Where is Alexander Klebanov now? Cohort of non-drowning people. Klebanov. The lackluster hero of the system. Domanovskaya Natalia Evgenievna

Here Pribylovsky continues his investigation into which relatives of the ruling elite work where.
Original taken from dmitry1903 in Vladimir Pribylovsky: fathers and sons, part 2 (draft)

Lyubov Kiriyenko (born 1990) - eldest daughter;
Since 2008, she has been working as a junior manager at the Mikhailov and Partners PR agency.

The youngest daughter, untitled (2002).

37) ISHAEV Viktor Ivanovich
Minister for Development of the Far East (2012-) and Presidential Envoy to the Far East (2009-),
former governor of the Khabarovsk Territory (1991-2009),
Member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party

Ishaev Dmitry Viktorovich (1972) - son;
in the early 2000s - Advisor to OJSC NK Rosneft; co-owner of the companies Transbunker-Center LLC, TD Mezhresurs CJSC, Petrovsky Zavod Trading House LLC, LuxExpoService LLC, Petrotrade-M LLC (the latter’s revenue in 2008 was 2.5 billion rubles). (http://www.compromat.net/page_28339.ht m)

Ishaeva Yulia Viktorovna (c. 1983) is the daughter of Ishaev V., ill-wishers slander that real estate in Switzerland is registered in her name, “earned” by her father and brother (http://www.compromat.ru/page_28339.htm).

38) MERKUSHKIN Nikolay Ivanovich
Governor of the Samara region (2012-)
former Head of the Republic of Mordovia (1998-2012)

Alexey Merkushkin (born 1978) - youngest son;
Since 2001, he has been working as the general director of OJSC Lamzur S, since 2003 - a member of the board of directors of OJSC Lamzur S and OJSC Lamzur (confectionery factories in Saransk: revenue of OJSC Lamzur S in 2009 - 1.14 billion rubles ., net profit - 8.5 million rubles; revenue of OJSC "Lamzur" in 2009 - 2.22 billion rubles, net profit - 361 thousand rubles), and since January 2009 - chairman of the board of directors of Mordovpromstroybank, in which controls 19.1% of the shares. Through the Moscow LLC Invest-Alliance, in which Merkushkin Jr. owns 45%, Alexey controls 100% of the shares of OJSC Lamzur S and 92.4% of OJSC Lamzur. Invest-Alliance, among other things, owns large blocks of shares in the following companies: 100% LLC Kostromadorstroy, 100% LLC Mordovneft, 100% LLC Mordovstroykomplektatsiya, 86.5% LLC Saransk Printing Plant, 75.1% shares of Mordovelektroteploset OJSC, 100% of SDS-Construction Management LLC and other enterprises. (http://www.kommersant.ru/Doc/1596665)

38) SHAIMIEV Mintimer Sharipovich
State Counselor of the Republic of Tatarstan, (2010-), former President of Tatarstan (-2010),

Ayrat Shaimiev (1962) - eldest son, general director of OJSC Road Service of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Radik Shaimiev (1964) - youngest son,
Chairman of the Board of Directors and co-owner of the TAIF Group.

Fardiev Rinat Shaehovich (1956) - nephew,
was the head of the Zainsk region and the city of Zainsk; was considered as a possible successor to Shaimiev, in August 2008 he died while hunting, according to the official version, due to careless handling of weapons.

Fardiev Ilshat Shaehovich (1960) - nephew,
Member of the State Council (Parliament) of Tatarstan, former General Director of OJSC Tatenergo.

39) RAKHIMOV Murtaza Gubaidulovich
Advisor, Chairman of the Board of the URAL Foundation, member of the Board of Directors of JSOC Bashneft, former President of Bashkiria (-2010)

Ural Rakhimov (1961) - son,
Deputy of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan; former General Director of OJSC Bashneft (2006-2009), former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bashkir Capital holding, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Bashkir Fuel Company (1998 - March 2005); as of 2009, he had controlling stakes in Bashneft, Ufa Oil Refinery, Ufaorgsintez, Ufaneftekhim, Novoil, and Bashkirnefteprodukt. According to Forbes Russia, at the end of 2009, Rakhimov Jr. occupied 54th place in the list of Russian millionaires.

Kurmanaev Azat Talgatovich (1962) - nephew of Rakhimov’s wife Louise,
former chairman of the supervisory board of Uralsib bank, former president of Bashkreditbank.

