Is it safe to drink water from plastic bottles? What you need to check when buying water in a plastic bottle Mineral water in plastic bottles is harmful

There are quite a few rumors among consumers about the dangers of products that are packaged in plastic containers. Everyone knows that buyers “love with their eyes”, that is, they choose the product that they visually like more, however, the personal biases of the end consumer can have no less influence on the purchase decision. So, for example, despite the fact that so far not a single scientific evidence of the harmful effects of PET on the human body has been registered, there are quite a few myths among consumers about the dangers of plastic containers.

Myth #1

"Beer in plastic bottles contains POISON!"

The legend that a harmful chemical is used in the production of PET bottles, which transfers its properties to the contents of the bottle, has long been haunting the minds of consumers. From a scientific point of view, the packaging material cannot enter into chemical reactions with the stored substances, since it is inert. The official conclusion of a large-scale study of PET packaging, conducted by the Institute of Technology and Packaging "Fraunhofer IVV" (Germany) confirms the above. They analyzed in the laboratory for the possible content of all harmful substances that have ever been mentioned in publications on PET containers: phthalates (dibutyl phthalate, isobutyl phthalate and 11 more phthalates), bisphenol, methanol, formaldehyde. “None of the tested substances was found in the samples of PET and PET bottles, the tested samples meet all the safety requirements of Article 3 of Framework Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 in contact with all types of food, under all contact conditions and at any level of filling »*.

Myth #2

"When PET is heated, dibutyl phthalate is released"

The most frightening myth for consumers is the myth that bottled water that has lain for several hours in a car in the sun is not suitable for consumption, since dibutyl phthalate was released during heating. There is no scientific evidence for this urban legend. Dry facts indicate that changes in the properties of PET containers are possible at a temperature of 62.5 ° C, and melting occurs at a rather high temperature - 260 ° C. And even with such a movement of molecules, the concentration of harmful substances is so small that it does not pose any danger. Honored Chemist of the Russian Federation, President of the Union of Chemists, Viktor Ivanov, notes that "the indicators of dibutyl phthalate indicated in the studies are at least ten times lower than the standards established by Rospotrebnadzor" By the way, the norm: 0.0005 mg / l. Those. what the honored chemist is talking about is less than 0.00005 mg / l.

Myth #3

“Drinks from PET containers lead to diseases of the endocrine and nervous systems”

Experts believe that storing water and food in plastic bottles is dangerous and harmful to human health, and PET bottles are not suitable for repeated use, because begin to release toxic substances and harmful bacteria into the contents. The harmful effects of water from PET containers are due to the action of the chemical bisphenol-A. Such statements can hardly be called true, since Bisphenol A is used in the production of another polymer - polycarbonate. In the production of PET, it is not used and is not formed. Bisphenol A is not contained in PET. To determine the material of a plastic bottle, it is enough to pay attention to the marking of containers.

Speaking of harmful bacteria growing in plastic bottles, it is worth noting that open PET bottles can indeed contain a certain amount of bacteria, however, their number will be approximately equal to the bacteria found on mugs or containers. PET packaging material does not contribute to the growth of bacteria. Ideally, all PET containers should be washed with hot, soapy water and dried before reuse. This will be enough for disinfection.

For manufacturers of beverages and other food products, the primary requirement in the choice of containers is the degree of protection of the products that are in it. Polyethylene terephthalate is one of the environmentally friendly and safe types of plastic approved for use in the production of containers for liquid products. High-density polyethylene can also be used for this purpose. Polyethylene terephthalate is marked with the letters PET / PETE, while the abbreviation PEHD / HDPE is used to denote high density polyethylene. PET packaging (PET / PETE) has become more widespread among manufacturers due to its availability.

Global statistics on the use of PET containers for 2014 for the packaging of bottled products:

46-47% for bottling carbonated and low-alcohol drinks,

20-21% for bottling mineral waters,

13-14% for bottling brewing products,

16% for bottling oil and fat products (vegetable, olive and other edible oils, including sauces),

2-3% for bottling household chemicals and other aggressive liquids.

