Job description of the seller of beer. Job description of the seller of alcoholic products LLC "elis-plus. Sample job description for a food clerk

1.1. The seller of food products (including alcoholic products) - (hereinafter referred to as the product) belongs to the category of technical executors, is hired and dismissed from it by order of the Executive Director of the enterprise.

1.2. A person who has an initial vocational education and special training in accordance with an established program without presenting requirements for work experience is appointed to the position of a seller of goods.

1.3. The seller of goods reports directly to the director of the sales department.

1.4. In its activities, the seller of goods is guided by:

― regulatory documents and methodological materials on the issues of the work performed;

- the charter of the enterprise;

― internal labor regulations;

― orders and orders of Elis-Plus LLC;

- this job description;

― Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

1.5. With this job description, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee who carries out his labor activity in the field of retail sale of alcoholic products, which is noted in the employment contract.


2.1. The following functions are assigned to the seller of the goods:

2.1.1. Customer service.

2.1.2. Preparing goods for sale.

2.1.3. Consultation of buyers about the properties and manufacturers of products, including the provision of documents confirming the quality of the goods, at the request of the latter.

2.1.4. Study of customer demand.

2.1.5. Fulfillment of official duties.


3.1. In order to perform the functions assigned to him, the seller of the goods must:

3.1.1. When accepting a shift, prepare the workplace: check the availability and serviceability of equipment, inventory and tools. In particular, to control the location of the safe (which must be located on the territory rented by Elis-Plus LLC) and take the key to the safe for personal storage. Control the location of the cash register (hereinafter referred to as CCM) of Elis-Plus LLC (CCM must be located on the trading floor rented by Elis-Plus LLC); check the safety and availability of the “service maintenance” hologram of the current year on the cash register. In the event of a malfunction of the cash register, immediately stop selling products and immediately notify the organization providing technical services. maintenance of KKM, and the head of his service about a malfunction of the cash register, by phone numbers available to the Seller.

3.1.2. Provide customer service: accept money from the customer, count them, knock out a check, count the change, issue change along with a cashier's check , pack and issue products, at the request of the buyer, issue copies of checks with a stamp. Also, at the request of the buyer, provide documents confirming its quality for this type of product (including accompanying documents).

3.1.3. Control the timely replenishment of the working stock of goods, their safety; serviceability and proper operation of trade and technological equipment; cleanliness and order in the workplace.

3.1.4. Prepare goods for sale: check the name, quantity, grade, price, packaging condition and correct labeling, availability of accompanying documents and documents confirming the quality of the goods.

3.1.5. Participate in the receipt of goods, paying attention to the presentation of the product: the integrity of the packaging (consumer packaging), the presence of labels with the name of the product; the presence on the label or on consumer packaging of the bottling date, verification of compliance with the bottling date indicated in the quality certificate; the presence and integrity of federal (for products manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation) and excise (for products of foreign origin) marks, the availability of accompanying documents and documents confirming the quality of the goods.

Acceptance of goods is carried out by bottle, in accordance with the consignment note (consignment note).

In the certificate "B" to the consignment note in the column "recipient" the seller's signature and stamp are put.

3.1.6. After accepting the goods, if the quantity and quality of the goods correspond to the invoice, the seller puts on the invoice the date of acceptance, his signature, the transcript of the signature, indicates his position and puts a stamp. After signing the bill of lading by the seller, claims for quantity, quality and sorting of goods are not accepted.

3.1.7. In case of inconsistencies (underdelivery, fight), the seller makes notes on the invoice signed by the seller and the driver.

3.1.8. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55
“On Approval of the Rules for the Sale of Certain Types of Goods” upon acceptance of the goods, the seller is obliged to check the availability of shipping documents: certificates of conformity, certificates for waybills (section A, B), etc.

The seller is personally responsible for the availability and safety of all documentation and for compliance with the "Rules for the sale of certain types of goods".

3.1.9. When accepting the goods, the seller accepts the price labels for the products. The seller is obliged to attach them to the corresponding products in the display case.

3.1.10. Notify the administration of the receipt of goods that do not correspond to the labeling (invoice list), in case of any incidents, in case of fire, in case of non-delivery of goods.

