Summary of a lesson on rhythm in the preparatory group. Rhythm lesson notes Plan for a rhythm lesson

Subject: "TO Santa Claus for his birthday »

Purpose of the lesson: Instill in children a culture of congratulations.


Educational :

Learn to convey a musical image in plastic using various types of movements.

consolidating the skills of accurately performing previously learned movements, in accordance with the text.

strengthen the ability to independently rearrange in space (become scattered, in a general circle, observing intervals) .


Develop an ear for music, creative freedom, and the ability to coordinate movements with music.

development of creative abilities, sense of rhythm, the need for self-expression in movement to music;

development of coordination of movements of the arms and legs, continue to improve the softness and smoothness of arm movements;

develop logical thinking.


cultivate interest in the joint activities of adult peers.

cultivate a desire to please the birthday boy.

Preliminary work: View presentation"Homeland of Santa Claus» . Conversation about behavior in nature, learning dance"Winter" E. Khil.

Materials and equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, snowflake, Christmas trees, tinsel to simulate a winter forest, Santa Claus costume, throne for Santa Claus.

Psychological attitude

Progress of educational activities.

(The teacher leads the children into the hall in a semicircle to the music).


Hello, those who are cheerful today,

Hello, those who are sad,

Hello, those who communicate with joy,

Hello, those who are silent.

Smile and say hello to our guests, and we will say hello in the language of dance. (Boys bow, and girls bow) .

Oh, guys, look at something lying under the tree, it’s a snowflake. Look how beautiful she is and how something is written on her, listen carefully.

The kindest grandfather in the world

He is wearing a fur coat and felt boots;

Gray beard overgrown

Our favorite.

Tell me, who are these lines about? (children's answers) That's right, Santa Claus!

Do you know what day it is today?? Today is November 18th. And this day , it turns out, at Grandfather'sMoroz's Birthday.

Leading : I came up with something, Santa Claus every year he comes and wishes everyone a happy new year and gives gifts, maybe we’ll give him a gift forbirthday. What do you think we can give him?(children's options) How do you think, grandpa will like it ? But how can we do this?(children's options). Yes guys let's go toTo Grandfather Frost. Who knows where his homeland is and where he lives?(children's answers)That's right guys homeland grandfatherfrost city Veliky Ustyug . So let's get ready quickly. We will go with you toSanta Claus, but before we set off, we must remember the rule of behavior during our journey (you need to be careful, watch your step, don’t push, and in order not to get lost, you need to follow each other).

(forest slide No. 1 appears on the screen)


So that you are no longer lazy,

We have turned into soldiers (children walk in a circle to the music of the march) .


We'll turn into dancers

And we are not lazy to pull a sock. (Walk in a circle with your hands on your belt, walking with your toes pulled out)

So that we can walk together,

(Walk in a circle, hands behind back on heels)

We'll step on your heels,

Suddenly we saw a wolf

We ran from him (jumping in a circle, hands on the belt) .

We'll walk between the trees

We will come to Santa Claus (lateral gallop, hands on the waist, facing in a circle)

And now we're resting

We make the nose work (step in a circle while inhaling and exhaling and standing in a semicircle) .

Leading: For some reason we walked and walked and didn’t come anywhere. Let us turn into snowflakes. This way we can get to Santa Claus faster (calm music sounds, children follow the teacher’s movements)

Description of movements :

sway to the beat of the music, arms down, move from side to side, legs in 6th position

(first theme sounds) at 1.2 beats, children swing their right hand

at 3.4 beats, children swing their left hand

at 5,6,7,8 bars, perform short, quick alternating swings of your arms in front of you, this combination is repeated - 3 times, run on your toes in a circle.

(Hut slide No. 2 appears on the screen)

Leading: I wonder where we arrived and what kind of house this is, but we’ll find out now. Guess the riddle.

Fun cap.

And he's only tall

With a child's shoe.

With a flashlight and a song

Walking in the forest at night.

You can't go wrong if

You will say: - This. (dwarf)

Leading: Right (showing the gnome in the presentation, slide No. 3) . Hello funny gnome. You won't tell me the way to Grandfather Frost. We want to congratulate him on his birthday.

Dwarf: Of course, I’ll tell you if you complete my task.

Leading: Which?

Dwarf : But which one? Listen carefully. I also have brothers who love to clap and stomp. Senior brother claps and stomps very quickly.

"once", "two" , "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight"(eighth duration)

My second brother is slower.

