How to pump the abs for the abdomen. How to pump the abs to quickly remove belly fat? Additional help - Galina Grossmann slimming sessions

The main reasons for the accumulation of fat on the abdomen and sides are overeating, taking various medical supplies affecting the digestive tract, mental disorders causing disturbances in appetite, and, of course, love for sweets and baked goods. Often, while watching TV, we eat something. That's more interesting. But interesting doesn't mean useful. It should be eaten three to five times a day. In the latter case, in small portions.

Improper nutrition leads primarily to the formation of a bulging tummy. Also, the reasons for completeness can be diabetes or stress.

A sedentary lifestyle will also make itself felt by the appearance of extra pounds.

How to properly pump the press at home

Most often, fat is formed on the belly due to frequent stress. The hormone cortisol is released from the adrenal glands during nervous tension. It is he who contributes to the deposition of fatty tissue on the abdomen. Cortisol builds fat around internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. And this, in turn, affects the figure.

It would seem that it could be easier to swing the press, because through simple exercises the muscles are pumped up and body fat disappear. However, people, performing such tasks, make many mistakes and therefore do not get the expected results. You need to be able to swing the press correctly.

Common mistakes

  • The rise is too high. When pumping the press, you do not need to raise the body high. So you will only transfer all the load from the press to the muscles of the thighs. For the exercise to be effective, rise only a few centimeters. This will give the necessary tension to the abdominal muscles.
  • The pace is too high. In no case should you move quickly. Otherwise, you will not only not achieve results, but injure your back, since it is not the press, but the back that receives a huge load at a fast pace. Pay attention to the smoothness of your movements. Linger on the floor a little and only then lift the body again.
  • Neck twitching. No need to wiggle your neck when swinging the press. In this way, you transfer some of the load to this part of the body. To keep your neck on the same level, imagine that an apple is squeezed between your chest and chin and you cannot drop it.
  • Relaxation when lowering the body. Another most common mistake. Relaxing downstairs, you do only part of the exercise. Do not drop the body, but lower it, keep your stomach in tension.
  • Holding your breath. The body should not be deprived of oxygen during exercise. Exhale as you rise, then as you descend, you will inhale. It also allows you to engage your deep abdominal muscles.

Mandatory rules

You need to download the press three times a week. Daily loads are unacceptable here. Do at least ten reps in one set. You should feel tension and even a burning sensation in your abdomen. Do at least two approaches at the initial stage, gradually the number of these approaches should increase. You can swing the press with and without twisting. In the first case, it is very important not to tear the lower back off the floor.

By the way, watch the video of pumping the press from Katya Usmanova

Monitor your breathing and abdominal muscle tension. Before you start pumping your abs, be sure to do a little warm-up to warm up and prepare your muscles for stress.

You can train not only in the morning or in the evening, but at any other time. Make sure that at least one and a half hours pass after eating, and only then start exercising.

Many men want to have a beautiful pumped up press. And the fair sex dream of finding a wasp waist and a flat tummy. For both of them, for this you need to pump the press, reconsider nutrition and lead an active lifestyle. The main thing is to remember that getting rid of excess belly fat is quite possible!

There are a huge number of recommendations that are aimed at how to pump the abs to remove fat from the belly... After all, this question is always relevant, since the hated fatty deposits first of all arise precisely on this part of the body. Techniques that allow both men and women to lose weight in the sides and abdomen at home are especially in demand.

Not every modern man has the opportunity to visit the gym regularly. This is due to lack of time, inconvenient location, etc. Therefore, every girl who wants to remove fat from the abdomen, pump up the press wants to learn how to solve this problem on her own at home. The abdomen is the most problematic area. It is in this area that unpleasant folds and extra cm appear first of all. Even for those representatives of the fair sex who have a rather fragile physique, the press can disappear and a small tummy and sides appear. And in order to remove it, it is necessary not only to eat right, but also to pay special attention to regular exercise.

Many people care not only about how to do abdominal exercises correctly, but also how many times a day they need to be repeated. It is worth noting that it is advisable to carry out training for the press daily.

It directly depends on how quickly the desired result will be achieved. As a last resort, exercises should be done every other day (4 days a week with training).

Important! If you want to get results as soon as possible, it is recommended to exercise twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

It is recommended to start a workout for the abdomen with a light load. At the same time, during execution, you need to pay attention to well-being and sensations. The muscles of the abdomen and sides should be felt. If there is no sensation of how the muscles are tense, then the exercise is being performed incorrectly.

