Birthday in the style of minecraft templates. Minecraft style birthday. Decorate in the style of "Minecraft" birthday: table style

Minecraft is a computer game with a cubic design that has appealed to many children and teenagers. The world of the video game is formed from cubic blocks, which makes it similar to Lego constructors. If a fan or fan of Minecraft grows up in your family, the best surprise will be the organization of a children's holiday in the style of this game.

Rest assured your efforts will be appreciated. We bring to your attention tips and tricks on how to organize a birthday party for a boy or girl 8-12 years old in Minecraft style. Teleport the game universe to the real world.

The virtual world of Minecraft is interesting and exciting: the player can explore the world, extract resources, build buildings, create a variety of items, fight various enemies and evil spirits that crawl out of their shelters at night.

Holiday decoration in Minecraft style

1. The color scheme of the game is green, black, gray, brown. Make the most of these colors in your decorations. Against this background, the entire spectrum of the universe emerges.

2. Flat decoration elements can be assembled into garlands, decorate walls with them.

3. Make posters from screenshots of computer episodes.

4. Pixel graphics are a unique feature of the game, try to recreate objects, characters, scenery in this style. Styrofoam cubes or boxes of any size will help you with this.

5. Scatter blocks of grass, earth, wood and other resources throughout the room. Put voluminous trees in the center of the room or flat trees near the wall. This decor will create the right holiday atmosphere.

6. Decorate the room with balloons.

7. Print a congratulatory inscription - there are many templates on the web in a game font, with textures and characters. .

Minecraft party menu for kids

Minecraft cake to order or homemade cakes must be square in shape. Do not forget that the game provides special names for drinks: Potion of Strength, Potion of Haste, Potion of Experience. These proper names can be interestingly beaten - to make cocktails or lemonades with unusual names on the labels.

Snacks and sweet treats can be made to look like any item or mob from your favorite Minecraft game. Dishes with signatures using a “pixel” font will look nice.

Minecraft style entertainment

  • Keep the children busy with creativity - let them try to decorate the mask of a cubic man in an original way. Multi-colored cardboard, felt-tip pens, ribbons, etc. will be used. It is advisable to make blanks with slits for the eyes even before the start of the event. You can create portraits of the main characters: Steve, Pig, Creeper, Steve and Herobrine.
  • Lego minecraft - a series of Lego constructors that will not leave indifferent fans of this game. A great solution would be to purchase a set for the holiday so that the guys can build a tangible game out of the blocks.
  • Be sure to ask the guys to leave wishes and an autograph for a friend on a common poster. This is a nice bonus for a long memory of your child's school years.

The guys turn into characters of the famous game, they extract resources, build a shelter from evil spirits, fight zombies and spiders, create a potion to survive in the "virtual" space.


Interesting birthday wishes.

Decoration of the room with the attributes of the game

in black and green colors:

You can make spiders out of a balloon by attaching paper strips at the base - legs, and a creeper by gluing black stripes - a mouth and eyes. You can make garlands of paper squares on threads of the appropriate colors. On the wall there are posters with the heroes of the game, a green banner that says "Minecraft".


  • Square sheets of paper, multi-colored squares, ribbon or elastic to create a mask;
  • Cardboard cubes (you can use small packages);
  • Apples;
  • Milk, banana, tangerines, lemon, sugar and other products for making potions;
  • empty bottles;
  • Pink balloons - pigs, one of them contains a recipe for a potion of strength;
  • Dark dense bags with paper ribbons at the base - spiders: one of them contains a recipe for a potion of acceleration;
  • Notes with teleportation places: school, roof of the house, kindergarten;
  • Cardboard models of weapons: swords, picks, hammers, shovels;
  • Diplomas, gifts;
  • Congratulatory poster for the birthday man, felt-tip pens;
  • Darts, tic-tac-toe, dice.


  • Leading

Event progress

Leading: Guys, I think you guessed which game we will pay tribute to today. And this is a game...


Leading: Indeed, today we will be the heroes of this interesting and exciting game. We will look for resources and create potions, build houses and fight evil spirits. Do you want to experience all the burdens of the hero of virtual space? Then let's start! And the first thing we need to do is to turn into a character in the game. And for this you need to work a little.

