Nouns with the root lag lodge examples. Lag lies examples. II. Reinforcing the material learned

Lesson objectives:

1) study the spelling of the root -log-/-lie-, know the conditions (rules) for using a given root and be able to apply them in practice;

2) develop the ability to use words with a given root and write them correctly;

3) instill love and interest in the native language.

Required material:

table, dictation text.


I. Explanation of new material.

Guys, how to write the word correctly? put it? WITH O or A fundamentally? Spelling of the root - -lag-/-false- will be the topic of our lesson.

1) Observations from writing on the board.

– Draw a conclusion when writing a – o fundamentally -lag-/-false-.

Conclusion: before G is written A, before and is written O.

– Maybe you noticed some other peculiarity in the spelling o – a in the roots -lag-/-log?

Conclusion: If A stands behind the root, we write at the root too A.

2) Working with the textbook: reading the rules.

II. Consolidation of the studied material.

Exercise 1. From given verbs using a suffix -eni- form nouns.

Explain -...

Suggest - …

Assume - …

Place -...

Add up -...

Attach -...

REMEMBER!!! Root -lag-/-false- not used without a prefix, so there are no words lay down, lie down etc., you need to say: I put the book on the table, put the pencil case in my bag and so on.

Task 2. Formulate a topic that unites these phrases. Indicate the spelling pattern you are studying, try to compose (orally) a short story using the written word combinations.

Make a guess; discuss the situation; settle down to rest; suggest a route; put things away; location of rooms; invoice attached; put things away.

Task 3. Write down the sentence and construct its diagram. Sort out the verb settled down.

The guys sat around the fire and happily ate sandwiches with vegetables.

Task 4. Self-dictation. Among the words with roots -lag-/-false- There are terms that you use in mathematics and Russian lessons. Write them down from memory.

(Components, addition; adjective, sentence, statement.)

Task 5. Replace phrases with phraseological units, including words with roots -lag-/-false-.

Speak sincerely, frankly - ... hand on heart. (Put it down)

Do nothing, idle - sit... hands. (Folded)

Stop armed resistance, surrender -… a weapon. (Fold)

To die in battle -... your head. (Fold)

Stop fighting, act –… hands. (Fold)

Task 6. Find the fourth odd one:

1) addition, position, set aside, false;

2) assumption, addition, term, state.

III. Summarizing.(The teacher reads the text, the children write down the words using the spelling studied in the lesson.)

Guard! I have an unenviable position: today we are writing a summary! The text must be presented in detail. Arrange all parts in accordance with the plan. I can’t rely on my friend, because I was positioned right in front of the teacher. And the teacher reads sentence by sentence. Relying on my knowledge, I diligently present everything. A well-written text is the key to success. I can’t put off work: they’ll give me a bad grade and my parents will be called. And they will start a battle at home, so I will have to go to a state of siege.

Kaluga region

    Examples of words with alternating vowels in the roots -lag-//-lozh-:

    • at lag ah,
    • adjective,
    • suggest,
    • assume,
    • entrust
    • add up
    • WHO lodge it,
    • laying on,
    • offer,
    • impose,
    • addition,
    • assumption.

    Rule: in the roots -lag-//-lozh- is written before the letter g A, before the letter z is written O.

    Examples of words with alternating vowels in the roots -gor-//-gar-:

    • behind gar,
    • burning,
    • frenzy,
    • behind mountains there,
    • sunbathe,
    • sunburnt,
    • get burned,
    • burn out.
    • Exceptions: burning, fumes, dross.

    Rule. The spelling of the roots -gor-//-gar- depends on the stress. If the vowel of the root is stressed, then the letter a is written, but if the vowel of the root is unstressed, then the letter o is written.

    lag - adjective

    lag - term,

    lag - to believe.

    lie - attach,

    lie - report,

    lie - impose.

    gor - tan,

    mountains - burn,

    mountains - get burned.

    gar - fumes,

    gar - soot,

    gar - tan,

    gar - fume

    Spelling a or o at the root GOR-GAR depends on the accent. Under the accent we write A, and in the unstressed position we write the letter O, for example:

    tanning and sunbathing, burning and fumes.

    As for the root LAG-LOZH, then here is a different principle: before the letter G we write A, and before the letter Z we write the letter O, for example:

    addition - adjective, put - impose.

    The rules are quite simple, but there are exception words.

    For the root gore-gar these are the words: dross, burnt-out, burnt-out (we write the letter A not according to the rule, the words need to be remembered).

    For the root LAG-LOG, the exception words are: canopy and forgery (you need to remember, since here the spelling is not according to the rule for this root).

    In the roots lag-lozh-, gar-/-gor- vowels alternate A And O. Selecting a letter's spelling A in the root lag-/lozh- depends on whether there is a suffix -a- after the root. The suffix -a- dictates the spelling of the same letter at the root. In other cases, the root is written -.