Nutrition and abdominal exercise: two main aspects for good and fast results

It is important not only how to properly do the press to remove the abdomen and sides, but also whether the body receives all the necessary substances. Positive result to burn fat and lose weight on the stomach will be achieved with exercise only when certain dietary rules are followed.

In order for the exercises to swing the press to be as effective as possible for the abdomen and sides, you should pay attention to what is included in the diet. The body must receive proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In this case, the first group should be in an increased volume. It should also be understood that proper nutrition is not fasting. You cannot exercise regularly and diligently and at the same time eat only a couple of apples per day.

Important! In addition to physical activity on the press, you should pay attention to cardio loads. For example, running, cycling will spend a lot of energy due to which excess fat will be burned.

Exercises for both men and women on the press are the same in principle. The difference lies in the desired result. For a male representative, cubes are acceptable, while for girls it does not always look beautiful.

What do you need to remember before starting abs work?

To understand what and how best to do, you can watch special videos and view instructions.

Also, in order for the abdominal exercises to be fruitful, it is worth remembering the following recommendations:

  • All exercises to be performed while lying down should be done on a firm surface. The floor will do. If it's too harsh, you can use a fitness mat.
  • The training room must be supplied with fresh air. This will prevent breathing discomfort.
  • Drinking water without additives and gas should always be available.
  • Exercise should be planned so that it occurs 3 hours after the last meal.
  • Before starting a press workout, girls and guys are recommended to do a warm-up that will warm up the muscles.
  • Since the abdominal muscles have a fairly short recovery period, it is recommended to exercise as often as possible.
  • Regular training is the key to good results.

How to swing the lower press correctly?

The most commonly used exercise for pumping your lower abs is the 45-degree leg raise.

Raising the case

In this case, you need to lie on a hard surface on your back. At the same time, the legs must be kept bent at the knees, but not taken off the floor. The muscles should be as tense as possible. At the same time, for a start, 20-30 approaches are enough, after which it is necessary to increase their number.

Lowering and raising legs

This exercise is very similar to the previous one, however, instead of the body, you need to raise your legs. The lifting must be done in such a way that the lower limbs are perpendicular (90 degrees) to the floor. It is necessary to ensure that the lower back touches the floor at the time of lowering. The number is 15-25.

These are two basic abdominal exercises that are easy to do at home and help you remove fat from your sides and abdomen.

Versatile Top Press Options

Other exercises will help you to normalize your upper abs. Below are the main types of physical activities, as well as recommendations for their implementation.

Raise the pelvis

We take the starting position: we lie down on the floor and put our hands along the body. The legs should be bent at the knees. To perform the exercise, it is necessary to raise the pelvis, while making sure that the shoulders remain on the floor. For a start, 20-30 times are enough.


This option is great for bleeding the upper press area. The starting position is classic - lying on your back on the floor. Next, you need to raise the upper body so that the elbow stretches to the opposite knee (right to left and vice versa).

You can also add a straight curl to the complex. It differs in that you need to lie down on the floor so that the body is perpendicular to the wall. The legs should be bent at the knee, and the feet should rest against the wall. Being in this position, you need to raise the body so that the shoulder blades come off the floor. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the lower back is pressed to the floor.

Twists 1/100

This is a more difficult option for burning fat on the sides and abdomen than the previous ones. It is performed statically. Thus, doing everything as in the instructions for the usual twisting, at the moment when the elbow touches the knee, it is necessary to fix the body in this position and count to a hundred. After that, we return to the starting position and do the exercise in the other direction. You need to perform it an even number of times.

Important! It is necessary not only to follow the instructions carefully. When twisting, the position of the lower back is important. It should not be torn off the surface, and the cervical muscles should always be in a relaxed state.

Plank as an effective way to lose belly and side fat

One of the most relevant and effective exercises for girls today is the bar. Its main advantage is that not only the abdominal muscles are involved, but many others as well. The main thing in it is to remain motionless in the desired position as long as possible. Despite the fact that it does not require movement at all, it is no less effective than many dynamic exercises.

To take the starting position, it is necessary to place an emphasis on the prone, almost like with regular push-ups. However, the arms should be bent at the elbows. The body should be in a straight line from head to toe. While doing this exercise, it is important to feel how all muscles are tense. It is recommended to start with half a minute, gradually increasing the time.

