Manufacturing drawing of a vibrating table for Euro fences. Do-it-yourself vibration table for paving slabs - drawings and videos. What to pay special attention to

Making a vibration table with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to stock up on everything you need for this and follow certain instructions. I will introduce you to them further.

Some general information

What exactly is a forming vibrating table and why is it needed on the farm? If you were looking for a similar article, then you already know the answers to these questions.

But for those who stumbled upon it by chance, I will explain:

  1. The equipment in question is a table whose tabletop is secured using a system of springs or hangers. A vibration motor is installed at the bottom of the platform, which causes it to vibrate when turned on;

  1. Concrete is poured into special forms, which in turn are installed on the countertop. Transmitted vibrations remove air bubbles from the solution, thereby increasing its strength qualities.

Using this method at home you can make:

  • Paving slabs;

  • Eurofence sections;

  • Window sills;
  • Monuments;
  • Foam blocks.

Such equipment can be purchased in a store. But its price is quite high, and for one-time use it is unprofitable to make such an expensive purchase.

But making a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands will not be very expensive. So, if you set out to economically, but at the same time beautifully and practically, improve your suburban area, then further information will come in very handy.

Process description

Any business should always begin with the preparation of the necessary materials and tools. Assembling a vibrating table with your own hands is no exception in this matter, so let’s get started:

Stage No. 1: prepare everything you need

You will need a certain set of materials:

And you can’t do without tools either:

In addition to the above, of course, you also need drawings of the vibrating table, which can be found in abundance on the Internet. It is according to the scheme you like best that further assembly work will be carried out.

Stage No. 2: assembling the base frame

Now let's move on to making the vibrating table.

Let's start by assembling the base frame:

  1. Cutting a corner using a grinder into four parts in accordance with the data on the drawing diagram. Most often these are 700 mm sections, but depending on the volume of your planned work, you can choose any other sizes. That is, the more you need to produce, for example, the larger the machine should be;

Be sure to wear safety glasses before cutting, otherwise you risk getting scale in your eyes.

  1. The resulting we assemble the fragments into a square or rectangle and weld them to each other welding machine.

If you do not have a welding machine or do not know how to use it, then as an alternative, you can connect the sections with bolts, having previously drilled them in the right places. This design will be collapsible, but less rigid.

Stage No. 3: installation of legs

How to make legs?

To do this we proceed as follows:

  1. We take profile pipes or a pipe, depending on how long it is, and cut it again using a grinder into four absolutely equal parts. It is very important that all supports have the same height, since the slightest slope to one side will lead to the mixture pouring out of the mold during operation of the vibrating table.

In addition, you also need to pay attention to:

  • The vibration motor, which will be attached to the tabletop, did not touch the ground;
  • The machine operator did not bend over during its operation, but could perform all operations in the most comfortable position for him;
  1. The resulting We weld the sections to the corners of the previously made frame;
  2. Now it is necessary to solve the issue of stabilizing the structure.

Here you can go two ways:

  • Dig small holes under the legs, install them there and concrete them. In this case, ideal stability is guaranteed, but the machine will also be stationary. If you plan to carry out work exclusively on your suburban area, then this is the best option;

  • Weld round or rectangular pieces of metal to the edges of the supports, increasing their area of ​​contact with the ground. In this case, it would be a good idea to additionally connect the legs below with crossbars from the remnants of the corner. The design will not be as fixed as in the previous version, but it will have mobility;

Stage No. 4: assembling the tabletop

This is the most critical stage at which you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparing the springs. I deliberately did not include them in the materials, since I wanted to separately give additional recommendations on them. After all, most owners will be puzzled by the question of where to get them. So, the best option is to go to the car market and buy moped springs or springs from car shock absorbers;

  1. Cut them in half and attach them to each corner of the base frame. If it looks like an elongated rectangle, then one spring must also be fixed in the middle of the large sides.

The plan is carried out in one of three ways:

  • Welded at both ends to the base and to the tabletop;
  • They are welded at one end to the base, and special glasses are installed on the tabletop, into which they are inserted a third of their length;
  • They are welded at one end to the tabletop, and special glasses are installed on the base, into which they are inserted a third of their length;

Instead of glasses, you can weld pins. In this case, the springs will not be inserted, but put on them, which is also suitable for the normal operation of the vibrating table.

  1. We apply the vibration motor to the tabletop in the place corresponding to the drawing, and make marks through the mounting grooves. At the obtained points we drill holes for the bolts, with the help of which we fasten the engine. To prevent the bolts from protruding from the outside, you can first weld a small metal box at the place where the vibrator is fixed;

For the countertop, it is better to choose a steel sheet with sides. This will prevent the molds from slipping off the surface in the future.

  1. We weld or place the tabletop on top of the base with springs and we get a homemade universal vibrating table, ready for use.


In the article you learned what a vibrating table is for and how to make it yourself at home. The video in this article contains some additional material related to this topic. However, if you have any questions while reading, please ask them in the comments.

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Paths and platforms lined with paving slabs look tempting, but the price of this material in terms of tens and hundreds of square meters is a significant amount. Therefore, making paving stones with your own hands will provide significant savings in money, and using a vibrating table to compact the mixture in molds will save time, effort and ensure the quality of the tiles. Since the price of this unit, manufactured in an industrial environment, is relatively high, let’s look at how to make a vibrating table with your own hands.

