Salad in Tatar language. Salad "Tatar" is a culinary and behind-the-scenes educational and entertainment magazine. Secrets of Tatar cuisine

Tatar salad, the recipe with photos of which will be described below, is an unusual but very tasty appetizer dish. Anyone can cook it. To do this, you do not need to purchase many expensive components.

General information about the snack

“Tatar” is a salad that has nothing to do with this people. Why is it called that? It is quite difficult to answer this question.

This appetizer is a set of individual ingredients that are placed on a large flat dish. It should be seasoned with mayonnaise. Although some chefs prefer to flavor this salad only with sour cream or vegetable oil. According to them, this method of preparing snacks is more beneficial for the human digestive system.

Tatar salad: recipe

Like any other dish, this appetizer can be prepared in different ways. Some people make it with beef, while others use white poultry meat. In this article we will present both mentioned options.

So how to prepare a dish called “Tatar”? The salad requires the purchase of the following components:

How to process salad products?

“Tatar” - Before it is beautifully formed on a plate, you should process all the ingredients one by one. Beef or veal is thoroughly washed, cutting off all unnecessary parts. Next, the meat product is boiled in salted water until fully cooked. After this, it is cooled and cut into thin strips.

White cabbage is chopped exactly the same way. But before that, it must be cleaned of surface leaves.

Many chefs are accustomed to using boiled beets to create snacks. However, Tatar salad with beef requires the use of only fresh tubers. They are washed and the peel is cut off. After this, the beets are chopped into very thin strips. If desired, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice, as well as salt and pepper.

Fresh carrots are also peeled separately. It is rubbed and then placed in a deep bowl and poured with vinegar, after adding salt, seasonings and sugar to taste.

While the vegetables are pickling, begin processing the potato tubers. They are cleaned and chopped into thin strips. After this, it is fried in vegetable oil over very high heat. As soon as the potatoes are browned, they are laid out on paper napkins and deprived of fat.

At the end, the onions are peeled and cut into half rings.

How to properly form a snack?

“Tatar” is a salad that is served unmixed. To form it, use a large plate. All the ingredients are placed in it in a circle, alternating them with each other. Place sour cream and parsley petals in the center of the dish.

This unusual appetizer should be served at the holiday table immediately after it is prepared. In this case, the ingredients should be mixed immediately before use.

Tatar salad: recipe with photo

As mentioned above, such an appetizer can be prepared in different ways. Her classic recipe is featured above. However, some housewives prefer to prepare this dish a little differently.

So, in order to make an unusual Tatar snack at home, we will need the following ingredients:

Preparing the ingredients

Now you know how to make Tatar salad with beef. The recipe for this snack was presented above. However, for variety, you can also add chicken breasts of poultry to this dish. They are washed thoroughly and then boiled in salt water. After this, the white meat is chopped into strips or simply torn along the fibers.

Due to the fact that this appetizer includes ready-made Korean carrots, as well as pickled beets, it is prepared faster than the salad presented above. Moreover, this dish turns out to be more piquant.

After removing excess brine from the vegetables, they are placed on separate plates.

Small potatoes are also processed separately. It is cleaned and very finely chopped into strips. After this, it is fried in vegetable oil until reddened and completely cooked. To ensure that the salad is not very greasy, after heat treatment of the potatoes, they must be placed on paper towels.

In addition to the listed components, green onions should also be chopped. It is thoroughly washed and chopped.

How to form correctly?

The Tatar salad is formed exactly as described in the first recipe. To do this, take a large plate. Fried potato strips, pickled beets, chicken breasts and canned peas are placed in it in the form of segments. After this, mayonnaise is beautifully squeezed into the center of the dish, which, in turn, is sprinkled with finely chopped green onions and garnished with parsley.

Serve for lunch

The main advantage of the dish in question is its ease of preparation, as well as its low cost. However, such an appetizer should be served immediately after it is completely formed on the plate. Otherwise, the salad will quickly fade and lose its appetizing appearance.

As soon as the dish is on the festive table and delights the guests, they immediately begin mixing all the ingredients. It should be consumed with a slice of brown bread.