3.1.11. Keep a record of temperature control and fix it daily in a notebook.

3.1.12. Advise customers on the properties and taste characteristics of certain types of alcoholic beverages.

3.1.13. Offer customers a new range of products.

3.1.14. Study customer demand.

3.1.15. Decorate counters, inside shop windows and monitor their condition.

3.1.16. Control the presence at the facility of a package of documents required for the legal retail trade of alcoholic products: a license, a lease / sublease agreement, a register of control checks of consumer market facilities, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, sanitary rules SP 1.1.1058-01, SP , a copy of the production control program, a copy of the conclusion of the State Fire Supervision Authority, instructions on fire safety measures, accompanying documents to the cash register.

Control the presence in the buyer's corner of the documents necessary for the legal retail trade of alcoholic products: copies of the license, sales rules (Government Decree No. 55), telephone numbers of local regulatory organizations, a book of complaints and suggestions, copies of TIN, OGRN. In the absence of any of the above documents, immediately inform the head of your service.

3.1.17. Make requests for the repair of commercial and technological equipment.

3.1.18. Participate in the preparation of commodity reports, certificates for marriage, shortage, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material values.

3.1.19. Participate in inventory taking.

3.1.20. Resolve disputes with customers in the absence of administration representatives.

3.1.21. If there is a return of goods from buyers, for each such return, draw up an "Act on the return of funds to buyers on unused cash receipts (including erroneously punched checks)" with the obligatory application of a punched check .

3.1.22. At the end of the shift: remove the Z-report, print out the control tape, fill out the journal of the cashier-operator.

3.1.23. Calculate cash receipts for the shift, which must correspond to the receipt of the Z-report, and put it in the safe together with this receipt (revenue and receipt for each day separately).

3.1.24. Sort money and hand over the proceeds to the cashier once a week, having previously checked his documents (a document proving his identity and a power of attorney).

3.1.25. In the event of an inspection by regulatory organizations, the seller is obliged to provide for filling out a register of control inspections of consumer market facilities.


4.1. The seller of the goods has the right:

4.1.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

4.1.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

4.1.3. Receive from the heads of structural divisions, specialists information and documents on issues within its competence.

4.1.4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.


5.1. The seller of the goods is responsible for:

5.1.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the Labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.1.2. For committing an offense in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the Administrative, Criminal and Civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.1.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the Labor, Criminal and Civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.1.4. For the safety of the key to the safe.

5.1.5. For penalties of regulatory organizations through the fault of the seller.

5.1.6. For the presence on the leased territory of Elis-Plus LLC of the goods of the entrepreneur and the goods of Elis-Plus LLC on the territory of the entrepreneur.

At this time, the seller controls the use of cells for storing personal belongings of visitors. At the same time, he controls the activities of sellers at the checkout, selectively reconciling the check paid by the buyer with the volume and cost of the purchase made. In the event of an attempt to carry unpaid goods, the seller detains the violator and forwards him to the office premises of the store, where he holds him until the police arrive or the store administration makes a decision. In all cases, the seller, entering into relations with citizens, is obliged to behave correctly and politely. If there are sufficient grounds convicting a person of committing theft and refusing to proceed for trial, physical resistance, deliberate destruction of the company's property, the seller in accordance with Part 1.

Job description of a draft beer seller

A good leader should know how many children the subordinate has, when their birthdays are, what the name of the wife is, if the mother is sick, and even how he feels about dogs. Try to congratulate your employee on the birthday of his son or daughter, and you will immediately see how the efficiency will change.


You are more and more about the sellers, although these are line staff. What is the most important link in the chain? – I have always said that salespeople are the main people in the team.

These guys are on the front line every day, and it is they who create a miracle - they “get” money out of the pockets of buyers and replenish the pocket of the business owner.

Seller training for trade in beer, cigarettes


When accepting a shift, prepare the workplace: check the availability and serviceability of equipment, inventory and tools. In particular, to control the location of the safe (which must be located on the territory rented by Elis-Plus LLC) and take the key to the safe for personal storage.

Control the location of the cash register (hereinafter referred to as CCM) of Elis-Plus LLC (CCM must be located on the trading floor rented by Elis-Plus LLC); check the safety and availability of the “service maintenance” hologram of the current year on the cash register. In the event of a malfunction of the cash register, immediately stop selling products and immediately notify the organization providing technical services.

maintenance of KKM, and the head of his service about a malfunction of the cash register, by phone numbers available to the Seller. 3.1.2.

