Knight of coins reversed. Reversed card position. The meaning of the card in various layouts

Description of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles tarot card in many decks depicts a horseman looking at a coin hanging in the air in front of him. The knight's horse can either move at a pace or stand still, but in any case, the man does not rush into battle - he, rather, is in thought. Apparently, he doesn’t know what to do and where to move next.

General meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot card in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Knight of Denarius symbolizes something solid, strong, permanent, the soil or foundation on which you can build your future. A map of progress towards a set, most often material, goal. A person works, makes efforts, and they bring tangible results. Your strength in this movement can overcome significant obstacles. When fortune telling a situation, the Knight of Disks predicts a successful solution to the problem and says that your actions will find support from a person who can provide invaluable help. However, when fortune telling about a situation related to receiving money, the Horseman of Pentacles warns that one cannot count on a solution to the issue in the near future. It will take a long time before you achieve your plan.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Knight of Pentacles symbolizes slow action, lack of profit, result, expected effect, which is caused by greed, stubbornness or lack of necessary planning. The expected help may not come, and a waste of time, effort and resources is likely.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here the Knight of Pentacles means a healthy working atmosphere, a spirit of hard work and reliability, thanks to which business goes well and plans are successfully implemented. This includes an instinct for profitable deals, for good partners, and a desire and ability to work clearly and productively. The Arcanum can also mean that there is a favorable period ahead, during which you will be able to realize your abilities and earn the respect of others, thanks to the ability to distinguish the possible from the impossible, valuable from empty. If you are asked about an upcoming exam, negotiations or some kind of project, then the card portends a solid, lasting and long-term result.

Reversed card position

Appearing in a fortune-telling or reversed reading, the Knight of Pentacles tarot card symbolizes dishonest deals and reticence in negotiations, as well as desperate situations and financial difficulties. Arkan also reports a low salary, despite the fact that he has to work a lot.

Meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

The card symbolizes physical strength and endurance. Kidney diseases, colds, skin diseases (various irritations and eczema), severe headaches, insomnia are possible.

Reversed card position

In terms of health, the card may indicate excess weight, lack of exercise, or, conversely, excessive passion for it.

Meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

Constancy, reliability, duration, fidelity - these are the main qualities of relationships that the Knight of Disks in the upright position speaks about. It is also a strong alliance or the prospect of such an alliance if we do not yet have a partner. In the union characterized by the Arcana, trust and fidelity play a more important role than the search for novelty. Also, it should be said that in the relationships displayed by this card, a rather important point is the mutual physical attraction of the partners.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Knight of Denarii means boredom and dissatisfaction, sluggish flow of events, routine in relationships, indifference and indifference to the partner. The card can also indicate that a person, due to his own laziness, has turned his relationship with his partner into an endless stream of gray, unremarkable everyday life.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

As a court card (court card), the Knight of Coins symbolizes a middle-aged man, probably engaged in productive activities. We can also talk about a young man, but one who has already decided on his goals in life and has a value system that is based on materialistic principles. This is a person born under the sign of Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo. He is serious, achieves results through his work, while remaining reasonable and patient until this is possible. This person is mainly interested in financial matters and everything connected with them. If he promised something, he will come and stay until the job is done in the best possible way.

Reversed card position

Inverted, the Knight of Denarii is an idle or careless and irresponsible young man, a mercantile rationalist, inclined to ride at someone else's expense and not shy away from dishonest ways to achieve his goal. His information may be biased and biased, and therefore it is better to double-check it. The inverted position of the card tells us about a person who is quite cunning and insidious; it is difficult to come to an agreement with him in business - he will always “pull the blanket over himself.” Its main features are callousness, unwillingness to take responsibility, carelessness, complacency, and stinginess.

Meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles card as a card of the day

Today no one will be able to fool you around their finger. You are ready to talk only about serious topics, use only proven methods, and will not indulge in any speculation. If you have to take some important, long-term steps, or solve a difficult problem, then this is the best day. If you are not faced with large-scale tasks, think, maybe today you can relax and allow yourself something that you can later remember with pleasure?

