What to give teenagers for the new year. Gift ideas for a teenager for the new year. What is your boy interested in?

New Year's Eve! It's time to choose gifts for your beloved boys: sons, nephews, younger brothers, godchildren. It is so easy to get lost in all the variety of toy stores, just like in a snowy fairy forest. But with the help of our cheat sheet, you can get interesting gift ideas for boys of different ages, taking into account your financial capabilities.

Someone says that with the boys, or rather with the choice of gifts for them, it is very difficult. But that's not the case at all. After all, boys are future racers, scientists, astronauts, builders, so by reinforcing their interest in one area or another, you can significantly influence their fate. But on the other hand, where a doll and a new hairpin are enough for a girl, then a boy will have to rack his brains.

Gifts for babies up to 3 years old

The most important rule when choosing a gift for the little ones is the safety of materials and shape. The toy should not have sharp corners and small parts. Of course, a child in a year and 3 years are absolutely two different worlds. At the age of two, a baby already has his own preferences and interests, which, of course, you need to focus on when buying a gift.

Modest budget

Gifts that do not need to spend a lot of money can be divided into several categories:

Books- this is one of the best and most necessary gifts, accustoming a baby to them from the very "diaper", it is likely that after a couple of years, the child will be happy to read and learn new things. The stores offer a huge selection of books for children! Parents only have to choose.

Albums for creativity suitable for older children - 2-3 years old. They help to have fun with mom and dad. The kids will enjoy cutting, gluing and coloring.

A new toy will always delight a small child. Choosing from inexpensive options, you can safely pay attention to small iron cars. They are made with high quality, without small parts and there are just a lot of them, so you won’t be able to buy the same ones. For the little ones, it is better to choose wooden toys: they are inexpensive, look beautiful, and are absolutely safe.

Educational games- puzzles, cubes, fold pattern, Montessori manuals and so on. There are a huge number of them on the market. Plus, the games are not very expensive.

Average budget

If you already have more funds, then of course the choice expands. Without any doubt, you can also buy a book - more expensive ones have improved quality of printing, binding, etc. But we will look at other interesting examples of gifts for the smallest boys.

So, constructors, there are a lot of them, and different ones. As a rule, the cost depends on the content of the sets. We offer you the most interesting and unusual options for designers for boys 2-3 years old. Wooden floor constructor is suitable for all children, even the smallest ones.

Many children love toys inspired by cartoons: Paw Patrol, Cars, Robocar Poli and others. Prices for original sets are quite high. Therefore, having acquired such a coveted set with favorite characters, the child, having found it under the tree, will be simply happy.

For active kids, you can buy tent with balls, which, if necessary, can be removed and you get a real house. You can play Indians, hunters, and knights in it. They can be simple and do not take up much space, but if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, you can buy a model with tunnels and several "rooms".

Unlimited budget

If funds allow, then you can give the boy the following gifts:

Railway- every kid's dream! You can buy both a classic model and one dedicated to your favorite cartoon (Chugginton Engines, Thomas the Tank Engine). The latter have an advantage: all parts from different sets fit together, so you can then create a whole city.

Battery powered car who can drive herself. In winter, you can ride it around the house, and in the summer you can already go out into the yard.

Interactive toys can teach your child to count, recognize colors and animals. They sing and shine and entertain. For kids, that's it!

Gift for a boy 3-6 years old

The boy has already grown up, so he will most likely say what he would like to receive as a gift from Santa Claus. He already has his own circle of interests, based on which you can always pick up a surprise.

Modest budget

With a limited budget, the choice is not great and, as mentioned above, all gifts can be conditionally divided into "books", "albums for creativity", "toys". But in each of these categories there will be something so interesting that not only the parent, but also the baby will like it.

Puzzle books "Cool Mechanics" and "Cool Auto Mechanics" will become the favorite of a boy of 5-6 years old (or even earlier). Indeed, thanks to her, the boy will be able not only to learn about how the car engine works, but also to assemble the main components himself and understand how it works visually. Of course, at first, you can’t figure it out without the help of your parents. But what fun it is to do something interesting together!

Since a child at a specified age begins to feel like a person, then get some a souvenir with your own photo or name he will be very pleased. After all, it is his personal property!

Creative kits for modeling, drawing, science kits. These mini boxes are very helpful. They will give the child a lot of unforgettable minutes, and help save the wallet. Based on the interests of the child, choose the one you like or buy something completely new that the baby has not seen before.

In the life of a growing boy, there will never be superfluous the pencils, nor paints, nor plasticine. Choose not ordinary sets, but more beautiful and festive ones.

Board games help to have fun with friends and parents, plus you can learn something new and interesting.

Average budget

If funds allow, the gift can be much larger! You can buy a beautiful big car, or you can dream up and choose something not quite ordinary.

An ordinary car for a boy aged 3-6 is no longer news, so you can safely choose radio controlled models. The more expensive the machine, the more resistant it is to falls, bumps and bumps. Alternatively, instead of a car, a helicopter, a tank, a boat.

Without a doubt, the boy will be interested and crane which can also be controlled from the remote control. Models of such a toy are of various heights, even gigantic ones capable of lifting real loads.

Sports Equipment- skates, skis, snow scooters, sleds, tennis rackets, etc.

Unlimited budget

With an unlimited budget, the emphasis when choosing a gift should be on high-tech options, whether it be toys or electronics.

Robots like absolutely all the boys. They can become a real friend. Moreover, learning the features of the structure and operation of such a high-tech toy, the child willy-nilly will be interested in robotics and programming.

New the tablet with your favorite games and cartoons. Especially the baby will be pleased if this device belongs only to him. Children at the indicated age are already skillfully handling such complex equipment, so there is no need to be afraid that the tablet will be broken in the first minutes. Most importantly, make sure that the kid does not buy applications in online stores on his own.

If a boy is interested in space, the most desired gift is telescope. Good models are quite expensive, but this is not a simple toy for 10 minutes, but science! Incidentally, this also includes microscope. Many parents forget how interesting it is to look at different things at ten times the magnification. For young travelers, you can purchase binoculars.

