Gift for the boss for the new year. What to give the boss for the new year. What to give a male boss for the New Year

On New Year's Eve, a director usually receives a gift from the team he leads. One head is good, but two or more is much better, so employees will choose a gift for the boss without a hint.

The tips in this article will come in handy if colleagues cannot stop their choice and come to one solution. “What to give the director for the New Year?” - we will answer this serious question.

There are certain rules when choosing gifts for the leader and when they are presented. The gift should not be cheap, it will be disrespectful to the director, but you can’t give gifts that are too expensive, so as not to embarrass the boss with a sky-high price.

The design and packaging of presentations should be strict, businesslike, without unnecessary bows and ribbons. It is not customary to give things for the home, for the family household, household accessories.

The gift should be worthy, official, business. Especially if the team does not welcome familiarity and familiarity. It is better to make a gift to the chef from the whole team.

Advice! If someone wants to congratulate the boss individually, then it is better to buy an inexpensive and exquisite gift - a souvenir and present it at another time, not together with the team.

Business and status gifts

Items that emphasize the status of the boss will be appropriate for decorating his office:

  • Desktop card holder;
  • Desktop original set;
  • Diary in leather noble cover;
  • Stand for a smartphone, it is possible with a figurine of the Zodiac sign of the boss;
  • A set of handles, a stand for a handle;

Advice! All these items must be from natural materials, well-known brands. The status of the chief obliges.

Gifts for leisure, for entertainment, for favorite activities

You can choose a gift for the chef if you know what he is fond of:

  1. Fishing– spinning, feeder rod, accessories for fishing;
  2. Hunter- a set for cleaning a gun or a hunting rifle, an electronic decoy;
  3. Fisherman, hunter, tourist you need binoculars, a knife, a flask.
  4. Motorist-Vacuum cleaner for the car, heated seat cover.

Read also:

Gifts for outdoor recreation

In the country, at a picnic, a brazier, a barbecue set, a barbecue set will be useful.

Gifts for passive recreation

In winter, more time is spent indoors. Often chefs are gamblers in billiards, poker, love chess battles.

Such lovers of passive recreation can be presented with:

  • Poker set;
  • Billiard accessories;
  • Paintball certificate;
  • Chess.

Various commemorative gifts

Employees can give expensive, but small gifts to the head, which he will use constantly.

They will become memorable gifts:

  • Clock;
  • Silver ashtray;
  • Briefcase, business card holder, purse made of embossed leather;
  • Stand for smartphone;
  • Pen or set of pens in a leather case.

For the connoisseur

And if he loves art, painting, maybe he collects paintings or figurines, he is fond of history. Then he can be presented with works of art, paintings by masters of painting, gift sets of books, artistic figurines.

To choose gifts from this list, you need to know the artistic taste of the boss and his preferences in the field of art. Then the gift will be appreciated and will bring pleasure to the boss.

Gifts for the head of a woman

If the director is a woman, then it is inappropriate to give advice on what to give her. The female character is so unpredictable that it is difficult to guess what gift the boss will like. Colleagues who know her well will buy a gift that she will be satisfied with.

The most popular gifts for female executives:

  • Keyboard with backlight, mouse with additional buttons;
  • Portrait from a photo in the image of a queen;
  • Biofireplace;
  • Jewelry box;
  • business card holder;
  • A set of elite pens;
  • A set of expensive chocolates.

Homemade gifts

Do-it-yourself gifts are not very convenient to give to the boss.

Such gifts can be made in two cases:

  1. Comic postcard or medal;
  2. New Year's composition with expensive alcohol, fruits, good coffee or tea.

Master class "Ship for sweets and champagne"

What do you need:

  • Candies. Bottle of champagne, fruit (optional)
  • Skewers;
  • Paper;
  • Wicker basket;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Thread, glue.

Instructions for work:

Action Description

Glue a piece of foam to the bottom of the elongated basket.

Make blanks from skewers, colored paper and sweets.