Knight of Pentacles card advice in fortune telling and layouts

You are quite capable of achieving what you want, so there is no need to worry about anything, just calmly and systematically do what you consider right and useful for yourself.

Meaning of the Knight of Pentacles in the upright position

Opening a new path, the next step in life. All plans relate to material things that can improve life and bring benefits (money, real estate, career). The card has little to do with emotions. A very favorable card for realizing your plans. You can expect good news or a pleasant trip.

The Knight of Pentacles Tarot represents a young man with great potential. This is a friend and reliable assistant in any matter.

  • a person worthy of trust, you can rely on him
  • integrity, reliability, good news
  • faithful service, stability, responsibility, inviolability of moral principles

The Knight of Pentacles Tarot in the correct orientation is characterized by such qualities as reliability, perseverance, patience, traditionally inherent in a responsible and even cautious young man. He probably works for the Client or has been entrusted with some specific work that will be done perfectly. The Knight of Pentacles Tarot card predicts that a young man will receive good news related to the Client’s money, travel or commercial activities.

The Knight of Pentacles Tarot in the upright position is a young man prone to adventurism. Has enormous potential, but is not using it, at least not yet. Materialist, unlikely to take his eyes off the ground, gambler. Having received a task, he can strive and fulfill it, but is not yet able to set his own goals and achieve them. If this card does not represent a specific person, it indicates a departure or arrival.

Meaning of the Knight of Pentacles in reversed position

Unfulfilled expectations, quarrels. Discord, scandal, deterioration of relations. All problems begin due to laziness and lack of incentive to further move forward. You must definitely find the strength to clear up the difficulties that have arisen. Otherwise it will get worse.

The reversed Knight of Pentacles tarot is a young man who has lost the desire to do anything. In personal relationships, he also cares little.

  • quitter and slacker, lazy person, timid nature
  • idleness, inertia, stagnation, carelessness, thoughtless spending of money

The caution of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot, predicted by a worthy card, here turns into inertia, timidity, futility of effort and lack of incentives. The card also speaks of a slowdown in the Client’s financial and commercial activities and possible stagnation if a new approach to business is not found.

The reversed tarot Knight of Pentacles is an idle or careless and irresponsible young man. Carelessness, discouragement, stagnation, apathy. If this card does not represent a specific person, it indicates a possible loss of work or loss of spirit.

The reversed Tarot card Knight of Pentacles also indicates a lack of attention on the part of the Questioner, an inability to choose a goal and strive for it.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Knight of Pentacles Tarot exhibits the same qualities as his parents, but there are also elements of movement: departure, arrival, journey. This is a less mature person than the King or Queen; he has their potential, but not their experience. He may have a sweet personality, but he is not that reliable and sometimes disappoints himself and his loved ones. At times the Knight of Pentacles is impatient and unwilling to fulfill his duties. Whether this is his permanent trait or whether he will grow out of it will be shown by the remaining cards in the spread.

If this card does not represent a specific person, then the news is this: you can achieve more if you calm down and get to work.

The Knight of Pentacles card in the tarot has connotations of conservatism, routine and efficiency. The lasso represents a responsible attitude towards any work and diligence. The Knight of Pentacles is depicted on a huge black stallion, in the middle of a plowed field.

In one hand he holds a golden pentacle, his gaze is thoughtful, perhaps he is wondering what he will do with this pentacle. The knight often has to do hard work, his affairs have become routine, but it is thanks to his efforts and perseverance that he will achieve his intended goal.

General value of the card in the upright position


  • conservatism;
  • efficiency;
  • patience;
  • fight against laziness;
  • hard work;
  • commitment;
  • grounding;
  • seriousness;
  • Agriculture;
  • focus;
  • stability;
  • accuracy;
  • organization;
  • plants;
  • goals achieved;
  • traditional ways of working;
  • attention to detail;
  • love of work.

This card positions a person who has shouldered the implementation of some major undertaking, and now he has already passed half of the difficult path, right now he is at the very peak of activity. Perhaps this is a large lucrative contract, a scientific dissertation, or a creative idea. The man is tired, he still has a lot to do, but he is patient and assertive.

