Delivery of laboratory tests and on. General clinical blood tests. What Can Affect Your Blood Test Results

The development of private medicine has allowed people to avoid many of the unpleasant events associated with visiting medical institutions. If earlier, in order to pass the necessary analysis, it was necessary to get the coveted coupon from the doctor and on the appointed day to appear in the treatment room, spending time in long queues, then with the advent of clinical laboratories in Moscow. But in addition to convenience, the patient seeks to gain confidence in the accuracy of the results obtained. To choose the best private institution, we suggest reading the reviews on our portal. They will help you learn more about the work of Moscow clinical laboratories and, therefore, make your choice.

Anyone who has come across the work of these medical organizations in one way or another, we ask to describe their impressions on the portal "ProDoctors". These few lines won't take much of your time, but they will be very useful for hundreds of site visitors.

Choosing a laboratory in Moscow

More and more people today are doing analyzes in clinical laboratories in Moscow. This provokes an increase in the number of these medical institutions. Some of them even have hundreds of branches outside the capital.

Modern clinical laboratories have long gone beyond basic research. Here you can not only donate blood and biomaterials for analysis, but also receive many other services. Specialists conduct cytological, histological, immunological studies, identify the level of certain hormones in the body, conduct allergological tests, etc. Some clinical laboratories in Moscow also offer more complex manipulations, such as liver diagnostics without biopsy. In addition, here you can study the dysbiotic state of the mucous membranes.

Innovative technologies allow Moscow laboratories to carry out complex analyzes. For example, here it is possible to reveal the presence of hereditary diseases even in babies that have just been born. And of course, research is being done to determine biological motherhood and paternity.

Many clinical laboratories in Moscow collect materials even at the patient's home, which can be very convenient when examining the elderly. The system for obtaining results is no less convenient: for this you just need to go to your personal account on the institution's website or check your e-mail. Some clinics have gone even further and, in addition to carrying out analyzes, offer to consult with narrow specialists or undergo functional diagnostics. Here you can also issue a medical book or undergo a preventive examination.

The Ministry of Health, according to which patients during a medical examination can donate blood only to determine the level of glucose and a couple of other indicators. Many government clinics already do not accept tests to determine hormonal background and biochemistry. Thus, the patient, who will now go to private laboratories, must pay for everything. The Village compared prices for standard tests across six networked healthcare companies, and then asked experts why some metrics are more expensive than others and take longer to research.

For comparison, we took prices for tests in the following clinics: "Invitro", "Citylab", "Gemotest", "ArchiMed", KDL and CMD - these are companies with the longest history of existence on the market or the most popular and having a good reputation according to word of mouth ... In them, we studied the prices for the most common tests, preparation time and the form of notification of the results.

Network "Invitro"

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH * - up to two working days, DHT ** - up to four working days.

Urgent results: can be obtained in two or four hours at certain conditions... The price doubles or 1.5 times, respectively.

Taking biomaterial: 199 rubles. An online calculator on the center's website immediately adds this amount to the sum of the analyzes themselves.

Clinical analysis: 720 rubles

Biochemical analysis: 1 920 rubles

HIV: 470 rubles

Hepatitis A: 720-900 rubles

Sex hormones: 5 435 rubles

SENDING RESULTS: free sms-notification, by e-mail, by phone using a code word, by fax, in any office.

Network "Gemotest"

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, DHT - five working days.

Urgent results: can be obtained in four hours under certain conditions. The price increases 1.3 times.

Taking biomaterial: 200 rubles. The total cost on the site includes the cost of delivery of the biomaterial.

Clinical analysis: 670 rubles

Biochemical analysis: 1,870 rubles

HIV: 470 rubles

Hepatitis A: 720-940 rubles

Sex hormones: 5 340 rubles

Sending results: free sms-notification, in your personal account on the website, in the office, by phone, by fax, by courier (500 rubles) and by e-mail.

CMD network

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical blood test, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH - one or two working days, DHT - one to five working days.

Urgent results: can be obtained in three to five hours. The price doubles.

Taking biomaterial: 180 rubles. The online calculator does not take into account the cost of taking biomaterials.

Clinical analysis: 599 rubles

Biochemical analysis: 1 658 rubles

HIV: 400 rubles

Hepatitis A: 630-760 rubles

Sex hormones: 4 815 rubles

Sending results: in the office, via the Internet service, by e-mail, by phone and by mail.

