The introduction of non-traditional forms of work with parents in a modern dhow on the example of the Krylovsky garden. Non-traditional and traditional forms of work with parents Non-standard forms of work with parents in a dhow

A kindergarten is the first educational institution with which a child's family comes into contact, and its role is to supplement the upbringing and education that a preschooler receives at home. It seems obvious that this requires close cooperation between educators and parents, but in practice this is not established.

The results of the research cited by N. L. Antonova in the article "Peculiarities of interaction between parents and teachers in preschool education" indicate that parents and teachers are more often inclined to accept the situation as it is, and not to build partnership and cooperation. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Different views of what the role of kindergarten is. Parents believe that the main reason for their child's stay there is the preservation and strengthening of physical health, and teachers see the development of abilities as the main task.
  2. Employment of parents is a barrier to the formation of partnerships and the reason that the role of initiator almost always goes to the educator.

The conclusion suggests itself - you need to educate the family in pedagogy, and the educator to improve their skills, while it is important to have a wide range of methods of working with parents in a preschool educational institution in order to know how to interest each family in cooperation. Approximately the same is required by the legislation, which you can read in more detail in the article "Working with parents in a preschool educational institution"(we will not dwell in detail on the forms of interaction with parents discussed in it).

Traditional forms of work with parents in a preschool educational institution

  1. Parent-teacher meeting.
  2. Visiting the child's family... This helps to establish contact with the child, his parents, the environment, to find out how the home education and training is going on. The first visit is necessary in order to find out the general conditions, the subsequent ones should be planned and provide for more specific tasks, for example, a discussion of pedagogical literature.
  3. Open Day... The most common format is a tour of the kindergarten, a demonstration to parents of how and where the upbringing and education of their children takes place, an acquaintance with the creativity of the pupils.
  4. Parental committee... He must work on the basis of the Regulation on the parent committee. Its task is to help the teacher in organizing events, establishing contacts with other families, and promoting their pedagogical education.
  5. Joint holidays and competitions help to reveal the talents of the participants, their hobbies and interests.

Non-traditional forms of work with parents in a preschool educational institution

When the usual methods are not enough to interest the pupil's family, it is worth trying to resort to alternative methods, examples of which are given by the portal maam .ru.

  1. Parent conference.
  2. Kindergarten website... It turns out that this is not only a necessity, but also a platform where parents can express their wishes, write a review about the work of the preschool educational institution, get acquainted with a variety of information about the institution, photographs, and drawings of preschoolers.
  3. Trust mail... This is a beautiful title for a book of complaints and suggestions, in which parents can leave notes with their wishes or questions to the teacher, which will be covered at parent meetings. To make it really cool, you can arrange not in the form of a notebook, but boxes for notes.
  4. Master classes... Participants complete a pedagogical activity such as sharing tips on how to teach a child how to dress, wash, or put away toys.
  5. Round table... As part of this event, topical issues of upbringing are discussed; not only parents who have agreed, but also invited specialists should participate in it.
  6. Brochures and booklets- something that suits families who are constantly busy. If they are beautifully and interestingly designed, they will help parents find out general information about the kindergarten without visiting it. If you release them periodically, for example, once a month, you can keep parents informed about upcoming events and activities.
  7. Training or business game... This form of interaction is good in that the participants receive new pedagogical knowledge, "passing" it through themselves.
  8. Joint excursions help parents and educators to get closer against the background of a common interesting business that children like and contributes to their development. A video clip on the result of the excursion can be published on the website, and photos there, or in a booklet.

"Parent University"

The Education Law states that parents are the first educators. They are obliged to lay the first foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age. This gives rise to the organization of a complex form of interaction "Parent University", which is a two-way process:

  • kindergarten helps the family to optimize its influence on the child by increasing pedagogical literacy and culture at parent-teacher meetings, consultations, etc .;
  • families help the kindergarten, actively participating in educational and upbringing processes, organizing circles, collective events, excursions.

Special departments can be organized in the "university", for example:

  • "Department of literate motherhood" for mothers;
  • "Department of Effective Parenting" for moms and dads;
  • "Department of Family Traditions" for grandparents.

The goal of this project is to create a form of cooperation that will appeal to all participants: both teachers and family members.

Results to Expect

  1. A positive experience from building a collaborative relationship.
  2. Various and interesting family leisure activities that have a positive impact on the child's socialization.
  3. Comfort for everyone, which contributes to the diversified development of the preschooler, strengthens his physical and mental health.
  4. Solving difficulties in the relationship between children and parents.

It does not matter what forms of work with parents in the preschool educational institution you prefer, it is important to choose those that will give a result. It is equally important for the teacher to take this part of his work with responsibility and not to perceive the parents as an “appendage” of the child. The following five tips will help you with this.

  • Decide on your goals. Communicating with your family is not just about meeting legal requirements. Conduct the conversation in such a way that it gives useful information for further work, for this you need to keep the goals in mind while communicating with the parents.
  • Communicate with the parents of the pupils as often as possible and do not postpone it. If at some point you had to bring up a problematic topic, it will be much easier if you have already built a good relationship.
  • Talk not only about their child, but about the whole group. It is important to make it clear that you are not only responsible for one particular boy or girl, it will help parents to better accept your point of view and to approve of decisions that are focused on the whole group.
  • Tailor your communication to your parents. Ask which shapes work best for them. Even if most people prefer to talk on the phone, do not limit themselves to this. If this is not suitable for someone - offer correspondence by e-mail, WhatsApp or in your blog on the site. Don't ignore the power of smartphones and the sheer number of apps you can use to make communication with families easier and more effective.
  • Track your progress. Pay attention to which methods work and which don't. What is more interesting for parents? What determines whether they came to the event or not?

You will receive more useful information for the development of your kindergarten at the International Conference "Interaction between preschool educational institutions and family: the best Russian practices and foreign experience" , which will take place on August 6-8. Come to the conference and you will learn how to gain the trust of parents and create a positive image of the preschool educational institution.

Sections: Working with parents

  1. The urgency of the problem.
  2. Organization of interaction between teachers and families of pupils.
  3. The main directions of interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family.
  4. Forms, methods and means of interaction.
  5. Conclusion.


Organization of interaction between teachers and parents of pupils is one of the most difficult areas in the activities of preschool educational institutions. The interaction between parents and teachers comes from different value systems. If it is important for teachers how the group's activities are organized (regime, ensuring the implementation of the program), then for parents the most important is how their child “fits” into the regime and the implementation of the program.

The recognition of the priority of family education requires a completely different relationship between the family and the preschool institution. The novelty of these relations is determined by the concepts of "cooperation" and "interaction".

Collaboration is “peer-to-peer communication,” where no one has the privilege of specifying, controlling, evaluating.

Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception (perception) and through communication.

What is the portrait of a modern parent? The modern parent is neither good nor bad - he is just appropriate for his time. He is sometimes afraid of being a bad, incompetent educator, or as if he is trying to emphasize his indifference to social frameworks and requirements for parenting. A lot of parents today are busy with ensuring the material well-being of the family, very little time is left for communication with children.

On the other hand, it can be noted that modern parents are educated, have wide access to popular science information in the field of pedagogy and psychology. However, a high level of general culture, erudition and awareness of parents are not a guarantee of a sufficient level of their pedagogical culture. Here arises contradiction between the amount of information available to parents and the lack of ability to effectively use it in the practice of raising their own children. Parents experience difficulties in raising their children, choosing the best educational methods and techniques, in applying the information gleaned from the Internet and popular literary information directly in practice. Modern conditions of activity of preschool institutions put forward interaction with the family to one of the leading places. According to experts, communication between teachers and parents should be based on the principles of openness, mutual understanding and trust. Parents are the main customers of the preschool educational institution, so the interaction of teachers with them is simply impossible without taking into account the interests and needs of the family. It is for this reason that many preschool institutions today are guided by the search for such forms and methods of work that allow taking into account the actual needs of parents and contribute to the formation of an active parental position. Non-traditional forms of work with parents - i.e. non-standard, special, original, different from the generally accepted.

The interaction of preschool educational institutions and families of pupils through non-traditional forms is a prerequisite for:

  • attracting the attention of parents to the problem of upbringing and teaching preschool children with the aim of the full and timely development of the child
  • purposeful education of parents in order to increase their functional literacy and the ability to full cooperation with teachers of an educational institution
  • formation of an active position of the educational role of the family

Organization of the process of interaction between teachers and families of pupils

The main aspect of the fruitful interaction between the teacher and the parent, according to the authors, is based on the principles of trust, dialogue, partnership. .

