V a geodakyan is the author of the theory. The evolutionary theory of sex by V. A. Geodakyan. Male and female talents

The quantitative sex ratio, psychological and social differences between the sexes, etc. The theory was proposed in 1965 by Doctor of Biological Sciences (geneticist) Vigen Geodakyan.

As V. Geodokyan notes, with the transition of man from a predominantly biological to a predominantly social evolution, the pace of development has sharply increased. But having received an unprecedented opportunity to change the environment, a person is forced to change himself. Thus, a feedback system between man and the environment arises, which accelerates evolution. The application of the evolutionary theory of sex, according to its author, should be fruitful in a comprehensive study of man, primarily in solving social problems (Geodakyan, 1994).

Belonging to the same species of Homo sapiens determines the unity of male and female within the biological world. However, the presence of reproductive anatomical and physiological differences between men and women gives biodeterminists reason to say that each sex has its own biogram, acts as a carrier of a specific genetic code, and therefore has its own biological role, which determines a number of social ones.

Change and conservation are the main opposite parameters of the idea of ​​evolution. Both the environment and the man himself are evolving. However, the environment is always larger than individual biological systems. Therefore, it is changes in the surrounding world that determine and dictate the development of man. If destructive information comes from the environment (epidemics, cold, heat, predators), the system must keep at an informational distance from the environment in order to maintain its own stability and stability. But the surrounding world also acts as a source of useful information that orients a person, indicates how he needs to change in order to survive and satisfy his own needs. In this case, the system must be in close proximity to the medium.

According to the evolutionary theory of gender by V. Geodakyan, the division into male and female, namely, into the conservative and operational components of the human biological system, is a solution to the conflict of simultaneous changes and preservation of the necessary information. The scientist notes that if we single out two flows of information: generative (the transfer of genetic information from generation to generation, from the past to the future) and ecological (the transfer of information from the environment, from the present to the future), then we can easily see that the two sexes are involved in different ways. in them. In the process of gender evolution at different stages and levels of organization, a number of mechanisms appeared that consistently ensured a closer connection between the female sex and the generative (conservative) flow, and the male with the ecological (operational) flow. Thus, compared to women, males have a high mutation rate, less additivity of inheritance of parental traits, a narrow reaction rate, higher aggressiveness and curiosity, more active search, risky behavior and other qualities that “bring closer to the environment”. All of the above signs purposefully bring the male sex to the embrasure of evolution and provide him with a preferential receipt of environmental information. In addition, long periods of pregnancy, high mortality during childbirth, feeding and caring for offspring in women actually increase the effective concentration of males in society, turn the male sex into "excessive", therefore, "cheap", "experimental", and the female - into scarce and more valuable.

As a result, the law of natural selection acquires other emphases. He operates mainly at the expense of the males, since he is more risky active, "excessive" and "cheap". Thus, the population of men decreases, however, the propensity to allow them to fully reproduce the next generations and pass on to them the necessary genetic information, which represents the state of the environment at the moment. As a result, the genetic information transmitted by generation through the female line is representative in nature, since it is based on the conservative component of the evolutionary process, and in the male line it is selective, since it is largely based on the law of natural selection.

Similarly, biodeterminists explain the emergence of psychological differences between men and women. A wider, adaptive, plastic norm of reaction to environmental changes allows women to get out of uncomfortable zones due to conformity, ability to learn, re-education, that is, adaptability. For men, a narrower zone of reaction to environmental changes makes this path impossible. Only resourcefulness, ingenuity, riskiness and determination can ensure their survival in uncomfortable conditions. In other words, a woman adapts to the situation to a greater extent, and a man comes out of it by finding a solution - discomfort stimulates development.

That is why men are more successful in solving new, extraordinary tasks that require active search. Women improve this solution. If we are talking about the development of new activities, language or writing, then two phases can be distinguished here: 1) search and development; 2) consolidation and improvement. The first phase, according to the theory, is more typical for men, and the second - for women.

Innovation in any business as a result of biological and social evolution belongs to a man. The male half of humanity was the first to master all professions and sports. Even knitting, in which the monopoly of women is now undeniable, was invented by men (Italy, XIII century). The role of the avant-garde belongs to men both in the tendency to certain diseases and to most social vices. It is the male sex that is more often exposed to "new" diseases, or, as they are called, diseases of the century, civilization, urbanization - atherosclerosis, cancer, schizophrenia, AIDS, as well as social vices - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, gambling, crime, etc. d.

Consequently, it is precisely the dual nature of evolution: simultaneous changes and the preservation of information necessary for development that provoke sexual dimorphism.

In an aggressive, both natural and social environment, the process is absent, because in any extreme conditions - earthquakes, famines, wars, diseases, migrations, repressive traditions and customs - the differences between the sexes become more noticeable. Men are becoming more masculine and women are becoming more feminine. In this case, each sex in a single process of evolution implements its own genetic program: conservative (female) and operational (male). The mission of men is to receive information from the environment, test it on future generations, and pay for it with their own health and life (Geodakyan, 1990).

In a stable environment, when there is no need for constant cardinal changes, conservative tendencies are leading. In this case, the need for the male field on the part of society is less, which means that sexual dimorphism is manifested to a lesser extent. Physical strength, endurance, activity, risky behavior, curiosity, which are so necessary in uncomfortable conditions, lose their relevance and significance in a stable natural and social environment. It is on this basis, taking into account biodeterministic theories, that such a phenomenon as the unification of the sexes appears.

According to biodeterminists / -ok, the male sex acts as a buffer, protective zone around the female nucleus. However, if there is no threat from the environment, then the need for protection disappears by itself. In this case, there is no benefit from the male sex to humanity as a biological species. From the position of , the process of unification of the sexes is nothing more than the simultaneous feminization of men, who in comfortable conditions are deprived of an active evolutionary position, and the masculinization of women, who gradually study and master new areas of life discovered by men (Shevchenko, 2011).


Geodakyan, V. A. (June 1–4, 1994). Man and woman. Evolutionary-biological purpose. Int. Conf.: Woman and Freedom. Ways to choose in a world of tradition and change(pp. 8–17). Moscow.

Geodakyan, V. A. (1990). The evolutionary theory of sex. Nature, 8 , 60–69.

Shevchenko, Z. V. (May 26-27, 2011). The problem of unification of articles: biological and social warehouse processes. Materials of the 1st All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference(pp. 93–101). Ostrog: Presentation of the National University "Ostrog Academy".

“The main question is why the floor?”
Bell (1982)

T theory V. Geodakyan can be reduced to one phrase:
Men are nature's guinea pigs.

Sex is not so much a method of reproduction, as is commonly believed,
how much way asynchronous evolution.
V. Geodakyan (1991)

To understand the phenomenon of sex, knowledge of its reproductive and recombinative role is not enough. It is necessary to know its evolutionary role. Oncedelnocavity includes two fundamental phenomena: crossing(combination of parents' genetic information ) and differentiation( division into two sexes). The presence of crossing distinguishes sexual forms of reproduction from asexual ones, the presence of differentiation distinguishes dioecious forms from hermaphroditic ones. Classical genetics, however, considers only the results of crossing individuals, therefore some phenomena associated with differentiation itself cannot be explained..

The new theory considers sex differentiation as a form of informational contact with the environment that is beneficial for the population, as evolutionary specialization in two main alternative aspects of evolution: conservation(conservative) and changes(operational).

What qualities "bring" the male sex to the environment and provide him with environmental information? Compared to women, males have a higher mutation rate, less additivity of inheritance of parental traits, a narrower reaction rate, higher aggressiveness and curiosity, more active exploratory, risky behavior. Another group of features is the huge redundancy of male gametes, their small size and high mobility, the great activity and mobility of males, and their tendency to polygamy. Long periods of pregnancy, feeding and caring for offspring in females, in fact increasing the effective concentration of males, turn the male sex into "excessive", therefore, "cheap", and the female into scarce and more valuable.

