Meaning, history, origin of the surname Smirnov. Origin of the surname Smirnov Family of Smirnovs

Contrary to popular opinion, the most common Russian surname today is not Ivanov, Petrov or Sidorov. In fact, this is Smirnov. The history of the surname is ambiguous, as there are several theories of its origin. It is not known which of them is closer to the truth, but it is worth familiarizing yourself with each.

Surname Smirnov: a brief history

However, this surname did not always come from the words “meek” and “humble.” The first documentary record of a person bearing this surname dates back to the seventeenth century. Later there were more and more Smirnovs. Thus, according to 1964 data, the surname Smirnov was in fifth place in terms of prevalence. Today she is on the first.

Where did the surname Smirnov come from: the most common version

In ancient times, the Slavs had a male name Smirna. As a rule, it was given at baptism to quiet, calm boys who did not cause much trouble. Due to the fact that people with an easy-going character were always valued, the name Smirna became widespread. The descendants of people so named were called Smirnov’s children or simply Smirnov’s. Since the name itself was very popular, many Smirnovs soon appeared throughout Rus'.

Origin of the Jewish surname Smirnov

No matter how surprising it may seem, there are also many Smirnovs among the Jews. The origin of the surname Smirnov among representatives of the chosen people is associated with Catherine II.

During her reign, Poland was divided and some Ukrainian, Belarusian and Baltic territories were annexed to Russia. In addition to the Slavs, a huge number of Jews lived here, who, according to tradition, had only a first name and patronymic: Shlomo, son of Ephraim, Moshe, son of Mordechai, and so on.

Having decided to find out the number of her subjects, Catherine II ordered a population census. However, confusion arose with the Jews due to the lack of surnames. Therefore, officials decided to come up with surnames for Jews in the Russian style. Most often they came from the name of a place of residence, profession or the name of an ancestor, and sometimes because of some special character trait or appearance of a person. This is how the Shifrins (father's name), Smirins and Smirnovs (from a character trait), Rezniks (from the name of their profession) appeared.

Origin of the surname Smirnov: version three

During the times of Ancient Rus', there were wandering people who, with their entire families, traveled across endless lands. During their travels, they had the opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements of different peoples in the fields of agriculture, cattle breeding, construction, and farming. Roaming between different tribes, such people shared their acquired knowledge with them.

Arriving at the territory of another people, the head of the wandering clan went to the elder to ask permission to temporarily live on their lands. The beginning of the greeting of the head of the clan was the phrase: “We have come to you with a new world!” Over time, those around them began to call the nomadic clans “Smirnovs” from the words “peace” and “new”.

Other versions of the origin of the surname

Very often, for one reason or another, peasant families were forced to leave their native lands and permanently move to a foreign land. In memory of their homeland, they took corresponding surnames. Thus, in the Russian Empire, as well as neighboring countries, there were many settlements called Smirnovo. Those who came from there called themselves Smirnovs.

Sometimes the origin of the Smirnov surname is associated with religion. For example, in the old days, in order to receive a scholarship to the seminary, low-income students were asked to change their last name to a more suitable one for a person of clergy rank. That is why among the graduates of theological schools there were so many Bogolyubovs, Dobronravovs and Smirnovs.

The most famous Smirnovs

It is interesting that the surname Smirnov was common among absolutely all segments of the population. The Smirnovs were among both illiterate peasants and wealthy merchants and educated nobles.

Thus, the well-known vodka brand Smirnoff appeared thanks to the serf - Pyotr Arsenievich Smirnov. The enterprising man was able to redeem himself even before the abolition of serfdom and open his own wine store in Moscow, which later grew into a factory producing the best alcohol in Europe.

Today, about six noble families of the Smirnovs are known in the Russian Empire, each of which had its own coat of arms.

Among them is the family of Dorofey Afanasyevich Smirnov, who received the nobility in the second half of the seventeenth century.

In Soviet times, there were also many famous Smirnovs. For example, the hero of the Great Patriotic War, Fleet Admiral Nikolai Ivanovich Smirnov.

Another hero of World War II also bore the surname Smirnov, and his name was Alexey Makarovich. However, he became famous thanks to his wonderful roles in the films of Leonid Gaidai and his namesake, Bykov.