To work you will need a set of equipment and prepared drawings

Any vibrating table consists of a stationary part (table), a tabletop that is not rigidly fixed to it, and an electric motor (vibrator) with a drive to the tabletop. Let's consider how and from what materials these units can be made in order to mount a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands.

All work on the installation and assembly of the vibrating table (except for mounting the electric motor) is carried out by electric welding, since the bolted connections are loosened under the influence of vibration. Welding seams are cleaned of slag and ground with a grinder and a grinding disc, after which the entire structure is coated with two layers of anti-corrosion paint.

Fixed part

The design of this component of the vibrating machine is a table without a tabletop on four support legs. For ease of manufacture, it is advisable, despite the simplicity of the design, to first make hand drawings of this design. The format of the vibrating table is chosen to be square or rectangular; for domestic needs, the dimensions in the horizontal plane are chosen to be no more than a meter, 70x70 cm is sufficient. It should be taken into account that the larger the tabletop is made, the more powerful the electric motor or vibrator should be. The height of the machine is selected individually, depending on the height of the person, within the range of 80–110 cm.

The construction of a vibrating press must begin with a vibrating table

Frame making

Installation of the frame begins with the assembly of the upper frame, to which the legs will later be welded. The frame is made of channel No. 8, No. 10 or steel angle with a section of at least 50x5. If its dimensions exceed 70 cm, then for rigidity, in addition to the perimeter, transverse struts are welded. The material is cut using a grinder with a stone disc for cutting metal. The frame is assembled and welded on a horizontal surface so that the finished product does not deviate from the horizontal plane.

The table legs are made from channel No. 8 or 10; you can also use a pipe with a diameter of 50, 80 mm. Leg sections must be carefully trimmed. If the vibrating table is made portable, then its legs must be strictly the same length and end with welded steel plates measuring 100x150 or 150x200 mm to evenly distribute the weight of the machine on the base. When the vibrating table is stationary, its legs are concreted to a depth of 200-250 mm, which must be taken into account when cutting workpieces.

The legs of the frame are welded strictly perpendicularly at the corners to the frame from below. To securely and perpendicularly fix the legs to the frame, steel gussets 3-4 mm thick in the shape of a right triangle are welded between them. All contact lines between parts must be thoroughly welded.

Channel sections are attached to the main working surface by welding

The supporting frame of the vibrating table must be rigid and strong so that in the future the vibration energy is transferred only to the tabletop, therefore, braces from a steel angle or a rectangular section profile are installed between the legs of the frame.

Making a countertop

The tabletop is made according to the dimensions of the horizontal frame or slightly larger than it (approximately 5 cm), its plane should not have differences in height.

A tabletop frame is welded from angle steel measuring 50x50 or 60x60 mm, into which, as if in a frame, a steel sheet cut to size, 8-10 mm thick, is inserted and also welded to the frame. Instead of steel, you can use plexiglass with a thickness of 15-20 mm or centimeter duralumin, which is attached to the tabletop frame with self-tapping screws.

The design position of the tabletop on the machine - the walls of the corner along its perimeter are a kind of border to prevent the forms from slipping and falling when vibrating.

By this moment, you need to already have springs with which the tabletop will be attached to the table, because the diameter of the mounting cups into which the springs will be inserted depends on their diameter. Springs can be picked up at dismantling sites for old cars. The diameter of the springs should be approximately 5 cm and the length should be 10 cm.

Instead of springs, you can make your own vibrating table on a suspended tabletop

From a steel pipe with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the spring (the spring should be freely inserted into the pipe), 8 rings 2.5–3 cm wide are cut on a lathe. One ring is placed on the corners of the table, after which the tabletop is installed on the rings in the design position. The outline of the rings is drawn with chalk on the table and tabletop, after which the tabletop is removed, and glass rings are welded to it and the table according to the markings made. Springs are installed in the table glasses, and the tabletop is installed on the springs, which ideally should be parallel to the plane of the table. To eliminate deviations, you can shorten the corresponding springs by trimming their coils.

Instead of cups, you can weld axles from a pipe of smaller diameter, which will be inserted inside the springs.

Selecting a vibration plane

Depending on the position of the electric motor, vibration can occur in vertical, horizontal or two planes simultaneously. Vibration in a vertical plane is ensured by installing the motor horizontally, in a horizontal plane – by installing the motor vertically, and compaction in two planes is simultaneously ensured by placing the motor at an angle of 45 degrees. Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages.

Vibration in the vertical plane subjects the engine to greater loads, but installing the motor horizontally is easier to implement. Oscillations in the horizontal plane require less effort from the engine, but its installation in a vertical position is structurally more complex. Sealing in two planes simultaneously provides the most effective sealing, but installing the motor at an angle is even more difficult. Therefore, the final choice depends on the performer and his professional skills.

There are two options for placing the motor: directly on the bottom of the tabletop or on the table.

In the first case, the engine is mounted on the tabletop from below, a misaligned pulley is installed on its shaft, and vibration is transmitted to the tabletop through a rigid connection to the engine.

