The rarest magic spells to summon Satan. How to Summon the Devil to Make a Deal

You've probably wondered more than once: how does it happen that fate gives some everything, but nothing to others, no matter how hard you try. Why such injustice? Before you begin to engage in introspection or indulge in philosophical thoughts, answer: does fate give everything? In this world, where Evil reigns and rules, only He, the Master of this world, decides who and what to reward for his actions, only He knows the true Essence of things and the hidden meaning of what is happening! So turn to Him in your heart and thoughts, conclude pact with the Devil- and you will be rewarded! Bow before Him, lift Him up in your heart to the Throne, from which He will command your thoughts and actions - and much will be revealed to you in this world and beyond!

What can a contract with the Devil give?

There are no desires that cannot be achieved by a person who has concluded pact with the Devil! Look, mortal, at the biography of any successful, happy person, and you will find there carefully hidden dark spots, looking into which you will see the Abyss of Hell, into which this person looked when he wanted to sell his soul to Satan and found the way to Him. You will be convinced that overnight the life of this previously ordinary person suddenly changed radically, suddenly, without any transitions, he himself, his nature, suddenly became different!

Open your eyes wider and look without prejudice at the history of famous personalities. You will immediately come across a pattern - behind every genius there is a dark horse. And this horse is the Devil, who gave them something for which they would not have had any strength or skills, even if they had spent their whole lives achieving such a position in society and power.

Think about it - what do you want?

Do you want to RETURN GOOD LUCK, LOVE, or induce good luck and love for yourself? - Satan can do all this.
MONEY? - Satan can give you any money (Carlos Slim Helu)
LOVE? - This desire will be fulfilled very easily by Lucifer (Casanova)
FORCES? - The demon Adramelech will give you unprecedented strength (is the strength of Vladimir Turchinsky an accident?)
KNOWLEDGE? - All the sages of the past sold their souls (Einstein, Pythagoras)
HAPPINESS? - Demon Begerit will give it to you
MAGIC? - The demon Haborim will give you the power of a magician (Longo, Messing got it)
POWER? - There is nothing easier than giving you power (Hitler sold his soul)
How did they manage to achieve the protection of the Devil? Yes, because they sold their souls to the Devil, and He agreed to accept them as His servants. The Forces of Darkness rule in this world, and where They rule, you can achieve success only by becoming part of the World of Darkness!

How to make a deal with Satan and sell your soul to the Devil

So, do you want to achieve unprecedented power, wealth, influence, happiness and success in a short time? If yes, then you need sell your soul to the Devil, turning to a powerful magician who, with his Black Magic Spell, cast properly and at the right time, will open the door to the underworld so that you can conclude to transfer to Him your desire to become His servant!

If you do not believe in the Devil and have never felt his presence, tremble, mortal, for you are like a traveler lost in the Darkness and walking along the path leading to the abyss! For black magicians, the Devil is the only God. And you have to learn a lot, cast aside all doubts and completely surrender to black magic if you want to achieve a lot in this world!

I, the strong black magician Zachary, here and now I offer you, mortal, to change your life, solve all your problems and achieve everything you could possibly want. Strength, power, wealth, even dominion over the World - Satan can give you all this! You can get whatever you want if He agrees to accept you as His servant!

Remember, mortal, the Devil himself decides who is suitable for his service! Only He knows when and how He will turn his gaze on you and come to you to take your soul and make him his servant, and the magician serves only as an intermediary who is given the right to turn to the Master of the World of Darkness with your request!

Ritual of making a deal with the Devil to sell your soul to Satan

How sell your soul to the Devil, where to begin? Before concluding, you must make a list of your Requirements, which will be handed over to Him by the Black Magician hired by you to perform the ritual. You must also pay a ransom sacrifice, which will be brought by the Black Magician to the altar of the Demons of Darkness, so that they agree to come and take the list of your Demands. Next, the Black Magician chooses the place and time of the ritual, and performs the ritual, during which the Demon Messenger comes to him. The magician gives the Demon the listto your Demands, and then everything depends on the decision of the Master of the World of Darkness, the King of this world, Satan Beautiful.