Make the masts of the ship from long skewers, and the sails from paper rectangles.

Decorate the top of the mast with paper lanterns.

Fasten the bow of the ship and the mast with a thick thread.

Insert candy skewers into the foam.

For a gift for a man, take a large basket. Load the resulting large ship with champagne, cognac, fruit, everything that is suitable for the New Year's holiday.

By the New Year it can be loaded with champagne and fruit.

Photo of gift Christmas compositions.

The video in this article tells you what gifts you can give to a leader - a woman, in the second video there is a master class in decorating a gift basket.

The New Year's Eve lasts one day, and you will need to work with the director all year. We are confident that an atmosphere of mutual understanding and friendly support will reign in the office throughout the year. Basically, it depends on the boss, how he will lead his team.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 14 minutes


On the eve of the upcoming year of the Fire Rooster, many employees are wondering what is the best gift for their boss.

Perhaps, after reading this article, you will decide on the choice of a gift for the boss.

10 original gifts for a male chef for the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster

Among the wide variety of gift options for a male boss for the new year 2014, the following presents are most popular:

  1. Figurine in the form of a symbol of 2017 - the Fire Rooster. The most relevant gift of the coming year. A beautiful bird, the talisman of 2017, symbolizes the holiday, wealth and good luck. Any leader will be impressed with such a gift.
  2. Painting with Rooster will be a nice gift for a chef who is a connoisseur of art. It can be an engraving, a picture on metal, a plaque with a three-dimensional image.
  3. Elite books. If you know what your boss is interested in, then with a book in the context of his hobby, you will hit the spot. Or, for example, if your boss is a coffee lover, then he will like the book “Coffee. A celebration of diversity. An avid fisherman or hunter will love gift editions about fishing, hunting or weapons.
  4. Crystal with a three-dimensional image inside , made according to an exclusive design solution, because You can come up with an image yourself (a company logo, a photograph of a chef or a New Year's symbol), and the designer will bring your vision to life. Such a gift will not only present your boss in a circle of new clients, but also your company as rapidly developing in all three directions.
  5. Exclusive damask "Rooster" , made and painted by hand, will appeal to a true connoisseur of Russian arts and crafts.
  6. Smoking accessories.
  7. Bottle rack . If your boss keeps a certain collection of spirits, which he shows to new partners and companions on occasion, then he will appreciate this gift with galloping horses, which personify vitality, beauty and success.

  8. Desk writing instrument , which will help to rationally organize the workplace of the chief. Moreover, the writing set contains all the necessary attributes for convenient holding of various business events: a stand for stationery, coasters for storing pencils, pens, a phone stand, animal figurines, etc. For example, a writing set in the style of the "Silver Age" will impress the conservative boss attracted by the things of the past. A set consisting of a pen, a special stand for it, a stamp, an ink bottle, a knife and replaceable nibs will take the owner to the era of the birth of the "Silver Age", will touch the unique period of Russian poetry.

  9. Gift set "Whip and Gingerbread" - an original gift for a chef who appreciates humor. Thus, you show the boss that you appreciate his ability to lead, and the team obeys and respects him with confidence.

  10. Table game. Give your boss a chess, domino, roulette or dice gift set. Such an unexpected original gift to the boss will distract him from everyday affairs and problems, help him relax and rejuvenate in his spare time.

10 original gifts for the New Year 2017 to a female leader

  1. Stylish jewelry. A female leader can be pleased with an elegant brooch in the form of a rooster, decorated with stases, an original pendant or a beautiful gold bracelet.

  2. Tableware. Any woman, even if she is a leader, is first of all the keeper of the hearth, and dishes will never be superfluous for her. A teapot with a painted rooster, a dish or a caviar bowl will always come in handy.

  3. Ceramic vase or napkin holder with a picture of a rooster. It will help to create a warm atmosphere and comfort in the house of the owner of the gift. An elegant vase with the image of a graceful bird will always remind you of the person who presented such a necessary attribute of every home.