40) VOLKOV Alexander Alexandrovich
President of Udmurtia

Andrey Volkov (1974) - son,
General Director of Udmurttorf, member of the board of directors of Izhkombank. Owns 19.22% of the shares of Izhkombank JSCB, another 0.76% of the bank is controlled through Petro-Alliance LLC. Since 2008, Andrey Volkov has held the position of deputy general director of the LLC. Regional Investment Alliance" and Komos LLC, which owns controlling stakes in Izhevsk Drilling Company LLC and Udmurtneft-Geophysics LLC. In June 2010, he was appointed by United Russia as coordinator of the road project, within the framework of which 596 million rubles were allocated to Udmurtia. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, he owns 100% of Petro-Alliance LLC (crude oil storage), 33% of Kamsky Quarry LLC (through Petro-Alliance LLC), 31% of Bereg LLC, registered in the Udmurt village of Nepryakha.

VOTINTSEVA Vera Aleksandrovna (?) - daughter,
married to Andrei Votintsev (former security officer of the State Council of Udmurtia, from 2005 to 2008 - representative in the Udmurt Republic of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport). In 2003, she opened her own notary office in Izhevsk.

41) MINNIKHANOV Rustam Nurgalievich
New President of Tatarstan (2010-)

Minnikhanov Irek Rustamovich (1990) - eldest son.
Works at Ak Bars Bank.
In 2008, together with his cousin Ravil Minnikhanov, he registered Stroyindustriya LLC, which was liquidated in 2010.

Minnikhanov Iskander Rustamovich (2008) - youngest son, schoolboy.

Minnikhanov Ramil Rifkatovich (born?) - nephew of the president,
son of the head of the traffic police of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rifkat Minnikhanov; General Director of Kazan LLC "First Construction Management"

Minnikhanov Rasul Rifkatovich (?) - nephew of the president,
son of the head of the traffic police of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rifkat Minnikhanov; CEO of TataAvant.

42) KHAMITOV Rustem Zakievich
New President of Bashkiria (2010-)

Khamitov Kamil Rustemovich (?) - son,
General Director of Egida LLC. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, he is a co-owner of Egida LLC, which deals with securities transactions. He also owns Oreid-Star LLC and Kambist-Inv LLC, which in turn owns a stake in the Moscow bank Industrial-Financial Cooperation.

43) TKACHEV Alexander Nikolaevich
Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, former State Duma deputy

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Batalova (c.1986) - eldest daughter,
married to entrepreneur Roman Aleksandrovich Batalov (b. 1985) (member of the boards of directors of OJSC Olimpiyskiy-Dagomys Boarding House, OJSC Sochi-Park, general director of Kuban Development Group LLC, which controls dozens of companies, including those working on Olympic construction (list of companies - http://slon.ru/russia/vysokopostavlenny e_nasledniki_2-418363.xhtml, copy - http://www..anticompromat.org/oliga rhi/detki05.html).

Tkacheva Lyubov Aleksandrovna (1994) - the youngest daughter, is interested in painting.

Tkacheva Anastasia Alekseevna (?) - niece, daughter of State Duma deputy from United Russia Alexei Nikolaevich Tkachev;
co-owner of Southern Pipe Plant LLC (YUTZ) and Pipe Insulation Plant LLC (ZIT).

44) SERDIUKOV Valery Pavlovich
Governor of the Leningrad Region

Vadim Serdyukov (1972) - eldest son.
Sole shareholder of CJSC Vaden,
which owns 50% of CJSC Energy Center (electricity sales in the Leningrad region, turnover - 4 billion rubles per year) and 15% of CJSC Efesk (construction of energy facilities), also owns CJSC Intersolar, which is one of the construction subcontractors the Nord Stream gas pipeline, and several hunting farms that rented 10 thousand hectares of forest land in the Leningrad region.

Denis Serdyukov (1977) - youngest son,
owner of TPG Capital (suppliers of wood for IKEA) and CJSC Agrofirm Rassvet (about 4.5 thousand hectares of agricultural land in the Lodeynopolsky district of the Leningrad region, 64 thousand hectares of hunting grounds in the north of the region and two camp sites - "Bodriy Los" (Leningrad region) and "Merchant Estate" (Vladimir region).
http://www.kommersant.ru/Doc/15966 65

45) Betin Oleg Ivanovich
Governor of the Tambov region

Vyacheslav Betin (1980) - son,
general director of the holding company "Tambovkapitalproekt", co-owner and former general director (2006-2010) of the construction holding LLC "Tambov Investment Company" (it includes LLC "Tambov Design Institute", LLC "Tambov Construction Company", LLC "ZhBK Tambov" and LLC "Management company TKS-center"). He owns 67.5% of the holding's authorized capital.