Performing the presented exercises daily, or at least every other day, will make it possible to be convinced by your own example whether it is possible to get rid of the abdomen by shaking the press. Indeed, for the implementation of the entire complex, it takes no more than half an hour, but the result will be noticeable soon enough. In addition, regular physical exercises for the press in combination with proper nutrition are the key to health, Have a good mood and a beautiful figure.

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How do you want to have a beautiful tummy? Is it real? Of course, but this requires a lot of work. Of course, you don't have to eat, so your belly will be in perfect order, the fat will be able to leave and there will be no entanglement.

But stretch marks, extra code will not go away. That is why it is necessary not only to eat right, but also to exercise. You can find out about food in our article. We will not return to this. We seem to be the path to success. But all the same, the main thing is, and playing sports with.

Pump up your abs, walk in gym, do aerobics, do yoga. All this is the right way to lose weight. We will answer the question whether the press helps to remove the belly. After all, we will consider in more detail the press, how to pump it up correctly, how not to harm health and how to achieve very good results.

Where to start pumping the press

If you are just starting out, you are a beginner, then approach this business with all responsibility. After all, if you work too much, overdo it, you can harm yourself, you can get not very good consequences. You may be overworked.

  • Before you start training, it will help you, and then training.

If you are on a diet, then check if you can play sports on this diet. It happens that a diet is very depleting of the body, and therefore unnecessary exercises can be harmful, you may experience dizziness, malaise.

Where to start pumping the press

Consult a dietitian, look online. It describes whether you can go in for sports. If you had any injuries, health problems, then be sure to visit a doctor and ask if you can practice. There are also rules that must be followed before pumping the press. Let's consider them. If you follow them, then there will be no problems. Let's take a look at these rules. The first is the need for ventilation. It is imperative to ventilate the room. During training, you should have a lot of fresh air, you should have something to breathe. Fresh air enhances your workout and you will have better results than you expected. Also keep water close at hand.

She must be good. While you exercise, you may be thirsty. So, in order not to waste time and not run for water, just put it next to it. Choose the time for classes yourself, when you are free and can take time to study. But still it is better to study before breakfast, of course, for those who work it is practically impossible. Anyway, we do before meals, exercises with a full belly are prohibited. If, nevertheless, you have eaten, then wait at least two hours, only then you can start training. As far as heat is concerned, it is best to practice quickly. Thus, the fat will go away very quickly. You can start with three approaches.

How to pump the press correctly! Effective exercises - video

It will be enough fifteen times, over time you can increase and even take dumbbells. We leave three approaches, we increase only the number of executions. But remember that the main thing is not quantity, but quality. It doesn't matter how many times you do the exercise if you did it wrong. Then no results will come out. Keep your muscles tense, the exercise should not be done very lightly. It is also important to breathe correctly. As you rise, inhale, while lowering, exhale. Remember also that if you worked out once a week. Or even once a month. Good results do not wait. You need to do at least four times a week. It is advisable to allocate six times for training. Does the abs remove the stomach, of course, yes. But only if you do everything right. Adhere to all the rules mentioned above, then you will succeed and everything will be fine.

Press types

  • Of course, by shaking the press, you can remove the stomach. It is very easy. The main thing is to choose the right place that you want to download. Presses have several options. We will look at them in more detail. There is a lower press. It is located in the lower abdomen. There is also an upper press, it is respectively at the top of the abdomen and the oblique muscles of the press are on the sides.
Press types

You can pump them up by performing various kinds. Press, how to remove the belly, that's the answer, do it. Let's take a look at all the abdominal muscles. To pump up the lower press, you need to lie on your back. Lying on your back, put your legs straight, put your hands behind your head, bend them at the elbows. We rise and do not move our legs. You need to rise, inhaling air, and lying back, you need to exhale the air. This must be done at least fifteen times.

It is very easy to answer the question of how to remove the stomach by pumping the oblique muscles. You need to lie on the floor with your hands behind your head. Raise your legs, at a right angle, then lower your bent legs at the knees to each side. It pumps the oblique muscles very well. We do this fifteen times in each direction. And in order to pump up the abs and his upper muscles.