Each child receives a square sheet of paper, slightly larger than the head, with holes for the eyes. The task is to decorate it with multi-colored paper squares in the style of "Minecraft". On the inside, at opposite ends of the square, a ribbon or elastic band is attached so that the mask can be fixed on the head. This is followed by a photo session.

Leading: Well done guys, great job. Now you need to create a home to hide from spiders and zombies at night. We will create it from cardboard blocks.

They build a dwelling out of cardboard cubes: if there are not enough of them, then they simply limit the area on which almost all participants would fit in cubes.

Leading: I'm sure your power bar has gone down. It needs to be restored. To do this, we will arrange a small snack with what we can find in this room.

Apples are hidden in different places in the room according to the number of participants. Children must find them and eat them to restore their strength.

Leading: Here you go. We did not notice that night had come. It's time to hide from zombies and spiders. Everyone run for cover!

The game "Day-night" is being played. Several people are chosen (a quarter of the number of participants), wrapped in toilet paper, turning them into zombies. Here you can hold a contest "Turn into a zombie" - who can quickly wrap the future zombie in paper. After that, the host says “day” - the children run out of their house, “night” - they run into the house. At night, zombies come to life and try to catch the owners of the house.

Leading: Morning has come - it's time to collect resources to create potions! Get up, sleepy! Let's start our morning with exercise.

Cheerful exercises are carried out to rhythmic music.

Leading: Well, now to search for resources. What you need is written on a piece of paper (gives the children a list of items to find).

Children are looking for empty bottles and products from which they will later make magic potions (milk, banana, tangerines, lemon, sugar, and so on).

Leading: To make a potion, you need to know its recipe. And these pigs hid the first recipe!

Pigs are pink balloons. The task of the children is to burst them with a dart, throwing them from a short distance. There are 10 balls, and only one of them contains a note with the preparation of a power potion: banana + milk + sugar (or honey). After finding the note, the participants, with the help of an adult, make a banana-milkshake, which they immediately drink to restore spent power points.

Leading: Now we just need a recipe for a potion of acceleration! And it must be hidden by evil spiders.

Spiders are dark, thick bags with paper legs hanging from the ceiling. Inside one of them is the recipe for a speed potion: lemon + water + sugar. Children “fight” with spiders with the help of a clerical knife: they cut the bag, trying to find the recipe. According to the specified recipe, a drink is created that is immediately drunk.

Leading: And one more potion - experience. Without it, it will be very difficult for us to get to the next level - more difficult. And the creeper himself will help us find this recipe. But how do you know which one is real?

In the distance there are several "creepers" - cardboard boxes, decorated in the appropriate style. Participants must guess which of them is hiding the recipe. They come up in turn, stick their hand into the box and look for a piece of paper among the filling. As filling, you can use cubes or toys. Whoever finds the recipe wins. From the proposed ingredients (tangerines) they make a potion of experience and drink it.

Leading: Now we have learned to teleport, that is, to move in space. Let's see where we can go.

The game "Teleportation" is being played. To do this, you need cards with the names of places where you can teleport: school, shop, rooftop. Players take turns pulling out a piece of paper, reading where they landed, and then coming up with what they will do there. For example, "on the roof of the house I will watch the sunset."

Leading: Gradually, we have collected enough resources, so now we can make weapons. We will need it to protect and cultivate the territory.

Participants receive cardboard models of weapons: swords, picks, hammers, shovels. The task is to turn them into weapons in the style of "Minecraft" by gluing multi-colored squares.

Leading: And now we will hold knightly competitions to show our strength, skill and prowess!

Those who wish put on a mask, pick up a sword and take part in the battle. A winner is revealed who receives a prize.

Leading: We will finish today's adventures on the Minecraft virtual page with the presentation of diplomas on passing the game and memorable prizes that everyone will choose for themselves.

The ceremony of presenting diplomas and prizes is held. Participants take turns approaching a cardboard box that has a hole for a hand, take out one item and try to determine by touch what it is.

estessno contests and games were prepared.

