Does the boiler need to be cleaned? How to clean a boiler (water heater), step-by-step instructions. How to clean a dry heating element

Any storage water heater requires regular anti-plaque cleaning and checking the functionality of the heating element.

A dirty water heating unit significantly increases energy consumption. It is better to replace a corroded magnesium anode or heating element that cannot be cleaned, as they, losing their properties, reduce the amount of heated water, increase the heating time and deteriorate its quality.

Timely descaling of the water heater extends the service life of the device, reducing heating time and increasing the volume of water consumed.

Understanding the need to descale a boiler is not difficult at all:

  • more frequent switching on/off of the heater,
  • increasing the time period of the heating process,
  • a hissing sound that is heard during heating operation.

These are clear signs of scale formation on the heating element and the walls of the tank.

How often should the boiler be cleaned?

The frequency of water heater cleaning activities is determined by several factors.

More frequent cleaning will be required:

  1. When using water with high hardness, which promotes rapid scale formation. With increased hardness, it is recommended to clean the device at least once every 6-9 months; if the water is soft with a low iron content, it is enough to clean it once every 2-2.5 years;
  2. At operating temperatures above 60 degrees; To prevent the appearance of various bacteria and microorganisms inside the heater, it is recommended to occasionally, 1-2 times a month, increase the operating temperature to 85-90 degrees for 1-2 hours.
  3. When using the heater frequently.

If the water heater is not cleaned regularly, you need to be prepared for the fact that during the inspection the removed heating element will be damaged and will need to be replaced. Therefore, it is better to prepare new heating elements and a magnesium anode in advance.

Sometimes the reason for cleaning the water heater is the unpleasant hydrogen sulfide smell when using hot water.

There are only two reasons for the appearance of this smell:

  • Presence of large amounts of sulfates in water provokes the release of hydrogen sulfide when the magnesium anode interacts with water, in this case it is only recommended to dismantle the rod;
  • Bacteria have grown in the boiler. Stagnant water promotes the rapid proliferation of microorganisms. If the heater filled with water has been inoperative for a long time, you just need to turn it on and warm it up to a temperature close to 100 degrees.

However, this measure may not be effective and the smell will persist. In this case, you need to make sure that the water used is not the cause of the odor. For analysis, the water must be taken to SES workers.

If you use water from a well and it has grown microorganisms and bacteria that are spoiling your water, the sanitation staff will tell you how to clean your source. The most common cleaning method is using bleach. After it settles, the entire water intake system must be thoroughly washed and pumped. Determining the presence of hydrogen sulfide in tap water is very simple.

Drain the tap water within 5 minutes. Then fill any plastic bottle halfway and close tightly. Shake well and, unscrewing the lid, smell. You will feel the presence of hydrogen sulfide in large quantities immediately.

If, after repeating the procedure three times, you do not detect a hydrogen sulfide smell, it means that it is absent or a very small amount is present. Having realized that the cause of the unpleasant odor is still inside the heater, there is nothing left to do but begin cleaning measures.

Chemical method of treating scale

It is quite possible to clean the water heating device yourself, or use the help of a plumber.

As a preventive measure or in case of minor scale formation, it is recommended to use a chemical method of cleaning the boiler using any modern descaling agent or using the “folk method”, that is, using a solution of citric acid or vinegar.

Having chosen an industrial product, use it in accordance with the instructions on the package. Incorrect preparation of the chemical solution and failure to comply with the time frame can damage the heater!

A solution of citric acid is prepared at the rate of 1 sachet (50 g) per 1 liter of water, vinegar essence will require 1-2 teaspoons per 1 liter, and 8% acid 4-5 tablespoons per liter. Leave the citric acid solution for 15-20 minutes before use. To carry out chemical cleaning, the water from the tank must be drained through the hot water tap by about a third.

The flow of cold water into the container must be closed. Then a hose is connected to the drain fitting, through which the chemical solution is poured inside. For convenience, the end of the hose with the attached watering can is raised above the water heater.