Shop assistant job description

RESPONSIBILITY 4.1. The seller is responsible for: 4.1.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties under this job description - in accordance with applicable labor laws.

4.1.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation. 4.1.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law. 4.1.4. For violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the organization. 5. WORKING CONDITIONS 5.1. The seller's working hours are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the organization.

This job description has been developed in accordance with.

Draft Beer Seller

It is they who say to those who enter the store: “Maybe you can take one and a half, so as not to run a second time in the evening? And try this beer, although it is more expensive, it is worth it.” This is not done by the store manager, although he has his own responsible role, namely the seller.

In addition, it is the seller who is the first to understand what went wrong in the system, what of your notions works and what does not. Ideas are money, stocks are money, so they have to work.

Sellers are scouts, and if contact is established with them, then you will learn about failures at lightning speed, without any significant losses. I haven’t worked as a store manager for a long time, but nevertheless, I travel around stores with my colleagues every week to talk with the guys, understand them and our problems, and solve pressing issues - this is very important.

Job description of the seller of food products

In cases of damage to products on the trading floor (uncorking of various containers, tearing of packaging material, etc.), the seller immediately stops the actions of violators with mandatory payment for the damaged goods. If the guilty person refuses to immediately pay for the damaged goods, the seller informs the store manager about this in order to call the police and initiate a criminal case under Art. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Intentional destruction or damage to property." If the store is not handed over to the control panel, the sellers, according to the schedule set by the director, guard the store at night. At the same time, they are fully responsible for all property located in the store.

How to manage the staff of a beer store?

JOB INSTRUCTIONS for the seller of a trade enterprise 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the seller "" (hereinafter referred to as the "organization"). 1.2. The seller is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the organization. 1.3. The seller reports directly. 1.4. A person who has a higher or secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of the seller.
1.5. The seller must be able to use a cash register in his work. 1.6. The seller must have computer skills at the level of a confident user, including the ability to use computer programs for accounting for goods.

Job description of the seller of a trade enterprise

The merchandiser or director makes an intermediate recount of money at the cash desk. The seller forms packs of 100 banknotes of one nomination and delivers them for storage in a safe.
This operation is not at the expense of customer service. After the store is closed for customers, the seller receives from the merchandiser or director the “Register of documents for the day” in the Warehouse program and checks the cash at the checkout.

In the event of an error, the seller identifies and eliminates it. The shortage is paid from the seller's own funds. The seller fills in the book of the cashier-operator. Banknotes are added at the request of collection, accompanying statements are laid down.

The decomposed banknotes are placed in a collection bag, which is sealed and transferred to the collector. A Z-report is produced on the KKM. At the end of the working day, the KKM and the computer are turned off.

Controls the availability of goods in the trading section, checks the quality, expiration dates of goods, checks the presence and compliance of markings, price tags on goods. 2.1.8. Carries out control over the safety of goods, commercial equipment and other material assets. 2.1.9. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations. 2.1.10. Informs the management about the existing shortcomings in customer service, the measures taken to eliminate them. 2.1.11.

Maintains an atmosphere of goodwill in the workplace, sets a personal example in customer service. The seller must be patient, attentive, polite when choosing and inspecting goods by buyers.

When handing over the purchase to the buyer, you should thank him. 2.1.12. Ensures cleanliness and order in the workplace, in the commodity section, as well as in the trading floor as a whole. 2.1.13.

Job description of the seller of a draft beer store

Limited Liability Company "Beta" LLC "Beta" APPROVED by the General Director of LLC "Beta" A.I. Petrov 03/25/2013 Job description of the draft beer seller 03/25/2013 No. 316-DI Moscow 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This Job Description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the Draft Beer Seller Beta LLC. 1.2. The draft beer seller is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the general director of Beta LLC on the proposal of the senior seller of Beta LLC.
1.3. The draft beer seller reports directly to the senior seller Beta LLC. 1.4.
Responsibility The Seller is responsible: - for the consequences of his decisions that go beyond his powers established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the company's charter, other regulatory legal acts; the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation; - for committing an offense in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation; - for causing material damage and damage to the business reputation of the enterprise - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation RF. 5.

