How to replace the heating element in a washing machine. Replacing the heating element in a washing machine: what do you need to know? How to remove heating element in a washing machine

2018-06-20 Evgeniy Fomenko

How to change the heating element

Before replacing the heating element in the washing machine yourself, you should determine exactly where it is located. The manufacturer sometimes changes the location of the heating element, depending on the model.

So, before replacing the heating element in the Atlant washing machine, you must first carefully examine its back wall. If the model has vertical loading of laundry, then it is probably located at the very bottom, under the tank. To remove the heating element in such a machine, it will have to be turned on its side to get to the desired part.

Before starting repairs, the machine should be disconnected from the electrical network so as not to work under voltage and to completely drain the water. If the heater is located below or behind, you will have to disconnect the unit from the water supply.

The front or rear wall of the machine must be removed, and if the model is vertical loading, then also turned on its side and the bottom removed.

As a rule, the old heating element can be removed without difficulty. The main task is to disconnect the wires and not forget how they were connected.

To replace the heater you will need:

When replacing a heating element, it is recommended to purchase a new one, not a used one. Otherwise, most likely, you will have to repair the car again and quite soon. It is better to buy a heater of the same power and brand and change it. After the preparatory work, you can begin replacing the heating element.

To remove the heater:

Sometimes, when replacing a heater, it is necessary to use a sealant to fix it more reliably. This may be necessary if the rubber gasket is deformed, or when a used heating element is installed.

To check the correctness of the repair, you need to run a test wash at a temperature of more than 50 degrees. After ten minutes, you need to touch the hatch with your hand and if it is warm, it means that the new heating element is working.

If you have certain skills and understand the process, replacing the heater can take about an hour.

Signs of a tena malfunction

A sign of a heater malfunction is washing in cold water. That is, the machine does not heat the water. At the same time, there are situations when it is not the heating element that is to blame, but the thermostat. Therefore, it would be correct to pre-check both parts.

The heating element is a tube, inside of which there is a spiral, which, when heated from the electrical network, transfers it to the heater tube. The heater then heats the water in the drum. Due to scale, the thermal conductivity of the heater decreases, which leads to its overheating and rapid failure. Scale is a consequence of using hard water, so special attention should be paid to water treatment. When washed in soft water, the machine lasts much longer.

To ensure that the washing machine works without breakdowns, you should:

  • Do not overload the drum more than the volume specified in the instructions;
  • Do not close the lid hatch after washing, and give the moisture a chance to evaporate;
  • Do not use hard water;
  • Clean the filter periodically;
  • Make sure that the car was standing straight and always on a hard surface.

The washing machine has stopped heating water during washing. The malfunction in 99% of cases lies in the failure of the heating element - the heating element. The cause of the breakdown is deposits of scale, dirt, etc. on the heating element, due to which heat transfer deteriorates and the heating element coil burns out. So, how to replace the heating element in a lg washing machine?

The heating element in an automatic washing machine must always be in water during operation, therefore it is installed at the rear. To replace it you need:
Make sure that the washing machine is disconnected from the electrical network. Then remove the back cover of the machine by unscrewing 4 or more screws. The heating element is observed under the drum pulley (or under the electric motor in LG machines with).
For ease of operation, you can remove the drive belt. Next, remove three wires from the heating element terminals: two supply and one, plus a connector from the temperature sensor, if it is installed on the heating element.
Loosen the nut on the central screw of the heating element by 5-6 turns and push the screw inward to this distance.
Using two flat screwdrivers, pry up and remove the heating element. This operation will require little effort, because... the sealing rubber of the heating element can be strongly compressed when installing the heating element and the resulting rim will not allow the heating element to be immediately removed (typical of SMA Atlant).

5 reasons why the washing machine does not heat the water

The washing machine does not heat the water

The water in the washing machine does not heat up at all or does it heat up, but very poorly and somehow weakly? Today we will look at this problem and you will find out what to do in this case.

Poor heating of water in the washing machine during the washing process is noticeable almost immediately. This can be determined by placing your hand against the glass of the closed door of the washing machine (Attention! Do this carefully, as carelessness can cause burns if the water is heated to very high temperatures). Also, such a malfunction is noticeable by the poor quality of the washed laundry.

If 20-30 minutes after the start of washing the water has not changed its temperature (did not become warmer or hotter), then this may be the first alarm signal. It is possible that the washing machine has stopped heating the water, and the cost of repair will depend on the reason specifically in your case.

Different models of washing machines behave differently in the event of problems with water heating. Most often, modern models of washing machines (you can read about the history of the development of washing machines here) stop the washing process at the moment when, according to the program, water heating should begin, and issue an error signal.