We remove the stomach by swinging the press

For example, lying on the floor is a good exercise. We put our hands along the body, the legs must be bent at the knees. Raise your arms and lower back off the floor. The shoulders and head remain in place. We do this at least fifteen times. The press helps to remove the belly only if you work regularly, if you do not forget about your exercises. It is good to combine with proper nutrition. If you do fifteen times without much difficulty, then increase it by five times. So continue on, gradually increasing the load.

Let's look at what else are there with which you can pump up the press. Warm up before you start exercising. Muscles should be ready for exercise. This is very important, otherwise you can harm yourself, injure muscles and much more, this is not necessary at all. We want a nice tummy, not a sprain. Squat, stretch and start working on your abs. If you are doing exercises while lying down, then you need to lie down on a hard surface. It is very important.

Exercises to remove belly and build abs

For example, a sofa and a bed will be bouncy. We have already considered some of the exercises above, now we will give a few more. It is very good to raise your legs at right angles. This should be done lying on the floor or hanging on a horizontal bar. We lie down on the floor, raise our legs straight at an angle of 45 degrees. Fix your legs in this position for 10-15 seconds, then raise your legs to a right angle, fix and slowly lower yourself.

The most difficult part of the body to tidy up is the belly. In order to resolve the issue, almost every woman believes that she can reduce the volume by pumping her abs. Pumping muscles alone is not always possible to achieve the desired result - to remove the stomach and sides. In the process of pumping muscle mass grows and gets stronger, but this is not enough to reduce fat. So that, in addition to exercising, the fat “melted like butter”, it is necessary to make adjustments in the owl's nutrition. No, you should not eat some vegetables, limit yourself in some way. You just need to keep the balance of consumed protein food, carbohydrate and fatty, as well as know the time of their use. In this material, we will try to figure out how to properly pump the press in order to remove fat from the abdomen.

  1. It is necessary to study in a well-ventilated room.
  2. Be sure to provide yourself with enough drink. During an intense workout, you often feel thirsty, a little sip of water will come in handy.
  3. It is believed that pumping the abs to remove the stomach is necessary on an empty stomach. In any case, you should start exercising no earlier than a couple of hours after a snack.
  4. Certified fitness experts in their stories on how to properly swing the press at home advise you to exercise before lunch, in fact, swinging the press for losing weight on the abdomen and sides is allowed whenever you want.
  5. Is it possible to remove belly fat by shaking the abs? Of course, but you need to train hard enough.

How much to train?

How to properly swing the press at home to remove the stomach, what should be the load? In such a matter, the main thing is moderation, show a little patience. In the first week of classes, a maximum of two, it is better to perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions, perhaps 20. At the initial stage, it is important not to try to do as much as possible in order to lose weight faster and remove the belly, but to test the abilities of your body and learn how to perform all the exercises with high quality. When you learn to feel which muscle groups are contracting, and the set bar becomes easy to achieve, the volume of the load must be increased.

Is it possible to remove the stomach by pumping the abs? Sure! How to pump the abs to remove belly fat? Smoothly do each twist, here the jerks are superfluous. Inhaling the body well, raise the body, contract the muscles, exhale - gradually descend, relax the muscles. Will the stomach be removed if you pump the abs? It will be cleaned, you just have to do it every day.

Making adjustments to your diet

Thoughtful nutrition is a guarantee of the health of the body as a whole, an assistant to those wishing to become miniature in volume and get an attractive relief by summer. It is not enough just to watch videos on how to properly pump the press in order to remove the belly and sides of the girl, you still have to give up the excessive absorption of fried foods, potatoes, meat in mayonnaise sauce and salads with it, grandma's pies and all the like. High-calorie and fried foods only increase the belly, and then all your attempts to remove the sides, the time spent studying the video on how to properly pump the abs to remove fat from the belly will be in vain.

In order for a lady to become the mistress of a beautiful figure, she will have to sacrifice sweets, well, at least in large quantities, sometimes you can still indulge a little. That is, to the pressing question: "Is it possible to remove the belly by pumping the girl's abs?" you will receive an answer, it is possible, but with a small amendment - the diet will have to be revised and a little "cleaned up".

How to pump up the press and remove the sides, while eating deliciously? Just! Eat fermented milk products if you are not allergic to them, fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs, seafood, cereals - it's delicious.

Eat vegetable fats, more protein food, less carbohydrate, then all efforts in terms of how to properly pump the abs in order to remove the belly will have a positive effect.