For young riders, you can look at the first car with battery, which exactly repeats the dad's car, for example. Small copies of the most luxurious and expensive cars - BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, etc. are presented on the children's toy market. By the way, the original cars are made under the control of manufacturers of real "adult" cars.

Gifts for boys 6-10 years old

In this age period, you can hardly surprise a child with stories about Santa Claus, so you should find out in advance the details about the desired surprise. Most likely, the child himself will report to you about his preferences. Otherwise, pay attention to what he likes. Well, as a surprise, you can use the following ideas.

Modest budget

Puzzle- An interesting activity for both adults and children. The most important thing is to choose a task by age. This also includes logic games made of small details. Even the classic Rubik's Cube can really appeal to a boy.

Nice T-shirt or tracksuit. Boys' clothes are of little interest, but if he is passionate about sports, then any element of a sports wardrobe from a company store will make him very happy. What could be better than a T-shirt like a football star?!

If a boy loves Lego, then he will definitely like it. Lego books, revealing various assembly secrets and giving many new and unusual ideas. They are bright, beautiful, and how much there is!

soldier models to create historical panels. Such soldiers are inexpensive, the main thing is to buy specialized paints for them. Coloring the next soldier of a particular era, the child will be forced to get into the encyclopedia or the Internet to find out details about the military uniform (its color). And this is additional knowledge! By the way, instead of soldiers, you can buy some monsters or robots.

Average budget

Very unusual gift ant farm. The child will be able not only to take care of their new pets, but also to explore the world at the same time. After all, an ant farm is a constant observation, a constant life that changes every second. But such a gift should be given to a responsible child, otherwise control is necessary.

If the child is fond of creativity, then here you need to focus on the development of his skills. That is, it is advisable for a young artist to give a set of good pencils and an easel, for example. Wood burning kit will appeal to many craftsmen.

For active boys, there is no greater joy than playing war or snowballs. Therefore, they like to receive various weapons as a gift that can diversify the game. For snowballs have long been invented snowballs, and for summer games (you can also use it in winter) - various pneumatic safety guns. Mom and dad are also likely to enjoy playing, so it's better to buy a set.

Concerning designers they are always relevant. With age, the number of options that can be offered to the child increases. They are more complex, with many small details.

Unlimited budget

As mentioned above, with an unlimited budget, parents usually pay attention to electronics. It’s just that with age, its cost increases, since complex technical devices can be trusted to a child.

For example, in the specified age period, you can already safely give camera. Depending on how passionate the boy is about photography, choose a model: a professional mirror or a simple “soap box”. By the way, along with the camera, you can also present a subscription to attend courses for a young photographer.

Prefabricated models of ships, aircraft, tanks, space rockets and stations this is not just a toy, but a real hobby that can stay with a child for life. Depending on how accurate the model is, its cost will depend, as well as the number of parts in the set.

E-book or smart watch- No child will refuse such necessary things. Moreover, the latest models are very interesting and multifunctional. A modern gadget will always accompany the child.

Gift for a teenage boy

If parents think that a teenage boy does not need anything, and in general he has gone beyond the age when they give gifts for the New Year, then they are deeply mistaken. The most important thing a boy wants at this time is attention. Don't miss the chance to make your child even happier with the right and desired gift!

Modest budget

Since teenagers cannot do without a computer, you can safely look at unusual and funny flash drives as well as inexpensive models headphones, mice and keyboards. High-quality computer accessories are always relevant.

Give the boy your time, which, most likely, he lacks in everyday life. Everyone go go to the cinema or bowling together, go ice skating, skiing, visit such popular quest rooms today(puzzle rooms). By the way, the latter option is very popular with young people, so your child will happily agree.

If you know about the musical preferences of your child, then you can safely give him disk or certificate for a certain amount in the iTunes store, for example.

Give unusual silicone or glow-in-the-dark laces. This unusual accessory will appeal to the boy, as it will help to stand out in the class.

Concerning medium and unlimited budgets , then here is the most suitable option - entrust money to a child. Or together with him in the store to choose a gift. By giving your teenager trust in such a delicate matter as money, you will, in turn, earn trust in yourself. After all, teenagers want to be treated like adults. Of course, a child is unlikely to refuse a new phone or tablet, but he can, nevertheless, let him decide for himself.

With the onset of winter, you should think about the imminent onset of the New Year. It's time to decide on a gift for those who have not yet reached the age of majority. What gift to choose for a girl, you can find out in this or this article. And now we will choose a gift for the boy. It does not matter who he is, son, nephew, distant relative, friend, or son of acquaintances, friends. What to give a boy for the New Year 2018 practically does not depend on family ties. To a greater extent, the choice is influenced by the age of the child and the financial capabilities of the one who presents the gift. The range of children's stores is wide and will satisfy the tastes and needs of the most different levels.

It somehow happened that for males it is more difficult to choose a gift. And this applies to all ages. However, the following list of ideas below will help you decide on a gift faster.

Toddlers under 3 years old: we give bright safe toys

When choosing a surprise for a baby, you should give preference to toys of bright colors without small, sharp or breaking parts. Toys are always marked with the recommended age of the child. Those who do not have their own children and purchase a gift for someone else's baby should focus on her. They also pay attention to the quality of the toy: a chemical smell should not come from it, the colors should not be washed off and dirty hands.

Very young children up to 6 months are given:

  • Soft books. It is difficult to call them books in the literal sense of the word, since they consist of only three or four pages, which depict animals, letters, figures. Crisp cellophane is inserted inside the pages, some sheets are made glossy or fluffy. This is a very useful toy, it develops tactile sensations.
  • Development mat. It can be a water mat, musical or with light effects.
  • Deckchair. A comfortable chair in which the child sits reclining. Toys are attached to the railings.
  • Children's projector with melodies and moving pictures.
  • Rubber tweeters in the form of heroes of Soviet and Russian cartoons.
  • Tumblers.
  • Clockwork toys.

