Investment in Skyway is. ​"SkyWay" - Unitsky String Transport Sky way group

project or gold mine?


Test post about the project –SkyWay, Transnet,RSW Systems, STU – Unitsky String Transport, Air - Sky rail. There are many names and they are all interconnected. I’m trying to understand what this is – a scam, a bankrupt, unfinished construction, a profitable project or a gold mine? What are the prospects for investment in the project? SkyWay from the standpoint of public opinion and common sense.

In the process of preparation, I tried as best I could not to drown in the sea of ​​information dedicated to Skyway– watch only the main sites, blogs and short video clips related to this topic, trying to spend no more than 15 minutes on 1 video (which is already too much, since I think that no more than 2–3 minutes are enough for clear and unambiguous things). For those who want to swim independently in this ocean of information, I give a shortened list of the main, in my opinion, sources of information:

1.Official website of the company RSW Systemsrsw- systems. com

2. Website Anatoly Eduardovich Yunitsky -unitskiy. com

3. Channels on YouTube: youtube. com/ user/ SkyWayInvestGroup - 420 videos / 239 videos / youtube. com/ user/ Anatoly Yunitskiy – 238 videos (in total there are more than 2,000 video clips on YouTube dedicated to SkyWay, Transnet,RSW Systems, STU and so on.).

4. Pages and groups on And / V Facebook / V Twitter - twitter. com/ rsw_ systems

5.Affiliate and other sites about / / / / / / / php?r=projects/page&view=unitsky reality, there are many more of them.

6.Blogs- on mmgp: Sergei Kovtun rswsystems. blogpot. ru/? r= Kolshik 2600 comments / on – 562 comments and blog of Morozov M.B. –

I do not provide direct links to selling resources so as not to promote or sell anything, at least for now, in this article, since here, in relation to the project SkyWay, I speak only as an outside observer. I do not promote, offer, sell or recommend anything! I am trying at the level of common sense to collect, understand and structure information (including public opinion) on this issue.

I am not a shareholder Skyway or a participant in its affiliate program ( at least for now), an expert, an auditor or a hired PR agent from the company or its competitors (within the framework of black PR). In terms of individual statements, this post reflects only my personal and so far preliminary understanding and opinion.

2. idea - Unitsky string transport.

2:35 SkyWay Invest Group. Reliable protection of your capital!

The most prestigious business of the 21st century!

1. Rail sky road - a light train on openwork rails, above the ground,

in whichStrings are stretched with hundreds of tons of reinforcement.

2. The transport will be able to reach speeds of up to 500 km. at one o'clock.

3. Economical - the trip is 7 times cheaper than a regular train.

4. Energy saving - moving will require 10 times less electricity or fuel.

6. Safety is 2,000 times higher compared to road transport.

7. Safety - up to 100 times higher compared to air transportation.

8. Environmentally friendly transport - no emissions.

9. The soil is preserved - the roads will pass at an altitude of 5 - 10 to 100 m.

10. Implementation of the project by attracting private investment - public financing.

11. Start of construction of a transport system around the world in 2017.

12. A global project on a huge market - in demand everywhere.

Thus, we are talking about creating a global transport system that will be the most economical, safe And environmentally friendly transport system in the world, according to speed, second only to air transportation.

Everything ingenious is simple! Or what's the trick:

In my opinion, a rather informative express review, a year ago (July 2014). In my opinion, only the statement about the independence of the project from the state and bureaucracy remains controversial. But what about land, electricity, certification, control of all types of security, licensing, permits, registration.

Whose are they, people's people?

And the project simply has not yet reached the problems of mass production. The last presenter, in my opinion, is biased and not competent enough.

11:54 Mikhail Khazin about SkyWay Transnet.

Dear Mikhail Delyagin and Mikhail Khazin, without a doubt, they follow their words and with unequivocal approval of the idea and project SkyWay - Transnet do not give a definitively positive conclusion.

4:21 Briefly about the transport system of the Russian Federation, SkyWay, corruption, Sapsan and the monorail.

Every year, about 3% of the Russian Federation’s GDP is spent, for the most part, on the ongoing maintenance of costly, corrupt and ineffective infrastructure, as well as on its further development.

There is no point in adding anything. At the level of the idea, everything is extremely clear And

I definitely accept it.

