Higher ped. How to get a teacher education remotely? Distance teacher education

Many people dream of working with children in kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions. They consider this type of activity their recognition. Unfortunately, not everyone gets the opportunity to realize their dream. This is due to many factors, including lack of time to obtain a prestigious education. Some are forced to interrupt their studies because of family, earning money or career. What to do in such a situation? There is an exit! You can get pedagogical distance education.

Short description

What is distance teacher education? From the name it is clear that this is a type of training that is carried out at a certain distance. All classes, exams and even thesis defense take place right at home. To obtain such an education, you need three things: a personal computer, access to the Internet and a great desire to acquire new knowledge. This is an ideal way for those who, for example, want to study in Moscow, but are forced to live in another city.

In order to obtain higher pedagogical education remotely, you need to do the following:

  • Choose any educational institution in Russia that provides such an opportunity.
  • Read the list of required documents and send them by mail to the specified address.
  • Some educational institutions require a preliminary interview.
  • Get acquainted with the payment system.
  • See your name on the enrollment list for a specific faculty.

At the end of August, you need to familiarize yourself with the class schedule. Lectures are held in the form of online conferences; you will first need to download the necessary program for this. In this mode, exams, coursework and tests are taken.

Main advantages

In total, we can highlight several main advantages of training (distance pedagogical education):

  • The student can control his own time. He won't have to rush to class. He chooses when he will receive the knowledge he needs.
  • It becomes possible to master the program in any convenient place: at home, at work, in a cafe.
  • You won’t have to look up to your classmates; each person will develop at an individual pace.
  • Girls will have no idea what to wear to class; you can even study in a dressing gown.
  • There is no need to make a choice in favor of a career, family, favorite activity - everything can be successfully combined.

Distance learning (teacher education) is a universal opportunity to become the owner of the highest educational category without leaving home.

A few disadvantages

  • Some people do not have enough acquired knowledge to be able to do full-fledged work.
  • For those who have poor computer skills, this opportunity is absolutely not suitable.
  • High cost of training compared to full-time, part-time or part-time courses.

Primary teacher training program

A person living in any region has the opportunity to receive distance pedagogical education under the “Primary School Teacher” program. It includes several main stages:

  • Lectures conducted in the form of online conferences by specialists of the highest educational category. Each one lasts about 90 minutes. The student is given the opportunity to learn the intricacies of all modern programs that are taught to primary school students.
  • During practical classes, you will be able to study all the didactic programs developed by specialists from the Ministry of Education.
  • Several psychological lessons will be held aimed at the ability to find a common language with problem children.

Training program for psychologist

Psychological skills will not hurt anyone. They will be useful for your career, social life and personal relationships. Fortunately, it is possible to obtain such higher education remotely. It is divided into several main programs:

  • Lecture classes aimed at gaining skills in psychological and pedagogical discipline, the ability to communicate with children with disabilities and antisocial groups of children.
  • During practical classes, each student will try to independently conduct training on any topic online.
  • If desired, you can receive additional classes that will help the student conduct his own research on the child’s behavior, reveal his creative potential, and identify problematic aspects.

According to experts, such classes will be useful not only for those who want to connect their work with teaching, but also for all young parents.

Teacher training program

Many people dream of connecting their lives with the work of a teacher. Why do they need this? Young children are charged with positive energy, taught to be kind and no less responsive to environmental problems. Fortunately, it is possible to obtain such higher pedagogical education remotely. The process of mastering skills is divided into several main programs:

  • Lecture classes aimed at getting to know the child as a separate unit of society, the ability to communicate with children from disadvantaged families and resolve possible conflicts that may arise during the work process.
  • Practical classes in which the student will learn to teach the necessary classes for preschoolers, conduct educational conversations with parents and help children get used to their new environment.
  • Laboratory work aimed at the ability to create your own plan for the learning process.

Almost every city has pedagogical universities of distance education. The best are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan. Today, a person living in any region of the country can receive knowledge from teachers of the highest level.