This leads to the fact that selection acts mainly due to the exclusion of males, but their great potentialities allow them to fertilize all females (in a panmictic or polygamous population). As a result, a small number of males pass on as much information to their offspring as a large number of females. We can say that the channel of communication with the offspring of the male is wider than that of the female. The hereditary information received by offspring from mothers better reflects the distribution of genotypes in the population and in past generations. Information received from fathers is more selective, it reflects the genotypes most adapted to environmental conditions.

The wide reaction rate of female individuals provides them with higher ontogenetic plasticity (adaptation), allows them to leave the zones of elimination and discomfort and group around the population norm, that is, in a stable environment, reduce their phenotypic variance. The narrow male response rate preserves their wide phenotypic variance and makes them more selective. This means that the male sex is the first to undergo evolutionary changes.

In asexual and hermaphroditic populations, information from the environment reaches all individuals:

In the case of sexual differentiation, the sequence of appearance of control information from the environment is as follows:
Wednesday → male → female

Consequently, the male sex can be considered as the evolutionary “vanguard” of the population, and sexual dimorphism in terms of the trait as the evolutionary “distance” between the sexes and as a “compass” showing the direction of evolution of this trait. (“The phylogenetic rule of sexual dimorphism”). Therefore, the traits that are more common and more pronounced in females should be of an “atavistic” nature, while the traits that are more pronounced in males should be of a “futuristic” nature (search). Maximum sexual dimorphism should be observed for evolutionarily young (new) characters.

In reciprocal hybrids of divergent forms according to evolving (new) traits, reciprocal “paternal effect”(dominance of the paternal breed, lines). According to the divergent traits of the parents, the paternal form should dominate, according to the convergent traits, the maternal one. In particular, the theory successfully predicts the existence of a paternal effect for all economically valuable traits in farm animals and plants.

A new look at the evolutionary role of sex makes it possible to better understand many of the phenomena associated with sex: sexual dimorphism (PD), sex ratio (SP), the role of sex chromosomes (HR) and sex hormones (GH), psychological differences between men and women, etc.

Instead of the earlier view of the main characteristics of a dioecious population as species-specific constants, a new one is proposed: sex ratio, dispersion and sexual dimorphism are variables, adjustable quantities, closely related to environmental conditions. Under stable conditions (optimal environment), they should fall, and under changing conditions (extreme environment), they should rise. In the first case, the evolutionary plasticity of the species decreases, while in the second it increases.

Sexual dimorphism is the "distance" between the sexes in the evolution of any trait. This is genetic information, which, due to the specialization of the sexes at the population level, has already entered the male subsystem, but has not yet reached the female subsystem.

The informational contact of the body with the environment is determined and regulated by the ratio of male (androgens) and female (estrogens) hormones in it. Androgens “bring closer” (in the informational sense) the body to the environment, and estrogens, on the contrary, “remove” it from the environment.

The revealed phylogenetic and ontogenetic patterns of sex differentiation are formulated in the form of rules.

Until now, it was believed that the division into two sexes is necessary for self-reproduction, that sex is a way breeding. But it turns out that the floor is it's rather way of evolution .

The theory allows from a unified position to answer many questions that Darwin's theory of sexual selection cannot answer and predict new phenomena.

The medicineIt becomes possible to explain sexual dimorphism in many ways. diseases. The sex ratio of morbidity depends on the phase of interaction of the population with a harmful environmental factor.

More about gender theory

First post:Boy or girl. Is the sex ratio a quantity regulated by nature? (V. A. Geodakyan). Science and life, 1965, No. 1, pp. 55–58.

Popular exposition: Evolutionary theory of sex . (A. Gordon). Program "00:30" NTV, 03/06/2002

A more complete scientific presentation:

Most recent post: Man and woman. Evolutionary biological purpose . Geodakyan V. A. Int. Conf.: Woman and freedom. Ways of choice in a world of tradition and change. Moscow, June 1–4, 1994, p. 8–17.

Copyright © 2005 -2012 S. Geodakyan. All rights reserved.

And it is used in various fields of scientific activity: the evolution of sexual reproduction, biology of plants and animals, medicine, social psychology, pedagogy and others.

The division into two sexes is a specialization in the preservation and change of information in the population. One gender should be informationally more closely connected with the environment, and be more sensitive to its changes. Increased male mortality from all environmental factors allows us to consider it operational ecological subsystem of the population. The female gender, as more stable, is conservative subsystem and preserves the existing distribution of genotypes in the population.

In the evolution of sex at different stages and levels of organization, a number of mechanisms appeared that consistently ensured a closer connection between the female sex and the generative (conservative) flow, and the male - with the ecological (operational) flow. So, in males, in comparison with females, the mutation frequency is higher, the additivity of inheritance of parental traits is less, the reaction rate is already higher, aggressiveness and curiosity are higher, exploratory, risky behavior and other qualities “bringing closer to the environment” are more active. All of them, purposefully bringing the male sex to the periphery of distribution, provide him with preferential receipt of environmental information.

Another group of features is the huge redundancy of male gametes, their small size and high mobility, the great activity and mobility of males, their tendency to polygamy and other ethological and psychological properties. Long periods of pregnancy, feeding and caring for offspring in females, in fact increasing the effective concentration of males, turn the male sex into "excessive", therefore, "cheap", and the female - into scarce and more valuable.

As a result of the conservative-operational specialization of the sexes, their asynchronous evolution occurs: new signs appear first in the operational subsystem (male) and only then fall into the conservative (female).

The male sex remains in danger zones and is subject to selection. After the action of selection, the proportion of males decreases and their genotypic dispersion narrows. In the driving environment, the transformations affect both the dispersion of the sexes and the average values ​​of the trait: the reaction norm creates a temporary, phenotypic sexual dimorphism, while selection creates a genotypic one. The male sex receives new ecological information. An increase in male mortality increases the birth rate of males through a negative feedback loop.

The sexual process and sexual differentiation act in opposite directions: the first increases the diversity of genotypes, and the second worsens it at least twice. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to call an “unequal” pair of homologous chromosomes (XY, ZW) “sex” only because they determine sex. There are much more reasons to consider them "anti-sex", since they worsen the main achievement of sex - the combinatorics of signs. The main role of the sex chromosomes is evolutionary, the creation of two forms shifted in time (female and male) for economical evolution.

The sex of the zygote is determined at conception by the sex chromosomes. Further, until the end of ontogenesis, sex hormones control sex. In mammals, the base sex is homogametic (XX) - female; and the derived sex, heterogametic (XY), is male. It is triggered by the Y chromosome, which transforms the "asexual" rudiments of the gonads of the embryo into testes that produce androgens. In the absence of a Y chromosome, the same tissues turn into ovaries, producing estrogens. In birds, the base sex is also homogametic (ZZ), but it is male; and the derived female has a heterogametic constitution (ZW). It is triggered by the W chromosome, which turns the primordia into ovaries that produce estrogen. In the absence of the W chromosome, the same tissues turn into androgen-producing testes. That is, in mammals, androgens move males from females to the environment, and in birds, estrogens remove females from males and the environment. In both cases, the male sex is "environmental" and the female is "systemic". Sex hormones determine the development of not only the signs of sexual differentiation (sexual dimorphism), but also the asymmetry of the brain, hands and other parts of the body (lateral dimorphism). Estrogens, by expanding the rate of reaction, allow female phenotypes to leave the selection zones and persist. They act "centripetally", removing and isolating the system from the environment. Androgens, their chemical antagonists, act, on the contrary, "centrifugally", bringing the system closer to the environment, exposing it to a more intense selection action and accelerating evolution. Consequently, the androgen-estrogen ratio regulates the intensity of the informational contact of the system with the environment.