  1. The psychology of trust. Parents should be sure of a good attitude towards their child. Educators, in turn, should not rush to assess its development.
  2. The educator must demonstrate concrete, positive ways of interacting with parents.
  3. Information should be dynamic. At least once a week, it is necessary to update the material on the stand for parents (control table in the appendix).
  4. Parents should have the opportunity at a convenient time for them to come to the group, be present in the classroom, during regime moments, practice in the “Open Days”, at the request of the teacher, or at the request of the parents.
  5. The line of interaction between teachers and parents does not remain unchanged. Parents and teachers should have the opportunity to express to each other their views on certain problems of upbringing (meetings, debates, one-to-one communication, meetings of interest in the “Parents' Club”)
  6. Differentiated approach. Interaction in a small group of parents with similar parenting problems (eg, childhood stubbornness, shyness, moodiness, restless sleep)

The implementation of non-traditional forms of interaction with parents is carried out in several directions:

The main directions of interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family

Forms, methods and means of interaction between teachers and families of pupils

The most productive and interesting forms of work, as the parents themselves note, are:

  • group meetings in the form of debates, talk shows, with the inclusion of game moments, with the invitation of specialists,
  • "Parents' club", master classes for parents
  • "Doors open days",
  • conducting mass forms of interaction with families of pupils (holidays, competitions, theater days, excursions, etc.);
  • organization of project activities teacher - children - parents
  • design of visual pedagogical propaganda, newspaper for parents

Parents' meeting is a traditional form of work with parents in any educational institution. We hold meetings in non-traditional ways.


Meetings, as a form of cooperation, give parents an opportunity to learn more about the content of educational work in a preschool educational institution, and teachers will learn about the features of upbringing in the families of our children. Involvement of parents in kindergarten life creates a situation in which dads and moms reflect on the problems of upbringing, they enjoy playing games together with their child, and a common team victory. All this brings the family together, raises its pedagogical culture.

Parents' meetings are an effective form of communication between educators and parents. It is at the meetings that the educator has the opportunity to familiarize parents in an organized manner with the tasks, content, methods of raising preschool children in a kindergarten and family.

We believe that it is important to organize meetings, consultations for parents so that they are not formal, but, if possible, involve parents in solving problems, develop a spirit of fruitful cooperation, because modern parents do not want to listen to long and didactic reports of teachers. Consultations should be extremely clear, contain only the material necessary for the parents and are carried out not for a tick, but for the good of the case. N.M. Metenova examines an unconventional methodology. This means that at parent-teacher meetings such methods and techniques are used that activate the attention of tired parents, contribute to easier memorization of the essence of conversations, create a special mood for a friendly, frank conversation. We have developed steps or methods for educators to work with parents to encourage parents to attend the meeting.

  1. Consider an original non-standard name for the event.
  2. Personally invite, asking about a convenient time to visit, giving a choice, no later than a week or two before the meeting.
  3. Get interested in an advertisement for the meeting in an advertising form (arrange an advertising booklet), leaving an innuendo, intrigue.
  4. Include in the meeting the speech of children on the topic of the meeting, video recording and other surprise moments, informing the parents about this.

Let's start with the first step “think over the original non-standard name”.

1. The original name and invitation to the event are of great importance in attracting parents to the event itself, the more interesting it will be called and the more emotionally the invitation text will be thought out, the more chances that the event will be attended by the largest number of parents. It is not difficult to come up with a name, the main thing is that it should affect the modern demands of society, the demands of parents, thereby veiling a pedagogical topic that is boring by the standards of parents. For example, the theme of the general parent meeting “My child is a future millionaire”, the goal is to show parents that the child has a million opportunities, inclinations, talents, you just need to help to reveal them, and the game will help in this. Comprehensive training for parents in role-playing, didactic games, as well as model games, which are easy to do at home with your child. Next meeting “The art of self-presentation. Child and Society ”. Purpose: to help parents understand the importance of speech development in preschool age, to teach parents some methods of speech development.

2. Of course, it is also very important when and how you invite your parents to a meeting or other event of an informational, educational nature.

Let's start with the “when” time, in this case, it means how much in advance you invite your parents a day, two or a week before the meeting. Two weeks before the meeting is the optimal time for parents to coordinate their plans. During this time, you can prepare them for the event through invitations, announcements, individual conversations, etc. Earlier than two weeks, the parent may change his mind due to the long postponement of the event, and later will not have time to get inspired by the idea. Everything needs a measure.

3. How do I invite to a meeting? There are some subtleties in this matter. You can summarize the topic of the meeting without saying something. Include text in the invitation that would interest parents in the topic of the meeting, these can be extracts from the relevance of the topic, for example,

Our dear mothers and fathers "

On the eve of the “Family Day” holiday, we invite you to attend a conference on the topic “Child and a computer or a child and a book”.
Endless sitting in front of the TV, computer can adversely affect the health of the child, his behavior, and family relationships.
Experts say, for example, that many families are falling apart because a family dinner, which until recently was a symbol of family happiness, with the advent of television turned into a “cinema”.
The lack of common topics for conversation, a dull dissatisfaction with the fact that they turned on the wrong channel, the wrong film, the wrong program - all this does not at all contribute to the strengthening of family ties.
However, periodic viewing of television programs, working with a computer cannot do so much harm ...
What are the pros and cons of media and family books you can learn at the conference. We invite you, we will be very glad, we promise an interesting form of holding.
The conference will take place in 20__
in the music hall at 17.30 "

4. Also, the attendance of the meeting will increase many times, if you include in the meeting plan the performance of the children of the group, video recordings with the children, which is very interesting for all parents.

Collection “The art of self-presentation. Child and Society ”.

Dear Parents!

All parents, without exception, want to see their children healthy and successful. So that they go through life with their heads held high and be confident in themselves.
And for this it is important to master the art of self-presentation. What is self-presentation, what are its main components you can learn at the parent meeting, which will take place ... .......
Also, children will perform for you with a fairy tale ... ..
Come, we will be glad to meet you !!!

But if the meeting was not thought out in terms of organization, the selection of material is doomed to failure, and at the same time, next time, parents will think ten times whether to come to your event. We have identified the following possible positive and negative aspects of organizing and holding a meeting:



Non-traditional form of holding (conference, debate, master class, business game, etc.)

Limited in time

Meeting lasts more than 1 hour

The topic for the meeting was taken at the request of parents, on the problem of the group, DOW

Topic without taking into account possible difficulties, interests of parents

Well-prepared meeting

Weak, ill-prepared meeting

It takes place in the form of a dialogue. Parents are direct participants, discuss, argue, prove

In the form of a monologue. Parents just listen.

Attraction of narrow specialists of the preschool educational institution, children's performances (musical composition, a scene, gifts to each other)

One teacher speaks

Based on all of the above, we can come to the conclusion: in order for the event to be successful, the educator needs to interest the parents, find out the interests and questions of the parents themselves, draw their attention to the problem, prepare the meeting qualitatively, which is easy to do using all of the above methods.

Parents regularly (and many enjoy) attend parent-teacher meetings. In almost all groups, parents were actively involved in the discussion of pedagogical problems associated with raising their own child. Here are just some of the responses to the meetings held:

“Many thanks to the organizers for creating and conducting this conference“ The Art of Self-Presentation ”. All the reports, games and exercises provided were interesting and informative ... ”I.V. Rocheva

“I liked the meeting, especially because it was possible to actively discuss a certain topic. A lot of useful information and positives. Thanks to the organizers ”Zakharov.

Parent club

This is one of the interesting forms of work, which has great success among parents of children of different age groups. Before starting work in this form, questionnaires were launched with a list of topics for parents to choose from. Then a work plan was drawn up on topical topics for parents and informational and practical material was prepared. Here are some of the themes of the parent club: “Country of finger games. Development of fine motor skills of the hand ”,“ Children's rights. Who will protect them ”,“ Leisure of the family - how to spend it ”. During such meetings, parents learned new things for themselves in terms of upbringing, teaching children, and could also discuss some difficulties in communicating with children on this topic with each other. Also, parents got great pleasure when performing any practical lesson, which they could then use at home with their child (paper plastic in art activities, finger games, games - fun with their own hands, and much more).