    Let's give examples of words with the root lag-:

    set forth, lay down, impose, urgent, without delay, believe, compose verses, impose obligations, addendum, defer, suspensive, without delay;

    Examples of words with the root lie-:

    high position, put on the table, rely on it, attach to the application, necessary application, venerate the cup, put in the pawnshop, put to bed, rearrange things, postpone the matter, write a statement, receive an offer, heavy rain, location, laying wreaths, lay out cards, taxation.

    Exception: p O log.

    In the alternation of letters o//a in the root gar-/gor- we rely on stress. In an unstressed position, the letter o is written in this root.

    Examples of words with the root hor-:

    run like crazy, burn out, burn out, burnt out, burn out, sunburned, burn out, burnt out, burn out, burn out, burn out, burnt out barn, burn out, burn out, fire, catch fire, fireproof safe, burnout, burn out, burn out.

    Examples with the root gar-:

    fumes, carbon monoxide, tanning, burnt marks.

    Exception words: in s garki, And tan, etc. And soot.

    Examples of words with the root LAG - LOG can be called the following:

    Statement, set out, position, propose, offer, assumption, put, assume, rely, position, arrangement.

    Adjective, believe, offer, assume, locate, impose, imposed.

    Before the consonant G you need to write the vowel A.

    Before the consonant Ж you need to write the vowel О.

    Examples of words with the root GOR - GAR.

    Mountain, burn, sunbathe, burns, burnt, burn out.

    Frenzy, accordion, tan.

    We write the vowel in these roots following this rule:

    Under stress you need to write the vowel A - GAR.

    Without stress you need to write the vowel O - GOR.

    There is a rule in spelling that states that words with alternating vowels in their roots cannot be verified by finding the same root word. To do this, there is a rule about alternating vowels in the roots of words log-log Before w at the root you need to write o, and before g-a.

    In words where the roots are gor - gar, the letter o should be written without accent.

    For example, words with the alternation at the root of lag - lozh - spoon, presentation - to expound, proposal - to offer, addition - to add up.

    Alternation gar - gore - tan - tanned, offer - preposition.

    At lag atelier, with lag expected, according to lag at - behind the root there is a suffix -a-, therefore in the root A.

    WITH lodge tion, according to lodge it, at lodge it's up to lodge it, cash cool it - -o- we write in the root, because there is no suffix -a- behind it.

    Gore yes, for mountains yes, at mountains there, at mountains there - we write -o- in the root, because the root is unstressed.

    U gar, on gar, behind gar, re gar- under the stress in this root we write -a-.

    The rule determines that before the consonant G we write the vowel A, and before the consonant Z we write O.

    Stock, position and a modern word known to all gamers to lag.

    For examples of words with the root of mountains - gar, see the table. The rules are simple, look, identify the pattern and remember.

    Words with -lag- -loz- at the root of the word:

    attach, attach, appendix, shift, presentation, lay down, add up, addendum, set out, assume.

    Words with -gor- and -gar- at the root

    burn, burn out, burn out, burn out, burn out, sunbathe, soot, fumes, mountain, mountainous, grieve, burnt.

Letters A – O in the roots -LAG- – - LOG-, -RAST- (-RASH-) – -ROS-

Letters A – O in the roots -LAG- – - FALSE-

Fundamentally -lag--false- a letter is written in an unstressed position A, if the root is followed by a suffix -A- :

at l A G A telial

from l A G A t

With l A G A t

Letter O written if behind the root no suffix A :

from l O and tion

at l O and it

By l O and tion

Letters A – O in the roots -RAST-(-RASH-) – - ROS-

Fundamentally -rast- (-rasch-)-grew- letter A written before st , sch :

WHO R A st

R A st activity

You R A sch to live

Letter O written before With :

You R O With shiy

behind R O With whether

By R O With whether

Exception words!

R O st OK

R O st sheepman

R O st ov

R O st islav

from R A With l


Alternating vowel in the root it is forbidden

check with stress! Here we apply the rule:

In a word vyr O With at the root we write a vowel O ,

because at the root with alternating

vowel letter O written before

consonant With .


It is necessary to distinguish the root -grew- with alternating vowel O from homonymous root -grew- with an unstressed vowel, verified by stress .

Words with an alternating vowel at the root:

behind R O With shiy, you R O With .

Words with an unstressed vowel verified by stress:

R O With A ( ro ʹ With s), R O With Inca ( ro ʹ With s).

Insert the missing letters

to express, to express, to live, to assume, sentence, adjective, p..stock,

grown..shr., grow..shr..s.

From l A G ah, from l O and it, prefer l A G ah, before l O and tion, with l A G atelier, R O st OK,

You R O With shiy, you R A sch ive, from R A With l.