The evolutionary theory of sex considers increased male mortality as a form of informational contact with the environment that is beneficial for the population, carried out through the elimination of a part of the population by a harmful environmental factor. For example, all the "new" diseases, diseases of the "century" or "civilization" (heart attack, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc.), as a rule, are male diseases.

Under changing, extreme environmental conditions, male mortality rises and the tertiary sex ratio of the population falls. The more variable the environment, the less males remain in the population and, at the same time, the more they are required for adaptation. The only way to compensate for a decrease in the tertiary sex ratio is by raising the secondary. In other words, in extreme environmental conditions, both the mortality and birth rate of males will simultaneously increase, that is, their “turnover” will increase.

Negative feedback is realized in plants through the amount of pollen, and in animals through the intensity of sexual activity, aging, affinity and death of gametes. At the same time, a small amount of pollen, intense sexual activity of males, fresh sperm and old eggs should lead to an increase in the birth rate of males.

To implement the population mechanism, it is necessary that the probability of having a descendant of a given sex differ in different individuals and be determined by their genotype. At the same time, there should be an inverse relationship between the reproductive rank of a given individual and the sex of its offspring: the higher the reproductive rank, the more offspring of the opposite sex should be. In this case, regulation can be carried out at the population level - by greater or lesser participation in the reproduction of individuals that produce an excess of males or females in the offspring.

To each offspring, the father and mother transmit approximately the same amount of genetic information, but the amount of offspring to which the male can transfer genetic information is incomparably greater than the amount to which the female can transfer information. Each male, in principle, can transmit information to all the offspring of the population, while females are deprived of such an opportunity. That is, the throughput - "section" - of the communication channel of the male with the offspring is much greater than the cross section of the communication channel of the female.

In a strictly monogamous population, the number of fathers and mothers is equal, that is, males and females have the same "channel cross section" of communication with offspring. In the case of polygyny, when there are fewer fathers than mothers, males have a larger "section" of the communication channel. In the case of polyandry, the opposite is true.

A wide reaction rate makes the female sex more variable and plastic in ontogeny. It allows females to leave the zones of elimination and discomfort, gather in the zone of comfort and reduce phenotypic variance and mortality.

The narrower reaction rate of the male does not allow him to reduce the phenotypic variance. Male individuals remain in the zones of elimination and discomfort and die or do not leave offspring. This allows the population to “pay” for new information, first of all, by the sacrifice of males.

The high ontogenetic plasticity of the female ensures its high stability in phylogenesis. In a number of generations, the female sex more fully preserves the distribution of genotypes in the population. The genotypic distribution of the male sex changes much more strongly. Consequently, in the phylogenetic plan, the male sex is more variable and plastic, and in the ontogenetic one, on the contrary, the female sex is more plastic and variable. Such a seemingly paradoxical distribution of roles in phylogenesis and ontogenesis, in fact, consistently and consistently implements the idea of ​​specialization of the sexes according to the conservative and operational tasks of evolution.

In a stable environment, all transformations of genetic information affect the variances of the sexes, but do not affect the mean values ​​of the traits. Therefore, there is no sexual dimorphism. There is only a difference in the dispersion, which disappears in the transition to the next generation. However, it is necessary that genotypic sexual dimorphism according to the reaction rate exist in advance (in the stable phase), moreover, genetic information about a wide reaction rate should be transmitted only through the female line, and about a narrow one - only through the male line.

In the driving environment, the phenotypic distribution of males, prior to selection, roughly replicates the original genotypic distribution. The wide reaction norm of the female sex leads to a shift in the distribution of phenotypes and to the appearance of temporary - phenotypic - sexual dimorphism. The female sex leaves the zones of selection and discomfort, and retains the spectrum of past genotypes. The resulting difference between male and female gametes is partially preserved after fertilization, since the information transmitted through the Y-chromosome never gets from father to daughter. In favor of the fact that part of the genetic information remains in the male subsystem and does not fall into the female subsystem, the existence of reciprocal effects also testifies - the fact that during hybridization it is not indifferent from which breed the father is, but from which mother.

So, the different cross-section of the channel and the rate of reaction of the male and female, in the driving environment, inevitably lead, already in one generation, to the emergence of genotypic sexual dimorphism. In subsequent generations, in the driving environment, it can accumulate and grow.

If we pass to the phylogenetic time scale, then in dioecious forms, after the change of the stabilizing environment to the driving one, for many generations the trait changes only in the male sex. For females, the old value of the trait is retained. The trajectory of the evolution of the trait bifurcates into male and female branches, there is a "divergence" of the trait in the two sexes - the appearance and growth of genotypic sexual dimorphism. This - divergent the phase in which the rate of evolution of the trait is greater in males.

After some time, when the possibilities of the norm of reaction and other mechanisms of protection of the female sex are exhausted, the sign begins to change in him too. Genotypic sexual dimorphism, having reached its optimum, remains constant. This - stationary a phase when the rate of evolution of a trait in males and females is equal. When a trait reaches a new evolutionarily stable value in a male, it continues to change in a female. This - convergent the phase of the evolution of a trait, when its speed is greater in the female. Genotypic sexual dimorphism gradually decreases and, when the characters merge in the two sexes, disappears. Therefore, the phases of the evolution of a trait in males and females are shifted in time: in males they begin and end earlier than in females.

Since the evolution of a trait always begins with the expansion of its genotypic variance and ends with its narrowing, then in the divergent phase, the variance is wider in males, and in the convergent phase, in females. This means that according to sexual dimorphism and dispersion of sexes, one can judge the direction and phase of the evolution of a trait.

All signs can be divided into three groups according to the degree of difference between the sexes.

The first group includes those signs according to which there is no difference between the male and female sexes. These include qualitative features that are manifested at the species level - a common plan for both sexes and the fundamental structure of the body, the number of organs, and many others. There is no sexual dimorphism in these characters. But it is observed in the field of pathology. Girls are more likely to show atavistic anomalies (returns or stops in development), while boys have futuristic anomalies (search for new ways). For example, among 4,000 newborn children with three kidneys, there were 2.5 times more girls than boys, and among 2,000 children with one kidney, there were about 2 times more boys. Recall that our distant ancestors in each segment of the body had a pair of excretory organs - metanephridia. Therefore, three kidneys in girls is a return to the ancestral type (an atavistic direction), and one kidney in boys is a futuristic trend. The same picture is observed among children with an excess number of ribs, vertebrae, teeth, etc., that is, organs that have undergone a decrease in the number in the process of evolution - there are more girls among them. Among newborns with their shortage, there are more boys. A similar picture is observed in the distribution of congenital heart defects and major vessels.

The second group includes signs that occur only in one sex. These are primary and secondary sexual characteristics: genitals, mammary glands, a beard in a person, a mane in a lion, as well as many economic characteristics (production of milk, eggs, caviar, etc.). Sexual dimorphism for them is genotypic in nature, since these characters are absent in the phenotype of one sex, but hereditary information about these characters is recorded in the genotype of both sexes. Therefore, if they evolve, then there must be genotypic sexual dimorphism for them. It is found in the form of reciprocal effects.

The third group of characters is in the middle between the first (no sexual dimorphism) and the second group (sexual dimorphism is absolute). It includes signs that are found in both males and females, but are distributed in the population with different frequency and severity. These are quantitative signs: height, weight, sizes and proportions, many morphophysiological and ethological-psychological signs. Sexual dimorphism in them manifests itself as the ratio of their average values. It is valid for the entire population, but may be reversed for a single pair of individuals. It is this sexual dimorphism that serves as a "compass" for the evolution of a trait.