Open days (organization technology)

According to the authors: O.I. Davydova, L.G. Bogoslavets, A.A. Mayer the emergence of parents' desire to figure out what the child lives, what the child does in kindergarten, can be considered convincing evidence of the effectiveness of the work done with them. Let's analyze the most common types of Open Doors days practiced in our preschool educational institution. The main criterion for the analysis is the goal set by the team of teachers. One of them is to familiarize the parents of newly arrived children with the kindergarten, the daily routine, the activities of the children, and the requirements for them. Typically, the first Open Day for parents sometimes gives two opposite effects: one soothes so much that it almost removes further interest in the child's life in kindergarten (“Everything is so well arranged there that there is nothing to worry about). The other, on the contrary, stimulates this interest (“I never thought there were so many problems with the baby”).

Today, open days are the most popular form of interaction with preschool educational institutions among parents. Teachers invite parents on one of the days, inform in advance about the events held in the kindergarten. Since mostly parents work, they can choose a time or lesson, the time of the visit, when it will be convenient for them to come to the group. Parents are invited to observe the child in different situations: in a cognitive lesson, in a musical, creative (drawing, modeling) lesson. In play activity, when you can see how the child interacts with peers. And just find out how a child lives in kindergarten.

Counting on the result, as mentioned above, the teaching staff strive to “puzzle”, and not reassure the parents of the pupils. An open door day provides the best opportunities for this due to special visibility: the child is observed in his usual environment, his actions and behavior are perceived in the context of real relationships with others. This form of work with parents is distinguished by the fact that in it the cognitive principle is, as it were, hidden behind the outward appearance of an ordinary acquaintance with the life of children. Preparing a good activity, organizing a game or enriching a walk with educational methods is only half the battle. It is equally important to find forms of explanations that would really teach even when a person is not in the mood for it: he went to kindergarten, guided by the desire to just look.

Preparing for an open lesson for parents includes not only the moments provided for in the methodological recommendations, but also careful consideration of the information communicated to those present. Explanations are given at the beginning (introductory conversation) and at the end as a conclusion. They should be presented consistently and in a way that parents can understand.

The following structure of the introductory conversation is most rational: first, formulate educational goals, then indicate what task is set for the children and how they should solve it. The analysis should relate to the characteristics of the activity of success or failure.

In addition to the differentiated approach, there are requirements for the selection of activities for observation. The success of any type of activity is determined by how children have mastered the necessary knowledge and skills. It is important to inform the parents that activities with the child (physical exercises, art, handicrafts, etc.) will help him achieve better results. If the object of observation is indicative and not educational for parents, then the requirements for it are different (then it should be classified as leisure, entertainment). The participation of parents in leisure activities also contributes to the establishment of friendly relations between adults and children, creates an atmosphere of celebration, joy and mutual understanding. At the same time, any competition is fraught with difficult experiences for preschoolers, therefore, they require great care and cannot be held without the comment of an adult who skillfully places the necessary accents.

Newspaper for parents

Another new form of interaction between teachers and parents is the parent newspaper. Newspaper issue "Healthy lifestyle for children in kindergarten and at home" we wanted to give a novelty to the practice of interaction between family and kindergarten in the direction of "Physical education", to ensure the unity of physical education in kindergarten and at home. Tasks contributing to the implementation of this goal: providing parents with qualified psychological, pedagogical, methodological assistance on the issues of education, training, health improvement of preschool children; providing timely information about the features of the work of our preschool institution, about the events taking place in the kindergarten.

We decided that the newspaper would help make an interesting family experience accessible to everyone, and those parents who are not very interested in the problems of upbringing, in one way or another, will involve them in joint work with educators and children. And we managed to do it.

The group parent newspaper has become an effective way of pedagogically informing parents about possible activities with children at home and in the kindergarten on the problem of strengthening the health of preschoolers, the development of their physical activity.

The advantage of a group newspaper is that it is strictly focused on specific parents, taking into account their level of education, requests, interests. And, most importantly, the newspaper writes about our children, their achievements and their problems. The newspaper is read by the parents. The newspaper for parents, among other advantages, has another indisputable quality - here the element of coercion completely disappears, which psychologists talk about with alarm, emphasizing that it is precisely this that repels parents, interferes with the perception of even interesting and meaningful information. You can read the newspaper, you can view it, or you can read it and apply it in the practice of raising your own child.

Publishing a newspaper is a rather laborious work that requires some preparation, because you need to think over the form itself, because our newspaper is not traditional as from a printing house, but made by hand. All the teachers who worked on the publication of the newspaper sincerely tried to carry out this work competently and efficiently. The main criteria that the teacher was guided by when publishing a newspaper:

availability of information about:

  • group activities with children in this direction
  • information headings with the involvement of specialists, Art. nurses
  • aesthetics, originality of newspaper design
  • placement in the parent's corner

Organization: MBDOU Kindergarten number 131

Settlement: Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Problem the interaction of the kindergarten with the family has always been relevant and difficult. Relevant, because the participation of parents in the lives of their children helps them to see a lot, but difficult, because all parents are different, they, like children, need a special approach. Working with parents, we help them see the difference between the world of children and the world of adults, overcome the authoritarian attitude towards the child, treat him as an equal to himself, and understand that it is unacceptable to compare him with other children; discover the strengths and weaknesses of the child and take them into account in solving educational problems; show a sincere interest in the child's actions and be ready for emotional support; to understand that nothing can be done by one-sided influence, you can only suppress or intimidate the child.

The world is constantly becoming more complex, there is not enough time for live human communication. Therefore, we, educators, need to organize these types of events with parents, so that they are more interesting and more important than the daily affairs of parents. It became necessary to improve non-traditional forms of interaction with families of pupils in order to form an active pedagogical position of parents.

On the at a certain stage in his life, the child enters kindergarten. He is surrounded by new people, adults and children, whom he did not know before and who constitute a different community than his family.

Analysis The practice of using traditional and non-traditional forms in the work of a teacher and parents shows that in modern preschool educational institutions, mainly traditional forms of work are often used: parent meetings, parental committees, conferences that are held irregularly, and the topic does not always coincide with the content. Few parents take part in the Open House. Events such as the tournament of experts, KVN, quizzes are actually not held.
Educators do not always know how to set specific tasks, fill them with appropriate content, choose methods: the content of parent meetings, consultations is not sufficiently differentiated, educators, when choosing methods of cooperation, do not take into account the opportunities and living conditions of specific families; quite often educators, especially young ones, use only collective forms of work with the family.

The reasons are:

  1. insufficient knowledge of the specifics of family education;
  2. inability to analyze the level of pedagogical culture of parents and the peculiarities of raising children;
  3. inability to plan joint work with children and parents. Individual, especially young, educators have insufficiently developed communication skills.

One one of the main tasks of teachers is to create conditions for the development of normal relations in the family, and this can only be achieved through the activities of parents and children, which can be realized in various forms.

Can highlight several forms of work with parents:

  • Forms of cognitive activity
  • Leisure activities
  • Forms of employment
  • Forms of activation
  • Visual forms

Forms of cognitive activity- these are public reviews of knowledge, skills and abilities, creative reports on areas of activity, holidays of knowledge and creativity, connoisseurs tournaments, Open Doors, etc.

Parents and educators determine the subject, topic, methodology together. The teacher draws up tasks, helps to form groups, organize preparatory work, and parents participate in the design, preparation of incentive prizes, and evaluation of results.

Leisure activities- preparation, holding and discussion of performances, holidays, competitions, contests, KVN; various clubs, etc.

Forms of employment- decoration of the group's premises, labor troops for landscaping and gardening of the yard, planting an alley in connection with a significant event in the life of children and their parents, creating a library, etc.

Forms of activation- discussions, dialogues, discussion of situations, solving crosswords, analysis of children's statements or children's creativity, trainings, game modeling method, etc.

Visual forms: libraries and travel folders, videos, memos-recommendations for parents and children, invitation cards, business cards, exhibitions of books, equipment, board games, children's or joint drawings, crafts with parents, photo exhibitions, newspapers, Corners for parents, etc.
Of comparatively new forms of work with parents should be noted video films that are created on a specific topic, for example, "Labor education of a child in the family", "Labor education of children in kindergarten", etc.

An interesting form of cooperation is the publication of a newspaper. The administration of the kindergarten, teachers, specialists, parents and children are involved in the creation of the newspaper.
Of the most modern forms, this is, of course, communication via the Internet: creating a page for parents in Contact, a forum for preschool educational institutions, consultations, recommendations, lectures on the site, etc.

In theory and practice, a number of general tasks have been identified for working with parents in preschool institutions:

  • studying the interests, opinions and requests of parents that are not realized in other social institutions (family, etc.);
  • provision of optimal conditions for self-development and self-realization of parents in the development of various social roles;
  • using the experience of other preschool institutions to build a model of interaction with parents;
  • expanding the means and ways of working with parents;
  • providing space for personal growth of the members of the association, creating a special creative atmosphere.