The motor must be installed in a specific location

This installation is simple to implement, but damages the shaft bearings after several dozen cycles. Installing the motor on a table requires mounting a bracket, shaft and pulley assembly with an adjustable eccentric on the tabletop below. The pulley is connected to the motor shaft via a belt drive, and the engine operates in a gentle mode. This design solution is more rational.

Motor selection

A homemade vibrating table for the production of paving slabs can be equipped with a conventional 220 V or 380 V electric motor with a power of 0.25-1.5 kW, which is previously deliberately unbalanced. If the vibrating table is manufactured for long-term use, then it is advisable to equip it with a specially designed electric motor with a device for regulating the amplitude of vibrations, for example, IV-98, IV-99B, IV-99E produced by the Yaroslavl Electromechanical Plant.

Ways to unbalance the motor

Depending on where the engine is installed, either the pulley on it or the belt drive unit on the table top is unbalanced.

Unbalancing is carried out in various ways:

  • Place a round pulley with a ground or drilled section of the circumference onto the shaft;
  • weld a nut onto the pulley (size and weight are determined experimentally);
  • put a coupling on the shaft with a bolt welded across the end with two nuts, which can be moved along the thread and counteracted with each other, adjusting the amount of unbalance; the number of oscillations during vibration is equal to the number of engine revolutions, and the strength of vibration depends on the distance of the nuts from the center of the shaft (the nut is further away - the force is greater).

Electric motor installation

The motor is fastened to a table or table top using bolts using slotted washers (Grover washers) under the nuts, which prevent the nuts from loosening under the influence of vibration. The design must exclude the possibility of water from the molds with the solution getting onto the electric motor.

The tabletop is driven by an electric motor, rated power with an eccentric on the shaft

The pulleys, blocks and belt drive must be covered with a protective casing, and the electric motor must be grounded. The on/off button for the electric motor must be within the reach of the working person, so that the worker can instantly stop the unit without leaving his place.

Quick vibration table

If you need to make three to four dozen products, then such a “disposable” vibrating table can be made as follows:

  • on a flat base, use self-tapping screws, nails or dowels to fix a car tire horizontally with a hole for the engine electrical wire - this will replace a table with springs;
  • on a suitable size piece of chipboard (chipboard) or thick plywood, attach a suitable old electric motor with an unbalanced pulley mounted on its shaft - this will play the role of a vibrating tabletop;
  • The tabletop is placed with the motor down on the tire, an electrical wire is passed through the hole in the tire, and the vibrating table is ready for use.

Making such a vibrating table is not a difficult task.


The cost of a vibrating table manufactured in industrial conditions is high precisely because it is a rather complex design. Considering the presence of an electric motor in a home-made unit, and even one that is independently unbalanced, you should weigh your options before starting to make this device yourself. Perhaps renting a reliable vibration machine will better solve the problem and not create new ones.

To make a vibration table with your own hands, standard tools that most home craftsmen have will be sufficient. The most difficult skill you may need is the ability to use welding. A homemade vibrating table will even outperform a factory one, since it will be designed for its construction: the size of the tiles and their quantity that will be produced at a time. Can be used for cinder blocks and making vibro-cast tiles with your own hands.

What you need to prepare - tools and materials

If your workshop has all of the above, then you can make a vibrating machine for making blocks:

  • Welding machine. You can assemble a vibrator for shaking blocks with your own hands and using bolted joints, but much faster.
  • Grinder with cutting and grinding wheels.
  • Drill and drill bits of required sizes.
  • Bolts, nuts, washers and wrenches for them.
  • Tape measure and ruler for measurements and markings.
  • Metal sheet - the lid for the vibrating table will be made from it. At home, you can also use a wooden one, but only for low-power devices, otherwise the vibration will very quickly loosen the fastenings.
  • Metal corners or channels for the frame or tabletop edging, with a cross-section of 5-10 mm. Their number and length depend on the calculated dimensions of the table. Metal pipes are also suitable for a do-it-yourself vibrating table, but they are more difficult to process.

In the video, a vibration table assembled from scrap parts:

  • Four identical springs can be used as moped shock absorbers, dense belts or chains that will support the weight of the tabletop and concrete forms immersed on it.
  • Vibration or ordinary electric motor.

Design details, drawings, materials and manufacturing procedures

Each vibrating machine for the production of blocks has approximately the same design, the details of which differ only slightly in personal modifications. Before you make a vibrating table with your own hands, you need to decide on its dimensions. It is usually difficult to find drawings of a suitable design - it is better to take a general diagram or this drawing and adjust it to your needs.

The main components and the materials required for them are as follows:


It consists of four vertical supports connected at the top and, if necessary, reinforced with jumpers at the bottom. It must be heavy enough to support the entire structure, plus the weight of the molds with concrete. A factory or homemade vibrating machine is most often made from angles with a metal thickness of 5-10 mm.


This is a perfectly flat surface with edges curved up so that forms with concrete do not jump out of it during work. Depending on the size and weight of the blocks a vibrating table is needed, the thickness of the tabletop and the material from which it will be made are selected. Most often, a sheet of iron with a thickness of 3 mm or more is chosen for it. If you plan to work with large, heavy tiles, then the tabletop can be reinforced with metal corners along the perimeter and in the inside. Depending on the design chosen, a vibration motor may be attached to the tabletop.