I made 2 bags of cards. In one, various objects were written, and in the other, what can be done with them.

The guests take turns drawing cards from the first set and telling the birthday man: "I'll give you a birthday present ... (it reads a drink from the card)", and the birthday man draws a card from the second set and answers: "And I ... (reads the inscription) ".

It was a lot of fun, everyone laughed :))))

here are the words that were in the first set

dollars hat chandelier perfume chicken

earrings piggy bank juice music shoes

hanger mirror fish paint goat bow

picture of shampoo seeds tape recorder nuts

dress car doll

and here's what happened in the second:

I will comb my hair, tie a bow and admire; split and eat

gnaw and eat; I will look into your eyes, smile and hug you tightly;

I will paint the walls and doors; I will start and go;

I will turn it on and listen; pour into a glass and drink;

I will pick up and circle; I will be very happy and will put into the business;

cut and eat; tie me to a tree and go for a walk;

break it into pieces, treat friends; I will spray and enjoy the smell;

I will hang on my ears; iron and put on;

I'll clean it, put it on my feet, I'll dance; hug and kiss;

get scared and run away; use as decoration

I will tie and pin to my hair; put on my head;

I will make a hole and I will lower the money; hang on the wall;

I'll fix it on the ceiling.

It turned out very funny ... For example - I will give you a birthday ... hanger ... And I ... hang on your ears :))))))

In the corridor, I hung a poster and invited the children to write wishes or draw something for the birthday boy. The children took this task very seriously...

here's what it was originally:

and this is what happened:

Yes, I forgot ... they also inflated balloons in the form of a creeper and spiders. it turned out cool

Then when the kids got mad enough, I sat them down and read a bunch of interesting facts about minecraft. Honestly, I doubted that the children would want to listen quietly ... but in vain. They listened very attentively and it was obvious that they were interested :)

Then there was the zombie game. well-known contest, but nevertheless popular :)))) I gave out 5 rolls of toilet paper and offered to wrap each other during one song. Then the children changed :))) It was a lot of fun and funny :))) Especially when the zombies came to life and tore the paper screaming :)))

The whole room was covered in paper :)))) I gave the children a couple of bags and they quickly removed everything :)))

Then there was a game of forfeits. Fantas were also in the theme of the birthday :)

like these ones:

Depict a creeper that exploded.

Show a zombie that saw fresh brains and went to his victim.

Depict Steve, who, looking back, saw Herobrine.

Show Steve, behind whom the creeper exploded.

Show a funny little penguin.


Sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" without showing teeth.

Take small steps around Notch saying, "I'm the Creeper. Let me hug you baby"

Shake hands with everyone in turn and introduce yourself: King, hello, king, very nice, king.

Neighing with the laughter of an evil genius.

Pretend to have eaten a lemon.

With your left hand, take yourself by the nose, and with the right hand by the left ear, then quickly vice versa: with the right hand - by the nose, and with the left - by the right ear, etc.

Depict a car that just can't start.

Depict a snowman that gradually melts.

Depict a cat that hunts a dove. The dove must be chosen from those present.

I planned to play crocodile again. But as it did not have time, and I decided to leave it on the trail. year:)

Then the children played darts. Always with a bang. Points were recorded and counted. The husband gave them cards in the style of minecraft with images of heroes. They were like prizes. We prepared a lot of them, so everyone got enough to not quarrel over them :)

Well, just like last year, the search for explosives :))) Only this year I picked up more difficult puzzles and we glued the clues with adhesive tape. We still had to be able to find them :)))) We inflated 10 pink balloons, put a note into each one. 9 were empty and only one contained the first clue. The balls were pigs from minecraft and they really need to be killed :)))) And away we go :)))))))

It has a lot of buttons.

Alphabet and numbers are

To write a word

You need to press buttons.

He has two pairs of legs.

He couldn't stand without them.

For you to sit down and rest

We have in our apartment…

Though he turned up his nose,

But this is not serious at all.

He is not proud of anyone

Anyone who wants to drink will be convinced.

It's big, comfortable and soft.

You can sleep soundly on it.

And when no one sees

You can jump on it.

