How many erogenous zones. Complete manual for female erogenous zones. How to work on erogenous zones

For lovers, the whole body is an area of ​​sexual arousal. The very sensation of gentle touches of the hands causes a feeling of pleasure for most women. The pleasant sensation intensifies if you caress especially sensitive places, but caressing with your hands is not comparable to what you can achieve with your mouth, tongue, lips.

These zones are conventionally divided into weak, medium and strong. You should start fondling from the weaker zones, moving on to the stronger ones. Starting the caress immediately from a strong erogenous zone, you can lower the sensitivity of the weaker one. And, conversely, with a systematic impact on any zone, its sensitivity increases and it is even possible to develop the sensitivity of a previously unresponsive zone.

Weak areas.
Hair, their light stroking, stretching, winding on the fingers causes a slight impact. For some, the parietal area is effective, for others the occipital area. Ears. When the tongue touches the edge of the ear or climbs into it, when the lips are pressed against the ear, when the lips play with the earlobe, all this makes a woman desire. Women who easily react to caressing the ear are of the easily excitable and passionate type. By the way, wearing earrings by women is an indirect reminder of the role of the ear, especially the lobe, as an erogenous zone.

Kiss on closed eyes- this kind of caress has almost disappeared. Sight, touch, smell - everything can react like an erogenous zone, but more often to a certain and desired person.

There are erogenous zones of the neck: one of them is the anterior surface, which descends with a toe between the mammary glands. Cutouts are usually made in this shape on dresses. Moreover, one zone may be less. The other is more pronounced.

Hands... Especially the woman's palms, the soft pads of the fingers. The back of the hand inner side forearms - also refers to weak erogenous zones.

Middle zones.
Lips and mouth, moreover, the tongue is more erogenous, then the lips, the mucous surface of the oral cavity. There are many types of kissing. A man needs to find out what his wife prefers and improve his kissing technique. There are kisses that start a love game. The kisses that precede the merging of bodies in the paroxysm of passion are different from the kisses of dying down passion. A kiss of gratitude, after which the lovers calm down peacefully. Poetic names of kisses have come down to us from the Ancient East, for example: "gentle", "chaste", "bashful", "passionate", "breaking petals", "enjoying the bud", "nectar," playful "," royal kiss of the winner " , kiss "Pekkyu" from the French word "pique" - lip chipping. For this, the tip of the tongue is made sharp and thin. Barely sticking it out of the mouth, they carry out light injections around the perimeter of the lips. "Kiss of the soul" or "French" - a kiss on the mouth, touching the tongue of the sky, tongue, mucous membrane of the mouth. But some women do not accept such affection. Perhaps we’re out of the habit, sometimes the manner of conducting does not suit. Sometimes men celebrate their wife's discreet "train station" kiss. the reason is often a lack of skill and habit. The reason may be unhygienic maintenance of the mouth, unattractiveness, painful appearance of the teeth, and bad breath.

Female breast is the most obvious symbol of femininity. This is one of the susceptible erogenous zones. The breast itself reacts more to gentle massaging movements. The nipple halo and breast nipples are responsive to soft touches, and not only when a man caresses them, but often to their own caresses.

Some girls bring themselves to orgasm by tickling their nipples. In nursing mothers, the baby also causes excitement, sometimes leading to orgasm. All this is quite natural. The sensitivity of this zone changes from warmth without passion to intense arousal. The nipples react to the caress of the fingers.

Stroking, stretching, twisting the nipples. At the same time, their erection occurs, that is, an increase in size and elasticity, which indicates the beginning of a woman's arousal. Excitation is much stronger if caress with hands, kisses of the nipples of the breast. Often, from such caresses, the emotions of a woman are manifested by increased intermittent breathing, trembling, trembling of the body with a feeling of trembling in the genitals. The reaction of the mammary glands does not depend on their size.

Women with small breasts often react more passionately than women with full breasts. To maintain the shape and attractiveness of their breasts, women should choose the right bra and massage regularly.

The next excitable zone is lateral surfaces of the chest, waist, which are especially susceptible to touching the mouth, and abdominal area. Excitation in this case occurs directly in the genitals. The groin area is generally less sensitive than the mammary glands. True, if a woman is not at all sensitive to breast caress, then her groin area provides various opportunities for stimulating feelings.

