Check the registration number of the FSS policyholder. How to find out the registration number in the FSS using the company’s tax identification number. Additional information for individual entrepreneurs

Are you wondering how to find out the FSS registration number if not much information is known about the company or entrepreneur?

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Let's determine how to clarify it using the TIN in 2019. What methods are available? Let's give an algorithm of actions.

All business entities, regardless of which taxation system they use (STS or others), must register with the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund at the location of their executive body.

Social insurance employees assign unique registration numbers to policyholders. After registration with the authorized body, the company receives a certificate.

Such a document will contain a registration number. This means that when searching for certain information, it is worth knowing what data is presented in this document form.

If such a document is not available in the company, then questions may arise - how to find out the registration number in the Social Insurance Fund using the TIN.

Important aspects

Only companies with legal entity status, as well as individual entrepreneurs who have employees, should receive registration numbers in the FSS.

When carrying out activities, a company or individual entrepreneur must independently take care of the registration process at the FSS branch and make contributions to the fund.

Required terms

The FSS is an organization created by government agencies. It is responsible for making a number of payments to working citizens:

The budget of this fund is formed through mandatory contributions, which are paid from the earnings of enterprise personnel.

To maintain correct and prompt records of all receipts to the Social Insurance Fund, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that have hired employees must receive special numbers.

FSS registration number is a certain combination of numbers. The standard code looks like this: AAAA-A-AAAA-AAAAAA.

Let's decipher:

Why is it needed?

Using the registration number, you can track all the activities of a legal entity or entrepreneur.

That is, with the help of this number they evaluate how the institution fulfills its obligations to the Social Insurance Fund.

Using the individual FSS registration number, the taxpayer pays insurance premiums for his employees.

This means that if you know such a number, it is easier to monitor how the employer fulfills its obligations.

We list in which certificates the registration number is used:

Legal basis

The requirement to register with the FSS is stated in.

In this case, it is important to take into account the provisions prescribed in.

How to find out the registration number in the Social Insurance Fund using the TIN of the organization

When a company registers with the FSS branch, it will receive a letter indicating the corresponding assigned code.

This combination of numbers is given once and does not change during the activity. But if for some reason you don’t know the number, you can find it out by .

What data will be needed

Typically, the number holder receives a memo explaining how insurance premiums are calculated, when to pay them and submit reports.

But such a document does not say anything about what to do if the number is lost. But you may need it urgently.

When restoring lost information, you must refer to the data specified in the certificate, which will confirm registration with the Federal Tax Service.

Such a document contains an INN, which is assigned to each tax payer. With its help, a number is generated in the Pension Fund of Russia and in the Social Insurance Fund for payment and other mandatory payments and purposes.

The number received during registration is indicated in the payment documentation so that payments are credited specifically in favor of the payer. This way you will avoid misunderstandings with the FSS.

Where to go

After assigning a number to the policyholder, the FSS enters the relevant data into or. The number will not be changed even after changing the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur or the place of registration of the legal entity.

To find out your registration number:

  • request an extract from the FSS office;
  • call the department of this authority;
  • use an online resource.

How to view your policyholder number online

To do this, follow this procedure:

  1. Go to the main page of the official FSS portal.
  2. Find the Help link at the top next to the Analytics link.
  3. Find the item “Insured Registration Number by TIN”.
  4. Enter the TIN and or only the TIN of the company or entrepreneur in the appropriate field.
  5. Click "Search".

If the company was registered with the Social Insurance Fund, then after a few seconds information about the number will appear.

To identify the branch of the Fund in which the person was registered, it is also worth using the website of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia.

On the portal, find the “Regional Offices” tab. This way you can open a large list of all available branches.

At the bottom of the page there is a window in which you need to enter. Next, click “Find”. The necessary information will appear on the screen.

If you know the phone number or address of your Social Security office, look up the name on the list (this will take longer).

There are other sites besides the FSS portal where you can find out the code. Basically they are all free. But there are also portals that offer services at certain rates.

If you decide to use the Contour Focus website to find out the FSS registration number by TIN, then you need to act like this:

If you go to the My Business Bureau website, the action plan will be as follows:

Let's present an example of checking on the SKRIN@ASTRAL portal. This service is suitable for those who are already registered on it and have paid for access, since there is no demo version.

When clarifying the FSS number by TIN, you should go to the portal and click on the “Legal Entities” tab. In the search engine, enter the TIN of the company. It would be enough. Click "Find".