The recipe for this dish will pleasantly surprise you. The Tatar salad with beef has an original taste, which is due to the simplest ingredients. It is prepared from boiled meat, ham, dried meat or tongue and vegetables. The highlight of this dish is the presentation. The salad is served to the table without stirring: the ingredients are laid out on a large plate in small portions. The sauce is usually in the center of the dish. It looks very beautiful and original. You need to stir the salad before eating. Even one of the guests can do this. It is this method of serving that gives the feast a certain homely atmosphere and sincerity.

Tatar salad with beef: recipe

For the salad we will need the following ingredients:

100 gr. carrots

100 gr. cabbage

100 gr. Luke

100 gr. beef

100 gr. beets

100 gr. potatoes

mayonnaise or other sauce as desired

pepper, salt

Boil the meat until done. You can prepare this salad without meat, then this vegetable salad can be Serve with meat or fish dish. This will be a great combination. So, cut the meat into thin strips.

Carefully chop the cabbage so that it turns out very thin and beautiful. We also thinly slice the beets. Let it simmer a little in a frying pan until soft, use a small amount of vegetable oil. Lightly salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. The whole process takes about 7 minutes.

Cut the carrots into thin strips. To make the taste more piquant, carrots can be pickled: add a little lemon juice, salt, vinegar, sugar, chopped garlic, coriander or your favorite seasonings.

Cut the potatoes into thin strips. Fry it in a frying pan until crispy. We use very little vegetable oil. If you think the potatoes are too oily for a salad, try baking them in the oven without oil.

Cut the onion. You can add both white and red lettuce to the salad.

Now let's move on to the most creative and interesting process - assembling the salad. On a large dish, place all the salad components in small segments one by one. In the center we leave a small circle about 8 cm in diameter. After all the ingredients are already on the dish, you will need to put mayonnaise, sour cream or other sauce at your discretion. You can add chopped herbs to the sauce: dill, parsley or cilantro.

The salad can be served. Mix the salad together and thoroughly. This adds a certain warmth to table conversation and communication. Divide it into portions and enjoy the taste of Tatar salad with beef. The recipe is very simple.

We wish you excellent results and pleasant moments preparing Tatar salad.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Tatar salad, the recipe with a photo of the preparation of which I offer, is very popular in my family, and friends always expect something unusual and beautiful from me when they meet. They know that I try to approach the preparation of culinary dishes with imagination, so they expect delicious and new masterpieces. I’m happy to share another recipe that I hope will be useful to you too! I also advise you to find out how to cook, it’s also easy and tasty.

- sauerkraut;
- potatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
- beets – 1 large;
- carrots – 1 piece;
- mayonnaise – 150 ml;
- quail eggs – 6-7 pieces.

For pickling carrots and beets:
- Vegetable oil – 100 ml;
- Korean seasoning – 2 teaspoons. l.;
- Vinegar – 2 tables. l.;
- Granulated sugar – 2 teaspoons. l.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

Chop the potatoes into thin strips.

You can do this in a deep fryer if you have one.

Boil quail eggs hard, but remember that they cook much faster than regular chicken eggs.

Chop the carrots on a special grater.

Add all the spices to it.

Stir the carrots and allow time to soak in the marinade.

Cut the boiled beets into large cubes and marinate in the same way as carrots. These root vegetables will become very flavorful thanks to the spices.

Peel the boiled eggs and let them cool completely.

Cut the sauerkraut a little with a knife so that it is not too long. Start laying out all the ingredients on a wide and flat dish.

Pour more mayonnaise into the center, as it should be enough for all the ingredients. There is no need to stir the salad. It will look more impressive, and guests will be able to put a little on their plate and grab mayonnaise at the same time.

Place quail halves on mayonnaise. You can also decorate the salad with herbs. Your imagination will come in handy here, so use it boldly.

The men's company considers this salad to be the best for a snack with strong drinks, so it runs out quickly.

It’s also convenient to take this dish with you outdoors, since all the prepared ingredients can be packed in containers and a tube of mayonnaise can be taken with you. At a picnic, place it beautifully on a plate and pour mayonnaise in the center. This way the salad will not go to waste or turn sour. When going outdoors, you usually don’t take coated salads, since they quickly spoil in the heat, but here you will serve everything fresh for your friends with concern for their health. Everyone can take the ingredient that is closest to them and dip it in mayonnaise.
I wish everyone a bon appetit.