Job description of the seller of the beer store

With this job description, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee who carries out his labor activity in the field of retail sale of alcoholic products, which is noted in the employment contract.


2.1. The following functions are assigned to the seller of goods: 2.1.1.

Customer service. 2.1.2. Preparing goods for sale. 2.1.3. Consultation of buyers about the properties and manufacturers of products, including the provision of documents confirming the quality of the goods, at the request of the latter.

2.1.4. Study of customer demand. 2.1.5. Fulfillment of official duties.


Limited Liability Company "Beta"
LLC "Beta"

General manager
LLC "Beta"
___________________ A.I. Petrov


Seller job description draft beer

25.03.2013 № 316-DI

Moscow city


1.1. This Job Description defines job duties, rights and responsibilitiesDraft beer sellerLLC "Beta".

1.2. Draft Beer Selleris appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order on submissionsenior salesperson of LLC "Beta".

1.3. Draft Beer Sellerreports directlysenior salesman LLC "Beta".

1.4. For the position Draft beer sellerappoint a person who hassecondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least one year.

1.5. Draft Beer Seller must know:
- the procedure for receiving food products;
– state standards and specifications for the goods sold, their basic properties, merchandising characteristics;
– conditions of storage of goods;
- rules for classifying products as defective;
– rules for the sale of beer and restrictions on sale established by law;
- the simplest methods for determining the quality of food products;
- principles of window dressing (rules for displaying goods and rules for product neighborhood);
the procedure for conducting an inventory, compiling and processing commodity reports, certificates for marriage, shortage, regrading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets;
– customer service rules, including modern forms and methods service;
– foundations of aesthetics and social psychology;
- rules for working with a cash register, the established procedure for receiving and returning money;
- signs of solvency of state banknotes.

1.6. In its activityDraft Beer Sellerguided by:
– normative acts and methodological materials on the work of trade organizations;
– local regulationsLLC "Beta", including the Internal Labor Regulations;
- orders (instructions)General Director of LLC "Beta"and immediate supervisor
– rules on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
- this Job Description.

1.7. During the period of absenceDraft beer sellerits duties are assigned to other sellersLLC "Beta".


Draft Beer Sellerperforms the following duties:
2.1. Serves buyers (includingadvises customers on the range of beer,pours beer into containers of various sizes, sells dried fish, chips, crackers and other related products).
2.2. Inform uet immediate supervisor (andif necessaryGeneral Director of LLC "Beta") about existing shortcomings in customer service and measures taken to eliminate them.
2.3. Calculates the cost of the purchase, issues a cash receipt to the buyer.
Receives beer and goods from the warehouse.
2.5. Places dried fish, chips, crackers and other related products on displayby type to ensure the convenience of working with them.
2.6. Complies with the restrictions established by law related to the sale of alcoholic products, beer and beer drinks:
– does not sell beer and beer drinksfor underage buyers;
- if the seller has doubtsthat the buyerbeer and beer drinks came of age,the seller may require him document certifyingidentity and allowing to establish his age;
- does not sell beer and beer drinks to customersfrom 23:00 to 08:00 local time.
2.7. controls it properly condition of commercial equipment with which P parent directly works.
2.8. Compiles commodity reports, acts for marriage, shortage, regrading of goods and acceptance e acts (when transferring goods).
2.9. Accepts from part of the inventory.
2.10. Resolves controversial issues with buyers in the absence of representatives of the administration.
2.11. Supervises IT work and helps in work newly employed m seller am .
2.12. Ensures cleanliness and order to the workplace.


Draft Beer Seller has the right to:
3.1. Demand from your immediate supervisor andGeneral Director of LLC "Beta" assistance in the performance of official duties and the exercise of rights.
3.2. Improve your skills.
3.3. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from employees the reports and documents necessary for the performance of official duties.
3.4. Get to know the draft solutionsGeneral Director of LLC "Beta"relating to activitiesDraft beer seller.
3.5. Submit proposals to your line managerconcerning his professionalactivities, including raising questions about improving their work, improving organizational and technical working conditions, raising salaries, about payment of overtime work in accordance with the legislation and regulations governing the system of remuneration of employeesLLC "Beta".
3.6. receive from workersLLC "Beta"information necessary to maintain labor activity.