Provide the necessary amplitude of movement of the tabletop relative to the fixed frame. If the weight of the table top is correctly calculated, they do not need any kind of fastening - they are simply installed in glasses specially fixed for them. Good vibration machines are obtained if springs from moped springs are used in the design. The length is selected in such a way that the tabletop can vibrate, but not sway from side to side.

Cups for fixing springs

They are made from scraps of metal pipe with dimensions slightly larger than the diameter of the springs. If the internal size is selected small, then the springs will be difficult to remove, for example, to replace the tabletop with a molding one. If the diameter is too large, the tabletop will “play” strongly under the influence of vibration and the weight of the building blocks and may simply fly off the frame. A good result is also obtained if the glasses are inside the springs.

Vibrating table without springs

Instead of steel springs, without compromising the quality of the structure, it is possible to use ropes, chains or tight strands. In this case, the tabletop is made slightly wider than the frame and is attached to it with a belt shock absorber. To do this, instead of glasses, guides are welded to the corners of the tabletop surface, connected by belts to the frame, as shown in the diagram.

Vibro block

Depending on the chosen design, the vibrating table may consist of one or two elements.

  • If a factory-made vibration motor is available, it is installed directly on the surface of the tabletop. Such an engine has a specific design - eccentrics are mounted on both sides of its shaft. They are made in the form of two semicircles, which can move relative to each other, thereby adjusting the strength of vibration. The factory vibration motor is specially designed to work in conditions of constant vibration, so placing it on a tabletop is not dangerous.

How to make your own machine and an example of its operation in the video:

  • When an ordinary engine is selected, for example, from a washing machine, it must be upgraded with the help of self-made eccentrics, for which bolts are welded to the shaft, and the vibration strength can be adjusted by tightening them with nuts closer or further from the center. If you plan to use the engine in another place, it is better to secure the eccentric to the shaft with a clamp connection. The disadvantage of this solution is that in this case the engine is constantly exposed to vibration and there is a risk of its premature failure.
  • Using a separate eccentric. In this case, a standard electric motor is also used, but it is mounted on the frame. A shaft with a shifted center of gravity, connected to the engine by a belt drive, is attached to the surface of the vibrating table. This solution protects the engine from vibration, but requires careful calibration of the eccentrics, which is often done by selection.

All of these designs make it possible to obtain an acceptable result from the operation of the device - the choice between them is made based on what required material is available. The engine power of factory vibrating tables is in the range of 0.75-2.2 kW. For homemade ones, it is selected experimentally. The following diagram is approximate drawings of a homemade vibrating table, which you can use as a guide during manufacturing.

Unforming vibrating table

Used to remove dried tiles from the mold. In fact, this is an ordinary vibration table, made by yourself, only there is a hole in its lid. A form is placed on top of it and under the influence of vibration the tile falls out of it.

To work with the unforming vibrating table, the form must have handles or fields with which you can support it on the table. From handicraft molds, instead of which plastic containers are used, it will not be possible to remove tiles in this way, unless you simply put them on the table so that the vibration between the mold and the tile becomes smaller.

In production, separate demoulding vibrating tables are used, in which there is a cushion under the tabletop or a conveyor belt for the falling tiles. The tabletop itself is removable to accommodate different shapes of tiles.

There are two ways to turn a self-made vibrating table into a demolding table:

  • Make an additional tabletop. If the springs fit tightly in the cups and are not welded, then replacing the surfaces will not take long.
  • Make do with one tabletop, but make a removable hatch in one of the sides, instead of which you can insert the desired shapes. It also wouldn’t hurt to make a pillow under the hatch - even if you plan to pick up the tiles, sooner or later it will come in handy.

Non-standard designs

Why make a full-fledged vibrating machine to process a dozen other tiles? If you need to make your own vibrating table not for constant work, then you can pay attention to simplified designs that can be assembled within an hour and will complete their task at a fairly high level.

The video shows an example of how one of them works:

From car tires

For the simplest design, you will only need 1-3 tires (depending on the required height), a wooden board (the size of 1-2 tiles) and a rubber hammer.

You can make sides around the perimeter of the shield so that the forms do not fly off. The solution is poured, the forms are placed on the shield and by tapping with a hammer it is caused to vibrate, the strength of which is regulated in the full sense of the word “manually”. The shield, if necessary, can be screwed to the tires with a couple of screws.

The design can be complicated if the farm has an electric motor. It is screwed to the shield, an eccentric is attached to the shaft... And the hammer can be put aside.

From a hammer drill or impact drill

A steel plate is attached to the edge of a wooden shield or iron sheet (perpendicular to the surface). Something elastic is attached to the other end (rags, a piece of rubber) and it all rests against the wall. A hammer drill is connected to the steel plate and the vibration is no worse than with the tire method.

Instead of a drill, you can use a piece of pipe - the thickness is selected depending on the capabilities of the hammer drill chuck.

In this simple way you can quickly make a vibrating table for molding and for removing tiles from molds.

Major brands that produce shaped paving elements (FEM is the professional name for paving slabs) use a forming and unmolding table to increase productivity and reduce manual labor. To produce a small amount of FEM, an individual developer only needs to make a molding vibrating table for paving slabs with his own hands from rolled metal or scrap materials (for example, used passenger car rubber).