What is the result

Pedagogical distance education is a combination of full-time and correspondence education, which is taught through mass technology. Typically the training process can last from three to five years. Upon completion, the person will receive a diploma of higher education or a certificate of completion of retraining courses or acquisition of new knowledge. Do not be embarrassed that employers will begin to perceive such training negatively. The distance learning method in our country is progressing and is on par with other possible forms of education (full-time, part-time, part-time).

Today we will talk to you about how to get pedagogical distance education, as well as its features. After all, the modern world has increasingly begun to apply and develop methods of acquiring knowledge that do not require a person to constantly attend lectures and classes. Let's start studying our topic today.

What is distance?

But before we talk to you about what pedagogical distance education is, let’s discuss what the so-called distance actually means. What are its pros and cons?

Distance education is a new type of knowledge acquisition that does not require students to constantly attend university. All classes are held through special systems online. The entire educational process is recorded electronically, students are given assignments and given a certain period of time to complete them. Getting a distance education, among other things, is actually more difficult than studying with a full-time degree. After all, here you will have to draw up your own lesson plan. Nevertheless, this type of obtaining a “tower” remains quite popular. You can also get a distance second higher education: pedagogical, technical, mathematical, humanities. In general, any. The main thing is to find a suitable university. So now let's talk in more detail about what is required of students who want to obtain a teaching specialty remotely.


Pedagogical distance education has a huge advantage over other types of education. The fact is that during full-time study, the student is practically deprived of personal time. He does not have the opportunity to work and gain experience. Correspondence and evening education is, of course, a good option, but only when a person has time in the evenings. What if you have a family and small children? Leaving them with no one, and taking them with you to classes, especially when they are very small, is not the best solution.

Then “distance” comes to the rescue. You won't need to break away from your usual activities. After all, all training takes place through webinars via the Internet. You will be given a certain period of time (usually before the next session) during which you must pass all tests, tests and other tasks. The specific date is determined by you. That is, if you want, hand in everything on the first day after receiving the tasks, or if you want, hand in everything at the last moment. In addition, the price for this type of training is always pleasing.

Of course, we should not forget that distance pedagogical education allows students to gain extensive experience in their profession during their studies, and at the same time you can attend virtual lectures. No other form of acquiring knowledge has such advantages. After all, all classes are held online. This approach is especially convenient for those who receive a second “tower”.

What is required of everyone?

So, no matter where you are trying to enroll, there are general requirements that apply to all areas of "distance". If you decide to get distance education: pedagogical, humanitarian or technical, then you should know what to prepare for. After all, the sooner you submit all the required documents, the sooner you will be among the lucky remote workers. So, first of all, we will consider with you the option when you decided to take such a step immediately after receiving secondary education.

First of all, choose a university where you can get the knowledge you need with distance support. We will talk to you a little later about where such an opportunity exists. After this, you will need 4 3 by 4 photographs (standard for documents) in color. In addition, you also need certificates of passing the Unified State Exam and a certificate. As a rule, there is no competitive admission to distance universities. In any case, so far there has not been a single student who was not accepted when applying.

In order to obtain higher pedagogical education remotely, you will need to pass the Unified State Exam. This is usually done at school. What do you need to apply? Russian language and mathematics are mandatory for all students. In addition, depending on the direction, you will be required to have results in biology, social studies or history. Usually these nuances can be viewed on the university website. After that, go to the branch with documents and submit an application. You can send all the “papers” by mail to the head university. Wait for an answer and start studying.

When I already graduated from university...

If you graduated from university once, but want to gain knowledge again and again, and you don’t have much time for this, then distance learning is perfect for you. Pedagogical education quite often falls into the area of ​​special attention of “distance learners”. This happens because people cannot finally decide at the age of 17-18 what specialty they should enter, where and what they want to work in the future.

In addition, very often student teachers need another education for a prestigious job. Then the question arises: “How to get it?” After all, having graduated from the full-time department of a university, a person should already begin to work and support himself, applying the acquired education in practice. Then different options come to the rescue. If earlier we used “correspondence” very often, now it has been slightly advanced by “distance”. So now that we already know in what cases and why a second “tower” is required, we can talk in more detail about enrolling in a new and modern form of acquiring knowledge. It is worth noting the fact that all subjects studied in full-time education are also, without exception, “taken” and “at a distance.”