PET is globally recognized as a safe and environmentally friendly packaging material, providing full product quality protection. Beverage packaging in PET (PET/PETE) bottles can provide gas, vapor and water resistance at the same time. In addition, PET does not absorb or transmit odors, has excellent grease resistance, is a cost-effective material, and finished products do not lose their presentable appearance, despite the fact that it is enough to use film with or even without a pallet for packaging. The elasticity of this packaging material allows you to give the bottle almost any shape, leaving room for the imagination of designers and marketers. The most advantageous appearance of products compared to competitors in this case is considered relatively cheap than a unique glass container. Also, in some cases, coloring PET in green, blue or brown allows not only to give the appearance of the product the most appropriate to the needs of consumers, but also contributes to the longest preservation of the quality of the drink in direct sunlight (for example, beer and kvass are much better stored in dark brown container).

The PET bottling line, among other equipment, includes blow molding machines. The presence of a blowing machine as part of the line is economically justified. Purchase and maintenance of blow molding equipment is the best solution for organizing the production of products in plastic containers. The changeover of these lines is simplified due to the absence of turnstile groups on some machines (the bottle is held and accompanied “under the throat”, and not by the body of the bottle).

Thus, packaging in PET can be considered the most cost-effective packaging alternative compared to aluminum cans or glass beverage bottles.

* Studies were conducted with a measurement accuracy of 1 nanogram per gram of substance (10-9). Russian PET grades from manufacturing plants (Alco-Nafta, POLYEF and Sibur-PET, Senezh), as well as PET bottles obtained from these polymer grades and produced from preforms at Retal and Evroplast plants, were subjected to the study. According to the official opinion of the Fraunhofer Institute.

Many substances artificially created by man harm him himself. This applies not only to hazardous industrial enterprises, but also to the simplest things: food additives, water with various chemicals, packaging containers, etc. But few average users think that a bottle of water purchased at a supermarket can somehow harm health. Although scientists say quite the opposite. Ordinary plastic bottles are harmful to the body, and they also claim that plastic bottles are harmful to nature.

Harm of plastic bottles for humans

Kazakh oncologists have come to the conclusion that popular plastic containers can harm a person. Doctor of Medical Sciences Dilyara Kaydarova, who is the chief oncologist of Almaty, claims that during heating, plastic containers are able to actively produce carcinogenic particles in their contents.

Similar information was heard from the lips of some foreign researchers even earlier. There is evidence that one of the reasons for the development of breast cancer lies in the consumption of water from plastic bottles. When such a container is heated, it produces the aggressive substance bisphenol-A inside its contents. And as practice shows, a huge number of people leave unfinished liquid in cars or just in the sun, which causes the bottles to heat up, which activates the process of such harmful excretion.

Dilara Kaidarova claims that glass containers are much safer for health. And it used to be actively used in production. However, the pursuit to reduce the cost of the production process has brought negative results. In many Western countries, where the use of plastic containers has been practiced much longer than ours, there is now a real boom in cancer. Therefore, the theory of the connection of cancer with plastic bottles for drinks has a right to exist.

But at the same time, Dilyara Kaydarova admits that the prevalence of cancer is also explained by other factors: the consumption of GMO products, unfavorable environment and an insufficiently healthy lifestyle.

Research on the safety of plastic bottles has been carried out in many countries around the world. So Australian scientists studied quite a lot of people (including children and pregnant women) and in 95% of them the bisphenol-A already mentioned above was found in the body (in the urine). This aggressive substance, most likely, entered the body from bottled water.

When a significant amount of such a chemical enters the body, not only the likelihood of developing cancer increases, but also the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and arthritis. However, British scientists have conducted a number of studies that somewhat reassure the consumer: bisphenol-A is unable to accumulate in the body and is successfully excreted from it with urine.

Thus, the consumption of bottled water has a place in the life of every person. But, if you care about your health, do not heat plastic bottles, do not leave them in extreme heat and sun, and do not reuse them.

The harm of plastic bottles to the environment

Plastic bottles were invented by mankind more than fifty years ago. And today in the world a huge amount of such containers is produced and thrown away. Because of this, more and more new landfills are constantly being formed on the planet, and real islands of plastic waste are being formed in the seas and oceans. Such pollution harms animals, birds, fish, and, of course, people, because they are closely related to each other. Plastic cannot decompose quickly; this process takes at least four hundred to five hundred years.

A closed plastic bottle is lighter than water, and, over time, under the influence of floods, it gets from landfills to rivers, from where there is a direct road to the world's oceans. Sea currents carry debris into floating "Trash Continents". The decomposition of plastic in sea water is faster and the bottle breaks up into pieces the size of plankton. In this state, it is swallowed by fish and various birds. Some inhabitants of the sea die, while others are eaten by larger predators. Further, along the food chain, the remains of plastic end up on the human table in the form of seafood ...