The list of gifts for a child who has begun to actively explore the world (we are talking about the age of six months and older) is as follows:

  • Books with thick cardboard pages. They are quite resistant to children's teeth, as children love to chew on the pages. They have a large number of bright funny pictures. Some are equipped with squeakers or buttons, when pressed, melodies are played. For those who are older, you can give gift editions of your favorite fairy tales. These books are very beautifully designed, with three-dimensional drawings.
  • Wheelchairs with a handle in the form of dogs, cars, trains.
  • Fishing rod with magnetic fish. You can put the fish in a plastic bowl of water and hone your fishing skills.
  • Rocking horse.
  • Walkers.
  • Entertaining, but at the same time developing game centers with sorters, funny animal figures that make sounds, with melodies, moving parts, clock hands, steering wheel, keys.
  • Busyboards and lacers. Helps develop fine motor skills. Such toys can be made independently. Bodyboards are especially interesting. They combine many dissimilar items that the baby has yet to learn how to use. For example, you can unfasten and fasten buttons, open various kinds of locks, latches, plug a plug into an outlet, flip a switch that lights up an LED light placed here on the board.
  • Children's synthesizer or guitar - for the first steps in the world of music.
  • Drum - with its help you can learn to distinguish the rhythm.
  • Cars - wooden, plastic, metal. At this age, it is important to pay attention to safety.
  • Sorters in the form of machines, etc.
  • Cubes with pictures, letters, numbers.
  • Constructors. When choosing a gift for a boy under three years old, it is better to give preference to wooden elements (these are rather large wooden blocks from which towers and houses are made), hollow plastic, as well as Lego-type constructors, but with large details so that the child does not accidentally swallow anything.
  • Plastic wheelchairs, on which you need to sit on horseback and push off with your feet.
  • Cars with a battery motor and cars that are controlled by the steering wheel. Small replicas of real cars are the most expensive gift. It is worth buying it when there is somewhere to ride, for example, if the family lives in the house and the child can ride around the yard, otherwise it will be problematic to store the car at home, and it is difficult to pull it out every time.
  • Jumpers.
  • Swing for home use.
  • Balloon tent. It is very fun to play active games, hide in it. And if there are two children, then this is a great gift for two - a real children's fortress. Games of pirates, robbers will now be much more fun. There are tents in the form of a pirate ship, as well as with tunnels, consisting of several sections.

Children 4-7 years old: everything you need for active play

Boys 4-7 years old have more than enough energy. They are distinguished by their wild imagination and irrepressible interest in everything. They love active games. It is better to give:

  • water gun;
  • children's walkie-talkie;
  • invisible ink to play spies. By the way, whole sets for spies are sold, which include a complete set of "equipment";
  • non-bursting soap bubbles;
  • children's weapons - pistols, swords, blasters, rifles;
  • darts with Velcro balls or magnetic darts;
  • radio controlled cars. Expensive models are distinguished by a greater range of operation from the remote control, greater maneuverability, the ability to turn around, and distinguish obstacles. In addition, the models themselves differ. It can be an all-terrain vehicle, a Mercedes or a police car.

If the child has a calm character, you can choose as a gift:

  • children's laptop;
  • set for assembling log cabins;
  • pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, coloring books, modeling dough or plasticine;
  • board games that can be played with parents or friends, such as walkers with chips and a dice;
  • kinetic sand;
  • craft kits, such as wood burning, modeling;
  • checkers, chess, lotto, children's dominoes.

The child will be interested in technical gifts:

  • Lantern.
  • Railway. There are modest models, consisting of tracks with one arrow and multi-level structures, with tunnels, stations, crossings. Cartoon fans will love the railroad with characters from Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends.

You can also give impressions, for example, a trip to an amusement park.

Other ideas for this age include:

  • A set of children's tools with a special belt. In general, boys will like sets by profession, for example, a set of a policeman, a set of a super agent, a doctor.
  • Sets with famous cartoon characters. These can be individual figures or thematic sets with some additions.
  • Lego sets, for example, for building a robot, car or Lego Ninjago sets.
  • Trackers with cars and a garage.
  • Electronic crane.
  • Collectible cars.
  • An army of soldiers, gladiators.
  • Set of Indians, pirates.
  • Dinosaur figurines. This could be the start of a great passion. The child will learn the names of different species, be interested in archeology and history.
  • Ant farm.
  • Aquarium with fish.

Appropriate clothing with the image of your favorite cartoon characters.

If the boy is interested in team sports, you can give a T-shirt, T-shirt with the name of your favorite football player, hockey player or with his own name.

Ages 8-11: Development of technical thinking

The older the child gets, the more difficult the games should be:

  • table football or hockey;
  • children's billiards;
  • a ball with a projection of the starry sky, by which you can study the constellations;
  • creative kits - for the manufacture of volumetric crafts, applications, gluing;
  • puzzles: wood, snake, Rubik's cube, "Roll the ball", etc.

If a boy dreams of extreme sensations, he will be pleased with:

  • visiting the center of children's mountaineering;
  • flight in a wind tunnel;
  • check-in at the karting center;
  • paintball game;
  • trip to the water park.

The list of gift ideas continues:

  • survival kit;
  • radio-controlled helicopter (it is better to play with it on the street, indoors you need to handle it with great care, otherwise you can break something or damage the toy itself);
  • high-tech toys - robots, such as a robot in the form of a man or a dog;
  • tank or aircraft model;
  • the tablet;
  • binoculars,
  • telescope;
  • compass;
  • microscope (sets are sold where the microscope needs to be assembled by yourself);
  • magician's set;
  • sneakers with a luminous sole or with rollers.

Very handy at the age of 9-10 years sports gifts:

  • swedish wall;
  • snow scooters;
  • skates;
  • skiing;
  • snowboard.

What to give a teenager 12, 13, 14, 15 years old

Teenage boys try to attract the attention of the opposite sex, so they switch from educational and exciting games to games in which they can show themselves and compete with others, in particular, sports games. Desirable gift for a teenager:

  • skate;
  • bicycle with gear shifting;
  • punching bag and gloves;
  • hoverboard;
  • quality soccer ball.