Preparing documents

So, first we need to prepare all the necessary documents. Naturally, no one will require you to take the exams again when you have just defended your thesis. However, upon admission, something must be presented as proof of receiving the second “tower”.

If you are planning to receive a second higher pedagogical education, distance learning is perfect for you. However, for admission you will need to provide the university with all documents confirming completion of your studies at a particular educational institution. A scan of the diploma and its supplements will help here. After that, take photographs and you can safely write an application asking to be accepted into one or another university. True, now it’s worth talking to you about where you can go.

Looking for a place

So, you have firmly decided to receive a second higher education, and remotely. And also pedagogical! Amazing. The only problem is - where can you go? Let's try to figure it out.

In fact, there are a lot of options. After all, you will not be tied to the university. All you need is the Internet and completing tasks when it is convenient for you. So you can sit down and search for all the information you need. See what reviews are left by other distance learners before enrolling in this type of training. Here are several options where you can go to get a second teaching “tower”.

The first option is Moscow. It has been offering people services for providing a second higher education remotely for quite some time. The duration of training is 3.5 years.

If you don’t want to study in Moscow, you can choose Pedagogical distance education here, too. For admission you will need a diploma and 5 years of “free” time.

In fact, you can endlessly list where to apply for a distance learning applicant. The list of universities is simply huge. But after future teachers approach the end of their training, one logical question arises: “How is the defense of the diploma going?” Let's try to answer.

Bottom line

So, you have almost received your second higher pedagogical education remotely. There is only one push left - the defense of the diploma. After this, you can be glad that many years of study were not in vain. But how will you defend yourself?

Depending on which university you have chosen, you will be provided with different forms for submitting and defending your thesis. Students are usually required to appear in person. But where - this is a good question. There are two options here - either you go to the main university for defense, or come to the branch, which is located in your city. Although you can also find universities where you will be allowed to protect yourself at home using a webcam and microphone. So that everyone can see that you are you, and not someone else. So, having received a second higher pedagogical education, you will receive the full right to work in more prestigious places.


What else is left to say? Probably, the only thing is that gaining knowledge remotely is a pleasure. During the time spent studying, you will be able to gain the practice that is so necessary when working. Moreover, constantly reinforce it with theory. The point is that you can work and teach at the same time. Moreover, neither work will interfere with study, nor study with work.

"Distance" is not just a new form of learning. It only serves as a pointer to the right path for students. They have to “get” everything else on their own. The point is that the entire learning process is controlled by each future graduate independently. Don't be afraid to do it. Choose the university you want - and go for it!

Remember that after graduation you will be able to work as a teacher, educator, sometimes even as a psychologist. In any case, you will have the opportunity to work with children. But not everyone has time to attend lectures in person or even in absentia. Then distance learning comes to the rescue. Teacher education is a necessity that will give you a great opportunity to work in educational institutions.

Program description:

Direction of preparation: 050400.62 “Psychological and pedagogical education”

Qualification:"Bachelor of Psychological and Pedagogical Education"

Program in the field of study “Psychological and pedagogical education” is aimed at training specialists of a new generation who are capable of conducting social and pedagogical activities in modern educational institutions of any level, as well as working with children with disabilities in specialized educational institutions and in inclusive education.

Educational psychologist is engaged in psychological support of education, he can also perform socio-pedagogical and pedagogical work. But the leading activity of a specialist in this profile is psychological and pedagogical support for people who have certain problems of a social, physical or psychological nature: students with diseases, children from problem families, children experiencing psychological trauma, those in need of correction of the emotional sphere, students with disabilities behavior, etc.

Area of ​​professional activity The educational psychologist is represented by two spheres - social and educational. This also includes healthcare, if a specialist works with children with health problems, and the field of culture for specialists who professionally conduct cultural and educational social work.

