Surprise gift for wedding from parents. Gifts for young people from parents. Surprise for the sweet tooth

The wedding of children is a very important and exciting event for their parents. And if the bride and groom perceive this day as a cheerful and long-awaited holiday, then for the older generation, the wedding day of a son or daughter causes excitement and slight sadness. In this regard, many parents pay great attention not only to the details of the celebration, but also to the choice of a wedding gift that they want to make especially sincere and memorable.

Practical Options

Gifts to newlyweds from parents usually stand out for their scale compared to other gifts, and are often agreed in advance with both the young and the parents of the second spouse. The most expensive and practical things are, of course, a car or your own living space, but not all parents have such an opportunity, and most families give less expensive, but no less necessary and interesting gifts to the newlyweds. So, the most common gift is cash. Despite its banality and prosaic nature, it is money that is so necessary for a young family, they help to equip her life at the initial stage.

Another way of giving money will require some labor and time, but it is quite original and unusual. Parents previously exchange the entire amount at the bank for gold coins and fill them with a clay flower pot, which is also wrapped in wrapping paper and decorated with a bow. After the celebration, young people, at their discretion, will be able to either exchange coins for banknotes, or keep the donated funds in gold equivalent. The next method of giving money is considered the most exotic of all existing ones and consists in exchanging the prepared amount for the currency of different countries. After that, a large student globe or a globe-bar is bought, to which paper bills are attached, given their belonging to a particular country.

Often, the parents of the bride and groom discuss this moment in advance and contribute the same amount to the gift. The price of the issue entirely depends on the material capabilities of each of the parties and usually ranges from 20 to 100 thousand rubles. Giving money to young people can be interesting to beat. The most common option is to create a money cake, when bills are twisted into tubes and interconnected using thin rubber bands. Then the “construction” is wrapped in beautiful transparent paper and tied with a large bow.

And, finally, the simplest, but no less original way of presenting money will be to purchase two paired piggy banks (for example, in the form of a cat and a cat) and fill them to the top with ten-ruble coins. Usually such gifts are perceived with a bang and make a splash. In order for the couple not to mindlessly spend the donated money on all sorts of unnecessary things due to their youth, you can open a bank deposit for a period of one to several years. This approach is the most pragmatic and allows you to increase the amount for the period that it will be under interest.

In addition to cash, the most useful and practical gifts are household appliances and furniture. However, when choosing them, it must be borne in mind that the gift is given to both spouses, which means that both will have to use it. Therefore, a leather office chair or a food processor will not work as a wedding present. But a microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, personal computer, fireplace or TV will be very helpful. If the guys already have their own housing, then an air conditioner or a built-in kitchen will be a good gift.

In addition, you can give the couple a stretch ceiling, a "warm floor" system, balcony glazing or new windows. If funds allow, you can pay for the full repair of the entire apartment, since it often takes the lion's share of the family budget to carry out it. However, the purchase of furniture and household appliances should be approached taking into account the wishes of the young. This is due to somewhat different ideas of fathers and children about home comfort and the functionality of certain devices, so the most reasonable thing in this case would be to purchase a gift certificate. For young spouses living in a private house or having a dacha, a prefabricated barrel bath or multi-barbecue will be a practical gift.

If the future spouses have all the necessary equipment, repairs have been completed and the apartment is fully furnished, then the presentation of two certificates to the jewelry salon will be an excellent gift. The young wife will be able to choose an exquisite piece of jewelry, and the husband will exchange his certificate for an expensive watch. The pairing rule applies to all gifts given to the newlyweds. It often happens that each parent, in addition to a common gift, wants to congratulate their child with an individual present.

In this case, it is necessary to purchase a gift for the second spouse, and the cost of such gifts should be approximately equivalent. But in any case, individual gifts should be somewhat more modest than joint ones, and have both a memorable and a practical function. An exception may be a family heirloom given to a daughter by her mother or to a daughter-in-law by her mother-in-law. It can be an antique or antique piece of jewelry. In this case, a paired gift to the groom may not be presented.