In the territory Russia And EurAsEC– countries with the most extensive territories, low population density, poorly developed transport communications and high unmet demand for transportation, countries standing at the intersection of potential global transport corridors between Southeast Asia, Asia And Europe(including America And Japan), a project of this kind is not only in demand like nowhere else in the world, but can also become the strongest engine for the growth of the national economies of the participating countries.

Project STU – Unitsky String Transport entered TOP 50 startup projects 2014 compiled annually by a team of independent experts Russian Startup Rating (RSR) with assignment of an investment attractiveness index – AA(high investment attractiveness). Link to rating:

3.So what does it offer?SkyWayto potential investors?

2:54 Message from the General Designer of RSW systems Yunitskiy

Anatoly Eduardovich (a year and a half ago – 02/24/2014

1. Without going into too much detail, it’s for luck.

2. After preliminary review.

3. Only after a thorough study of the project.

4. I don't invest in such projects.

*Preferably in an expanded form, in detail, in a structured manner, without flooding, insults and unfounded statements and accusations, if If you have any doubts, express them.

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Company (RSW systems) owns innovative new generation transport technology, which has undeniable advantages over existing modes of transport. Today, the level of technology development has reached the point that transmitting information anywhere in the world takes a matter of seconds, while transporting people or goods takes much longer. The human need for high-speed transportation is increasing every day.

Low costs for the construction of “string” roads of the “second” level, high transportation speed - up to 500 km/h and at the same time Unitsky String Transport 4 times more economical than road transport, 2.5 times more economical than railways, 6 times more economical than magnetic levitation trains.

Transport based on SkyWay technologies can replace all urban, suburban, intercity and freight transport, as well as unite the whole world into one high-speed transport network.

SkyWay technologies

    Linear city SkyWay: SkyWorld
    An eco-friendly city with transport at the “second level”

    SkyWay technology string rail
    Combines the properties of a flexible thread and a rigid beam

    Unibus, Unicar, Unibike, Uniwind
    Travel speed: up to 150-180 km/h

    High-speed transport SkyWay: High-Speed ​​Unibus
    Travel speed: up to 500 km/h

    SkyWay cargo complex: Unitruns, Unitruck
    Productivity: up to 200 million tons/year or more

    Unicont, Hanging Unicont, Unitruck
    Travel speed: up to 90-150 km/h

    Hyper-high-speed transport SkyWay: Hyper U (concept)
    Vacuum train in a pipe. Travel speed: up to 1250 km/h

    Electric car SkyWay: Unimobile
    Universal electric car for disabled people

    4 reasons to become a SkyWay investor

    • Favorable investment conditions.
      Now an investor can receive a package of SkyWay shares at a large discount. In the future, it will be possible to make a profit from the sale of your SkyWay shares.

    • Dividends.
      Owners of SkyWay shares will receive profit from all future transport systems (from targeted SkyWay projects built around the world).

    • All of us together - technology developers and investors - will create the largest business in the entire history of civilization.

    • Benefit to the world and every person.
      Improving the comfort of life for all people on the planet. Reducing accidents. Clearing the soil from the road surface. Saving money and fuel.

    • When will the world see SkyWay transport?

      A complete set of working documentation for Unitsky’s String Transport has now been developed. The reality of the documentation is tested at our own production site in Belarus, where the certification and demonstration EcoTechnoPark of SkyWay technologies is being built. Until the end of 2019 It is planned to build and certify 3 types of SkyWay overpass transport systems of the 4th generation, located above the ground at the “second level”:

      A lightweight string-rail transport overpass (for suspended monorail transport), which includes two turning rings, a section of a semi-rigid track 800 m long with spans of 50 m and a sagging section of 800 m with spans of 400, 200 and 200 m.

      A two-level rail-string transport overpass with a length of 150 m (for a conveyor belt and for suspended freight transport), with two turning rings and two unloading and loading terminals.

      A two-level high-speed string-rail transport overpass with a length of 1 km (for suspended high-speed transport and suspended urban transport).

      Eco Technopark SkyWay includes three types of elevated transport systems (taking into account track and station infrastructure, freight and passenger urban elevated transport) and production facilities.