What kind of fool is this
Lie down at the door on the barrel,
On the road, on the doorstep
Stops legs?

When an artist, regardless of age,

He showed us a picture of a man,

We will call that picture, there is no doubt,

Of course, nothing but...

There is a drum, but no orchestra.

We walk at night, we walk during the day

But we won't go anywhere

When we were looking for a clue in the teapot, we examined it from all sides, both inside and out... And we stuck it on the disk where the teapot is placed :))))))

While they were looking for clues, I thought they would destroy the apartment ... especially when they climbed into the washing machine :)))) big loss :)

The explosive was a cracker... And like last year, it didn't clap:(((I don't know what's wrong with these crackers, but for the umpteenth time it doesn't explode:(((

When all the tests were passed and all the tasks were completed, I solemnly presented the children with certificates for memory.

And then, of course, there was the cake.

Here are a couple more pictures from the party

Organizing a memorable birthday is no easy task. The theme evening greatly simplifies the work, regardless of whether the hero of the occasion is organizing it or people close to him who want to arrange an unforgettable surprise. Birthday in the style of "Minecraft" will be remembered for a long time by both the birthday man and the guests.

What topic to choose?

Choosing a theme for a party is a very important point on which the success of the evening depends. This matter should be approached responsibly and take into account the wishes of the birthday man. An adult or children's birthday in the style of "Minecraft" has been particularly successful in the last few years. This holiday is based on the popular computer game of the same name. This amazing fantasy world of low-resolution PC game has been enjoyed by millions. Of course, such a celebration may seem incomprehensible to an uninitiated viewer, but for true connoisseurs, the event will be unforgettable.

Absolutely the entire Minecraft Universe consists of bizarre blocks. Here you can see all the objects and the landscape, as well as the player himself. The meaning of the game is that the participant, with the help of useful things found by him in the vastness of virtual reality, finds a weapon, creates a potion and completes tasks. At night, the hero hides in a shelter from monsters. Such a simple plot allows children to build amazing cities with a lot of houses and administrative buildings. Over the years, people have become so fond of the game that many began to arrange various Minecraft-themed holidays (even weddings).

Do not miss the opportunity to have fun: choose contests and games

If you have already set about organizing such an important holiday as a birthday, then you must certainly understand that fun is the most important component of any celebration. And although it is difficult to please everyone without exception, it is still worth trying to get the maximum possible positive reaction.

Thinking through various games and contests, it is also recommended to use elements of a computer game. In the pixel world, you can find very interesting topics that will be interesting both at a children's birthday party and at a holiday among adults.

Contests will be the highlight of the evening

As gifts during various thematic competitions, you can use various pre-prepared magic potions. Such bottles of "Potion of Strength" or "Decoction of Experience" will surely be a hit at the party.

A Minecraft-style birthday, where contests are made in the style of a game, will be remembered by guests for a long time. It would be nice if all the participants of the celebration were warned about the theme of the evening and came dressed in appropriate costumes. If we are talking about a children's holiday, then this will add an element of the game and make it even more memorable.

But if you need to make a surprise, you can do without it. This can be part of the game, during which the participants will make their own clothes at their own discretion and desire. Moreover, much is not needed here. Magic helmets (for example, made of cardboard) with multi-colored cubes glued on are a great option. Putting together such simple masquerade accessories during the holiday will entertain the guests, as well as allow you to create an additional uncomplicated competition for the best costume.

Games: create a computer reality right at the holiday

During the celebration, one should not forget about the usual games, which may not end with the announcement of the winners, but will simply entertain the guests. It will not be difficult for an experienced Minecraft player to come up with them.

One of them may be the Teleport game based on pixel adventures. Its essence lies in the "teleportation" of the participants of the holiday in a fictional fantasy world. To do this, you need 1 box (you can decorate it thematically with cubes), in which you need to put candy wrappers with teleportation places. Participants are divided into teams of teleporters and teleporters (you can also do this in the form of a game, so that everyone pulls out their role from, for example, a box). The teleporter during the game says the words "I teleport ...", and the teleporter pulls a place out of the box and says it out loud. An excellent finale of teleportation will be a treat with a delicious cake. You can make it in the form of a green block, just like in your favorite virtual world.