And finally, a classic of the genre. Practical and necessary gifts have always been considered and continue to be bedding sets, tea and dinner sets, crystal vases, duvets and pillows, expensive curtains and sets of pots.

Surprises for the soul

Such gifts do not imply the donation of any material values, however, they are distinguished by the originality of the idea and will be remembered for a long time by the newlyweds and guests. A good option for congratulations would be a song performed by the parents of the bride and groom, as well as the presentation to the young of their first family portrait. Now you can easily order any portrait from a photograph, and the only condition for choosing such a gift is the selection of the most successful photo that both spouses would like. In addition to the traditional option, you can order a copy of a reproduction of a famous master depicting spouses. Such canvases look impressive and will surely be remembered by everyone present for a long time.

Also an interesting, however, short-lived gift will be a large caviar bowl filled to the top with black caviar of the highest quality. For such a gift, you can come up with a lot of comic quatrains, as well as wishes of wealth and prosperity. In addition, various amulets and figurines that can bring happiness and well-being into the house with the help of Feng Shui techniques will become an inexpensive, but very sincere and original gift. You can also donate icons or other religious symbols purchased from the respective establishments.

Presentation selection criteria

However, some modern parents do not want to give classic bedding sets and often focus on the hobbies and lifestyle of children. Such gifts, as a rule, have a narrow focus and are very positively perceived by the newlyweds.


If young people have a common hobby, then this greatly simplifies the choice of a gift. So, for lovers of hiking and hiking, a tourist tent or a gazebo with soft windows will be a good present. If a couple is fond of cycling, you can give them two good bikes or a gift certificate to a branded bike shop. Fishing enthusiasts will be happy with a modern inflatable boat, and lovers of extreme recreation will be happy with expensive climbing equipment. If young people are seriously interested in photography, then two expensive SLR cameras will come in handy, and if the couple loves long trips, then a fashionable travel suitcase will take its rightful place among other gifts. A good addition to the suitcase would be a tour package for two with an open date.


The fulfillment of the cherished dream of the spouses is an unusual and welcome gift. For example, if the guys want to jump with a parachute, you can give them a certificate for one jump and pay for the services of an instructor. The organization of a round-the-world honeymoon trip or a trip to an exotic country that young people have long wanted to visit can become an original and unexpected present. As an example, the most popular destinations for romantic trips are mysterious Thailand and touching Venice. If, after organizing a wedding celebration, the parents' budget cannot withstand such luxurious gifts, you can limit yourself to a certificate for a horseback ride or a balloon flight. A good present would be sailing on a yacht or visiting a contact dolphinarium. Subject to a certain amount of free funds, you can please the children with the visit of a popular singer who will perform in front of the guests with a short concert program and willingly take part in a photo session with the young.

The wedding of children is an event of paramount importance. Striving for the perfect celebration, parents come close to choosing a worthy gift for the newlyweds. How not to miscalculate with a present and surprise the closest people? What do parents usually give their children on their wedding day? Our article will tell about this and more.

Agree, the choice of a gift for the newlyweds from the parents is a scrupulous business, because they are entitled to all the best. What wedding gift would be perfect and unforgettable for your children, who are preparing to enter a new life? Use our ideas and, perhaps, you will make the newly-married spouses even happier.

10 practical and necessary gifts

Portal for brides offers you various options for wedding gifts for newlyweds from parents for any budget:

  1. Money - despite the fact that such a present cannot definitely be called original, there will always be a use for it. Most often, by this moment, the heroes of the occasion have decided on a list of necessary things for a new life, so a cash gift will help make their wishes come true. And in order to remember the gift to the newlyweds from the parents, give money for the wedding in an original way. The best ideas are presented in the photo below.

  2. Automobile - What couple doesn't dream of getting a gift like this on their wedding day? Parents will only have to look into the happy eyes of their children, and the guests will be surprised.