  4. Jewelry box. Made of natural wood and opened with matte varnish with a Russian symbol of a happy holiday and festivities on the lid, the box will please any lady - even the most fastidious one. The inner surface of the box is trimmed with velvet and has two divisions: on one side there are five sections for storing rings and bracelets, and on the other side there is a compartment for earrings and chains.
  5. Salt heating pad "Rooster". The right gift for health, an excellent physiotherapy tool, will help to warm up in winter. The heating pad is easy to use: you just need to bend the trigger, and it will heat up in seconds. The heating temperature is + 52ºС, so it is impossible to get burned or overheat. If it is then boiled for only 15 minutes, then the heating pad is ready to work again. An original, practical, necessary gift, suitable not only for women, men, but even for children.

  6. Chocolate figurines of a rooster. Banal, but always so expected chocolate sweets will appeal to any sweet tooth.
  7. Decorative napkins with embroidery. No holiday party is complete without them. A pattern in the New Year's style embroidered on a special fabric with floss thread will bring joy and bright festive emotions. You can also give them napkin rings, which will be appropriate at any celebration.

  8. Exclusive handmade leather keychain . Creative and original accessory will look great on any keychain.

If the budget is limited, but you want to please the boss and show him signs of attention, then a gift in the form of a New Year's card or Christmas decorations would be appropriate in any case.

New Year - a good excuse to remind the boss about yourself and give your boss joy, pleasant surprise and positive emotions.

On New Year's holidays, according to the good old tradition, we exchange gifts with relatives and people close to us. We usually do not forget about work colleagues, buying them various souvenirs in the form of magnets, candles and the like. But not everyone gives presents to their boss, considering this is not entirely appropriate. Of course, a leader is a person with a certain income, who obviously can afford to purchase the necessary things himself. But the meaning of the gift is not at all in the amount of rubles spent, but in pleasant emotions. I propose to please the director in the coming year with a prepared pleasant gift.

What to give for the new year to the boss man

The gift should not be too expensive and not too personal. Something universal, necessary in the daily working life of the chef, is perfect. If nothing comes to mind, I offer a selection of ideas for New Year's surprises.

1. A mug that warms your favorite drink

Such a convenient item for tea drinking has a built-in heating. The price is very pleasant, and the benefits are undeniable - your favorite drink will remain hot all day long.

2. Business card holder

A good option for a business person. It is better to choose an option designed for a large number of cards, so the business accessory will serve the boss longer.

3. Organizer for storing ties and belts

Such a little thing will definitely come in handy for the boss, he can store belts and ties with it even at home, even in office conditions.

4. Corporate calendar

An original gift is obtained with the help of collective photographs placed on the calendar. You can make a surprise yourself, or order photo printing in the salon.

5. Book

Despite the abundance of gadgets, paperback publications do not lose their importance. Therefore, do not be shy to present the book as a gift. It can be training literature, books for studying business, and so on.

6. Cup or diploma

A personalized gift with the praise of the chef is a casual playful accessory for the manager's office.

To make the gift special, order an engraving from the specialist with the name and patronymic of the chef on the storage device.

8. Car accessory

An appropriate gift would be a quality car air freshener or, for example, a massage seat cover. And you can buy a set of necessary tools in the form of a scraper and glass brush for a gift.

9. Hiking Gifts

If the boss is an adherent of an active lifestyle, a tourist set consisting of a thermal mug, a compass and a folding knife will be a great present for him.

10. Fishing accessories

Such gifts are suitable only for lovers of fishing. If the boss is one, he will surely appreciate a set of spinners or hooks.

If the boss is a woman, the described surprises will not work. Something special is needed here. Let's try to find an acceptable option.

What to give the boss for the new year 2019

1. Gift card for spa treatments

Perhaps, any woman would not mind getting such a thing. Everyone needs relaxation, especially a person in a leadership position who experiences a lot of stressful situations at work.

