"Malachite Box. Encyclopedia of fairy tale characters: "Malachite box" Bazhov malachite box abstract

1. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov;

2. "Malachite box";

3. 5th grade;

4. Genre: tale;

5. Year of writing: 1938. This year, like the year before, mass arrests and repressions took place in the Soviet Union.

6. The era that is described in the work is the end of the 18th - the first half of the 19th, when the mining industry was actively developing in the Urals. The era of serfdom.

7. Main characters:

Tanyushka is Stepan's daughter, Nastasya is Stepan's widow, mother Tanyushka is the Mistress of the Mednaya Mountain.

8. The plot of the work:

After Stepan's death, Nastasya was left with a malachite box with women's jewelry.

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Tanya was very fond of playing as a “gift from her father” and was against the sale of the box. Nastasya herself could not wear jewelry, but Tanya was very good in them.

Once a wanderer (apparently the Mistress) came to them, asked for an overnight stay and taught Tanya to embroider with silk and beads. Tanya told her about the malachite box, she asked to see it, suggested Tanya to put it all on herself. Then she asked them to turn their faces to the wall and silently watch: a huge room appeared in front of them with malachite pillars with smartly dressed people, and among them one green-eyed woman in jewelry from a malachite box. Tanya said about it and everything disappeared. Before leaving, the wanderer gave Tanya a button in which that green-eyed girl loomed and said that this button would help her in everything.

Soon Nastasya's house burned down, and the box had to be sold. Tanya earned money by embroidery. A clerk nicknamed Parotya began to look after her. He promised to bring her to Petersburg and show her the Empress. However, he did not keep his promise: Tanya herself came to Petersburg, and when they began to show her to the queen, she got angry, went up to the wall and disappeared. Since then, they say, two Mistresses began to be seen in the mines.

9. Personal opinion.

What I liked about this book is its interesting plot. In addition, his narration language is very figurative, expressive, conveys the dialect of the area in which the action takes place - the Ural village. The heroes of the tale are alive, with their own strengths and weaknesses. You empathize with them, whether or not you share their decisions. Reading the tale "The Malachite Box", I want to be transported to where the events take place, get to know the main characters, and perhaps help with advice.

Nastasya and her husband Stepan lived near the Ural Mountains. Suddenly, Nastasya became a widow and she was left with a little daughter and sons in her arms. The older children helped their mother, and the daughter was still quite a baby, and so that she would not interfere, Nastasya let her play with a malachite box - a wedding gift from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself, full of gems. But they didn’t suit Nastasya: either the earlobes swelled, or the fingers swelled. Daughter Tanya loved jewelry very much and did not part with them. Nastasya, fearing that the jewels on her daughter would attract thieves, hid the box. But Tanyusha found her and was already secretly trying on jewelry.

One day, a beggar who came to get drunk asked Nastasya to stay at Nastasya's house, offering to teach Tanyusha how to embroider beautiful tapestries in return. Having learned the girl, the beggar disappeared, leaving Tanyusha with a button so that she, at any moment, could call her mentor in needlework. Time passed, Tanyusha grew up a beauty and a needlewoman. Embroidery began to generate income, and the family lived richly, but then their house burns down and Nastasya sold all the jewelry in order to survive. The clerk's wife Parotya bought them, but she could not wear them for the same reason as Nastasya.

The young gentleman Turchaninov arrived from St. Petersburg to get acquainted with the Ural property. Seeing a malachite jewelry box with his mistress, he decided to meet with the former mistress. This is how Tanyusha and master Turchaninov met. The master fell in love with Tanya without memory and, having bought the box from his mistress, as a token of love he presented the very jewels that the girl had loved since childhood. Tanyusha agrees to become his bride on the condition that the master introduces her to the empress and this will happen in the malachite chambers of the palace.

