement I have chosen relates to interethnic relations and national politics. This problem is relevant for people at all times and, of course, in our modern society, because many people think and sometimes directly express their negative opinions towards people. II paragraph The statement of the outstanding Russian religious and political philosopher Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev refers to sociology. Sociology is a young science that studies human society, its structure, laws of development, and human behavior. According to the author, every person must be responsible for the fact that he has a negative attitude towards other peoples, he must be responsible for his thoughts and negative actions towards others. I agree with Berdyaev’s statement. There have always been two types of people in society: those who crucify and those who are crucified, those who hate and those who are hated, those who cause suffering and those who suffer. III paragraph I will give a theoretical justification for this point of view. Interethnic relations are understood as relations between ethnic groups (peoples), covering all spheres of public life. Since the middle of the 19th century, this problem has been studied by ethnology - a science that studies the processes of formation and development of various ethnic groups, their identity, and the interaction of the individual and the social environment. If everyone actively shows hatred towards another people, this will lead to national differentiation (struggle between nations, lack of respect for culture) and interethnic conflict - one of the forms of relations between national communities, characterized by mutual claims, open confrontations between ethnic groups. IV paragraph For example, there is racism in modern society. Racism is inhumane, denies the dignity of man, denies the value of the human person and allows it to be treated as an enemy to be exterminated. V paragraph Giving an example from life, we can say that a person, realizing that he is “exactly like everyone else,” wants to stand out from society in any way.

VI paragraph The hater must be held responsible for the fact that he has the intention to harm these people. This is a sin, because even in the Bible it is written “thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Love does not extend to eye color, skin color or religion. Love is just a feeling. Hatred of an entire people is murder, because sooner or later this person will not be able to control his hatred and will be influenced by his hatred and anger, which will control him. Ethnicity and nation 1. “Each and smallest people is a unique facet of God’s plan” (A.I. Solzhenitsyn (born 1918), Russian writer) I paragraph. 1. This judgment expressed by the author points to the problem of ethnicity and nation, to the problem of ethnic and national diversity in the modern world. Ethnicity is a group of people united by common characteristics. A nation is an ethnic community with a common language and identity. 2. This problem is relevant for people at all times and, of course, in our modern society. In the world, about 90% of peoples live in multi-ethnic states. The concept of people not only has not lost its meaning, but, on the contrary, has acquired fundamental significance in modern national relations. In modern Russia, the problem raised by the author is especially relevant, since disrespect for small nations is widespread, although these peoples have their own traditions, their own national mentality. II paragraph. 1. The famous Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn believed that there is not a single people in this world that could be considered unnecessary or useless. 2. I absolutely agree with the author’s opinion and believe that every people on earth is important. And even the smallest nations need to be valued, just like large states. All nations are equal. III paragraph. 1. Every nation, whether small or large, has a national mentality. This means that every nation cherishes its native language, its faith, its economy. And every people has its place on earth. Disrespect, eradication and humiliation of ethnic groups is unacceptable. 2. Regarding this problem, I can say that V. Hugo says very accurately: “The greatness of a people is not at all measured by its numbers, just as the greatness of a man is not measured by his height.” Hugo, like Solzhenitsyn, raises the topic of small nations and their place in the world. By his statement he means that it does not matter how great this or that nation is, the important thing is that there are no superfluous ethnic groups on earth, each is important in its own way. IV paragraph. Currently, some small nations simply do not notice. People don't pay attention to their problems, and some don't even know about their existence. But there are even worse situations - when people, considering their people the greatest, simply