Still think the listed products are not tasty? And you think what a variety of lungs and delicious salads and you can cook soups. Read about the dishes for the PP-diet, you will surely find several dishes that will suit your taste. The main thing is not to starve.

  • Firstly, you won't last long this way, you will break loose and eat 5 times more.
  • Secondly, during a hunger strike, the body in a panic that difficult times have come, will not burn fat, but rather store it from everything you eat, "for a rainy day," so to speak, plus the metabolism will work slower.

And a little more about nutrition. There is a myth that after 18:00 everything, the refrigerator is locked, you cannot eat. In fact, when dealing with the question of whether it is possible to remove the belly with the press, you need to know that food during the period of physical activity is very important, even snacks are welcome, but the last meal should be no later than 2 hours before going to bed. And this technique should be rich in protein, for example, you can eat a little cottage cheese.

Well, let's get to the fun part. To the questions: "How to swing the abs to remove the stomach and sides?", "Is it possible to remove the stomach by swinging the abs?" - we have already answered. Now let's go directly to the lessons.

Exercises for a beautiful female relief

Now the Internet is crammed with numerous videos on how to remove the sides, how to pump up the press, and in general is it possible to bring your figure back to normal with the press. All videos on how to properly swing the press to remove the stomach are quite effective. You can watch how to properly swing the press to remove the belly on the pages of our website.

  • Classic twisting. We do 2 sets, 30 body lifts. We lay on a flat surface, knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart, palms on the back of the head. Inhaling, we tear off the body from the floor, hang for a couple of seconds, go down, exhale.
  • "Frog slugs". We do 30-50 reps in 2 sets. We sit down on the edge of a bench or bed, palms on the back of the head, bend our legs, pull to the chest, then straighten.
  • Reverse crunches. 2 sets, 40 reps. We lie on our back, along the seams of our arms, bend our legs at the knees. We tear off the ass from the floor as if you are trying to stand on your shoulder blades, but rise not very high and lean less on your hands. The abdominal muscles should work.

Details Updated: 05/09/2019 19:10 Published: 06/08/2013 16:20

Anastasia Listopadova

Effective Abs Exercises - Video

It is difficult to achieve perfection of the figure, especially in such a "difficult" area as the belly and waist. Keep the weight, keep thin waist, a flat stomach at the age of 40+ is becoming a real problem. But nothing is impossible. Effective exercises, suggested by experienced fitness instructor Gay Gasper, are guaranteed to allow get a thin waist and a flat belly.

The Gay Gasper complex includes special exercises for the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, back muscles. All exercises are carefully selected and arranged in a specific sequence to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time.

Complex for a flat stomach contains 10 effective exercises of a basic level, which, quite, can be done even by the untrained. Gay Gasper called him so - the "Abdominal Press for Dummies" complex.

For each exercise, a more complicated modification for the advanced level is also offered, or vice versa, a light version, if at the first stage it is difficult to cope even with the basic level.

You don't need special equipment or projectiles, you just need a mat. Therefore, the Gay Gasper flat stomach complex is ideal for practicing at home.

Gay Gasper recommends combining ab exercises with aerobics and balanced nutrition since just one swing of the press is not enough for a flat stomach. Burn fat impossible only in one specific area, therefore, without aerobic exercise and balanced nutrition You won't get a flat stomach, and even a pumped-up abdominal press will hide a layer of subcutaneous fat.

Following these recommendations, in 2-3 months you are guaranteed to get a thin waist and a flat, beautiful tummy. Yes, unfortunately, this process is not fast. But you can see the first motivating results in two weeks, if you practice every other day.

Basic set of exercises for a flat stomach

Warm up

It is imperative that before working out the muscles of the press, you need to warm up for 4-5 minutes (swings and blows with hands, feet, body turns, bends), warm up and stretch the muscles in order to avoid injury.

The basis of all exercises for a flat stomach and waist- classic twists, therefore, first of all, you need to learn how to perform them correctly.

1. Simple twisting

Starting position: Lying on your back, legs tucked in, hands behind your head, slightly tighten your abs, pulling your ribs towards your hips.

Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor, straining your abdominal muscles, hold for two counts, lower yourself to the starting position.

Try not to pull your elbows forward, do not lower your chin, do not strain your buttocks during the exercise. Breathe in at the bottom, exhale at the top, while twisting. Repeat 10 times. Stretch, relax, breathe deeply, and repeat 10 times.