Simpler models can continue to wash clothes as if nothing had happened in cold water. As a result, the washing machine washes with cold water, finishing the wash with rinsing as usual. This behavior can be observed when the water heating in the washing machine does not work. By the way, about how and what works - we have a good article where you can find out how a dishwasher works.
So, we give 5 reasons why a washing machine may refuse to heat water:

Incorrect connection of the washing machine. Sometimes, in cases where they skimp on the quality of the washing machine connection, the problem of unauthorized drainage of water into the sewer arises. In such a situation, the water in the tank simply does not have time to heat up to the required temperature, since warm water is constantly being drained into the sewer and a new cold portion is automatically added. It should be noted that another malfunction is associated with the unauthorized behavior of water, which is discussed in the article “Water collects in the washing machine. We are looking for the reason.”
Wrong choice of washing program. The washing machine does not heat up simply because this washing mode is currently selected. How is this possible? This may be simple inattention, which manifests itself in choosing the wrong program. Or it may be some feature of the choice of programs for a particular model. It’s just that in some models it happens that the choice of washing program and water temperature is carried out using different knobs/switches. For example, you set the temperature mode selection knob to 95 degrees. But the program selection knob was set to a mode that provided a temperature of only 60 degrees. Typically, the selected program has priority and the separately selected temperature mode of 95 degrees is simply ignored. Read the instructions for your washing machine if in any doubt.
The heating element (tubular electric heater) has burned out. It's simple - the water does not heat up because the heating element - the main character in this matter, so to speak - has failed:) There are several reasons for failure - power surges, short circuits, manufacturing defects, age (heating elements with our water quality last on average 3 -5 years). In this case, replacing the heating element with an experienced specialist will help.
The thermostat (water temperature control sensor) is faulty. Depending on the model of the washing machine, the thermostat can be located either in the heating element itself or separately on the surface of the tank. It monitors the water temperature and gives signals to heat the water if necessary.
The control module (programmer) is faulty. What could happen to him? Yes, anything, from bad contacts (for example, microcracks on the tracks) on the board and ending with a firmware crash. As a result, the module (the main brain center of the washing machine) begins to malfunction, and along with this, the entire operation of the washing machine is disrupted. In some cases, the module can be repaired (on site or at a service center), and in others it can only be replaced with a new one.

We looked at the 5 main reasons why the washing machine does not heat the water. This problem can be successfully resolved by our experienced washing machine repair specialists.

Of course, you can decide to fix the machine yourself, but is it worth spending your precious time on mastering the skills of repairing a washing machine? You don't study hairdressing when you want to get a haircut and don't turn into a dentist when you have a toothache? Our technicians will carry out diagnostics, accurately determine the cause of the breakdown, and then make high-quality repairs and provide a guarantee.

A simple operation to replace the heating element

Washing machine: LG WD-80154N Ag-nano (Argentum-nano) in home use since 01/08/2007 (5.5 years). Medium hard tap water.
Symptom of malfunction: no water heating.
Required: Phillips screwdriver, any combination device (tester) with an ohmmeter
Procedure: unplug from the socket and turn off the water supply, drain the remaining water from the system using a drain hose from the bottom of the machine, if there is one, remove the back cover of the washing machine (I had 4 cross-mounted screws around the perimeter). Carefully inspect the installation for burning contacts, suspicious changes in the color of the wires and darkening of the connectors, brittleness of the insulation (in places of poor contact).

Find in the lower part of the tank the elongated base of a heating element (tubular electric heater) with heating element tubes protruding from it and welded petals of detachable connections. In the center of the base of the heating element we see a tightening nut with a spanner size of 10. Depending on the manufacturer, a sensor can be installed in the base (on my model the sensor is installed directly in the tank next to the heating element.
slightly rocking to the sides, we disconnect 2 terminals from the terminals of the heating element and measure its resistance (should be about 30 ohms), as well as the insulation resistance between one of the terminals and the base of the heating element (hundreds of kilo-ohms or more)
If there is clearly a large resistance between the terminals of the heating element, and the insulation resistance is low, then the heating element spiral has burned out, the heating element shell is damaged and water has entered the tube.

Removing the heating element: carefully inspect the connector of the sensor installed in the base of the heating element, determine the presence of latches and how to disconnect the connector from the sensor (do not do this if the sensor is separate from the heating element); try not to pull the wires when disconnecting the sensor connector. On heating elements with a sensor, it is more convenient to unscrew the clamping nut with a 10mm head; if there is no sensor, an open-end wrench will do (the whole tool can be purchased separately for pennies)
The grounding wire is connected to the base of the heating element either to a terminal welded to the base or to a stud for a clamping nut using a washer with a petal at the end of the grounding wire
After unscrewing the clamping nut of the heating element, do not pry it with a flat screwdriver to avoid breaking the plastic tank. It is enough to slightly recess the central clamping pin into the inside of the tank and swing the heating element by the tubes protruding outward. When removing the heating element from the tank, be careful, since the heating element may be deformed, and excessive force will lead to damage to the sealing edge around the perimeter of the hole in the plastic tank or even to a crack in the tank. If the edge is partially damaged, the seal can still be ensured with silicone sealant.