Remember, mortal, that not every person who decides to sell his soul is awarded the honor of serving Him, who has EVERYTHING, and who is served by ALL the mighty of this world! He may ignore your request, or may even become angry and destroy you if your list of Demands seems too impudent and inappropriate to Him, and the ransom sacrifice you made is insignificant and unworthy of His greatness! But if you make a moderate list of Demands and pay a generous ransom, your chances of success will be great, for then the Black Magician's Spell will be heard by the Master!The door to the Underworld will be open and you will begin a conversation with the King of Darkness, which may end making a deal with the Devil for selling your soul.

Any magical manipulation requires a large expenditure of energy, which is taken from the ransom sacrifice brought by you to the altar of Satan. The greater the sacrifice, the wider the door will open, which will allow you to conclude. The door to the Underworld must be opened using only your energy, only in this case He will pass to you, and not to the person whose energy was used.

Help from a magician in concluding an agreement with the Devil to sell his soul

Many Internet sites, including this one, have souls for sale. But know, mortal, that the Master will not listen to you! Only those chosen by Him have the right to turn to Him to convey the requests of the inhabitants of this world! If you decide that you are strong enough and can handle the ritual of summoning the Demon yourself, then remember - the Demon Messenger summoned by your ritual can get out of control and destroy you, dragging you into the abyss of the Underworld! Therefore, contact a magician who will take these risks upon himself!

First, decide what you want to get from life and write your list of Requirements! There is no need to envy the smart, successful and rich, you need to become one. Think about why you need something that is not part of you, something that you don’t feel, your soul? Why do you need any soul, if you can fulfill all the desires that you have, you can conclude pact with the devil and get the whole world! ContactBlack magician, find in him a mediator who will conclude yours, and soar above this world instead of wallowing in its impurities!

This service is expensive, but worth it. Pact with the Devil- this is not a simple magical ritual, it is a purchase and sale agreement under which you get everything you want - money, love, sex, power, the ability to perform magic, unlimited access to knowledge. That is, by selling your soul to the Devil, you will receive the whole world at your disposal in exchange for an almost weightless substance in your body - the soul. The choice is yours! Write to me - and I will perform a ritual of summoning the Demon to convey to the Master your request to become His servant. I will perform a ritual according to the Great Grimoire, which was used by King Solomon to acquire unheard-of wealth and power over the world. My voice will be heard and in response to the spell, a high-ranking Demon will come to this world to take a list of your Requirements and conditions for the sale of your soul. Satan will receive it and decide whether you are fit to serve Him, whom all the mighty of this world serve!

Ahead is the era of Satan! Why not take advantage of its benefits and LIVE?


O great and ever-living God, one in Father, Son and Holy Spirit; I honor You and with deep trust come under Your holy and reliable protection. I sincerely believe in You as my Creator, my Benefactor, my Protector and Lord, and I testify to You, O Supreme Majesty, that my only desire is to belong to You forever. Let it be so. Amen.


O great and ever-living God, Who created man to enjoy happiness in this life, Who adapted all things to the needs of man and declared that everything should be subject to his will, be favorable to my enterprise and do not allow disobedient spirits to take possession treasures given by Your own hands for our temporary use. Grant me, O Great God, the power to dispose of them with the help of Thy powerful and terrifying names in the Key: ADONAY, ELOIM, ARIEL, JEHOVAM, TAGLA, MATHON, be favorable to me. Let it be so. Amen.


Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of the rebellious Spirits. I beg you to leave your refuge, in whatever part of the world it may be, and come here to contact me. I command and conjure you in the name of the Mighty, ever-living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to appear without noise and stench, to answer clearly and understandably, word by word, all the questions that I ask you, and if you refuse, you will be forced to obey the Authority divine ADONAY, ELOIM, ARIEL, JEHOVAM, TAGLA, MATRON and a whole hierarchy of higher entities that will force you to do everything against your will. Venitu, Venitu (come)! Submintillor Lucifuge, or you will suffer eternal torment with the full might of this Rod of Annihilation. In subito (without delay).


I command and implore you, Emperor Lucifer, as the representative of the mighty ever-living God and by the power of Emanuel, His only Son, Who is your master and mine, and by the Power of His precious blood which He shed to deliver mankind from your chains, I command you leave your refuge, wherever it may be; I give you only a quarter of an hour so that you come here immediately and speak to me in an audible and understandable voice, or, if your personal presence is impossible, send your messenger Astaroth to me in human form, without any noise or foul odor, otherwise, I swear, I will cast you and all your tribe with the terrible Rod of Annihilation into the depths of the bottomless abyss, and by the power of those great words in the Clavicle - In the Name of ADANAY, ELOIM, AIEB, JEHOVAM, TAGLA, MATHON, ALMOUZIN, ARIOS, Rggaomd, MAGOTS, TABOTS, SALAMANDRJK, GGNOMUS, TERRAE, COELIS, GODENS, AQUA. In subito.


I implore you, Emperor Lucifer, as the representative of the mighty eternal God, His beloved Son and Holy Spirit, and by the authority of the Great ADONAY, ELOIM, ARIEL and JEHOVAM, to appear immediately or send your Messenger Astaroth, I command you to leave your refuge, wherever it may be , and I warn you that if you do not appear this very hour, I will immediately strike you and your entire family with the Rod of Destruction of the great ADONAY, ELOIM, ARIEL and JEHOVAM.



Make a sacrifice to the temple of Satan, take an oath of allegiance in your soul to Him, who rules this world,

Over the past 2 thousand years, humanity has not changed at all, but, on the contrary, has become even more greedy, selfish, envious, vindictive and cruel. People have little interest in spiritual development; most have forgotten what compassion is. Modern people are only concerned with being richer and more successful than others, spending money without thinking about the amounts.

The demands of the majority do not correspond to their talents and capabilities. Therefore, more and more often people, especially young people, are thinking about how to get all the possible benefits of the world without making any effort. It seems to them that a contract with the devil is a very easy and attractive opportunity to fulfill all their dreams.

Make a deal

At first glance, it seems that a contract with the devil is a great opportunity to fulfill all your dreams and gain wealth. Man gets it all, about which one can only dream, and for the fulfillment of the dream he gives something that he has never even seen - his soul. The payment seems meager: who cares about what happens after death, it is important to get pleasure here and now.

In fact, the contract with Satan is only disadvantageous for man. After all, material benefits are given only for a certain, very short, especially in comparison with eternity, period. But the torments of hell will be guaranteed to the soul forever. The prospect is terrible, and the benefits for humans are very dubious.

We must also remember that the devil will try to deceive a person and break the terms of the contract. For example, a person will want wealth, but will not specify the amount and period of receipt. Satan will give money, but not millions, but several tens of thousands. And then, for example, someone will steal this money. But the person will not be able to make a claim, because he did not indicate in the contract that his money should be inviolable for thieves. That's why, if the decision to sell the soul is made finally, you need to carefully think through all the points in advance.

The very first agreement with Lucifer, information about which has survived to this day, is a document signed by the French priest Urbain Grandier in the 17th century. The priest gave his soul to the prince of darkness in exchange for wealth, power and the love of beauties. The treaty was concluded in 1621 and, exactly 13 years later, was discovered by the Inquisition.

Despite numerous tortures, Grandier never admitted to his crime. Although a document was presented at the trial, which fully specified the terms of the deal, it bore the bloody signature of Urbain Grandier and, as the Inquisition believed, Satan. The document was written from right to left. The priest was sentenced to be burned at the stake.