Divide the words into two groups: 1) roots with an alternating vowel; 2) roots with an unstressed vowel, verified by stress

overgrown, sprout, dewdrop, grown,

dewy, shoots, dew, thickets.

Roots with an unstressed vowel. verified by stress:

Roots with alternating vowel :

Ros Inca, grew up true, grew up A.

By grew up shiy, height ok you grew up whether, by grew up l,

behind grew up whether.

Find the “extra” word in each row

Statement, attach, believe, put, vegetation.

Statement, attach, believe, put, vegetation .

position, sprout, grown, position,

Position, sprout , grew up, position,

state, sprouted, age.

Russian language is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. It has many rules, which in turn have exceptions. In this article we will talk about vowel alternation. We will also give examples of words with the root lag/lie.

What is alternation

In the Russian language, there are cases when in words of the same root any letter in the main morpheme changes. It can be either a consonant or a vowel. At the same time, the lexical meaning of the main morpheme is preserved. And if you select words with the same root, it turns out that they all carry a similar semantic load. The alternation of letters can be associated with simplification of pronunciation, a suffix that comes after the main morpheme, stress, the subsequent consonant, the lexical meaning of the root, etc.

In this article we will talk about the features of alternating vowels a/o. In this case, we are talking about several factors influencing writing. Namely: stress, the presence of a, the meaning of the root of the word. Let us consider the features of the use of words with the root -lag- and others that confirm this phenomenon.

Alternation of vowels a/o. Rule

Words with the root lag/log/lie are the most common. In this case, with an unstressed vowel in the main morpheme, a is used before g, and before z o. O is placed in the shock position.

Examples with the root -lag-: assume, urgent, state, adjective, etc.

Examples with the root -false-: assumption, presentation, put, laid, etc.

Examples with the root -log-: tax, preposition, pledge, etc.

There are also a number of roots with alternating a/o. These include the main morphemes with a: -gar-, -zar-, -pay-, -clan-, -tvar-, etc. Roots with the vowel o are considered paired. Among them: -gor-, -zor-, -sing-, -clone-, -crea-, etc. Let’s give some examples.

Fuel, tan, tanned, burn, tan, fumes, dawn, solder, insight, soldering iron, lightning, solder, radiant, soldering, glow, sealed, drink, zoryushka, solder, bend, bow, bow, bow, inclination, adamant, creator, creature, creativity, get up, creation, etc.

Words with the root -lag-. Examples

Lexical units with the main morpheme lag/log/lozh are quite common in speech. They create a large group of cognate words. Here is a list of examples. In accordance with it, you can easily select words with the same root.

put, supposedly, supposedly, positively, assume, put, presumptive, lie down, rely, lair, believe, impose, rely, be imposed, canopy, tax, imposition, offer, tax, taxation, impose, immutable, taxman, taxed, taxation, founder, proposed, concubine, enclose, entrust, impose, imposition, offer, propose, prepositional, preposition, proposed, adjective, attach, attach, attached, impose, impose, taxable, tax, cover, cover, depose, depose, deposition, set forth, set forth, presentation, not laid down, mold, urgent, put off, put off, deferred, postponed, shift, shifted, urgent, put off, put off, fundamental, shift, shifted, shift, lay down, pledged, re-pledged, pledge, forgery, enclose, substrate, counterfeit, enclosed, assume, assumption, opposite, opposite, subjunctive, add up, add up, folded, addition, position, decomposition, decompose, fold up, decompose, believing, relying, positive, decompose, decompose, special offer, goal-setting, lay down, laying down, packing, etc.

Use in speech

Let's figure out in what form lexical units with the main morpheme lag/log/lie can be found in speech and writing. To do this, let’s trace their use in some sentences:

  • My father had high hopes for me.
  • This question requires an urgent answer.
  • I hung up the phone because it was busy.
  • We arrived in nature, dismantled the tent and covered it with a canopy.
  • Tomorrow at the Russian language lesson, students will write a statement.
  • I'm used to relying on and trusting my intuition.
  • History does not accept the subjunctive mood.
  • Try to draw up a tentative psychological portrait.
  • I suggest everyone meet after class and discuss this issue.
  • He left his passport as collateral.
  • The company is expecting a tax audit in the next few days.
  • He doesn't even make much effort to achieve his goals.
  • The bank has developed a special offer for new clients.
  • The whole sky was overcast and it was pouring rain.

Try to give your own examples and continue this list.

Exercise for consolidation

Insert the missing letter using the above rule.

make an effort, urgent decision, write an ex...position, urgent... matters, tax inspector, proposed circumstances, lay...on the table, notebook cover, colorful adjective, rely...on case, sleep, subjunctive mood, house.

Now you know all the features of using words with the root lag/log/lie. And you can easily apply them in speech.

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