Next, the cold water supply is opened and the heating temperature is set to 90-95 degrees. When heated, the solution should remain in the tank for 5-7 hours. Then all the water must be drained and the tank thoroughly rinsed with clean cold water.

That is, leaving the tap open, let through the amount of water corresponding to 4-5 volumes of the storage tank. For example, if the volume of your tank is 50 liters, at least 200 liters of water are needed for flushing. For better rinsing, you can fill the tank and heat the water to 25-30 degrees, then drain the water completely and rinse with cold water.

Mechanical cleaning of a water heating device

When regularly descaling a water heater, as a rule, it is not required to disassemble it and mechanically clean the heating element. If you still need to disassemble the boiler for flushing, you need to have a screwdriver or screwdriver, a wrench and a chemical solution for cleaning.

With all the variety of models and designs of water heating devices, the manipulation algorithm for all boilers is the same:

  • Disconnect the water heater from the electrical network: disconnect the plug from the socket or turn off the machine and disconnect the wires from the thermal regulator if the water heater has a local power supply.
  • In some designs, it is necessary to remove the boiler cover, disconnect the wires and dismantle the thermal relay.
  • Shut off the flow of cold water into the tank.
  • Drain the water from the storage tank. There may be complications here. If your heater is located directly above the bathtub or sink, or it is possible to place a large container under it, then the water can be drained simultaneously with removing the heating element immediately before cleaning, having cooled it beforehand so as not to get burned.

And this is the case if the heating element is screwed directly into the tank.

In some models, the flange with the heating element is secured with several nuts. Then it is better to drain the water in advance.

If the boiler is located differently, a tube or flexible hose of the appropriate diameter directed into the sewer is connected to the drain fitting, the tap is opened and the tank is emptied.

  • To allow air to enter the tank, the safety valve, if any, or the nearest cold water tap opens.
  • Next, the heating element is very carefully removed from the tank. Scale accumulated inside the heater can complicate this process. Sometimes, to remove the heating element, the dirt just needs to be carefully picked out. Scale accumulates not only in the boiler, but also in the washing machine. , you can find out here.

It should be noted that the walls of the tank, especially enameled ones, are usually quite clean. The main accumulation of scale forms on and around the heating element. Therefore, it is enough to rinse the walls of the storage tank with clean water.

  • If scale is still deposited on the sides, it is recommended to rinse the container with a prepared solution of citric acid, vinegar or a chemical using a rag. Then rinse with running water.
  • The removed heating element must first be cleaned of a thick layer of scale mechanically, for example, scraping off the dirt with a knife. Then immerse the heating element in the prepared solution for about a day.

A plastic bottle with the neck cut off is ideal for this procedure. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water. After cleaning the heating element will be as good as new.

Reassemble the boiler in the reverse order. After filling the tank, check for leaks. After this, connect the power supply and use again.

Despite the simplicity of the process, it must be remembered that poor cleaning can cause the heater to explode or cause electric shock during use.

Therefore, it is better to replace a heavily contaminated heating element that does not inspire confidence with a new one, similar to the old one of appropriate power.

You should also pay attention to the length of the contacts connecting the thermostat. To contact the thermostat, the distance between the terminals must be appropriate.

When cleaning the water heating element, you should not forget about the central rod of the device.

The magnesium anode, located next to the heating element, is also subject to destruction during operation.

Its critical condition is indicated by water heater leaks, since it gradually loses its anti-corrosion properties and does not prevent the process of metal rusting.

Replacing the magnesium anode is very easy. The old one is unscrewed and a new rod is installed in its place.

Preventing scale formation

To reduce the frequency of cleaning the water heater, it is recommended to use various means to prevent scale.

Reagents are a variety of filters containing chemicals in the cleaning cartridge that, when interacting with hardness salts, soften the water.

By cleaning or replacing cleaning cartridges in a timely manner, you will significantly reduce the formation of scale inside the boiler.