One of the most effective cognitive forms of work with the family remains the parent meeting.

However, holding parenting meetings according to the old structure does not meet the expectations of the parents. In accordance with the regulatory framework of preschool institutions, parents are customers of educational services and have the right to take part in the organization of the educational process, create their own self-government bodies and resolve some issues independently at parent meetings, conferences and other forms of work.
In the present time increasingly, preschool institutions began to hold parenting conferences, which provide for the expansion, deepening and consolidation of knowledge about the education of children, which can be scientific and practical, theoretical, for the exchange of experience, etc. Conferences are held once a year, but require careful preparation, provide for active participation of parents, organization of exhibitions of children's drawings, books, children's concerts.

Conference structure:

  1. word of the head of the preschool educational institution;
  2. speeches of parents (3-5) about family experience on this issue;
  3. video films;
  4. performances of those who wish;
  5. children's performances;
  6. summarizing.

Thus, the work of parents and teachers in a preschool institution has a pronounced specific nature of cooperation, since both the content and forms of relationships between parents and employees of the preschool institution have changed.

In our preschool educational institution we try to use innovative ways of working with parents.

To improve the conduct of the event, I organize workshops with educators, at which we consider the preparation and conduct of parenting meetings, ways to increase the activity of parents.

We also discuss the recommendations that are given on working with parents in manuals, the Internet, we determine the general requirements for the preparation and conduct of the meeting.
We make some parent-teacher meetings open so that educators from other groups can attend.

A plan of measures to prepare for the meeting is discussed jointly, a questionnaire for parents, a memo is drawn up.

The meeting should be announced in advance — one to two weeks before the meeting.
Questionnaires can be of different designs, approximately the following content:
“Dear mums and dads!
We ask you to take an active part in preparing for the group parent meeting on the topic “. ... ... ... ... ... . " (specify the topic of the parent meeting).

We suggest you think about the following questions:
1. . . . . . . . . . .
2. . . . . . . . . . .
3.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... etc. (questions are drawn up taking into account the theme of the event, taking into account the social, pedagogical, psychological aspects of education).

Also in advance it turns out who can speak at the meeting.
A methodologist and a teacher on the information board places material on approximately the following headings:

  1. “Our successes”: the implementation of the program for any type of upbringing (depending on the topic of the meeting), the level of knowledge of the children.
  2. “Our tasks”: tasks to be solved together with parents.
  3. “Consultation”: a summary of the topic of the meeting, its importance in raising children.
  4. “Literature on the topic of the event”: a list of references with short annotations.
  5. "Children's fiction": a list of literature with annotations and recommendations for its use in one or another aspect of educational activities (labor, aesthetic, physical, etc.).
  6. “Our problems” (depending on the subject of the meeting).

In addition to such an information board, you can arrange a folding screen, an exhibition of literature for parents.
An active meeting of parents involves showing conversation classes, then discussing what they saw, distributing reminders on the topic of the meeting.
By organizing parent meetings according to this scheme, you can achieve results in a short time: parents become more interested in the life of the kindergarten, more active in its work. This form makes it possible for parents to get to know their child again, observing him in a kindergarten, when pedagogical problems are discussed in a free conversation, contributes to an increase in the sense of responsibility for raising children, unites the team of parents, and has a positive effect on the relationship between the kindergarten and the family.

One from parent meeting views - business game... A business game is a space for creativity. It brings the participants of the game as close as possible to the real situation, forms the skills of quick adoption of pedagogically correct decisions, the ability to see and correct mistakes in time.

There is no specific narrowly focused scheme for conducting business games. It all depends on the competence, abilities and imagination of the leaders.
Approximate the structure of the game is as follows:
1. The preparatory stage, which includes the definition of the goal, objectives of the game, organizational rules governing the course of the game, the choice of the actor (s) in accordance with the roles, preparation of the necessary visual material and equipment
2. The course of the game, which consists in the fulfillment of the necessary rules and actions by all participants in the game.
3. The outcome of the game, expressed in the analysis of its results.
The purpose of business games is to develop and consolidate certain skills, the ability to prevent conflict situations. Roles in business games can be assigned in different ways. Educators, managers, social educators, parents, members of the parent committee, etc. can participate in it. The referent (there may be several of them) also takes part in the business game, who monitors his object using a special observation card.
The topic of business games can be different conflict situations.
Q&A evenings the so-called roundtable discussions are concentrated pedagogical information on a wide variety of issues, which are often debatable, and the answers to them often turn into a heated, interested discussion. The role of Q&A evenings in equipping parents with pedagogical knowledge lies not only in the answers themselves, which is very important in itself, but also in the form of these evenings. They should take place as a relaxed, equal communication between parents and teachers, as lessons in pedagogical contemplation.
Parents are announced that this evening will be held no later than a month in advance. During this time, methodologists, educators, social teachers must prepare for it: collect questions, group them, distribute them in the teaching staff to prepare answers. At the evening of questions and answers, the presence of most of the members of the teaching staff is desirable, as well as specialists - doctors, lawyers, social educators, psychologists, etc., depending on the content of the questions.
How to organize the receipt of questions from parents? Usually, educators use parent meetings, questionnaires, and all kinds of questionnaires for this. At parent-teacher meetings, they inform the time of the evening of questions and answers, provide an opportunity to think over the questions and write them down on paper, and parents also have the opportunity to think over the questions at home and hand them over to the teacher later.
Roundtable meetings broaden the educational horizons not only of parents, but also of the teachers themselves.
The decoration of the event is of great importance. The assembly hall should be especially decorated, furniture should be specially arranged, attention should be paid to the musical arrangement, which should be conducive to reflection and frankness.
The topics of the meeting can be different. Various situations from family life, problems arising in the upbringing of children in various types of families can be proposed for discussion, which further activates the participants in the meetings. In this form of work, it is noteworthy that practically not a single parent is left on the sidelines, almost everyone takes an active part, sharing interesting observations, expressing practical advice.

In work organization gives good results with parents project activities in kindergarten. As a rule, any project, both small, at the preschool level, and large-scale, includes a block of work with the family.

This includes the creation of propaganda posters, exhibitions, writing mini-essays, contests, excursions, stand design, and more. etc. With such an integrated approach, parents become the most active assistants and faithful companions of teachers in any business.

The project is a product of cooperation and co-creation of educators, children and parents, which favorably affects the development of relations between parents and children. The child turns out to be meaningfully interesting to parents, since he puts forward various ideas, opens new things to close adults in familiar situations.

Designing makes the teacher constantly in the space of possibilities, does not allow the use of only standard and stereotyped actions, but requires daily creative personal growth, since the teacher must:

  • have a clear idea of ​​the goals, objectives and stages of the project and its problems;
  • convey this to children;
  • to acquaint parents with the project, to help them find their place in this project;
  • interest every child;
  • use the motivation and emotional responsiveness of children;
  • use an individual approach;
  • assist in the implementation of the project at all stages;
  • inform about its implementation.

One of the effective forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family is the organization family club in the preschool educational institution. The family club is a promising form of work with parents, taking into account the actual needs of families and contributing to the formation of an active life position of the participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family, and transferring experience in raising children.

This the form is interesting in that the theme of the club meetings may vary depending on the social request of the parents. “Branches” of the club can be opened in each group. Various specialists of preschool educational institutions (medical workers, psychologist, speech therapist, etc.), as well as librarians, parents of pupils, children take part in the work of the club.

Such broad social contacts enrich all participants, create a positive emotional atmosphere for both children and adults, provide the necessary deep connections between educating adults in the context of the child's personality development, which have a positive effect on his physical, mental and social health.

In custody I would like to emphasize once again that the family and the preschool institution are two important social institutions for the socialization of the child. And although their educational functions are different, positive results are achieved only with a skillful combination of different forms of cooperation, with the active involvement of all members of the preschool staff and family members of pupils in this work.

The main thing in work is to gain trust and authority, to convince parents of the importance and necessity of coordinated actions of the family and the preschool institution. Without parental involvement, the upbringing process is impossible, or at least incomplete. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the introduction of new non-traditional forms of cooperation aimed at organizing individual work with the family, a differentiated approach to families of different types.