But what to do with plastic bottles? Burning them, as you know, is impossible. After all, when burned, plastic releases aggressive phosgene gas, which is a highly toxic substance that can provoke cancer, asthma, allergies, etc.

Thus, plastic products are recyclable. One kilogram of such waste allows you to get eight hundred grams of secondary raw materials. And it is already used to create a variety of things: fabrics, artificial wool, carpets, insulation and filler for soft toys, etc.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine experts offer quite a few recipes based on herbs and improvised means that will help cleanse the body of various aggressive substances, including those that have entered it due to the use of plastic containers.

So a wonderful cleansing effect gives the reception of flax seeds. Brew a glass of such raw materials with three liters of boiling water and soak in a water bath for two hours. Do not filter the resulting medicine and take a tablespoon three times a day for two to three weeks.

Also, a good cleansing result can be achieved by taking an infusion based on the bird mountaineer. Brew a couple of tablespoons of chopped raw materials with half a liter of boiling water and insist for two hours. Strain the finished medicine and take it in half a glass three times a day.

To purify the blood, traditional medicine experts recommend using black elderberry leaves. Grind them well. Brew a tablespoon of the raw material obtained with a glass of boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Strain the finished medicine and take it one glass at a time about an hour before a meal.

Also, to remove aggressive substances from the body, you can mix equal proportions of St. John's wort, knotweed, bearberry and corn stigmas. Brew four tablespoons of such raw materials with two liters of boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Wrap the medicine well and leave for half an hour to infuse. Strained remedy take one glass about half an hour before a meal.

Bottled water actually cannot cause severe harm to the body, but it must be taken in moderation and wisely.

A daily harmless plastic bottle of water seems to us a simple and affordable thing, and most importantly, convenient. But what if a plastic bottle is evil in its purest form, which harms not only the environment, but also us?

How much has already been said about the need to protect nature and try to be the safest possible resident for our home, but to no avail. Not so long ago, scientists even stated that from a certain point we "live in debt" and the Earth's resources are no longer recoverable. What if our habits harm not only the planet, but also us?

No matter how much you talk about the harm of plastic - it's all to no avail. We cannot refuse a comfortable bottle, which we taste like the most delicious latte. But let's stop doing this, because there are good reasons for this. Why is bottled water so harmful?

Firstly, it is worth noting that it is difficult to come up with a more useful and necessary drink for a person than water. All these matcha teas and other useful stray things of yours did not stand next to one of the main components of our body. Hence the rule that a cold glass should be drunk in the morning. Drink water, but not cold beer.

Plastic poisons the water

The fact that plastic can poison water and contaminate it with harmful substances looks like the headline of another cheap TV show. However, this is a fact. A fact with scientific explanations and rather bleak sub-points.

So, the inhabitants of the privileged UAE would never even think of drinking water from a plastic bottle, which had previously lain in the car under the sun for a while. The pampered Arabs will call such water "spoiled" and throw it away. The thing is that during minimal heating, a plastic bottle releases a substance such as bisphenol A. It quite logically passes into the water, and the human body recognizes it as estrogen (a female hormone that can affect the functioning of our endocrine system).

It is safe to say that harmless warm mineral water in a plastic bottle can negatively affect our brain function, undermine immunity, and even develop asthma and diabetes. In the worst cases, cancer. Therefore, you should not heat any of the food if they are in a plastic container. Better yet, don't use them at all. What are you really.

Plastic causes infertility

So, plastic does not cause Houston at all, but infertility. Everything is connected with the aforementioned stupid bisphenol, the presence of which in the body can directly affect our reproductive function. This is how a harmless plastic bottle can become a sponsor of ongoing IVF attempts. And suffering.

A plastic bottle cannot be refilled twice

A plastic bottle is not a bank card or even a glass container. She is a disposable dish. And this means that, for economical reasons, it is no longer possible to pour something into plastic a second time. Plastic can change shape and break, which leads to the growth of harmful bacteria.

So, you can easily catch norovirus and even ordinary poisoning. And all other reusable bottles, which, for example, we use during sports, must be rinsed in cold water before use.

Plastic harms the environment

It's no secret that plastic bottles are recyclable, but of the world's plastic bottles, only 1 percent is recyclable. The rest of the amount rots in landfills for years, poisoning the air and the environment. According to the latest data, by 2050 we will have 26 million pounds of plastic lying around and not going anywhere.