The density of plaque is also significantly reduced, which facilitates mechanical cleaning of the heating element.

The principle of operation of a reagent-free filter is based on the creation of a powerful electromagnetic field, as a result of which hardness salts dissolved in water change their shape and are not deposited inside the heater, and also promote self-cleaning of already formed plaque.

The disadvantage of expensive reagent-free filters is that their high efficiency requires a large water intake. And as a result, it is not suitable for use at home.

A more effective way to prevent scale in a home water heater would be a reagent filter based on a special resin enriched with sodium.

By preventing scale formation by softening the water and regularly flushing the storage tank with various chemical compounds, you will significantly reduce the frequency of mechanical cleaning and increase the service life of your water heater.

Over time, an electric water heater begins to work worse. It heats water more slowly and weakly, consumes more electricity, and may even fail. In such cases, you should not rush to call a specialist or buy a new device. First you need to try cleaning the water heater, and most likely it will work as before.

What causes a water heater to become dirty? Many of its parts are in constant contact with tap water, so many chemicals are deposited on them. Most of all, such deposits accumulate on the walls of the boiler, as well as on the magnesium element and heating element. Scale prevents the passage of heat from heating parts to the water. Therefore, electricity consumption increases and there is a risk of the heater burning out. The conclusion is simple: if the boiler begins to heat water more slowly, it needs to be cleaned urgently.

Storage water heater Electrolux

How to clean a water heater

For convenience, it is better to adhere to the following cleaning order.

Before working with the boiler, it must be disconnected from the power source. It's more convenient to do this:

  • Disconnect the heater and make sure it is not connected to electricity.
  • At the bottom of the device (usually there), remove the plastic protective cover. It is attached with bolts, so you will need a suitable screwdriver to remove them.
  • Carefully disconnect the wires from the thermostat terminals and from the container itself.
  • Disconnect the power cable from the input. After this, you need to insulate the exposed wires.

It is now safe to carry out other work. But before you start cleaning, you need to disconnect the electric heater from the water supply system and drain the remaining water from it.

Scale on the boiler

It's easier to do this:

  1. Wait until the water in the tank has cooled completely.
  2. Shut off the cold water supply.
  3. It is important to open the hot water supply. This can be done on each of the mixers installed in the apartment.
  4. Now you can drain the water. To do this, you need to find a suitable hose and put it on the relief valve. Place the other end of the hose in an empty container or toilet. Next, press the valve shutter and pour out the water.

Some heaters do not have a relief valve. This feature is more common among Ariston brand models. In this case, to drain the water, you need to unscrew the valve itself. Before doing this, you need to install a container under it, otherwise you will have to collect water from the floor.

Before cleaning, you need to dismantle the heating element. Without this, it is impossible to get to the inside of the boiler. On all models of heaters, the heating element is fixed in a similar way. To remove it you need to unscrew the nut that is located at the output of this part. After this, the heating element, metal plate and seal can be easily removed.

Cleaning electric water heaters

The cleaning process is very simple. Scale is removed from the walls of the tank and other parts using a regular rag. For greater efficiency, remove the removable water heater and wash it with water.

Boiler flushing

Particular care must be taken to remove plaque from the surface of the heating element. If you press hard, you can deform its structure. Sandpaper or a metal brush is suitable for cleaning it.

It happens that the heating element cannot be cleaned. Severe contamination usually appears if the device has not been cleaned for more than two years. In this case, only replacing the heating element with a new one will help. It is worth carefully choosing a new part; it must be exactly suitable in size, power and method of connection to the main device.

When cleaning, you need to check the magnesium anode. It should be replaced if it is worn out and becomes less than 20 centimeters.

The water heater can be installed back according to the diagram below. All these steps must be performed in reverse order. It is advisable to check all connections for leaks after installation.

So that cleaning the water heater does not result in its breakdown, it is worth remembering:

  • Do not remove scale from inside the boiler using sharp or hard objects. They can scratch the enamel coating and the tank will begin to rust.
  • It is better not to touch the magnesium anode with bare hands.
  • All wires must be connected correctly. Applying voltage can only be started after assembly has been completed and the container has been filled with water.