Turchaninov leaves to prepare a meeting and he succeeds. The master summons Tanyusha to Petersburg. Tanyusha dressed up and put all the jewels on herself, and so that the people she met would not be blinded by the delightful beauty of the gems, she threw on an old fur coat. Turchaninov, who was waiting for Tanyusha on the steps of the palace, saw her poor outfit and decided to run away so as not to disgrace himself in front of the St. Petersburg beau monde, because he painted his bride for them as a charming beauty, and a beggar was coming to him. Tanyusha threw off her fur coat and left it with the court servants. She, beautiful and radiant, went straight to the malachite chambers. But since the Empress was waiting for her in a completely different room, no one was waiting for her in the malachite chambers.

Feeling deceived and humiliated, Tanyusha stepped into the malachite column and disappeared into it. Precious jewelry could not enter the malachite, and they remained hanging on the column. No one could tear them away from her, and since then two mistresses of the Copper Mountain began to appear to people in the Urals.

Essay on literature on the topic: Summary Malachite box Bazhov

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Summary Malachite box Bazhov

Year of writing: 1945

Genre of work: story

Main characters: Nastasya- peasant woman Tatyana- her daughter, Turchaninov- a young gentleman.


Nastasya had a box given by her husband. He got the box from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. A woman could not wear jewelry from it, she experienced great pain when she put it on. The merchants wanted to buy jewelry, but Nastasya refused everyone. One familiar master estimated it at 1000 rubles. Tanya, Nastasya's daughter, played with jewelry, putting them on felt warm. One wanderer taught her how to sew with unusual silk, which glowed amazingly. She also gave her a communication channel with a button and showed her a vision of a room with malachite. When the house burned down, the family decided that they could feed themselves by selling a malachite box. The clerk's wife, who bought the jewelry, was unable to wear it. As a result, the young master Turchaninov became the new owner. He decided to marry the beautiful Tatyana. She agreed, on the condition that he introduce her to the queen. But it turned out that the queen herself wanted to look at her. Entering the same room as in the vision, the girl, disappointed by the master, disappears, and the stones turn out to be drops.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The fairy tale shows how important it is to appreciate your relatives. The family did not sell the box to keep the memory of their father alive. Money does not give happiness. In addition, performance will always be appreciated by loved ones.

Nastasya and her husband Stepan lived near the Ural Mountains. Suddenly, Nastasya became a widow and she was left with a little daughter and sons in her arms. The older children helped their mother, and the daughter was still quite a baby, and so that she would not interfere, Nastasya let her play with a malachite box - a wedding gift from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself, full of gems. But they didn’t suit Nastasya: either the earlobes swelled, or the fingers swelled. Daughter Tanya loved jewelry very much and did not part with them. Nastasya, fearing that the jewels on her daughter would attract thieves, hid the box. But Tanyusha found her and was already secretly trying on jewelry.

One day, a beggar who came to get drunk asked Nastasya to stay at Nastasya's house, offering to teach Tanyusha how to embroider beautiful tapestries in return. Having learned the girl, the beggar disappeared, leaving Tanyusha with a button so that she, at any moment, could call her mentor in needlework. Time passed, Tanyusha grew up a beauty and a needlewoman. Embroidery began to generate income, and the family lived richly, but then their house burns down and Nastasya sold all the jewelry in order to survive. The clerk's wife Parotya bought them, but she could not wear them for the same reason as Nastasya.

The young gentleman Turchaninov arrived from St. Petersburg to get acquainted with the Ural property. Seeing a malachite jewelry box with his mistress, he decided to meet with the former mistress. This is how Tanyusha and master Turchaninov met. The master fell in love with Tanya without memory and, having bought the box from his mistress, as a token of love he presented the very jewels that the girl had loved since childhood. Tanyusha agrees to become his bride on the condition that the master introduces her to the empress and this will happen in the malachite chambers of the palace.