Not all plastic is bad

Of course, we are not calling for a complete abandonment of plastic bottles, but we are calling for throwing away single-use plastic bottles. This is where the so-called reusable plastic comes to the rescue. These are the trendy bottles that often show off in Instagram shots.

  • Large white bottles, such as My Bottle and any other sports packaging. Such plastic bears the clerical name "food plastic" and is able to survive secondary, fivefold and simply reusable use. Therefore, if you do not want to drink harmful water and want to help the environment, then you should choose a reusable food-grade plastic bottle. It is convenient, economical and safe.

    Usually, this sign is on plastic utensils that are reusable. Simply put, food plastic can be recognized by this symbol.

    Also, reusable or food-grade plastic has its own marking, knowing which you can understand whether this container is recyclable or not. Be carefull.

    Armed with such a sign, you will know how harmful this or that plastic utensil is.

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    Not so long ago, the largest retailer of organic and natural products, House of Nubian, published an excursion on the topic of the dangers of water in plastic bottles. We chose the most interesting from this: why is it still not recommended to buy and drink water from plastic

    . Tap water and bottled drinking water tend to contain fluoride. You may be used to thinking that fluoride is good for you and your family from caries, as we have been led to believe for many years, but this is not the case.

    2. A recent study conducted on children in India showed that fluoride not only does not protect the tooth cavity, but is also a toxin that provokes the growth of cavities. In addition, fluoride can cause health problems, including a weakened immune system. In addition, fluorine accelerates the aging of the body.

    3. A study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association showed that fluoride is not only useless, but also harmful to teeth, and the use of fluoride by a child in his first years of life is fraught with fluorosis - chronic fluoride poisoning! Bottled water is generally not tested for fluoride. Keep this in mind. In addition, by purchasing water in plastic, you may not only not protect yourself from harmful doses of fluoride, but also expose yourself to even greater health risks.

    4. Even pure spring water needs a container to store it, and the plastic industry has long been in cahoots with water producers. It is obvious that it is difficult to come up with a container that is better and more environmentally friendly than glass, but when you choose plastic between glass and plastic, the risk of being exposed to the insidious action of some chemicals is huge.

    5. BPA or bisphenol A is a synthetic estrogen that is found in plastic bottles, utensils, and plastic baby utensils, including. In many countries, this substance is banned in the production of plastic bottles and children's dishes, but Russia is not one of them.

    6. BPA exposure linked to a range of health problems:
    ⁃ problems with learning and behavior;
    ⁃ changes in the immune functions of the body;
    ⁃ a problem with fertility in adolescent girls;
    ⁃ prostate and breast cancer;
    ⁃ Diabetes and obesity.

    7. If you still cannot do without water or food made of plastic, find a triangle made up of arrows on the bottle or dishes. Is there a 7 in the triangle? So the plastic contains BPA. The numbers 3 (PVC), 6 (styrene) or no numbers also indicate the presence of BPA. Materials that do not contain BPA are marked with triangles with the numbers 1, 2, 4 or 5.

    8. Another dangerous enemy of human health that awaits us in a plastic bottle is phthalates. This substance is widely used as a cheap substitute for PVC in the plastics industry.

    9. Phthalates destroy the endocrine system, adversely affect the reproductive system. The most obvious effects from the ingestion of phthalates:
    ⁃ decrease in sperm quality;
    ⁃ testicular atrophy;
    ⁃ liver cancer.

    10. Studies have shown that boys whose mothers had high exposure to phthalates during pregnancy suffer from a lack of testosterone and are not very masculine.

    11. And yet another study showed that pregnant women exposed to phthalates gave birth a week earlier than those who were not exposed.

    12. If you leave a plastic water bottle in your car or tie it to your bike and go for a ride in a sunny city, keep in mind that ultraviolet rays or high temperatures accelerate leaching - all of the above substances get into the water. So, it is quite possible that leaving the bottle in the car in the morning in the sun, in the evening, after taking a sip of water from it, you will drink some pure poison.

    13. Plastic releases dioxin when heated, which is known for its involvement in breast cancer.

    Your body is 80 percent water, and without it, you can live for a few days at best. Most of us at the same time are in a state of constant dehydration and do not even know about it. However, learning to understand the signals from the body and not confuse hunger with dehydration, you will save your health. If, of course, you stop drinking water from plastic, replace it with glass, metal or latex.

    Every parent wants to give their baby the best, which is why all moms and dads are so careful about the choice of food and drink for the child.

    Now there are a huge number of special baby products on the market that make it easier for parents to choose and give moms and dads quality assurance.