Sexual dimorphism is closely related to the evolution of a trait: it should be absent or minimal for stable traits and maximal, most pronounced, for phylogenetically young (evolving) traits. Like the other two main characteristics of a dioecious population - dispersion and sex ratio, sexual dimorphism is considered not as a constant characteristic of a given species, as previously thought, but as a variable and adjustable value, closely related to environmental conditions and determining, in turn, evolutionary plasticity. sign. Since in a changeable, extreme environment, greater plasticity is required than in a stable (optimal) one, then sexual dimorphism in a stable environment should decrease, and in a changeable one it should increase.

Sexual dimorphism should be associated with the reproductive structure of the population: in strict monogamous it should be minimal, since monogamous use sex specialization only at the level of the organism; in polygamous species, which make fuller use of the advantages of differentiation, it should increase with increasing degree of polygamy.

According to the characteristics inherent in only one sex (primary and secondary sexual characteristics, as well as many economically valuable characteristics: the production of eggs, milk, caviar), sexual dimorphism has an absolute, organismic character. Since these characters are absent in the phenotype of one sex, genotypic sexual dimorphism can be judged from them by reciprocal effects. If, according to the “old” (stable) traits, the genetic contribution of the father to the offspring is, on average, somewhat less than the contribution of the mother (due to the maternal effect due to cytoplasmic heredity, homogametic constitution and uterine development in mammals), then according to the “new” traits, according to evolutionary theory gender, there must be some dominance of paternal traits over maternal ones.

The paternal effect is established by alcoholism in humans, by the instinct of incubation, precocity, egg production and live weight in chickens, by growth dynamics, the number of vertebrae and the length of the small intestine in pigs, by milk yield and milk fat production in cattle. The presence of a paternal effect on milk yield and egg production means nothing more than a higher genotypic "milk yield" in bulls and "egg production" in roosters than in cows and hens of the same breeds.

Since the female sex specializes more in the genetic flow of information and communications within the population, they should have better developed language and verbal abilities. The ethological features of the female sex are aimed at preserving the old, already mastered and improving the solutions already found. Females are more eager to adapt to the environment, survive and leave offspring. Therefore, they are more malleable, more influenced by the environment, and learn more effectively.

On the other hand, the ecological specialization of males may explain their better developed spatial-visual abilities, more related to the environment (protection, hunting, fighting enemies). Behavioral features of the male sex are aimed at changing the old and have the character of searching for new solutions. They are more likely to exhibit more risky, “exploratory” behavior, are less trained and less conforming.

Based on an evolutionary approach, an analysis was made of psychological differences between the sexes in verbal and physical abilities, impulsivity and sensation seeking, as well as in the learning process, the psychology of creativity, differences in status preferences and the desire for power and control. . Trofimova proposed an addition to Geodakyan's theory in the form of the concept of "redundancy prunning". This concept describes the tendency of the male part of the sex to reduce unnecessary degrees of freedom by violating accepted rules and conventions.

According to Geodakyan, the concept of sex theory, about the separation of new and old information over many generations, allows us to explain a number of incomprehensible phenomena in anthropology. So in the Turkmen population, a clear gender difference was found by the method of a generalized portrait - female portraits fit into one type, and male portraits into two types. A similar phenomenon was observed by R. M. Yusupov in the craniology of the Bashkirs - female skulls were close to the Finno-Ugric type (geographically, these are the northwestern neighbors of modern Bashkirs), and male skulls were close to Altai, Kazakh and others (eastern and southeastern neighbors ) . In the Udmurt population, dermatoglyphics in women corresponded to the northwestern type, and in men - to the East Siberian. L. G. Kavgazova noted the similarity of the dermatoglyphics of the Bulgarians with the Turks, while the Bulgarians were closer to the Lithuanians. The female forms of the phenotypes show the original ethnos, while the male forms show the number of sources and the direction of gene flows. The facts given above show the Finno-Ugric origin of the Udmurt and Bashkir ethnic groups, which differ in culture and language. The four-modal distribution of the skulls of the male part of the population, according to V. Geodakyan, is explained by the influence of three different invasions from the south and east. The direction of gene flows in these populations is from southeast to northwest, and for the population of Bulgarians - from south to north. He also claims that the island population (Japanese), in full accordance with the theory, is monomodal for both sexes.

Under optimal, stable environmental conditions, when there is no need for high evolutionary plasticity, the main characteristics decrease and have a minimum value - that is, the birth rate (and at the same time the death rate) of boys decreases, their diversity and the difference between the male and female sexes decrease. All this reduces the evolutionary plasticity of the population. In extreme conditions of a changeable environment, when high evolutionary plasticity is required for rapid adaptation, reverse processes take place: simultaneously, the birth rate and mortality (that is, “turnover”) of the male sex, its diversity, and sexual dimorphism become clearer. All this increases the evolutionary plasticity of the population.

A trait evolves - if there is sexual dimorphism in it, and is stable - when there is no sexual dimorphism.

"If for any trait there is genotypic population sexual dimorphism, then this trait evolves from the female form to the male" .

The rule is part of the "Evolutionary Theory of Sex". From the point of view of the systematic approach applied by V. A. Geodakyan in 1965 to the problem of sex, sexual dimorphism is considered as a consequence of the asynchronous evolution of the sexes. Therefore, sexual dimorphism occurs only on evolving characters. This is the evolutionary "distance" between the sexes, which appears with the beginning of the evolution of a trait and disappears with its end. Accordingly, sexual dimorphism can be the result of any kind of selection, not just sexual selection, as Darwin believed.

If the variance of a trait in a male is greater than in a female, evolution is in divergent phase, if the variances of the sexes are equal - the phase of evolution stationary, if the variance is greater for the female, then the phase convergent. Dispersion is the diversity of traits in males and females.

By analogy with the sex ratio for different stages of ontogeny, one can also distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary gender dispersion. Since dispersion is associated with traits, and in the zygote most of the traits are still in potency, the primary dispersion should be understood as those potencies from which the trait will be realized in the adult definitive stage.

It was found that female offspring inherit parental traits more additively (intermediate, arithmetic mean inheritance) than male offspring. Differences between male and female mice have been observed for the relative weights of the adrenals, thymus, gonads, and pituitary glands, as well as genes responsible for locomotor activity.

Greater phenotypic male variance is one of the main provisions of the evolutionary theory of sex. Since phenotypic variance reflects genotypic variance, it can be expected that in males it should be wider due to mutations and non-additive inheritance of traits. The degree of connection of the genotype with the phenotype (reaction rate) also determines the magnitude of the phenotypic variance.

It can also be said that the female form of the trait is more characteristic of the initial, juvenile stage of ontogeny, while the male form is more characteristic of the definitive, mature stage. In other words, female forms of traits should, as a rule, weaken with age, and male forms should increase.

Even Darwin drew attention to a closer connection between the female sex and the initial phase of ontogeny. He wrote: “In the whole animal kingdom, if the male and female sexes differ from each other in appearance, it is modified, with rare exceptions, the male and not the female, because the latter usually remains similar to the young animals of its kind and to other members of the whole groups". Anthropologists also noted the closeness of the female type with the childish type (more gracile bones, weakly pronounced superciliary arches, less body hair, etc.).

A striking example is the relationship between the degree of development of horns, in different species of deer and antelopes, with the age of their appearance in males and females: the more pronounced the horniness in the species as a whole, the earlier the horns appear: first in males and later in females. The ontogenetic rule of sexual dimorphism was confirmed on 16 anthropometric characters: the relative length of the legs, forearm, 4th and 2nd fingers, head index, circumference of the dental arch, epicanthus, hump of the back of the nose, hairiness of the body, face and head, concentration of erythrocytes in the blood , pulse rate, gallbladder emptying rate, brain asymmetry, reaction time, phenylthiourea bitter taste sensation, and sense of smell.

“In reciprocal hybrids, according to the divergent traits of the parents, the paternal form (breed) should dominate, and according to the convergent ones, the maternal one.”