After installing the boiler, you need to observe its operation. And also pass 50 to 100 liters of heated water through it to wash the inside.

Do-it-yourself cleaning of water heaters from odor inside

Many owners of water heaters notice over time that the heated water begins to smell terribly. This unbearable smell may have several reasons:

  1. Dirty water is supplied to the boiler. If there are a lot of foreign impurities in the water, especially hydrogen sulfide, it emits an unpleasant odor.
  2. There are specific bacteria and fungi in the tank. Such living creatures are born in the limescale deposits on the walls of the container. As long as there are not many microorganisms, the smell of the water does not change. But over time, their number increases, and the water begins to stink.
  3. Cheap or damaged water supply. Low-quality tubular plastic transfers its chemical smell to water. And old metal water pipes are ideal for the life of bacteria and fungi.

Water with hydrogen sulfide is impossible to smell

There is a way to determine which of these cases occurs:

  1. Run cold tap water for 5 minutes. Then place a clean bottle under the stream and close it after filling. After half an hour, you need to open the bottle and check the smell of the water. If it smells bad, there is a problem with the pipes or water.
  2. If cold water from a bottle smells normal, you need to look for the reason in the boiler itself. To do this, you again need to fill the plastic container, but only from the hot tap closest to the water heater. We wait 30 minutes and smell. If you can’t breathe from the bottle, it means there are harmful microorganisms in the tank.

In order to eliminate the unpleasant odor due to bad water or rusty pipes, you can do the following:

  1. Install a filter that removes bad-smelling gases from the water.
  2. Complain to the SES about the poor quality of tap water.

In the first case, you don’t have to wait for someone to come and fix the problem. Therefore, if you can’t stand the smelly water, it’s easier and faster to install a filter.

Problems with microorganisms in the boiler are solved differently:

  1. Sterilization of the tank. The water in the boiler is brought to a boil and remains in this state for a long time.
  2. Removing scale from a water heater (see above). This will destroy the favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes and bacteria.

To prevent smelly water from coming out of the boiler again, you need to follow simple preventive measures:

  1. Do not leave water in the water heater when it is not in use for a long time.
  2. Periodically descale the tank.
  3. It is advisable to install a filter.
  4. Pay attention to water quality. If necessary, contact the sanitary and epidemiological station.

What is the difference between cleaning a storage and instantaneous water heater?

Instantaneous water heater

What was described earlier applied to storage-type water heaters. A instantaneous water heater differs from it in its design and operating principle.

In the flow-through type, water does not stagnate in the tank, because there is simply no such container. The water heats up as it passes through a narrow tube. It is not stored anywhere, but is served from the tap immediately after heating.

How often to clean a water heater

Manufacturers recommend cleaning your water heater once a year. But water experts do not completely agree with them and say: it depends on the hardness of the water. It is better to stick to the rule - clean the water heater as needed.

1–1.5 years after installation of the device, preventive cleaning should be carried out. If the plaque is more than one kilogram, the next such procedure should be carried out no later than a year later.

A storage water heater is an incredibly useful household appliance that allows us not to depend on seasonal hot water outages. In the first few years of using the boiler, there are usually no problems with it. But after two or three years, the owners of the device begin to notice interruptions in heating and water pressure. Typically, such problems are associated with ignoring the operating rules of the device, among which one of the most important is regular cleaning.

In this article we will talk about ways to clean a storage water heater at home.

Need for cleaning

It is no secret that the quality of tap water in our apartments leaves much to be desired. Therefore, household appliances that are constantly in contact with hard water suffer from lime and scale deposits. This applies to washing machines and dishwashers, kettles and, of course, boilers. The tubular heating element and the inner walls of the water heater tank are most susceptible to the destructive effects of mud deposits.