The man is hardy and consistent, perhaps his methods are not original, and there is a touch of conservatism in them, but whatever he does, success awaits him. The knight radiates reliability and trust, but he lacks fire, passion, imagination, this is what slows him down and makes him barely move. If you get this Arcana, it means that most of these qualities are inherent in you, and in life you are in no hurry, moving in small steps, preferring uniformity and stability.

You are fully committed to your tasks, and efficiently completed work proves your dedication and conscientiousness to your work every time. A sense of duty and responsibility is of course good, but make sure that perfectionism does not creep into your life.

In general, this Arcanum promises a stable income, the opportunity to increase material well-being, by doing your work clearly and smoothly, you only confirm your professionalism and reliability. If you get this card in a reading, relax, any deadlock or problem will be resolved in your favor.

The Knight of Pentacles personifies life experience and wisdom, seriousness, reliability, and love of work. If you take on something, be sure to see it through to the end. Hackwork is not about you. The Knight of Pentacles is the Arcana of desires, which indicates the achievement of intended goals through perseverance and determination. The card provides protection for your home, family and friends. The Knight of Pentacles is characterized by stability, reliability, loyalty and patience. Ambition, hard work and honesty are his faithful companions. He can also be conservative and stubborn. The Knight of Pentacles often has problems of an emotional nature; he does not know how to express his emotions correctly. As a rule, this is due to the upbringing of the father, whose goal was to teach his son work, love and respect. This often includes Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.

The Knight of Pentacles encourages further education and self-development. New methods and methods, new knowledge, a different logic of thinking will help you cope with any task, even if it seems overwhelming and boring to you at the beginning. Have time to fight laziness.

This Arcanum often means a craving for household chores; you are not averse to tinkering in the garden, repairing the fence, improving the lawn; any general cleaning always ends with a pleasant family tea party.

Inverted position


  • apathy;
  • boredom;
  • stagnation;
  • lack of success;
  • lack of fulfillment;
  • incompetence;
  • rush;
  • routine and monotony.

The Knight of Pentacles in reverse represents apathy and being stuck in a routine, repetitive way of life. You begin to crave change or some spontaneity as life becomes mundane and boring. Introduce something new into your lifestyle, let variety erase boredom and everyday life.

Perhaps there are questions and problems in your life that you have recently decided to ignore. Activities such as maintaining a home, money, business relationships and career advancement have fallen by the wayside as you focus on more interesting activities and opportunities to spend your time.

A reversed Knight of Pentacles can reflect a person who is unserious, overly conservative and resistant to change. Such people will prefer to stay at home, while others will have fun and take risks. This reclusive pattern of behavior can deprive you of friends and loved ones. Be open to new experiences and connect with the world around you.

In the general context, an inverted Arcanum represents a lack of life wisdom, logic of thinking, negligence, a desire to be appreciated and encouraged, and not wanting to participate in the work process. Your dreams will remain unfulfilled if you don't take action. Often such people are characterized by laziness and weak character. The Knight of Pentacles can also represent the other extreme - a workaholic who chases money, is obsessed with power, work and material well-being. It can be boring, pessimistic and out of date. His conservatism in work, in life, and stubbornness towards the views of others have a repulsive effect on people.

In frequent cases, the card advises you to rest a little. Perhaps you are bored and lost interest in life, ready to abandon things, leaving them unfinished. The reason may be poor health, or fatigue from routine and monotony. You need a breath of fresh air, a change of scenery, an emotional shake-up.

If you need specifics regarding yes or no answers, then the answer is yes - act monotonously, without rushing. Answer: no - if you are in a hurry to solve a problem or issue, act headlong, do not have a general idea of ​​the essence of the problem, which indicates your incompetence and short-sightedness. The motto of the card: if you hurry, you will make people laugh. Be patient and don’t get carried away, do everything consistently, efficiently and wisely.