Gadgets will attract a lot of attention:

  • virtual reality glasses;
  • electronic book;
  • a laptop;
  • phone;
  • in-ear headphones or monitors, wired or bluetooth;
  • gaming mice or joysticks;
  • video game console;
  • gaming keyboard;
  • camera.

The list goes on:

  • a set for the construction of a mast ship;
  • penknife;
  • fashionable phone case;
  • glasses 3d;
  • quadrocopter;
  • ticket for a sports match;
  • ski pass or gym membership.

DIY gift for a boy

If it seems that a gift for a boy cannot be made independently, then these are only assumptions. You can definitely, especially if the age of the child is small. At preschool age, these are creatively designed sweet gifts, soft toys sewn by parents or other relatives, themed sets. If a child is already familiar with the hero of J. Rowling's book Harry Potter, then he will be very surprised to receive a Harry Potter suitcase as a gift at 10-11 years old.

Harry Potter set

Financially, the gift is quite inexpensive. It can be done even if there is no money at all, because improvised materials are used.

From the blanks you will need a cardboard box. You can take any suitable size, even from under the shoes. First of all, it must be painted brown with acrylic paints and allowed to dry well.

Then they take strips of plain brown paper folded in three and glue it onto the box. The role of carnations can be played by black half-beads, which are glued to Moment-Crystal glue.

The suitcase handle is also made of paper folded three times. And stick with glue.

The coat of arms of Hogwarts is printed on a color printer and glued onto a suitcase.

Some filler is placed inside (you can use tinsel or sisal) and proceed to filling.

Now we need to make a ticket to Hogwarts. Here you only need to print the ticket on thick paper in the desired scale and cut it out.

Memory bubble. It will require a vial with a cork plug (you can cut it out of a regular bottle cap), hand sanitizer and glitter.

The gel is poured into the vial up to half.

A funnel is made of paper and a small amount of sparkles is poured into the bottle.

Mix thoroughly and stopper.

Write “memories” on craft paper.

The edges are burning.

Then it remains to stick the label on the vial.

Letter from Hogwarts. Again, it is enough to print the finished layout on a color printer.

The letter is cut to the size of an envelope and folded into an envelope. The envelope itself is also easy to make from craft paper.

The coat of arms of Hogwarts is glued to the back.

The address is written on the front.

For beauty, the emblem of the owl postal service is added.

Bars that alleviate the effects of a Dementor attack. Any bars will do.

First, the sweets are wrapped in food foil,

then into pre-printed labels and glue the edges.

Here's a bat.

Candy box. On an A4 sheet, print the finished box template and cut it out.

All walls are bent along the marked lines.

Glue the folds.

Then they put a picture with Dumbledore inside, glue the petals inside.

Then glue the petals from the lid. Fill the box with sweets and close it.

It remains to make textbooks and notebooks. Ordinary notebooks are pasted over with neutral-colored scrapbook paper.

And the desired printout is pasted on top.

To make the main object - a magic wand, they take a pencil, a large bead and paint - golden and brown.

Glue a bead to the pencil with hot glue.

Then draw patterns with the same hot glue. Waiting for complete drying.

Then the pencil is covered with brown paint, it is possible in two layers.

After drying with gold paint, a couple of small strokes are added.

Great magic wand. Looks like the original.

All souvenirs are put in a "suitcase".


Leather wallet

There comes a time when a boy needs a stylish accessory for money - a wallet, a banknote. Real chic when it is made of genuine leather. You can cut a piece of leather from old boots, and cut a fashionable wallet out of it.

This leather wallet is made without stitching, but it can store bills and cards. When manufacturing, it must be borne in mind that banknotes of large denominations differ in size from the rest. In this case, the wallet will be 10 cm wide. The width of the card compartment is 7.5 cm, the length of the wallet is 25 cm.

A blank 25 * 20 cm is cut out. The middle is located. In the end, the workpiece should turn out in the form of the letter "T".

A hole is made under the card. 3.5 cm recede from the upper edge, and 1 cm on the sides.

Holes need to be punched at the edges, they will loosen the tension of the skin at the incision site, and it will be more difficult to tear the skin in this place.

Then a line cut is made.

A chamfer is removed from the ends of the skin in the place of the cut, i.e. the cut is leveled (polished).

Corners are rounded.

To prevent the bend from opening spontaneously, it should be tapped with a hammer.

Then the chamfer is removed along the perimeter on both sides.

If desired, you can decorate the wallet with a pattern. It burns into the skin.

The edges are waxed.

Trying on content

The last step is to insert the buttons.

Kinder chocolate cake

Kinder chocolates have a very convenient size and shape in the form of bricks, making them convenient to use in all sorts of sweet crafts. For example, a small cake for a sweet tooth.

Two circles are cut out of cardboard: one with a diameter of 10 cm, the other - 11 cm and a strip of 36 × 7.5 cm.

The cardboard strip is folded into a circle.

Fixed with a stapler.

Then, using glue, glue the parts with red wrapping paper.

Make notches along the edges and bend them inward.

At a larger circle, both sides are glued with red paper.

Two ribbons are fixed on top with a stapler, you can tie small surprises to them, for example, two small cars. In this case, hairpins (for girls).

Then, with the help of a glue gun, a kinder surprise and a few sweets are fixed.

The top is glued to the base. The bottom is fixed in the same way.

To fix the chocolates, use the usual linen gum, tie it around the structure. Chocolate bars are inserted under the rubber bands.

Tie the cake with ribbon and remove the elastic.

Pirate ship with sweets

This is another sweet gift. But if the design of the cake is not useful, then the pirate ship will also become a good toy that you don’t mind breaking. Gift - two in one.

For the manufacture of the frame, pieces of packaging foam left after the purchase of household appliances are suitable.

Pieces are glued with double-sided tape. Then the knife is shaped into a ship.

To create the stern, you will need to fix another piece (or several) of foam.

If the frame turned out to be uneven, its shape can be improved with the help of papier-mâché mass.