Objects of professional activity: educational institutions of all types and forms of ownership, health care institutions, social protection authorities. It is also possible to work professionally as a full-time psychologist in organizations not related to education (for example, commercial ones). An interesting option for professional development for a specialist is scientific activity. A social pedagogue-psychologist is more focused on practical work with children, but high-quality fundamental training at Moscow University. S.Yu. Witte allows graduates to successfully realize themselves in the world of science.

Advantages of studying at Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte (MIEMP)

First of all, it is a metropolitan university with a wide network of regional branches and representative offices. Consequently, to defend your thesis, you will not necessarily have to go to Moscow, but will be able to find a university branch located closest to your place of residence.

The university has impressive experience in training specialists in this profile, including in the distance learning format. The university is actively introducing innovative technologies and doing everything to ensure that each student’s education is as interesting and effective as possible.

Professional qualification portrait of a specialist:

  • Carries out activities within the framework of the social psychological and pedagogical service of the educational institution;
  • Provides assistance and support to students who need special attention and are in difficult life situations;
  • Promotes social and psychological adaptation of students with disabilities in inclusive education;
  • Studying the personality of students, their relationships with peers and teachers;
  • Analyzes and regulates psychological and pedagogical aspects of the pedagogical process in an educational institution;
  • Creates favorable psychological conditions for the implementation of educational programs;
  • Conducts educational work on psychological and pedagogical issues with teachers, students and their parents.

Demand for graduates in the labor market:

The level of demand for specialists in this profile is quite high. The conservative sphere of education today is rapidly changing, inclusive education is developing - the involvement of children with disabilities in the general educational process. And here it is impossible for any school to do without a social pedagogue-psychologist. After all, the range of competencies of this particular specialist includes the ability to make the transition of children from a separate mode of education to a general one as comfortable and effective as possible. This is the most important mission, one of the leading tasks of modern education, and the social pedagogue-psychologist has a decisive role in this work.

Accepted persons:

  • with completed secondary or secondary specialized education;
  • with incomplete higher education;
  • having higher education in any specialty.

Entrance tests and admission conditions:

According to the results of the Unified State Exam:

Based on testing results: Biology, Russian language, Mathematics

Form and duration of training:

  • Correspondence courses using distance learning technologies. For students with higher professional education - 2 years 6 months.


After completing training in the direction "Psychological and pedagogical education" and defense of your thesis project, you receive a bachelor's degree of the state standard of the Russian Federation.

Application for telephone consultation on the program "Psychological and pedagogical education (Second higher education)". Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte (MIEMP) (Moscow)

An educational psychologist is engaged in psychological support of education; he can also perform social-pedagogical and pedagogical work. But the leading activity of a specialist in this profile is psychological and pedagogical support for people who have certain problems of a social, physical or psychological nature.

SAFBD. Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking

Professional training in economics and management (Bachelor's degree) (Higher education)
The main task of a specialist in vocational training in economics and management is high-quality training of students, specialists, and enterprise employees in economic and management disciplines (finance, economics, management, marketing, accounting, personnel management, etc.)

Psychology and pedagogy of sports (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEEP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty “Psychology and Pedagogy of Sports” in a distance format.

Deaf pedagogy (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty “Pedagogy of the Deaf” in a distance format.

Legal psychology and pedagogy (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty “Legal Psychology and Pedagogy” in a distance format.

Psychology and Educational Management (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEEP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty “Psychology and Educational Management” in a distance format.

Psychology and pedagogy of inclusive education (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEEP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty “Psychology and Pedagogy of Inclusive Education” in a distance format.

Psychology and social pedagogy (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEEP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty “Psychology and Social Pedagogy” in a distance format.

Psychology and pedagogy of creativity (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty “Psychology and Pedagogy of Creativity” in a distance format.

Psychology and pedagogy of primary education (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty “Psychology and Pedagogy of Primary Education” in a distance format.

Preschool defectology (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty “Preschool Defectology” in a distance format.

Psychology and pedagogy of preschool education (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEEP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty “Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education” in a distance format.

Speech therapy (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEMP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty “Speech Therapy” in a distance format.