Love and personal relationships

Direct position

Depending on your personality, the Knight of Pentacles is a pretty positive card for love. Here there is a need for long-term connections, marital relationships. But such people are characterized by slowness in everything, and even if a person wants to accept some obligations, this does not mean that he will drop everything and start acting. You may have to wait until your relationship moves to the next level. This is fine for some people, but if you are the type of person who doesn't accept putting things off until later, then the Knight of Pentacles is not your potential partner.

Sometimes this card can mean that your lover will have baggage from a past life: children from other relationships, obligations associated with a past life. If you agree with such an addition, then you need to be patient, and your union will only grow stronger.

The Knight of Pentacles represents romantic stability and nurturing energy. You will receive pleasant news related to love; so make sure your life is ready for it. Are you ready to be completely committed to another person? There's a lot to think about here.

The Knight of Pentacles in a love context indicates a man/woman who may seem somewhat “boring” in love, but is nevertheless trustworthy, reliable and patient. This card clearly shows that you can depend on this person. Moreover, there are tendencies towards OCD (obsessive thoughts, suspiciousness, phobias, groundless jealousy), possible shyness, as well as a desire to dominate and be dominant.

Inverted position

In relationships, the reversed Knight of Pentacles reflects boredom and anxiety. One partner will be happy with the routine, but for the other partner it is torture. You will find that your relationship has lost its romantic side and you are now just focused on daily activities such as grocery shopping, school holidays, cooking and the like. Try to find time to spend together, otherwise you risk losing your partner's attention.

If you are in a relationship, this Arcanum reversed means an unstable relationship, without commitment or effort. Life is filled with monotony and melancholy. You need passion, novelty, an emotional outburst, surprise each other, seduce, flirt with each other, flirt. This can cost you a lot of patience, since your partner is lazy, monotonous, and needs to be stirred up and attracted attention. He may be interested in partnering with influential people, talking about social status, about creating comfort, but he lacks work acumen and focus on achieving goals. He breaks the promises he makes. Or conversely, he may be so materialistic and money-obsessed that he ignores and disrespects his partner.

For singles, the card means that you are not ready for stability; you are satisfied with freedom and lack of obligations. You are not ready to obey, compromise, or give someone devotion and fidelity. Wait, your time is not far off, you just need to mature, and you will feel your knight in your heart.


Direct position

In the context of a career, the Knight of Pentacles indicates that you are full of ambition, guided by knowledge and logic, and correctly prioritized work contributes to the achievement of goals. Rapid progress and positive results come from hard work and patience. In your position, you are a valuable, competent employee, your professionalism is noticed, appreciated and constantly rewarded. Your diligence and prudence are the key to success and prosperity in your professional field.

The map shows that the type of activity related to natural resources, agriculture, landscaping, orchards and vineyards is ideal for you. The Knight of Pentacles prefers to be his own boss and work for himself. If you are looking for a job, wait for the opportunity presented, but do not waste your time on small jobs, you need something you enjoy that meets all your requirements. With your skill and professionalism, you can be capricious. Good luck will accompany you in negotiations, signing lucrative contracts, and creating profitable projects.

This Arcana once again emphasizes your business acumen, organization and comprehensive approach on the path to your goals. The ability to usefully distribute your time and energy, rational use of any opportunities, gives you confidence in the next day. You will always be in your place and in your position. A job in production, trade and marketing, a bank, or a tax office is ideal for you. Any work is good if you can observe a positive result and the fruits of progress.

Inverted position

Inverted, the card warns of dishonest deals, unsuccessful negotiations, lack of understanding between partners, there may be a small, completely unnoticeable misunderstanding, which will later result in damages and monetary losses. Difficulties and dead ends await you if you decide to open your own business. In this case, your conservatism will play a cruel joke on you: while your competitors will shine with profits and a reliable reputation, you will sour in the “old-fashioned” methods. Your “individual” approaches to work will lead to an overestimation of capabilities and strengths, which will negatively affect the result.

You allow yourself to be negligent in your job responsibilities, treat staff with disrespect, fail to carry out assignments, and often let your colleagues down. You cannot be trusted with a single task. And after that, you are still unhappy with the low earnings. “As you work, so will you eat.”