  3. Real estate - Undoubtedly, the most desirable gift for the newlyweds was, is and will be their own living space. Consider also the option of purchasing a summer cottage for a family vacation.
  4. Appliances - makes life easier for young people, so such a present is in demand every year. Moreover, not every family is able to purchase a sophisticated multicooker, a washing vacuum cleaner, a top-class refrigerator and other miracles of modern technology, but to accept it as a gift from parents is just that. If you are anti-standards (TV, food processor, microwave), delight your kids with next-generation home appliances. For example, newlyweds will be very pleased to drink morning cappuccino together, prepared by a home coffee machine, remembering the care of their parents.

  5. Furniture - Of course, no one is going to come to a wedding with a sofa and a wardrobe. The most acceptable option is to agree in advance with the newlyweds and pay for the purchase they have chosen. A new interior for a family nest will be very useful for your children.
  6. Kitchenware - a wide selection of dishes, cutlery, as well as various pans, pots and other utensils, of course, will come in handy for a newly-made family.

  7. Linens - caring parents can also add high-quality pillows and orthopedic mattresses to this wedding gift.

  8. Jewelry - The perfect gift to bring prosperity to the family. The bride will appreciate earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, and the groom will surely like a money clip or jewelry keychain.
  9. Gift certificates - they can be purchased for all of the above presents, then you do not have to take risks when choosing one or another thing, and also bother about transporting a gift to a celebration.

  10. Family portrait - Great place to start a family tradition. In addition to the classic version, you can consider a portrait reproduction of a famous painting with images of newlyweds on canvas. Looks impressive.

Advice: If the children have everything and you know for sure that the above gift ideas for the newlyweds are unlikely to suit their taste, give in an original and big way. For example, wishing the newly-made spouses prosperity, present a caviar bowl full of red or black caviar (naturally, of the best quality). Such a gift will definitely be remembered for a long time.

We give children wedding impressions

On the other hand, new pots and pillows may well be presented by guests. Do you value bright moments in life most of all? What in this case can be given to dear children on their wedding day? Of course, impressions! will be happy to give you some ideas:

What gifts for newlyweds should you refrain from?

Wedding superstitions are something you can't hide from. And even if the newlyweds do not believe in omens at all, the opinion of the guests, especially the older generation, can negatively affect their mood.

Top 10 Unfortunate Gifts for Newlyweds

So, what exactly should not be given to newlyweds for a wedding and for what reasons, see below:

  • hours - predict a quick separation;
  • piercing objects - to constant quarrels in family life;
  • flowers in pots - depress the health of the young and prevent the conception of strong children;
  • mirrors - to selfishness in the family;
  • empty vases are harbingers of childlessness, but vases with fresh flowers or sweets are welcome;
  • products made of fragile glass, which are easy to break in the wedding bustle, will be the beginning of the destruction of family life;
  • climate technology - to the cooling of feelings;
  • sets of candles - there is an opinion that the happiness of the young can melt like a candle;
  • accessories for the hair of the bride - to the restriction of freedom;
  • cufflinks and a tie clip for the groom - the spouse risks becoming henpecked.

Now you know what gifts you can give to the newlyweds, it remains only to prepare wedding toasts from parents, the best of which are on our website.


    Parents are the closest people of the bride and groom. Therefore, congratulations on the wedding from the parents is one of the most striking and touching parts of the wedding celebration.

    Three stages of congratulatory speeches

    First of all, do not drag out your speech and make it unnecessarily grandiloquent. Such a congratulation may seem brilliant, but hardly anyone will appreciate such grandiosity. It is better to choose short, but capacious phrases, colored with deep emotionality.

    There is an old custom according to which the parental parting word is an obligatory component of the wedding celebration. Congratulations can sound against a musical background, be presented both in verse and in prose, and stand out with special effects. Such details are negotiated in advance with the toastmaster.

    • The first speech is delivered after the ceremony, just before going to the registry office. promises young people a long happy life in marriage.
    • The second speech sounds after registration and precedes the wedding banquet.
    • Tamada gives the floor to parents during the festive feast. Here you can already afford to deviate from traditions and wish what you want, not with official, but with warm and sincere words. Congratulations on the wedding from the bride's parents sound especially touching, because mom and dad give their treasure to the groom's family.