Then corrugated paper is glued on top of the frame with hot glue. First on the sides

then on top.

The sides and masts are made of wooden skewers.

If required, they are glued together. The sides are connected to each other with a thick rope or twine, glued with hot glue. The steering wheel is glued together from pieces of skewers and two chocolate coins.

The sails are corrugated paper, fixed between wooden skewers of different lengths.

They are then glued to the mast so that the sails are arched.

A rope is tied to the mast and bowsprit, on which a triangular sail - a jib - is glued with hot glue.

You can supplement the contents of the ship with a chest in which you need to put a few sweets.

Decorate the ship with printouts of the skull and bones.

Candies are tied or glued to the sides. You can also glue a cannon out of a large oblong candy and two chocolate coins.

Video: lego candy

Badges with your favorite emblems, logos, characters

Boys love to decorate their school backpacks with badges and compete with each other who is cooler. With homemade badges, the boy will definitely be able to create his own style and get the badge of exactly the subject that he wants. The main thing is to find out what exactly you like.

First of all, stickers must be printed and cut out using scissors.

Then they take PVC cardboard (you can buy it at a building materials store) and lay out all the stickers.

Then just glue the stickers to the cardboard with glue.

Cut out the blank with a clerical knife.

Here is such a thick and dense workpiece turned out.

Top coat with varnish and wait for drying.

The main detail is a pin with which the badge will be attached to something. The pin is applied to the reverse side of the badge and circled.

According to the drawing, cuts are made and a thin layer of cardboard is removed.

Glue the pin.

The icon is ready to use.

Minion Batman

Minions are funny creatures with a cylindrical shape and yellow color. Familiar from the cartoons "Minions" and "Despicable Me". By their behavior they resemble children, and therefore they are dearly loved by them.

The basis for the toy will be a plastic capsule from a large chocolate egg with a surprise.

It needs to be divided into two halves and take the one that is smaller.

You will need a black cloth, it is better to take a black sock.

You need to cut the elastic from the sock and fix it on the capsule with double-sided adhesive tape.

That's the way.

To make the cut look neater, it can be decorated with tape. An adhesive tape is first glued to the cut, and a thin satin tape is placed on top of it.

From the ends of the fabric at the top of the head, using hot glue, Batman's ears are formed.

Eyes (eyes) are glued plastic or printed on paper.

Capsule halves are connected. Draw a smile with a black permanent marker.

Batman's clothes are also made from the gum of the sock, only it needs to be glued unevenly.

In front, it is glued in a semicircle.

Legs and arms are made of colored felt. Legs are black.

The hands are yellow.

For a raincoat, any dark fabric, such as black felt, will do. A cloak is cut out of it and glued to the toy.

Finally, a Batman logo cut out of felt is glued on.

The idea can be used not only as an independent toy, but also as a container for another gift.

Video: felt minion

Video: developing space book made of felt

Bunny from a sock

This funny hare is worth sewing as a gift for a baby. It is soft, with a very cute muzzle, made from improvised materials.

You need to take a sock and cut off the toe from it. It should be put aside.

Then the sock is turned inside out and placed with the heel up. You need to cut the sock in the middle to the heel.

These are ears. They are sewn together, rounding at the top.

Then you need to turn the sock inside out and stuff the ears and body loosely with synthetic winterizer.

From the bottom, starting from the gum of the toe, make an incision 4 cm deep.

Sew up with a hidden seam.

The legs are also loosely stuffed with padding polyester.

Wrap the gum of the sock inside and sew up the leg from the bottom with a hidden seam.

The remaining toe must be cut in half to get two identical parts of the front legs.

One of the parts must be folded in half and sewn from the inside out. The top of the part is not sewn up so that it can be filled with padding polyester.

The foot is turned inside out and stuffed with padding polyester. Sewn to the body. Repeat steps with the second piece.

The heel of the nose will be the muzzle. The muzzle is embroidered with black threads, having previously made markings with a pencil. Tie a satin ribbon around the neck.

Sew on the nose.
Glue the eyes.

It remains to sew buttons from beads
and tail.

Bunny is already expecting a baby.

Video: how to sew the heroes of the animated series "Adventure Time"

All of the above is far from the limiting list of possible gifts for a boy. Now there should be no difficulty in choosing a gift. And in order not to suffer at all, it is better to ask what the child wants to receive for the New Year.

New Year is a holiday that everyone is waiting for, regardless of age. For everyone, it carries its own message: children are waiting for a miracle, adults hope for good luck next year. What are teenagers waiting for? At this age, you stop believing in Santa Claus, but you continue to expect the fulfillment of desires. Their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles will be able to realize the dreams of the younger generation. We offer several options for New Year's gifts for the new generation and we hope that our options can help you in this difficult choice.

  • cool gifts
  • cool gifts
  • Original gifts

New Year's gifts for teenagers

Modern teenagers tend to keep up with the times as closely as possible, but, nevertheless, deep down they remain vulnerable and impressionable, like children. Gifts for them should be appropriate. There is no need to give girls dolls, and boys another car (unless, of course, this is a non-collectible version and not the latest model of a radio-controlled jeep. Adults are not averse to playing with this). A good present would be something meaningful, “adult”, which he so dreamed of, but did not dare to ask.

Top Best Christmas Gifts for Teens

As ideas for an interesting New Year's gift, consider the TOP most in demand among teenagers:
Smartphone. Perhaps this is the most desired gift for the average teenager. Many people probably have phones, but a cool new gadget model will delight a teenager.

Headphones. Large, vacuum, wireless, any option that will produce quality sound will be a win-win option.

Paintball game. Suitable for active kids. But as an exception, you can also give "home" guys and call friends to fight.

Gloves with sensors. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone. The child's hands will be warm, and he will be able to freely answer your call, not to mention that the phone does not respond to cold hands.

Named external battery. Firstly, this is the most sought-after thing for a teenager, and secondly, it will become unique thanks to the nominal text.

A ticket to a concert of your favorite band. Is there a celebrity performance that a teenager dreams about in your city? Tickets for it - will be most welcome.