Very often you are hindered by your own impulsiveness and ardor. Stop, don’t run ahead of yourself, focus all your attention on the problem, look at it as a whole. Tossing from place to place, from problem to problem, from one aspect to another, will lead to loss of interest, which will lead to boredom and reluctance to work.


Direct position

In the context of health, if you are sick or suffering from injuries, bruises or fractures, the Knight of Pentacles reflects physical strength and recovery of the body. The card also tells you that paying attention to the basics of good nutrition, moderate exercise, and getting enough rest will be critical to your health.

In general, the Knight of Pentacles is an indicator of good health and a resilient body. For men, the card promises fertility and good potency. In life, you are a workaholic, which is where chronic fatigue and overwork begin to creep in sooner or later. But you are one of those people who do not like to be treated and stubbornly ignore the disease.

Inverted position

An inverted Arcana indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastric ulcers, gastritis, headaches, emotional and physical exhaustion syndrome. All this is associated with an overloaded work schedule, lack of rest, overwork and insomnia. Any job requires nerves, especially with your obsession with little things, which leads to restlessness and anxiety. Sleep, properly selected nutrition, massage courses and restorative procedures will restore your vitality and stabilize your health.

With 10 of swords: not much work. Slowly and methodically asking the same questions over and over again, but in a different way. Intrusive information.

You have the strength to realize your goals, you have patience, the necessary knowledge and skills. Never doubt yourself or worry about the outcome of your work. Follow the main rule - you need to hurry slowly. Don’t rely on superficial information, double-check everything yourself. Stay calm and orderly in everything.


Brief description of the card

As usual, Waite is extremely sparing in his descriptions of the Court Cards, and the Knight of Pentacles is no exception. All that Waite felt it necessary to say about the drawing of this card fits into two sentences: “He rides a slow, hardy draft horse, corresponding to his own build. He displays his symbol, but does not look at it himself.” Not a word about the arable land in the background. Winter or spring crops, barley or wheat - forever remained a mystery to Tarot researchers.

The details of the armor are poorly visible, but the helmet is clearly visible. And now you can “catch on” to the helmet and draw some conclusions. On the rider’s head is a “salad” type helmet. They were fashionable from the late 14th to early 16th centuries. This type of helmet, by the way, was very popular in Germany, despite the fact that it originated in Italy. And it was the German models of salads that became the prototypes of the famous German helmet.


  • Deception
  • Trade
  • Practicality
  • Self-interest
  • Profit

Key Ideas

  • Present tense (now)
  • Zeal
  • Selfishness
  • Business trip (trip)

Basic meaning

The meanings of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles (Coins), also called the Knight of Denarii, Waite today seem superficial and shallow. This is how Waite understands this card: “Utility, convenience, interest, responsibility and directness.” And he adds a very strange note: “The same at the everyday and social level.” Somehow I can hardly imagine the combination of responsibility and convenience.

For an inverted card, the set of meanings is just as boring and inexpressive. “Inertia, idleness, idleness; also tranquility, despondency, carelessness.” It seems that the author did not think deeply about the meaning of the “horseman” in the picture, a complex and interesting map.

Today's understanding of the card is associated with various ways of making a profit. To a lesser extent it is production. And much more - trade. Moreover, trade, which initially involves not the most honest methods: speculation, fraud, deception, fierce competition. The hero of the picture is an individualist and easily turns into an egoist. Lives by the principle “Everything is bought and everything is sold.” Everything has its price. Not only things and objects, but also feelings and relationships.

Video: Tarot card meaning - Knight of Pentacles

Meaning in relationships

Open - hole card

Tarot meaning The Knight of Pentacles (Denariev) in relationships, like all knights, is an open card. His behavior model is that of a seller, and a seller cannot exist without a buyer.

Relationship intensity

While remaining cold-blooded and calculating, the Knight of Pentacles seeks to increase the intensity of relationships with his partners in order to make them easier to manipulate.