Most historians believe that Grandier was an opponent of the policies of Cardinal Richelieu and very subtly ridiculed him in his satires. The powerful politician was tired of all this, as a result of which charges were fabricated. The second version seems more plausible, but perhaps with her help Lucifer covers his tracks.

There is also information that a fragment of Hitler’s agreement with Satan was found. The Fuhrer's signature was checked and confirmed by graphologists. Lucifer's signature is also there. The contract was signed for exactly 13 years and expired on April 30, 1945.

Important points in the contract

Anyone who decides to contact the devil must realize that there is no turning back. It will not be possible to pay off or deceive Satan. And if the prospect of eternal torment does not frighten you, you can begin preparing to sell your soul.

First of all, it is necessary to completely believe in the reality of Lucifer's existence. Then tune in to negative thoughts and feelings, they are the ones that attract evil spirits. Then you can start thinking through the contract.

A contract for the sale of a soul is no different from other most ordinary contracts for the sale of something. Only it is concluded only once; it will not be possible to rewrite it or challenge it in court. Therefore, it is important to clearly state all the points, to think through every little detail, because the prince of darkness is the biggest sinner and he will definitely try to deceive a person.

If you need money, you need to clearly indicate the amounts and dates of receipt. List point by point all the real estate you want to have, down to a description of the rooms. This is worth doing so as not to end up with a huge but dilapidated house. It is imperative to indicate that the devil must monitor the safety of property and prevent its loss.

In addition, you can try to bargain and get 7, 13 or 21 years of happy life that are not required for a regular contract, but, for example, 40 years. If it doesn’t work out, still indicate in the contract that the demon must protect the life and health of a person during the period allotted to him in the contract. At the end of the contract, write the 21 infernal keys in Latin:

Summon Demon

The question of how to summon the devil at home worries many people. But few people are able to put this into practice. Not every person is ready to decide to face Satan. It's worth saying what a classic way to call Satan quite difficult, but no one promised that it would be easy.

In order to perform the ritual, you should prepare in advance:

At midnight, draw a pentagram on the floor of the room with chalk; a sample of it is in the book “Necronomicon”, which can be downloaded on the Internet. You also need to prepare a contract written in advance. Some magicians claim that it must be written in Latin or Aramaic. It’s just hard to imagine that the devil is an illiterate creature and will not understand any other speech. That's why, if you don’t want to immerse yourself in learning Latin, you can write a contract in your native language.

Light 13 church or ordinary black candles along all edges of the pentagram. Now you need to renounce the church. To do this, just spit on a crucifix prepared in advance, then kiss the devil’s buttocks; this can be easily done by kissing the butt of a goat, which symbolizes evil.

Now you need to place a mirror opposite the pentagram, stand inside it and say out loud: “You, Lord, I conjure you, appear and fulfill my desire.” You need to repeat the phrase 21 times. At the same time, look closely into the eyes of your reflection in the mirror.

If the spell was cast correctly, the fallen angel will emerge from the image in the mirror. If the demon appears to the applicant, then you can talk to him and once again clarify all the nuances of the contract.

It is also possible that the devil will not show himself, but his presence will certainly be felt by the following signs:

  • The candles flicker violently;
  • The temperature in the room will change (it will become warmer or, conversely, colder);
  • There will be a sulfur smell.

If this happens, it's time to take the contract and read it out loud. After reading the contract you need to sign. To do this, you need to make a small incision on your hand with a knife and collect a couple of drops of blood in a prepared container, dip a pen in the blood and sign it. Then light the agreement with a candle and watch how it burns. If the paper burns completely and quickly enough, it means that the appeal to Satan was successful and the contract was concluded.

Thanks to fire, the contract is transferred to another dimension forever and stored there. It is advisable to collect the remaining ashes and store them until the expiration of the contract. That is, until death.

Other Ways to Contact Satan

Those people who find the classic version of summoning the devil too difficult can try other methods. There are several options for making a deal with a demon without drawing pentagrams or cutting yourself with a knife. But it is difficult to say in advance whether they will be as effective - you need to try it yourself.