When choosing a gift, do not forget about the teenager's hobbies. It is from them that you need to build on when choosing a presentation.

Most Popular Gifts for Teenagers

Consider the most popular boy's New Year's gifts.
1. Educational supplies. A beautiful pencil case with a set of stationery, a beautiful school bag, an e-book, everything that can be useful in your studies will be useful.

2. A gift associated with a hobby. Draws - easel, paints, a set of brushes. Sports - a new suit, accessories, a subscription to new sections.

3. A basket of sweets, a large chocolate figure of Santa Claus or an invitation to a master class in confectionery art will become a universal gift for all the sweet tooth.

4. Everything for the home. Most teenagers have their own room. Think about additions to it. Creative alarm clock, photo pillow, digital photo frame.

5. Board or outdoor games. Twister, monopoly, dance mat.
When choosing a New Year's gift for a teenager, you can start not only from his desires, but also from the importance of the present.

What to give a teenage girl for Christmas

Teenage girls want to receive as a gift what they themselves do not have enough pocket money for. Cosmetics, perfumes, fashionable clothes, jewelry, all this will cause delight.

As an option, give her an accessory to the gadget: a pendant or a beautiful case for a smartphone, a stylish flash drive, a selfie stick. Modern teenagers adore such accessories.

Most of the girls are creative. Anything related to their hobby will be helpful. A cosmetic bag (ideally filled with cosmetics) will also delight. Home accessories: cute slippers, a bathrobe, a personalized towel, a cup with her photo.

What to give a teenage boy for Christmas

In adolescence, boys want to look more masculine and modern. Make this wish come true on New Year's Eve. Give him a certificate for a diving lesson, DJ courses, a ski master class. The music lover will find useful speakers, especially those powered by bluetooth. If your financial situation allows, present your teenager with a cool drone, trendy gadgets and add-ons to them. A new update of your favorite computer game will not only be a good gift, but will also make the boy popular among his peers.

Christmas Gift Ideas for Teenagers

Creativity and uniqueness are the main things that should be present in a gift for a teenager. If you look at what young people are fond of, you can understand that everything is not so difficult. For example, 3D pen is very popular among teenagers. Thus, you can show your talent as a designer. A light projector will help you dream about the future or make plans for the near future. Look for the best photo of a teenager and order a portrait.

cool gifts

Every teenager has their own idea of ​​cool. For some, this is a new digital camera, and for some, a soft toy. Find out in advance what your teenager will like. Unfortunately, not everyone makes contact at that age. Listen to what your child says about his desires, what kind of surprise he wants to receive. You can consult with his friends and get a general picture of the desires of a teenager.

A variant of a teenage gift will be a cup that changes color or pictures when heated. Fill the container with hot liquid, and the painted print will change color or characters will appear that were invisible on the cold surface.

A collection of books for artists, designers and cooks will contribute to the development of talent. A good musical instrument, a gym membership, the passage of a quest room. This is what many teenagers dream of, but not everyone talks about it.

Cool and interesting

Consider a funny Christmas present for a teenager. It can be looked at in a specialized store. Original smartphone stand, 3D lamp, "Samurai Sword" umbrella, they will be both cool and useful. If your child is into modeling, give him a 3D metal or wooden puzzle. They are sold in different versions (towers, planes, tanks, cars, etc.). Now the Magic Ball has become popular. Mentally ask a question, shake the ball, and the answer will appear in the appropriate box.

cool gifts

A cool gift for a teenage girl would be a gift card to a shopping center or a beauty salon, a set of cosmetics in a large basket, an original notebook in which she can share her thoughts and dreams. Manicure set, which includes everything you need for nail treatment, varnishes and accessories for creating nail design. The boy will like a cool skateboard, gyroboard, bicycle, computer accessory. If you can afford a big gift, then a prefix, a convenient joystick and a steering wheel would be a suitable option.

Original gifts

If you do not want to be primitive, you can spend a little more time and think about an original Christmas present. A trip to the recreation center will help to change the situation and have fun. Holidays are just right for such a gift.

If a teenager dreams of a pet, then you can present him with the desired pet. There are many original gifts that almost no one has. These include a finger drum kit, a homemade cotton candy or popcorn maker.
On the eve of the New Year, it is better to listen to the teenager and give exactly what he has long dreamed of.

When choosing a gift for a child for the New Year 2020, it is difficult not to get lost in the search for something that will really please him. It is especially difficult with children aged 10-13, because they are no longer children, but not yet adults. And even though children at this age no longer believe in Santa Claus and know that all the gifts were bought by their parents, they are still not indifferent to the New Year's fairy season, and are looking forward to presents.

How to choose a gift for a son 10-13 years old

Every child, regardless of age, is waiting for gifts for the New Year. To please your son on this holiday, you need to think in advance about the options for a surprise for him. It is best to give your son what he wants for a long time. Perhaps you noticed how he looked at some thing in the store for a long time, or with what vivid emotions he talked about something. Watch your child, and perhaps his desires will become clear to you.

You can also focus on your own knowledge about your son and his hobbies. To do this, it is worth considering his age, hobbies and fashion trends of the present time. The simplest option is a direct question.

Most popular options

At 10-13 years old, your son is already quite an adult, and it is difficult to surprise him. But in his heart he is still a child, dreaming of a miracle and the fulfillment of his desires. New Year is just that magical time when dreams come true.

Boys of this age are actively interested in modern gadgets, so this gift is considered the most popular. He will certainly be pleased with a brand new smartphone, tablet or camera. And for game lovers, a game console, a computer steering wheel or a pedal for games, a joystick or a game keyboard are suitable. For a creative guy who is fond of music, you can choose accessories for his instrument.

An excellent gift option would be stylish clothes: boots, a youth jacket or sweatshirt. If the boy goes in for sports, then you can buy him a new sports uniform or equipment as a New Year's present.
Further in the article, we will consider each category of popular gifts separately.


Despite the fact that 10-13 years old for a boy is already considered quite an adult age, they still love toys. Cars are the leader among them. Naturally, these should not be children's cars of all colors of the rainbow, designed for kids.