Used Books:

  1. Kolodyazhnaya, T. P. Management of a modern preschool educational institution: Conceptual, software and methodological support. A practical guide. Part 2. / T.P. Kolodyazhnaya - Moscow: UC Perspektiva, 2008 .-- 184 p.
  2. Metenova, N.M. Parents' meetings in kindergarten. 2nd junior group / N.M. Metenova - M .: "Scriptorium Publishing House 2003", 2008. - 104 p.
  3. Svirskaya L.V. Working with the family: optional instructions: Methodological manual for employees of preschool educational institutions / L.V. Svirskaya - M .: LINKA-PRESS, 2007 .-- 176 p.
  4. Magazines "Senior teacher of a preschool institution" - M., CJSC "MCFER" 2015, 2016

kindergarten of general developmental type No. 35 in Tomsk

"Non-traditional forms of work of teachers with parents in a preschool educational institution, in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO"

Senior educators:

O. A. Gegenya

M.A. Pavlova

Tomsk -2016

Explanatory note

Family and preschool are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but for the all-round development of the child, they are necessary interaction this is a pressing issue today. The problem of interaction of a preschool institution with a family remains relevant today, sometimes acquiring an exacerbated character. Difficulties in relations between families and educational institutions can be associated, for example, with a mismatch in mutual expectations, with sometimes parental distrust of educators.

The misunderstanding falls on the child. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents due to the choice of the form of interaction. Work with parents today is one of the problems of the preschool educational institution at the present stage of modernization of the education system. The question of finding and implementing modern forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and a family is one of the most urgent today. Today, innovations are needed in cooperation with parents. It is necessary to develop and introduce a system of modern forms of work for the active involvement of parents in the life of a preschool educational institution.

Term "interaction"involves the exchange of thoughts, feelings, experiences in the process of communication. Modern parents are quite educated, they have access to pedagogical information, which "falls" on them from various sources: radio and television programs, pedagogical literature, websites, the Internet. But it does not imply the presence of "feedback", since parents are addressed as an "average listener", not knowing the specifics of the family upbringing of a particular child, the characteristics of the family. Such communication is mediated. New forms of interaction between a teacher and parents presuppose a dialogue, the establishment of "feedback".

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the family and the preschool institution are two important social institutions for the socialization of the child. And although their educational functions are different, positive results are achieved only with a skillful combination of different forms of cooperation, with the active involvement of all members of the preschool staff and family members of pupils in this work. The main thing in work is to gain trust and authority, to convince parents of the importance and necessity of coordinated actions of the family and the preschool institution. Without parental involvement, the upbringing process is impossible, or at least incomplete. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the introduction of new non-traditional forms of cooperation aimed at organizing individual work with the family, a differentiated approach to families of different types.

Forms of communication between a teacher and parents

The content of work with parents is realized through various forms. The main thing is to convey knowledge to parents. Exist traditional and unconventional formscommunication of the teacher with the parents of preschoolers, the essence of which is to enrich them with pedagogical knowledge. Traditional forms are classified intocollective, individual and visual informational.

Collective forms.

Collective forms include parenting meetings. This is an expedient and effective form of work of educators with a team of parents, organized familiarization with the tasks, content and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family. The meeting should be purposeful, that is, it should have a specific purpose, meet the needs and interests of parents, and have a clearly defined practical nature.

The agenda of the meeting should be varied. Speaking from different professionals, for example, speech therapist, psychologist, nurse, and parents can be included. At the meeting, you need to reveal the problem, then describe each child, show the dynamics of development. The duration of the meeting should not exceed 40-50 minutes.

The choice of a topic is determined by the needs of the parents, the tasks of the annual plan. It is advisable to prepare brief reminders. Preparation for the parent meeting includes the choice of an actual topic based on a survey of parents (questionnaires, conversations). It is important to consider the location of the guests.

Along with the development of the content of the material, it is necessary to select methods of activating parents that involve the emergence of interest in the topic, stimulate the desire of parents to actively participate in the discussion, give rise to associations with their parenting experience. The methods of activation include the analysis of pedagogical situations, playing out problematic tasks, questions, giving examples, watching videos, using jokes, games, humorous situations.

Individual forms.

Individual forms of interaction with parents include conversations and consultations.

Conversations are the most accessible and widespread form of establishing communication between the teacher and the family, systematic communication with the child's father and mother, and other family members. The goals of the pedagogical conversation are to exchange views on a particular issue and achieve a unified point of view, to provide parents with timely assistance. Conversation presupposes dialogue, but the leading role belongs to the educator. Observations of the child serve as material for conversations. For example, the teacher is worried about the child's aggressiveness or disobedience, hyperreactivity, poor appetite.

Consultations are organized in order to answer all the parents' questions. Consultations are close to conversations. The main difference in the conduct of these forms is that the teacher seeks to give qualified advice to teach something. They can be conducted by a doctor, music director, educator, psychologist, speech therapist. During the consultation, the parents are informed of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, the skills and position of the parents are formed. The consultation allows you to discuss a specific issue.

At the consultation, you can concretize the issue that was considered at the meeting. There are also consultations - workshops where parents acquire practical knowledge and skills, for example, how to spend a New Year's holiday in a family, exercise with a child, prepare a hand for writing, etc.

Visual information

Visual forms play an important role in family interactions. Let's consider them in more detail.

Open Day. Parents observe the activities of children, educators. They get to know the kindergarten "from the inside", get acquainted with the organization of the subject-play environment, the types of children's activities.

Moving folders are called so because they are given to families for temporary use. They contain specific material about the perception and education of children. Specific recommendations, memos, newspaper clippings, photos, brochures, quotes, etc. are placed in the folder-movable. For example: “What to do if the child does not want to put away toys”, “How to put the child to bed? ".

Non-traditional forms of communication between a teacher and parents

At present, practice has accumulated a variety of non-traditional forms, but they have not yet been sufficiently studied and generalized. The classification scheme for non-traditional forms is proposed by T.V. Krotova. The author distinguishes the following non-traditional forms: information and analytical (although in fact they are close to the methods of studying the family), leisure, cognitive, visual information (they are presented in the table).

Non-traditional forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents


What is the purpose of this form

Forms of communication

Information and analytical

Identification of interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy

Conducting sociological snapshots, surveys, "Mailbox"


Establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents, children

Joint leisure, holidays, participation of parents and children in exhibitions


Familiarization of parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children. Formation of practical skills of parenting in parents

Workshops, pedagogical briefing, pedagogical living room, meetings, consultations in non-traditional form, games with pedagogical content, pedagogical library for parents

Visual and informational: informational and familiarization; outreach

Familiarization of parents with the work of a preschool institution, the peculiarities of raising children. Formation of knowledge among parents about the upbringing and development of children

Information brochures for parents, organization of days (weeks) of open doors, open views of classes and other activities of children. Publishing newspapers, organizing mini-libraries

Information and analytical formsare aimed at identifying the interests, requests of parents, establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children. This includes a survey, tests, questionnaires, a “mailbox” where parents can post their questions.

Leisure forms - joint leisure activities, holidays, exhibitions - are designed to establish warm informal, trusting relationships, emotional contact between teachers and parents, between parents and children. Leisure will create emotional comfort in the group. Parents become more open to communication. Leisure forms include: New Year's Eve, Maslenitsa, Mothers' Day, Harvest Festival, Sports Festival with Parents, “Who will get the child to kindergarten faster? ".

Cognitive forms.Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents. Their essence is to familiarize parents with the age characteristics of preschool children, the formation of practical skills in raising children.

Visual information formsin an unconventional sound, they allow to correctly assess the activities of teachers, to revise the methods and techniques of family education. For example, open GCD for parents, watching videos, photos, presentations, exhibitions of children's works. Using multimedia tools, teachers can show several fragments of classes with children, the organization of regime moments in a preschool educational institution and thus combine different forms of interaction.

Non-traditional forms of parenting meetings

"Pedagogical laboratory".

Recommended at the beginning or end of the year. They discuss the participation of parents in various activities. The questionnaire "Parent - child - kindergarten" is being conducted. Either the planned activities are discussed, or the past are analyzed and the results are summed up. At the beginning of the year, a survey is carried out so that the teacher gets to know the child better, his features. Parents are introduced to the events planned for the year, they listen to the parents' suggestions, what kind of help and support they can provide in the planned events, as well as their wishes and suggestions for the academic year. At the end of the year, such meetings summarize the results of the past year, assess and analyze achievements and mistakes.

"Reader's Conference". For 2 weeks parents are informed about the topic of the meeting, material on this topic is offered. A preparatory stage is held before the meeting, where the parents are given any task on the stated topic. The prepared task is discussed from different positions. The teacher asks for comment on this or that statement, illuminates the essence of the topic and asks questions during the discussion. For example, at what age should you seek help from a speech therapist. Several statements are offered, and parents comment, discuss these statements, share their views on this issue.