“Developmental anomalies that have an “atavistic” nature should appear more often in the female sex, and those that have a “futuristic” nature (search) should appear in the male. According to species (and higher ranks of generality) features (multicellularity, warm-bloodedness, number of organs, plan and fundamental structure of the body, etc.), there is no sexual dimorphism in the norm. It is observed only in the field of pathology and is expressed in a different frequency of the appearance of certain congenital malformations in males and females. Classification (distant predecessors - among them there are more girls. Among newborns with their shortage - on the contrary, there are more boys. .

The rule was also tested on the material of congenital heart defects and great vessels (32 thousand cases). It has been shown that female developmental anomalies are in the nature of preserving the embryonic features of the structure of the heart, characteristic of the last stages of intrauterine development, or signs characteristic of species that are on the lower rungs of the evolutionary ladder (the recent past) (open oval hole in the interatrial septum and Botall duct) . Elements of "male" defects (stenosis, coarctation, transposition of the great vessels) have a "futuristic" nature (search).

Müller, establishing a connection between the phenomena of phylogenesis and ontogenesis (ontogenesis is a brief repetition of phylogenesis).

If, for simplicity, we are not talking about the organism as a whole, but only about one of its traits, then the phenomenon of phylogenesis is the dynamics (appearance and change) of a trait on an evolutionary time scale, in the history of a species. The phenomenon of ontogeny is the dynamics of a trait in the life history of an individual. Consequently, the Haeckel-Muller law connects the ontogenetic and phylogenetic dynamics of a trait.

In 1965, V. A. Geodakyan discovered a pattern linking the phenomenon of population sexual dimorphism with phylogeny. "If for any trait there is genotypic population sexual dimorphism, then this trait evolves from the female to the male form."

In 1983, he also theoretically predicted a pattern linking the phenomenon of sexual dimorphism with ontogeny. “If there is population sexual dimorphism for any trait, then in ontogeny this trait changes, as a rule, from the female form to the male one.”

Let us introduce the concepts of two forms of a trait associated with the time vector in each of the three phenomena (phylogenesis, ontogenesis, and sexual dimorphism). In the phylogenesis of a trait, we will distinguish between its “atavistic” and “futuristic” forms, in the ontogenesis of a trait, its “juvenile” (young) and “definitive” (adult) forms, and in population sexual dimorphism, its “female” and “male” forms . Then the generalized regularity connecting the phenomena of phylogenesis, ontogenesis and sexual dimorphism can be formulated as a “correspondence rule” between atavistic, juvenile And female forms of signs, on the one hand, and between futuristic, definitive And male forms on the other.

The “correspondence rule” can be extended to other phenomena systemically related to phylogenesis and ontogenesis (evolution), in which past and future forms can be distinguished. For example, the phenomenon of mutation (the phylogenetic process of the emergence of genes), the phenomenon of dominance (the ontogenetic process of the manifestation of genes), the phenomenon of heterosis and reciprocal effects. The connection between the phenomena of phylogenesis, ontogenesis, mutation, dominance and sexual dimorphism is indicated by such well-known facts as: a higher degree of spontaneous mutations in males; more additive inheritance of parental traits by female offspring, and hence more dominant inheritance by male offspring; , make it possible, knowing one phenomenon, to predict the other two. It is known that in the distant phylogenetic predecessors of man, the eyes were located laterally, their visual fields did not overlap, and each eye was connected only with the opposite hemisphere of the brain - contralaterally. In the process of evolution, in some vertebrates, including human ancestors, in connection with the acquisition of stereoscopic vision, the eyes moved forward. This led to the overlap of the left and right visual fields and to the emergence of new ipsilateral connections: the left eye - the left hemisphere, the right eye - the right one. Thus, it became possible to have visual information from the left and right eyes in one place - for their comparison and depth measurement. Therefore, the ipsilateral connections are phylogenetically younger than the contralateral ones. Based on the phylogenetic rule, it is possible to predict evolutionarily more advanced ipsi connections in males than in females - that is, sexual dimorphism in the proportion of ipsi/contra fibers in the optic nerve. Based on the ontogenetic rule, it is possible to predict an increase in the proportion of ipsi fibers in ontogeny. And since visual-spatial abilities and three-dimensional imagination are closely related to stereoscopy and ipsi connections, it becomes clear why they are better developed in men. This explains the observed differences between men and women in understanding geometric problems, orienting and determining directions, reading drawings and geographical maps (see, for example, // Behavioral Neuroscience).

Applying the same rules to the human olfactory receptor leads to the conclusion that, in phylogenesis, the human sense of smell, in contrast to vision, deteriorates. Since, as has been shown, the olfactory fibers atrophy with age and their number in the olfactory nerve steadily decreases, it can be predicted that their number in women should be greater than in men.

The prediction was confirmed by the analysis of 31814 patients with congenital heart and great vessels. Excess muscles are 1.5 times more likely to be found in men than in women.

Criticism of the theory of sex as a whole is absent in the literature. Criticism of certain aspects is sometimes encountered. For example, in the book by L. A. Gavrilov and N. S. Gavrilova, sex differences in life expectancy are analyzed. With regard to the greater variability of traits in males responsible for their increased mortality, the authors note that "this hypothesis does not reveal a specific molecular genetic mechanism leading to a longer lifespan of females." And they write in the same place that this drawback “can be eliminated in principle in the course of further development and concretization of this hypothesis.” They believe that the prediction of the theory about the predominance of men among centenarians does not agree with the facts, because, firstly, “as life expectancy increases, so do the differences in this characteristic between men and women” and, secondly, “in recent years, in In developed countries, there is an accelerated decline in mortality among older women compared to men. They also believe that "the long life span of females is not at all a general biological pattern." It should be noted that the conclusion about the longer life span of females in most of the studied species was made long before the appearance of the theory of sex in a number of works.

The provisions of the theory of sex ratio and "The Phenomenon of the War Years" were discussed in the work of V. Iskrin

Since Charles Darwin himself believed that the male sex changes earlier, the main position of V. Geodakyan's concept that the evolution of the sexes occurs asynchronously does not contradict Darwin's theory of evolution. Recently, a new term “male-driven evolution” has even been widely used in the West. The theory of V. Geodakyan supplements and expands the theory of sexual selection by Charles Darwin, noting that sexual dimorphism can arise as a result of any (not just sexual) selection. A. S. Kondrashov in the classification of sex theories placed it in the category of “Immediate benefit hypothesis” (immediate benefit) since selection among “cheap” males and male gametes is more effective.

V. Geodakyan's theory analyzes the process of sexual differentiation, and therefore does not contradict numerous theories trying to explain the emergence and maintenance of sexual reproduction, since they focus on the process of crossing.

Among theories of dioecy, sex theory is more general than Parker's (1972), which explains sexual differentiation at the level of gametes and only in aquatic animals.

Geodakyan V.A. The role of sexes in the transfer and transformation of genetic information // Problems of information transfer. 1965. V. 1. No. 1. S. 105-112.

Geodakyan V.A. Differential mortality and reaction rate of males and females // Zhurn. total biol. 1974. V. 35. No. 3.

Geodakyan V.A. Evolutionary logic of sex differentiation // Priroda. 1983. No. 1. S. 70-80.

Geodakyan V.A. Ontogenetic rule of sexual dimorphism // Dokl. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1983. V. 269. No. 12. S. 477-482.

Geodakyan V.A. On Theoretical Biology / Methodological Aspects of Evolutionary Doctrine. Kyiv, 1986.

Geodakyan V.A. Theory of gender differentiation in human problems // Man in the system of sciences. M., 1989. S. 171-189.

Geodakyan V.A. Evolutionary theory of sex // Nature. 1991. No. 8.


Geodakyan V.A. Two genders: why and why? SPb., 1992.


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    Promotes building self-confidence and realizing that math is not easy to understand, but this is quite normal.

    Promotes the realization that the right answers do not come about by magic, but as a result of thinking, and that there are several ways to arrive at the same answer.