Map as a scenario for relationships: love, family, relatives, work

Let's consider the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in love and other relationships. Any action must bring profit. Any relationship should be beneficial. Necessarily useful for the Knight of Pentacles and not necessarily for the second partner. Moral prohibitions for the Knight of Pentacles are something ephemeral. Therefore, he fully tolerates fraud, deception and other socially disapproved behavior patterns.

The Knight of Pentacles is a provider. And only the upbringing he received in childhood determines whether he will mine for his group or exclusively for himself. He lives in the belief that the cost and value of the spoils are the same. And that relationships have a material equivalent. The amount of money he allocates to his beloved exactly corresponds to the degree of his sympathy. For the Knight of Pentacles, it is obvious that if he gives money to someone, then he loves this person. How much money I gave you, that’s how much I love you. Moreover, both in absolute numbers (10,000 rubles) and in relative numbers (30% of income).

He has perfectly grasped the idea of ​​competition and does not understand the concept of cooperation at all.

  • in combination with a card: The transaction must be fair
  • in combination with the card: Trade in Wisdom
  • in combination with card: Bad deal

Psychological condition

The Knight of Pentacles is very gambling, it is very important for him to be a winner, to receive an advantage, especially expressed in material forms (bonuses, discounts, two for the price of one). He is ready to take risks, but at the same time he does not shy away from monotonous daily work aimed at future results.

The Knight of Pentacles is a very active card. He is not afraid of failures, he is not afraid to show aggression. And even more so, he is not afraid to enjoy the results of his victories.

  • in combination with: Beginning of development of new territories.
  • in combination with: Fierce competition.
  • in combination with: Be careful, they are trying to deceive you.

Importance in health matters

The meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles speaks of overwork and accumulated fatigue. But they don’t recognize the problem and don’t like to be treated. At the moment, the Knight is in excellent shape, he has excellent health, but, often, the Knights of Pentacles invent fashionable diseases for themselves.

  • Knight of Pentacles in combination with a Tarot card: A complete egoist.
  • Knight of Pentacles combined with Tarot card: Profit on friends
  • Knight of Pentacles in combination with a Tarot card: Big profits.

Business and finance, in professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

The meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in matters of work is impulse. Reaction. Kings and queens create situations, and knights react to them. Often instantaneous, but precise. Knights are able to manage the situation, but they are not able to control it. Everything is very unstable. Rare case.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

A knight is one stream, a queen is a river, a king is a river system with a delta and all its tributaries. The most active, restless ones are stream-knights; working with them, you work to increase your income. Strike while the iron is hot, be quick. Quick deals - quick money. Knights are individualists, much more prone to competition than cooperation, unlike ladies.

Everyone is good in their role. Knight of Pentacles - money-commodity-money. For him, resale is normal, not production. Nothing personal just business.

General state of finances and trends of changes

The Knight of Pentacles is directly related to profit. He is focused on it both now and in the future. Overall the situation is good.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The main problems of the knight are also his advantages, but taken to the point of absurdity. Impulsivity prevents you from focusing on the problem as a whole, from seeing and evaluating all aspects as a whole. Individualism leads to overestimation of one's own strengths, and reaction speed leads to rapid burnout and loss of interest. A sprinter, not a stayer.

Consider the Meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot as a Card of the Day and a Warning.

A good day for profitable deals.

Card of the day Caution

Money is not the main goal in life.

  • in combination with the card: Successful teamwork.
  • in combination with the card: Skill will bring profit.
  • in combination with a card: to act even better, you should learn.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

  • What new territories are you exploring? For what?
  • Where do you see your profit?
  • What are you willing to do for money?
  • What are you buying and what are you selling?

One of the most stable and practical cards in the deck is the Knight of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning of which we will consider today. This court Arcanum belongs to the element of earth, which means that it will fully manifest itself in earthly affairs and work. Do not be afraid to interpret figured cards - a systematic study of the Arcanum and all its manifestations, especially in certain areas of life, will smoothly lead you to an intuitive understanding of the interpretation. And now, like a true Knight of Pentacles, let's focus on work - and hit the road!