46)BOCHKAREV Vasily Kuzmich
Governor of the Penza region

Natalya Bochkareva (b.b.?) - daughter,
co-owner of Saturn LLC, according to SPARK, Natalya Bochkareva, together with Nikolai Krivozubov, own Penza LLC Saturn, which in turn owned a number of Penza enterprises until 2009 (Slon.ru, January 13, 2011; “Golden Children of Russia” - “ Kommersan - Money" No. 9 (816) dated 03/07/2011 - http://www.kommersant.ru/Doc/1596665)/

47) GOLUBEV Vasily Yurievich
Governor of the Rostov region (2010-)

Golubev Alexey Vasilievich (1982) - son,
Head of Sales Department of Light Petroleum Products at TNK-BP Holding

Golubeva Svetlana Vasilievna (?) - daughter.
According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, it owns Accord LLC (retail trade in books) located near Moscow. and Investments and Technologies LLC (a chain of pharmacies in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region).
Golubev Maxim (1986) - adopted nephew (son of his deceased brother).
He graduated from university in 2010 and works in Moscow.

48) SHANTSEV Valery Pavlinovich
Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Alexander Shantsev (1977) - son.
In the early 2000s, he worked as deputy director of the Elki-Palki restaurant chain, where he oversaw business development issues.

Tatyana Shantseva (1972) - daughter.
School director, married to a police lieutenant colonel who works in the internal affairs bodies of Moscow

49) TULEEV Aman Gumirovich
Governor of Kemerovo region

Tuleev Dmitry Amanovich (1968) - son,
Head of the GU FUAD "Siberia".

Tuleev Andrey - son,
died in a car accident.

50) POLEZHAEV Leonid Konstantinovich
Former governor of the Omsk region (-2012)

Alexey Polezhaev (? born) - son,
former top manager at Runicom, the oil trading company of Sibneft, then at the Moscow office of Milhouse Capital, the company that manages the assets of Abramovich (nickname “Papin-Sibiryak”).
http://www.novayagazeta.ru/data/2009/07 5/11.html
He is married to the daughter of the vice-president of Stroytransgaz, former first vice-president of Rosneft, Viktor Ott.

Konstantin Potapov (1956) - wife’s nephew,
President of the Avangard hockey club, former vice-president of Sibneft OJSC.

51) STROEV Egor Semenovich
Former governor of the Oryol region, member of the Federation Council from the Oryol region (2009-)

Marina Rogacheva (1965) - daughter,
former member of the Federation Council (2009), controls a stake in OJSC Oryol Social Bank, was married to FSB General Alexander Rogachev (killed on February 22, 2009).

52) KULAKOV Vladimir Grigorievich
Former governor of the Voronezh region (2000x2009), former member of the Federation Council from the Voronezh region (2009-2011)
former head of the FSB Directorate for the Voronezh region

Vyacheslav Kulakov (b.b.?) - son,
co-founder of Moststroy LLC. http://old.inforotor.ru/visit/359431?ur l=http://vlasti.net/news/42126 Vladimir Kulakov, disposing of city lands, transferred plots for cottage construction for the use of his son at cadastral value, and not at market value. Boris Suprenok, Chairman of the Land Relations Committee of the City Hall, spoke about this. According to some reports, Vyacheslav Kulakov also bought up land around the airport, which is why last spring he had a conflict with the Voronezh airline Polet: the air carrier lost the opportunity to expand the runway.(http://www.russianews.ru/newspaper/228 35/22942)

3) MASLOV Viktor Nikolaevich
Member of the Federation Council (2007-), former governor of the Smolensk region (2002-2007), former head of the FSB Directorate for the Smolensk region (until May 2002)

Victoria Potemkina (b.b.?) - daughter, married to Oleg Potemkin (Smolensk-Pharmacia company).
http://old.inforotor.ru/visit/359431?ur l=http://vlasti.net/news/421

54) MISHARIN Alexander Sergeevich
Former governor of the Sverdlovsk region (-2012)

Anastasia Misharina (1980) - eldest daughter from her first marriage,
director of the international reporting department of OJSC Alrosa -), co-founder of Argusles LLC (all founders: Anastasia Aleksandrovna Misharina, Andrey Yuryevich Misharin - cousin of A.S. Misharin), Anna Borisovna Surovikina - wife of General Sergei Surovikin, Oleg Aleksandrovich Latushkin) .
According to SPARK, he owns a third stake in Agrus-SFK LLC, Agrusles LLC, Koshaiskoye LLC and Moscow-based Agrus-Holding CJSC (Slon.ru, January 13, 2011).
(The version of Yekaterinburg City Duma deputy Leonid Volkov that she founded 11 companies at the age of 18 - http://leonwolf.livejournal.com/231 918.html - turned out to be erroneous - Vedomosti, http://www.vedomosti.ru /newspaper/artic le/259142/im_prosto_povezlo - http://npcenter.blogspot.com/2011/0 6/18-10.html (copy)).