    Packing packaging strife

    Parents should pay special attention to how to present a wedding gift to children, in particular, on the packaging of the present. It is better if it is not a standard foil tied with a huge bow, but a box covered with silk or velvet and richly strewn with flowers, hearts or themed figurines.

    Also, a gift of an unusual shape will look great: round, cone-shaped, in the form of a candy or a roll - it all depends on the imagination. However, it is worth making sure that the present opens easily and does not have to fiddle with paper and ribbons for a long time.

    Great idea to combine gifts. So, if, for example, you are planning to give jewelry, you can complement them with a beautiful box. Present a lush bouquet of flowers immediately along with an elegant vase. If you have chosen a crystal service or other dishes as a gift, also attach a basket with delicious sweets so that the bride and groom have a festive tea party. Such gifts guarantee a lot of pleasant emotions!

    What a surprise!

    After all, parents remember how in childhood their son or daughter was happy with surprises! You can organize everything so that the gift is not given by you yourself, but by strangers on your behalf. There are many holiday agencies that will help bring any of your interesting ideas to life.

    Imagine this picture: after the registry office, a parachutist “parks” near the young people, as if fallen from the sky, and solemnly presents them with gifts. Or, say, a courier in a dress coat climbs into the window of the hall where the wedding banquet is taking place and joyfully congratulates the couple on such a wonderful event in their lives. Isn't it a miracle!

    And money can be an original gift

    Many parents find it expedient to give money to their children, and this is really very convenient! Much better than a tenth microwave or an unnecessary toaster. However, presenting money in envelopes is so commonplace. We suggest paying attention to the original methods.

    All the money in the world

    If the newlyweds cannot imagine their life without tourist trips, you can give them a collage made up of banknotes from different countries. Pounds, euros, shekels, tugriks, yens, dollars and rubles - whatever you find! This poster looks amazing! Add to this gift a wish for the spouses to visit all the countries whose currency units are presented in the collage.

    Pot with deposit

    Take a pretty clay or metal pot and fill it with gold coins. Tie the neck with a shiny cloth or glossy paper and secure with a satin ribbon.

    Put large bills on the bottom of the pot - it will be a pleasant surprise. It is better to give such a non-standard gift to the groom, because the pot is quite weighty.

    The book is still the best gift

    Investing in books is a classic way to store banknotes. Well, if the book is not very interesting - a culinary guide or tips for beginner gardeners. It is better to pack it so that the name is visible, and present it with the words: “It is difficult to come up with the best gift for the newlyweds!”

    Random elephant in a china shop

    Take a thin box, decorate it with a bow and ribbons, and place glass jars in it. To carry out this congratulatory operation, you will need a "random" guest who will have to stumble and let go of the box as if by chance. Naturally, all this is accompanied by a roar, the sound of breaking dishes (for good luck!), And meanwhile the guest apologizes embarrassedly and says that he was asked to pass on the instructions that are in this box. Here he takes out a postcard with money and hands it to the young people to the sound of laughter.

    As you can see, whether it is a congratulation of a daughter on a wedding from parents or a son, parents can be creative in the process.

    Such cute surprises will add variety to the holiday and will be remembered by everyone for a long time. And what the parents will say, by and large, is not so important, because they will say parting words to the children from the bottom of their hearts. It is most important.

    Newlyweds dream of receiving useful, comfortable beautiful things, joyful emotions, memory of this important day, and, of course, replenishment of the family budget as a gift. The best gift for young spouses will be the keys to their own home, but this is not always possible. Therefore, relatives mainly choose traditional wedding gifts, parents give a honeymoon trip, or furnishings to a new home, and friends choose original gifts and experiences.

    What parents give to the newlyweds for the wedding

    The parents of the bride and groom get the most responsible role to give serious gifts at the beginning of a new life together. By tradition, the families of the newlyweds jointly buy their own housing for the young family, and give the keys to the house or apartment for the wedding. Today, not all parents can afford to buy such expensive wedding gifts, so you can choose those interior items or equipment that young people will need in the first place.