Job description of the seller of food products[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

I. General provisions

1.1. The seller of food products belongs to the category of technical executors, is hired and dismissed from it by order of the head of the enterprise.

1.2. A person who has an initial vocational education and special training in accordance with an established program is appointed to the position of a seller of food products without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. The grocery seller reports directly to [insert as appropriate].

1.5. In its activities, the seller of food products is guided by:

Regulatory documents and methodological materials on the issues of the work performed;

the Charter of the enterprise;

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise and the immediate supervisor;

this job description;

- [fill in as needed].

II. Functions

The following functions are assigned to the seller of food products:

2.1. Customer service.

2.2. Preparing goods for sale.

2.3. Consultation of buyers about the properties and culinary purpose of the product.

2.4. Study of customer demand.

2.5. Managing the work of lower-skilled salespeople.

III. Job Responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the seller of food products must:

3.1. Provide customer service: cutting, weighing and packing goods, calculating the cost of the purchase, checking the details of the check, issuing the purchase.

3.2. Control the timely replenishment of the working stock of goods, their safety, serviceability and proper operation of trade and technological equipment, cleanliness and order in the workplace.

3.3. Prepare goods for sale: check the name, quantity, grade, price, packaging condition and correct labeling; unpacking, inspection of the appearance, cleaning, cutting, cutting and cutting of goods.

3.4. Prepare the workplace: check the availability and serviceability of equipment, inventory and tools, install scales.

3.5. Receive and prepare packing material.

3.6. Arrange goods by groups, types and varieties, taking into account the frequency of demand and ease of use.

3.7. Fill out and attach price tags.

3.8. Count checks (money) and hand them over in the prescribed manner.

3.9. Advise customers on the properties and taste characteristics of certain types of goods.

3.10. Offer customers new, interchangeable products and related products.

3.11. Study customer demand.

3.12. Arranging countertop and in-store display cases and monitoring their condition.

3.13. Participate in the receipt of goods, including from the warehouse, determine their quality by organoleptic characteristics.

3.14. Notify the administration of the receipt of goods that do not correspond to the labeling (invoice list).

3.15. Make requests for the repair of commercial and technological equipment.

3.16. Participate in the preparation of commodity reports, certificates for marriage, shortage, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material values.

3.17. Participate in inventory taking.

3.18. Resolve disputes with customers in the absence of administration representatives.

IV. Rights

The seller of food products has the right:

4.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

4.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

4.3. Receive from the heads of structural divisions, specialists information and documents on issues within its competence.

4.4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

4.5. [Enter as required].

V. Responsibility

The food seller is responsible for:

5.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Head of structural unit

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

The job description of the seller of food products is drawn up to disclose the clauses of the employment contract. It is applied as a local legal act or as an appendix to an employment contract and is used to formalize the relationship between the employee and the employer. The instruction is a legally significant document, it requires the employer to carefully consider its form, content and design.

Sample job description for a food clerk

1. General section

  1. A grocery salesman is hired and fired by a store manager.
  2. The seller of food products in the performance of his work reports to the director of the store.
  3. A person applying for this position must meet the following requirements:
    • secondary or trade vocational education;
    • experience in the field of sales of goods from 0.5 years;
    • a medical book with notes on the passage of the required tests.
  4. For the period of absence of the seller of food products, he is replaced by another seller, determined by the director of the store.
  5. The seller of food products must be competent in:
    • principles of legislation and regulations governing trading activities;
    • customer service standards;
    • methods of interaction with clients on the resolution of potential conflict situations;
    • principles of display of food products and their design;
    • the main positions of the product range;
    • rules for the storage of food products and careful handling of them;
    • rules for acceptance of goods;
    • standards of work with the relevant documentation on goods and sales;
    • principles of quality control and shelf life of food products;
    • rules for the operation of cash registers;
    • rules for working with commercial equipment;
    • the basics of interaction with sales representatives;
    • fire safety standards.
  6. The seller of food products in his work relies on:
    • laws and industry regulations;
    • shop documentation;
    • the content of this document.
  7. 2. Functions

    The food retailer has the following responsibilities:

    1. Realization of food products presented in the store.
    2. Weighing, cutting and packaging of sold food products.
    3. Providing assistance to customers in the purchase process, including advising them on taste, calorie content and other parameters of the goods sold.
    4. Informing customers about marketing activities carried out in the store.
    5. Resolution of disputes with customers of the store.
    6. Maintaining relevant trade documentation.
    7. Monitoring the location and clearance of food products.
    8. Informing the store manager on problematic issues in his area of ​​responsibility.
    9. Monitoring the situation with stocks of relevant goods.
    10. Tracking the demand for products sold by customers.
    11. Interaction with sales representatives regarding the relevant store assortment.
    12. Pre-sale preparation of food products and their display.
    13. Interaction with collectors for the delivery of cash.
    14. Control over the state of cash at the box office.
    15. Monitoring the condition of the goods sold.

    3. Responsibility

    The seller of food products may be responsible for the following:

    1. For violations of applicable laws and regulations - in accordance with the articles of legislation.
    2. For failure to perform their official functions or their improper performance - in accordance with the articles of labor legislation.
    3. For material damage that was caused to the store - in accordance with the rules of the company, but within the limits determined by the relevant legislation.

    4. Rights

    The seller of food products has the right to:

    1. Receive information from store employees that is needed to perform their work functions.
    2. Inform the store manager both on possible measures to improve the situation in the area of ​​his responsibility, and on potential problems.
    3. Represent the store in interaction with sales representatives.
    4. Receive bonuses and additional payments as the agreed plans for the sale of products are fulfilled.
    5. Participate in specialized trainings arranged by the employer.

    5. Working conditions

    1. The seller of food products has the right to receive working clothes at the expense of the store.
    2. The schedule and other working conditions are determined according to the rules given in the relevant documentation of the store.
    3. The employer provides the sales consultant with a partial payment for specialized training, in accordance with the norms of internal documentation.


The need for a job description

The document is used by the employer to formalize the key points of interaction with the employee.

The employer, guided by the contents of the instructions, can effectively plan work processes in the store. The seller can safely carry out his direct work duties, relying on the rights granted. A well-written job description not only helps their business interaction, but also serves as a tool for preventing work conflicts.

Important! If there are several sellers and they can duplicate each other, then the employer can create a standard job description. If a particular seller performs a specific job and is difficult to replace, then the document is drawn up in an individualized manner.

Document Writing Basics

The main parameters of the job description are not spelled out in labor legislation. This enables companies to draw up instructions in accordance with their needs, provided that there are no conflicts with the employment contract and relevant legislation. In practice, they take the instructions of the type samples and adapt them to their needs. Such typical job descriptions have a standard form:

  • A common part.
  • Functions.
  • A responsibility.
  • Rights.

Additional sections may be added to these standard sections, which specify working conditions, job ties or qualification requirements. The need for their inclusion is determined by the employer and depends on the area of ​​​​his activity, scale and other points.

Important! An appropriate professional standard can be used to write instructions. Their use when registering an employee is regulated in article 195.3 of the Labor Code.

General section

The initial section of the document, which provides a list of the basic aspects of the employee's work: to whom he reports, who replaces him, and other main points. Important is the list of skills expected from the employee, which should correspond to the functions outlined in the next section.


Here are the job responsibilities of the employee. For the seller, they are standard, but may vary depending on the size of the store, its industry focus and whether it is independent or part of a large distribution network. The specifics of the direction of food products are also important: the seller is required to cut the products, weigh them, inform customers about freshness, etc.

A responsibility

This part describes the grounds for holding an employee liable. The standard section consists of 3-4 paragraphs, with the obligatory general nature of listing the measures of responsibility. Specific penalties are not mentioned because they are determined after labor disputes, administrative and legal proceedings.


This part lists the rights vested in the seller of food products. Usually they are typical and do not differ from the rights of other sellers.

Working conditions

A popular supplementary section included in the instructions for a more detailed list of additional benefits. First of all, it is in demand by large companies that provide employees with a certain package of privileges. For this instruction, here you can add the provision of the seller with working branded overalls and his professional retraining at the expense of the employer.

Since the job description is a legally significant document, its text must be agreed with the lawyer. Further, the text is approved by the heads of the legal entity. Only after that, the seller is introduced to the instructions. After the instruction is printed in compliance with all official attributes and submitted for signing. Usually the document is signed by the store manager and the seller himself.

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