Here are a few “folk” ways to find a buyer for your soul:

Possible consequences

It is impossible to accurately predict the consequences that await a person after a deal with Satan. One thing is for sure - life will never be the same again. If the person selling the soul is an experienced negotiator, has carefully prepared and provided all the nuances in the contract, a rich life full of pleasure awaits him within the time specified in the contract. And after death there will be an inevitable and cruel retribution that will never end.

In that case, if the contract was drawn up in such a way that the demon has the opportunity to cheat with the execution of clauses, the following consequences are possible:

Communication with the devil brings exclusively negative consequences for a person; the only winner from such a deal is evil spirits. Once concluded, the contract cannot be terminated. True, there is a story about the priest Theophilus of Antioch, who, in order to become a bishop, sold his soul to Satan. And having become a bishop, he repented and spent 40 days in fasting and prayer. The Mother of God herself acted as his defender, and the contract was terminated. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

How to summon Satan at home? No matter how absurd such a question may seem, it really interests many people. As a rule, users want to receive opportunities from the Dark One, power or untold riches.

What can a mortal man offer the Devil in return? How to interest Satan? The darkest one does not need money and our other earthly values. The most popular commodity for him is the human soul.

It would seem that it is just a soul. It's something that can't be felt, touched or measured, quite a bargain! But if we turn to religious theory, then earthly life is one step on a person’s long journey. He will return to Earth dozens of times again until he reaches a high level of development.

By selling his soul, a person forever falls into the service of Satan. After death, the Darkest will control fate. Light beings cannot interfere; the person, in his own words and with one stroke, confirmed his agreement with the conditions. Oddly enough, even there contracts have serious force.

The question arises: is it worth it? Of course, there is a chance to gain access to serious resources with a minimum of effort. But this is one life, while the consequences of the agreement will be eternal. The final decision is up to you.

Who is Satan? In the Christian tradition, an angel who rebelled against God, for which he was cast out of Heaven. After his expulsion, the Devil founded his underground kingdom, to which sinners are sent. The main purpose of souls staying in Hell is punishment and purification before a new earthly life.

The period of stay in Hell is described in a number of religious books. Parameters vary from source to source. As a rule, they depend on the severity of the sins, and the period of serving the sentence is determined during the trial.

A person has the right to dispose of his soul at his own request. It is not the property of the Lord or dark forces. Due to this, mortal people have the right to sell their souls to Satan by concluding an appropriate agreement.

Why would the Devil make such a deal? It is difficult to predict whether a soul will go to Hell or Heaven. A person has the opportunity to correct himself. But when the contract is concluded, Satan receives all rights to your soul, regardless of whether you were a sinner or a righteous person.

What happens if you call Satan?

Various sources cannot accurately answer the question posed. It is believed that if the Devil is interested in listening to your proposal, he will appear to the person. He may come in a standard guise, but people don’t know exactly what Satan looks like.

As a rule, the Devil takes on a more familiar human form. Some people claim that he came in the form of a man in good shape, but already older, with a cunning and evil look.

It's not worth calling Satan for fun. The Darkest One may be angry that he was simply distracted from other matters. Then the Devil will definitely arrange some unpleasant situation for you in order to teach you a lesson and teach you to respect the dark forces.

In what language should the text for the call be read? Many people use Latin, it is one of the oldest widely known languages. But you can also use Russian. It is believed that Satan is omnipotent and is able to understand the various languages ​​of mortal people.

What can you get during the transaction? It all depends on the value of your soul. The fewer sins a person has committed, the more interesting the offer for the Devil. He is generally ready to offer anything for the soul of a devout Christian.

Don't be afraid to ask and say what you want right away. Satan will consider your offer and evaluate the product. If he is interested in cooperation, he will offer to sign an agreement and set the validity period of the agreement.