Children's birthday features

As mentioned above, a Minecraft-style birthday can be prepared for both adults and children. True, the specifics will be slightly different. And yet for children, the organization of the holiday should be more colorful. Revitalizing a favorite game at a children's party can include giving children the opportunity to finally feel like adults and on their own.

The birthday boy will be able to make his own decisions and realize a variety of dreams, creating his own exciting world. Young gamers will be able to go through sometimes difficult, but exciting challenges with obstacles familiar to them from computer reality.

Impeccable party with matching décor

A birthday in the style of "Minecraft", decorations for which should be made as similar as possible to the elements of the game, will become unforgettable. It is only necessary to connect the imagination when preparing it.

The design of a birthday in the style of "Minecraft" can be as follows:

  1. The dessert table can become a place where various magical items and weapons have accumulated, which are constantly used in the game itself.
  2. A festive or dessert table can be decorated with special painted plates with the appropriate names (for example, "Ore", "Redstone", "Diamonds", "Gold", "Trap Chest" and the like).
  3. A Minecraft-style birthday will not be fully decorated if you do not use beautiful themed green balloons. It's great if they are with the game logo.
  4. It is worth sticking branded stickers on bottles with drinks (lemonade, juices, etc.). Believe me, guests will feel the spirit of the game if instead of the usual lemonade they drink "Potion of Strength", "Potion of Haste" or maybe "Potion of Experience".

Minecraft birthday: ideas and their implementation at the holiday

There are a lot of ideas for decorating a holiday. If it is difficult to organize a celebration on your own, then you can turn to an event company for the embodiment of your ideas or even for ready-made ideas.

The following elements are quite popular when organizing a holiday:

  • Piñata Creeper. The Mexican toy has long conquered the hearts of the whole world, thanks to which it is very often used at theme parties. Made in the form of a Creeper - a green kamikaze mob from the game, it will be able to diversify the holiday, especially when guests break the mob and get a large portion of sweets (piñatas are most often filled with sweets, but you can also come up with your own filling option). By the way, Creeper is a negative character in the pixel world, so you can come up with a special game, the final of which will be the destruction of this monster and a treat with sweets.
  • Master Class. At the holiday, you can organize exciting learning for children, for example, creating a fashion with your own hands.
  • T-shirts with the inscription "Minecraft". They will help to make the party as close to the theme as possible (if guests, for example, came without costumes), and will also allow you to remember the fun holiday every time the child puts on this T-shirt.
  • Photo zone. A birthday in Minecraft style will be truly unforgettable if you make a special photo zone in the style of the game. It is better to order it in the printing house, but you can do it yourself. But the photos can already be unprofessional, taken, for example, on a camera with instant delivery of photos. So guests can take the experience home with them.

Decorate in the style of "Minecraft" birthday: table style

The style of the table should be treated with special attention, because an element that is not suitable for the theme can spoil the holiday a little. The area around the place of the feast can be decorated with balls (of course, green). You can tie one ball to chairs and attach small (for example, cardboard) cubes with names to them. So even landing at the table will turn into an exciting game - finding your place.

A festive cake must certainly be made in the Minecraft style. Moreover, making a fancy green cube is not difficult at all by yourself. But, of course, you can entrust this business to professionals.

Bright and, most importantly, delicious candy bar will be a great addition to the main table. His style must necessarily be similar to the style of the whole holiday.

Holiday script

If it was decided to organize a Minecraft-style birthday, the holiday script will be one of the first and most important things. It would be logical to use all the main points of the game.

Minecraft: Real time game: scenario

A real-time game based on the pixel universe will help immerse the guests of the holiday in an amazing computer world. The scenario of the Minecraft: Real time game assumes that children get into the test version of the game, while receiving a task. It would be wise to give the children the roles of characters in the game, including monsters.

In real time, they will need to do almost the same thing as in the computer. That is, the main characters before dark must build a house, overcome various obstacles, get out of the big web, hunt Enderman and Creeper, fight with swords, meet spiders and skeletons. But after dark, they must hide securely so that they are not overcome by monsters. Naturally, all roles should be assigned, and the facilitator should make sure that each participant is familiar with their capabilities and responsibilities.