KDL network

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical blood test, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH - three working days, DHT - four working days.

Urgent results: there is no such service

Taking biomaterial: 199 rubles. The total cost on the site includes the cost of delivery of the biomaterial.

Clinical analysis: 450 rubles + 215 rubles ESR

Biochemical analysis: 1,830 rubles

HIV: 450 rubles

Hepatitis A: 660-920 rubles

Sex hormones: 4,990 rubles

Sending results: in the office, on the website, by e-mail, by phone, by calling the code word, by courier (300 rubles).

Citylab network

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical blood test, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH - two working days, DHT - four working days.

Urgent results: can be obtained in two to five hours under certain conditions. The price doubles.

Taking biomaterial: venous blood- 170 rubles, capillary - 220 rubles. The online calculator on the center's website does not add this amount.

Clinical analysis: 560 rubles

Biochemical analysis: 1,760 rubles

HIV: 380 rubles

Hepatitis A: 540-760 rubles

Sex hormones: 4 980 rubles

Sending results: on the website, by e-mail, in the office, by courier (550 rubles).

ArchiMed network

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical blood test, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day.

Urgent results: there is no such service.

Taking biomaterial: 180 rubles. There is no information on the site.

The company's website contains prices for legal entities. Below are the prices for individuals.

Clinical analysis: 450 rubles

Biochemical analysis: 1,050 rubles

HIV: 320 rubles

Hepatitis A: 380-450 rubles

Sex hormones: 3 960 rubles

Sending results: by email, in the office and by phone.

* 17-OH - regulator of sexual function and menstrual cycle in women. ** DHT is responsible for the development of the male reproductive system.


Most of the most expensive tests in the medical company "Invitro". For a clinical and biochemical blood test, you will have to pay 919 and 2,119 rubles, respectively, for an analysis for hepatitis A - from 919 to 1,099 rubles, and for an analysis of sex hormones - 5,634 rubles. But "Invitro" has the widest network of clinics in Moscow.

For the determination of antibodies and HIV antigen, the largest amount, 870 rubles, will be taken from Gemotest. But in this network, the cost of urgent analyzes increases by only 1.3 times (in others - by one and a half to two times).

The cheapest analyzes in the ArchiMed company. However, in Moscow the company is represented by one laboratory, which may affect the number of those who want to save money, which means there may be queues there.

What determines the cost of the analysis?

The price of the analysis includes the cost of reagents, which are also purchased from foreign countries, the cost of depreciation of devices, salaries of medical personnel, and rental of premises. “Russian reagents are sometimes cheaper than their foreign counterparts, but, unfortunately, they are not always comparable in quality. The higher the qualifications of the staff, the more expensive it costs and, therefore, the higher the price of the analysis, ”says Elena Tivanova, head of the analytical planning group, leading expert of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor. Private laboratories are also spent on marketing services, websites, their own treatment rooms and call centers. The cost also depends on the demand for analysis among patients.

There are popular tests, such as biochemical or clinical, and their results are usually ready the next day. There are rare analyzes. For them, in order not to use reagents several times, the research time is increased.

In laboratories, the collection of biomaterial is usually paid separately. Several tests can be done by paying only once for taking blood from a vein. The material for analysis is taken by a procedural nurse in the clinic. A separate payment for taking biomaterial is a payment for her labor.

What determines the accuracy of the analysis?

The accuracy of the analysis is 50% dependent on preanalytics, that is, the stage before donating blood, says Larisa Samokhodskaya, head of the laboratory diagnostics department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University's Medical Research and Education Center, doctor of the highest category, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences. Some tests are taken on an empty stomach, for some there are bans on certain medications. Before the analysis, it is necessary to clarify the requirements, although they are usually posted on the laboratory's website.

The results may be inaccurate due to violations of the delivery of samples: according to Elena Tivanova, here “it is important to observe the correct transportation of the sample - delivery time, correct temperature regime, lack of physical damage and other external factors. " If the delivery of the material takes five to six hours, then the reliability of the results is debatable.