"one, two", "three four" , "five six", "seven eight"(quarter duration)

And the third one was completely slow

"one two three four" , "five, six, seven, eight" (half duration)

Well, the youngest one was in no hurry at all and clapped slowly, slowly.

"one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight" (whole duration)

(All durations are slammed) (children clap and stomp at the same time as the teacher) .

Dwarf: Well done, since you completed the task, I’ll do some magic and you’ll end up with Santa Claus. Close your eyes.

One, two, three, four, five I begin to conjure,

What could you do for your grandfather?

New dance with dance(at this moment the grandfather appears Freezing ) .

Now open your eyes and turn your back to me.

Leading: That's how miracles are. Hello Dedushka Moroz (children say hello) . Children, tell us why we came to Santa Claus(children's answers) .

Santa Claus: Oh, what great fellows, they went so far to congratulate me. I'll be happy to watch you dance(grandpa sits on a chair )

Leading: Guys, take your positions, get ready to give our gift.

Description of the dance.

(song "Winter" performed by E. Gil)

Intro - Running holding hands in a circle

At eight they each stop in their place, forming a circle.

I.P. Hands behind your back, legs together One and, two and, three and, four and make a spring, shaking your head forward.

A. Near the forest, the right hand is extended to the side,

the left hand is placed to the side,

edge of the right foot on the heel of the hand, bring it to the right leg and hands on the belt

Winter lived in a hut, movement A.

She salted snowballs

In a birch tub.

B. She twisted the yarn, Motor to the right,

She weaved canvases, Motor to the left.

V. Kovala Hands opened up icy hands to the waist

Yes, over the rivers, the arms open to the side, bridges the arms onto the belt.


A. Hands on the belt, right foot on the heel

icy we move our foot back onto the toe,

The creaking door was stomped twice with the right foot,

B. Behind the rough hand on the belt, the left foot is on the heel

using the wall we move the leg back onto the toe,

The prickly darkness stomped their right foot twice,

B. As you go beyond the threshold, rustle with your palms on the right, imitating running

Frost everywhere, rustling palms to the left, imitating running

G. And from the windows of the blue-blue parks, the boys understand their hands up, and the girls, grabbing their belts with their left hands, run around the boy.

D. Ice ceiling,

The door is creaky

Behind the rough wall the movements are repeated

The darkness is prickly,

How will you cross the threshold?

There is frost everywhere, with your right hand you make a castle and spin around in pairs

E. And from the windows of the parks

Blue-blue. The boy behind the girl stops, hands on their heads shaking their heads.

To lose, they imitate playing the guitar.

Verse II

A. I went hunting, a girl peeks out making a lunge with her right hand, putting a boy with her left hand to her ear,

B. Cutting silver, a girl looks out making a lunge to the left, putting a boy to the ear with her hand to the right,

A. Planted a thin moon

B. In a crystal bucket. Springs

V. I sewed fur coats for the trees, I made a sled run, I made a boat, tilting to the side

G. And then she hurried into the forest. Spinning and stamping

The chorus repeats.

Conclusion Clap overhead or run in a circle, holding hands and passing through the center to form a line. (once the boys take a step to the left, bow, on two they return to their seats, on three the girls take a step to the right, curtsy, on four they return to their place, then make a circle).

Leading: And now Grandfather Frost we will ask you to stand in a circle, and we will sing you a loaf of bread! (children sing loaf)

Father Frost: Oh, you made me happy, such a dance, such a congratulation. Thank you very much. Oh, guys, it’s already dark outside the window, how will you get back? I’m already completely old, I’ve forgotten that I’m a wizard. Close your eyes, I will now create magic, and you will find yourself in kindergarten.

You snowflakes will fly away

Turn around for a good deed

So that the kids can again

To be home again.

Relaxation. (close eyes, calm music sounds)

Leading: So we ended up in kindergarten.

Let's remember where we were?

What did we do?

Who did you meet along the way?

Leading : You did great today, congratulated your grandfather Frost . It's time to rest.

(Bow, leave the hall) .

Open lesson topic:

“Learning elements of Polka dance”

Target: Learning the basic movements of the Polka dance.


Introduce and teach students the basic elements of the Polka dance.

Cultivate attention, train muscle memory, patience, endurance.

Development of skills of plasticity, expressiveness, grace.

Educational: promote the acquisition of skills in summarizing and analyzing material, identifying the basic elements of dance.

Educational: contribute to the formation of the moral culture of the child’s personality.

Educational: create conditions for developing children's interest, creativity and imagination.

