Placement of posm materials. What is POS advertising? Sticker on the front door

What do you get by contacting "Active Design"

  • Huge selection of POS materials. We do not limit our customers in their choice and produce a large number of products: from very small fires (mug coasters) to large prisma boards.
  • Professional design. Our company employs full-time designers and design engineers who perfectly understand the client. Active Design specialists develop the design of POS materials in accordance with all the wishes of customers.
  • Quality manufacturing. We produce POS-M from metal, aluminum, various types of plastic, glass and composite materials in our own production, controlling the process at every stage.

Our range of POS materials


These are steles, pavement signs, panel brackets for facades, asphalt stickers and other POS materials designed to capture the attention of a potential buyer passing by an outlet. Our bright POS-Ms will help you increase the attendance of trading floors.


With the help of these POS-materials placed on the trading floor, the visitor will find the right product. We make ceiling mobiles, stickers, posters, signs in various sizes, eye-catching floor graphics and much more.


The buyer who enters must be made clear that here he will find what he needs. To do this, various plates, stickers on lockers, pylons, life figures and other POS materials are used. "Active Design" also produces trolleys, key chains, baskets with brand marking.


It's time to buy! Trading POS-materials motivate the client to purchase goods under the influence of a visual image or textual information. We produce all kinds of trays, racks and racks, as well as print attractive stickers, flyers and booklets.


How to encourage additional purchase? Place racks with inexpensive goods near the cash desk: chocolates, chewing gum, sweets. We produce special designs for this purpose, as well as coin boxes, checkboxes, bags, shopping dividers and other POS materials.

POS material features

  • Informing. POS designs tell your potential customers what types of goods and brands they can buy.
  • Localization. POS materials indicate the location of the store and help you choose the shortest and most convenient route.
  • Orientation. In a large shopping center, it is easy to get lost and exhausted in search of the right product. POS-materials indicate the location of specific types of products and help to build the optimal route of the client's movement from the point of view of marketing.
  • Zoning. Thanks to POS structures made of various materials, the buyer clearly understands where the entrance and exit areas are, where the cash registers are located, and where are the thematic areas of the trading floor. The space divided into zones is easier to master.
  • Motivation. This is one of the most important functions of POS materials, which, however, cannot be implemented without the previous ones (informing, orienting and zoning). Bright images and inscriptions focus on the positive properties of the product, stimulating its purchase.
  • Branding. The more often the brand logo catches the eye of the buyer, the better it is remembered. POS-materials help to form and consolidate a positive image of the company with the client.
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Let's start with the name of this type of advertising. It stands for point of sales material, which means "material at the point of sale." These are promotional materials that promote the brand at the point of sale. To date, there are a huge number of types of this advertising:

  • price tag highlighters
  • shelf talkers
  • shelf banners
  • wobblers
  • price tags
  • stoppers
  • promo stands
  • dispensers
  • flags
  • floor stickers
  • posters
  • postermobile
  • cash dividers
  • growth figures
  • anti-theft gate
  • about 500 more different items

But do not rush to develop the entire list, since more or less large retail chains, and even more so federal ones, there is a ready-made list of supported ads, so you can start from it in the first place. If you take X5 Retail Group, then just go to their website, see a list of contractors who have signed an agreement for the production and placement of POSM in the X5 network and ask them for a price list for advertising in retail outlets of a particular network.

POSM is considered one of the main advertising channels, where the lion's share of the advertising budget goes, especially if other channels are banned (in the case of, for example, alcohol). And then we smoothly approached the question “What does the budget for POSM placement consist of?”. I answer:

  1. POSM production
  2. Rental of advertising space in a retail outlet
  3. Montage demontage
  4. Photo report (optional)

Let's consider each item separately.

POSM production

To date, there are a large number of companies that manufacture POSM for retail outlets, but not all of them will suit you, since the retail chain may limit the list to its contractors or agencies that manufacture, install and monitor POSM.

Let me give you a living example: quite recently I had a need to replace posters in the Billa retail chain. To save the budget, I decided to calculate the option of replacing the posters on my own. Despite the savings of about 90%, the trading network refused me because they have a list of accredited companies with which they work. She didn’t even agree to a partial division of work (for example, I was ready to produce posters from another contractor, and mount them with the help of Billa, the counterparty). In the end, I refused to replace the posters, as I considered the costs inappropriate.

Conclusion: know in advance contractors for the production / installation / dismantling of POSM and opportunities to reduce costs from category managers or advertising placement managers of the retail chain.

Photo report (optional)

Placement control is equally important when placing POSM at the point of sale. Advertising materials can be damaged, come off (in this case, an insurance stock of 5-10% of the total circulation is necessarily laid in production), or the store can simply mix up and place someone else's product under your advertisement. To avoid this, a control photo report is introduced (for example, weekly). This service is also provided by the production and installation agency POSM.