There is a second daughter from her first marriage.

55)IPATOV Pavel Leonidovich
Former governor of the Saratov region (-2012)

Anna Ipatova (1986) - daughter;
Since 2008, he has headed the board of directors of the OJSC Medical and Health Prophylactic Complex "Golubaya Dal" in Gelendzhik on the Black Sea coast. Since 2008, he has been a member of the board of directors of the OJSC Sanatorium "Yuzhnoye Vzmorye" (Sochi), and owns, according to slon.ru, 3.1% shares of the sanatorium.
http://www.kommersant.ru/Doc/159666 5
http://www.sobesednik.ru/investigat ion/sobes_19_10_dal/

(To be continued, perhaps to follow)

additions and amendments are welcome.
I’m looking for a publisher for a book codenamed THE GOLDEN HUNDRED OF PUTIN’S OLIGARCHY (advance required).

See also: http://lj.rossia.org/users/anti_myth/316548.html

Born on May 7, 1951 in the city of Leningrad. His father is an officer in the USSR Air Force, his mother worked in the Gosstrakh department.

In 1969 he entered the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after M.I. Kalinina. He graduated from it in 1974 with a degree in electrical engineering.

Immediately after the institute, I was assigned to NPO Electron, where I worked as an electrical engineer for three years, until 1977.

Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Association

In 1977, he began working at the Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Association (LOMO) as a design engineer. While working at LOMO, he married Evgenia Yakovlevna, who worked there.

I made my first big money working part-time at a construction site during my vacation.

Then he moved up the ranks, becoming senior foreman of the optical shop, head of the design bureau, head of the technology bureau, and deputy chief technologist.

In 1989-1990, he held the position of chief engineer of the LOMO complex of medical equipment and consumer goods.

In August 1992, he became the general director of LOMO, replacing Dmitry Vasilievich Sergeev in this post.

On October 1, 1992, to replace the Entrepreneurship Council under the President of the Russian Federation, which was abolished on September 30, the Council of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs under the Government of the Russian Federation was created by decree of Boris Yeltsin dated September 30, 1992. The personal list of council members was approved by Yegor Gaidar on November 3. The Council included 25 people, mainly representatives of the so-called “directors’ lobby,” including Ilya Klebanov. The Chairman of the Council was the General Director of the AvtoVAZ production association, Vladimir Kadannikov). (November 16, 1992 the Council was renamed the Council on Industrial Policy under the Government of the Russian Federation, on November 25, 1993 it was renamed again - the Council on Industry and Entrepreneurship under the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation, and also abolished on August 12, 1994).

In 1993, LOMO was privatized and renamed OJSC LOMO. With the participation of Ilya Klebanov, LOMO JSC received significant investment funds during the privatization process, which made it possible to begin introducing new technologies into production. Thus, many traditional areas of LOMO: microscopy, endoscopy, observational and spectral instruments were modernized to meet the requirements of the world market, which made it possible to significantly increase the export of LOMO products.

Since 1994 - member of the Council for Industry and Entrepreneurship under the President of the Russian Federation; member of the Board of Directors of Promstroybank of Russia, member of the Board of Directors of the Russian-American Entrepreneurship Fund, member of the Board of Trustees of the Bolshoi Drama Theater Foundation. G. A. Tovstonogova.

In December 1997, in connection with his appointment as the first vice-governor of St. Petersburg, he left his position as general director of LOMO OJSC.

Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg (1998-1999)

In January 1998, he was appointed first deputy governor of St. Petersburg Vladimir Yakovlev and headed the city committee of economics and industrial policy.

In the Government of the Russian Federation (1999-2003)

On May 19, 1999, Sergei Stepashin became Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. He began to form a new government and, among others, included Ilya Klebanov. On May 31, 1999, Klebanov was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, in charge of issues of the military-industrial complex. Moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

In August 1999, there was a change in the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - instead of Stepashin, the government was headed by Vladimir Putin. Klebanov retained his post in Putin's government. On September 6, he also became the first deputy chairman of the Presidential Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation with Foreign States.

In January 2000, Ilya Klebanov announced the unconditional support of the general director and general designer of the FSUE VPK MAPO Nikolai Nikitin, and the VPK MAPO was renamed the Russian Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation MiG. At the same time, Russian Avionics lost its license to develop military products.

On February 11, Russia and Belarus entered into an intergovernmental agreement on the creation, on the basis of the Russian financial and industrial group “Defensive Systems,” of an interstate financial and industrial group of the same name, which included three Belarusian enterprises. Ilya Klebanov was appointed Chairman of the FIG Board of Governors, and Sergei Batekhin, Head of Defense Systems OJSC, was appointed Secretary.