    Baby food has been around for a long time. As for children's water, this product appeared on the market relatively recently, but the vast majority of parents managed to evaluate its quality, ease of use and benefits for the child's body.

    Here is just one detail that continues to worry millions of parents every day: baby water is poured into plastic bottles - isn't it dangerous?

    Are plastic bottles dangerous to human health?

    Over the past decades, plastic bottles have almost completely replaced glass containers from supermarket shelves. Such changes can be explained by the fact that plastic bottles are simply ideal for transportation and storage: they do not break, they are very light. But are they dangerous to human health? The answer to this question was sought by tens of thousands of scientists around the world, conducting a huge amount of research and experimentation. Opinions were divided, but as a result, it was found that plastic is different from plastic.

    There are types of plastic that can really be dangerous to the human body if they are used in the manufacture of containers. For example, polyvinyl chloride bottles can pose a danger, they are called PVC bottles. This type of plastic releases the toxic substance PVC. The longer the drink is stored in such a bottle, the more this dangerous substance is released into the liquid, the more harmful the drink becomes for the human body. Therefore, it is recommended to store drinks in such bottles for no more than 1 month. Bottles of this substance are easy to recognize, they are marked with a special badge on the bottom of the bottle - a three in a triangle and the inscription PVC.

    But there are other bottles, for example, thermoplastic bottles, the so-called PET bottles, which are recognized as absolutely safe for human health. It is in these bottles that almost all the drinks that you can find on store shelves are poured now, including baby water. The material from which PET bottles are made is inert in relation to the drinks that are poured into it, so it does not release any substances into these liquids. It is very easy to recognize that this is a PET bottle - such bottles have a special mark on the bottom - a unit in a triangle and the inscription PET.

    What should be the container for baby water?

    When choosing baby water, you should pay attention to the following properties of its packaging:

    1. Security - choose water bottled in PET bottles (mark - unit in a triangle and the word PET on the bottom );

    2. Appearance - a bottle for baby water should be transparent, without dents or damage, preferably of a convenient shape and small volume;

    Mom Alice, who is raising 2-year-old Valeria, says: “I always choose Malyatko children's water, this is my conscious choice. Buying this water, I know that I am taking a quality and safe product. And it’s also very convenient that there is a 0.33 bottle with a non-spill cap - this is what my active and independent daughter needs. Thanks to Malyatko, my Lera can drink healthy water from a safe and convenient bottle completely on her own, without spilling water on her clothes.”

    3. Marking- the bottle should indicate the expiration date, production date and recommendations for use and storage, which, of course, must be followed so as not to harm your baby.

    4. Compliance with global environmental standards- Today, all manufacturers in the world are trying to make their products and packaging more environmentally friendly. If the manufacturer you choose also keeps up with these trends, this can guarantee you the quality and safety of the product.

    Mom Kristina, who is raising one-year-old Victor, shared her story : “I myself am an ecologist by education, so for me the issue of environmental friendliness of the product and its packaging always comes second after quality. I have been buying water "Malyatko" for a long time. Even before the birth of a child, I always bought myself a small bottle of this baby water, it is convenient to put it in a lady's handbag. When she became pregnant, she also drank this water, and then began to give it to the baby. Quite recently, I learned that, it turns out, "Malyatko" is a socially responsible brand, because now children's water is bottled in a special eco-bottle, which contains 15% less plastic, and all this for the sake of preserving the cleanliness and ecology of our planet for our kids."

    How to protect your baby: rules for using plastic containers

    Any invention can bring both great benefit and great harm. With regard to plastic bottles - whether they harm you or benefit you - it all depends solely on you. If you follow all the recommendations for using plastic containers for storing water, then everything will be fine.

    Alina Zelenina, pediatrician, says: “Very often, the consumers themselves are to blame for the fact that a particular product has harmed their health. According to statistics, only 30% of people pay attention to the expiration dates of goods and the way they are stored. And 70% act on a whim. This is very wrong, especially in relation to baby food. For a delicate child's body, even some water that has been stored incorrectly can become dangerous. Be careful, follow all the manufacturer's recommendations, take care of the health of your children.

    A plastic bottle opens up new horizons of convenience and comfort, a plastic bottle with baby water is very convenient to take with you on trips, for walks, you can safely give it to your child so that he learns to drink on his own from a young age. Do not deny yourself and your baby comfort, but do not forget about the rules for using plastic bottles. Your baby's health is in your hands!

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