      Current state of construction

      To date, manufactured SkyWay vehicles: 18-seater and 6-seater Unicar, 48-seater and 14-seater Unibus, 14-seater Unibus in tropical version (for the UAE), 2-seater Unibike, 2-seater Uniwind , cargo Unitruck and 6-seater high-speed Unibus. Such rolling stock as the 2-seater Unibike, 6-seater Unicar, 14-seater and 48-seater Unibus have already passed all tests on suspended tracks in the SkyWay EcoTechnoPark and the certification procedure.

      • Poster “Model range of created SkyWay vehicles” .

      In the SkyWay EcoTechnoPark on a kilometer section urban/high-speed SkyWay route, the truss structure of the two-level track system, which is installed on intermediate and anchor supports, has been fully assembled. On one track of such a route there are 4 string rails - 2 on top (for the movement of suspended urban and high-speed unibuses) and 2 below (for the movement of suspended urban unibuses). Suspended Unibuses, Unicars and Unibike were tested on the lower belt of this route.

      Work was completed on the exterior and interior finishing of the 3-story station building, combined with the first anchor support of the SkyWay high-speed line. On the 1st floor there is a SkyWay museum, on the 2nd floor there is a station for boarding public transport (overhead), on the 3rd floor there is a station for boarding high-speed transport (overhead). On the 3rd floor, a green roof was installed and a canopy was installed, which serves as the roof of the building.

      An administrative building was erected for conducting negotiations with customers. Work is regularly carried out to improve and landscape the territory of EcoTechnoPark; more than 5,000 fruit trees have already been planted.

      Completely ready easy SkyWay route, which has a looped structure, including a section of a semi-rigid track 800 m long with spans of 50 m and a sagging section of 800 m with spans of 400, 200 and 200 m, as well as two turning rings. On the semi-rigid section of this route, technologies for modernizing the route were tested with the installation of additional string elements on the already built route. This makes it possible to use such a route for heavier vehicles - more than 6 tons. A cargo “unitruck” was tested on this route in order to test the theoretically calculated possibility of using passenger lines for freight transportation. On all sections of this route, running tests of the Unibike rolling stock were also carried out, which on the semi-rigid section of the route had already exceeded the calculated speed for an 800 m section and accelerated to 102 km/h.

      Completely ready SkyWay cargo route, which includes a truss structure of 150 m of a straight section of the track system, which is installed on intermediate and anchor supports, two turning rings and two unloading and loading terminals for bulk cargo. This truss structure is designed for the movement of a conveyor belt transporting bulk cargo. At the bottom, the truss structure has 2 string rails designed for suspended transport to move along them (in two directions). On the lower belt of this route, a Unicar cargo vehicle with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons was tested.

      Mounted ultra-light SkyWay route– a track structure with a high degree of manufacturability, without butt seams or connections of the track structure and sections. This track has a rail head in the form of a pipe with string elements stretched inside and filled with a special mixture. An outboard vehicle, a 2-seater Uniwind, is currently undergoing sea trials on this track.

      Work is underway on the construction of the sixth string-rail overpass - the second rigid route with a truss-type track structure. All intermediate supports have already been installed and construction of anchor supports is underway.

      Already at this stage of construction, the SkyWay company was able to do and prove that this is possible. This made it possible to identify critical points, develop methods and develop technology for implementing SkyWay transport systems anywhere in the world. At the moment, as part of the creation of the SkyWay Innovation Center in the United Arab Emirates, construction of SkyWay string transport systems is underway in the city of Sharjah.

      Objects of EcoTechnoPark

      1) Entrance group (gate 3x6 m).
      2) String fencing of the boundaries of EcoTechnoPark (2x2200 m).
      3) Zero kilometer of SkyWay. Scale plate “Maps of Belarus” (20×20 m) with a bronze composition.
      4) End anchor support (1st floor – museum, 2nd and 3rd floors – passenger stations for overhead and mounted transport).
      5) End anchor support.
      6) Suspended city passenger unibus and suspended high-speed passenger unibus (two-rail).
      7) High-speed urban passenger route with a length of 1 km, two-level - for suspended and mounted transport (will be extended 20 km beyond the site).
      8) Intermediate support for the expressway – 21 pcs.