When designing a machine for the production of paving slabs with your own hands, the home craftsman must solve the following issues:

  • vibration platform size;
  • material, design and dimensions of the frame;
  • using a factory vibrator or installing an eccentric unit on an existing electric drive.

The performance of homemade equipment depends not on the size of the vibration platform, but on the technology. More precisely, from the water-cement ratio of the concrete mixture:

Important! When using semi-dry concrete with a low W/C ratio, it will be possible to reduce the molding time by half (after 12 hours), which will also not have a significant impact on productivity.

But, if you supplement a homemade vibrating table for paving with a press from a jack, the vibro-pressed shaped paving elements can be pulled out of the molds immediately, folded to dry by hand, without fear that the product will collapse. But, instead of polymer molds, this technology uses metal punches and dies.

Homemade vibropress for the production of paving slabs.

Therefore, the dimensions of the vibrating table are most often 1 x 2 m or 0.8 x 1.6 m. These dimensions allow you to save working space inside the workshop/garage, provide 1.28 - 2 m 2 for placing paving lining and save the vibration motor from overload.

Vibrating table manufacturing technology

Before making a vibrating table from rolled steel, you should consider the following nuances:

  • the best option for connecting structural elements are rivets that can withstand vibration loads for a long time without destruction;
  • in practice, in 99% of cases welding is used, so the vibrating platform is installed on the frame through damping springs;
  • the height is selected individually, taking into account the build of the master, maintenance of the electric drive and the technology used for manufacturing FEM elements;
  • the vibrator is always attached to the top plate with clamps or to a platform welded underneath.

The most economical and rational solution for a home craftsman would be the following option:

  • prefabricated structure of a vibrating table necessary for the manufacture of garden borders, storm drainage trays and shaped paving elements in the quantity required for the site;
  • after paving paths and parking lots with paving slabs, the vibrator is moved to a vibrating plate for final leveling and compaction of the cladding;
  • The vibrating platform turns into a tabletop for a circular saw.

For these conditions, it is best to use site dimensions of 0.4 x 0.8 m or 0.6 x 0.8 m for greater stability. The clear height of the base is 0.8 m, with a spring-loaded platform of about 0.9 m, which is comfortable for user heights in a wide range of 150 – 185 cm.


To work, you will need an angle grinder with metal equipment and a welding machine. To make a frame, you can choose any drawing of a vibrating table or take arbitrary dimensions. The structure is constructed according to the following method:

  • welding two identical frames from a corner;
  • assembling the frame by welding 4 racks to the frames.

Instead of a corner, you can use any assortment, for example, legs made from a round pipe become ready-made guides for a spring of a suitable diameter, as in the bottom photo.

Pipe stands are convenient for placing springs.

For the specified conditions of a universal machine, the base will have the following design:

  • supports – base 5 x 5 cm made of 1.5 mm sheet (nuts can be welded to adjust the height), legs made of pipe 4 x 4 cm with a wall of 1.5 mm;
  • crossbars – bottom 2 x 2 cm, top 2 x 4 cm, wall thickness is the same 1.5 mm;
  • for a removable platform, M14 x 40 bolts are welded at the corners;
  • The electrics (socket + switch) are placed on a plate welded to the racks.

Placement of electrics on the frame.

With the indicated dimensions, jibs and stiffeners are not needed, taking into account small operating loads.

Vibration platform

The main condition for ensuring maintainability and mobility of the equipment is the removable cover-platform of the vibrating table for paving slabs and curbs. It can be made from various materials:

To secure the vibration motor from below in the center of the platform, you can use the following methods:

To install engine vibration-intensifying springs, it is necessary to provide seating surfaces. Pieces of pipes are welded at the corners of the platform, into which the springs freely fit in 2–4 turns. If the frame is made from a corner, the springs can be welded to it or these damping elements can be placed inside exactly the same pieces of pipes. If the frame posts are tubular, then the springs are placed in these ready-made cups.

Springs can not only be inserted inside glasses of larger diameter, but also put on pieces of smaller pipes. The length of such guides should be less than 1/3 of the size of the spring, both on the frame and on the table.

Less often, instead of springs, rope, cord or belt loops are used, from which the upper platform is suspended. However, these damping options are less reliable and increase the material consumption of the structure, since guides in the corners will have to be welded to the tabletop.

Belt suspension of the table top.

For our case of a combined table, we should use the following design:

  • tubular frame – assortment 2 x 2 cm and 2 x 4 cm;
  • table top – 3 mm sheet measuring 0.4 x 0.8 m or 0.6 x 0.8 m;
  • guides - springs are put on M12 nuts and secured by welding;
  • platform for the engine - 2 channels 4 x 8 cm (No. 8) across the frame.

Important! The vibration motor is rotated along the long side, and holes for the motor are drilled in the channels.

The length of the channel should be slightly larger than the width of the vibrator legs to ensure maintainability of bolted connections and access to the unbalance of the electric motor (within 4 cm).

It is impossible to make a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs without the main unit, which ensures vibrations of the upper platform. To do this, you can buy a ready-made vibrator or construct an eccentric unit from any existing electric motor of suitable power and size.

Factory vibrator

Taking into account the fact that the vibrating table will be upgraded into a circular table upon completion of the work, the optimal drive option is the factory “EV-98E area vibrator” for 220 V. It has amplitude adjustments, so the driving force can be set within a comfortable 1 mm. (Operating instructions for this engine)

Factory made vibration motor.