  • Increasing product off the shelf
  • Increasing sales at the point of sale
    • The absence of the concept of assigning shelf space to a specific brand in the vegetable category.
    • Lack of stable regularity of product deliveries.

    Placement results: POSM highlighting the product on the shelf helped solve the main tasks of increasing the visibility and exit of the product from the outlet. The main disadvantages can be closed by negotiating with the distribution network and connecting a team of merchandisers.

    According to Ipsos Comcon point of sale shopper behavior research, a person needs no more than 3 seconds to decide which product he will take from the shelf. It is POSM that additionally helps to persuade the buyer to choose one or another product. Therefore, first of all, I stick to those types of POSM that highlight the product exactly on the shelf where the product is located (price tag, wobbler, shelf highlighter, etc.), they show the greatest efficiency when using them.


    Paper or plastic plates, which may contain the product logo, or some additional information about it. One of the most popular options is open/closed signs with your brand name.


    Advertising signs that are attached directly to the shelves with goods, your brand or a competitor. Together with stoppers, it is also effective to use flags, stickers, which should be attached to consumer baskets and locker key rings


    This design is a full-fledged piece of furniture - this is a shelf made in the corporate style of your brand.

    At the point of sale of goods

    Promotional Shelves

    These are pieces of plastic furniture that are placed near the cash registers or are an independent point of sale. They contain either promotional goods or all products of the line.

    Hanging pockets

    A design on which both the product itself and information about it can be depicted. Hanging pockets are primarily used for instant memory of the visual image, so in their design we pay special attention to contrasting bright colors and eye-catching fonts.

    Price tag holders

    These are paper or plastic sheets that contain information about the value of the goods. You can order the production of POS materials in KOLORO! To find out how much it costs to produce POS materials, contact our manager.

    POS materials at the point of sale of goods. Examples

    What is POS materials in marketing? This is a tool that allows you to attract potential buyers to a point of sale, while focusing on a particular product, the mode of operation of the point of sale, or a promotion carried out by it or a certain brand, manufacturer. With the help of POS-materials, the interest of buyers is awakened, he becomes interested, moves around the trading place to the desired rack, and is provoked to purchase the advertised product. In addition, well-designed POS-material is able to decorate the trading floor of the point of sale.

    Terms of use

    Here are the main provisions of the manual:

    • POS materials should be placed next to the product (the closer, the better) that they advertise, without obstructing other products;
    • it should be understood by any person who visited the outlet for the purpose of buying;
    • the essence should be formulated briefly: the idea is stated in no more than four phrases, and better - in one sentence;
    • it should be aesthetic, installed without tilting in different directions;
    • POS materials should not take up too much space on the trading floor, their placement should be moderate;
    • they should be related to the concept of the point of sale.

    POS material features

    Based on the rules for using these materials, it is possible to formulate their main functions:

    • informative - the product you were looking for is available at this outlet;
    • localization - directing the buyer to the place where the product is laid out using POS materials;
    • orientation - the buyer is looking for exactly the product to which the promotion is directed;
    • display of goods - the place of display of some goods is highlighted, which attracts additional attention to it;
    • branding - calling associations with a product in order to consolidate the connection about this particular product;
    • motivational - encouraging customers to purchase this product;
    • communicative - information about the product is communicated at the level of images and test.

    Types of POS materials

    Start to deal with the question "What are POS materials?" need with their classification.

    It is believed that in order for the buyer to pay attention to a certain product, it is necessary to attract his attention with at least two types of promotional products.

    Main types of POS materials:

    • Price tags are the main type of POS materials at a point of sale, through which the buyer finds out the specific price of a particular product. For promoted products, it is important to create an attractive price tag.
    • Neckhanger - a small tag located on the neck of bottles; can act as promotional POS materials containing basic information about the product.

    • Banner - a piece of vinyl, fabric or synthetic material of any size, on which an advertising slogan and an image of the advertised product are applied, placed inside the store or at the entrance.
    • Shelftalker is a cardboard strip with which a branded product is separated from other similar products on this shelf. It may contain promotional information, and compartments for price tags may also be provided.

    • Shelforganizer - a one-piece design with the placement of goods, which distinguishes it from analogues.
    • Bodystand - products made of plastic or cardboard, which can depict a fabulous creature, animal or person.
    • Fake - an advertising model of a promotional product, which can be performed in full size, or, to attract attention, can be enlarged (such a fake is called a jumbi).
    • A show box is a cardboard box with advertising on the sides, and on the body there may be compartments where trade leaflets with information about the promoted product are inserted.
    • Mobile is an advertised product in the form of a suspended image. They can be composite, voluminous and flat.
    • Lightbox - a poster with an advertisement placed on it, which has internal illumination and is located in a special box. Lightboxes can be hung on a wall or ceiling, or placed on the floor.
    • Box for checks - serve to attract additional attention through the application of advertising drawings.
    • Strip holder - a branded advertising strip with small mass goods attached to it.
    • Sticker - a sticker with advertising information for various surfaces.
    • Display - a figured showcase used to display goods with short-term promotions.
    • Electronic advertising POS-materials are common electronic household devices, with the help of which information is delivered to customers (TVs, radio), as well as multimedia terminals.