Spa treatments perfectly relax and fill with pleasant emotions. And to receive a good mood as a gift is wonderful.

2. Potted houseplant

It is especially appropriate to give such a gift to a lover of greening rooms. If your manager's office is filled with live plants, you can safely add a new copy to the green collection.

It is only better to choose from unpretentious plants, since in a working environment there is not always time to carefully care for a growing surprise.

Such a gift is easy to assemble on your own. To do this, you need to purchase a stylish cardboard or tin box with a themed print and fill it with goodies.

Chocolates, marshmallows, marmalade, chocolate bars and cookies are suitable for filling. In general, everything that has a long shelf life.

This gift will please every woman and will be useful to everyone. If the boss prefers boiled coffee, it's not a bad option to give her coffee beans.

And if a woman likes to pamper herself with herbal teas, you can buy a set of teas with the addition of mint, thyme and linden for a gift. Or collect a collection of fruit teas.

5. Bedspread or blanket

Elegant textiles for the bedroom in a delicate pastel color are a welcome surprise for a woman. As a New Year's present, it is important to buy bedspreads made of warm fur materials.

But the classic silk options look great too. The choice depends only on the available budget.

6. Keyboard for computer

A must-have accessory for office work can be special too.

If you find a model in red or white with an original shape, such as an oval or voluminous keyboard, the leader's desktop will sparkle with new colors.

7. Notepad, diary or planner

Here comments are superfluous. Obviously, every business woman needs such things. The main thing is that they look presentable. For example, the option with leather trim is suitable.

8. Flower vase

A woman director is usually given flowers quite often, and she simply needs a presented beautiful vase.

Now the choice of vases is huge, you can choose a round, oval, square vase with different patterns and different sizes.

9. Solid handle

A great option is to give a woman an expensive engraved pen.

If the whole team wants to please the leader together, it would be a good idea to buy a common gift from everyone.

This option has its plus - the amount of the present will be higher if each employee contributes. This means that there will be much more ideas, and the gift will turn out to be more solid.

However, you should not invest a lot of money in a surprise. It is quite possible to get good gifts for a manager for a moderate fee.

Consider a selection of options.

What to give the boss, the boss for the New Year inexpensively

Depending on the amount collected for the purchase of a New Year's present, you can purchase the following options:

1. Table fountain

A fashionable accessory to decorate the boss's office, which also calms the nerves thanks to the murmur of water.

In addition, the fountain will also humidify the room, which is especially necessary during cold weather, due to the use of heating devices.

2. Compact weather station

Now there are a lot of such useful things, both wall-mounted and desktop. The gift will decorate the office and notify about weather changes.

3. Bar in the form of a globe

Business events to celebrate successful deals are often held in the office of the authorities. Therefore, it is very important to present such an attribute with good alcohol inside as a gift.

4. Book with a secret

This is a safe in the form of a book. Very convenient and necessary thing in the office of the head.

5. Wall clock

In this case, you should choose multifunctional models that, in addition to their direct purpose, are able to show the room temperature and the current date.

6. Certificate for the purchase of the necessary things

If the boss's preferences are known, then there is usually no problem with the gift. For example, a boss who loves landscaping a site will be happy to receive a gift certificate to a flower shop.

If the chef constantly visits bowling, billiards or does not miss the latest movies, he will obviously be delighted with a gift card to the entertainment center. Well, a young parent will need a certificate for a children's store.

7. Historical photo album

In such an album, in addition to photographs, you need to make appropriate entries - explanations of significant dates and descriptions of important events of the company.

As an option, you can display the success story of the organization in the album, so to speak, describe how it all began.

8. Grocery basket

Cheese of several varieties, a bottle of good wine and a set of sweets - a nice and appropriate present for the New Year's table.

9. Interesting event

Based on the director's hobbies, the team can book a ticket for a specific event.

If the boss loves extreme sports, a good option is to give a ticket for skydiving or exciting rides for adults.