Planned results:

Metasubject UUD:

Personal results

Formation of self-esteem, including awareness of one’s capabilities, the ability to adequately judge the reasons for one’s success/failure; the ability to see one’s strengths and weaknesses, to respect oneself and believe in success, to express oneself as a bright individual during the training period, to create a unique stage image.


    embodiment of musical images when learning and performing dance movements.


    independently perform the required changes in direction and tempo of movements, guided by the music;

    repeat any rhythm set by the teacher;

    set the rhythm to your classmates themselves and check the correctness of its execution (by clapping or stamping).


    take into account different opinions and interests and justify your own position;

Equipment and materials: computer, speakers, projector.

Contents of the lesson

    Organizational part: greeting, repeating the safety rules during a rhythm lesson, checking the children according to the list.

Teacher: The guys lined up in the middle of the hall, we bow (step from the right foot to the right side on the count of one, on the count of two put the left foot to the right, on the count of three - four, nod the head. Do the same with the left foot and return to the starting position.)

Checking absences from class.

    Main part.

Teacher: Today in class we will learn the Polka dance;

But first, we need to do a warm-up to warm up our muscles. To the left, hands on the belt

Hold your head higher

Spread your shoulders wider,

Raise your legs higher

And walk to the music.

(children walk to the music from a line in a circle)

Walking (from the toes, on the toes, on the heels, with high knees);

Running (with the shin swept back, with the straight leg thrown forward and the toe pulled back).

(Music fades out)

Teacher: Change from one line to two, counting 1-2. Let’s “get” our charming smiles and continue warming up (Presentation, music playing)


1.I.P. feet together, hands on waist

Tilt the head forward, backward, right, left with a squat.

2. I.P. legs together

Hands to shoulders, to the sides;

Hands to shoulders, up.

3.I.P. legs apart, hands on waist

Right hand to the side, on the belt;

Left hand to the side, on the belt.

4.I.P. legs apart, hands on waist

Tilts of the body to the right, left.

5.I.P. legs apart, arms up

Bend your torso down with your arms touching the floor.

6.I.P. feet together, hands on waist

Claps 2 on the knees, 2 in front of the chest.

7.I.P. legs apart, hands to shoulders

Arms to the sides, right leg to the sides and in the i.p.;

Arms to the sides, left leg to the sides and in the i.p.;

Hands forward, right leg forward and in position;

Hands forward, left leg forward and in i.p.

8.I.P. legs apart, hands on waist

Bend your torso forward with your arms.

9.I.P. legs apart, hands on waist

Lunges on the right and left legs.

10. Jumping (on two legs to the right, left, forward, backward, down, up).

11.Running in place.

Teacher: Well done, great! (formation in one line)

Please sit down on the chairs and listen to the music. (The music of I. Strauss “Polka Anna” sounds).

(presentation, showing pictures of polka dance)

Teacher: do you like this music?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: Tell me, is she sad or happy?

Children: cheerful!

Teacher: Of course she's funny. This is a fiery polka, an ancient Czech dance. One day, the Czech teacher Neruda fell in love with a peasant girl who was dancing and humming merrily. He recorded the melody and movements and it soon became popular. In the mid-19th century, everyone fell in love with this joyful dance, and not a single celebration took place without this dance. In Russia, the dance was first performed on stage, and then in salons. Today there are polkas of different nations: Hungarian, German, Swedish, Finnish, Polish, Brazilian, Moldavian, etc. Each country has its own dance characteristics. The most basic movement is a step with a jump, which must be performed easily, a gallop, a circle.

And now, to this cheerful music written by I. Strauss, we will learn the polka dance. But first I will show you a dance video (polka dance video Anna). Let's now learn the basic dance movements:

Jump with advancement;

Easy running;

Single claps.

(The teacher demonstrates a dance to music.)

Learning the dance .

Description: Children lightly run in a circle at the count of 8, then jump 8 times. They stopped and turned to face the circle. Bow to the right, left, circle around yourself. 4 cotton singles in place. Lightly run to the center of the circle, 4 single claps in place above your head, and return to the starting position (2 times). Then repeat everything all over again simultaneously and synchronously.

Teacher: Well done! So, what dance have we done now?

Children: polka.

Teacher: that's right, polka.

    Let's do some physical education now:“Droplet” muscle relaxation exercise.

4. Final part:

1. Summing up:

    what worked, what didn’t work;

    what came easy and what didn’t;

    how are you feeling?