For example:

Information about companies that have ever been registered and had such a number will be reflected. The parent company will be first on the list. You can view detailed information about it.

A symbolic traffic light will appear, which will indicate the reliability of the company. If a firm has questionable information, then the color will be yellow or red.

The first page does not contain information about registration with the Social Insurance Fund, but it can be found out from the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Click on the required link or review the existing one (Word format).

Information about quality is also indicated.

If you are unable to obtain information on the TIN through any website, then use the following algorithm of actions:

If they tell you that there is a link, it means that the fault is due to software failures or the TIN was entered incorrectly.

Nuances for individual entrepreneurs

Individual entrepreneurs contact the FSS to obtain a registration number immediately after they enter into the first employment agreement with an employee.

If this obligation is ignored, sanctions will be applied. The fine increases annually.

Documents for registration:

  • an application drawn up according to the approved sample (FSS employees in the office will help you fill it out);
  • , drawn up according to the rules established by law;
  • a document received from the bank that confirms the presence of;
  • a sample certificate that will confirm registration with the tax authorities as a tax payer;
  • a certificate that confirms registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • employees that are officially registered.

All certificates must be certified by a specialist from a notary office. Otherwise, they will not be accepted, which means, again, they may be fined for late receipt of the registration number.

The same number is placed on the report sheets that are submitted for employees every quarter to the Social Insurance Fund.

Video: how to find out the registration number in the Pension Fund system by TIN

But when searching for a registration number on Internet resources, it may turn out that such details are not available in the information database of the government agency.

The reason of that:

  1. The payer registration process has not yet been completed and the number has not yet been assigned, or the information base is being updated (which happens extremely rarely).
  2. The entrepreneur has no hired staff.

And an individual entrepreneur should receive a number in the FSS only if:

  • citizens work for him;
  • he wishes to receive sick leave benefits.

Every entrepreneur who operates submits reports to the tax service. To do this, he will need a special subordination code, which comes in the notice. But what to do when the subordination code in the FSS is lost. You need to figure out how to find out and where to get it.

First you need to figure out what it is. This numerical value is issued by the fund when it registers an enterprise, entrepreneur or individual to make contributions for its employees. The Social Insurance Fund is obliged to do this:

  • Three working days after receiving information from the tax office about the creation of a new enterprise;
  • Instantly upon registration of a division of a legal entity;
  • Immediately upon registration of an individual:

It is very important that every entrepreneur and organization understands what the subordination code does. When it is assigned, thanks to it it is possible to decipher which territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund the entrepreneur belongs to. According to Appendix 1 and 2 of the procedure for deregistration, the subordination code is read from left to right:

  • The first four digits show which territorial branch of the fund the individual entrepreneur has;
  • The fifth digit is different for everyone: merchants and individuals put 3, individual divisions – 2, individual entrepreneurs – 4, legal entities put 1, but this is not officially provided anywhere.

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This code is always indicated on the title page of the reporting. If it is not available on paper, the entrepreneur will have problems.

You need to know why this code was invented in the first place:

  • Firstly, it shows where the FSS unit is located.
  • Secondly, it makes working with the database much easier.

The registration number should not be confused with the subordination code. The first consists of ten digits and is received immediately upon registration. Subordination consists of five numbers and comes along with the notice.

These numbers are indicated when sending reports to the Social Insurance Fund. If the entrepreneur does not indicate it or writes it incorrectly, then the fund’s employees will impose penalties on him.

How to determine the FSS subordination code

This number comes in a special notice after registration of an entrepreneur or company. But there are situations in which the document is lost. This means you need to know how to restore your number.

In the first case, you can visit the territorial office of the FSS, take with you a passport and a document that will confirm the authority of the representative. Then the fund employees will restore the subordination code.

In the second case, you can avoid a personal meeting with FSS employees. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the FSS, go to your personal account, enter your TIN and get your department code. All that remains is to add the fifth digit corresponding to the type of registration, and you will get a subordination code.

How to find out the FSS subordination code by TIN

The easiest way to find out the code is in person. Then there will be no errors in the code and no problems will arise. Because the fine is impressive, up to 50%. Therefore, if the company does not want difficulties, then it is better to contact the Social Insurance Fund. Bring your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), passport or order confirming the authority of the company representative. Then the employees will issue the correct code.

