Thank you letter: example text. Letter of gratitude for assistance provided. Sample text of a thank you letter to an organization

Letters of gratitude are a special type of manifestation of corporate culture. Such letters are widely used by organizations, both in the form of rewards for the performance of subordinates, and to express gratitude for cooperation to business partners, clients and other enterprises.

In what cases are thank you letters written?

Most often, such letters are written for certain dates: national holidays, birthdays, corporate events. Sometimes managers express gratitude to employees for a specific achievement (and also in addition to a bonus), for example, for fulfilling a financial plan, etc., and to business partners for long-term and effective cooperation, assistance provided in concluding a contract, etc. .d.

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The role of a thank you note

The importance of letters of gratitude is undoubtedly extremely great; it is not for nothing that such letters have always been widely used. For the author, this is not a particularly expensive, but effective way to make it clear to an employee or partner that his merits are recognized, and for the recipient it is always a pleasant reminder of his own importance. Quite often, letters of gratitude serve as an additional motivator, an incentive for more effective work.

Design rules

For obvious reasons, there is not and cannot be a standard sample thank you letter. It is always compiled in free form, but it is absolutely necessary to adhere to certain norms and rules when writing it.

  • First of all, you should remember that the letter must contain information about the author and recipient, and if the addressee is a specific person, then you must address him by his first name and patronymic.
  • Then the letter must list the specific merits and achievements that led to its writing.
  • In conclusion, be sure to include the date the letter was written, as well as the signature of the head of the organization or other authorized employee.
  • If desired, the letter can be certified with a seal - it will give the message additional solidity.

The elegant appearance of the letter, including the envelope, will also confirm to the person the sincerity of the author’s gratitude.

Letters of gratitude can be issued either on a regular A4 sheet or on the organization’s letterhead. But the most preferable option is to compose a letter on a beautifully designed template, printed on high-quality paper in color. The more presentable the design of the thank you note, the more weighty and meaningful it will be for the recipient.

You can write your gratitude either by hand or type it on a computer. It should be remembered that a handwritten letter, especially one written in calligraphic handwriting, is always of greater value compared to a printed one, since it once again emphasizes the sincerity, warmth of the written words and special respect for the addressee.

There is no need to be very original when composing the text - pathos, hypocrisy and jokes are inappropriate here. Excessive officialdom should also be avoided. There is no need to write a letter too sweepingly; it is better to choose concise, precise words and fit them into a few sentences.

Examples of how NOT to write a thank you letter

Dear Vyacheslav Evgenievich Lushnikov by our entire team!
We would like to express our most vivid feelings to you, in connection with your inherent natural diligence, cheerfulness and determination! ...

Vyacheslav Evgenievich! Brother!
First, hold the crab! Secondly, you are the best, so these lines are for you! ...

And now the correct example

Vyacheslav Evgenievich!
The team of the company "Name of the Firm" LLC thanks you for your many years of work, hard work and active life position...

It is worth remembering that the letter is not written personally by the writer, but on behalf of the organization. Even if there is a light, friendly, relaxed atmosphere within the team or in relations with a partner, the addressee of the letter may be offended by its content or not take gratitude very seriously.

On the other hand, as already written above, there are no strict requirements, so you can use any option you like :)

Instructions for writing a thank you letter

  • In the header of the thank you letter you need to indicate the recipient, namely: his position, the name of the company and a specific employee.
  • Next, in the middle of the line, you should write a direct address with your first name, patronymic (most often, adjectives such as “respected”, “dear”, etc.) are used here.
  • The next part of the letter concerns gratitude directly. Here you can write both general phrases and specific actions for which recognition is expressed. The main rule is not to lie; gratitude must be sincere.
  • In the same part of the letter, we can say that in addition to the noted merits, the author of the letter expects further cooperation and new results (this will emphasize the value and indispensability of the recipient, in addition, the addressee will be motivated to successfully solve new problems).
  • Finally, the letter should be signed. The higher the status of the author of the signature in the service hierarchy, the more valuable the letter will be considered, as practice shows. Also, the gratitude needs to be dated.

General rules for writing thank you letters

To properly compose a thank you letter, you need to understand what the recipient will do with it.

Usually the document is hung on the wall and shown to the company’s clients. That is, it performs the function of presenting the organization. Letters are usually framed, so they should be on standard format letterhead.