exterminate other peoples, considering them useless. This leads to the introduction of racist ideas. Which, in fact, is an acute problem in the modern world. V paragraph. I can confirm from personal experience examples of encountering a problem. For example, when watching the news, I am only interested in information that happens in large and well-known countries; I don’t even pay attention to events that happen in small countries. VI paragraph. Returning to the stated topic, I can conclude... All nations are equal. Each ethnic group must be respected as if it were our own. After all, all the peoples of the world are one big people. 2. “Love all other peoples as your own” (V.S. Solovyov (1853-1900), Russian philosopher) 1 paragraph: 1) element: This statement indicates the problem of ethnicity and nation, interethnic relations. 2) This problem is relevant for people at all times and, of course, in our modern society. Interethnic relations are relations between ethnic groups (peoples). An ethnic community is a stable group of people that has historically developed in a certain territory. Paragraph 2: Presentation of the author’s point of view on the issue. The famous Russian philosopher, poet, literary critic, academician V.S. Solovyov believes that interethnic relations should be well stable, the form of world cooperation should be determined, and not the form of ethnic conflict. I agree with the author’s statement and believe that it is necessary to love other peoples as one’s own, and in order to avoid ethnic conflicts, nationalism does not arise. Nationalism is an ideology that is based on the principles of the priority of the national factor. Ethnic nationalism (the struggle of peoples) has a negative impact on the psyche, politics, and ideology of ethnic groups. 3rd paragraph: Let us provide a theoretical justification for this point of view. There are different forms of nationalism, for example, chauvinism is an extreme form of aggression, genocide is extermination, globalization is the process of movement of peoples and nations. Ethnic relations are associated, for example, with marriage between ethnic groups, ethnic absorption is associated with mythology, for example, the history of the ancient world.

Ethnic communities can be different, for example, clan, tribe, nation, nationality. Ethnic minorities are formed on the basis of territory, language, culture, and identity. Conclusion 6: Relations between ethnic groups must be mutual and built on love between nations, and if there are conflicts, they will not lead to anything good: wars, aggressions, and mass unrest will begin. Social values ​​and norms 1. “Man has turned into a superman. . . But the superman, endowed with superhuman strength, has not yet risen to the level of superhuman intelligence. The more his power grows, the poorer he becomes. . . "(Albert Schweitzer, Alsatian theologian, philosopher) 1 paragraph. 2 elements. 1. This statement points to the problem of human social values. Value is the socio-cultural significance of certain phenomena and objects. Values ​​are characterized by a high degree of abstraction. 2. This problem is relevant in our modern society. Social values ​​include material and spiritual values. In modern society, the superman is relevant, and not just a man. Superman is a level of social development. If a person has feelings, then he is just a person. And if a person lives only by logic, reason and intellect, then he is a superman. The topic under consideration is also relevant for me, since the wide possibilities for transforming a person into a superman are both favorable and unfavorable conditions for the realization of a person, for the full development of the individual. 2 paragraph. 3 elements. 1. Presentation of the author's point of view on the issue. The famous Alsatian theologian and philosopher Albert Schweitzer believes that the more the power of the superman grows, the poorer he himself becomes. 2. I agree with the author and believe that during the transition from man to superman, his power begins to grow, but he becomes poorer. Over time, a person begins to think logically, but at the same time he becomes completely unspiritual. 3. A superman is a being who lives first by feelings and then by logic. 3 paragraph. 2 elements. 1. Let us provide a theoretical justification for this point of view. A superman is a person who surpasses himself and his thoughts. The only way to transform a person into a superman is to move to a new level of thinking. 2. This statement can be confirmed by the statements of other people. For example: “The freer and stronger the individual, the more demanding his love becomes; finally, he longs to become a superman, because everything else does not satisfy his love,” said F. Nietzsche. 4 paragraph. Examples. Let us give examples to prove our position: a child first lives by feelings and has no logic of any kind. This is why he huddles closer to his mother, but after reaching adulthood, they most often leave the family and start their own life. 5 paragraph. Arguments. Unlike little crying, stupid people, there are adult, smart superhumans. 6 paragraph. Conclusion. You have to be who you are and not pay attention to those who live better or worse than you. The superman crosses out reason. And he lives only on his own.