Knowing your TIN, you can get information on the website. Having entered your account, you need to enter it in a special line and receive all the necessary information.

How to find out the FSS subordination code by registration number

When an entrepreneur registers with the Social Insurance Fund, he is assigned a special number consisting of ten digits. It is immutable, so you need to remember it.

  • The first four digits that show the subdivision code of the territorial body of the FSS.
  • The remaining six numbers are the serial number of the person under which he is insured.

The mandatory number under which an entrepreneur is registered is number 3. When this is not the case, it means that the employees made an error during registration, you need to apply for corrections.

Then, when an entrepreneur changes his place of residence, he needs to register again. To do this, an application is submitted to the Social Insurance Fund at the place of residence, the subordination code is changed. Then, when an entrepreneur fires all employees, he has the right to deregister from the fund. Because there is no longer a need to transfer funds there.

It is important to understand that accruals to this fund are made so that in the event of going on maternity leave, injury or disability, the fund will make payments. That is why every employer must pay contributions there for their employees.

Thanks to some legislative updates, entrepreneurs now have the opportunity to send reporting documents through the website. This procedure takes place along with the encryption of information in special computer software.

The fund needs to fill out reports in form 4-FSS, the subordination code is entered on the first sheet. It is a mandatory condition for submission, so without it the report will not be accepted or the entrepreneur will be fined. The same punishment awaits an organization that refuses to register with the fund to pay contributions for its employees.

All necessary documents must be submitted on time, otherwise the organization risks having many problems, including suspension of work on its accounts. Therefore, the best option would be to save all letters or write out the codes on a separate piece of paper that will not be lost. Then the entrepreneur will be able to quickly and reliably provide the necessary information in the reporting. This means that no penalties will follow and the entrepreneur will continue his activities.

Policyholder assistance programs help find out the unique number of a company or entrepreneur in the social insurance fund. To do this, it is enough to know exactly the TIN. Using this method, you can search for information both about your own company and about partners and contractors.

The main services where you can accurately find the FSS reg number by TIN are the automated solutions ConturFocus, FiraPro, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation service, Astral screen, etc. If you already have registration on one of the indicated platforms, use its functionality. Otherwise, you need to register for the service.

IMPORTANT: the offered services provide free access to the specified information.

Initially, a unique registration number is assigned by social insurance authorities after registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the tax office. Evasion of registration as an insurer is punishable by a fine.

The FSS will assign a unique digital code to the newly created enterprise, each value of which carries certain information. All numbers will be included in the notice sent to the policyholder by the fund. If the notification is lost, you must independently find out the FSS number using the TIN.

The fund specialist, having learned about the assignment of a new code to the newly formed policyholder, enters this data into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. So it is recorded in the official registration database and remains unchanged, even if the organization has changed its place of registration, and the entrepreneur has changed his place of residence.

The following most popular methods are known to find out the Social Insurance Fund number using the TIN of an organization:

  • issue an official extract from the registration registers
  • visit the territorial social insurance fund
  • call an FSS specialist
  • order information through the online service

How to find out the registration number in the FSS for 4 FSS

You have to fill out and submit the regulated Form 4 of the FSS, but you don’t have the necessary codes? Is it possible to send a form without a registration number? There is a clear answer to this from representatives of the control agency: if all the information identifying the policyholder on sheets 4 of the FSS is not filled out, the form will be declared invalid. A similar procedure applies to incorrect codes on document pages. If you don’t want to get a fine, find out your unique identifier in the fund in advance.

How many digits are there in the FSS subordination code?

The classifier of policyholders in the official database is built on a single principle. The subordination code consists of 5 digits that carry the following information:

  • characters from the first to the fourth indicate the FSS branch code
  • 5th character – characteristics of the policyholder himself

If we are talking about an insured organization, the last digit is 1. If the insured entrepreneur is reporting, code 3. For companies with a branch system, the system will assign code 2. As you can see, you do not need to have a special program to check whether you have entered the FSS code correctly , it is enough to know the general methodology for assigning codes.