Party Scenario Cast

Leading: Good evening, guests of the pixel world. As you may have guessed, our evening is not quite ordinary, because today is 11 years since one wonderful person was born. And we will spend this boy's birthday in the style of "Minecraft". In this regard, we will go on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft. Are you ready to experience all the exciting adventures of the computer world? Then let's start! Here's the problem! The first one we met in this fascinating world is the insidious Creeper (the piñata we prepared the day before will help us with this), but we will certainly cope with it!

The children take turns hitting the piñata with a pre-prepared "weapon". Once the Creeper is slain, the kids will be able to feast on the candy that will fall off the monster.

Leading: Wow! You did a great job, no chance! Well then, let's move on. Moreover, sweets helped you regain strength. I hope they are now enough to take care of the appearance of the pigs.

The game "Pig Tail!" begins. Each participant receives a tail and, wearing a helmet that obscures the view, tries to attach it to a poster depicting a pig without a tail. The most accurate will receive a prize. When organizing a birthday in the Minecraft style, templates for games need to be thought out in advance and all the necessary elements must be built so that there are no hitches during the holiday.

Leading: The pig asked to thank you. Without a tail, she was a little uncomfortable, but now it’s a completely different matter! And now let's test your luck, children. Let's play a game called "Lotto" for this.

You can make a special loto in the style of the Minecraft game, on the cards for which various items of a computer game will be placed. Children will take turns pulling cards out of the bag, and the first one to completely collect all the items on their playing field will win.

Leading: Fine. Our lucky winner has been chosen. But it seems that we have forgotten a little about the purpose of our holiday and have not yet congratulated the birthday man. I will help you with this too.

There is a large poster on the wall (possibly with a photo of the hero of the occasion), on which each of the guests writes their wishes with a marker.

Leading: You are just great! In the meantime, our Minecraft-style birthday has come to an end, and we invite you to the festive table. But not everything is so simple. Each place is encrypted in a cube near the balloon. And everyone must certainly find their own! Good luck!

Final preparations

In order for the holiday to pass without a hitch, you should accurately understand the number of guests. To do this, it is recommended to develop in the style of "Minecraft". In it, you can specify not only the time and place, but also the desired dress code. So even the guests of the holiday will not stand out from the well-thought-out style, and the photos will look bright.

Show your imagination and make the celebration unforgettable!

One more nuance: there were 10 children together with the birthday boy. I concluded for myself that in order to complete the quest at home, the optimal number of participants should be no more than 5 people. 10 children cannot listen carefully to the tasks, they, without listening to the hero, run away in search of something that is not clear, and the rest succumb to the herd instinct and also undermine from their place. But there were, of course, more attentive children. Basically, they were the ones who gave the right answers.

The plot of the quest: Creeper (the negative hero of the game Minecraft) stole a gift from Bones. To find a gift, you need to craft a card. In the Minecraft game, the map crafting recipe is as follows: 8 sheets of paper and 1 compass. I printed out a map on a regular A4 sheet (a diagram of an apartment from a cadastral passport), marked with a red cross the place where the gift was hidden (Figure 1). I divided this sheet into 9 parts on the reverse side. It turned out 8 sheets of paper and 1 compass (Figure 2)

There were 9 levels in the quest. At each level, after the correct answer, the Creeper told the guys where the sheet of paper was. Link to the introduction:

Level 1: "So... My first task: go to the place where your dad keeps his diamond picks and golden axes. Find a block of planks there, in it you will find a note with a number. This number will need to be multiplied by the number of days in a common year, and subtract the year of your birth from this result. Write the difference back! Go!"

The note was hidden in a wooden box in the closet where dad keeps his tools: hammers, nails, screwdrivers, etc. The note included the number 10 to make it easier to calculate the correct answer. The first sheet of paper was hidden in a chest of drawers in the children's room.