If you let the process of boiler contamination take its course, the consequences will be very unpleasant. Firstly, water heating will occur extremely slowly or stop altogether. Secondly, the heating element will overheat and stop working.

Cleaning rules at home

Professional technicians and folk craftsmen have developed a whole system of rules and recommendations that allow you to maintain the boiler in perfect condition. Let's take a closer look at these useful tips.


The easiest way is to clean the water heater from dirt, scale and rust using special store-bought products. A wide range of products for removing lime deposits and other sediments are sold in hardware stores, in the household chemicals departments of large hypermarkets, and also as accompanying goods in stores selling household appliances. Experts recommend purchasing products for cleaning electric kettles - their composition and principle of operation are the same, but they are cheaper.

In addition to specialized products, you can use folk recipes, for example, carbonated drinks or diluted acetic acid.

In the following video you can see how to clean the boiler step by step from dirt with your own hands.

Mechanical method

If you are against using harsh chemicals in your home, you can clean your water heater manually. This will take more time, but the effect will be more noticeable. To remove accumulated scale mechanically, the device will first have to be disassembled. The most convenient and safest way to do this is to first remove the boiler from the wall.

Disassembling the water heater

The device should be disassembled by turning it upside down. Next we proceed in the following order:

  • remove the front panel by releasing the latches that secure it and picking it up with a screwdriver;
  • pull the handle of the temperature regulator and carefully remove it;
  • loosen and remove the screws that secure the panel;
  • disconnect the cable through which the device is powered (it is held on by three screws);
  • We remove the temperature regulator and the flange that ensures water heating.

How to clean the heating element from scale?

The heating element is located on the flange, which we removed from the water heater last when we disassembled the device.

Having examined the heating element, we will most likely find a thick layer of scale and other dirt deposits on it. The most effective way would be to simply remove this plaque mechanically. To do this, arm yourself with a not very sharp knife or cutter and carefully scrape off the dirt, trying not to damage the metal surface of the heater. After this, we install the heating element in place and assemble the boiler in the reverse order.

Cleaning the tank

It is recommended to remove such contaminants from the inner surface of the tank only by chemical means, since otherwise there is a high probability of damaging the tank. You need to proceed as follows:

  • manually remove all dirt from the tank, which easily comes off;
  • Pour cleaning agent diluted in water into the tank;
  • we wait the allotted time;
  • pour water from the tank;
  • remove any remaining dirt with a soft sponge;
  • Rinse out any remaining dirt and cleaning agent from the tank.

When cleaning the tank, do not use sharp objects or sandpaper, or touch the magnesium rod.

Features of cleaning boilers from different manufacturers

The design of most boiler models is the same and differs only in minor nuances. However, it would be useful to know about the cleaning features of storage water heaters of different brands.

  • Boilers from Ariston differ in an unusual method of fixation and flange configuration. To remove the flange, you first need to push it towards you, turn it over and only then remove it. Since this manufacturer places the heating element at the bottom of the device, there is no need to remove the boiler from the wall before cleaning.

If the boiler takes longer to heat water, switches on and off more often and makes noise during operation, it means that a layer of scale has appeared on the heating element of the device, interfering with normal functioning. Removing scale from a water heater not only increases the life of the boiler, but also saves energy.

Cleaning should be carried out at least once a year; this work can be entrusted to plumbers or done independently. The frequency depends on the following factors:

  • water hardness (the harder, the more often);
  • frequency of use (seasonal or year-round);
  • temperature conditions (minimum scale appears at heating temperatures up to 60°C).

Untimely maintenance of the boiler leads to rusting of the internal tank and breakdown of the heating element. In very advanced cases, due to a large layer of scale, it is impossible to remove the heating element without damage.

Water heater descaling technology

1. Disconnect the boiler from the electricity - disconnect the cord (wire) or turn off the machine.

2. Remove the boiler cover, disconnect the wires and dismantle the thermal relay according to the instructions for the device.

3. Attach a hose or tube to the collection outlet, lower the second (drain) end into the bathtub or toilet. Open the hot water tap and drain the water.