A son of this age may like the following models:

  • Collectible cars made of metal, i.e. miniature copies of real cars
  • Tracks with racing cars, the speed of which can reach up to 100 km/h or more. You can play these toys alone or with friends, competing to see whose car will be the first.
  • A radio-controlled car is a toy that everyone loves, from young to old. There are many similar models, ranging from small cars to large SUVs and tanks.
  • A remote control helicopter is another popular toy that even adult men will be happy to receive as a gift.
  • A programmable robot will captivate a boy of any age.

In addition to transport, you can give your son constructor. Their current range is rich in a variety of models. It can be either a large Lego set or an electronic designer.

Modeling kit will be of interest to young engineers or lovers of technology. It can be military equipment, a modern racing car or an airplane. Assembling the model, the boy will be able not only to study it in detail, but also to feel the atmosphere of that time.

A wonderful gift for the New Year 2020 will be board games. Most of today's children prefer to play on computers and phones, but recently both children and adults have begun to choose board games more and more. They are divided into several types:

  • Strategy - Empire, Treasure Island, Game of Thrones, Battleship, Carcassonne, etc. These games, created on the basis of popular TV shows or a computer version, are the most popular among the younger generation.
  • Economic games, of which the most famous is Monopoly. It has been played for many years by families or groups of friends.
  • Fun Party Games - Alias, Evolution, Story Cubes, Scrabble, etc. They are designed to organize fun and educational gatherings with friends.
  • Classic games - backgammon, lotto, checkers or chess.
  • Board games of sports subjects - hockey or football.
  • A set of magicians that will allow your son to learn various tricks and stand out from the crowd of his peers.

creative gifts

Boys are as fond of creativity as girls. For the New Year 2020, a son of 10-13 years old can be presented with a set for painting on glass or wood, for burning out or numbered coloring.

Any child will be interested in a 3D pen. If your son is fond of drawing, then such a product will help him realize his talent. The difference between such a pen is the fact that it does not require paper to draw, it creates drawings right in the air. Such an unusual creative tool is ideal for a present at the magical New Year's time.

Creative Gift:

Smart Gifts

  1. Book- a gift that is relevant at all times. It can be detective, adventure or fantasy. At this age, the boy may also be interested in books about the war. Most teenagers prefer publications of such writers as A. Conan Doyle, D. Rowling, E. Verkin, K. Bulychev, D. Emets and C. Lewis.
  2. encyclopedias- books that allow you to learn a lot of new things. There are children's encyclopedias in which all the information is conveyed in a simple, understandable language, so that even a child would be interested in reading it. It is better to purchase a similar book edition depending on the preferences of your son. It can be an encyclopedia about our country, dinosaurs, military equipment, science or architecture.
  3. Puzzle- a gift for lovers of intellectual complexity. The most popular are the Perplexus ball, Rubik's Cube, Sudoku or Jenga ball.
  4. Experiment kit- a gift for a boy who is interested in discoveries and knowledge of everything new. What kid wouldn't want to experiment with something? Such kits will tell him about the properties of water or energy, help him create a windmill on his own or launch a small rocket.
We carry out experiments:

Gifts for active games and sports

A child aged 10-13 is full of strength and energy. Boys are finally determined with one or another sport that interests them. And in their free time they prefer active games. Therefore, for the New Year, he can be presented with the following gifts:
  • Tennis or ping pong set. These games can be played both in summer and winter. But when choosing a kit, you should definitely take into account the age and parameters of your son, because an overly large or small racket will only interfere with the game.
  • Exercise equipment for children- a variant of a New Year's surprise for a physically developed child who is fond of sports and an active lifestyle.
  • Tubing- soft inflatable cheesecake for skiing from the mountains in winter. Such a gift will delight any child. You can have a fun New Year's holidays, riding with the whole family from the snow slides. This gift is the perfect choice at this time when most children find it so difficult to tear themselves away from gadgets.
  • Ledyanka- Another accessory for outdoor activities in the winter.
  • Snow scooter- an unusual gift that will be sure to be appreciated by your son. At 10-13 years old, he is already an adult for a sled, and a snow scooter is ideal for a grown child. Moreover, now there is a large selection of different models, including models with wheels that can even be driven on asphalt.
  • Skates- an option for sports boys who spend most of their free time on the street.

Vacation Gifts

Sports and outdoor activities are good and healthy, but any person also needs rest, and a child in particular. After a walk in the fresh air or another workout, your son will want to relax when he comes home. To do this, he needs an easy chair. In the children's room, there must be such furniture, because in it you can read, draw, drink a cup of tea or just chat with friends. For a boy of 10, 11, 12, 13 years old, it is better to choose an original bean bag chair.

An equally useful gift would be a lamp. A simple lamp is no longer so interesting for children. But an unusual lamp in the form of a robot, a planet or a dinosaur is perfect for a boy's room. You can also give your son a projector or a salt lamp.

Summing up…

As you can see, there are many gift options for the New Year 2020 for a son aged 10-13. Even if you don't know exactly what your child wants, you can always come up with an equally interesting and useful option that will delight most children. Do not forget that it is best for children to present gifts not just by handing them over, but in the form of some interesting quest. Present packaging should be bright and unusual. Such a gift will surely cause delight and a sense of wonder in the child.

Making gifts is a responsible and difficult task in itself, and when you need to choose what to give a teenage boy for the new year, it becomes even more difficult. After all, adolescents of 11-16 years old sometimes seem to be almost adults, but in fact they are still quite children at heart. Only very vulnerable and sensitive, although they try not to show it. In general, the choice of a New Year's present for an already big boy must be approached with all seriousness, and his personality should definitely be taken into account!

Traditional Christmas gifts for teenage boys

You can make a fairly large list of gifts that are universal and are likely to please a teenager.