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

First let's look at other names for this earthly horseman. He is also called the Prince of Disks (in the Tarot of Thoth), the Knight of Coins, the Horseman of Denarii and the Lord of the Wild Fertile Lands. However, all these names themselves come to mind when looking at the image of the card in the Rider-Waite deck. This is a knight in a red robe, sitting on a black horse, the harness of which matches the rider’s clothing in color. The knight holds a pentacle in his hands, which he holds confidently and firmly. In the background there is a landscape quite typical for the elements of the Earth - picturesque nature, green grass, blue water, brown hills and, in the very distance, tree crowns. It is immediately clear that the rider is primarily overcome by earthly concerns - labor, work for results. We do not observe any romantic impulses in this knight, so we can say that he is a realist.

Keywords and ideas for the Knight of Disks card in a reading

Let's try to select key expressions that fully characterize the meaning of the Knight of Coins Tarot:

  • Perseverance, patience, methodicalness
  • Hard work
  • Self-confidence
  • Responsibility, integrity, diligence
  • Clear, precise tasks that need to be solved without putting them off for later
  • Favorable prospects, subject to high-quality performance of your duties
  • Absorption in work
  • Improving your skills
  • Ability to control yourself
  • Reliability

Meaning of the Knight of Denarii in the upright position

So, if we put together all the key expressions that were used to describe the Arcana, we will see that the meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles is, first of all, work - clear, stable, high-quality, aimed at a specific result. This work can manifest itself in any area of ​​life. It is important to understand that the Knight shows all his best qualities because he sees a specific goal in front of him and strives towards it with all his might. We can’t say that the result will be quick, but it will definitely happen, the main thing is not to stop, not to be lazy, and not to give up your responsibilities. This is exactly what our Horseman Denariev does. At the same time, the very thing he is doing may not be to his liking, but he understands why he does what he does.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

The Reverse Knight is tired and he just wants to take it and leave everything. This fatigue can manifest itself in abandonment, failure to complete the assigned task, unreliability, indifference to the work that has to be done, and negligence. The inverted Horseman no longer sees the goal to which he needs to go, so all activity seems meaningless to him. Under this card there may be loss of a job, an indication that the person is a simple man in the street, unable to set any goals for himself, idleness, apathy, laziness, moral fatigue, or simply a state of protracted routine, everyday life, from which, it seems, there is no way out.

Video about the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles card

The meaning of the card in readings for relationships and love

The meaning of the Knight of Denarius Tarot in relationships - what will it be? What will a hardworking, responsible and reliable rider tell us?

Straight position

If we are talking about describing a partner, then the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in love is a slightly boring, down-to-earth person who cares primarily about some everyday issues, and not about feelings. At the same time, he values ​​the intimate component of relationships and fidelity. Devotion is generally his strong point, so at the slightest hint of betrayal, he is able to arrange a wild scene of jealousy for his loved one. At the same time, “emotional betrayal” worries him little, and if his partner has not slept with another person, he will not be jealous. But sex on the side will never be forgiven for anything. In fact, the Knight of the Earth is very practical in everyday life, strictly fulfills all family responsibilities, so he makes a very reliable marriage partner, however, the desire for financial stability and clear, systematic management of “earthly” affairs may seem too boring to many. Another meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in relationships is a kind of routine, monotony, although quite stable. Sometimes the map shows contractual marriages or excessive interest of one party in the material component of the relationship.

Inverted position

An indecisive, inhibited, apathetic partner who does not want to try for the sake of his other half, or a person who is simply tired of the continuous “everyday life” in a relationship. Also, under the reverse Knight there can be quarrels between lovers over money, or one of the couple’s fixation on some physical aspect, for example, on a healthy lifestyle or sports training.

The meaning of the Horseman of Coins in health readings

Let's consider how the card manifests itself if we diagnose a person's health or simply ask about his well-being at a given moment in time.

Straight position

Endurance, good health, consistently good health, allowing a person to do any activity without problems, including physical labor. Good physical shape, good sleep, proper nutrition.