Explanatory note

Since ancient times, the effect of a combination of rhythmic movement and music on human health has been known. The content of the music is emotional. Rhythm is one of the expressive means of music, with the help of which the content is conveyed. Therefore, the sense of rhythm forms the basis of emotional responsiveness to music.

The Swiss teacher and musician Emile Jacques-Dalcroze (1865-1950) saw musical-rhythmic exercises as a universal means of developing children's musical ear, memory, attention, and creative imagination. Musical-rhythmic movements as a type of activity play a big role not only in the musical, but also in the general development of the child. By mastering the skills of rhythmic expressive movement, the child learns to control his body, he develops correct posture and an expressive, easy gait. The process of practicing rhythm should bring joy to children.

The rhythmic lesson “We love to dance” is designed for 2nd grade students with mental retardation. It is a lesson on generalization, systematization of acquired knowledge, motor skills in the first half of training and a test to monitor the level of their development.

This lesson involves the active involvement of students in musical and rhythmic activities, taking into account the individual capabilities of their physical and mental development.

The purpose of the lesson is to create conditions for developing skills in expressive and emotional transmission of a musical image through performing rhythmic-gymnastic exercises and dance movements.

The methods and techniques used in this lesson are aimed at increasing the emotional activity of students, developing the ability to sense rhythmic originality in music and developing the ability to convey this in their movements.

The rhythmic lesson “We love to dance” is carried out within one academic hour and includes all types of musical and rhythmic activities: warm-up, song accompanied by dance movements, riddles about musical instruments, playing children’s musical instruments, musical and rhythmic game, modern dance, relaxation exercises.

The planned result of the rhythmic lesson “We love to dance” is the enrichment and activation of vocabulary, improvement of coordination of movements of the arms and legs, correction of motor skills by performing musical-rhythmic exercises and dance movements, both individually and collectively, testing the feeling of joy from movements to music .

Lesson scenario

Target: creating conditions for developing skills of expressive and emotional transmission of a musical image through performing rhythmic-gymnastic exercises and dance movements.


consolidate the skillexpressively and rhythmically perform dance movements and rhythmic-gymnastic exercises to music;

develop aesthetic and moral feelings through familiarization with the musical culture of society;

to cultivate interest in rhythmic classes through entertaining game moments.

    Organizational and motivational stage

Students march into the classroom and stand in a circle.

Teacher: Good afternoon guys! Please smile at each other.

Today you will show what you have learned in rhythm lessons over the past six months.

We begin the lesson in a cheerful mood,

We wish everyone good health,

Rhythm plus plasticity,

And also gymnastics,

We'll show you now

Wonderful dance class!

    Main stage

Teacher: Guys, you know that at the beginning of each rhythm lesson we do a warm-up. What is it for? What is good posture?

Children give answers to questions.

Teacher: That's right, guys. Rhythm is, first of all, movement, health and beauty. Now take correct posture and get ready to warm up. Listen carefully to the music and my commands.

Students perform warm-up exercises.

Teacher: Well done! We got a good workout! What else do you do in the morning besides exercise?

Children answer the question.

Teacher: Guys, what is the name of the song that we learned? What cartoon is she from?

Children give answers to questions.

Teacher: That's right, this is the song "About Washing" from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear". Let's do it.

Students stand in a line, sing a song, accompanying the singing with dance movements.

Teacher: Well done boys! You sang very well, artistically, brightly, in a word, you tried. Now take your seats, the next task awaits you.

The children take their places.

Teacher: Guys, during rhythm lessons you got acquainted with children's musical instruments. Now I will tell you riddles, and you guess what musical instrument we are talking about.

Children solve riddles, and the one who guesses correctly takes his musical instrument.

Teacher: We have an orchestra. What is the name of the musical instrument that is in our office?

Children answer the question.

Teacher: That's right, it's a piano or piano. Now I will play for you, and you will accompany me.

Rhythmic music sounds , students play children's musical instruments.

Teacher: What a great fellow you are!Guys, you and I played musical instruments, and now we will also play, but the game will be musical. It's called "Veterok". In this game you must pronounce words expressively and accurately, listen carefully to the music and move actively. But first we must choose "breeze". Who knows the counting rhyme?

Students choose “breeze” using a counting rhyme.

Teacher: Stand in a circle, let's start the game.

Children stand in a circle. The game is being played.

Teacher: Well done boys! We played, had fun, and now let’s calm down and restore our breathing.

Children perform exercises to restore breathing.

Teacher: Guys, what holiday are we expecting soon? What can you say about the New Year? What holiday is this? What are you expecting from the New Year?

Children give answers to questions.