The letter of thanks is drawn up on the official letterhead of the organization. It must include the name of the sending organization. This is not only a formal rule, but also additional advertising for the company. To write a thank you note, you need a thick sheet of paper. It is important to pay attention to its aesthetics, since the document is used specifically for demonstration. It makes sense to choose a stylish font and a pleasant color palette.

The recipient of the document is usually the head of the company. The signature also includes the initials of the director of the sending organization. Signatures and seals are required. This is confirmation of the authenticity of the thank you letter. These documents are an important component of business relationships. They allow us to establish long-term cooperation. The letter aims to encourage action beneficial to companies. You can send it to partners, clients, and employees.

How to deliver a letter

Letters of gratitude are best handed over personally in a solemn atmosphere, in front of numerous witnesses. But if the recipient is in another city, then you can send the message via the Internet or fax - it’s fast and convenient. At the same time, it is worth remembering that sending via regular Russian mail is good manners; this method will allow you to send a beautifully designed “live” letter, which will undoubtedly be more presentable and pleasant for the addressee.

Not only bonuses are a tool for stimulating employees. Methods of non-material incentives also successfully cope with the tasks of maintaining a working spirit in the team and strengthening the positive attitude of specialists towards the company. A thank you letter is one such tool. You can write it not only for the employee. In relations with an organization with which cooperation has been or is being carried out, this form of expressing gratitude for something will also be appropriate.

When is it appropriate to write a thank you letter?

Letters of gratitude are designed to increase staff motivation to work and loyalty to the organization. As a rule, these are written and handed over for any reason:

  • an event in the life of an employee: for example, an anniversary, length of service, high performance indicators;
  • a significant date for the organization: the company’s birthday, achieving a major victory in the activities of the entire company or its division;
  • professional holiday or some other special event.

A letter of gratitude can be written for any employee of the company. It is drawn up on behalf of the head of the organization or the head of the department. It is allowed to express gratitude to companies in the same way: for cooperation, good work, participation in events, timely payment for goods and services, and so on. Issuing or sending a letter of gratitude to a partner company will contribute to further mutually beneficial relationships.

The delivery of letters of gratitude to recipients most often takes place in a solemn atmosphere.

How to properly express gratitude?

The text of the thank you letter is written by hand, drawn up on the organization’s letterhead, or printed on a special piece of thick paper. The latter can be bought in a store or ordered at a printing service salon, taking into account the specifics of the event.

In the “header” the name of the sending company is indicated, below (on the right) the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the recipient are placed (if the recipient is an organization, then its name is indicated with or without the details of the director), then in the center of the sheet in large font is the inscription “ Letter of gratitude”, followed by a direct address to the addressee, the main part of the text, the signature of the originator with the company seal and the date.

  • Use a formal business style, except in cases where the event dictates the possibility of using a humorous tone of the letter (rare).
  • The employee should be contacted in the appropriate form. The word most often used is “respected”, after which the addressee’s name and patronymic are mentioned. Addresses like “dear”, “dear” and the like are unacceptable.
  • Avoid clichés and cliched phrases, use your imagination.
  • Try to base your decision on the employee’s personality or the positive qualities of the partner company. Talk to the specialist’s immediate supervisor, find out about his skills and achievements, and then, based on the information received, express your gratitude. For example: “The administration of Luzhaika LLC highly appreciates your abilities in the field of training and supporting new employees, and developing a team spirit in the department.” The more specifics and facts there are in a letter, the more valuable it will be for a person.
  • Be sure to indicate the reason for which the letter is being delivered (“due to exceeding the department’s plan by 50%,” “on the occasion of bank employee’s day,” and so on).
  • It is advisable to use not only words of gratitude, but also warm wishes for the employee or team of the partner company, as well as express hope for further successful relationships (if appropriate).
  • The award must be presented publicly, with the entire text read out.

Do not forget to check what you have written for various types of errors (punctuation, spelling and others). Pay special attention to the correctness of last names, first names, patronymics, positions and names of organizations.

How to write a thank you letter for an employee or organization: sample texts

For many years of work

Dear Vladimir Semyonovich!

The administration of Luchik LLC expresses gratitude to you for your many years of work and significant contribution to the development of our enterprise!

You have worked for the benefit of our company for 20 years. Over the years, you have implemented many successful projects and solved many difficult problems. You are a role model among colleagues and an experienced mentor for young employees. We sincerely wish you good spirits and health, as well as inspiration for new achievements and victories!

Director of LLC "Luchik" S.S. Ivanov

For good work

Dear Fedor Stepanovich!