    Promotes self-confidence and gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the material that the child goes through in school.

    Promotes keeping the child motivated for further work.

    Promotes turning math problems and examples from a test into a fun game.

    Promotes practice of oral and multiple counting.

    Promotes math or any other activity you want to encourage.

    In this section, you will find games and activities that will come in handy at any time when you are just talking to your child on the way to school, at meals, in line, even in bed before bed.

    Promotes practicing mental counting and understanding mathematical patterns.

    Promotes development of the technique of oral counting, tasks of increased complexity are possible.

    Promotes awareness of proportion and scale.

    Promotes mastering simple fractions.

    Promotes the formation of the skills of evaluation and estimation, as well as the perception of infinitely large values.

    Promotes development of arithmetic skills, perception of forms.

    Promotes the skill of multiplying or dividing by 7 (and other numbers).

    You will need calculator.

    Promotes developing pre-assessment and calculation skills using a calculator.

    Promotes the assimilation of simple fractions and the ability to divide in the mind.

    Promotes development of oral counting and preliminary assessment skills.

    In this section you will find a variety of games and tasks that will help develop your child's analytical thinking and keep him busy for a long time.

    Promotes mastering actions with simple fractions, percentages, introduces pie charts.

    Promotes strengthening multiplication skills.

    Promotes to consolidate the skill of preliminary assessment and approximate calculations.

    Promotes reproduction of geometric shapes and precise dimensions.

    Promotes development of interest in geometry.

    Promotes to consolidate the skill of addition and teaches how to handle money.

    You will need a jar filled with dry bulk products (beans or raisins are suitable).

    Promotes conscious perception of numbers and the ability to think in large quantities.

    You will need sheet of A4 paper.

    Promotes development of geometric thinking.

    You will need a clock with a second hand or a stopwatch or timer in your mobile phone.

    Promotes development of counting skills and a sense of time.

    Promotes development of counting skills and understanding of combinatorics.

    Promotes the formation of counting skills and ideas about monetary units.

    There are as many situations when God himself ordered to practice calculations with a child: a queue, sitting under the door at the doctor's office, shopping. In this section, you will find several short games that will help brighten up the wait at such moments. They take minutes and require no props.


    Promotes developing counting, guessing and strategic thinking skills.

    Promotes development of oral counting skills and the study of the multiplication table.

    Promotes learning the multiplication table.

    Promotes counting in twos, threes, fives, tens, etc.

    Promotes honing the multiplication table by 3 or by 5 (or any other), consolidating the skill of dividing by a given number.

    Promotes development of guesswork and oral counting skills.

    Promotes development of mathematical language and geometric thinking.

    Promotes the development of logic and ideas about various numerical sets.

    Promotes better assimilation of any mathematical material, from basic arithmetic operations to divisors and multiples.

    Promotes fixing any mathematical material that needs additional elaboration, from the multiplication table to geometry.


    Promotes developing confidence in counting operations.

    In this section you will find a variety of math games that are best played at home. Some of them will require some special equipment or purchase (a graffiti surface, measuring tapes, a magnetic darts set, a clock with hands), but all this promises such opportunities for practicing mathematics with a child that any expense and effort with will pay off handsomely.

    Promotes visibility of the flow of reasoning when you are explaining or looking for a solution.

    Promotes the ability to tell time by the clock. A watch with hands and a dial is a great help to memorize the multiplication table for 5.

    Promotes the formation of ideas about metric systems and the translation of English metric units into decimal ones.

    Promotes understanding the nature of the process and units of measurement.

    Promotes development of mental counting skills, doubling or tripling techniques in the mind, counting backwards, calculating the reduced.

    Promotes the development of computational skills, including complex tricks such as finding a multiple, divisors, etc.

    Promotes the ability to determine and count time, the development of oral counting and the formation of good habits.

    Promotes developing the technique of quick addition in the mind.

    Although many of the games described in this book can be played when the whole family is around the table, we have chosen to highlight games and activities that are directly related to either cooking or eating. You will find them in this section.

    Promotes development of counting skills and estimates.

    Promotes the ability to keep a schedule, count time forward and backward, make a schedule.

    Promotes mastering simple fractions, actions with fractions (addition and expansion).

    Promotes realizing that equal shares can look different.

    Promotes development of geometric thinking and introduces the properties of triangles.

    Promotes development of conversational skills and mathematical imagination.

    Going to the store opens up a lot of opportunities for playing with money and looking for numerical patterns.

    Promotes development of skills in estimation, evaluation and comparison of values, practical application of school knowledge.

    Promotes the formation of ideas about the coefficient and proportion, as well as the development of the skill of division.

    Promotes development of oral counting skills and quick selection of terms up to a given amount.

    Promotes perception of the magnitude of the angle and distance, as well as awareness of the importance of precise instructions; forms the ability to set a program of action.

    Promotes the formation of the skill of estimation and multiplication.

    In this section, you will find games and activities that will be especially useful to you on the road. When you and your child are traveling somewhere in a car or on a train, looking out the window can be useful for business.

    Promotes recognition of numbers, numerical digits, work with identical expressions.

    Promotes the formation of the skill of preliminary assessment.

    Promotes the development of mathematical conjecture (the ability to guess the answer when it is impossible to calculate).

    Promotes learning the rules of addition.

    Promotes ability to keep score and assess risks.

    Promotes development of an estimate and a sense of time.

    Promotes assimilation of numbers, assessment of chances, probabilistic forecasting.

    Promotes formation of ideas about sociological research, ratings, percentages.

    Promotes oral technique.

    Promotes the formation of ideas about the speed and scaling of quantities.

    Thematically, all the games and activities that you will find in this section can be linked to what the child and you do before bed: bathing, talking about how the day went, bedtime stories.

    The evening is generally conducive to intimate communication, and at the same time you can play together.

    Promotes perception of volume, develops the connection between volume and form.

    Promotes developing charting skills.

    Promotes the skill of working with pie charts, forms ideas about proportionality and percentage.

    Promotes the ability to find the unknown.

    Promotes the assimilation of simple and decimal fractions and the number series.

    Promotes development of the perception of numbers, makes us think about the mathematics around us.

    If in the previous sections no additional props were required for mathematical fun, then here you need to prepare something, for example, remember where a deck of cards is at home or a walking board game with a playing field, a die and chips.

    You will need any board game with a playing field, chips and a dice.

    Promotes the formation of skills of addition and multiplication.

    You will need a deck of playing cards and three players.

    Promotes development of arithmetic skills.

    You will need deck of playing cards.

    Promotes development of arithmetic skills.

    You will need sheet of paper and pencil.

    Promotes development of strategic thinking.

    You will need some raisins, beans, small pasta or chips (one thing).

    Promotes the formation of the skill of dividing and selecting divisors of a number.

    You will need deck of playing cards.

    Promotes concentration during counting and reaction development.

    You will need paper and pencils.

    Promotes mastery of mathematical language.

    You will need paper and pencil.

    Promotes development of mental counting skills from elementary addition to complex calculations, such as: raising to a power, extracting square roots, operations with fractions and negative numbers (depending on the level of knowledge of the material).

    You will need an hourglass for 3 minutes (at worst, a timer on your phone will do) and a photocopy of the table, which you will find on the next page.

    Promotes mastering the multiplication table.

    Anything can prompt us to talk about mathematics, whether it is a cap on a car wheel or a swing on a playground. Try to help your child see mathematics around: in the park, in the garden, on the street.

    Promotes the skill of figure recognition and probabilistic forecasting.

    Promotes studying the properties of triangles, developing measuring and evaluating skills.

    Promotes the perception of time, the assimilation of cause-and-effect relationships, develops probabilistic forecasting.

    Promotes the formation of the concept of "curve".

    Promotes multiplication and division by two, introduces the principle of leverage and the law of balance.