Back, "cat's place"- the area between the shoulder blades, the area along the spine. The buttocks, which were very revered by ancient peoples, have great excitement on men. Italian sculptor Antonio Canova paid special attention to the processing of women's buttocks. V Ancient Greece a temple was built and dedicated to Aphrodite Kolibega (which means perfectly gluteus).

We have heard about effective male pathogens, take the same Viagra. But about women ... On the market, of course, there are different drugs, the so-called aphrodosiacs, but they are very far from the effectiveness with which Viagra acts on men. But this drug is a completely different story ...

After a woman has accepted Forte Love, she has no chance to resist a man who is this moment is nearby. Forte Love begins to work 5-10 minutes after ingestion and lasts about 5-6 hours. Forte Love does not have a negative effect on the female body.
On the contrary, female libido is stimulated, blood circulation improves, and a more positive outlook on the world becomes!

Strong erogenous zones.

Inner thighs it responds especially well to caress with the hand and to the touch of the tongue, running from the knees to the groin, which usually causes strong arousal of both partners.

Crotch- the area of ​​the anus and up to the labia minora. Sometimes, with the peculiarities of the location of sensitive nerve endings, it is a very excitable zone, while a woman can hardly achieve discharge without caressing this zone. The impact of a finger on the anus, combined with other caresses, or when the penis moves into the vagina, removes the problem of satisfying such women.

The most active part in the formation of sexual arousal takes clitoris, labia minora, vaginal opening. The clitoris is a small papillary protruding organ, which in a calm state is hidden under the fold of the labia at the top, in the place of their junction.

When women are aroused, the clitoris is in a state of erection, like the penis of an excited man, the head of the clitoris becomes clearly felt, the body of the clitoris pulls up the small lips, thereby increasing the entrance to the vagina. The touch of an excited clitoris usually gives a woman great pleasure, the most refined, the sharpest of all the sensations emanating from the caressing erogenous zones.

Some men, however, find it difficult to find it, since they touch the woman's genitals before she is sufficiently excited by the preliminary love game. Not in a state of erection, the clitoris is often not palpable and not visible, but sometimes it protrudes significantly above the vagina, and in some women it is not visible even with an erection. But there are women. In whom the clitoris is not an erogenous zone or is weaker than others, in others, the caress of the clitoris causes an orgasm without the introduction of the penis into the vagina.

Vagina, the lower third of it, especially the anterior wall, Cervix which reacts mainly to the deep influence of the penis. But this area is weaker than the clitoris area. The vagina, in addition, becomes at a certain moment part of the birth canal, and nature has prudently placed the most sensitive nerve endings outside it. However, in some women, the vagina may be sensitive if there is no clitoral reaction or joint with it. The psychological factor of the fusion of bodies in this area of ​​the genital organs, the connection with the beloved into one whole, the awareness of the exclusiveness of the role enhances the feeling.

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Erogenous zones- These are areas of the skin or mucous membrane (for example, in the genital area, mammary glands, lips, mouth), irritation of which causes sexual arousal or orgasm.

Almost all erogenous zones of a woman evoke positive emotions mainly during caresses and kisses, buttocks are an exception.

How to determine where the erogenous zones of arousal are? To do this, you need to create conditions so that the girl can relax and feel comfortable.

Almost all erogenous zones of a woman evoke positive emotions, mainly during caresses and kisses, buttocks are an exception.

Not only beginners, but also experienced lovers strive to know where the most erogenous zones in girls lie. After all, to be a really good lover means to be able to give a woman real pleasure!

Erogenous zones are areas of the skin and mucous membranes, the irritation of which at the right time leads to increased sexual arousal. Attention should be paid to the expression "at the right moment", because by no means at any time and not in any sequence stimulation of the erogenous zone leads to an appropriate reaction

Feeling in women is thinner and stronger, more closely related to sexuality. Many women in conversation with men have the habit of touching their breasts, arms, and if they are sitting, then their legs. They touch with pencils, fingers, but only to the man they like

Women's erogenous zones are often ambiguous and for many women they do not coincide with each other. But still, where are the most significant erogenous zones in a woman?

There is no certain number of places on the body responsible for arousal. Points can appear, change location, or disappear. But knowledge of the main erogenous zones in women is a sure step towards an enchanting orgasm.

We start to caress the girl from above

Mouth. French kissing with the use of the tongue is considered one of the main ways to arouse a woman, although only 20% of girls are known to be aroused when kissing.