There were many priests, pilots, diplomats and scientists in the history of Smirnov. There are also many celebrities among women bearing this surname.

For example, actress Svetlana Stanislavovna Smirnova and her professional colleague Lidiya Nikolaevna Smirnova.

Due to the existence of many theories, today it is no longer possible to accurately determine the origin of the Smirnov surname. It is most likely that all versions are true to one degree or another, and their huge number explains why there are so many families with the surname Smirnov in Russia today. Each bearer of this surname can rightfully be proud of the huge number of famous namesakes, but it is always worth remembering that the meaning of the surname Smirnov is given by its bearer, and not vice versa.

Studying the history of the origin of the Smirnova surname opens forgotten pages of the life and culture of our ancestors and can tell a lot of interesting things about the distant past.

The surname Smirnova belongs to a common type of generic names derived from worldly names. During the times of early Christianity in Rus', there was a custom to hide the true name given at baptism. There was a belief that the sorcerer must pronounce the person’s true name when casting a spell. Therefore, along with the baptismal name, a second one was most often given - a secular one. According to popular beliefs, it is not connected with the spiritual world of man, so the use of this name cannot in any way harm its bearer. Later this belief was forgotten, but nicknames are still used to this day.

By origin, Smirnov’s family nickname is a patronymic from the Russian non-church male name Smirnaya, which meant “meek, quiet, obedient.” This patronymic is mentioned in the Vladimir tithe of 1613: “Ivan Smirnovo son of Samarin”, “Stepan Smirny son of Kuchukov”. It is also found in “Onomasticon” by S.B. Veselovsky (a reference book on names, nicknames and surnames of North-Eastern Rus' of the 15th-17th centuries): Temir Smirny (son) Bazarov, landowner in Yaroslavl, 1568; Masleev Kudryuk of Smirny, 1596, Aleksin; Alexey Smirny Chubarov, Grand Ducal bailiff, 1476.

The nickname Smirna was very popular in Rus' in all classes. So, in the same Veselovsky dictionary the following are mentioned: Bolyshev Smirnoy Feofanovich, 1596, Toropets; Opalkin Smirnoy, townsman, 1608, Nizhny Novgorod; Shipmen of Smirnaya, guest (merchant), 1611, Kashira; Sunyatin Smirnoy Ivanovich, 1568, Yaroslavl.

The name Smirna was given especially often to large peasant families - quiet, non-shouting children were a great relief for parents. This quality, rare for small children, was imprinted in the worldly name of Smirnaya.

According to another version, this generic name is one of the surnames formed from toponyms - the names of rivers, cities, villages and hamlets. Migrants from the numerous Russian settlements of Smirnovo could be recorded in official documents as Smirnovs.

Smirnov is one of the most common Russian surnames. In Moscow alone there are currently about seventy thousand Smirnovs. This is the most common Russian surname in a vast area covering the entire Northern Volga region. Most often the surname is found in the Yaroslavl, Kostroma, and Ivanovo regions. As you move away from this zone, the surname is less common.

Representatives of this family name occupied different levels of the hierarchical ladder. Among the famous namesakes are figures of art, science and religion, athletes, statesmen, military men, Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia.

It is not possible at the moment to talk about the exact place and time of the origin of the Smirnov surname, since the process of forming family names was quite long. Nevertheless, the Smirnov surname is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Sources: Unbegaun B.-O. Russian surnames. Nikonov V.A. Dictionary of Russian surnames. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. Veselovsky S.B. Onomasticon. Large biographical encyclopedia.

Coat of arms of the Smirnov family represents a noble family. This family served the Russian Throne for a very significant amount of time. The men were in various ranks, many had very significant services to the Fatherland. The surname is included in the noble genealogy book. All data is in the sixth part (ancient nobility).

Description of the coat of arms

The basis of the coat of arms is the shield. It is divided into four main parts. The first has a red field, a silver moon and a golden cross. The second field shows a silver bow, which is equipped with an arrow. The arrow flies as if from a cloud, the image is on a soft blue field. The third field is decorated in red and depicts a stable and beautiful fortress. The fourth field is in green tones. On a green background there is a field and a cannon, which is located on a golden carriage.