Find out the FSS by TIN through the fund's search and monitoring system

If you are an advanced Internet user, it will be easier for you to navigate virtual services. Such an interactive assistant on the Internet is the system of the official website of the FSS. The “smart” program makes it easy to find out the FSS number by TIN. The site's interface is so simple that any employee can easily find the information they need. It is enough to enter the TIN number of the company or entrepreneur and start the current search. The result of sampling by incoming value will be the FSS registration number by TIN, which you can enter into FSS report forms 4 and when paying contributions to treasury accounts. If in the end you only received 4 digits of the code, it doesn’t matter; you already know how to substitute the last fifth character. Be guided by the data on whether you are an organization without divisions - a unit in the code, a company with branches - a two at the end of the code, or an entrepreneur - put a 3 at the end of the code.

Changes in legislation have allowed organizations and entrepreneurs to send reporting documents through the public services portal. All files are necessarily encrypted and signed with a personal electronic signature. The entire procedure is carried out using specialized software.

But before sending documents to government agencies, a businessman must know his registration number and subordination code to the FSS.

You can find out the policyholder’s registration number and FSS subordination code in a special service on the fund’s website. In the only window you need to enter the company’s TIN and click on the “Search” button:

After this, the system will provide the necessary data:

The system can display several values: for each branch and parent organization. The subordination code is the first 4 characters of the “FSS Subdivision Code” plus 1 character:

  • 1 - if it is an organization;
  • 2 - if this is a separate division;
  • 3 - if it is an individual entrepreneur.

For example, in our case for the first line the subordination code will be "2623" + "1" = "26231". For the second line (assuming it is a branch) − "5009" + "2" = "50092".

How else can you find out your code?

An entrepreneur or organization receives a number that is registered with the Federal Insurance Chamber once in a letter after registration. But it so happened that the data was lost and now for reporting you need to restore your code.

As already written, this number is given once, and it does not change, like a pension number. If the organization moves to another city, then the subordination code changes, since it indicates the territorial connection to the Social Insurance Fund.

This number is also sent in notifications about current FSS tariffs. Insurers send this notification to organizations annually.

Another simple way is to simply call your FSS authority and find out your code.

Now we know how to determine the subordination code if information from the Social Insurance Fund is lost. Having received the necessary code, you can find out a lot about the company: whether the insurer is a large organization or just a merchant with employees who are registered with the company.

What is the subordination code in the FSS?

When registering a company or individual entrepreneur as a taxpayer and policyholder, it is assigned a code. The procedure for assigning a code takes three business days. The tax office sends information to pension and insurance funds about the opening of a new company.

After registering a company with the Social Insurance Fund, insurers send a letter to the newly formed merchant. The letter indicates all numbers and codes assigned to this particular policyholder.

The code provides an explanation of which regional or regional center the merchant belongs to. Using simple rules, you can quickly recognize what such a code means.

Using an example, let's look at what these five-digit numbers mean. The entrepreneur was registered and has code 26233. An organization in the same city has code 26231.

  • 2623 - territorial department. Region, region and city code.
  • 3 (last digit) - code assigned to individual entrepreneurs.
  • 1 - code for legal entities.
  • 2 - this number is assigned to all companies that have branches.

Knowing this data, the merchant fills out the required form (4-FSS) and indicates the assigned code on the first page of the form. Without an FSS code, an accountant will not be able to send a reporting document to the insurance fund. Documents are submitted on paper or electronically.

All companies and entrepreneurs must register with the Social Insurance Fund. If an organization evades registration with the Social Insurance Fund, it will be subject to a heavy fine.

What does the subordination code give?

The subordination code assigned to the FSS makes it possible to find out very important information about the enterprise or individual entrepreneur itself:

  • Location of the enterprise, territorial affiliation.
  • Simplifies the classification of enterprises in the database.

In order to use the services of communication networks when sending reporting documents, you must indicate the subordination code and have your own electronic key.

It is important to remember that entrepreneurs who avoid registering with the Social Insurance Fund may be fined.

Another point that a businessman and his accountant must know. Registration numbers and subordination codes are two different things. The subordination code consists of five digits. The registration number contains ten digits.

The organization indicates the subordination code when sending reporting documents to various government agencies. This can be reporting on paper or electronically. To do this, each document contains lines for entering data.

If the code was not entered or there were errors when specifying the code, then most likely these documents will not be accepted by government agencies, which entails failure to submit reports and the imposition of penalties on the taxpayer.

When the reform took place in the Social Insurance Fund, many employers stopped avoiding paying sick leave to employees. And at the same time, responsible persons had more difficulties with sending reporting documents to the relevant authorities. Therefore, care is an important aspect when filling out documents.

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