2. “Our conscience must awaken to the awareness that the more we turn into supermen, the more inhuman we become” (Albert Schweitzer) I paragraph This topic leads us to a certain problem of social values ​​and norms in society. In a general sense, value means the positive or negative significance of an object for the subject. This problem is relevant for people at all times and, of course, in our modern society. Man always exists, and man’s moral values ​​along with him too. No society, no person can live without values. I believe that conscience is one of them. The problem under consideration is also relevant for me, since I have encountered similar situations that relate to human values. II paragraph The famous Alsatian theologian, philosopher, musician and doctor, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Albert Schweitzer calls on the world to “dare to face the current situation...” He says that “Man has turned into a superman... But a superman, endowed with superhuman strength , has not yet risen to the level of superhuman intelligence." In his own words, a person, having achieved everything he wanted, having it, thinks and acts not as befits him, but as an ordinary person who did not have all this. I agree with the opinion author and I believe that a person endowed with all the wealth and fulfilled desires loses spiritual strength, conscience, reason, feelings and intelligence. Supermen in my concept are precisely those people who have achieved what they wanted. Possessing what they have it wasn’t, in return they lose that most sacred and pure thing that is in a person (equal attitude towards other people, regret, self-criticism) and become people with high self-esteem, forget about family, friends, pity and mercy. III paragraph Let us provide a theoretical justification for the point of view. We will take the definition of conscience from Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary: conscience is a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before the people around us and society. Superman is an image denoting a special type of people who, in their power, should surpass modern man as much as the latter surpassed the monkey. Inhuman - very cruel, alien to compassion. This statement can be confirmed by the late work of the psychoanalyst and Freudo-Marxist philosopher Erich Fromm, exploring questions of the spiritual sphere of man - “To have or to be?” “The collapse of Great Expectations is predetermined by the industrial system itself, by its two main psychological premises: that the goal of life is happiness, that is

maximum pleasure, defined as the satisfaction of any desire or subjective need of the individual (radical hedonism), and that selfishness, selfishness and greed - which a given system necessarily generates in order to function normally - lead to harmony and peace." IV paragraph Let us give an example to prove our position: In a television program on the NTV channel about stars, they once showed the story of Dima Bilan, a famous singer in our country. One girl talked about how she used to be friends with him and showed photographs of the two of them visiting friends. The film crew organized a meeting for them. A girl came to him backstage during a concert. She tried to talk to him, reminding him who she was. And Bilan pretended that he was seeing her for the first time and asked the guards to take her out of there. V paragraph I can confirm this statement from personal experience. In my circle of friends, everyone communicated as equals, there were no privileges over anyone, there were no special features. But one day they bought a car for one boy. Everyone was happy for him. But soon we noticed that he stopped calling us, then he talked to us as if we were nothing compared to him, he behaved defiantly and put himself above others, humiliating everyone, and then he no longer had time to see us, then and stopped saying hello altogether. VI paragraph Returning to the stated topic, I can conclude: we create our own destiny, getting what we want, we, first of all, must remain ourselves and not change in any way. Social statuses and roles 1. “A commander must die standing” (Titus Flavius ​​Vespasian (9-79 AD), Roman emperor) 1 paragraph 2 elements. 1. The statement of the Roman emperor Titus Flavius ​​Vespasian that I have chosen for consideration relates to sociology. Sociology is the science of society, the laws of its development, and social institutions. This statement points to the problem of relationship, correspondence between social status and social role. 2. This problem is relevant for humans at all times and, of course, in our modern society, because the social role must correspond to social status. 2 paragraph. 1. Titus Flavius ​​Vespasian wanted to say that the commander acts as a leader, he occupies a certain social position, and those around him expect appropriate behavior from him. Therefore, a commander must die standing, that is, proudly. 2. I agree with the opinion of the Roman emperor. I believe that a commander occupies a dominant position in his social group. Like any person at the head of any group, he must have leadership qualities. This is, first of all, courage, determination, energy, and an outstanding mind.

3 paragraph. 1. I will give a theoretical justification for this point of view. Social role is the behavior expected from a person of a given social status. Social status is the position of a person in society, occupied by him in accordance with age, social origin, profession and implying certain rights and responsibilities. 4 paragraph. There have been many commanders in history who influenced the course of historical events of their time. For example, Dmitry Donskoy is an outstanding Russian commander. During the Battle of Kulikovo, he showed himself as a military organizer and leader of a large army. To save the Russian army, Mikhail Kutuzov made the extremely difficult decision to withdraw troops from Moscow. 5 paragraph. From my own experience I can give an example from life. When participating in competitions, my coach empathizes and “participates” with me. And my defeat is his defeat too. A coach, like a commander, sets goals and objectives for us and shows us the right path. 6 paragraph. Returning to the stated topic, I can conclude that a commander is a person at the head of an army, therefore decisive actions are expected from him. Such a person must correspond to his social role and justify the expectations of others.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions Vadim Vasilievich Serov

It's better to die standing than to live on your knees

It's better to die standing than to live on your knees

Words from a prominent figure of the Spanish Communist Party Dolores Ibarruri(1895-1989), whom her party comrades called “Passionarna” (“Fiery”) for her passionate speeches against the Franco regime and in defense of democratic values.