Vyat GSU. Vyatka State Humanitarian University

(Higher education)
The specialty “Organization of Work with Youth” prepares for graduation qualified counselors, organizers of youth programs, teacher-organizers, rehabilitation teachers, social educators, social workers.

(Higher education)
The specialty “Primary Education” prepares teacher-organizers, tutors, and primary school teachers for graduation. After completing your studies, you will conduct psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of students, develop basic educational programs for children of primary school age, and much more.

(Higher education)
The specialty “Preschool Education” prepares preschool educators and teachers for graduation. You will learn to plan and organize various types of activities and communication of children during the day, organize various games with children of early and preschool age, and conduct physical education activities.

(Higher education)
The specialty “Psychology and Pedagogy of Primary Education” trains highly qualified educational psychologists to work in the field of general primary education. A bachelor in this area can hold the position of a primary school teacher.

(Higher education)
This specialty involves training professional educational psychologists to work in kindergartens and preschool educational institutions. If you love children and are ready to devote yourself entirely to working with children, their training, adaptation and development in the preschool period, feel free to enroll in the specialty “Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education”.

University of Management "TISBI"

Psychology and Pedagogy of Primary Education (Bachelor's Degree) (Higher education)
After completing your studies, you will be able to work as a primary school teacher or primary school educational psychologist.

Psychology and pedagogy of preschool education (Bachelor's degree) (Higher education)
The specialty “Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education” teaches its students to solve complex problems in the field of preschool education: training, education, development, health of preschool children.

SAGMU. Samara Academy of State and Municipal Administration

Organization of work with youth (Bachelor's degree) (Higher education)
After completing training in this specialty, you will be able to work as a counselor, organizer of youth programs, teacher-organizer, rehabilitation teacher, social educator, social psychologist, social worker, employment service specialist.

VEGU. Eastern Economic and Legal Humanitarian Academy

Physical Rehabilitation (Bachelor's Degree) (Higher education)
Graduates of the specialty “Physical Rehabilitation” upon completion of training work in the following institutions and organizations: special (correctional) educational institutions for children and pupils with health problems; educational institutions of all types and types (with persons assigned to special medical groups.

Social work in the education system (Bachelor's degree) (Higher education)
Social work in the education system is becoming increasingly important in socialization and personality formation, therefore specialists in this field are in great demand in the labor market.

(Higher education)
The “Educational Psychology” profile studies methods of teaching and upbringing that increase the efficiency of fulfilling educational tasks, the effectiveness of pedagogical measures, improving the psychological aspects of teaching, etc.

Primary Education (Bachelor's Degree) (Higher education)
The objects of professional activity of bachelors of this profile are: training, education, health and individual personal development, psychological, pedagogical and social support for students, teachers and parents in educational institutions of primary education.

Speech Therapy (Bachelor's Degree) (Higher education)
The purpose of the profile: training students in the field of special pedagogy, carrying out the correctional pedagogical process in the systems of institutions of public education, health care and social welfare of persons with speech disorders.

(Higher education)
Future professions: tourism instructor, methodologist for organizing physical education and sports activities, organizer of children's and adolescent physical education movements, organizer of leisure and active recreation, sports instructor, coach, life safety teacher, physical education teacher.

Preschool Education (Bachelor's Degree) (Higher education)
The objects of professional activity of bachelors of this profile are: training, education, health and individual personal development, psychological, pedagogical and social support for students, teachers and parents in educational institutions of preschool education.

SSU. Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

Typhlopedagogy (Higher education)
The specialty “Typhlopedagogy” prepares typhlopedagogical teachers for graduation. The activities of graduates of this specialty are related to the education and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with visual impairments, as well as the psychological rehabilitation of adults.

Educational Psychology (Higher education)
After completing your studies, you will be able to work as an educational psychologist, assistant psychologist, or assistant HR manager.

Oligophrenopedagogy (Higher education)
The activities of graduates of this specialty are aimed at psychological and pedagogical support for the process of learning, upbringing and social adaptation of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. You can also engage in adult rehabilitation.