"Seminar - workshop".A teacher, parents, psychologist, and other professionals can speak at the meeting. Together with the parents, playing out or solving problem situations takes place, elements of training may be present. The topic and the leader are determined, he can be both a teacher and parents, invited specialists. For example, take the topic "The Role of Play in Children's Speech Development." A short theoretical message is prepared, then parents are invited to watch several games that children play in kindergarten. Think about which aspects of speech development are practiced in these games. Recall the games that they themselves played in childhood and which they can teach their children, their value in terms of speech development.

"Sincere conversation".The meeting is not intended for all parents, but only for those whose children have common problems (in communication with peers, aggressiveness, etc.). For example, a child is left-handed. A survey is conducted with parents in order to learn more about the characteristics of their children. And to establish exactly what degree of left-handedness the child has: weak or pronounced. The problem is discussed from all sides, specialists can be invited. Parents are given recommendations on the peculiarities of the development of such a child. Parents are offered various tasks for left-handed children in order to develop the motor skills of both hands. The psychological problems associated with left-handedness are discussed.

"Talk show". The collection of this form implies a discussion of one problem from different points of view, detailing the problem and possible ways to solve it. Parents, educators and specialists speak at the talk show. For example, let's take a 3-year crisis. Parents are offered various situations, they need to be considered from different points of view, be sure to argue for them. Defines the key concepts of the crisis

3 years, the reasons are highlighted together, then the opinions of psychologists are read out. All positions are discussed together. Parents themselves determine the ways to solve the problem.

"Evenings of questions and answers". Beforehand, parents are given the task to think over, to formulate the questions that concern them the most. In the course of discussing them with specialists, other parents, choose the best ways to solve them.

In parenting meetings of non-traditional form, you can use the followingmethods of activating parents


A method of collective thought activity that allows you to achieve understanding of each other when a common problem is personal for the whole group.

"Reverse Brainstorming, or Spread."

This method differs from "brainstorming" in that instead of postponing evaluative actions, it is proposed to show maximum criticality, pointing out all the shortcomings and weaknesses of the process, system, idea. This ensures the preparation of a solution aimed at overcoming the shortcomings.

"List of adjectives and definitions."

Such a list of adjectives determines the various qualities, properties and characteristics of an object, activity or person that need to be improved. First, qualities or characteristics (adjectives) are proposed, then they are considered each separately and it is decided in what way the corresponding characteristic can be improved or strengthened. For example, "How would you like to see your child speak on the doorstep of school?" Parents list the qualities, i.e. adjectives, and then jointly formulated ways to achieve the goal.

"Collective recording".

Each participant receives a notebook or piece of paper, where the problem is formulated and the information or recommendations necessary to solve it are given. Parents, independently of each other, determine the most important recommendations for them, enter them into a notebook. Then the notes are handed over to the teacher, he summarizes them, and the group conducts a discussion. After this technique, you can use brainstorming.

"Writing on sheets".

When discussing the problem, each parent receives a sheet of paper for notes. The teacher formulates the problem and asks everyone to suggest possible solutions. Each proposal is recorded on a separate sheet. The problem needs to be formulated clearly. For example, “How to involve a child in homework,” each parent writes his own version, then all opinions are discussed. A ban on criticism is introduced.

"Heuristic Questions".

These include 7 key questions: Who ?, What ?, Where ?, How ?, What ?, When? (Why?). If you mix these questions together, you get 21 options. By consistently pulling out such mixed questions and answering them, parents can gain a new, interesting perspective on the problem. For example, 1 and 5 combined with who what? Consistently pulling out such mixed and non-standard questions and answering them, parents see non-standard ways of solving them.

The solution of problematic tasks of family education encourages parents to search for the most suitable form of behavior, exercises in the consistency and evidence of reasoning, develops a sense of pedagogical tact. Similar problem situations are proposed for discussion. You punished the child, but later it turned out that he was not to blame. What will you do and why exactly? Or: your three-year-old daughter is playing pranks in the cafeteria, where you went for a short time, laughing, running between tables, waving her arms. You, thinking about the rest of those present, stopped her, sat her down at the table and severely reprimanded her. What kind of reaction to the actions of parents can be expected from a child who does not yet know how to understand the needs of others? What experience can a child gain in this situation?

Role-playing of family situations enriches the arsenal of ways of parental behavior and interaction with the child. For example, the following task is given: please play how you will establish contact with a crying child, etc.

Training game exercises and tasks.

Parents evaluate different ways of influencing the child and the forms of addressing him, choose more successful ones, replace unwanted constructive ones (instead of “Why didn't you put away your toys again?” - “I have no doubt that these toys obey their owner”). Or parents should determine why such words addressed to the child are unconstructive: "It's a shame!", "I am not satisfied with your" want ", you never know what you want!", "What would you do without me?" "How can you do this to me!" and others. Tasks can be performed in this form: the teacher begins the phrase: "Studying well at school means ..." or "For me, a dialogue with a child is ..." Mother or father must finish the sentence.

Parents' analysis of the child's behavior helps them understand the motives of his actions, mental and age needs.

Drawing on the experience of parents.

The teacher suggests: "What is the method of influence that more than others helps you in building relationships with your son or daughter?" Or: "Was there a similar case in your practice? Tell us about it, please," or: "Remember the reaction your child gets from the use of rewards and punishments," etc. Encouraging parents to share experiences activates their need to analyze their own successes and failures, to correlate them with the techniques and methods of upbringing used in similar situations by other parents.

Game interaction between parents and children in various forms of activity (drawing, modeling, sports games, theatrical activities, etc.) contributes to the acquisition of experience of partnership.

The proposed methods provide parents with the opportunity to model their behavior options in a playful environment. When a parent simulates his own behavior in play, his view of the educational problem expands.

The participation of parents in educational, joint leisure activities is certainly very important. And we are teachers, we must involve parents as actively as possible in this process.

You can suggest that parents choose a topic from a field of knowledge close to them and prepare an activity with their child, while explaining that this is not a story, but contests, experiments, games in which other children would actively participate. The role of a teacher is often attractive to parents, and they are willingly involved in the upbringing and educational process.

Common holidays and games, joint planning, exchange of ideas, memorizing poetry, songs, working on a role, helping to make costumes, surprises, gifts - this approach encourages parents, children and teachers to creatively collaborate with each other. Alienation is eliminated, confidence appears, many problems are solved.

Games for parenting meetings

Game "Binding Thread" or "Joyful Song"

Participants in a circle. A ball of thread is passed in a circle. The presenter wraps the edge of the thread around his finger and passes the ball to the next participant, greeting him with a joyful song: "I am very glad that Katya is in our group ...". The next participant winds the thread on his finger and sings a song to the neighbor on the right.

Game "Applause" or Exercise "Fireworks".

Participants in a circle. Each participant in turn goes into the circle, calls his name, if there is a participant with that name, then he also goes into the circle. All the others greet them with a "salute" of applause.


Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, you need to say a few words to him, praise for something, wish something good. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

"Magic glasses".

The host announces: “I want to show you the magic glasses. The one who puts them on sees only the good in others, even what a person hides from everyone. Now I will try on these glasses ... Oh, how beautiful, funny, smart you are! " Approaching each participant, the presenter names some of his advantages. “And now I want each of you to try on these glasses and take a good look at your neighbor. Maybe you will notice something that you have not noticed before. "

Exercise "Mood".

Participants take turns choosing an icon depicting their mood. They talk about him.

Game "Gift in a circle"

A basket with small souvenirs is passed in a circle, each participant must greet his neighbor on the right, express his joy at meeting him and give a gift with his wishes.

"Magic Chair".

One participant sits on a chair, the rest compliments him.

Game "Hits".

A conversation was held with the children in advance, and the children's answers were recorded on a tape recorder: What do you like to do? Your favorite dish? Favorite fairy tale? etc. At the meeting, the parents were asked the same questions: Your child's favorite food, favorite game. Parents provided responses in writing and then compared their responses with those of the children. Thus, the parents themselves made a conclusion about how well they know their child.

If during the meeting it is necessary to give parents more practical material, then this is of course there will be a seminar ... At seminars with parents, everything we talk about is played up. If this is the topic of games, then briefly introduce different types of games and offer to play these games: "Define the taste", "Wonderful bag", "The sea is worried", "Find out what has changed?", "Funny names".