    Promotes the formation of ideas about the direction and angle of rotation.

    Promotes solving problems, developing geometric thinking and measuring skills.

    Promotes practical application of the similarity of triangles, the development of evaluative skills.

    If a person thinks poorly, then he probably thinks that "mathematics" and "magic" are synonyms, and mathematics itself is a mystery covered in darkness, which is impossible to comprehend. In this section you will find simple numerical tricks that will not only help diversify your mental counting activities, but will also make the child feel, if not a wizard, then at least a sorcerer's apprentice.

    Promotes development of oral skills.

    Promotes development of oral skills.

    You will need calculator.

    Promotes the skill of multiplication and the selection of divisors.

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Add information about the person


Worked at Lebedev Physical Institute, Institute of Molecular Biology, Biophysics, General Genetics, Developmental Biology, Institute of Man.

Since 1990, he has been a leading researcher at the Bioacoustics Laboratory of the Institute for Ecology and Evolution Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A.N. Severtsova.

Evolutionary Sex Theory

The first publication of Vigen Artavazdovich Geodakyan, devoted to the problem of sex, appeared in 1965 in the popular scientific journal Science and Life. Since then, more than 150 works have been published on the theory of sex and related issues - life span, brain and hand differentiation, sex chromosomes, regulatory mechanisms in plants and animals, heart defects and other diseases, and even culture. The theory was repeatedly written on the pages of the periodical press. V. A. Geodakyan made presentations at many domestic and international congresses, conferences and symposiums, he delivered hundreds of lectures. Two conferences were devoted exclusively to theory (St. Petersburg, Russia, 1990, 1992). The theory has already been included in textbooks (V. Vasilchenko, 1986, 2005; A.A. Tkachenko et al. 2001; N. Ikonnikova, 1999) and is included in the teaching programs of a number of Russian university) universities and institutes.

Scientific interests

  • theoretical evolutionary biology
  • genetics
  • neurobiology
  • theory of systems, information, etc.