Speech therapy (Higher education)
The specialty “Speech Therapy” prepares qualified speech therapists and speech pathologists for graduation. During the training process, you will learn how to conduct psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of people with disabilities, work with medical records, draw up and adjust individual development programs, and use various correctional and developmental technologies and techniques.

Primary education (primary education teacher) (Higher education)
After completing your studies, you will be able to work as a primary school teacher, methodologist, or director of educational work.

Preschool education (preschool teacher) (Higher education)
After completing your studies, you will be able to work as a preschool teacher.

Educational Psychology (Bachelor's Degree) (Higher education)
An educational psychologist is a specialist who studies the learning, development and upbringing of a child, using this knowledge to help students, teachers and parents optimize their activities and relationships.

VGUES. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Organization of work with youth (Higher education)
The specialty “Organization of Work with Youth” prepares specialists to work with youth, youth organizations, as well as to work in government and public organizations dealing with problems of social relations.

RosNOU. Russian New University

Psychological and pedagogical education (Bachelor's degree) (Higher education)
After completing your studies, you will be able to work as a teacher, defectologist, correctional teacher, social psychologist, conflict specialist, school psychologist, psychocorrection specialist, social educator.

Teacher Education (Bachelor's Degree) (Higher education)
While studying in the “Pedagogical Education” direction, you will study pedagogy, psychology, teaching methods, the basics of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle, age-related anatomy, physiology and hygiene, philosophy, and pedagogical rhetoric. After completing your studies, you will be able to work as a teacher, subject teacher, primary school teacher, or school psychologist.

VlSU. Vladimir State University

Teacher Education. Physical education (Bachelor's degree) (Higher education)
In the specialty “Pedagogical education. Physical Education" you will learn to draw up an optimal training plan for students, develop and conduct courses on physical education for students in accordance with the curriculum, create health programs for students, taking into account both physical activity and diet individually for each.

Physical education (Bachelor's degree) (Higher education)
In the specialty "Physical Culture" you will study anatomy, biochemistry and human physiology, the hygienic foundations of physical culture and sports activities, the history of physical culture, management of physical culture and sports, pedagogy, theory and methods of teaching physical culture.

Our country is “famous” for its traditions and largely conservative way of life: everything new is very difficult and sometimes with great difficulty and distrust.

It took many years to prove that distance education is no worse than classical education, and is superior in many respects: price, quality, training time, geographical boundaries, etc.

- this is, in fact, the same distance learning, which involves independent preparation by the student. It doesn’t matter where you live, and whether you have a lot of money or not: the price of such distance pedagogical training is affordable for every student, and there is no need to “take time off” from work, since you can study at a time convenient for you.

Upon completion of distance learning (retraining), you will be issued a diploma in the standard format established by the state, which will be sent to you by registered mail. This diploma is a state document conferring your qualifications and acts in exactly the same way as a regular diploma from a university.

It was already mentioned above that thanks to this method it is possible to combine your work with training, and study at home and at any time available to you. You can build a training program for yourself based on your individual characteristics.

What is required for this form of training?

In order to enroll in professional retraining remotely, you must have completed higher or secondary vocational education (requirements of the Federal Law “On Education” No. 273).

If you already meet these requirements, then you can enroll in vocational training (retraining). The profile of your previous education will not matter in this case, the main thing is that you have it.

  1. You choose which one you would like to receive and leave a request for distance learning online. In response, you will receive a letter from the admissions committee managers with documents and instructions. Having filled them out and paid the receipt, you can begin training.
  2. The following will be sent to your email: lectures, teaching materials, access to online libraries and assignments to complete. You complete them and send them to your supervisor, who throughout your training answers your questions and helps you.
  3. After successful completion of your studies, you will receive a state diploma through Russian Post (by registered mail to your address). With this, your goal of obtaining a teacher education remotely has been achieved!

Upon receiving, everyone has the opportunity to work in a good, prestigious place. The main thing is not to forget to check that the educational center has a license for educational activities, so that your diploma is real, and not a “certificate” of taking courses. On our website and even check it personally on the open data portal of the Moscow government.

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