Teacher: On New Year's holidays you will dance near the New Year's tree. To do this, we learned a dance, which we will now show.

Students perform a group dance to music.



Everyone can dance

Run, jump and gallop,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have a game like this

Very easy, simple:

Movements slow down

The tension disappears

And it becomes clear:

Relaxation is nice

It's easy to breathe

Exactly, deep.

Teacher: Guys, please take some gymnastics mats. While doing the exercises, listen carefully to my commands.

Calm music plays, children take gymnastic mats and do exercises to relieve stress.


Teacher: Guys, in my hands you see beautiful snowflakes with questions written on them. Now each of you will take a snowflake and answer questions.

Children complete the task.

Teacher: Now stand nicely at your seats.Our lesson is over. Let's end it with applause.

The children applaud and leave the classroom.

Annex 1.

Song "About washing"

    Not a single cat in the world will touch milk,

If the face is not carefully washed first.

Mothers teach naughty piglets to wash their hooves,

Here they go to the trough, their little spots are shining.


If children wash themselves in the morning,

(2 times)

    You also need to know, of course, that those who often get sick are

Who lives in dirt and dust, who has forgotten about cleanliness.

You and I are people too, it’s not for nothing that they say so,

Are you and I really going to be worse than piglets?


If children wash themselves in the morning,

The sun smiles brighter in the sky.

(2 times)

Riddles about musical instruments

    If you want to play

You need to take it in your hands,

And blow into it lightly -

Music will be heard.

Think a minute...

What is this? (Pipe).

    I'm empty

The fraction is beating,

Helps to walk (Drum).

    They took the hammers in their hands,

The records were pounding.

Musical ringing is heard

This is what it sounds like... (Metallophone).

    There are bells on it,

We hit it loudly.

We will play with him now,

Give me a ringing ... (tambourine) in your hands.

    They sit on a stick

If you don't disturb them, they remain silent.

You just have to take it in your hands

And rock it a little,

A chime will be heard:

"Dili-don, dili-don."

Did you guess it? Well done!

What is this? (Bells).

    At the most fabulous moment this instrument will enter,

But not everyone knows that he plays in the orchestra!
Quietly, gently it will ring, as if everything is turning silver,
And then it will soon fall silent at the conductor’s signal.
Every schoolchild knows this. What is... (Triangle).

    They eat soup at lunch, and in the evening they “talk”

Wooden girls, musical sisters.
Play a little on the beautiful bright ones... (Spoons).

    Wooden plates, colorful pictures,

They knock, they ring, they tell you to dance! (Ratchet).

    He looks like a rattle

Only this is not a toy! (Maraca).

Musical game "Breeze"

Children, standing in a circle, recite the text:

"The wind came to us,

I wanted to play here.

Who will it reach?

He will run faster."

The “breeze” is the child whom the children chose according to the counting rhyme. He runs around the outer circle to energetic, cheerful music. At the end of the music, the child stops and touches the shoulder of a classmate standing close to him. At the same time, the other children must say his name. The next child becomes the “breeze” and continues the game. The music is repeated several times to ensure that all children participate in the game.

Reflection Questions

    What did we do in class today?

    What did you like about the lesson?

    Where can you show what you learned in rhythm classes?

    What else do you want to learn in rhythm classes?

Nargiza Minakova
Summary of a rhythm lesson in the middle group “Let's Help the Frog Princess”

Educational area: “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Group: average

Form of organization: subgroup.

Subject: « Let's help Princess Frog»

Target classes: introducing children to the elements of Russian folk dance movements, developing artistry.


Learn to convey a musical image in plastic using the types listed below movements: march, walking with toes out, on heels, hopping, imitation movements;

Learn dance moves "Lady".


Development of creativity, feelings rhythm, the need for self-expression in movement to music;

Development of coordination of movements of the arms and legs, continue to improve the softness and smoothness of arm movements;

Develop logical thinking.


Education of moral and patriotic feelings through familiarization with Russian folk dance;

Foster safe behavior and a caring attitude towards the natural world around us.

Preliminary work: watching a fairy tale « Princess Frog» . Conversation about behavior in nature, learning Russian folk dance movements, listening to the musical repertoire "Russian folk songs and dances".

Materials and equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, parcel, shelf, ball of thread, fabric to imitate swamp and reeds, flowers according to the number of children, coloring pages with a picture of a frog.

Integration of educational regions: "Artistic and aesthetic development"(music, fiction, "Social and communicative development"(play, safe behavior in nature, "Cognition" (ecology, moral and patriotic education)

Psychological attitude

Progress of educational activities.