Eyelids. The forehead and the area adjacent to it is the center of the accumulation of nerve endings. A few passionate kisses will be enough to activate this girl's erogenous zone.

Ear. Since ancient times, men have known that a woman loves with her ears. It was in order for the stronger sex to pay attention to this erogenous zone that women began to wear earrings. Whispering gentle words can turn a woman on in a matter of minutes.

Neck. Kissing, stroking, gentle massage and tickling with the tongue of this erogenous zone will undoubtedly affect the increase in the desire to make love to the girl.

"A cat's place". This is the name of the area between the shoulder blades. She received this name due to the fact that cats during intercourse firmly hold the female with their teeth in this place. Therefore, gentle bites and kisses in the back area will bring pleasant sensations to girls.

Breast. This area is a powerful erogenous zone not only for girls, but also for men. The Kamasutra describes various ways to achieve a nipple orgasm: with the hands or with the tongue.

Zone "V". The area of ​​the waist to the genitals, the center of which is the navel, in tantric sex is the point of energetic connection with the Universe. Stimulation of this erogenous zone attracts a powerful stream of positive emotions and sets you up for passionate intercourse.

We go down even lower

Buttocks. Here, pleasant sensations are caused not by caresses, but by some application. male power... Ways to arouse women, such as hand squeezing and palm patting, are described in the sex literature.

Inner thigh. This point is key before moving on to the genitals. Touching this erogenous zone will warm up the woman's passion enough for the next stage of caress.

Clitoris. This erogenous zone is widely known to men. About 80% of women report that clitoral stimulation brings them to orgasm very quickly. Also, the clitoris is a backup option for satisfying a partner if she was not able to get enough pleasure during normal intercourse.

Point G. The second most popular area of ​​increased attention for men, it is located at a depth of five to six centimeters on the front wall of the vagina. The impact on G is performed both manually and involuntarily in certain positions.

The labia minora, the entrance to the vagina. The most important part of the female reproductive apparatus.
Since the corpora cavernosa are also located at the entrance to the vagina in the labia minora, this place is a powerful erogenous zone. Separately, it should be said about such an area as the anterior wall of the vagina, which is very sensitive in many women.

Uterus. There is even a uterine orgasm, which is experienced by about 20% of women. The lack of pleasant sensations in this area is due to the uncomfortable position of the partner during sex, when the penis passes by the uterus without affecting it.

Cervix. Cervical irritation is very important for some; women. There is even a uterine (cervical) orgasm, which is capable of experiencing about 20% of women.
In some cases, the lack of pleasant sensations when touching the cervix is ​​explained by the uncomfortable position of the woman during intercourse, when the penis either passes by the cervix or does not reach it.

Anus (anus). The area of ​​the perineum and anus has been considered a very strong erogenous zone since ancient times. Many modern sexologists adhere to the same opinion. There are women who have rectal and perineal orgasms. The widespread use of this erogenous zone is characteristic mainly of southern and eastern countries. So, in India, very often during sexual intercourse, the husband additionally irritates the anus with his finger or even inserts his finger into the rectum. It is known that on the island of Sifnos (one of the Cyclades islands) in antiquity, both men and women masturbated by inserting a finger into the anus

Lap. There is an area under the knee bone that is very sensitive to any gentle touch.

Feet. Stimulate this place carefully. For some women, this is a powerful erogenous zone, for others it is a forbidden place, as they are afraid of being tickled.

Sexologists identify such additional erogenous zones as elbows and hair on the head. Curling and other touching the strands with your hands cause pleasant sensations not only for the partner, but also for the man who does it.

Peripheral erogenous zones in women are much more sensitive than in men and therefore play a more important role in sex. The back of the hand, the inner side of the forearm - also refers to weak erogenous zones. Some girls bring themselves to orgasm by tickling their nipples. Erogenous zones in women are much more individual than in men.

Every woman naturally has her own erogenous zones. Finding them is the task of both husband and wife.
Sexopathologist I. Blokh wrote that touching the skin of a loved one is already half of sexual intercourse. These touches give voluptuous sensations that are transmitted to the genitals.
Feeling in women is thinner and stronger, more closely related to sexuality. Many women in conversation with men have the habit of touching their breasts, arms, and if they are sitting, then their legs. They touch with pencils, fingers, but only to the man they like.