It is better to donate blood in the morning so that it can be delivered to the laboratory on the same day. But don't be first in line. For example, if the blood for determining the level of glucose remains in a test tube at room temperature for more than three hours, then the level of glucose will begin to drop sharply, explains Larisa Samokhodskaya. This will noticeably affect the results.

What determines the speed of the analysis?

The timing of obtaining test results depends on their rarity and the complexity of the procedure. “The research execution time consists of many factors, and the main one is the duration of the analytical process itself, which, depending on the analyte and the automation of the process, can be several minutes or several days. The time of delivery of the biomaterial from the collection point to the laboratory also contributes, and it can be carried out from a neighboring medical office, from another district of the city or from another city, ”comments Tatyana Ponkratova, head of the Invitro expert group.

The service that virtually every medical laboratory provides is immediate results. To obtain quick results, the technology of "dry chemistry" is used - for it you do not need to dilute reagents and use containers. These are test strips that help to make an express procedure, but such a system is more expensive than the usual one.

Not all tests are available soon. “There are indicators that can be done simply, quickly and inexpensively, there are analyzes that consist of two stages, one hour each, and it is not possible to speed up the process,” says Larisa Samokhodskaya. In this case, it will not be possible to get an analysis within an hour or two.

For example, a rare test for the level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT - responsible for the development of the male reproductive system) takes up to three days. According to Samokhodskaya, "laboratories have been collecting sera for some time, which ultimately can help reduce the cost of research per patient." Some companies send material for such analyzes to specialized laboratories, which also takes time. That is why DHT is so expensive and time consuming.

A biochemical blood test is an important study that allows doctors to study the cellular composition of the blood to detect changes in its parameters, which will help determine the presence of certain diseases. A timely blood test will help the doctor identify foci of inflammation in the body even before the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Where to get a biochemical blood test in Moscow and how to prepare for it?

Preparing for this procedure is not difficult. Blood is donated on an empty stomach - therefore, many specialized laboratories begin work at seven in the morning, so that patients can take tests before work and have time to have breakfast. It is recommended to exclude fatty, salty, fatty, alcoholic beverages, energy drinks, heavy foods, strong coffee and tea 12 hours before donating blood. It is better to avoid powerful physical exertion and severe stress the day before, as these actions can distort the real picture of the analyzes. Only drinking pure mineral water is permissible.

To conduct a biochemical test, the doctor draws blood from a vein - usually located in the bend of the elbow. Before this, the area of ​​the fence is treated with alcohol, after which a syringe with a long needle or its more modern versions is used. As a rule, the test result will be ready within a day after delivery. Some private clinics are ready to offer the result and decoding of a biochemical blood test in a few hours.

Patients can donate blood for biochemical analysis in many laboratories of the city, as well as in medical centers collected on our portal. Unfortunately, not all clinics are ready to offer this service, so at this point you need to pay special attention when choosing a medical institution.

What does a standard biochemical blood test show?

In the process of diagnosis, the doctor studies many important indicators, on the basis of which pathological abnormalities in activity are identified. Among them are the following:

  • Blood glucose - allows diagnosing diabetes mellitus and choosing the optimal therapy for further treatment, assessing the effectiveness of already prescribed procedures. Certain liver dysfunctions and endocrine disorders lead to a decrease in glucose levels. Normal values ​​depend on the age of the patient.
  • General bilirubin is a special yellow blood pigment formed during the breakdown of hemoglobin, cytochromes and myoglobin. An increase in its amount is characteristic of lesions of liver cells, impaired outflow of bile and increased breakdown of erythrocytes. Normal values ​​of total bilirubin: 3.4 - 17.1 μmol / L.
  • Total protein - the indicator reflects the amount of proteins, a decrease in which is characteristic of some diseases of the kidneys and liver. An increase is present in infectious and inflammatory processes, blood diseases. Normal values ​​for total protein are 66-83 g / l.
  • Cholesterol is a dietary blood lipid that is also synthesized by liver cells. Normal cholesterol levels: 3.2-5.6 mmol / L.
  • Creatinine - plays an important role in the energy metabolism of tissues. Its presence and concentration in the blood is of the greatest importance in the diagnosis of renal diseases, since it must be completely excreted by the kidneys. Normal creatinine values: men - 62 - 115 μmol / l; women - 53 - 97 μmol / l.

There are many other points in the results of biochemical analysis that are of great importance for the doctor and his diagnostics.

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