(The teacher leads the children to music in group in a semicircle).

Educator: Children, we came with you to play and dance! But before we start playing, what should we do with you? (say hello).

Educator: That's right, we'll say hello to each other. But we won’t do it as usual, but say hello in the language of dance (Boys bow, and girls bow).

Motivational moment

Educator: Guys, I received a package today, let's see what's here (flash drive with video message, stick and ball of thread). Let us see what the message is there! (presentation slide No. 1)

Princess: Hello guys! I Princess, the cat bewitched me, put this frog skin on me, and now I have to live in a swamp. And only dance can save me. Koshey loves cheerful dances, if you try and learn a dance for him, he will become kinder and disenchant me. And it’s up to you to get to Koshchei’s home will help a ball of thread and a magic wand.

Educator: Guys, please tell me we can do a good deed and help the Princess(Yes). How can we help the frog princess? (Learn the dance).

Educator: Come on, we'll go to the swamp and let's help the frog princess. But before you go, you and I must remember the rule of behavior in nature (you need to be careful, watch your step so as not to trample insects and not fall into a swamp).

Educator: That's right, and we will go with you to the magical swamp. But on the way, so that Kashey doesn’t notice us and block the way, you and I will have to transform into different animals and insects, and will help This is our magic wand.

Updating knowledge


So that you are no longer lazy,

We have turned into ants (children, to the music of the march, go to the swamp, where there are a lot of reeds and continue to march).

Educator: I'm turning you into a heron,

And I force you to pull the sock. (Walk in a circle with your hands on your belt, walking with your toes pulled out)

And they walked on their heels,

(Walk in a circle, hands behind head on heels)

And they found a mosquito

We saw a dragonfly

And they ran in circles (running in a circle, hands on the belt).

Suddenly a water meter comes along,

Managed to gallop away from us (jumps)

And now we're resting

We make the nose work (step in a circle while inhaling and exhaling).

Perception and assimilation of new things

Educator: So we ended up with you at Koshchei’s home, you guys are great. Oh, what is this, listen to the riddle.

“At night it will hide-

It will become dark in the yard.

In the morning again at our window

Joyful beats...” (Sun).

Educator: Right. (show the sun in presentation slide No. 2). But the sun has come out from behind the clouds, let's play with it. Imagine that you have a sun in your right hand and you need to smoothly transfer it upwards to your other hand. I.P. legs together, arms extended at the sides, For one and, two and, three and, four and, we transfer the sun from the right hand to the left, we do the same from the left hand to the right. (4 times)

We played with the sun, and she opened her rays and look what beautiful flowers have grown, now I offer you take free flower so that we can learn a dance for Koshchei. And you know, Koschey loves Russian dance.

Practical work

And we will try to learn several elements of Russian dance. Listen to the music and tell me what its character is? (music excerpt included) "Lady" children's answers).

I will show you, and then you will repeat. Our first move. Look at me closely (teacher demonstration).

Description of the dance.

A.I.P. – legs together, hands in fists on the belt.

to the account "times and"

to the account "two and" we return to the starting position.

to the account "three and"

and the bill "four and" we return to I.P. (4 times)

to the account - turn around yourself from the right shoulder, open your fists, spread them to the sides and return to I.P.

G.I.P. – legs together, hands in fists on the belt.

to the account "times and" We place our right foot on the heel,

to the account "two and" move the right leg back onto the toe,

to the account "three four" in place of the stampede.

I.P. – legs together, hands in fists on the belt.

to the account "times and" We place our left foot on the heel,

to the account "two and" we move the left leg back onto the toe,

to the account "three four" in place of the stampede. (4 times)

B.I.P. - legs together, hands in fists on the belt

to the account "one and, two and, three and, four and"- turn around yourself from the right shoulder with stomps, open your fists, spread them to the sides and return to I.P.

B. The same as in B, only in the other direction.

D.I.P. - legs together, hands in fists on the belt

to the account "times and" squat

to the account "two and" We place our right foot on the heel,

to the account "three and" squat,

to the account "four and" place the right foot on the heel (4 times)

Educator: And here is Koschey himself (slide number 3)

Koschey: Why did you come? (children's answers).

Educator: And we didn’t come empty-handed, we came with a dance and now you will see it, but we have a condition for you, if you like the dance you will break the spell Princess!

Koschey: Fine! But if I don't like it, you'll stay here forever!

Educator: Okay, guys, let's show our dance to Koshchei and save Princess! (All these movements are performed to music).