There is also the eroticism of the muscles. Friction, massage with hands and feet were widely used in ancient India, among the Greeks and Romans. With the aim of causing sexual arousal and voluptuous sensations in the East, massage in baths under water, performed mainly by beautiful boys or girls, is still very common.

Let's say more: erogenous zones in women have an unusual property - they can migrate over time.

It is generally accepted that stimulation of the genital area, buttocks, thighs, breasts, nipples, and neck leads to sexual arousal in the weaker sex. But these erogenous zones do not always work for a woman: what brought pleasure with one man, causes discomfort and even disgust. This is because there are no permanent erogenous zones for lovely ladies, the erogenous zone arises on the part of the body that the beloved, desired man touches.

Excitation from touching any part of the body is fixed in the brain. After all, it is he who plays the role of the main erogenous zone in both men and women. The parts of the body that respond to touch are only representatives of the main erogenous zone, conductors of arousal. Memories of pleasant sensations, as well as their repeated reproduction in subsequent sexual contacts, fixes arousal functions for certain parts of the body.

If the erogenous zone "turns on" regularly or almost regularly, it becomes stable. But this does not mean that with another partner she will also be stable: she may not show herself at all, or the effect of her stimulation will be much less than from other zones that were not previously erogenous.

When starting a relationship with a new partner, a man should not build on his past experiences. The erogenous zones on the body of your beloved need to be discovered independently and anew. It happens that a woman herself does not know which skin area will respond to her partner's caresses.

Of course, caress of different parts of the body should be different: the force with which you can squeeze the shoulders of your beloved in a fit of passion will be clearly unnecessary when caressing your breasts, and there is no need to talk about more tender parts of the body, for example, touching the clitoris should be especially gentle, otherwise, instead of a stable erogenous zone, you can form a stable painful zone in your friend.

The far circle of sensuality includes the following parts of the body: face, scalp, ears, neck, shoulders, arms, legs, back, abdomen.

Light touches with fingertips, gentle stroking of the cheeks can be a great start to foreplay or an independent element of love play. After all, this is one of the few manifestations of love and sensuality that are not tabooed by society. You can touch your beloved or beloved's face with your hand in a crowded place, and this will not cause a negative reaction from others.

It is a pity that, after leaving adolescence, men rarely use this method of demonstrating their feelings, because in terms of emotional fullness, touching the face is comparable to caressing the breast, and sometimes, especially in crowded places, it is significantly superior to all other caresses in terms of effectiveness. In a more intimate setting, touching the face, teasing (point) and more intense (sucking) kisses, caresses with the tip of the tongue and even light nibbling are an exquisite form of expressing intimate feelings for each other, cause relaxation, peace, which is then replaced by a feeling of languor and excitement ...

The forehead and temples are less sensitive than the cheeks, with the exception of the hairline, which can even activate other erogenous zones when gently touched with fingers, lips or tongue. "Wet" nasal caresses seem unpleasant to many women, but a "dry" kiss can cause excitement.
The mouth, tongue, lips and the area around them are one of the most sensitive areas on the face (sensuality is close to genital). For most people, it is a stable erogenous zone. Touches with fingers, tongue, kisses: small, pinpoint, deep, passionate - can be self-sufficient (and sometimes cause an orgasm) or additional stimulants throughout love games.

Hairy part of the head
This area is highly sensitive to touching of varying degrees of intensity. You can touch the locks of your beloved's hair, you can ruffle your hair (if the haircut is short), or you can act directly on the scalp. Scalp massage is not only in a good way excitement, it is pleasant in itself, promotes relaxation, soothes and relieves headache... If your girlfriend refuses intimacy because of a headache, a scalp massage is exactly what you need.

If you whisper affectionate words into a tender pink female ear, the degree of a woman's arousal increases sharply, and if you tickle your tongue or gently suck your earlobe, the effect can be overwhelming.

It should also be borne in mind that the earlobes and a small area of ​​skin behind them are associated with the nerves of the genital organs, so the excitement from the caress of the auricle is directly transmitted to the genitals. Try to control your breathing: a sharp exhalation into your beloved's ear can ruin everything.

The neck of most women is one of the brightest erogenous zones that respond to male affection of body parts. Particularly sensitive areas are the skin on the lateral surfaces and the back of the head. The front of a woman's neck is less erogenous. Caressing the nape of the neck excites women, causing pleasant sensations not only in the area being caressed, but throughout the body (in the form of a wave of tremors running from the back of the head along the back, buttocks, legs to heels).