When choosing a gift for a leader, one should not forget about such a concept as subordination. And even if on the last working pre-holiday day the mood of the boss and the team is at its best, it is necessary to observe the limits of decency.

And yet, the gift should never be too expensive. Firstly, the boss may regard this as a bribe and not accept the present.

And secondly, it may seem like a kind of pressure on the leader. It is much better to present an inexpensive, but original and memorable gift.

1. Handle
Give him a pen with a gold or silver nib, add a beautiful plastic or wooden stand to this gift, and your gift will at least be able to decorate his work or home office with high quality. A good pen is also an essential accessory for a boss.

2. Table or wall clock
Such a gift should fit in the style of the interior of his office. Such a gift is able to slightly update the design, add some zest to it. You can also give your boss a watch, but it's easy to go wrong with such a gift.

3. Figurine in the style of the office
Such a gift also perfectly decorates the interior. You will have a huge choice: monuments, copies of buildings, totems, figurines in the form of images of Greek gods, such as the figurine of Themis (justice), a great gift for a lawyer or judge.

4. Mini shredder
An unusual and original gift is a small paper shredder that fits easily on your desktop and is powered by a USB cable. The device is suitable for the destruction of small papers, perfectly relieves working stress, allows you to be distracted for a minute.

5. Leather chair
A great, solid gift for your boss. It is especially good to give something like this if you know that his old chair is already pretty worn out. Before buying a chair, it is recommended to consult with the seller about the orthopedic properties of the chair.

By the end of the year, any work team has to decide what to give the boss for the New Year. The choice of a surprise for the authorities is not an idle question. You need to try to guess with a gift, because everyone knows that a satisfied boss is a good boss, he will let him go home early and order to write out a bonus.

Before you start choosing a gift for your boss for the New Year, you need to remember the traditions adopted in the company, as well as the leadership style that a particular director adheres to. Someone adheres to democratic methods of management, so they will enthusiastically accept a “cool” gift. Someone, on the contrary, tries to keep a distance and strictly adheres to corporate ethics.

It is necessary to decide whether a New Year's gift will be given from the team, or whether each employee will personally congratulate. Of course, much depends on the number of people who work under the leadership of the boss. For example, if there are no more than five people, then you can give small souvenirs from each employee. If the team is large, it is better to fold and buy one gift. However, even in small departments, employees, as a rule, prefer to give general gifts, since in this case it is possible to buy a more expensive item and there is no risk that several people will purchase the same type of gifts.

If the leader is conservative

If your boss strictly follows corporate ethics and adheres to traditions, then you should not take risks and buy comic gifts for him. He may not appreciate the humor and consider that his subordinates make fun of him, which, naturally, will not contribute to the improvement of the working environment in the team.

Such a boss should be presented with only traditional things. Here are some New Year gift ideas for a conservative boss:

  • Desktop office set. Of course, for the boss you need to choose an expensive and stylish thing. As a rule, these devices are multifunctional; clocks, a barometer, a thermometer, etc., can be mounted in them.

  • Book. You should choose a deluxe edition, the theme can be chosen according to the profile of the company. But if the subordinates know about the boss's hobby, then you can give a book on the topic of the hobby.

  • Painting in the office. This is a fairly traditional gift for the boss who has everything. Of course, we are not talking about cheap reproductions, but about the author's paintings sold in art salons. You should choose a picture with a neutral plot - a landscape or something abstract.

  • Elite alcohol. Such a gift on the eve of the New Year holidays is quite appropriate. So, a male boss can be presented with cognac or whiskey. Additionally, you can give a set of glasses for whiskey or cognac glasses. But the female boss should buy other types of drinks. It is customary for ladies to give martinis or sweet liquors. On New Year's Eve, good champagne will be a good gift, especially if it is presented in a special bucket with chopped ice.

If the leader keeps up with the times

Is your boss a real modern leader? Is he energetic, ambitious and assertive? Then it is worth picking up an original gift for the boss for the New Year, the traditional options listed above are unlikely to delight him.