In Latin

Let's consider one of the rituals for summoning the Darkest. It is important to know that prayers are used to appeal to the forces of light. Spells are used to summon dark entities.

The main stages of preparing the ceremony:

  • Initially, a pentagram is drawn on the floor.
  • Then a circle is drawn around the star.
  • Five more circles need to be made along its rays.
  • Place one person in the center of each.

Now let's move on to the actual call. It is necessary to select a main participant, usually a person who has practical experience. Give each person a candle and light them. The leader of the ritual pronounces a spell to summon Satan:

Next, you need to take a sacrificial animal and slaughter it in the center of the star. The easiest way to get chicken in a city is to visit one of the markets. But it is believed that the larger the animal, the higher the chances of success.

After making the sacrifice, you must say three times:

If the Lord of Darkness decides to appear, then participants wishing to sell their souls must throw prepared contracts into the center of the main circle. Be sure to indicate the duration of the agreement, after which Satan will receive his goods. The devil will consider the proposed conditions, accept them or refuse to enter into a deal.

After completing the ritual, you need to return the Darkest to the underworld. All participants must recite the following incantation:

Simple ritual

To simplify the ritual, you can go to the cemetery at night. Look around, you should be alone in the graveyard, it is better to exclude the appearance of random witnesses. Take salt and draw a circle. Now say the spell thirteen times:

If after the thirteenth time you feel a chill, then the Lord of Darkness has heard the call and wants to listen to the proposal. Take a penknife and slightly cut the fabric on your finger. At the same time, say the conditions and write them down on a piece of paper in blood. For example:

Then sign the agreement, place the paper outside the circle of salt and burn it. When the contract is completely burned, say:

How to summon without sacrifice?

How to call Satan to my home? You should not look for the answer to the question of how to summon the devil and make a deal with him at home. It is better not to carry out such rituals in apartments, even with mirrors, so as not to get uninvited tenants.

If the reader’s warning does not stop you, then retire to a room and light a candle. It's ideal to stay alone in an apartment. Ensure complete silence, turn off the music. Now say the spell in Latin:

If the Darkest One appears, you can talk to him and offer the terms of the agreement. Be sure to indicate all the important points: what you want to receive, for how long and how long the contract will be valid.

When is the best time to call?

What time of day should I choose to perform the ritual? You can find different opinions in the sources, but let’s try to summarize the available information.

Day call

Daytime calling is considered not the best option. You cannot perform the ritual on the street; there is a high probability of ending up either in the police or tied up by orderlies. Additionally, it is believed that dark forces are most active at night, and during the daytime the likelihood of the Devil’s coming is not so great.

Night call

How to summon Satan correctly? It is better to perform all rituals at night. At night, the entities of the underworld are most active. The Devil is more likely to hear your call and show up to make a deal. But sometimes he can send minions who must listen to the request and convey information to him.

Pentagram for calling

If you look at various materials, the pentagram always receives increased attention. In fact, this symbol is not a provocateur for the appearance of Satan. He must keep the Devil between the worlds and protect man from the possible wrath of the Lord of Darkness.

The classic pentagram is a five-pointed star, which is usually circled. It is better to draw it with charcoal. Candles for ritual are usually made from rendered pork fat. After hardening, you need to take permanent paint and paint them black.

About a real way to summon the Devil, safe for yourself and free. Satan is a terrible creature that it is better for the common man not to encounter. Why does this ritual represent a person? Yes, because it allows you to achieve what you want in a short time. On the Internet you can find thousands of stories of people who actually went through this ritual and are happy with their lives. Here it is worth thinking about whether this is a sin? A person decides his own destiny, he takes actions in relation to himself, while he does not harm himself, but does everything to change his own life for the better.

But still he gives his soul to the devil, not to God

And the Devil is the main opponent of God, and indeed of man. During life we ​​get everything we dreamed of, but what will we get after death, when the soul passes into the power of Satan?