Turchaninov leaves to prepare a meeting and he succeeds. The master summons Tanyusha to Petersburg. Tanyusha dressed up and put all the jewels on herself, and so that the people she met would not be blinded by the delightful beauty of the gems, she threw on an old fur coat. Turchaninov, who was waiting for Tanyusha on the steps of the palace, saw her poor outfit and decided to run away so as not to disgrace himself in front of the St. Petersburg beau monde, because he painted his bride for them as a charming beauty, and a beggar was coming to him. Tanyusha threw off her fur coat and left it with the court servants. She, beautiful and radiant, went straight to the malachite chambers. But since the Empress was waiting for her in a completely different room, no one was waiting for her in the malachite chambers.

Feeling deceived and humiliated, Tanyusha stepped into the malachite column and disappeared into it. Precious jewelry could not enter the malachite, and they remained hanging on the column. No one could tear them away from her, and since then two mistresses of the Copper Mountain began to appear to people in the Urals.

The fairy tale "The Malachite Box" by Bazhov was written in 1938. This is one of the best works of the writer, included in the collection called "Ural Tales". The book is a continuation of Bazhov's fairy tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain".

For the best preparation for the literature lesson, we recommend reading the online summary of the Malachite Box on our website.

main characters

Nastasya- Stepan's widow, a kind, simple, hardworking woman.

Tanya- the daughter of Nastasya and Stepan, a very beautiful, but wayward girl.

Wanderer woman, she is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain- a sorceress who saw her henchwoman in Tanya.

Other characters

Parotya- a weak-willed, greedy clerk who fell in love with Tanya.

Turchaninov- a young rich gentleman, an ignorant, narrow-minded, ugly young man.

After the death of her husband, Stepan, a well-known miner in the district, Nastasya was left with a malachite box with rich decorations, which they got as a gift from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself. She knew the true value of these jewels, and even in the most difficult times she refused to sell them to local merchants.

Nastasya had three children: two boys and the youngest, Tanya. From an early age, the girl attracted attention with her beauty unusual for these places - “she is black and fable, and her eyes are green”. From childhood, Tanya got used to playing with jewelry from a malachite box, and when she grew up, she began to wear them - they suited her like no other beauty.

By that time, Tanya "had learned to sew with silk and beads", so much so that even the most experienced craftswomen were amazed. Tanya was taught needlework by a beggar wanderer, who asked Nastasya to live a little, to rest from a long journey. And what is interesting - Tanya was not very affectionate with her loved ones either, “but she clings to this woman, she clings to her,” and she calls her “daughter” in response. At parting, the woman gave Tanya a small button, and ordered her to look at her, as she would forget something about needlework or "or a difficult case would come up."

As Tatyana matured, her bride could not be more beautiful. Many guys tried to talk to her, only the girl was cold with everyone. Soon, trouble overtook the family, and the house, cattle, and the entire household burned down completely. Only the malachite box was saved and had to be sold. Tanya was very bitter, but the magic button gave her consent.

Once a visiting clerk Parotya, struck by the beauty of Tatyana, asked her to embroider her portrait for him. During the feast, being tipsy, she showed a portrait embroidered with silk to the young rich gentleman Turchaninov, who immediately fell in love with the green-eyed beauty. He bought her jewelry and offered to marry him. Tanya agreed, but made a condition - the master had to show her the queen in the palace room, decorated with malachite, which Stepan got.

Turchaninov immediately went to St. Petersburg, where he began to tell everyone about his beautiful bride. These conversations reached the ears of the empress herself, who wanted to look at the Ural beauty. When Tatyana appeared in the palace, she quickly exposed the impure intentions of the master, who was ashamed of her modest dress. Tatyana, in front of everyone, leaned against the malachite wall, and seemed to dissolve into it. Since then, it has been said that “as if the Mistress of the Copper Mountain began to double: people saw two girls in malachite dresses at once.”


The fairy tale teaches to respect the work of others, not to be lazy and not to give up even in the most difficult life situation. True beauty and wealth is not in precious stones, but in the person himself.

After reading the brief retelling of The Malachite Box, we recommend reading the tale in its full version.

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