The main difficulty lies in adjusting the electric drive:

  • the disturbing force is calculated by the formula F = 3 (M1 + 0.3M2)/100, where M1 and M2 are the mass of the machine and concrete, respectively;
  • for the conditions under consideration, the disturbing force is approximately equal to 1.84 kN for forms with 6.5 kg of concrete and a countertop weight of 55 kg, and the vibrator produces a minimum of 5.6 kN, that is, 4 mm amplitude;

To reduce this force to an acceptable 0.5 - 1 mm, you must perform the following steps:

  • the unbalance plates are moved apart to the maximum distance;
  • a metal strip 2 x 6 cm is attached to one pancake (rigidly fixed on the shaft);
  • the second oval hole is enlarged with a file until the amplitude decreases within 1 mm;
  • The amplitude of the platform is measured with a pencil taped to it, the sharpened lead of which draws a curve at the moment the drive is turned on on a sheet of paper.

Approximate settings for the specified weight of the platform and forms with concrete mixture should begin with a distance between the holes of the unbalance plates of 38.5 mm.

Unbalance adjustment.

Homemade vibration drive

A primitive example of a vibration drive is a piece of reinforcement (bolt, drill) bent in a vice and clamped into an electric drill. When turning on a tool secured with a clamp and adjusting the speed, the curved edge introduces imbalance, creating vibrations.

This option is not suitable for long-term operation, since the drill bearings break, friction parts wear out, and the motor winding burns. When using a used electric motor, a circuit similar to factory vibrators is usually used:

  • one or two eccentric blocks are placed on the shaft key;
  • the amplitude is adjusted according to the above method.

Advice! Your vibrating table, made according to the given instructions, must be grounded, and an RCD must be installed in front of the extension cord to power the equipment.

An almost ready-made solution for a vibrating table frame is used tires from a car. They are connected in height with self-tapping screws through and through, the vibrator is attached to the bottom of the removable vibration platform, located inside the tire, preventing the tabletop from falling.

If paving stones are needed in small quantities, the platform can be made of laminated or bakelite plywood, OSB/chipboard. For paving large areas, you will have to use sheet metal with a thickness of 3 mm or more. The vibrator is attached to the platform according to the drawing with bolts all the way through.

The bolt heads on the front side of the platform are hidden in blind holes that can be filled with a polymer or epoxy compound. The power cable can be routed under the tires or through a hole in the tread of any of them.

For small volumes of vibration casting of FEM shaped paving elements, another technology can be used:

  • a workbench tabletop with household equipment in use (for example, a sharpening machine) is installed on the tire;
  • fixation of spatial geometry is carried out by pegs/pipes driven into the ground;
  • the sharpening machine is fenced off from the working area with a block so that random mortar/concrete does not fall on it.

Vibrating table from a grinding machine.

This will allow you to cast a curb, several paving slabs and storm drainage elements in a short time.

The vibrating table can be equipped with an additional option for sifting sand, which is necessary after making paving slabs before paving individual areas of the site. To do this, it is enough to cover the electric drive with a casing made of sheet material, arrange a funnel from galvanized or dense fabric at the bottom, and replace the vibrating platform with a mesh.

Additional function of sifting sand with a vibrating table.

Thus, from the considered options, you can choose the optimal design for specific conditions. For example, a collapsible vibrating table will allow the use of individual elements and assemblies at the next stages of landscaping and operation of the site.

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The issue of designing paths on a property sooner or later arises before all plot owners. The option of using paving slabs for this purpose is one of the simplest, most reliable and beautiful. Therefore, for independent production and installation, you will need instructions on how to make a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands. This article will discuss all the nuances of assembling the device, as well as recommendations from specialists on frame manufacturing and engine selection.

A vibrating table, or as it is also called, a vibrating press, is a special device designed for the production of paving slabs. The main advantage of this device is the ability of its working surface to perform oscillatory movements. In addition, the vibrating table can be used for other purposes, for example, for the manufacture of monuments, sections of concrete fences, etc.

As for making a vibrating table yourself, this is most often resorted to when they want to independently make paving slabs to decorate their own yard. Although in some cases this method is used to organize your own small enterprise.

Of course, using a vibrating table, you definitely won’t be able to produce on an industrial scale, but considering that it can be made from scrap materials, and with its main functions - eliminating air bubbles and compacting the composition of molds, such a device will do an excellent job.

Let us consider in as much detail as possible what is needed to make a homemade vibrating table, as well as step-by-step instructions for its manufacture.

Types of equipment for the production of paving slabs

Vibrating tables come in different varieties, and before moving on to manufacturing, you need to decide on the appropriate option and its features. So, depending on the direction of vibration, the following types of devices are distinguished:

  1. Models with horizontal vibration.
  2. Models with vertical vibration.

Devices are divided into these types depending on exactly how the rotor is located in them. At the same time, the first option (table with horizontal vibration) is more popular.

Depending on the installation method, vibrating tables can also be divided into two types: stationary and portable (mobile). But depending on the specialization of the devices, there are those that are intended for forming products, as well as those that are designed to remove the finished product from the mold using vibration.