2. Raising the legs

This exercise works out muscles of the lower press.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, ankles parallel to the floor, knees at pelvic level, arms to the sides.

Tighten your abs, slowly lift your hips off the floor by 2-3 cm, without changing the angle of inclination of the legs, linger for two counts, slowly return to the starting position. Breathe in at the bottom, exhale at the top, while lifting the hips. Repeat 10 times. Lower your legs, stretch, relax, breathe deeply, and repeat 10 times. Keep your back flat on the floor during exercise.

3. Twisting and lifting the legs

Combines the first two exercises, works with upper and lower abdominal muscles.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, ankles parallel to the floor, knees at pelvic level, hands behind your head.

Tighten your abs, at the same time pull up with your chest and knees, towards each other. Lifting your shoulders and hips off the floor. Repeat 10 times. Lower your legs, stretch, relax, breathe, and repeat again 10 times.

Breathe evenly. Exhale during the greatest tension.

4. Lateral twisting

This exercise works the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Starting position: Lying on your back, feet on the floor shoulder-width apart, hips apart, hands behind the head. Perform a twist alternately, reaching with your shoulder to the opposite knee, keeping your elbow at shoulder level. The other elbow remains on the floor to maintain balance. Go down and twist to the other side. Do 10 twists without pauses. The pace of the exercise is two counts up, two counts down. Try not to lift the pelvis off the floor.

Pull your obliques, relax, breathe out, and do 10 crunches again.

5. Twisting with a lunge

Starting position: Lying on your back, legs pulled up to the pelvis, arms behind the head, elbows apart.

Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor, tightening your abdominal muscles, pull up one knee of your chest, then fully extend your leg. Do 10 repetitions with one leg, then a similar exercise with the other.

Stretch your abs, relax, breathe out, and do a second set of 10 crunches with a lunge on each leg.

6. Bicycle

Everyone familiar from school physical education lessons exercise "Bicycle" will help remove unnecessary from the sides.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, keep your heels close to the pelvis, hands behind your head, elbows apart.

Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor, straining your abdominal muscles, straighten one leg at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor, stretch the opposite shoulder to the knee of your bent leg. Then, without pause, do the same on the other side. Those. imitation of cycling. Pay attention to the speed, the movements should not be fast. Repeat 10 times. Stretch, rest, and do another set.

7. Wiggle your socks

A simple exercise that puts a lot of pressure on your abs.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, ankles parallel to the floor, knees together, at the level of the pelvis, hands behind the head. Straining your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders off the floor and slowly touch one foot to the floor, bring your leg back. Then touch the floor with the other toe.

Breathe correctly: feet up - inhale, touching the floor - exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times without dropping your shoulders down. Try not to lift your back off the floor.

Stretch, rest, and do another set.

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DON'T MISS THE Opportunity to start losing weight! After Galina Grossmann's sessions, people drop excess weight as if by magic, they get rid of many diseases.

8. Circular rotation

Exercise good works the whole press.

Starting position: Lying on your back, place your feet on the floor, hands behind your head.

Slightly tighten your abs by pulling your ribs towards your hips. While contracting your abdominal muscles, slowly make a full circle of rotation of the body in one direction 5 times, then 5 times in the other direction.

Breathe correctly: exhale at the top, inhale at the bottom. Make sure that the pelvis does not come off the floor. Stretch, rest, and do another set.

9. Deflection with bent knees

When fighting the belly, it is also important to train your back muscles. This exercise at the same time pumps the muscles of the press and back.

Starting position: Kneel down with your elbows on the floor. You can put a soft towel under your elbows. Put your feet on your toes.

Straining your muscles, lift your knees off the floor, hold for three counts, return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Bend your knees, stretch forward, rest, take another set. Try to keep your back straight during exercise.

10. Raising the legs from the support position

Raise one straight leg to hip height, lock it in two counts, return to the starting position. Then lift your other leg. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each leg. Breathe correctly: exhale while lifting your leg. Try to keep your body straight without arching your back.

Bend your knees, sit on your heels, stretch forward, relax, breathe deeply, and do the second set, 10 lifts for each leg.


Don't skip this step, it is important point workout.

Traditional stretching of the muscles of the abdomen, legs, back (backbends, stretching) for 4-5 minutes.