Shoulders and upper back
The area of ​​the shoulders and upper back is no less sensitive than the nape of the neck, although the effect here can be either soft, light and subtle, or more intense: squeezing and scratching movements, biting, intense kisses cause a wave of tremors of pleasure rolling throughout body.

The space between the shoulder blades is called the "cat's back" because caressing this place is especially pleasant. The area along the spine can be stroked, kissed, caressed with the tongue, pinched and nibbled - the range of action is very wide. Caressing the waist area has a teasing effect, they come close to the zone of increased erogenousness: the second circle of sensuality. But they stop, not reaching him, increasing the longing of expectation.

A completely in vain ignored erogenous zone during intimacy by many men is a part of the body. At the time when a woman touches a man's face with his palm or fingers, he can give her special pleasure by catching caressing fingers with his lips. Women prefer kissing, fondling with the tip of the tongue, or gentle nibbling on the fingers and palms. The lateral surface of the palm and fingertips contain the largest number of nerve endings.

The inner surface of the hand from wrist to elbow can also become an erogenous zone: light touching (you can use a piece of fur or a feather) causes arousal in many women. At the elbow, the skin is very sensitive. The touch should be delicate, simultaneous caress with lips (tongue) and fingertips (nails) in different directions and at different rates gives a very good effect.

The part of the arm from shoulder to elbow responds well to affection. On the outer surface, the impact can be more intense (tingling, biting, squeezing movements), on the inner surface, you need to act carefully: too passionate caresses can cause pain, and very gentle ones can cause tickling.

The feet, like the auricles, are the projection of all organs of the human body. The soles, toes and ankles are very sensitive to touch. For those who are afraid of tickling, caressing the tongue along the entire foot, licking fingers, as well as light stroking and scratching movements of the fingers are not suitable. For them, pinching, pressing and nibbling on the heels is preferable. The rest will enjoy the whole complex of caresses from the most gentle, subtle, sliding movements of fingers, nails and tongue to the most intense kneading, clamps and biting.

This part of the body is the erogenous zone for many women. Sensitivity is possessed not only by the surface of the abdomen, but also by the deepening of the navel. Most women experience pleasure when the tip of a partner's tongue is rhythmically plunged into the groove of the navel, imitating the movement of the penis during penetration. If a man is excited enough, then he can caress a woman's belly not only with his mouth and hands.

Traditionally, the breast is considered to be an erogenous zone of high sensitivity. However, many women do not like it when partners touch their breasts. Most often, such a reaction is observed in women who previously had insensitive or inept sexual partners, who, with their rude actions, caused unpleasant sensations or even pain.
The most common mistake is intense palm massage. Do not knead a woman's breasts with your hands, as if it were dough, do not squeeze it like an expander or a lemon from which you need to squeeze juice. It is better at first not to touch the chest with a full palm, but to act with your fingertips, circling each breast from below and from above, gradually moving towards the center. (If a woman wants more intense caress, she will direct your hand and press it to her chest.)

Press your palms (or palm) to the skin under the chest and slowly move them up, gradually releasing the pressure so that your hands slide along the area near the nipples, barely touching this most sensitive point of the chest. Kisses can be both gentle and passionate.

With your fingertips, you can stroke the chest from above, describing circles and sinusoids, gradually approaching the chest halos. The area around the nipple - the halo - is very sensitive, and sometimes even painfully sensitive to touch. If the skin on your hands is rather rough, the nipple better hands do not touch, caress him with your lips and tongue. Just do not remember your infancy and do not engage in active breastfeeding: you will not wait for milk, but you can cause pain. Then you will definitely be weaned forever, a woman needs a sexual partner, not an adult baby in bed.

This part of the body is an erogenous zone in both men and women. The buttocks respond well to gentle touches and intense massage. It is better to start with gentle movements: stroking with the tips or phalanges of the fingers. Then you can apply pinching, pressing, patting, slapping, squeezing movements. The reaction to biting in this zone is often a female squeal and flight (or a 180 ° turn), so be careful with your teeth.

The thighs, especially their inner surface, are the border between the near and the main circle of sensuality. This explains their hypersensitivity in women. Even the movement by which a man spreads his partner's hips to get to their inner surface is in itself very erotic and causes a rush of arousal. The softer and more gentle this movement, the greater the effect can be achieved.