In May 2000, after Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia, Mikhail Kasyanov was appointed chairman of the government. In Kasyanov's government, Klebanov also retained his post. Oversaw issues of the defense industry and arms exports.

On August 14, 2000, Ilya Klebanov headed the government commission to investigate the causes of the death of the Kursk nuclear submarine, which was created by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the very beginning of the commission’s work, Klebanov expressed a version of the collision of the Kursk with an anti-ship mine from the Second World War, which may have also led to the detonation of the torpedo. After choosing the official version of a “torpedo explosion,” the assumption disappeared by itself. Experts familiar with the strength characteristics of nuclear submarines of this class initially rejected this version.

On September 5, 2000, it was reported that Ilya Klebanov might head the government commission to restore the Ostankino Tower after the fire.

In September, Ilya Klebanov intervened in the Bendukidze-Zharkov conflict over the Krasnoye Sormovo shipbuilding enterprise.

On October 17, 2001, in addition to the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, he became a minister, heading the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation. Klebanov replaced Alexander Dondukov in this position.

On February 18, 2002, he was relieved of his post as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, while retaining the post of Minister of Industry, Science and Technology.

In the spring of 2003, Minister Klebanov expressed the idea of ​​​​creating an integrated shipbuilding holding. He proposed the creation of the state concern "Nevsky Shipyards" on the basis of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Admiralty Shipyards" and the Central Design Bureau of Marine Equipment "Rubin" with the subsequent merger of private enterprises at that time: part of the ICT group of companies "Baltic Plant" and belonging to the industrial holding company " New programs and concepts of Northern Shipyards.

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation (2003-2011)

On November 1, 2003, having left the post of Minister of Industry, Science and Technology (he was replaced by Andrei Fursenko), Klebanov was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District. Returned to St. Petersburg. On November 12, 2003, he was included in the Security Council of the Russian Federation as a member of the Council.

His predecessor in this position, Valentina Matvienko, appointed governor of St. Petersburg, warmly supported this appointment of Ilya Klebanov:

First Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative Alexander Beglov (formerly acting governor of St. Petersburg) also approved the appointment of Ilya Klebanov: “I think he will cope with this position. And then, he’s ours, a St. Petersburg resident.”

On May 7, 2008, Vladimir Putin resigned as President of the Russian Federation and the powers of Ilya Klebanov as the plenipotentiary representative of the President ceased. However, already on May 14, the next President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, appointed Ilya Klebanov as his plenipotentiary representative in the Northwestern Federal District. And on July 10, Dmitry Medvedev, as the President of Russia, and Ilya Klebanov, as his plenipotentiary representative, held their first meeting, discussing the demographic situation in the region.

On September 6, 2011, Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Klebanov from the post of presidential plenipotentiary representative in the Northwestern Federal District. The reason for the resignation was officially given as a transfer to another job. On September 14, 2011, he was expelled from the membership of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.


Ilya Klebanov is married, his wife is Evgenia Yakovlevna Klebanova. They met at the LOMO association, where they worked together.

They have a daughter, Ekaterina (born 1977), and a son, Konstantin (born 1988).

The daughter graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. Married to Andrei Praskurin. In 2000, their son was born. Since 2003, he has headed Viribus LLC (this company is one of the major shareholders of LOMO OJSC (16.129%), in 2004 it owned 4.9% of St. Petersburg Promstroybank, which was subsequently sold to VTB Bank). Since 2008, Viribus has owned 38.89% of FOR Group LLC, a large fishing company that has ten vessels with a total capacity of up to 800 tons of fish products per day. The fishery is conducted in the northern, northeastern and southern parts of the Atlantic. In 2008, Viribus LLC was at the center of a scandal: officials of the city property management committee of St. Petersburg tried to evict the tenants of several premises on Moskovsky Prospekt and lease them to Viribus LLC.

The son is a student at the St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class (September 9, 2011).
  • Order of Honor (May 7, 2001) - for his great contribution to the reform and development of domestic industry.
  • Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots (Armenia, 2004).
  • Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation (May 7, 2006) - for services to the state and many years of conscientious work
  • Badge of honor “For services to St. Petersburg” (2011).

Class rank

  • Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2004)

[...] The Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District is vested with the right to exercise the constitutional powers of the guarantor in 11 subjects of the Federation: in Karelia, the Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov regions, St. Petersburg and Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Events in the region: In St. Petersburg and its nearest suburbs, within the framework of the national project “Affordable Housing”, construction of large complexes “Baltic Pearl” and “Eurasia” with a total cost of 1.8 billion dollars has begun. They promise that it will be a million square meters of housing, restaurants, boutiques, parking for yachts and boats, a Buddhist temple and a branch of the Beijing Opera. As a result of the agreement signed by Ilya Klebanov, Chinese companies were awarded the contract for the construction of these complexes and, as some media claim, without a tender.