    Classification according to the main technical and operational characteristics

    According to the main structural material, these materials can be from MDF, chipboard, wood, cardboard, rubber, paper, film, plastic, metal, composite materials, wire.

    In terms of additional equipment, they can be unequipped (not necessary for operation), electrically autonomous (not requiring electricity), electrical, interactive (with "feedback" and software updates), electronic (with computers or microcontrollers and software updates) connected to the internet.

    POS-materials are divided into large-sized, medium-sized and small-sized ones according to their dimensions.

    By weight without packaging: light (up to 5 kg) and heavy (all others).

    Information in POS materials

    These materials are developed according to the KISS principle, which involves the delivery of concise and simple messages in which there is a call to buy here and now. Information posted on POS materials should be understandable to a 14-year-old child with an average intellectual level of development. They should not cause bewilderment, irritation, other negative emotions.


    From the point of view of marketing, not only the correct selection of the type is important, but also the correct placement of pos materials in the place where they should be.

    On the street in front of the outlet building, various signs, billboards, signboards are placed, and corresponding graphics may be present on the sidewalk.

    In the entrance area they place information about the operating mode of the outlet, contacts, ongoing promotions, there may be various kinds of posters, stickers.

    The trading floor houses brightly designed signs, floor graphics, stickers, wobblers, jumbi. The purpose of their placement is to lengthen the time spent by a potential buyer on the trading floor.

    Locations for displaying goods. This is where purchases are made, so the main focus of marketers should be directed to these places. Here it is important to successfully position the product and use a variety of POS materials.

    In the checkout area, customers make impulse purchases, so there are mainly small POS materials here, such as change trays, dispensers, and stickers.

    Development - the first stage of the life cycle

    It is only possible to achieve the desired impact on the buyer if the design of the POS material used is successful. It is necessary to determine the target audience, material, production tasks. POS materials are usually developed by professionals. The terms of reference prepared by the customer indicate the type, dimensions, method of fastening, place of operation, material, color schemes and text. The development begins with the design layout, in which the optimal solution for a given outlet is selected in terms of text placement, color solutions, font, size, text location and other important nuances, after which a project is formed that is sent to specialists for the purpose of manufacturing POS materials.

    Wear resistance classification

    It would seem that everything is wonderful for trade - incurring small costs for these materials, you can to some extent manipulate the buying behavior of people. However, these costs are usually short-lived. We have already found out what POS materials are needed for retail outlets. What is it in terms of wear and tear?

    POS-materials are conditionally divided into three groups according to wear intensity:

    1. temporary - POS-materials with exploitation potential not exceeding 3 months;
    2. semi-permanent - POS-materials with a potential of operation of 3-12 months;
    3. permanent - POS-materials with the potential of operation for more than 1 year.

    Production - the second stage of the life cycle

    Production of POS-materials is carried out depending on their types and wear resistance. A special manufacturing technology is being developed. As a rule, innovative equipment for POS materials is used, which allows vacuum forming, laser cutting and spot welding, injection molding, laminating, die-cutting, powder coating and other types of necessary technological processes. In addition to this equipment, milling machines, plotters, printing machines with cutting, a direct printing machine on the material, a semi-automatic silk-screen printing machine, and other equipment, if necessary, are used. The actions of the designer, designer and project manager must be coordinated.


    We can unequivocally say, having considered POS-materials, what it is. These are means of registration of places of sale of goods. They should be placed where necessary and aimed at encouraging the buyer to make a purchase of exactly the product that the outlet is interested in selling.

    POS materials(POS materials, POS - point of sales - point of sale) - these are promotional materials that help promote a brand or product at points of sale. POS materials serve to attract additional attention and effectively promote products. Buyers, studying POS-materials, receive information about the benefits, prices, product range. Thus, due to the information content and the ability to draw attention to the product, POS materials stimulate sales. With proper planning of an advertising campaign, you can even promote your product at points of sale even with a limited budget. Proper placement of promotional materials helps the buyer to understand the abundance of goods and make the right choice.