If your boiler does not have a safety valve, turn off the cold water supply, disconnect the supply hose, then connect the outlet tube to the ball valve to drain all the water.

4. Place a basin under the bottom of the boiler to drain the remaining liquid. Unscrew the nuts holding the flange plate. Push the flange up, turn it over, stick your hand in and pull the heating element through the hole.

5. Immediately after removal, carefully remove the layer of scale (before it dries) with a wooden spatula. Then the heating element can be polished to a shine with sandpaper.

Attention! Do not use sharp metal objects that can damage the heating element.

The second method is to soak the water heater for 12-20 hours in a solution of acid: citric (50 grams or 2 tablespoons per 3 liters of water) or acetic (100 ml of vinegar per 1 liter of water). Then remove the element from the solution and rinse with cold water. If the device has a rubber seal, remove it before soaking to prevent the acid from corroding the rubber.

The third option is special anti-scale products for water heaters, which are sold in household chemical stores. Before use, carefully read the instructions; not all drugs are universal. For example, hydrochloric acid is not suitable for stainless steel parts, while nitric acid corrodes copper. Follow the recommended dosage; too high a concentration will cause damage.

How to clean scale and other deposits in the boiler. What you need to know to service your boiler yourself

Any water heater needs to be cleaned periodically and, if you figure it out first, you can do this work yourself. This article describes what you need to know when cleaning your boiler yourself. If you prefer to trust a specialist, then this article will help you control the quality of his work. Here are also recommendations on how you can reduce the number of cleanings.

Why do you need to clean?

  • scale does not conduct heat well from the heating element to water. This will cause the heating tube to overheat and may burn out. At best, the heating element will turn off.
  • Harmful microorganisms can grow in the dirt accumulated in the tank. Using water from a dirty boiler is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous.

Cleaning is the main procedure when servicing a water heater. At the same time, when cleaning, the condition of the magnesium anode is examined and, if necessary, it is replaced.

The first cleaning should be done after a year of using the water heater. It will show how often it will need to be cleaned in the future. If there are few deposits and the magnesium anode has dissolved slightly, then subsequent cleanings can be done less frequently.

What to do so you have to clean less often

Usually the bulk of the deposits is scale. The harder the water and the higher the heating temperature, the faster scale forms. With an increase in temperature by several degrees, nickel formation accelerates several times. Therefore, the heating temperature should be set as low as possible.

Scale forms on the heating element

B O Most of the scale appears on the heating element because its tube is heated more than the water in the tank. For this reason, “dry” heating elements are better than “wet” ones. In “dry” heating elements, the heating element does not come into direct contact with water. It is placed in a flask that transfers heat to the water. The flask has a low temperature and scale does not form on it.

In addition to scale, rust particles, sand, silt and other impurities can get into the tank. Their appearance depends on the quality of the water in the water supply and the presence of a mechanical filter in front of the boiler.

But even if there is a filter and the water is not hard, deposits will still appear. They will arise due to the gradual oxidation of the magnesium anode. Magnesium precipitates after oxidation.

Total To clean your boiler less often you need to:

  • install a filter to purify water from mechanical impurities
  • install an ion exchange type softening filter
  • heat the water to a minimum comfortable temperature (remembering to periodically heat it to maximum for disinfection)
  • if you are planning to install a new boiler, then it is advisable to buy a model with a “dry” heating element

If you follow all the above points, you will rarely need to service the boiler, and the main thing during maintenance will not be cleaning, but replacing the spent magnesium anode.

It is worth writing separately about the “magnetic filter”, which in technology is called a magnetic water converter. It can only be useful in flow-through heating devices. It is of no use in a storage type boiler. For the sake of experiment, I installed this and made sure that scale forms as usual.

Sequence of work for cleaning a water heater

Preparing for disassembly

  • disconnect from the network
  • disconnect from the water supply
  • disconnect the boiler pipes from the pipes (if they were not disconnected when draining the water)
  • If possible, remove the boiler

If the boiler is installed above the bathtub, then you do not need to remove it. When disassembling and washing, water and dirt will drain into the bathroom.