The above aphorism is based on a phrase from D. Ibarruri’s speech at a rally in Paris (September 3, 1936): “If the fascists are allowed to continue the crimes they are committing in Spain, aggressive fascism will fall on other peoples of Europe. We need help, we need planes and guns for our fight... The Spanish people prefer to die on their feet than to live on their knees.”

Usually cited as a call to active citizenship, to gain self-esteem.

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3.1 Standing positions for shooting 3.1.1 Standard hand position To take this position, the shooter is positioned towards the target with his side, the same as the hand holding the pistol; legs are spaced approximately shoulder-width apart, with toes slightly turned outward; legs

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (ST) by the author TSB

From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 1 [Astronomy and astrophysics. Geography and other earth sciences. Biology and Medicine] author

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Trees Die Standing The title of the play (1949) by the Spanish playwright Alejandro Casona (pseudonym of Alejandro Rodriguez Alvarez, 1903-1965). Allegorically about decent behavior in difficult times

From the book 3333 tricky questions and answers author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

Life has become better, life has become more fun. From the speech of I.V. Stalin (1878-1953) at the First All-Union Conference of Stakhanovites (November 17, 1935): “Life has become better, comrades. Life has become more fun." Then the party leader continued: “And when life is fun, work goes smoothly... If life was bad here,

From the book Murderers and Maniacs [Sexual maniacs, serial crimes] author Revyako Tatyana Ivanovna

It is better to die immediately than to live waiting for death. The phrase is attributed to the Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar (100-43 BC). A year after he received lifelong dictatorship from the Roman Senate, Caesar was assassinated by a group of conspirators led by Brutus and

From the book Kama Sutra by Mayer Natasha

To die is to fall asleep From the tragedy “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare (1564-1616). Hamlet's monologue (act 3, scene 1) translated into prose (1837) by the writer, journalist, historian and critic Nikolai Alekseevich Polevoy

From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 1. Astronomy and astrophysics. Geography and other earth sciences. Biology and medicine author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

I would like to live and die in Paris From the poem “Farewell” by Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930): Come to your eyes, separation is muck, crush my heart with sentimentality! I would like to live and die in Paris, If there were no such land -

From the book School for Survival in an Economic Crisis author Ilyin Andrey

How and why do horses sleep standing up? The unique system of bones and ligaments of the horse's leg ensures their mutual connection in which the legs of a motionless standing horse are able to support its weight without the slightest muscle tension. Therefore, while the horse is sleeping, it is not necessary

From the book Encyclopedia of Early Development Methods author Rapoport Anna

“YOU, BABY, ARE BETTER DIE!” Seeing two strangers in the house, one of whom introduced himself as an investigator from the prosecutor's office, and the other as a medical expert, Lidiya Rysakova felt her legs instantly go numb, and her head began to make a noise, as if she had knocked over a glass on an empty stomach

From the author's book

STANDING POSITIONS FLOATING SWING Very aesthetically pleasing and very sexy - even if this is not the most comfortable position for sexual intimacy: a man leans against a wall or closet, takes the woman by the lower thighs and lifts her up. Your thighs intertwine and she embraces

From the author's book

KNEELING TURTLE POSITIONS The woman lies on her back and pulls her legs towards her chest. The man kneels in front of her, rests on her thighs and tries a new technique of back-and-forth movements, while his penis imitates the movements of the turtle's legs. He

In a time when problems were solved with fists, swords and guns, each side of the conflict fought for what it considered right and what it truly believed. But to lead the masses, spread your ideas and make others believe in your values, you need to use much more powerful weapons than guns and daggers. The word became this weapon. Now the speeches of great commanders and generally recognized leaders have been analyzed into quotes about courage and bravery, and one of them is as follows: “It is better to die standing than to live on your knees.” Whether he is the leader of a country, the ideological inspirer of some direction, or simply a person responsible for the results of the activities of a small group of people, he must have the skills to choose the right words in order to fill others with a sense of duty, responsibility or honor.

“It is better to die standing than to live on your knees” - who said and under what conditions?