Externally, the molding and demolding tables are practically no different, with the exception of a special attachment with holes on which the mold is installed, from which the finished product needs to be removed.

If you want to make your own machine for the production of paving slabs, it will be quite enough to make a vibrating table with horizontal vibration. In this case, you can remove the tiles in two ways: manually (usually flexible molds are used in a home workshop) or by installing a demolding attachment.

Paving slab manufacturing technology: machine operating principle

In order to understand how to properly make this or that device, you need to understand the manufacturing technology of the elements for which it is designed. Therefore, let us consider the principle of operation of the vibrating table and what each of its constituent parts is intended for.

The working surface of the table is attached to the frame using a special spring system, if we are talking about a horizontal vibration device, or with the help of suspensions, in the case of vertical devices. Due to the operation of an electric motor of calculated power, on the shaft of which there is an eccentric, the tabletop is set in motion. Due to the fact that the eccentric moves, the center of gravity changes, resulting in the desired vibration.

How to make a vibration table with your own hands: drawings and description

A general idea of ​​the structure of the vibrating table can be obtained by reading the sketch. But to independently manufacture such a structure, you will need a full-fledged drawing that will allow you to take into account all the nuances and pre-determine the required dimensions of each of the elements.

Before you start creating a drawing, it is worth considering the two most popular options: for beginners and for masters. In the first case, the brick making press has a simpler design, but at the same time it allows you to perform the main task - forming products. Assembly, maintenance and care of such a device are quite simple and even a novice master can do it.

Helpful advice! Over time, additional functions can be added to such a simple design, such as a sand sifter. The main thing is to correctly carry out all the necessary calculations so that the addition of new functions does not cause the failure of the main elements.

More complex designs intended for craftsmen initially combine a brick press and a sand sifter. This design is more complicated to assemble, however, it is convenient in that it facilitates the process of obtaining components of the required fraction.

Step-by-step instructions for making a vibrating table with horizontal vibration

The first thing you should pay attention to before starting work is the size of the countertop. It is believed that the minimum surface size should be 600x600, since with narrower sides, the forms will fall during movement. In addition, a narrow structure will have less stability.

Helpful advice! If, during the process of making paving slabs at home, the molds still fall off, you can try to reduce their number. This will negatively affect the performance of the device, but in this case the number of tiles damaged due to falling will be reduced.

In many ways, the size of the vibrating table is determined by the required production volume. We can say that there is a direct relationship here - the more elements must be made at a time, the larger the countertop area should be. Naturally, a large concrete block press will require a more powerful engine, and the materials from which the structure will be assembled must be very durable.

As for the height of the vibrating table, it all depends on the individual data of the person who will work at it. The standard height, optimally suitable for a person of average height, is 90-100 cm.

Important! When deciding on the height of the table, it is worth taking into account the installation method that will be used. So, for example, if a stationary device needs to be dug into the ground and cemented, then the length of the table legs must be taken into account in advance.

Materials and tools required to assemble a vibrating table: prices and characteristics

In order to assemble the structure yourself, you will need a grinder, a welding machine, a drill, as well as the ability to handle them. Let's look at the list of necessary materials that can easily be found among handheld materials.

For the countertop, you can use plywood or a sheet of metal of a suitable size. In this case, the plywood sheet should be 14 mm thick. This will allow more vibration to be transmitted due to the small thickness, but at the same time provide the necessary structural strength. In addition, in this way you can significantly reduce the noise level during operation of the device. If a metal sheet is used, then its thickness should be within 5-10 mm.

The cost of a sheet of plywood of the required thickness, made from birch veneer, will be about 650 rubles with a standard size of 1525 × 1525 mm. But a sheet of hot-rolled metal 5 mm thick will cost more, about 1000 rubles.

Helpful advice! If a metal sheet of smaller thickness is available, it can also be used by reinforcing the structure with metal corners or pipes welded in the center of the sheet and around the perimeter.

Metal corners measuring 50x50 mm. They will be required to create the edging of the tabletop and during the operation of the vibrating table will not allow the molds for the production of paving slabs to move from the surface as a result of vibration. Their cost will be about 140 rubles per 1 m.p.

Channel for mounting the motor (about 210 rubles/m.p.). It will need to be welded to the center of the back of the tabletop, pre-drilling holes that will be used for the bolts that hold the motor.

Metal pipes for table legs. Typically, elements with a thickness of 2 mm and a size of 40x40 are used for this purpose. The price will be 107 rubles per 1 m.p.

Pipes for forming the upper and lower parts of the frame. Since the main load will fall on these elements, it is worth choosing a fairly durable material - 40x20 and 2 mm thick for the upper part and at least 20x20 of the same thickness for the bottom. The cost will be 84 rubles/m.p. and 53 rub/m.p. respectively.

Metal plates that will be used as a sole for supporting legs. For this purpose, pieces of metal measuring at least 50×50 and 2 mm thick are suitable.

Related article:

Materials for manufacturing and their features. Do-it-yourself production of concrete for tiles. General tips.

You will also need a plate for installing electrical equipment and springs, which are designed to provide vibration. It is quite possible to purchase these elements at a dismantling station. Numerous reviews indicate that the ideal option is to use springs from mopeds, the cost of which with a height of 113 mm and a diameter of 54 mm will be about 500 rubles. They are installed in the corners of the table, and if the surface area is large, another one is additionally mounted in the center.