We express our sincere gratitude for your invaluable contribution to achieving the goals and active participation in events related to the implementation of the project!

Thanks to you, our company was able to reach a new level of development. We are ready to conquer the next peaks together with you.

We wish you to maintain the same tireless energy and passion in your work!

Director of LLC "Plamya" F.V. Snegirev

For conscientious work

Dear Semyon Semyonovich!

On behalf of the entire team and myself, I express my gratitude for the quality work. We know very well how much soul and talent you put into your activities. You work not only during working hours, but also on weekends in order to achieve the planned results on time. We appreciate the enormous contribution you make to achieving the company's goals and objectives.

We congratulate you on Mechanical Engineer's Day and sincerely wish you prosperity, further career success and personal well-being!

Director of Iskorka LLC A.A. Petrov

For contribution to development

Dear Veniamin Prokhorovich!

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the plant, the administration of Forward LLC expresses its endless gratitude for the contribution you made to the development of our company!

Your high professionalism and serious approach to our common cause evoke great respect. You are a wise mentor to your colleagues and an incomparable expert in your work.

May good luck, further professional growth and joy accompany you in all areas of life!

Director of Forward LLC S.I. Plakhov

For cooperation

For holding the event

Dear Anna Ivanovna!

The Factor LLC company expresses its sincere gratitude to the team of consultants of Sodeystvie LLC for conducting sales training. The acquired knowledge and skills allowed our employees to reach a new high-quality level of work and attract a large number of clients. Your professionalism has become a powerful impetus for the development of our business!

We look forward to new trainings and wish further growth and prosperity to the entire team.

Director of Factor LLC I.L. Lasers

You should not neglect the use of such an effective tool for motivating staff or partner organizations as a letter of gratitude. The cost of money and time for drawing up, processing and presenting such a useful award, which can become the key to further long and fruitful cooperation, is minimal.

This is an official letter expressing gratitude for the assistance, service, support, invitation, etc.

The “code of politeness” of a business person stipulates: you should not wait for an opportunity to express gratitude to the addressee. This should always be done on time. Letters of gratitude are a guarantee of establishment and further support. Anna, good partnerships. Such letters will help you to be known as a well-mannered and decent person.

Of course, it is impossible to list all forms of expressing gratitude, but we will give examples of typical ones. By using them, you can be considered a decent person and realize your plans in communication. UNI with partners:

. Dear Sirs!

. Let me express my sincere gratitude for the friendly welcome that... You arranged for the representative of our company, Mr.(surname) . We hope that the agreements reached at the meeting will have positive results

. With this letter we also confirm the preliminary oral agreement that our representative Mr. will visit. you at the end of the month to continue negotiations

. Dear Sirs!

. Yesterday, (date), we completed negotiations with Mr.(surname) and hope that the results achieved are mutually beneficial

. We would also like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you. Thank you for visiting Mr.(surname). We are especially grateful for the friendly and open tone of the negotiations between the gentleman and the management of our company

. Thanks again. Company team

. Dear Sirs!

. Please accept my sincere gratitude for the financial assistance that... You contributed to our publishing house. By. With your assistance, we will be able to provide the public with a much-needed “Dictionary of Synonyms.” We hope that it will help effectively master the Ukrainian language.

. With gratitude and respect. Publishing team

TYPICAL turnover

1 will allow us to express our sincere gratitude for. Your generous charitable contribution

2 wants to thank. for your help and to assure you that we will be happy to provide mutual favors at the earliest opportunity

3. Express. I sincerely thank you for your hospitality

4. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for agreeing to extend the delivery time. During this time we were able to receive goods from the manufacturer

5. We write. With deep gratitude to you for your patience regarding the delay in delivery of the ordered item. Your product

6. Very grateful. To you for postponing the invoice payment deadline

7. First of all, thank you for. We send your order. Special offer for you

8. Thank you for the congratulations on the occasion of the company’s anniversary

9. We value highly. Your contribution: he. Will significantly support our foundation

We express 10 on behalf of the management and the entire team. We sincerely thank you for your many years of fruitful work.