The Turkic heritage left the Tatars with such dishes as kabartma, katyk, Chinese - tea and dumplings, Uzbek - halva and sherbet. There is no doubt the influence of the Russian people, who diversified the Tatars’ meat diet with beef and poultry.

In Rus', Tatar cuisine has always been held in high esteem. So, Ivan the Terrible had several cooks specially ordered from Kazan.

The Tatars have always had a predominance of meat, dairy and flour dishes. She preferred to drink whole milk only with tea, and in everyday life she used only fermented milk products (airan, tan), which perfectly quench thirst and give vigor.

But Tatar cuisine also has its own prohibitions. For example, you should not eat pork or drink alcoholic beverages. It is also considered a sin to eat swan and falcon meat.

Tatar cuisine is also rich in various traditional salads. As a rule, they are very filling and can be considered an independent dish. In some ways, these dishes are reminiscent of warm salads from the East and, very vaguely, Chinese salads. And here, by the way, are the recipes for Tatar salads. There are not too many of them, but each salad is a real masterpiece!

  • pears – 300 g
  • apples – 300 g
  • cream – 50 g
  • currant juice – 50 g
  • granulated sugar - to taste

The fruits must be washed, peeled, cored and cut into small cubes, but if desired, you can grate them on a coarse grater. Sprinkle the combined salad ingredients with sugar to taste. Then pour in heavy cream. On top, to add sourness, pour blackcurrant juice over the entire contents of the plate.

Salad with dried apricots

Ingredients needed to prepare dried apricot salad:

  • dried apricots – 50 g
  • carrots – 100 g
  • sour cream – 80 g
  • granulated sugar - to taste

The carrots must first be peeled, cut into strips and stewed in a small amount of water.

The dried apricots need to be soaked and then cut into pieces. Mix cooled carrots with dried apricots, sprinkle with granulated sugar and pour over sour cream.

Salad with sausage in Tatar style

Ingredients needed to make sausage salad:

  • table beet – 2 pcs.
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar
  • table vinegar
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste
  • White cabbage - ? PC.
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • smoked sausage – 200 g
  • sunflower oil – 100 g
  • parsley

First, you should grate the peeled beet and carrots on a Korean carrot grater. Then salt and pepper the carrots and beet separately, add granulated sugar, table vinegar and sunflower oil.

The cabbage should be finely chopped and seasoned with salt, granulated sugar, pepper, vinegar and oil.

The potatoes also need to be grated on a Korean carrot grater, washed, dried on a paper towel and fried in sunflower oil until golden brown.

Smoked sausage must be cut into thin strips.

Along the edge of the dish, you need to lay out all the ingredients separately in piles. Pour mayonnaise in the center.

You can also decorate the edges of the plate with parsley.

Serve in this form, and on the table you should mix all the ingredients and eat together.

Ingredients needed to make beef salad:

  • beef meat – 300 g
  • sauerkraut – 200 g
  • red beet – 150 g
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • sunflower oil – 100 g
  • table vinegar
  • granulated sugar
  • parsley

Carrots and beets need to be peeled and grated on a Korean carrot grater. Then marinate: vinegar, granulated sugar, salt, ground pepper and sunflower oil.

The potatoes must be peeled, cut into thin strips and fried in sunflower oil until golden brown.

Beef meat needs to be boiled in salted water, and when it cools down, cut into small cubes.

All prepared ingredients should be placed in piles on a dish, and mayonnaise should be poured into the middle.

Simple salad

Ingredients needed to make a simple salad:

  • beef meat – 500 g
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • tomatoes – 500 g
  • vinegar essence – 2 teaspoons
  • sunflower oil – 100 g
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste
  • dill and parsley – 100 g
  • garlic – 5 cloves

Beef meat must first be boiled and then cut into thin strips. The onion should be cut into half rings and marinated in vinegar diluted with water. You also need to add salt, ground pepper and garlic crushed through a garlic press to the marinade.

The washed tomatoes should be cut into thin strips. It is better to chop the greens finely.

All ready-made salad ingredients need to be combined, add a little chopped garlic. You can season this salad with liquid from pickled onions - to taste.

It is not advisable to serve this salad immediately after preparing it; the longer it steeps, the better.