Educator: How's Koschey? (slide number 4)

Koschey: Yes, I didn’t expect this, the dance is just wonderful! I give up, get yours Princess! (slide number 5)

Princess: Thank you my family, thank you my dears, you saved me! And for this I want to give you my portrait, which you can color when you return to kindergarten! (children thank Princess)



After dancing, sit in a circle.


Let's remember where we were?

What did we do, to whom helped?

What tune were you listening to?

What is folk dance?

Educator: You did great today, helped the Princess. Everyone was active, did their exercises well, and danced. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. We close our eyes (fairytale music sounds). Well done boys. Thanks to all. Let's say goodbye to you.

(Bow, leave the hall).

regional state government special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities

« Sharypovskaya special (correctional) general education

boarding school VIII kind."

Lesson summary on rhythm
in 3rd grade

"Study with an object"

preparedrhythm teacherKazeeva Tatyana Borisovna.

Sharypovo 2014


Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson topic : Study with an object.

The purpose of the lesson: learning a sketch with an object.


Educational: introduce the dance etude “Tarantella”, Formation of the ability to listen to music: determine the nature of the music, use the object when performing movements.

Correctional and developmental: correction of thought processes, development of auditory perception, sense of rhythm, attention, correction of counting skills through the rhythmic exercise “Counting”, correction of speech skills through vocabulary work.

Educational: education of attention, ability to listen and hear music.

Equipment: music center, laptop, individual mats, tambourines according to the number of children in the class, musical soundtracks, presentation, vocabulary cards, crossword puzzle.

During the classes.

I. Org. moment.

1. Formation, organized entrance to the hall, greeting.

II . Emotional mood for the lesson.

Clap your hands 3 times who is in a good mood today.Once those who are in a bad mood. Most people are in a good mood, and this makes me happyafter all, despite the bad weather, our mood does not spoil, let's hold hands and smile at each other, so that our smiles make it even brighter!( because today the weather is so wonderful, let's hold hands and smile at each other, the sun is shining gently, and your smiles make the class even brighter!)

Well done. They took their places.

Lesson topic message. Changing lanes.

III . Preparing to learn new material.

1. Exercises for orientation in space.

- step from the toe of the hand to the sides, up, forward, to the sides,

Toe step, small jerks with arms back,

Step from the toes at the same time with both hands in front of you,

- step from the toes, alternately hands behind the head,

Step on high toes, transitioning to heels (8, 4, 2 counts)

High knee step

Step with a high knee lift to the side.

Easy running on the floor with your fingers,

Straight gallop

- "runner"

Step off your toes and stop facing the circle.

Exercises to restore breathing “The locomotive is moving, the locomotive is moving”:

Doing the exercise. We walk in a circle, imitating a steam locomotive, making appropriate movements with our hands and saying “Chuh - chuh - chuh.” Perform for 20-30 seconds.

2. Rhythmic exercise. Exercise "Counting".

One, two islands - 2 clap your hands in front of you, semicircle with your right hand, semicircle with your left hand.

Three, four, we've arrived - 2 clap your hands in front of you, wave-like movements with your hands away from you.

Five, six, let's go here- 2 clap your hands in front of you, stretch your right hand forward with your palm up, stretch your left hand with your palm down.

Seven, eight, how many pine trees? 2 clap hands in front of you, right hand up, left hand up.

Nine, ten, we're on our way - 2 clap hands in front of you, 2 steps in place with a high knee lift.

Up to counting, up to ten - place the palm of the right hand on the head, the palm of the left hand under the chin, the palm of the right hand touches the cheek, the palm of the left hand touches the cheek, extend the right hand forward, extend the left hand forward, a ringing clap on outstretched arms in front of you.

The exercise is repeated 2 times.

Guys, tell me where you and I can go by steam locomotive, or ship, or maybe even by plane? (Children's answers)

Right on the trip. Well, did you fly?

3. Logorhythmic exercise “Airplane”.

An airplane flies by point fingers up - how a plane flies by

I got ready to fly with him.

I took the right wing back and looked move your right hand to the side, look at your fingers

He took the left wing back and looked move your left hand to the side and look on your fingers

I'm starting the engine rotational movements of the hands in front yourself

And I'm watching closely

I rise to the heights - I fly-oo-oo-oorise on your toes, spread your arms to the sides and run

I'm about to land,

I want to land. land on chairs, hands put on your knees.

III. Studying a new topic.

So, we went on an exciting journey by plane and ended up in the country...The child reads the title

That's right Italy! Sasha repeat..., Danil repeat,

Slide No. 1. Let's repeat in unison(Children say in unison - Italy).