Life, death, soul, eternal life - these are topics that can be debated forever. I will not impose my point of view on this matter. I will only say that life after death is of interest to many, but earthly life is of interest. The Internet today is literally replete with information that there is a ritual to give the soul to the Devil and that the soul can be sold profitably.

As a representative of black magic, I can say that really in black magic ritual to give your soul to Satan for free exists. For a long time it was kept secret and the information was inaccessible to a wide audience. Today, too, it is impossible to find truthful information on the Internet about how to give up your soul. If you have read such information somewhere, it makes you wonder about its authenticity. Such a ritual can only be performed by specialists. He is dangerous not only in relation to one specific person who wants to give his soul to Lucifer, but also in relation to. Such
the ritual involves calling Satan and communicating with him. Agree that not everyone knows how to communicate with the Devil and give him their soul for money or for free.

Is there a real way to summon the Devil yourself?

Today on the Internet there is a lot of information about how to summon the Devil, and that you can get rich in a short time, and even rituals are described on how you can do this quickly. Today everyone wants to get rich, so they willingly believe everything written as if it were their own summon Satan at home. Fraudsters, in turn, actively take advantage of these. It’s generally easy to gain a person’s trust. You just have to promise him what he wants and the result will be obvious. But a person, knowing all this, does not give up hope that exactly. Nothing just falls from the sky. In order to receive something, you need to earn it or give something in return. We always want to believe that there is some force on earth that is always ready to help us.

And the name of this power is magic. Many people divide magic into white and black. But it's not that important.

Many are interested in how to summon the Devil

Only a specialist in black magic and demonology with extensive experience can deal with such things. I just want to warn you against acting on your own ritual how to summon the Devil. They may not lead you to success as you desire, but to suffering and disappointment. It is not difficult to talk about the veracity of a magical ritual to summon Satan, since there are thousands of examples that prove that a person really gets what he wants. Well, we don’t know what happens to him after death. Along with death, he loses everything that the Devil provided him during his life. And these benefits again pass into the possession of a new person.

Everything secret and inexplicable has always attracted human attention, but those areas of darkness that are mentioned in the sermons of Catholic priests are especially attractive. Occult rituals, masses, ancient books telling how to summon Satan have been tempting those who want to learn sacred secrets since the emergence of religion. But it’s not for nothing that all this is called “darkness”: often simple curiosity leads to serious problems.

Information about the black lord

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that in order to call on Satan, one had to kill a child, so the work of a midwife was quite dangerous at that time: infant mortality was high, and assistants to women in labor were often accused of making a pact with demons. The Inquisition fought against heretics and devil worshipers, but the latter managed to escape the attention of fanatical clergy, and innocent people often found themselves in their place. Maybe their connection with the Lord of Darkness helped them in this.

Satan, Lucifer, the devil are not just different names. Lucifer is a fallen angel, Satan is the terrible sea beast Leviathan, and the devil is the opposite of God. It was the devil in the form of a serpent who tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. You should not confuse them, because if you turn to the wrong creature, the consequences can be disastrous for the neophyte.

For this reason, the effectiveness of calling Satan is close to zero. Some people simply confuse Lucifer and Satan, others perform a complex ritual to see what happens. Few people know that only in Latin can summoning a demon be successful. But in order to call upon Satan, you need to speak Aramaic and Biblical Hebrew.

Satan is usually invoked in order to gain wealth, talent, love, power, position in society and much more. Will the ancient creature respond to the request of everyone who wants a hefty wallet or a promotion?! Definitely no. Satan, precisely as Leviathan, was first mentioned in the Old Testament, the book of Job, in the form of a huge monster who cannot take a sword or a spear, from whose mouth smoke and stench emanate, and whose teeth resemble strong shields. It is unlikely that such a creature will come running at the first request of everyone.

There is only one reason why Leviathan is ready to appear in this world. This ancient monster sees its goal as the destruction of the Jewish people. It does not make a deal, and if you manage to call it, you will have to serve it. The creature will give strength and power, but will make a person its instrument and will act through it, carrying out its mission.