Sometimes a man has to overcome the resistance of a woman when she squeezes his hips, preventing him from penetrating (at least with a glance) into a secret place. Overcome resistance persistently, but not rudely. Perhaps the bright light prevents the woman from relaxing, or she is not aroused enough, or you may be the first to caress her like that.

Remember the precepts of the great commanders: "To continue the offensive, you need to retreat a little." Gentle touches to the stomach, stroking the outer thighs, groin (without touching the genitals) and sliding movements from the knees along the inner surface of the closed thighs, again without touching the most intimate place, tease, cause languor and excite.

The main circle of sensuality includes erogenous zones located directly on the woman's genitals. The erogenous zones of the main circle of sensuality in women include the external genitals, the pubic region, as well as the vestibule of the vagina and a part of the anterior wall of the vagina, called the G-spot after Dr. Greferberg, who discovered it.

Female orgasm- a mysterious thing and depends on many factors, but there are points on a woman's body, the stimulation of which can lead to maximum pleasure.

Point G

Everyone has heard about this mysterious point, but few people know where it is. In fact, G is not a point, but an area with a diameter of about 5 cm. It is located on the front wall of the vagina at a depth of 3.5-7 cm. It is easiest to feel it in a state of arousal. Point G slightly convex and resembles a walnut shell to the touch. To get pleasure, it is necessary to influence not only this zone, but also the area around it.

Stimulate point G it is possible both with a partner and independently. In the first case, the woman should lie on her back and raise her legs so that her knees are at shoulder level, the man is on top. Doggy style and Horsewoman poses are also effective.

If your partner is not there, then for stimulation point G you need to lie on your back and insert your index finger into the vagina and find the area, touching which causes arousal. After that, it is necessary to make such a movement as if you were calling someone with your finger - bend and straighten your finger several times. You can also massage point G in a circular motion. Some time after the start of stimulation, the urge to urinate may appear, but gradually discomfort will give way to pleasure.

AFE point

Few know about this erogenous zone, some call it simply “ point A". It is located above point G, almost at the cervix.

This area can only be influenced with the help of a partner or a vibrator. Achievement of the AFE point is indicated by active release of lubricant a few minutes after the start of stimulation.

Point U

This is the name of the entrance to the urethra. It can be alternately stroked gently and lightly pressed. And during intercourse, the woman should spread her legs wide and, moving the pelvis to the partner's thighs, press the U point to the penis. A man should rub against this erogenous zone. The pleasure will come in about five minutes.

Point C

Point C better known as the clitoris. To make this zone even more enjoyable, you need to stimulate not it, but the labia minora. Many people enjoy light pressure on the base of the clitoris and pulling the skin around it. During oral sex or petting, a woman should listen to herself and mentally transfer sensations from the top of the clitoris to the entire perineum.

Point M

This area is located between the vagina and the anus. Not all women are delighted with her stimulation. To make the orgasm even brighter, just before it approaches, you need to act on this point, alternating rhythmic pressure and light circular movements.

Wave stimulation will help you achieve more intense pleasure. It is necessary to act on one of the points, but on the threshold of orgasm, stop for a minute, caressing the body. Then again return to the selected point and, before reaching the end, interrupt for half a minute. The third time the break is 10 seconds, and the fourth you can already have an orgasm.

Erogenous zones in men are areas of the body and skin that increase a man's arousal when touched. Often women think that men have one single erogenous zone - the groin area and the genitals. However, in fact, it turns out that men have quite a few erogenous zones throughout the body. At the same time, representatives of the strong half are in no hurry to reveal all their secrets and weaknesses.

Any woman wants to be the perfect lover for her man. For this, it is necessary to give the man what he wants and to influence his erogenous zones correctly. Since few men can directly talk about their erogenous zones, you will have to learn about them empirically, that is, to observe the man's reaction to affection and touch.

Where are the erogenous zones in men?

The lips and tongue are some of the most sensitive places in the human body. It is here that a very large number of nerve sensory endings are located. It is believed that the thinnest skin on the lips. Moreover, having sex most often begins with the touching of the lips of partners. Today there are a huge number of types of kisses, from the most simple and unobtrusive to passionate and sensitive.