And the capital of Italy, the most beautiful city -...Read Yana, repeat Katya, repeat Sadyk, let’s repeat everything together!

Slide number 2.

The Italians have a folk musical instrument, and it’s called....

Slide number 3.

Who will tell me? We raise our hands and don’t shout out from our seats.(Child's response) . Right. Tambourine.

What does a tambourine sound like? This is what you and I have to find out. Now you will carefully listen to 4 musical melodies, and you will try to name what number the tambourine sounded under.

Listening to the sound of musical instruments: guitar, piano, drum, tambourine.

1. Exercises with children's musical instruments.

Show how to hold a tambourine correctly.(Children take the tambourine in their right hand).

Slide number 4.

When counting, children clap their hands where the sign (tambourine) is, clap their hands once, where there is an empty window and pause.

Divide the children into pairs. Work in pairs with a tambourine(children in pairs learn the rhythm shown on the table, show it to the whole class, the class must repeat the rhythm) .

2. Dance exercises.

The great Russian composer P.I. ChaikovskySlide number 5, wrotemusic for the ballet “The Nutcracker”, and now we will listen to it.

Listening to Tchaikovsky's Tarantella.

Tell me, was the melody sad or cheerful in nature? (Cheerful)

What about the pace? Fast or slow?(Fast)

What else do you think can be done with a tambourine? Yes, dance!

Watch the video clip.

So today we will learn a set of movements combined into one exercise - an etude. Maxim repeat the sketch, Alina…., Valya…. Let's repeat it in unison!

A study with a tambourine, and you will learn its name at the end of the lesson!

Learning Study with a tambourine.

Score 1-8 children rhythmically beat a tambourine in front of them.

Score 1-8 turning along the line of the dance, step with a high knee lift, walk in a circle, tambourine in the right hand, “trill” high above the head (“trill” is taught separately, the word is repeated 2-3 times).

Score 1-8 perform 6 gallops, step - stomp to the right.

Score 1-8 perform a turn on the high fingers to the right side, the tambourine in the right hand performs a “trill”.Well done!

IV . Consolidation of new knowledge.

    Playing to music.

But you can not only dance with a tambourine, let’s also play!

Game with a tambourine.

Children stand in a circle.

1 part of the game.

The leader in the circle, holding a tambourine in his right hand, walks with a jump. When the music ends, he stops in front of one of the players. The player in front of whom the driver stopped makes three energetic blows and takes a step back. (Part 1 is repeated again).

Part 2 of the game.

Then the driver putsplace the tambourine in the middle of the circle and stand in any free space. Those participants in the game who beat the rhythm, according to the music, gallop outside the circle. As soon as the music stops, you need to be the first to take the tambourine. The one who took it first is the driver.

Repeat the game 2-3 times.

V . Relaxation exercise “On the seashore”.

VI . Lesson summary. Reflection.

All we have to do is find out what Swami calls the dance with a tambourine, our etude, and the musical work of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

To do this we must solve a crossword puzzle. (Appendix No. 1)

"Brainstorm". Solving the crossword puzzle.

Crossword Questions:

1. What is the name of the exercise with a tambourine that we learned today?

2. Which country did we travel to today?

3. Write the capital of Italy.

4. Write the name of the great Russian composer who wrote the music for the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

5. Write the name of the great Russian composer, who wrote the music for the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

6. Write the patronymic name of the great Russian composer who wrote the music for the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

7. What kind of music was sad or happy in nature?

8. What is the name of this instrument?(show).

9. What is the name of this movement with a tambourine? (show).

10. Did you like the lesson?

Construction for the end of the lesson. Bow. Organized exit from class.


    Kartushina M.Yu. "Summaries of logorhythmic classes with children 5-6 years old." Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. "Speech development for children aged 6-7 years. Program. Methodological recommendations. Lesson notes. Games and exercises"

Appendix No. 1.

We are with you on the seashore. The day is sunny, the sand is warm and soft. It’s quiet all around, you can only hear the splashing of water and the cries of seagulls. You can breathe easily and freely. Gentle waves touch your feet, gently stroking them, touch your hands... You are pleased to feel the freshness of sea water. You feel freshness throughout your whole body: on your forehead, face, back, stomach, arms, legs. Your body is filled with lightness. You breathe easily and freely. Your mood becomes cheerful, you want to get up and run. Now let’s all stretch and open our eyes on the count of three. You are full of strength and energy.

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