So before you call Satan at home, you need to think about whether you are wasting your time. You need to turn to the servants of the devil - demons.

Summon Demon

Each person has a guardian angel who will prevent the summoning of a demon. Before you can summon a demon to make a deal, you need to get rid of this angel. Perhaps he no longer exists. This can be found out by finding out Which category does your soul belong to?

Most people belong to the second category. They need to get rid of their angel, which can be done by performing a ritual of desecration.

Rite of Desecration

You can expel an angel by committing murder or another mortal sin. But it is possible to perform a desecration ritual without harming other people. The ritual consists of three steps and will require the presence of certain items. So, For the ritual you will need:

  • cross;
  • two blessed candles;
  • Bible;
  • Icon of the Mother of God;

The cross must be silver. Candles should be bought in the church, along with the Bible and icon. Any knife will do, even a kitchen knife. Once all items have been purchased, You can start the ritual:

The ritual is now complete. It is worth remembering that you need to carry out the ritual alone, otherwise the angels of those nearby may intervene. Now you can try to summon the demon.

Ceremony attributes

Most rituals fail because the order of actions is violated or the wrong entity is addressed. Also, the cause of failure can be an incorrectly formulated appeal or simply careless conduct of the ritual according to the principle “it will do.” You won't be able to summon the devil at home. The ancient dark entity will not negotiate with a person; for this there are many minions who appear during the ritual.

Pentagrams and spells serve only to reinforce the intentions of the person summoning the demon. They carry a sacred meaning, but then, simply by drawing a star and reading a couple of lines, anyone could summon a demon. There is a certain order, following which you can see the dark essence.

All entities unknown to people live in their consciousness. But human consciousness is part of the world around us, and we need to expand it a little to discover the unknown. For this purpose, alcohol is used in dark rituals. You can use hallucinogenic drugs, a certain herb that was smoked by sorcerers, filling the air with an unusual aroma. Imagining the home of a typical witch, a cauldron, some books, bottles and various herbs that hang from the ceiling immediately appear before your eyes. However, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to get such grass, so he will have to make do with alcohol.

So, to carry out the summoning ritual The following items will be required:

Often this list includes blood that was previously collected. If you wish, you can start preparing in advance and release a little blood every day so that you can use it in the ritual. Also, some demons may demand a sacrifice, but this should not be done unless the request was made directly by the demon.

Summoning Ritual

A detailed procedure on how to summon a demon is found in La Vey's Satanic Bible. It is worth using it, because it describes demons, their hierarchy, and the text of the appeal in Latin. Here the procedure itself will be described, without spells and mention of certain demons, because the demon is summoned in accordance with the desire of a person. For example, if wealth is needed, Asmodeus, who is responsible for luxury, is called. If you need to make someone fall in love with you, you will need to call Naama. Each of them has its own appeal text.

Main stages:

Is the game worth the candle?

You need to be careful with this ritual, these are not toys. After completing the ritual, troubles may begin at work, in life, and only one question will concern you: is it possible to stop the series of adversities and how. Summoning a demon at home means bringing trouble not only to yourself, but also to everyone who lives in this house. The demon will especially ruin the life of the unlucky summoner, but it will also hurt others. But what happens if the demon gets tired of watching you suffer?

In this case, there may be a real threat to life. The demon can simply kill you, getting your soul for Hell. Also, a dark essence can enter the body, cause trouble and leave a person. For example, in 2013, a Crimean priest-exorcist talked about one interesting case: at school, a Satanist teacher sent demons to a girl, after which three healthy men could not put the student to bed.

So, by releasing one dark entity into this world, the gates are opened for many others. The cost of a mistake in a ritual could be someone's life. Desires often push people to act rashly. It is important to refrain from obsession, preserve your humanity and try to solve problems, if any, on your own, without resorting to the help of the Knights of Hell.

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