    • From technology to a new home, parents can donate:
      1. Washing machine;
      2. Kitchen set with built-in appliances immediately;
      3. Fridge;
      4. Oven;
      5. Convenient modern stove;
      6. dishwasher;
      7. Hood;
      8. drying machine;
      9. Plasma TV;
      10. Home cinema;
      11. Two laptops or two tablets.

    It is not worth giving personal equipment in one copy, even if in theory it seems that one computer in the family is enough, but in practice all people use computers and tablets at about the same time. Therefore, in order for the family to have peace and quiet, everyone should have their own personal computer.

    What can give friends for the young

    Friends of the newlyweds can give original, and even cool gifts that will later be used in life, or simply become a reminder of today's celebration. Depending on the size of the budget of friends, they can choose any serious or inexpensive, but nice gifts for the wedding:

    Gifts that a friend can make with her own hands for the bride and groom:

    A wedding is a holiday for two, and even if you are the best bridesmaid, then the gift should be for the family, if you decide to give jewelry, let it be paired for the husband and wife, if you decide to choose a gift certificate, then it should also be for two.

    What do the relatives of the bride and groom give

    Relatives of both the groom and the bride prefer traditional wedding gifts, most often they choose something that will bring comfort and warmth to the new home. They try to choose expensive gifts that will make life easier for young spouses, or help create their own home.

    What to give for a wedding to a wealthy family

    Today it often happens that in life there are two or three marriages, or the first one is in adulthood, between two accomplished successful people. For many, the question arises of what can be given to young people who already have housing, an established life, and enough life experience. In such a situation, ordinary gifts for the home will not be relevant, it is best to opt for original gifts or gift-impressions that will give unforgettable emotions and help you spend time together happily.

    • Parents can donate travel to paradise islands.
    • Friends balloon flight certificate.
    • Relatives can arrange romantic dinner for two in the best restaurant in town.
    • Interesting inexpensive gifts for the home can be:
      1. Japanese sand garden for meditation;
      2. Biofireplace for an apartment, or real for a country house;
      3. Fireplace can be outdoor instead of barbecue. He will fit perfectly into a large area, and will gather family friends around him for many holidays;
      4. Swimming pool for a country house, can also be a great gift;
      5. Aquarium.
    • From gift-impressions, you can choose a certificate for a joint day inSPA.
    • Flying in a small airplane above the city.
    • scuba diving next to coral reefs.
    • One day trip on a yacht by the sea.
    • Dinner for two on the rooftop one of the high-rise buildings, with a beautiful panorama of the city.

    The most common and most desired wedding gift is money. This is normal, because a young family wants to independently choose the interior for their home, buy dishes, furniture, and appliances for a new home. The process of choosing and buying goods for your nest is a great pleasure for a young family. In addition, they know better what style they want to make in the house, what exactly to spend money on, what equipment is needed and what is not, or it’s generally better to choose a trip, because while they live in a rented apartment, you don’t need to buy anything there.

    A cash gift is always perceived by young people with joy and gratitude, but this does not mean that when you come to a wedding, you can simply give a pack of banknotes to the newlyweds, on the contrary, a cash gift requires special packaging and a special gift.

    Gift wrapping methods:

    Ways to present money at a wedding

    Cash gifts are difficult because they cannot be packed in a large beautiful box, inside of which lies a certain thing. At the same time, a monetary gift can become any thing necessary in the household, which the young spouses will pick up for themselves. To beautifully present this idea, come up with a congratulation with which you will give a gift. Beautifully pack the money, sign the postcard. Hand it over with the words that you are not giving money, but a future trip, part of a new renovation, the left section of a much-needed closet, or one day out of seven on a big Mediterranean cruise.

    That big gift for which you propose to spend the money you donated can be beaten with congratulations. An envelope with money can be put inside a toy car, a small house, a toy sailing yacht, or hidden in homemade paint cans and building materials.

    Wedding gifts for the newlyweds are always chosen for two, now they are one family, they will have their own home and their own life. Almost all wedding gifts, both traditional and modern, are given to create home comfort and arrange a family nest. Do not forget about the opportunity to give vivid emotions and impressions for two, believe me, such gifts will not be forgotten, the newlyweds will cherish the common memories of travel, joint vacation, visiting the SPA-salon together or pair skydiving.