If the boiler is positioned in such a way that water flows onto the floor, then it is better to remove it. The removal itself will be difficult, but then disassembling and cleaning it will be much more convenient. The final flushing of the tank can be done by holding the boiler over the bathtub.

To get to the tank and heating element, electrical equipment must be removed


  • remove the bottom decorative cover
  • take a photograph of the connection of electrical equipment and heating elements
  • remove all electrical equipment
  • remove the heating element

If there is no suitable photographic equipment, then you need to make a detailed drawing of the connections.

To remove the heating element, you need to unscrew the bolts that secure its flange to the tank body. In some models the heating element is attached differently, but in any case it is not difficult to remove.

Cleaning the tank

  • manually remove dirt
  • rinse the walls with a stream of water from a hose or shower head

If the boiler is removed, you will need to hold it over the bathtub to flush it.

Scale may remain stuck to the walls of the tank. It usually occurs where there are cracks in the enamel. Therefore, it is better not to touch it and it will serve as a protective coating for the metal.

Cleaning the heating element and anode from scale

Usually what we call a heating element is a block of several elements. In addition to the tubular electric heater itself, it includes a mounting flange, a tube for installing temperature sensors and a magnesium anode. The anode and sensors can be installed separately.

When cleaning the heating element, you first need to carefully scrape off the outer layers of scale. This can be done using the back of the knife.

Cleaning heating elements in citric acid

The bottom layer of scale can be removed using a citric acid solution. You need to dissolve 25-50 g of acid per 1 liter of water. It is very convenient to use a plastic bottle to place the heater tube into the solution, as shown in the photo. It takes several hours to keep the heating element in the acid. It is advisable to monitor the process in order to remove the heating element from the acid immediately after the scale has dissolved. It is better not to overexpose it - it is unknown how the acid will act on the metal of the tube.

The anode can be cleaned separately. Since there is no need to protect its surface, more aggressive acids can be used.

Replacing the anode

If most of the anode has dissolved, it must be replaced. To do this, you need to buy a new anode with the same thread. The diameter and length of the thread are different, so you need to buy an anode only after the first disassembly.

If for some reason it is not possible to install a new anode in place of the old one, it can be screwed with copper wire to the sensor tube. In this case, it makes no difference what thread is in the new anode.

Assembly and operation check

  • Based on the photos taken earlier, we install the heating element and electrical equipment in place
  • We install the boiler at the installation site
  • we connect pipelines
  • fill the tank with water and check for leaks
  • if everything is fine, then connect to the network and test the operation of the RCD
  • turn it on and check whether the heating element heats the water

Example of cleaning a water heater

For clarity, I will describe how I cleaned my Electrolux EWH 50 AXIOmatic Slim boiler. I delayed the first cleaning and did it only after a year and a half. Based on this cleaning, it was concluded that in my case the boiler needs to be cleaned annually.

The hardest part was holding the boiler over the bathtub while flushing. To do this, a second person was needed to rinse the tank from the shower head.

I cleaned the heating element and anode using the method described above. I didn’t buy a new one, since the old one was almost not used up. My boiler uses an anode with an M6 thread 10 mm long.

Thanks to the photographs, I assembled the boiler successfully, although I had never disassembled and reassembled it before. Nothing leaked and everything worked the first time. Therefore, I can say that cleaning a boiler can be done by anyone.

Not counting the time spent soaking the heating element in citric acid, this work took me several hours. A lot of time was spent searching for information on how to properly clean and taking photographs for the article. Next time I expect to finish it in a couple of hours.


As you can see, cleaning the boiler with your own hands is quite simple. In conclusion I will give Benefits of self-cleaning:

  • you don’t need to search for a professional for cleaning and adjust to the time of his arrival, you can do the work when it’s convenient
  • saving money
  • you can be sure of the quality of cleaning

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