    Purposes of using ros-materials:

    • Invite customers to enter the store
    • Remind about this or that product, brand
    • Inform about the product, promotion, store opening hours
    • Set up the buyer to make purchases, interest him in visiting the store
    • Direct to the right rack or product
    • Provoke to buy
    • Entertain and help remember the store
    • Decorate the trading floor
    • Help the customer make an informed choice
    • Attract customers to certain products, brands

    The main types of posm, description and places of use

    Main location area


    Purpose and description

    Outdoor decoration

    The purpose of such posm is to draw the attention of the consumer to the outlet, encourage him to enter it, inform about the availability of relevant products. In the external design of a retail outlet, information is placed on litter bins, floor ashtrays, shop windows, etc.

    Panel bracket

    This is a structure attached to the end of the building. Bracket panels can be not only static, but also light and dynamic (usually the structure rotates around its axis: it is driven by wind or a motor)


    This is a structure installed directly in front of the entrance to the point of sale or indicating the direction to it. It is easy to remove or move. Functionally, pavement signs differ in the number of working surfaces (one or two) and in the frequency of updating information.

    sidewalk graphics

    This is a graphical offer to enter the store, a picture with a protected surface, pasted directly on the asphalt

    Entry group

    Such posm remind consumers about the offer of certain brands, a particular type of product at a particular point of sale. Also, in this zone, advertising stickers are used on the cells of the left-luggage office and on key chains for their keys, on carts and baskets for customers.


    Small plastic or cardboard rectangles containing advertising and informing: “open” / “closed”, “push” / “push”

    Product Cards

    Posters with a relief image of goods and an indication of their prices. Usually made of cardboard or plastic

    Masks the anti-theft system, catches the eye of the store visitor twice - when entering and when leaving

    outdoor flags

    They are a series of repeating images used to decorate the entrance. Point to the logo or image of the product

    Sticker on the front door

    This is an image with an adhesive surface on the back. Draws attention to the entrance, informs about the product / promotion / mode of operation

    A3 or A2 format, used for entry, highlights a particular brand or product, often dedicated to a social event

    floor graphics

    Full color graphics

    Produced on a large-format plotter, it is a large image on the floor in the form of a logo or symbol of the product

    Film application

    It can be in the form of traces, arrows, direction indicators. This is a fairly effective form of advertising. The floor is usually free, it can be used to give the buyer the direction to the shelf he needs

    Floor structures

    These are flat or three-dimensional figures, consisting of a full-color image on film or paper, pasted on a rigid base made of binding cardboard.

    growth figures

    Advertising medium in the form of a rigid curly poster in human height (depicts the figure of a person, character or product) on a leg. The "leg" of the growth figure is made of corrugated cardboard. Good at attracting the attention of buyers even from a distance


    Branded rack with the manufacturer's logo, used to display the goods of this manufacturer

    Stand with logo and sign, used during tasting or exhibition events

    Suspended structures


    Hanging structure, figured poster on a rigid basis or three-dimensional image of the product. Mounted, as a rule, to the ceiling. Used to indicate the place of display of goods

    A series of repeating images used to decorate departments or aisles between shelving units. Indicates a logo or image of a product

    Fake (jumbo)

    An enlarged copy of the product packaging, mounted to the ceiling or installed on the top shelf of the rack


    Vertical or horizontal banner of the big size. Placed above the point of sale


    Positioned perpendicular to the customer flow to manage the attention and movement of customers. Draws attention to a particular product or rack

    POSshop floor materials


    A3 or A2 format, used to decorate the back walls of departments, emphasizes a particular brand or type of product


    Cardboard / plastic strips that are attached to the end of the shelf. Used to separate products of one brand from others, to demonstrate the product and its price.

    Price tag holders

    Any device that carries information about the price of the goods. More commonly used: corners, needles, badges, coasters, clothespins, etc.


    A small advertising pointer on a plastic flexible leg, attached to a shelf or rack. Wobblers usually have a logo or a picture with an inscription, for example, "cheeses from France." It is used to highlight the boundaries of the display of goods of a particular manufacturer, trademark, as well as to draw attention to a new product. It is very important to place the wobbler correctly so that it does not cover the product and does not hang down to another product.


    Cardboard or plastic poster with a pocket for handouts or promotional material (such as flyers, coupons or booklets). Instead of (or in addition to) a pocket, a tear-off pad may be placed. They are usually placed on flat horizontal surfaces or on walls within reach.


    Equipment for an additional point of sale, on which the goods sold are duplicated. Located where the customer flow passes

    Leaflet Tray

    Used during the period of special promotions in the store, as well as to disseminate information about the product - a novelty


    Transparent plastic sheet with a recess for a fake product, a fold for a price tag and adhesive strips around the perimeter

    Light box (light box)

    Design with internal illumination. It is located above the section in the direction of the movement of buyers


    Corrugated tape with logos for wrapping pallets

    Mini brochure with product information

    It is located next to the product being sold, contains information both about it and about other products sold under the same brand or one manufacturer

    POScheckout area materials

    video screen

    coin plate

    Box for checks

    Used at checkouts, accentuates product logo

    What do the main types of posm look like

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