If the topic of the meeting is the development of motor skills.Parents play with plasticine, cereals, dough. Conduct training for parents in finger gymnastics, suggest drawing, stroking and so on.

If the topic is related to the development of speech. To offer various games and exercises for the development of speech: "Say the opposite", "Kuzovok", "Continue the phrase", "I Ilyusha take a pear with me."

To replenish parental knowledge about psychological health,about emotional states I use psychological games, exercises for self-regulation, for reducing psycho-emotional stress.

"Creation of a drawing in a circle".

Participants draw a drawing on a piece of paper. On command, drawing stops, and the drawing is transferred to the neighbor on the right, who continues to draw further. This continues until the drawings go around the circle.

"I am the same as you"

The host is holding the ball. The one who gets it, throws it to anyone and, referring by name, explains why he is the same: I am the same as you, because ... ". The one to whom the ball was thrown expresses consent or disagreement, and turns to the other participant.

To establish positive relationships in the family, I use psychological living rooms. The very atmosphere of the living room adjusts to a calm and positive mood. Themes that she offered to parents: "Fostering respect for elders", "Family traditions", "A friendly family - strong Russia", "Fostering kindness and mercy".

Exercise "Pleasure»

Participants in the training are given sheets of paper and asked to write 10 types of daily activities that are enjoyable. Then it is proposed to rank them according to the degree of pleasure. Then explain to the participants that this is a resource that can be used as an “ambulance” to recuperate.

In the middle of each event, we use warm-up.

Purpose: relieving stress of fatigue, creating an atmosphere of psychological and communicative comfort, awakening interest in colleagues at work. For example:

Participants in a circle.

If you are happy to meet us, smile at your neighbor.

If you like it with us, then clap your hands.

If you get angry often, close your eyes.

If you express anger by banging your fist on the table, shake your head;

If you think your mood is influenced by the mood of others, wink;

If you think you are in a good mood right now, take a spin.

Pantomimic warm-up. Find a Pair

We distribute to you cards on which the name of the animal is written. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if you get a card that says "elephant", know that someone has a card that also says "elephant".

Please read what is written on your card. Do this so that only you can see the inscription. The card can now be removed. Everyone's task is to find a pair. In this case, you can use any means of expression, you can not just say anything and "make the characteristic sounds of your animal." In other words, whatever we do, we will do in silence. When you find your mate, stay close, but keep silent, do not talk. Only when all pairs are formed, we will check what you have done.

Game "Touch ...".

I will tell you what you need to touch, and you will do it.

Touch someone with blonde hair, blue eyes, and earrings. Touch someone who has a red color on their dress, who has a beautiful hairstyle ...

Traffic light game.

All participants stand in a column one at a time, holding the body in front of the one in front, hands are clasped in the lock. At the command of the leader, everyone simultaneously takes a step or a small jump in accordance with the color:

Yellow - to the right,

Green - forward

Red - back.

"Is there or not?"

The players stand in a circle and join hands, leading in the center. He explains the assignment: if they agree with the statement, they raise their hands up and shout "Yes", if they do not agree, they lower their hands and shout "No!"

● Are there fireflies in the field?

● Are there any fish in the sea?

● Does a calf have wings?

● Does the pig have a beak?

● Does the mountain have a ridge?

● Does the burrow have doors?

● Does the rooster have a tail?

● Does the violin have a key?

● Does the verse have a rhyme?

● Are there mistakes in it?

Warm-up "Vegetables"

1. I wanted to cry all of a sudden, made me shed tears ... (bow)

2. Pick up a red-cheeked bowl as soon as possible .... (radishes)

3. They finally found a green one ... (cucumber)

4. You dig a little under the bush, it will look out into the light ... (potatoes)

5. Fell on the side of a slobber ... (zucchini)

6. Is the garden empty if it grows there ... (cabbage)

7.The black people surprise the townspeople .... (eggplant)

8 For the tops, like for a rope, you can pull ... (carrots)

9.Who guys aren't familiar with white-toothed .... (garlic)

10. Holds on to the ground firmly, does not want to crawl out .... (turnip.)

Warm-ups are matched to the topics of the events

Parents meeting in an unconventional way

"In the family circle".

Objectives: search for new forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family;

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Carrying out plan:

1. Introductory remarks

2. Round table

3. Contests

4. Sharing parenting experience on family holidays

Meeting progress.

1. Preparatory stage.

Conduct a survey "Your impressions of the holidays"

Give the parents a task: draw up a pedigree, bring family photos.

2. Stage of the round table.

Do you think it is necessary to organize celebrations on the occasion of the child's birthday? (parents give their opinion)

The pupil's mother:

A child needs a holiday like air for full development. Let everyone remember their childhood, and he will understand that a holiday for a child is not something that for us is really an event in a child's life, and a child counts the days from holiday to holiday, as we count the years from one important event in our life to another ...

Educator: "This childhood would be dull and gray if we could throw the holidays out of it," as K. Ushinsky wrote. What do you think, dear parents, do the holidays help in raising a child?

(parent's statement).

The pupil's mother:

The child's mind is developed by riddles, quizzes, cognitive games. There is a holiday in the house - you need to prepare gifts in advance, decorate the room, wash everything, clean it up - this is how work enters the life of a child. And when we draw, sing, read poetry, dance, make up, listen to music - aren't we bringing up our children aesthetically? What holiday will pass without fun outdoor games, when agility and quick wits contribute to healthy growth?

The pupil's dad:

And one more thing: a family is a collective. Let it be small, of different ages, but a team. And in the holiday cares, the educational richness of collective work is clearly manifested.


But what if you have to celebrate a holiday, for example, your birthday, with your friends, adults, and the child, seeing the preparations for it, asks: “Can I celebrate with you too? ". What is your answer? Is it possible to seat children at the same festive table with adults? In what cases is it not?

(parental statements)

Strange as it may seem, but sometimes adults arrange children's parties for themselves. Adults have their own interests, conversations, and children are bored at such a holiday, and sometimes it is insulting: no one remembers the hero of the occasion. He is left at a common table, he becomes a witness to adult conversations, often intervenes in them. The child will say or do something - be it funny - it seems funny to everyone, adults expect new jokes from him. The child gets used to being the center of attention, which develops immodesty and swagger in him.

What holiday does S. Mikhalkov talk about in the poem "Poor Kostya":

If guests suddenly come

Home for a birthday cake

Mom and Dad ask Kostya:

“Sing, please, son! "

Kostya starts to crumple,

Pout, whimper and sniff.

And it's not hard to guess:

The boy doesn't want to sing.

Sing! - Mom insists, -

Just stand upright on the chair! "

Dad whispers: “Constantine,

Sing a verse! At least one! "

From annoyance and from anger

Everything boils in Kostya's chest.

Grunting, he gets up on a chair,

Sings with disgust.

And he poyen, if not strange,

Serenade Don Juan,

What did he remember

It is not known why.

Guests clap their hands:

“Oh, what a good singer! "

Someone asks: “You, baby,

Better sing "The reeds rustled ..."

Guests laugh at the table

And no one will say, “Give it up!

Stop pestering

It's time for the kid to go to bed. "

Educator: And sometimes we like to demonstrate the abilities of our child. And if there are several children present, a kind of "talent contests" are organized. But children do not like it when adults insist on performing from them. Timid children feel especially shy. You should not force them to perform, they will be much more willing to sing, dance, tell something. When it falls to them to do it during the game or a phantom. Please remember this.

On birthdays, and sometimes on holidays, we give gifts to children, they love them and are always waiting for them. What gifts do you prefer to give to your children? (experience exchange)

Do I need to give them on holidays? What kind?

(parental statements)

Gifts should be a little "for growth", but not too much, but in moderation. Each toy should develop the child's thinking, attention, memory. Do not forget about balls and rolling pins, sports equipment, sketchbooks and felt-tip pens, books, alphabet in pictures, children's songs. It is advisable that the child has several favorite books, CDs with music or cartoons before entering school. Of course, gifts for children are by no means pampering, but, nevertheless, it is easy to spoil children with gifts.

3. Competitions.

Working with the word "Family"

I name the word, and your task is to choose 10 nouns that you associate with this word.

For warm-up, the word "FAMILY" is suggested (parents quote words-associations)

What is family? The word is understandable to everyone, like "bread" and "water". It is from the first moments of life next to each of us. Family is home, dad and mom, close people. These are common concerns, joys and deeds. This is love and happiness.