Salad with currants

Ingredients needed to prepare the salad:

  • apples – 300 g
  • currants – 200 g
  • carrots – 150 g
  • lemon - ? PC.
  • bee honey – 50 g
  • curdled milk – 150 g

Carrots and apples should be peeled and grated. Blackcurrants also need to be peeled and mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

Honey, lemon juice and yogurt are suitable for dressing this salad. After pouring it all over the salad, mix thoroughly.

Secrets of Tatar cuisine

This salad, having other composition options, is also known as “rainbow”. But for the first time I had a chance to try it, exactly under the same name as in the title, in the memorable Koktebel cafe “Liana”, which is still thriving to this day ...the webcam won't let you lie. It’s not surprising; in my opinion, this is one of the best local cafes of Crimean Tatar cuisine. Not homemade, but with a certain focus on “restaurant style”, but without excesses and unnecessary “ruffles”, which restaurateurs from the local embankment so like to pass off to softened vacationers as some kind of “trick”. Everything is in moderation, seasoned, tasty and pleasant - it’s not for nothing that at Liana we dined decorously, with a bottle of another local Cabernet, every evening.
It’s difficult to determine which salad, out of two favorites, is still No. 1 on their menu for me. I’ve been talking about one hit for a long time - this. With all its obvious advantages, it has one drawback - the salad is seasonal, and it’s not always possible to find suitable tomatoes in season, let alone at other times of the year. But the “Tatar” salad is more versatile in this sense; its components are always easy to find and prepare in the most ordinary home kitchen. The composition is very clear, not to mention that the salad itself is beautiful and incredibly tasty.

Almost all ingredients can be prepared in advance. Well, maybe with the exception of fresh cucumber, which is better to grate just before “assembling” the salad in the plate.

Boiled meat, beef. Carrot-cha and beet-cha is the local name for what we know as carrots “in Korean”, and so are beets. By the way, I had the recipe for a long time, a rich, rich version. But for a “Tatar” salad, where both carrots and beets are only individual notes in the overall taste, their richness will be unnecessary. And therefore, in this case, they can be prepared much more simply, but in compliance with the same basic rules.

First, soak the carrots in cold water overnight for crispness. I don’t think there’s any need to explain the fact that you grate the vegetables. I have a grater for “Korean” vegetables called Burner (orange). Grate both carrots and beets along the grain.

For 500 g of each vegetable:

0.5 tsp salt
0.5 tbsp sugar
1 small clove of garlic, minced

4-5 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp 5% vinegar (apple, rice, wine, etc.)
1 tsp ground corinder (required for carrots, optional for beets)
0.25–0.5 tsp red pepper (optional)
a pinch of ground black pepper
+ 1 tbsp soy sauce (for carrots only)

Mix grated beets or carrots with salt, mix very carefully, sprinkle garlic on top and set aside while the marinade is prepared. Heat vegetable oil to a boil, let cool to 80-90 °C, add spices, stir well, pour in vinegar and soy sauce (if it is a marinade for carrots). Pour the resulting marinade into the grated beets or carrots, add sugar and mix thoroughly. Let stand for 20 minutes. That's it! You can use it now. I like this option, with half-raw beets and carrots, the most. But the fact that the vegetables stand for several hours or overnight in the refrigerator will not make the salad any worse.

Grate the potatoes on the same “Korean” grater and fry them in hot deep fat. Before frying, soak the grated potatoes in cold water for a few minutes. Rinse thoroughly, place in a colander, let the water drain well, or even dry on a paper towel. This way the potatoes will fry better and more evenly and will not stick together into a “pancake” on the surface of the hot fryer. It is better to fry in small portions, in 2-3 batches. A medium-sized potato is enough for 4-5 substantial servings of salad.

If possible, cut the cold boiled beef into thin strips or into small bars. Grate fresh cucumber on a Korean grater. Assemble the salad on a plate and place each of the ingredients next to each other in small piles. Place 2-3 tsp of mayonnaise in the center; homemade mayonnaise is, of course, preferable. Top with salt to taste and lightly season with ground black pepper.

The recommended way to eat such a miracle is to use a spoon to mix everything together in a plate, starting from the center of the composition. But this is a matter of taste: some will prefer to take a little bit of the ingredients in a different combination each time; someone will mix everything, leaving the fried potatoes untouched so that they do not get soggy quickly, in order to sprinkle them on the salad already wrapped on the fork...

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