Level 2: "Find a metal chest in the apartment that contains food. Open it and find 9 cards on which the products will be depicted. You will need to craft something very tasty from these products. Think carefully! So what did you do? "

There were 9 cards hidden in the refrigerator (Figure 3). According to the rules of the Minecraft game, you can craft a cake from these products (3 wheat, 3 milk, 2 sugar, 1 egg). The children thought for a moment. They didn't know the recipe, but they quickly figured it out. After the correct answer, they received a hint where to look for the second sheet of paper - in the bedroom on the windowsill.

Level 3: This level includes another character. He tells the guys that he overheard the Creeper talking to another mob. Next comes the riddle about the book: “Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but tells” mostly under duress). And then the character also said: "Susan Collins with 2 4 7" This should have prompted the son to the book "The Hunger Games", on page 247, where the puzzle sheet was hidden. The task was this: guess the missing number:

1977 1982 ... 2012

The son quickly guessed that these were the years of birth. The first number is my father's year of birth, the second is my mother's year of birth, the third (missing) is his year of birth, the fourth number is my sister's year of birth.

The third sheet of paper was under the rug in the large room.

Level 4: "Count how many steps from the entrance to the entrance to Kostya's apartment (you need to count each leg lift to a new level). Add the time of Kostya's birth to this number (write down the time without a dash and without a colon, i.e., for example, 12 hours 18 minutes would be written as 1218) and subtract the number of corners in the big room. I'm waiting for your answer!"

The 4th sheet of paper was behind the curtains in the children's room.

Level 5: "How smart you guys are! Do you remember Kostya 10 years ago? He has changed a lot during this time. On his birthday at the age of one, he wore a blue sweater and kept his finger in his mouth all the time. He was so small. How do you think I found out? By the way, if you guess, you will find another clue"

"Clean, but not water,

White, but not snow,

Sweet but not ice-cream

Answer: sugar. The 5th sheet of paper was hidden behind the bedside table in the hallway.

Level 6: "Well, noobs? The tasks are getting harder and harder... My 6th task: you will again need to go to the metal box, where it is always cold, very cold. Down there is a package in which you will find the word- answer!"

In the freezer, I froze a bag of water, where I put a plastic part from the designer, on which I wrote the word needed to pass to the next level.

For a long time they thawed the ice, but then they still saw the word "friend"

The 6th sheet of paper was under the rug in the bedroom.

Level 7: "You will find the next clue in the mailbox"

There was a leaflet in the mailbox with the task: “40 grandmothers went to ride motorcycles. The nimble grandmother rode alone on a motorcycle without a muffler, three motorcycles with sidecars raced behind her, each of which accommodated three grandmothers, and the rest caught up with them behind motorcycles. There were two grandmothers on the motorcycles that were left behind. How many motorcycles did the grandmothers have in total?

The correct answer is 19 motorcycles. The children counted for a long time.

The 7th sheet of paper was hidden under the tub.

Level 8: "In the kitchen, in a metal box with a round window, there are many items inside which I hid the clues. You need to get all the clues using your pickaxes. Once you have all the clues, collect them in order. I think you won't it will be difficult to guess WHAT it is and WHAT it is FOR. Use THIS and find out the answer word. Good luck!"

10 inflated balloons were hidden in the washing machine, each of which had a piece of paper with a number (if you put these numbers in the correct order, you get a phone number), on the back of each sheet in the corner was written its serial number. My friend told the guys the word "dream". The 8th sheet of paper was hidden in the kitchen in the microwave.

Level 9: "Well, guys, are you ready for the last task? If you do not complete it, then the gift will remain with me! There is a sheet in the printer, but it is not completely empty, as it seems at first glance. The word is written on this sheet of paper , which you will need to contribute in the answer. Apply all your knowledge and skills to read what is not visible!

The children suggested different ways of obtaining information from a blank sheet of paper. But they did not use the hint, they guessed it themselves. They heated the leaf and sprinkled it with water and tried to find an ultraviolet lamp. But everything turned out to be easier. I wrote the word "fun" on a white sheet of paper with white wax crayon. In order to read this word, it was necessary to take a simple pencil and shade the sheet. In general, the children coped with this task. The last sheet of the map (with a drawn compass on the back) they found under the monitor.

Thanks Doctor Quest for a great site!

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