The shield is decorated with a noble helmet, and there is also a crown. The crown is faceted with ostrich feathers. There is a red marking on the shield, which is decorated with silver. The shield is held by two mythical lions. It should be noted that all parameters of the coat of arms are included in the general armorial of the noble, noble families of the Russian Empire.

The design of the entire coat of arms can rightfully be called a work of art. Very beautiful, original, clearly reflecting all the wishes of the family. As you understand, the fortress symbolizes a certain resilience, stability, both of the country and of the family itself. A cannon on a golden carriage indicates that family members belong to the army of their country. The silver moon and golden cross symbolize love for the Motherland and reverence for God. A silver bow indicates that the family is purposeful and never deviates from its intentions. Always ready to come to the defense of my country.

Additional Information

It also needs to be said that there are a lot of other coats of arms that also belong to the Smirnov families and are included in the armorial books of noble families. Almost all of them are depicted on the shield. All have their own unique symbolism.

Note that almost all the coats of arms of the Smirnov families have a specific military theme. Since all men served the Fatherland, defended their country and received unique awards. This was considered a certain honor for the family, and the merits of the military made certain families famous. Many Smirnovs were ordinary people in their lives, but it was their services to the Motherland that made their names noble, and people received noble titles.

The coat of arms has always been the indisputable basis of the nobility of the family. Therefore, its creation in past times was approached very seriously. The background is silk, the main colors are purple, silver. Moreover, it should be noted that in the Smirnov coats of arms, it is precisely silvery colors and shades that prevail, against which some golden attributes are depicted. Green and blue tones were often used as a symbol of the field, fertility, and the clean, clear, peaceful sky above.

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Alexey Smirnov, theater and film artist

A person’s surname is not only a means of identifying him, but also has a certain historical and semantic meaning. This article will reveal the mystery surrounding the origin of the Smirnov surname: where were its first bearers from and what did it mean to them.

All the Smirnovs can rightfully be considered the calmest people, since their surname comes from the old non-church name Smirnaya, which in Rus' was usually given to calm and quiet boys. Although sometimes, on the contrary, capricious and restless children were given this name so that such a character trait as balance would be instilled in them.

This name also determined a person’s humility before the Lord.

The word form derived from it became the surname Smirnov (analogues Smirny, Smirnoy), which is one of the most popular Slavic proper forms. The first nickname Smirnov indicated that its bearer was a descendant of a person named Smirna.

According to another interesting version, the Smirnovs belonged to a whole class of nomads, traveling across the Russian land and bringing people new knowledge: about farming, about growing crops, about nature. That is, these were people coming to their sedentary ancestors “with a new world.”

History knows early examples of name transformation (1613): Ivan Smirnovo (on his father’s side) son of Samarin (at his place of residence), Stepan Smirny (on his father’s side) son of Kuchukov.

Semantic and morphological features

The surname Smirnov has only one pronunciation option: the stress should be placed on the vowel of the second syllable. It changes according to gender (a variant of the female surname - Smirnova) and declines. For example, in the genitive (whom, what?) case, the masculine form Smirnov will receive the ending –a (Smirnova), and the feminine form will receive the ending –ой (Smirnova), and in the plural –х will be added (Smirnovy - Smirnovykh).

The ending “ov” speaks of origin “from someone”; it means that the owner of the nickname belongs to a certain family tree. Later (due to the excessive spread of the nickname) more complex forms were formed that have the same roots: Smirnitsky, Smirensky, Smirnovsky (feminine -aya), Smirenko.

The most compatible names with the surname Smirnov (Smirnova)

The correct combination of a first name and an inherited surname can have a beneficial effect on the character of your child. Knowing the secret of origin and taking into account the meaning of the Smirnov surname, you can give the baby a name that suits him best. If we consider that a nickname speaks of a person’s calm disposition, then names should be chosen with a similar meaning.

Names with a bright, kind meaning are suitable for girls: Angelina, Bozena, Galina, Elizaveta, Ilona, ​​Christina, Clara, Lyudmila, Lada, Olga, Svetlana, Sofya, Fekla, Elsa, Yana.

For boys, the most suitable name may be: Bogdan, Gleb, Evgeniy, Ivan, Matvey, Modest, Oleg, Semyon, Timofey.