Important! If an additional spring was installed in the center of the tabletop, the motor mounting location and support configuration will be changed.

Additional aspects to consider when choosing materials for a vibrating table

In addition to the above materials, it is worth carefully selecting other components that, although not visible, largely determine the quality of the device:

  • bolts for fixing the springs. This element acts as a cup for the spring, so it must have the proper strength. Sometimes pipe blanks 50-70 mm long are used for this purpose. It is important that their diameter exceeds the diameter of the spring by 5-10 mm;
  • bolts and washers (usually 4 pcs.), which will be required to fix the engine;
  • electrical cable, which must have a sufficient cross-section. It is also worth considering the presence of an outlet and a circuit breaker in the immediate vicinity.

Important! If the diameter of the homemade glass significantly exceeds the diameter of the spring itself, this will lead to uneven vibration. As a result, the spring will quickly wear out, and the movement of the table can more likely be called rocking than vibration.

Production of paving slabs at home: how to choose an electric motor

Let's consider the two most popular options: their cost and characteristics:

  1. IV-99 E with a power of 0.5 kW. Its weight is 14.5 kg, rotation speed is 3000 rpm, driving force is up to 5 kN. The device receives power from a 220 V network. You can purchase it at a price of 7,650 rubles.
  2. IV-98 E is a more powerful model (0.9 kW), which has a greater weight - 22.5 kg and a driving force of up to 11 kN. In this case, the rotation speed is also 3000 rpm. But the main difference between this model and the previous one is the presence of unbalances on the rotor, which rotate together with the rotor shaft. A regular 220 V network can also be used for power supply. The cost of this model is 8,540 rubles.

This will be more than enough to produce a small amount of tiles, but if you want to organize a small paving slab plant in your workshop, then it is better to pay attention to the IV-104 B model, with a power of 0.53 kW. To power it, you will need a 380 V network, but this will make it possible to achieve a driving force of 6.3 kN.

But there are cases when we are talking about making a very small amount of paving slabs for paths in the country, and purchasing a motor for this purpose is simply unjustified. In this case, craftsmen use an engine from an old washing machine or pumping station as a basis. In this case, you will have to spend much less money, paying only the turner for some alterations, if necessary.

The only significant drawback of this solution is the fragility of old engines. They are extremely rarely able to withstand more than three dozen work cycles. After this, the axle becomes loose or the bearing completely jams. Therefore, if you plan to produce a large number of tiles, it is better to purchase in advance a more durable motor that can last the required period of time.

Important! The main task of the engine is to ensure uniform vibration of the surface, since otherwise the solution may boil in the container, which will not lead to compaction, but, on the contrary, to increased fragility of the products.

Even taking into account the need to purchase all the necessary elements, making such a structure with your own hands is much cheaper than buying a vibrating table for paving slabs.

DIY vibration table for paving slabs: rules for assembling the structure

After all the necessary materials have been purchased, all that remains is to assemble the structure together. But in order for the resulting device to serve properly for many years, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. All metal elements must be exposed to an anti-corrosion compound before assembly begins. This will provide them with reliable protection from rust. Primer GF-021 Lakra, which costs only 125 rubles/kg, or enamel paint is perfect for this purpose. At the same time, if you have to deal with elements that have already undergone corrosive processes, you will have to purchase a more expensive material, for example, EP-0180 primer, costing 188 rubles / kg.
  2. To fasten the components of the vibrating table, it is necessary to use a weld. Bolts are not used for this purpose because over time, as a result of exposure to vibration, they can become loose, which will lead to a decrease in the rigidity of the support. This solution is allowed only for collapsible structures, but in this case it is necessary to regularly tighten the bolts.
  3. It is very important that the motor that produces vibration does not come into contact with the ground under any circumstances. The technology for producing paving slabs does not allow this, and therefore, before starting the production of the first batch, the device must be tested by starting it up and checking the amplitude of oscillations and the stiffness of the springs.
  4. All support legs must be the same length. However, in order for the table to be convenient to use, you also need to make sure that the surface on which it will be installed is level. This will allow you to avoid distortions and make the process of making paving slabs for your dacha as efficient as possible. It is wise to think about attaching the table to the surface. This can be done using suitable anchors or concrete mortar.

Helpful advice! In some cases, the ideal location of the engine can be determined solely by experience. If there is something that doesn’t suit you about the operation of the brick making machine, you can experiment a little to achieve the desired effect and ease of use.

Methods for unbalancing a vibrating table motor

Depending on where exactly the engine is installed, it is necessary to unbalance the belt drive unit on the tabletop or the pulley. You can do this in several ways:

  • place a round pulley on the shaft, which has a section of its circumference drilled or ground off;
  • experimentally select a nut of suitable size and weight and weld it onto the pulley;
  • put the coupling on the shaft, having previously welded a bolt with two nuts placed transversely onto its end. Due to the fact that the nuts can be moved along the thread, unbalancing occurs.

As you can see, making paving slabs for your dacha yourself is a completely feasible task if you spend time and effort studying the issue and assembling the necessary device. Although it should be noted that with the help of such a vibrating table it is possible to organize, for example, a small production of polymer-sand paving slabs.

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