In Arkhangelsk, regional investigative authorities are going to petition for the removal from office of the mayor of the city, Alexander Donskoy, to whom the regional prosecutor's office recently handed over an indictment in a criminal case brought against him for forgery of documents and illegal entrepreneurship. The case was initiated after the mayor announced his desire to nominate his candidacy for the presidency of Russia in 2008. In an interview with Novaya Gazeta (No. 11 of 02/18/2007), Donskoy said: “As soon as information appeared on the city hall’s website that I would run for president, Ilya Klebanov called me on the same day. He told me: have you decided to run for office? In such an ironic tone. I say yes. He said: “I advise you to pretend to be crazy and sick. Give up this idea." I said that I had already made my decision. After which he told me: “You will have serious problems. There will be criminal cases." And he told the whole scenario...”

In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, court hearings in the case of ex-governor Alexei Barinov have entered the final stage. After Barinov’s victory in the gubernatorial elections in the district, experts from the Center for Political Technologies Foundation noted that “he has his own position, independent of the Kremlin.” Soon a criminal case arose on charges of fraud and embezzlement, and then Barinov was removed from office. Before the case was transferred to court, Ilya Klebanov publicly stated: “All the main documents confirming Barinov’s guilt have been collected, and he will not return to his seat. And in the trial that will certainly take place, he will be found guilty.” A new acting person was appointed after Barinov’s resignation. Some experts called the head of the administration “a figure personally lobbied by Klebanov.”

Political orientation: Supporter of the United Russia party.

What is known for: Having ended up, under the patronage of his mother-in-law, at that time the head of the workshop of the Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Association (LOMO), at this closed military enterprise, Ilya Klebanov, by the time of the collapse of the USSR, had risen to the position of general director and became a key player in the 90s participant in the process of its privatization. Then the areas of influence of the future plenipotentiary were determined - high technology, mechanical engineering, and the military-industrial complex. They allowed him to take the post of vice-governor of St. Petersburg by 1997, and by 1999 - the Minister of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation and at the same time the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government, responsible for high-tech industries and the defense complex.

In this position, he became the head of the government commission to investigate the causes of the death of the nuclear submarine Kursk. The former chief of staff of the Northern Fleet, Mikhail Motsak, who was dismissed as a result of this investigation, has now joined Klebanov’s apparatus as one of his assistants. A number of unsuccessful and dubious military contracts, such as the attempt to sell the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Gorshkov to India, as well as Klebanov’s idea to redistribute spheres of influence in the defense industry, which met with severe rebuff from the generals, led to his resignation from the post of Deputy Prime Minister, and then and the minister. In this regard, the appointment of Ilya Klebanov in November 2003 as plenipotentiary representative in the Northwestern Federal District was perceived by many experts as an “honorable exile,” but then they were forced to admit that it was in this post that he expanded his political and economic influence.


Evgenia Klebanova
, wife of the plenipotentiary.

Alexander Klebanov, the younger brother of the plenipotentiary, holds senior positions in OJSC LOMO (Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Association - the largest manufacturer of optical-mechanical and electronic devices for military-space and civil needs)

Konstantin Klebanov- son of the plenipotentiary, 19 years old, student

Ekaterina Klebanova-Praskurina- daughter of the plenipotentiary, 30 years old, owns part of the business of the network of hairdressing and beauty salons "Image Laboratory Persona", has shares in the family business.

Andrey Praskurin- son-in-law of the plenipotentiary, 30 years old, member of the board of directors and chairman of the board of CJSC Russian Industrial Bank


According to the German magazine Spiegel, Ilya Klebanov has his own apartment in St. Petersburg with an area of ​​220 square meters, and a dacha on a plot of half a hectare near Moscow. The Eaton Way agency on the specialized luxury real estate website Vipdeluxe.Ru adds that Klebanov’s dacha is located on the territory of the Petrovo-Dalnee boarding house of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and clarifies that the “house is private” and the land there “is owned by individuals.” An equivalent lot with a house on this site is offered for $7.5 million.