    When going to a wedding with friends or relatives, you want to choose a gift that would be both pleasant and useful. Even more problems associated with a gift arise for parents - they are faced with the task of giving something that will please children and will be appreciated by guests.

    It's good when young people start their lives from scratch - in this case, any household appliances, furniture or interior items will come in handy. Newly made spouses who will live in a cottage will need everything that can be used not only in the house, but also in the garden: gazebos, swings, inflatable pools, hammocks. Young people who have to live with their parents after the wedding can buy a ticket to a boarding house for three days as a gift or pay for a hotel room for several days. The most difficult thing is to choose a gift for those newlyweds who already have everything, especially if independent adults are getting married.

    traditional gifts

    At all times, newlyweds were given dishes for their wedding. A useful gift for a young family would be a set of stainless steel pans, a set of ceramic-coated dishes, a set of cutlery, or a large dinner service made of porcelain or heat-resistant glass.

    Modern household appliances have slightly replaced traditional dishes. Today, food processors, pressure cookers, juice cookers, multicookers, yogurt makers, coffee machines, irons, mixers, convection ovens and other useful appliances are more and more often given for weddings.

    Bedding is another popular gift given to young families. These can be sets made of silk, satin or calico, as well as practical underwear made of compressed fabric that does not need to be ironed. In the same category are blankets made of modern materials, pillows with new types of fillers, beautiful bedspreads and blankets.

    Is it worth donating money?

    Money is the most popular gift in modern weddings. There is nothing wrong with a monetary gift. In this case, the newlyweds themselves will choose what they need most at the moment. If you want to give money and at the same time make a memorable present, you should buy a gift certificate to a household appliances supermarket, a furniture store or a jewelry store.

    What parents give their children for a wedding

    Of course, the most desired gift for newlyweds from parents is an apartment. Almost all children dream of getting the keys to their own home, but not all moms and dads can afford it. Among other valuable gifts that parents can give: a car, a land plot, a dacha, a honeymoon trip. Gifts in the form of jewelry have always been welcomed, but they must be made to both the groom and the bride, and not just to your child.

    Given the current situation, two laptops or two tablets can be called just an ideal wedding gift, handing them over you can joke that the family where everyone has their own personal computer is happy. Knowing the needs of children, parents can give TV sets, washing machines, microwave ovens, dishwashers, air conditioners and other home appliances necessary for the wedding.

    If you want to donate money, then this moment is better to beat. For example, you can make a small house out of cardboard, glue it with banknotes (at the ends) and hand it over with the words: “This is for your dacha.” You can do the same with a car, pieces of furniture or travel (give a boat out of money). Money will look original on a foam brick - a symbol of the foundation of a new life. When donating money, there is an unspoken rule: parents must give more than any other guest.

    Wedding gifts for newlyweds who have everything

    If friends have a summer cottage, then a small barrel bath, which is assembled like a designer, or a garden fireplace that combines the functions of a hearth, barbecue, oven and grill can be a great gift for them. A young family living in a city apartment might enjoy a small fountain that creates a relaxing atmosphere and humidifies the air. Fire has always been considered a symbol of the hearth, if friends do not have a fireplace, and there is no opportunity to install a full-fledged hearth, a mini-fireplace powered by biofuel will be an excellent gift for them - it does not require a chimney and any other conditions. Another original wedding gift for relatives who have everything is a beautiful home safe or hiding place built into the wall.

    For friends and relatives who are difficult to please with a gift for the home, it is better to give something that will cause delight and positive emotions. If the amount allocated for the gift allows, then you can give a trip to the sea or to the mountains. For an inexpensive gift, a certificate for a photo shoot, a paid trip on a yacht, horseback riding, tickets to a concert by a famous artist, a massage for two, or a visit to a SPA salon are suitable. A dinner ordered for a young family in a restaurant, appointed exactly one month after the wedding day, will look like a romantic surprise. Fans of extreme recreation will enjoy a balloon ride, a quad bike or go-kart ride, a rafting tour or a diving lesson.

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