If you want to see in your child the makings of a leader and innovator, capable of bringing new colors to the world and leading people, making a brilliant career, call it this:

Alexandra, Victoria, Daria, Darina, Inna, Kira, Lesya, Nina - for girls;
Leonid, Anton, Alexander, Vasily, Vladislav, Alexey, Vsevolod, Igor, Leonid, Lev, Maxim, Boris, Nikolay, Nikita - for boys.

Avoid names that are harsh on the ear when used with a surname, in which there are many strong consonants p, t, s or there is a repetition of the stem -mir-: Lyubomir, Miroslav (Miroslava), Fedor, Radomir, Nazariy, Vladimir, Karina, Rustam, Matrona, Mstislav , Marta, Regina, Peter, Victor, Yaroslav (Yaroslava), Rostislav. And do not forget, when choosing a name for your child, to take into account the full combination: with a middle name and a surname at the same time.

Surname Smirnov refers to a common type of generic names derived from worldly names. During the times of early Christianity in Rus', there was a custom to hide the true name given at baptism. There was a belief that the sorcerer must pronounce the person’s true name when casting a spell. Therefore, along with the baptismal name, a second one was most often given - a secular one. According to popular beliefs, it is not connected with the spiritual world of man, so the use of this name cannot in any way harm its bearer. Later this belief was forgotten, but nicknames are still used to this day.

By origin family nickname Smirnov– patronymic from the Russian non-church male name Smirnaya, which meant “ meek , quiet, obedient." This patronymic is mentioned in the Vladimir tithe of 1613: “Ivan Smirnovo son of Samarin”, “Stepan Smirny son of Kuchukov”. It is also found in “Onomasticon” by S.B. Veselovsky (a reference book on names, nicknames and surnames of North-Eastern Rus' of the 15th–17th centuries): Temir Smirny (son) Bazarov, landowner in Yaroslavl, 1568; Masleev Kudryuk of Smirny, 1596, Aleksin; Alexey Smirny Chubarov, Grand Duke's bailiff, 1476.

The nickname Smirna was very popular in Rus' in all classes. So, in the same Veselovsky dictionary the following are mentioned: Bolyshev Smirnoy Feofanovich, 1596, Toropets; Opalkin Smirnoy, townsman, 1608, Nizhny Novgorod; Shipmen of Smirnaya, guest (merchant), 1611, Kashira; Sunyatin Smirnoy Ivanovich, 1568, Yaroslavl.

The name Smirna was given especially often to large peasant families - quiet, unscreaming children were a great relief for parents. This quality, rare for small children, was imprinted in the worldly name of Smirnaya.

According to another version, the surname Smirnov came from the class of people wandering (roaming) across the Russian land. They were characterized by: practicality, curiosity and spiritual enlightenment.

The appearance of these wandering people in some remote (“God-forsaken”) settlement brought with them: the discovery of new ways of farming for the inhabitants, the emergence of new knowledge about the laws of nature.

In those days, the head of a family traveling clan greeted the indigenous people (encountered along the way) with a standard phrase: “Hello, good people! We have come to you with a NEW WORLD.”

This phrase served to form the surname, consisting of the roots of two words “WORLD” and “NEW”.... After the nomadic lifestyle of a number of family dynasties became a thing of the past, their descendants continued to call themselves Smirnovs.

According to another version, this generic name is one of the surnames formed from toponyms - the names of rivers, cities, villages and hamlets. Migrants from the numerous Russian settlements of Smirnovo could be recorded in official documents as Smirnovs.

Smirnov– one of the most common Russian surnames. In Moscow alone there are currently about seventy thousand Smirnovs. This is the most common Russian surname in a vast area covering the entire Northern Volga region. Most often the surname is found in the Yaroslavl, Kostroma, and Ivanovo regions. As you move away from this zone, the surname is less common.

The breadth and diversity of moral concepts embedded in the surname Smirnov, emphasize the human qualities of a Russian most valued by ancient Russian society, regardless of his social status.

It is not possible at the moment to talk about the exact place and time of the origin of the Smirnov surname, since the process of forming family names was quite long. However, the surname Smirnov is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Sources: Unbegaun B.-O. Russian surnames. Nikonov V.A. Dictionary of Russian surnames. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. Veselovsky S.B. Onomasticon. Large biographical encyclopedia.


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