Business interests

OJSC "LOMO" (St. Petersburg)

The LOMO company is the largest Russian developer and manufacturer of high-precision mechanical and electronic optical instruments with its own billion-dollar capital and annual revenue of almost two billion. More than half of the products produced at the enterprise are for special military and space purposes, that is, defense government orders, but after privatization there was no state share in the company. All shareholders are individuals, offshore companies and nominee holders. They are the ones who receive profit from the sale of medical endoscopes since 2006 within the framework of the national project “Health”, from the supply to the Central Election Commission of complexes for processing ballot papers for the last presidential elections in Russia, under a 2002 contract for the supply of two thousand homing heads for “Krasnopol” projectiles to India, and many other projects. On average, the annual income from the sale of LOMO military products alone is about $20 million. According to analysts, in most areas LOMO has no competitors among domestic companies, and in the defense industry - the Russian monopolist in the development of homing heads for Igla anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as fire control systems for Rakurs missile launchers, "Bulava", "Topol".

For 15 years now, this company has been associated with the family of its former general director, current plenipotentiary Ilya Klebanov. His younger brother, Alexander Klebanov, has been deputy director for corporate property management since 2001, and a member of the board of OJSC LOMO since June 2005. In the latest list of affiliates of the company, he is listed “as a person belonging to the group of persons to which the joint-stock company belongs.” In addition, four years ago, Klebanov Jr. became the general director of the subsidiary LOMO-Plast LLC, which, according to documents, has the right to dispose of more than 20 percent of the authorized capital of LOMO. Alexander Klebanov also heads the department of commercial operations with property of the LOMO-Real Estate company, whose functions include operations for the sale, acquisition, lease of property, as well as transport support and sale of energy resources.

The daughter of the plenipotentiary, Ekaterina Klebanova, married to Praskurina, graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance several years ago, established Moika LLC together with a friend and bought the right (franchise) to use the Persona Lab brand to organize a chain of beauty salons and hairdressing salons in St. -Petersburg. The cost of a franchise is 30 thousand dollars plus an investment in one salon from 150 to 250 thousand dollars. At the same time, Ekaterina Ilyinichna is the general director of Viribus LLC, a company that in 2005 became one of the owners of LOMO OJSC, receiving the right to dispose of 21.5 percent of the company’s voting shares, i.e. allowing you to influence key decisions and changes in the composition of the board of directors.

A year earlier, Viribus LLC owned 4.9 percent of the shares of St. Petersburg Promstroybank. This bank at that time was a 100% shareholder of CJSC Baltic Financial Agency, which, in turn, was one of the nominal holders of LOMO shares (i.e. in favor of some unidentified person). It may be a coincidence that the deputy director of Promstroybank at that time was the plenipotentiary’s son-in-law, a recent graduate of the same St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance, Andrei Praskurin, as Ekaterina Klebanova.

CJSC Russian Industrial Bank (Moscow)

The plenipotentiary's son-in-law, Andrei Praskurin, is the chairman of the board and member of the board of directors of the Russian Industrial Bank. This bank, as a result of a merger with North-West Telecombank, became one of the 200 largest banks in Russia and acquired as a successor its main strategic partners - OJSC LOMO and OJSC North-West Telecom (an interregional telecom operator within Svyazinvest - the most powerful Russian state telecommunications corporation). Russian Industrial Bank is now, according to media reports, servicing the financial flows of a number of companies included in Svyazinvest and organizing their bond issues. In addition, Russian Industrial Bank is associated with the RTK-Leasing company (owns 34.7 percent of the company's voting shares), the main activity of which is a joint project with Svyazinvest OJSC for the purchase of switching equipment for subsidiaries and dependent enterprises of OJSC Svyazinvest Svyazinvest" throughout Russia.

Ilya Klebanov is one of those unsinkable politicians who appeared in sufficient numbers on the waves of perestroika. He made a dizzying career, going from a simple engineer to Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. His life is an example of active progress towards a goal, but sometimes using dubious means.

Parents and early years

Ilya Iosifovich Klebanov was born in Leningrad on May 7, 1951. The family was ordinary: my mother worked as a minor employee in an insurance company, my father served in the air force. The Klebanovs lived prosperously, although they did not have much wealth. Ilya’s childhood was completely typical for that time: kindergarten, school, friends in the yard. Nothing foreshadowed any outstanding life. After graduating from school, Ilya Klebanov entered the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. In 1974, he received a higher education diploma with a degree in electrical engineering. At the institute, Klebanov did not show much activity in social life and studies. According to his assignment after institute, he comes to the research and production association "Electron". Ilya worked there in his specialty for three years.


In 1977, Ilya Klebanov, whose biography was very typical for an engineer of Soviet times, came to work at the Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Association. Lenin, briefly called LOMO. The company produced equipment for the military industry, film equipment and carried out scientific developments in the optical field. Ilya started working as a design engineer. The wages here were better than at Electron, but Klebanov did not have much wealth. Over the course of 15 years, he went through all stages of career growth: he was a workshop foreman, head of a design and technology bureau, and deputy engineer. Therefore, he knew the organization inside and out. In 1992, he became the general director of the association.