Video of a set of the best exercises for a flat stomach

Watch online exercise videos for flat belly Gay Gasper

You can download a video of a complex of exercises for the abdomen and waist Gay Gasper


If you have read to the end, then you are already working or want to start working on the problem of the abdomen and waist, so we repeat: Diet is important and combine pumping the press with aerobic exercise , it can be aerobics, dancing, jumping or just walking at a brisk pace. Then your work will not be in vain, fat will go away from the belly, the waist will become thin, and the belly will be toned and flat.

Important! Do the crunches correctly and safely

Twisting. Do it correctly and safely!

Gay Gasper's workout has a lot twisting exercises so let's pay a little attention to this most effective ab exercise. It is very important to do them CORRECTLY and SAFELY!

Why crunches are so effective for the abs

Twisting exercises are a versatile exercise for the formation of a beautiful, flat belly... Crunches are the only exercise in which all abdominal muscles are fully engaged.

Twisting. What muscles work

Abdominal Press formed by the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. During the twisting exercises, the entire press receives both static and dynamic loads at once, because it is necessary to simultaneously hold the body in a fixed position and perform twisting, the muscles in which either contract or stretch.

Moreover, twisting allows you to effectively tone the entire rectus abdominis muscle, although it is very heterogeneous in structure: at the top it is powerful and thick, and below it is weak and thin.

In addition, the muscles of the lower back are involved. They, like muscle antagonists, oppose the abdominal muscles.

Twisting. Basic technique

The task of the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles is to bend the body, i.e. bring the ribs closer to the pelvic bones... Please note that it is the ribs that need to be brought closer, not the shoulders and chest, and it is precisely to the pelvic bones, not to the knees. Otherwise, not the press will work, but other muscles.

How to do crunches correctly

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your heels as close to your buttocks as possible. Place your hands behind your head or fold over your chest.

As you exhale, begin to twist the body, first lower your chin to your chest, then lift your shoulders off the floor, then your shoulder blades. Lift the spine smoothly, vertebra by vertebra, immediately twisting it forward, as if you want to curl up into a ball. Move smoothly, without hurrying, without jerking, without helping your legs.

While inhaling at the same pace as you twisted, also smoothly, vertebra by vertebra, unfold the body: first, lay your shoulder blades on the floor, then your shoulders, then your head.

If you perform the exercise correctly, you will not be able to sit down, this feature will show that it is the abdominal muscles that work, and not some others.

Twisting. Major mistakes

  1. Fix legs lying on a horizontal surface, clinging to, for example, a sofa or with the help of a partner. This position immediately transfers the load to other muscles. With the legs fixed, the abdominal muscles work only when lying on an incline bench or a special simulator.
  2. Do not match movement with breathing... Remember, lifting the body always happens on exhalation, and return to the starting position on inhalation.
  3. Tearing the lower back off the floor... Lack of support under the lower back during twisting is fraught with loss of intervertebral discs. Therefore, at the very beginning of twisting, try to press your lower back into the floor. If you can't help arching your back, do exercises on a fitball or put a towel folded several times under your lower back.
  4. Do the exercise in jerks... Do not help yourself during the exercise by swinging your arms and legs. If you can't get your shoulders or shoulder blades off the floor, just try to feel the muscle tension from your ribs to your lower abdomen. It is important to strain the right muscles, and not to do the exercise at maximum amplitude.

Additional help - Galina Grossmann slimming sessions

Additional help to help you organize and tune in to fight the belly - Galina Grossmann energy sessions, which activate the burning of excess fat and programmed for easy weight loss... And this is not just a suggestion, Galina Grossmann gives a clear, reasonable plan of action and self-confidence that it is real to lose weight.

Indeed, if you adhere to the very reasonable and logical recommendations given by Galina Grossmann: eat by the hour, exclude flour, sweet, fried and other junk food, do not gorge on at night and once a week arrange water day, then the result is guaranteed.

However, in order to independently withstand such a regulation, serious motivation and strong will are required, which we usually lack. It is this missing element that Galina Grossmann gives us in her energy sessions. Grossmann also has a special session for losing weight even for a very large belly, but unfortunately, now access to it is limited by the author.

More Help - Japanese Belly Fat Exercise

And if you trust physical exercise, then here is another effective exercise for fat on the sides and abdomen from the inventive Japanese.

Additional motivation- removing fat from the abdomen and waist, you will reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, heart disease, chronic diseases, increase self-esteem and feel much easier, more confident. Flat, beautiful tummies for you!

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