      9) City monorail passenger route (800+800 m).
      10) Anchor support with reversible ring – 2 pcs.
      11) Intermediate support for a semi-rigid section of the route – 15 pcs.
      12) High intermediate support for a flexible section of the route – 2 pcs.
      13) Suspended passenger unibus (monorail).
      14) Cargo truss-string overpass with a conveyor belt and a lower belt for suspended transport.
      15) Unloading and loading terminal – 2 pcs.
      16) Anchor support for the cargo complex – 2 pcs.
      17) Intermediate support of the cargo complex – 45 pcs.
      18) Unicar freight train for transportation of bulk cargo (forward and return branches).
      19) Garden and park complex of EcoTechnoPark.

      Prospects for the development of the SkyWay transport network

      According to the plan of Anatoly Eduardovich Yunitsky, soon we will all live in a new Eurasian space, which will reach completely new economic and social indicators. New cities of a new generation Eurasia- an example of a new way of life for a society living in harmony and prosperity, in peace and harmony. At the heart of the Eurasian space will be a set of SkyWay routes united into a single network Transnet. The same networks will be created in Europe, America, Africa and subsequently merged into one global network.

      If the work is even 500 km from your home, thanks to the new second-level transport system, you can cover this distance in 1 hour and for only $8. It will be possible to get from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok in just 20 hours and for $200. From Moscow to Kyiv in 2 hours and $20. From Moscow to Barcelona in 8 hours and $100. From Kyiv to Antalya in 5 hours and $50.

      Who has already invested in the development of SkyWay technology

      SkyWay has been awarded prestigious awards and received positive feedback from experts. Investors from more than 200 countries, as well as many specialists, have already assessed SkyWay transport technologies and supported the development of this technology.

      • United Nations
      • Goskino USSR
      • USSR Cosmonautics Federation
      • Soviet Peace Fund
      • Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
      • Gosstroy of Russia
      • Administrations of Khabarovsk, Stavropol and Yekaterinburg
      • Governors of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Alexander Lebed), Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
      • Former South Australian Transport Minister, head of Rod Hook & Associates - Rod Hook
      • More than 400,000 investors from 126 countries
      • 400,000 investors from 126 countries

        What will the SkyWay investor get?

        Become a co-owner of the root company behind the innovative Sky Way transportation technology. Investors who took part in the development of the company will receive:

        • Status of co-owner of the high-tech company “SkyWay” – Euroasian Rail Skyway Systems Holding Ltd (RSW systems).
        • Dividends from the activities of the root company “SkyWay” and all its future subsidiaries.
        • The opportunity to sell your registered package of shares at a profit is more expensive than you can buy it now. The estimated cost of SkyWay shares is tens of times higher than the cost at which these shares can be purchased today. Also, shares will become more expensive due to the capitalization of the company as a result of its development and growth.

        Investment at this stage belongs to the category of venture investment in the development of a company (startup), which by definition refers to long-term, risky investment, so there is an opportunity to become the owner of a company on very favorable terms. Company Euroasian Rail Skyway Systems Holding Ltd is now at the thirteenth stage of its development (4-year development is divided into 15 stages).

        At the thirteenth stage, it is still possible to obtain a package of shares of the SkyWay company with a very large discount. Depending on the investment amount, the amount of the discount (discount) relative to the share is determined. The fact that an investor purchases a package of shares at a large discount significantly increases the package of his shares in the company. This proportionately increases his income in the future both in the event of receiving dividends on them and in the event of selling a block of shares to third parties. At the end of the thirteenth stage, the discount will decrease and the share price will increase (packages of shares for the same price will include fewer shares).

        SkyWay packages available for registration at stage 13

        * Euroasian Rail Skyway Systems Holding Ltd was founded in accordance with British law. As the authorized capital of the company, property rights to intellectual property and know-how on the innovative transport technology Skyway Rail (patents and developments in the field of string transport that have been created over the past 36 years) were contributed. All contributed property was assessed by independent appraisers in accordance with international standards, which constituted the authorized capital of the company - the company's shares were paid at a nominal value of $1 each share. The company plans to build a demonstration sales center by the end of 2019, bring the value of the company's share to par and enter the world stock markets (IPO of the company).

        How to get SkyWay shares

        Do you want to become a co-owner of the SkyWay root company and receive income from SkyWay transport projects around the world? Now you can still take part in this venture project on favorable terms and become a co-owner of a large business that can generate dividends and constantly growing income.

        The possibility of registering a package of SkyWay shares is available through the official website of the root company SkyWay - as well as through an investment fund, which operates on the basis of an official cooperation agreement.