Often the tongue is also involved in the kiss. These types of kisses are considered the most passionate, and there are also quite a few types of tongue movements in the partner's mouth. Do not bite too hard on your partner's lips or keep sucking off to show your passion. Often this negatively affects a man, not everyone loves hicks.

The neck and back of the head are also erogenous zones in men, and one of the most sensitive and strong. Nature has laid down that the head is an important organ, therefore, only the closest people have access to it. Touching and caressing on the back of the neck and back of the head makes the man feel good and relaxes. As a result, the man starts to get aroused.

Many people say that the earlobes are a sensitive area in the stronger half. This area is really very susceptible to caress and touch, so you can start caressing before sexual intercourse precisely by touching a man's ears. Oral sex will not be superfluous. You can also whisper compliments and pleasant words in a man's ear.

Hands have never been considered an erogenous zone, however, there is a special zone on the palms - the area between the middle and index fingers. This place is often compared to the area between the legs. There is also another erogenous zone, stroking in which can cause arousal in a man. This is the place between the bumps under the ring and middle fingers on the palm of your hand. This area is considered a projection of the groin area on the hand, so caress in this place can cause an erection in the partner.

There are also other erogenous points in men, such as the chest. You can gently play with the curls on the chest in men, if any. You can also allow light caresses in the nipple area, however, you need to understand that in men, the nipples are not as sensitive as in women, therefore, too persistent caresses may not be liked by some representatives of the male state.

You can induce an erection in a man by stroking the entire chest area and doing. Men enjoy touching this area, especially those with well-developed pectoral muscles. This suggests that a man devotes a lot of time to this particular area during training. Accordingly, admiration for the large muscles in the partner's chest area will give him additional confidence and relaxedness, and gentle touches will entail excitement.

One of the most erogenous zones in men is the belly. For any member of the stronger sex, stroking the abdomen is a direct signal that a woman is going to move to the groin area. The approach of sexual pleasure entails an increase in erection, which any woman will notice. For a stronger effect, you can caress the man's belly not only with your palms, but also lean against it with your belly or hold it over the surface with your chest.

Magic points in men

Places of arousal for men can hide even in the most unexpected areas. For example, on the back of the knee. For some representatives of the strong half, this area is erogenous, and touching such a tender place causes sexual attraction. In other cases, caress can be ticklish.

In addition, foot massage is believed to turn on some men. It is not for nothing that in eastern countries, women wash their feet before intercourse. This process is not only an expression of respect for a man and a woman's submissiveness, but also an action that allows the partner to relax, establishing a special relationship between a man and a woman.

Massage often leads to lovemaking. This is explained quite simply - there is more than one sensitive zone on the man's back. The most sensitive points of excitement in men are the area between the shoulder blades and in the region of the sacrum. A gentle methodical influence in this area gives pleasure to a man.

In addition, the massage itself helps to relax and submit to the sensations. You can additionally use creams or oils for better hand gliding. Also, many girls stroke a man in these areas with a feather. The main thing here is not to overdo it, as such actions can cause tickling.

A man's buttocks are also a very sensitive area, so you can caress them and touch them without hesitation. In addition, for many men, their buttocks are a source of pride, therefore, admiration and attention to this particular area of ​​the body will definitely appeal to a partner. You can do whatever you want with them: stroking, biting, lightly scratching, etc.

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How to eat right to lose weight?
Good physical shape is when a lot of muscles, a fast metabolism, nothing hangs anywhere and a person feels great. For some, this is a natural state, but most people make a heroic effort to look
Benefit or harm: what medicinal properties does prunes have and under what contraindications can its consumption be dangerous for your body?
Nutrients Amount (mg / 100 g of product) Calcium 43.0 Iron Phosphorus 69.0 Potassium Zinc Copper Manganese Vitamins: Vitamin A 781 IU Vitamin C 0.6 mg Vitamin E 0.4 mg Vitamin K 59.5 μg
Introductory words in English, examples of usage, words and phrases
How beautiful is it to start your thought? Unfortunately, many people overuse the phrase I think, turning speech into an endless stream of "reflections". What should be done to avoid this catastrophe? Yes, just learn common introductory words in English, choose
Where to watch the coming solar eclipses How many years is a solar eclipse
On Friday, July 27, a unique event will take place - the longest lunar eclipse of the century, which can be observed in almost all corners of the globe. The Earth will completely eclipse the Moon by one hour and 43 minutes, Day.Az reports with reference to Sego