11. Sincerely grateful. To you for that. You spared no effort and time and always directed your talent to achieve success in our common cause

12. Once again we thank you and express our hope that this is only a successful beginning of our cooperation and that we can count on it in the future. Your help

13 Once again we express our sincere gratitude for everything. You have done for our university, and we wish you success. Your work

14. On behalf of all those interested in this noble cause, please accept our sincere gratitude

15. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for

16. Let me thank you again. You for

17. Thanks. With your help, we were able to solve the problem of paying scholarships

18. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Thank you for a wonderful meeting

19. Please accept our sincere gratitude for the support (help) provided to us during the renovation of the school premises

20. We sincerely hope that. You will continue to provide us with all possible (certain) financial assistance.

21. I would like to express my gratitude for the financial support provided to me

22. Thank you for sending the corrected invoices, thanks to which we were able to detect an unfortunate mistake that our accounting department made

23. In this letter I want to express. We sincerely thank you for the invitation to take part in the conference (exhibition, round table meeting)

24. Thanks. We will be able to successfully implement the action planned for this month to help children affected by the Chernobyl accident. Please accept our sincere gratitude

25. Thank you. You for the offer to take part in the implementation of the project to organize joint production. We hope that future cooperation will be successful and mutually beneficial

26. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the organization. Meeting with you, which I hope was just as useful and enjoyable for you. for you, as for me

27. First let me thank you. Thank you for finding the time and opportunity to visit our company

28. This letter is a manifestation of our great respect and gratitude for the invaluable help that. You provided us

29. You undoubtedly deserve sincere and deep gratitude.

30. I don’t know how. Thank you too. You did me a great (invaluable) favor

31. I am greatly indebted to. You

32. This is very kind of you. by your side

33. Very. I am obliged to you (grateful)

34. Praise. To you from the bottom of my heart

35. I am very pleased, thank you

36. Very grateful for. Your concern

This type of letter belongs to the category of official letters. The name itself suggests that the content of the letter should express gratitude. At the enterprise, at the discretion of the manager, individual employees can receive letters of gratitude for good work, cooperation, active participation in cultural life, and more. A thank you note can be sent to either a business partner or a client.

Probably many remember with what trepidation our grandparents treated the certificates issued at enterprises for labor and public merits. This was not just an official document issued by a representative of the organization, it was an expression of recognition and high appreciation of the worker’s merits.

Times are changing and today it is customary to express gratitude through letters of gratitude (and, of course, a bonus), which has long been practiced in Western countries.

Our article will tell you how to write such a note correctly.

How to write the text of a thank you letter?

The business style of communication has its own characteristics. The main requirement is the absence of excessive emotionality. There are special service letter writing samples for all Thanksgiving occasions.

Why write thank you notes? First of all, to thank the person for his cooperation, to win him over and make it clear that his work and actions were important to the company.

And although the official sample of a letter of gratitude has not been established, there are some features of its writing. First of all, these are the requirements for the text itself and the form of address:

  • The text of the note must be written on a standard form;
  • if gratitude is written in a strict form, the address should begin with the word “Dear...”; if the note is from a friendly team, it can be started simply with the employee’s first name and patronymic;
  • The paper can be written either by hand or typed on a computer. If the note is written using a computer typesetting, it is better to choose italic from the font options - it looks less formal and is more evocative of a friendly “thank you”;
  • tell in the note exactly what you are grateful to the person for;
  • be sincere - it always has a positive effect.

Get advice from a lawyer in Moscow on issues of drafting official documents and more to avoid mistakes and inaccurate wording. Details at the link:

Sample thank you letter for good work to an employee

If your company has a diligent employee who does his work efficiently and on time, thank him with a thank-you note. Use the following text as an example:

“Dear Tatyana Mikhailovna, on behalf of our company and myself personally, I would like to express my gratitude for your work, which you always perform with high quality and on time, as well as for your creative approach. Our team is proud to have such a responsible and creative employee.”
Date Signature (full name).

Sample letter of gratitude to the organization for the work done

A thank you note to an organization for the work done is written on behalf of the company, which expresses gratitude. In the text they write to whom and from whom this note is addressed, and in the content they must indicate for what merit they are thanking.

For example:

“The Phoenix company expresses its deep gratitude to the XX company for the services provided in the renovation of our office, as well as the replacement of electrical wiring. Separately, I would like to note the high professionalism of your electricians, who completed their work quickly and efficiently.

Thank you for your services and we look forward to further cooperation.
Sincerely, Phoenix OJSC.

Text of a letter of gratitude for active participation in cultural life

To write a thank you note for participating in cultural life, you can use this sample:

“Dear Lyudmila Nikolaevna, the administration of kindergarten No. 19 “Chaika” sincerely thanks you for your active participation in holiday matinees in our institution, as well as for preparing children for city competitions. Thanks to your talent, this year our children took first place in the annual city children's creativity competition "Prolisok".

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