Political systems are constantly replacing one another, transforming and improving. And a significant role in their formation is played by organizations and parties, where such an instrument as the word is used by real masters of oratory. In 1936, in one of her phenomenal speeches, the Spanish communist Dolores Ibarruri said: “It is better to die standing than to live on your knees.”

Since that time, this famous phrase has become a catchphrase for many people and has raised questions in the minds of many thinkers about what meanings it can acquire and what meaning it carries. Having the talent to generate bright, undying emotions in the hearts of people, Dolores Ibárruri used words whose relevance will not be lost centuries later and which again and again will push many of us to make important, sometimes life-changing decisions.

Who is Dolores Ibarruri?

Dolores Ibarruri, thanks to her principles, determination and steadfastness, became one of those whose name appeared on many pages of history. As a participant in the Spanish international movement, she became part of the republican movement during the civil war, and then a figure in the opposition to the Franco dictatorship.

Contribution to history

Spain, and later the whole world, remembered Dolores Ibarruri as Pasionaria. She chose this pseudonym for herself and fully justified it. Translated, “Pasionaria” means “fiery”, “passionate”. She was like that, and that was her speech. In a word, she forced people to fight, rise from their knees and go for what the people should rightfully have. “It is better to die standing than to live on your knees” - the author of this phrase again and again awakened the strength that had been hidden in oppressed hearts for a long time. Dolores Ibarruri went down in history as a woman who, despite her fragility, forged a new life not only for Spain, but also for the Soviet Union with an iron word and steely actions.

Prophecy of Pasionaria

Dolores Ibarruri lived for a long time in the USSR, where her son Ruben joined the Red Army and fought for this country until his last breath. At the Battle of Stalingrad, as part of the 35th Guards Rifle Division, he took over as squad leader and, with his mother's determination, inspired them to continue the fight. The Nazis retreated, abandoned their guns and rifles, and meanwhile the detachment lost sight of its commander. He was found “buried” in a pile of bodies, almost lifeless, and sent to the hospital. For a week and a half, doctors fought for his life, but they failed to save Ruben.

When Dolores Ibarruri learned of her son's death, she uttered words that became a prophecy. They sounded like this: “When you defeat fascism and the Red Banner flies over Berlin, I will know that on this banner there is a drop of my Ruben’s blood.” And these words came true. In May 1945, the German armed forces. “Fiery” Dolores knew that her son’s blood was not shed in vain.

The meaning of the phrase “It is better to die standing than to live on your knees”

And what does it mean for each of us, for the whole country, for the world? How could a few words make a crowd go and fight for their cause? What is implied in the famous phrase “It is better to die standing than to live on your knees”?

These words were spoken at a time when many problems were solved by wars, but they have not lost a bit of their relevance and significance today. Issues of personal values ​​or values ​​common to an entire people must be defended as part of oneself, one's culture and history. If you have faith in something, then the strength will always be there. Now, as in all times of the existence of society, injustice is encountered at every step, the interests of some completely stop the process of realizing the interests of others, the strong decide the life of the weak, and the world, as a result, becomes indifferent. And it’s true, it’s better to die standing than to live on your knees, because infringements and restrictions, be they in the form of forcible deprivation of freedom of entire peoples or dishonest and unfair attitude towards the values ​​and rights of others, must be exterminated. What's the point of living on your knees, indulging other people's interests, completely forgetting about personal ones, if you can stand on your feet, breathing deeply, look injustice in the face and decisively fight it?!

Similar Quotes About Bravery and Courage

Bravery, courage, determination - these concepts were valued in every period of history and on every continent. They were used by leaders in their statements, used by citizens to maintain self-confidence, and used by historians to characterize true heroes.

“A worthy death is better than a shameful life” - these words belong to the famous Roman historian Tacitus. They were used by commanders of different countries and generations to inspire their people. A similar phrase can be seen in the work of Pavel Aleksandrovich Katenin, which sounds like “No, death is better than living as slaves.” A similar idea lies in the words “The highest wickedness, believe me, is to pay for life with shame,” which Juvenal said. Shota Rustavelli and his phrase “Better death, but death with glory than shame on inglorious days” or a line from Vladimir Vysotsky’s song for the movie “The Only Road” “We will not die a painful life, we would rather live a certain death!” once again they prove that courage and boldness are the highest qualities of a person, which open up the whole world to him.

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