Inverted position

The meaning of the Knight of Denarius Tarot in an inverted position is primarily an indicator of emotional burnout or health problems caused by overstrain, fatigue, and excessive stress. The map can also reflect conditions such as professional injuries (for example, in athletes), stomach upsets, headaches and other troubles that may appear due to nervousness or overwork.

The meaning of the card in personality analysis and psychological state readings

Although this court Arcanum itself has little to do with emotions and psychology, it is, of course, worth considering its significance in this area. Who knows exactly when it will appear in your reading?

Straight position

A hardworking, responsible, very practical person, for whom work and the financial component always come first. He is very patient, always weighs the pros and cons before making an important decision, is straightforward, and pedantic. Can be hard to climb. It is extremely difficult to get him out of his temper. On the psychological plane, the card means that a person is immersed in some important matter for him, when the entire world around him simply ceases to exist.

Inverted position

Unreliable, stingy with emotions, impatient, lazy person. About such a person we can say that either he is simply an inveterate lazy person, or a convinced dogmatist, for whom there are only two opinions - his own and the wrong one. State of mind - loss of direction, emotional fatigue or a strong reluctance to do anything at all to build one’s own life.

The meaning of the card when divining for professional activities

Let's move on to analyzing the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in work.

Straight position

An excellent card for the area of ​​​​professional activity, since the element of Earth awarded this Horseman with the best qualities for a successful career. Possible interpretations: a serious, professional approach to business, the ability to organize oneself and one’s work, a realistic view of methods of achieving a goal, slow but sure advancement up the career ladder, finances received in full, but not immediately, honest earnings. Arkan's professions are technical specialties, the activities of mechanics, engineers, people working with equipment, as well as work related to land, agriculture, and architecture.

Inverted position

Negligence, laziness, absolute inability to work according to a given schedule, irresponsibility, lack of professionalism, reluctance to achieve anything in the professional field and, as a result, financial losses, instability of financial situation.

The meaning of the Horseman of Coins in combination with the Major Arcana

Each court card can change its interpretation when other Arcana are nearby. Now we will consider possible interpretations of combinations of the Knight of Denarii with Tarot Trumps.

  • : Step into the unknown
  • : Show caution
  • : Gradual insight
  • : Progress coming slowly but surely
  • : Strengthening your position at home and at work
  • : Mental effort
  • : Choices made with care
  • : Trying to move a “mountain”
  • : Show stubbornness, perseverance
  • : Rely only on your own strengths
  • : Smooth changes
  • : Seek justice
  • : Stubbornness leading to a dead end
  • : Meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot with Death - Pointless attempts to resist what is happening
  • : The result will be worth the wait
  • : Laziness, idleness
  • : Get overextended
  • Star: Choosing your path
  • Moon: Fall into illusions
  • Sun: Advancement towards understanding
  • Court: Experience relief
  • World: Getting to the goal

The meaning of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

So, we talked about the mutual influence of the card in its proximity to the Major Arcana. Now let's look at the numerical and figurative Arcana.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Slowly moving forward
  • : Forced stopover
  • : To get results you need to make an effort
  • : Heroism
  • : Getting distracted by trifles
  • : Persevere towards your goal
  • : Attempts to mislead
  • : “Like a stone off my shoulders”
  • : The final challenge to overcome
  • : Health problems
  • : Desire to start something new
  • : Exciting adventures
  • : Take control of your life
  • King: Meaning of the Knight of Coins Tarot with the King of Staves - Entrepreneurship

With the suit of Cups

  • : Confidence in feelings
  • : Stable relationship
  • : Preparation for the holiday
  • : Tired of effort
  • : Regret over wasted effort
  • : Tarot combination Knight of Pentacles-6 of Cups - Perseverance shown in the past
  • : The right motivation
  • : Search for a new approach
  • : Achieve everything with your own work
  • : Stable life, taking care of the needs of the family
  • : Dream big
  • : Feel like you belong
  • : Practical advice from a woman close to you
  • : Practical advice from a close man

With the suit of Swords

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