        (Investment fund)

        "RSW systems"
        Minimum investment From $5 (330 rub.) From $50 (RUR 3,250)
        Discount for purchasing a package of shares (discount upon purchase) Up to 58 Up to 60
        Additional bonuses - By registering a package of shares, you receive training as a gift from the Academy of Private Investor.
        Other benefits - Investment is available to residents of all countries.
        - The opportunity to become a co-owner of the Global Investment Portfolio by taking part in the program.
        - Opportunity to own SkyWay shares through the Consumer Society "PO Eurasia".
        - Opportunity to invest not only in the root SkyWay company, but also in targeted projects (coming soon).
        (Investing is not available to residents of Belarus)
        Who keeps records of share ownership? - The investor receives a Certificate of Ownership of SkyWay shares and is entered into the register of shareholders maintained by Sky Way Invest Group.
        - Data on investors is transferred monthly to the root company “RSW systems” and it is entered into the register of SkyWay shareholders, which is maintained by an independent registrar. After transferring the investor’s data to RSW systems (“conversion to ERSHHL”), the investor can order delivery of a paper certificate from RSW systems for ownership of SkyWay shares (cost $10). Through your personal account you can obtain an extract from the register maintained by RSW systems. Later, investors will be able to verify the authenticity of their ownership of shares by ordering an extract from the register from an independent registrar.
        The investor enters into an investment agreement. Additionally, an investor can order delivery of a paper certificate for ownership of SkyWay shares (cost $10). Through your personal account you can obtain an extract from the register maintained by the company itself. Also, the investor is entered into the register of SkyWay shareholders, which is maintained by an independent registrar. Later, investors will be able to verify the authenticity of their ownership of shares by ordering an extract from the register from an independent registrar.
        Partner rewards
        to attract investments (Partnership program)
        Remuneration distribution system depending on rank (Partner, Agent, Consultant, Manager, Leader-Manager, Top Manager, Advisor to the President, President).
        Partner: 8% , 2nd level – 7%, 3rd level – 3%.
        Agent: 1st level (personally recruited) – 8% , 2nd level – 7%, 3rd level – 5%, 4th level – 4%.
        Four-level reward distribution system: 1st level (personally recruited) – 15% , 2nd level – 7%, 3rd level – 5%, 4th level – 3%.
        Withdrawal of affiliate rewards The personal investment amount must be $50 or more. The minimum withdrawal amount is $50.
        Consulting support
        - Hotline (7-495…, 8-800…).
        - Consultations via Skype.
        - Information webinars, trainings and educational webinars on financial literacy, investment basics, personal development, internet entrepreneurship and attracting partners.
        - Assigning each investor as a personal consultant to another higher-ranking investor in the structure who has the rank of Consultant or higher.
        - Live conferences in different countries.
        - Online consultant on the website (chat).
        - Helpdesk (ticket system).
        - Hotline (8-495..., call from the website).
        - Consultations via Skype.
        - Regular news releases from top company officials.

        * Subscribe to our group

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Opportunity to contribute to a global business project and purchase shares at an affordable price

Step-by-step instructions for purchasing SkyWay shares:

  1. Registration
  2. Selecting the optimal package of shares (shares) of the company
  3. Payment in a way convenient for you
  4. Signing of an investment loan agreement between the parties
  5. Completion of the procedure for registering rights to shares in property

⚠ IMPORTANT: secured shares (Shares) of the company remained in smaller quantities.

Write your name in the history of EcoTechnoPark! Become a part of history!
In any of your personal accounts, pay for any of the two packages"EcoFuture" and your name will forever become part of the long and successful history of the SkyWay project. INYour name will appear on a commemorative bronze plate in EcoTechnoPark.

Personal Area

SkyWay Capital Official Fund

  • Min package from 15 $ / *Discount from 14 to 60
  • Possibility of registration of legal entities

If you did not receive a confirmation email during registration, check the Spam folder in your mailbox. Success and prosperity!

Personal Area

Euroasian Rail SkyWay systems holding Ltd

  • Opportunity to invest in small monthly payments. Installment plan without interest
  • Min package from 50 $ / *Discount from 20 to 60

*Discount conditions apply at stage 13 of all 15 stages of development of the SkyWay group of companies

All investments go towards the implementation and construction of a demonstration innovation center for testing and serial production - "EcoTechnoPark" Republic of Belarus, Maryina Gorka.

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