  1. Electronics, gadgets. Even if the boy already has a cool and technological phone model, you can always give him another one, and he will definitely like such a gift, you can be sure. A good gift would be an MP3 player, home audio system or, for example, an e-book. And you can choose something interesting from all kinds of gadgets, for example: a pedometer, a portable lie detector, a shower radio, a laser show set, an alarm clock that runs away or leaves, etc.
  2. Accessories for computer, smartphone. A wireless speaker, an external battery for a smartphone, or maybe a sports case for attaching it to your hand (convenient for those who are engaged in active sports). You can give the boy luminous or some other interesting headphones, but be sure to be of good quality, because boys usually take sound quality seriously. Other options: a webcam, an unusual usb hub, for example, in the form of a luminous figurine of a person or an octopus, or in the form of some kind of fruit or vegetable, a wireless mouse (for a game or just in some kind of playful design), an unusual flash drive, a mug heated from usb (actually cold in winter) or vice versa, a mini-fridge, just under a jar of lemonade.
  3. Certificate to your favorite store. If a teenager is passionate about something, he will be pleased with the opportunity to buy something for his favorite hobby, so a certificate in this case will be very useful. Give a gift certificate to a sportsman to a sports store, to a computer science genius to a computer store, to a music lover to a store with music discs, and to a virtual reality fan to a salon selling licensed computer games.
  4. Fashionable and stylish watch. Of course, they should be chosen depending on what the teenager likes. But most of the boys of this age like all kinds of "space" devices with LED backlighting and unusual design.
  5. Camera. A good camera is not just a toy, it is quite possible that it will become a new serious hobby for a teenager.
  6. Ordinary extraordinary things. Teenagers love anything unusual, and if you know this, it will be easier for you to choose a gift for a boy. You can buy him, for example, a touch-sensitive transparent calculator, or also a calculator, but in the form of a chocolate bar, or maybe a bicycle lamp in the shape of a skull, a piggy bank in the form of an ATM, or a “thief” piggy bank - you put a coin on the box, and from there it looks out character and steals it. You can buy a folding table lamp with a built-in home weather station or a bike lock.
  7. home planetarium. It usually makes a wonderful gift, especially for boys aged 11-13. Such home planetariums project a real starry sky (5-50 thousand real stars) onto the ceiling, educational materials are attached to them, and often they can also play sound when performing in the role of a portable speaker. Children at this age are also interested in microscopes with good magnification, binoculars and other optics (for example, almost any teenager will be happy with a telescope, of course, if you don’t just give this thing, but teach it to use, captivate him).
  8. Money. Most teenagers admit that they would like to receive as a gift for the New Year just some amount of money in order to buy the necessary things for themselves. It is not necessary to give just banknotes. You can get a bank card specifically for such a gift and present it to the boy, let him get used to using it. Or you can give him an unusual piggy bank, for example, on a New Year's theme (for example, choose a piggy bank in the form of an animal-symbol of the year), and put money in it.
  9. Games and toys. Of course, for older boys, they are already different. For example, teenagers are happy to play radio-controlled helicopters (only cool and big ones), or you can buy a boy not a radio-controlled helicopter, but, for example, a radio-controlled tarantula - a good way to scare all the girls in the area. Also, grown-up boys, together with friends, recklessly play air hockey or table football, play billiards, you can choose one of these games as a gift.
  10. Goods for sports. Most teens will love a sports-related gift. What it will be, you know better - you can buy him a new soccer ball, skates, skis, a skateboard, or, for example, a speedometer for a bicycle. It all depends on what kind of sport the boy is keen on.

You can complement the gift with a funny figurine of the animal-symbol of the year, you get a kind of talisman that will bring good luck to the boy in the new year.

Intangible Gifts

No less pleasant, and sometimes capable of causing a whole storm of delight in a teenager, are gifts that you can’t even hold in your hands. These are all kinds of gifts, emotions, new impressions. What can you give a teenager:

  • Go to a concert of your favorite artist. If under the tree this New Year he finds tickets for a concert of a musician whose fan he is, this will be the best New Year's gift for him.
  • Gym membership. You can give such a gift only to a teenager who is passionate about sports. If you buy a season ticket for a boy who is far from a sports theme, he may even be offended.
  • Master Class. Of course, one should not give a boy at this age all sorts of boring studies for him. After all, there is a lot of interesting things for a teenager! For example: a master class in hip-hop or breakdancing, club dancing, diving lessons, skiing, training in filming a video clip from professional operators, and serious guys will be happy with a certificate for a master class, for example, in marketing or business ( All materials are designed specifically for children of this age).
  • Joint entertainment. You can go bowling, billiards, or even to the cinema for a movie premiere with your teenager. Or arrange a tubing ride from a high mountain (only on a special track, otherwise it can be very dangerous).

extreme gifts

Especially boys at this age respect extreme entertainment. Of course, extreme sports should be in moderation, after all, a teenager is not yet an adult. And you need to choose such a gift in accordance with the age of the boy.

At this age, such extreme entertainments are especially popular:

  • Parkour (give him a lesson with an instructor who will teach him the basics of overcoming obstacles)
  • Schools of survival in extreme conditions. The main thing is that the conditions are quite extreme (otherwise the boy may be disappointed), but at the same time safe.
  • Rock climbing (required with an experienced instructor, height is no joke!).
  • Orienteering.
  • Paintball. You can assemble a whole team and “fight” along with adults.
  • Flight in a wind tunnel. Teenagers usually like this kind of entertainment very much.

When choosing extreme entertainment, be sure to seriously study the topic and choose the most reliable company, because such a gift is associated with a risk to the health of a teenager.

TOP 10 gifts for a teenager boy for the New Year

  1. Smartphone and accessories
  2. Computer accessories
  3. Money
  4. Ordinary items in a cool design
  5. Sporting goods
  6. Concert tickets
  7. Certificates to his favorite store
  8. Extreme entertainment
  9. fashion clothes
  10. Board and other games

Of course, the gifts will differ depending on who you are to this boy and how much you have. But in order to surprise and please a teenager, it is not necessary to give him something mega-cool and super expensive. The main thing is to take into account the peculiarities of his character, to catch the mood, and your New Year's gift will definitely be liked!

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