What is most important in a family? It is very difficult to unequivocally answer this question. Love? Understanding? Caring and participating? Or maybe dedication and hard work? Or strict adherence to family values? (Then the definitions are read out and these pieces of paper are attached to the board)

Competition "My pedigree"

What are they - our families, families of children from our group? We can learn a lot about them by looking at the pedigrees that you have drawn up with your children. See how bright and colorful the images are.

The most complete and original designed pedigrees are selected from among the drawings.

Contest "Humorous"

Now we are about to hear funny stories from the life of parents and their children. Let's listen to your stories.

4. Exchange of parental experience about holding holidays in the family.

Now let's talk about celebrating your child's birthday. Here is the situation: Two ladies met and got into a conversation.

My son has a birthday in 2 days, - one of them happily shared.

I think I’ll invite the guys, bake pies, make salads, there will be music. Let them celebrate.

Is that all? - asked the interlocutor.

What else can you advise me? What am I to be a clown in front of them?

Imagine that such a conversation took place between you and your friend. And she asks you for advice. What would you suggest? Will the holiday be interesting if there are pies, cakes, salads on the table, music sounds? Will children remember it? How to celebrate a child's birthday? What was interesting about your family? (experience exchange)

5. Summing up the meeting. Decision-making.

1. The child becomes one year older. From year to year, explain to the children: you have become more mature, stronger, smarter, you can do more, you can do more. In many families there is a custom on birthdays to mark the growth of the child on the wall or door. Let him see how much he has grown in a year. It's good if you take a picture of your child alone or with your family on your birthday.

2. It is necessary to think about the holiday, draw up a program, invite guests in advance so that the children can get ready. Together with the child, come up with how to invite guests - these can be invitation cards, homemade postcards with children's drawings.

3. In order for the child to remember the birthday, you need to come up with a program in advance. Let it have games, attractions, contests, concerts.

How we, adults, spend the holidays, involuntarily setting an example, determines how our children will rest when they grow up, what values ​​they will cherish, what to enjoy, what to strive for. Our holidays should be fun and interesting, with inventions and pleasant surprises. Success depends on our invention and imagination. Let no one feel forgotten and lonely in your home.

Rewarding parents with letters of thanks for taking an active part in the life of the child.

Thanks for attention!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten of general developmental type No. 134 in Tomsk

"Non-traditional forms of work of teachers with parents in a preschool educational institution"

Creative Group

"Workshop of nature"

S.Yu. Zhabina, A.S. Kapitonova

N. N. Khramtsova, O. V. Sakevich ... Publisher: Teacher, 2015

  1. Title page
  2. Explanatory note

"On non-traditional forms of work with parents"

  1. Forms of work with parents in a preschool educational institution

3.1 Forms of communication between the teacher and the parents

3.2 Non-traditional forms of work with parents

3.3 Non-traditional forms of parenting meetings

3.4 Games for parenting meetings

3.5 Parents' meeting in an unconventional way

On the topic "In the bosom of the family"

  1. Bibliography


Purpose of use

Forms of communication

Information and analytical

Revealing the interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy.

  • - Conducting opinion polls;
  • - Questionnaires;
  • - Individual conversations;
  • - File cabinets;
  • - "Pedagogical piggy bank: parents for teachers", "Pedagogical piggy bank: teachers for parents" (with the aim of mutual enrichment of pedagogical skills);
  • - Correspondence by e-mail;


Familiarization of parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children. Formation of practical skills of parenting in parents

  • - Workshops
  • - Holding meetings, consultations in an unconventional form
  • - Mini-meetings
  • - Pedagogical lounge
  • - Oral pedagogical journals
  • - Research, project activities
  • - Online Magazine


Establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents, children

  • - Joint leisure, holidays
  • - Interactive leisure activities
  • - Exhibitions of works by parents and children
  • - Seminars
  • - Master classes
  • - Days of good deeds
  • - Expert Tournaments
  • - KVN

Visual and informational: informational and familiarization; outreach

Familiarization of parents with the work of a preschool institution, the peculiarities of raising children. Formation of knowledge among parents about the upbringing and development of children

  • - Booklets
  • - Electronic newspapers
  • - Days (weeks) of open doors
  • - Open views of classes and other activities of children
  • - Release of wall newspapers
  • - Using video recordings of observations of the child in the process of his activities
  • - Interchange of photos, videos about the child's life in the family and in kindergarten

Also, non-traditional forms include:

"Pedagogical living room"

Recommended at the beginning or end of the year. At these meetings, parents' participation in various activities is discussed. The questionnaire "Parent-child-kindergarten" is being conducted. Either the planned activities are discussed, or the past are analyzed and the results are summed up. At the beginning of the year, a survey is carried out so that the teacher gets to know the child better, his features. Parents are introduced to the events planned for the year, they listen to the parents' suggestions, what kind of help and support they can provide in the planned events, as well as their wishes and suggestions for the academic year. At the end of the year, at such meetings, they summarize the results of the past year, assess and analyze achievements and mistakes.

"Pedagogical conference"

When preparing an event, a preparatory stage is carried out, where parents are given an assignment on a specific topic. The prepared task is discussed from different positions. Two weeks before the meeting, parents are given materials on a certain topic, the teacher asks for comment on a particular statement, covers the essence of the topic and asks questions during the discussion. For example, a meeting in the second junior group can be devoted to the topic "Crisis of 3 years". Parents are invited to comment on several statements of the classics: how they understand this statement, then parents and teachers give their advice on the problem, how they solve it. The most successful advice is drawn up in card files or albums "Pedagogical piggy bank: parents for teachers", "Pedagogical piggy bank: teachers for parents"

"Pedagogical conference - auction"


At such a meeting, not only educators can speak, but also parents, speech therapist, psychologist and other specialists. Together with the parents, playing out or solving problem situations takes place, elements of training may be present. The topic of the meeting and the presenter are determined in advance, he can be both an educator and parents or invited specialists. For example, if a meeting is devoted to the topic of children's fears, then a teacher-psychologist will act as the moderator of such a meeting. A small theoretical message is prepared, then parents are asked to express their opinion about the causes of children's fears and how to overcome them, small situations can be played up. Further, mini-training on self-regulation is conducted with parents, game techniques for relieving anxiety and fears are demonstrated so that parents can help their children in case of difficulties.

"Sincere conversation"

Such a meeting may not be designed for all parents, but only for those whose children have common problems (for example, in communication with peers, aggressiveness, etc.). You can conduct a questionnaire on the topic, playing out situations, demonstrating short videos or video clips. The peculiarity of such a meeting is that at the end of the conversation, parents are not given specific recommendations, but they themselves come to them. For example, the topic of the meeting is “Your child is left-handed”. A questionnaire is conducted with parents in order to learn more about the peculiarity of their children, and to establish what degree of left-handedness the child has - weak or pronounced. The problem is discussed from all sides, specialists can be invited. Parents are offered various tasks for left-handed children in order to develop the motor skills of both hands. The psychological problems associated with left-handedness are discussed. At the end of such a meeting, it is necessary to think over in what form the reflection (receiving feedback) will take place: it can be a questionnaire, exchange of views and impressions from the meeting, etc.

"Master Class"

"Talk show"

A meeting organized in this form implies a discussion of one problem from different points of view, detailing the problem and possible ways of solving it. Parents, educators can speak at the Talk Show, and specialists can be invited. For example, the topic of the meeting is “Pets - Pros and Cons”, the participants of the meeting are arbitrarily divided into two subgroups, one of which defends the opinion that if there are pets in the house, then this is good, and the other - the opinion that if there are there are pets at home, this is bad. Parents are offered various situations, they need to be considered from different points of view, be sure to argue for them. All positions are discussed together. At the end of the meeting, members of each team are encouraged to move to another team if they have changed their point of view, or to stay on their team. You can also vote to determine which viewpoint wins.


Parenting training is an active form of work with parents who want to change their interaction with their own child. Both parents must participate in it. To be effective, the training should include 5-8 sessions. As a rule, it is carried out by a psychologist, who allows parents to feel like a child for a while, to relive emotionally childhood impressions again. Training assignments can be as follows: "Children's grimaces", "Favorite toy", "My fairy-tale image", "Childhood memories", etc. Also, parenting trainings can be prepared in the form of answers to questions on pedagogical problems. One question is answered by two families, which may have different opinions. The experts determine which family in the answers to the question was closest to the truth.

"Game modeling"

This form consists in role-playing problematic situations of family education, game interaction between parents and children in various children's activities, modeling ways of parenting behavior, sharing experience of family education, etc. The positive side of such forms is that they contribute to the establishment of informal contacts with parents, exclude imposing a ready-made point of view, aim at finding their own way out of the current situation.

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