A year later, LOMO undergoes the corporatization procedure. The company received significant funds, which allowed it to update its equipment and reach a new level of production. As a result of this modernization, LOMO began to produce more competitive products and was able to significantly increase exports and increase profits. The country's largest investors took part in the privatization of the enterprise: Potanin and Prokhorov. These acquaintances would later be useful to Klebanov. As a result of all these processes, Ilya Iosifovich acquired quite a lot of money. If before this the most significant amount for him was the money earned while on vacation with his friends in construction, now he could receive a solid, guaranteed income.

The path to politics

In 1992, Ilya Klebanov became a member of the Council of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs under the Government of the Russian Federation, which was personally supervised by B.N. Yeltsin. It is from this place that the vertical takeoff of Ilya Iosifovich’s career begins. Since 1994, he has been a member of the Presidential Council on Entrepreneurship. At the same time, he became a member of the boards of directors of several companies, and was a member of the board of trustees of the theater. Tovstonogov. Having entered the “director’s lobby,” Klebanov gained great connections and the favorable attitude of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, who in 1997 even referred to him as “national wealth” in his annual message.

Government Jobs

In 1997, Ilya Klebanov was appointed to the government of St. Petersburg: he became deputy prime minister. Informed sources claimed that this appointment, as well as the mention of Klebanov’s name in the President’s speech, was planned. He expected that Ilya Iosifovich would soon join his team, but for now he needed to gain experience. In Yakovlev's government, he served as first deputy and oversaw the city economy and industrial policy of St. Petersburg.

But a year later he has to move to Moscow. He received the post of Deputy Prime Minister Stepashin and began to deal with the problems of the military-industrial complex. In 1999, after the change of government, Klebanov retained his position under V.V. Putin. In 2000, when Putin became president, Mikhail Kasyanov became prime minister, Ilya Iosifovich again remained in his chair. In 2001, he received an additional post and became the Minister of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation. In 2002, Klebanov was removed from the post of Deputy Prime Minister, retaining the post of minister. In 2003, he had to vacate this place too.

Authorized representative

In November 2003, Ilya Iosifovich Klebanov ceded his ministerial chair to his good friend A. Fursenko, and himself received a new position. President Putin appoints him as his plenipotentiary representative in the Northwestern Federal District. So he returned to St. Petersburg. Experts said that this was an “honorable exile” for Klebanov for his conflicts with circles close to the government. At the same time, Ilya Iosifovich was a member. After D. Medvedev took the presidency, Klebanov retained his position. And only in 2011 he was relieved of these duties in connection with the transition to a new job.


In 2011, he became the head of the largest Russian shipping company Sovcomflot. This company was established by the Russian government, and it controls the majority of maritime gas transportation in Russia. Its tanker fleet numbers more than 200 units. Ilya Iosifovich Klebanov, for whom Sovcomflot became a platform for applying his efforts, actively began to establish connections with various foreign partners. Since it has a powerful administrative resource behind it, the company quite easily manages to obtain large contracts for the delivery of gas by sea from Russia to partner countries.


Many who are familiar with the name of the politician have a question: “Where is Ilya Iosifovich Klebanov now?” The average person is unlikely to be able to answer this. And business people will probably say that he is now a major entrepreneur. After leaving government positions, he began developing the family fishing business, which his daughter Ekaterina and her husband had previously acquired with his help. Today, several companies controlled by Klebanov have an annual turnover of 6 billion rubles.

Compromising evidence

Ilya Klebanov has more than once become the target of various attacks and investigations. He was accused that during his time at LOMO he was involved in the sale of technologies to competing companies, but this information was not officially confirmed. Journalists claimed that during his deputy prime minister he lobbied for the interests of the Jewish community, helping them take over companies in different regions of the country. In 2016, documents known as the Panama Papers revealed three offshore companies linked to Klebanov's name. There were no comments from Ilya Iosifovich.


During his governmental life, Ilya Klebanov received such awards as the President of the Russian Federation, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the Order of Honor, and the Order of Merit for St. Petersburg. He is an actual first class state councilor of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

Ilya Iosifovich has been happily married for a long time. His wife, Evgenia Yakovlevna Klebanova, worked with him at LOMO. After her husband went to power, she no longer officially worked. The couple had two children: daughter Ekaterina and son Konstantin. The daughter got married and gave birth to Klebanov’s grandson. She and her husband own the Viribus company, which is a major shareholder of LOMO and the founder of a large fishing business.

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