You can pick up something to decorate the office - for example, a miniature Japanese rock garden or a stylish interactive aquarium. And you can choose a gift that will help the boss relax a little in a moment of rest. For example, a game of cabinet golf.

If the chief is not only ambitious, but also has a sense of humor, then he can be presented with his own portrait, where he is depicted in the costume of a tsarist general or an important official. To order such a portrait, you will need a photograph of the boss.

You can also give the head of the department an office souvenir for the New Year, symbolizing climbing the career ladder. According to ancient Feng Shui, talismans for a successful career are:

  • sailboat. This souvenir symbolizes the movement towards good luck.
  • Turtle. This symbol, by no means, does not mean that the movement up the career ladder will be carried out at a snail's pace. On the contrary, according to the ancient Chinese, it is a symbol of wisdom, support for people in power, financial success. This souvenir must be made of heavy materials - stone or metal.
  • Indoor fountain. This is a well-known symbol of good luck, attracting money.

If you chose Feng Shui talismans as a gift, then advise the recipient to put the gifts in the northern sector of the office or apartment. It is this sector that is “responsible” for business success, and the souvenir installed there activates it.

If the leader is democratic

Bosses who always delve into the problems of employees are highly respected. And you can give a variety of gifts to your beloved boss for the New Year, these can be useful things for decorating an office or for work, and comic surprises.

For example, why not give your boss an indoor telescope? When presenting a gift, one can say that at night this device will help him observe the stars in the sky, and during the day - to make sure that everything is in order in the department entrusted to him.

You can give any board game - souvenir chess or backgammon. A good gift can be an office mini-bar, it can be made in the form of a globe.

Another option for an interesting gift is a certificate for an adventure. Of course, when choosing an option, it is worth considering the age, physical shape and interests of the recipient. For example, not everyone will be delighted with the prospect of making a parachute jump. But many people like collective games, you can offer your boss a game of paintball in the company of employees, a joint trip to a recreation center, etc. Such joint adventures help strengthen the corporate spirit.

Gifts for heads of other departments

Do you want to congratulate not only the head of your department, but also the heads of related departments? In this case, it is best to purchase traditional office gifts - diaries, stationery sets, etc.

So, for the New Year, the head of the personnel department can, for example, give a useful souvenir - a perpetual calendar. It can be used to find out the days of the week of dates that fall in both past and future years.

If it is not customary to give gifts in the team

Company traditions must be respected. If it is not customary in the team to give the leader valuable gifts, then the boss is unlikely to understand the “noble impulses” of his subordinates. He may even think that employees are thus giving him a veiled bribe, counting on a more loyal attitude.

In this case, you can please the boss with an inexpensive but pleasant surprise. For example, you can make a calendar for the next year. Photos for decorating pages should be taken in advance, taking pictures of various working moments in the life of the department. It is easy to make such a calendar with your own hands in digital format, and then order its printout in the salon.

Personal gifts

A personal gift to the boss can be made by his deputy or his secretary. The choice of gift largely depends on the relationship. So, if the boss and the deputy are connected not only by working relations, but also by friendship, then you can choose a gift item related to the recipient's hobbies and hobbies.

A gift from a secretary shouldn't be too expensive. Inexpensive, but quite original, you can congratulate the chef if you purchase a "male" chocolate set. It includes symbolic portions of alcoholic beverages in chocolate bottles.

Another approach to choosing personal gifts should be if they are chosen to the boss-lover for the New Year. When choosing a present, you need to remember that the lover has a wife, so too intimate gift options should be discarded immediately. Well, if you can choose a thing that he will use daily, remembering his favorite. It can be an expensive pen, a solid briefcase, a stylish souvenir for the office desk. Such gifts will not arouse the suspicion of the spouse, and the beloved will be very pleased to receive them.

To choose a good gift option for the boss, you need to turn on the imagination and do not forget about the sense of tact. The gift should not show familiarity, even if the boss adheres to democratic principles of leadership.

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