  • Geodakyan VA The role of sexes in the transmission and transformation of genetic information. Probl. transmission of information 1965a, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 105–112.
  • Geodakyan VA On the existence of a feedback that regulates the sex ratio. In: Problems of Cybernetics. Moscow: Fizmatgiz, 1965b, no. 13, p. 187–194.
  • Geodakyan V. A., Kosobutsky V. I. Regulation of sex ratio by feedback mechanism. DAN SSSR, 1967, vol. 173, no. 4, p. 938–941.
  • Geodakyan V. A., Kosobutsky V. I., Bileva D. S. Negative feedback regulation of sex ratio. Genetics, I967, No. 9, p. 153–163.
  • Differentiation into permanent and operative memory in genetic systems. Geodakyan V.A., Proceedings of the conference "Structural levels of biosystems" 1967.
  • Geodakyan V. A., Smirnov N. N. Sexual dimorphism and evolution of lower crustaceans. In: Problems of evolution. (N.N. Vorontsov, ed.). Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1968, v. 1, p. 30–36.
  • Geodakyan V. A., Kosobutsky V. I. The nature of the feedback that regulates the floor. Genetika, 1969, v.5, no. 6, p. 119–126.
  • Organization of living and non-living systems. Geodakyan V. A. In: System Research, M., Nauka, 1970, p. 49–62.
  • Congenital heart defects and gender. Geodakyan V. A., Sherman A. L. Experimental surgery and anesthesiology. 1970, no. 2, p. 18–23.
  • Geodakyan V.A. Theory of systems and special sciences. In: Materials on the history and development prospects of the systems approach and general systems theory. M., Nauka, 1971, p. 17.
  • Geodakyan V. A. Cybernetics and development. Ontogenesis, 1971, vol. 2, no. 6, p. 653–654.
  • On the differentiation of systems into two conjugated subsystems. Geodakyan V. A. In the book: Problems of biocybernetics. Management and information processes in wildlife. M., Nauka, 1971, p. 26.
  • Relationship of congenital developmental anomalies with sex. Geodakyan V. A., Sherman A. L. Zhyrn. total biology, 1971, v. 32, no. 4, p. 417–424.
  • Congenital anomalies of the heart. Geodakyan V. A. Sherman A. L. In the book: Problems of biocybernetics. Management and information processes in wildlife. M., Nauka, 1971, p. 196-198.
  • On the structure of self-reproducing systems. Geodakyan V. A. In: Development of the concept of structural levels in biology. M., Science. 1972a. from. 371–379.
  • On the structure of evolving systems. Geodakyan V. A. In the book: Problems of Cybernetics. M., Nauka, 1972b, issue. 25, p. 81–91.
  • Differential mortality of the sexes and the reaction rate. Geodakyan V. A. Biol. magazine Armenia, 1973, vol. 26, no. 6, p. 3–11.
  • Differential mortality and reaction rate of males and females. Geodakyan V. A. Zhurn. total biology, 1974, v. 35, no. 3, p. 376–385.
  • The concept of information and living systems. Geodakyan V. A. Zhurn. total biology, 1975, v. 36, no. 3, p. 336–347.
  • Geodakyan V. A. Ethological sexual dimorphism. In: Group behavior of animals. M., Nauka, 1976, p. 64–67.
  • The amount of pollen as a regulator of the evolutionary plasticity of cross-pollinating plants. Geodakyan V. A. DAN USSR, 1977a. vol. 234, no. 6. p. 1460–1463 English translation
  • Geodakyan V. A. Evolutionary logic of gender differentiation. In: Mathematical Methods in Biology. K., 1977b, p. 84–106.
  • Geodakyan V. A. Evolutionary specialization of sexes according to the tendencies of stabilizing and leading selection. 3rd congress Vses. society of geneticists and breeders. N. I. Vavilov. Tez. dokl., L., 1977c, II(I), p. 46–47.
  • Geodakyan VA Pollen quantity as a transmitter of ecological information and regulator of evolutionary plasticity of plants. Zhypn. total biology. 1978, v. 39, no. 5, p. 743–753.
  • Geodakyan VA Pollen quantity as a regulator of evolutionary plasticity of cross-pollinated plants. In: XIV International Genetic Congress. Section meetings. Tez. dokl., part II, M., Nauka. 1978, p. 49.
  • Ethological features associated with gender. Geodakyan V.A. II Congress of the All-Union Teriological Island. Tez. dokl., M., Nauka, 1978, p. 215–216.
  • Geodakyan V. A. On the possibility of the existence of adaptive selection of spermatozoa. III All-Union Conf. in biological and medical cybernetics. Tez. report M. - Sukhumi, 1978, p. 244–247.
  • On the existence of a "father effect" in the inheritance of evolutionary traits. Geodakyan V. A. Dokl. AN SSSR, 1979, v. 248, no. 1, p. 230–234.
  • Brain asymmetry and gender. Geodakyan V. A. Mater. II All. Symp. "Anthropogenetics, Anthropology and Sport", Vinnitsa, November 18-20, 1980, v. 2, p. 331–332.
  • Sexual dimorphism and "paternal effect". Geodakyan V. A. Zhurn. total biology, 1981a, v. 42, no. 5, p. 657–668.
  • Geodakyan VA Evolutionary interpretation of reciprocal effects. 4th congress Vses. society of geneticists and breeders. N. I. Vavilov. Tez. dokl., Kishinev, Stiinitsa 1981b, part I, p. 57–58.
  • Sexual dimorphism and evolution of the duration of ontogeny and its stages. Geodakyan V. A. DAN USSR, 1982a, v. 263, no. 6, p. 1475–1480.
  • Geodakyan VA Further development of the genetic-ecological theory of sex differentiation. In: Mathematical Methods in Biology, Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1982b, p. 46–60.
  • Geodakyan V. A. Bergman and Allen rules in the light of the new concept of gender. Mammals of the USSR. Tez. Sh Vses. congress of the theological society. M., 1982c, p. 172.
  • Ontogenetic rule of sexual dimorphism. Geodakyan V. A. DAN USSR, 1983a, v. 269, no. 2, p. 477–481.
  • Evolutionary logic of sex differentiation and longevity. Geodakyan V. A. Nature, 1983b, No. 1, p. 70–80.
  • Geodakyan V. A. Sexual dimorphism in the picture of human aging and mortality. In the book: Problems of the biology of aging, M., Nauka, 1983c, p. 103–110.
  • System approach and regularities in biology. Geodakyan V. A. In the book: System Research. M., Nauka, 1984a, p. 329–338.
  • Geodakyan VA Genetic-ecological interpretation of brain lateralization and gender differences. In: Theory, Methodology and Practice of System Research (abstracts of the reports of the All-Russian Conf. Section 9), M., 1984b, p. 21–24.
  • On some regularities and phenomena connected with sex. Geodakyan V. A. In: Probabilistic methods in biology, Kyiv, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, 1985, p. 19–41.
  • Is there negative feedback in sex determination? Geodakyan V. A., Geodakyan S. V. Journal of General Biology, 1985, v. 46, No. 2, p. 201–216.
  • On theoretical biology. Geodakyan V. A. In: Methodological aspects of evolutionary doctrine. Kyiv., Naukova Dumka, 1986, p. 73–86.
  • Sexual dimorphism. Geodakyan V. A. Biol. magazine Armenia. 1986, v. 39, no. 10, p. 823–834.
  • System-evolutionary interpretation of brain asymmetry. Geodakyan V. A. In the book: System Research. M., Nauka, 1986, p. 355–376.
  • Geodakyan V. A. Gender differentiation and ecological stress. In: Mathematical Modeling in Problems of Rational Nature Management. Rostov-Don, 1986, p. 88.
  • Geodakyan S. V., Geodakyan V. A. Gametes. from. 75; Floor. pp. 239–241; Sexual system. from. 242–244; Reproduction. from. 253–255; Alternation of generations. from. 326–327. In: Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Biologist. M., Pedagogy, 1986, 352 p.
  • Ontogenetic and teratological rules of sexual dimorphism. Geodakyan V. A. V Congress of VOGIS, Abstracts, vol. I, M., 1987, p. 56.
  • Evolutionary logic of sex differentiation in phylogenesis and ontogenesis. Geodakyan V. A. Abstract of the thesis. dis. doc. biol. Sciences. M., 1987.
  • Negative feedback regulating sexual dimorphism and gender dispersion. Geodakyan V. A. Towards a New Synthesis in Evolut. Biol. Proc. Intern. Symp. Prague. 1987. Czech. Ac. sci. p. 171–173. translation from English.
  • The theory of gender differentiation in human problems. Geodakyan V. A. Man in the system of sciences. M., Nauka, 1989, p. 171–189.
  • Pansexualization and anthropogenesis. Geodakyan V.A. 3rd school-seminar on genetics and animal breeding. 1989, Novosibirsk, p. 23.
  • The evolutionary theory of sex. Geodakyan V. A. Nature. 1991, No. 8. p. 60–69. English translation
  • Evolutionary logic of the functional asymmetry of the brain. Geodakyan V. A. Dokl. AN. 1992, v. 324, no. 6, p. 1327–1331.
  • asynchronous asymmetry. Geodakyan V. A. Zhurn. higher nerve. activities. 1993, v. 43, no. 3, p. 543–561.
  • Man and woman. Evolutionary-biological purpose. Geodakyan V. A. Int. Conf.: Woman and Freedom. Ways of choice in a world of tradition and change. Moscow, June 1–4, 1994, p. 8–17.
  • Sex chromosomes: what are they for? (New concept). Geodakyan V. A. Dokl. AN. 1996, v. 346, p. 565–569.
  • On the evolutionary myopia of ecological concepts (From ecological religion to ecological science). Geodakyan V. A. Report at the International Conference: Philosophy of Environmental Education. (Moscow, January 16-18, 1996).
  • Ecology, evolution, gender, leftism. Geodakyan V. A. 1st Russian Conference on Ecological Psychology. December 1996
  • A new concept of left-handedness. Geodakyan V. A., Geodakyan K. V. Dokl. RAN. 1997, v. 356, no. 6, p. 838–842. English translation
  • The evolution of asymmetry, sexuality and culture (what is culture from the point of view of theoretical biology). Geodakyan V. A. Tr. International Symp.: Human-Culture Interaction: An Information Theoretic Approach. Information outlook and aesthetics. 1998, p. 116–143.
  • Evolutionary role of sex chromosomes (new concept). Geodakyan V. A. Genetics. 1998, vol. 34, no. 8, p. 1171–1184.
  • Evolutionary chromosomes and evolutionary sexual dimorphism. Geodakyan V. A. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences, Biological Series, 2000, No. 2, p. 133-148.
  • Homo sapiens on the way to asymmetrization (Theory of asynchronous evolution of the hemispheres and cis-trans interpretation of left-handedness). Geodakyan V.A. Anthropology on the threshold of the III Millennium. Moscow 2003, vol. 1, p. 170–201.
  • Isomorphism: asynchronous gender - asynchronous asymmetry. Geodakyan V. A. Materials of the International Readings dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Corresponding Member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, acad. Academy of Sciences of the ArmSSR E.A. Asratyan. May 30, 2003.
  • Convergent evolution of phenotype, asymmetry and sexuality to culture. Geodakyan V.A. Sexology and sexopathology. 2003. No. 6. p. 2-8. No. 7. p. 2-6. No. 8. p. 2-7.
  • Terrorism is a problem of psychology of cis men (left-handers) Geodakyan VA 3rd Russian Conference on Environmental Psychology. September 15-17, 2003, p. 24-27. I Ecopsychology: methodology, theory and experiment.
  • Evolutionary biology in "synchronous impasse". Geodakyan V.A. XVIII Lyubishchev Readings. Modern problems of evolution. Ulyanovsk, 2004.
  • Evolutionary theories of asymmetrization of organisms, brain and body Geodakyan V.A. Advances in the physiological sciences. 2005. V. 36. No. 1. p. 24-53.
  • Hormonal gender. Geodakyan V.A. XIX Lyubishchev readings. "Modern problems of evolution". Ulyanovsk, April 5-7, 2005.
  • The evolutionary role of cancer. negentropic concept. Geodakyan V.A. Proceedings of the International Conference "Genetics in Russia and the world" dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Institute of General Genetics. NI Vavilov RAS June 28 – July 2, 2006 Moscow Pp. 45 (242).
  • Systemic roots of the evolution of man and society: the role of sex hormones. Geodakyan V. A. Int. Scientific Conf. "Information Culture of Society and Personality in the 21st Century". Krasnodar-September 20-23, 2006, p. 75-80.
  • Why are early and late children different? Geodakyan V.A. Int. conf. "Information and Communication Sciences in a Changing Russia" Krasnodar, 2007, p. 150-153.
  • Binary-conjugated differentiations, information, culture. Geodakyan V.A. "Information, time, creativity" Tez. Report Int. Conf. "New Methods in the Research of Artistic Creation" and Int. Symp. "Informational approach to the study of culture and art" ed. V.M. Petrov, A.V. Kharuto, Moscow, 2007, p. 195-204.
  • Evolutionary role of asymmetrization of organisms, brain and body (Model and rule of the right hand). Geodakyan V.A. XX Congress Physiologist. society them. I.P. Pavlova. Symposium: "Functional interhemispheric asymmetry". Abstracts of reports. June 4-8, 2007 Moscow. S. 28.
  • Entropy and information in natural science and culture. Geodakyan V.A. In: "Information Theory and Art Studies", 2008, no. Institute of Art Studies under the auspices of the Int. Acad. Informatics.

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