After removing the heating element, place a table lamp in the drum on the loading side and inspect the condition of the tank, the outer wall of the washing drum, and the steel bracket for securing the heating element in the tank. There is a lot of dirt on the bracket.
Looking through the hole, I was pleased to find that the outside of my drum was clean and shiny after 5.5 years of continuous use. This means spending money on Calgon is, to put it mildly, not practical.
Using a piece of wire with a squiggle at the end, we pick out dirt and debris from the bottom of the tank, wipe the hole under the heating element and especially the sealing edge well with a clean rag.

When going to the store, you need to take an old heating element with you so as not to miss its length (the long one simply won’t fit, and the short one won’t reach the fixing bracket on the bottom of the tank)
As it turned out, the connecting size is the same for all types of heating elements. Price 600-800 rub. I have a heating element 230 V 1900 W without a sensor, but there weren’t any of those in stock, so I bought one that was the right size with a sensor of the same power, a little more expensive. Installing a heating element with a lower power can increase the washing time, and choosing a heating element with a higher power than was installed leads to an overload (failure) of the keys (relays) of the electronic control unit - an expensive pleasure.

When installing the heating element into the tank, move it forward, lightly pressing it against the bottom of the tank in order to get the heating element tubes into the fixing bracket. In models from other manufacturers it may be different, look locally. Firmly pressing the heating element to the socket in the tank, tighten the clamping nut on the central stud. The pressure plate on the inside will be attracted to the base of the heating element, the compressed rubber seal will rest against the edge of the hole and seal the connection. When tightening the nut, you should not use a screwdriver without knowing the factory tightening torque; it is better to do it manually, so as not to miss the moment of a significant increase in the resistance of the wrench. Next, tighten the nut a quarter turn. Next, lightly (just a little) tighten the terminals on the wires with pliers to ensure reliable contact and connect them to the petals of the heating element. depending on the model, we place the grounding wire with a washer at the end under the second nut on the central stud (we put the grounding wire terminal on the grounding petal at the base of the heating element).

Depending on the model, we connect the connector of the sensor built into the base of the heating element, paying attention to the slots (grooves, protrusions) of the connector. We put the back cover in place and test the washing machine, during the process we monitor the absence of water leakage until the end of the washing cycle (it is advisable not to leave the washing machine unattended for several more washes for reliability).

In any case, I succeeded and I am quite pleased.

As you know, modern models of washing machines are connected only to cold water. During the washing process, it is heated to the desired temperature using a built-in heating element. Therefore it is of great importance. If this part fails, the functionality of the entire device is disrupted.

If you have certain knowledge, you can carry out repairs yourself. To do this, you need to know how to remove the heating element from the washing machine and replace it correctly.

Common reasons for heating element failure

The heating element for a washing machine is of fundamental importance, so it is important to know why this part most often fails and how you can prevent its breakdown.

  1. Terms of Use. During operation, the heating element constantly heats up and cools down, this eventually leads to wear of the internal spirals and leads to its failure.
  2. Hard water. The heating element is constantly in contact with water. Its poor quality composition leads to the formation of scale on the tubes. This forces the heating element to spend more energy heating the water to the required temperature. To prevent scale formation, experts recommend installing water filters on the inlet hose and using special products together with washing powder. You can also periodically run a single wash cycle, i.e. without laundry, using citric acid or compositions containing it.

Where it is located?

Since the heating element for a washing machine is the only heating element, for greater efficiency it is located at the bottom of the tank. But on which side of the device - back or front - depends on the company and model. Therefore, replacing the heating element of a washing machine begins with determining its location. This can be done by the appearance of the device. If the back wall of the washing machine is large, then most likely the heating element is located behind it. In any case, the rear protective part is much easier to remove than the front, so it's worth starting there.

How to replace the heating element through the back cover?

This is the easiest option for replacing the heating element. It is much more difficult to do this through the front side. For example, if the washing machine is Samsung, the heating element is replaced through the front cover.

How to replace the heating element through the front cover?

If the question arises about how to remove the heating element from a Samsung or Bosch washing machine, then you can note that the process of removing the device is the same as that described in the instructions above. The only difference is how to get there. To do this you need:

  1. The same as in the first case: disconnect the device from the power supply, drain the remaining water from the tank and free access to both the front and rear of the machine.
  2. Remove the top protective cover. To do this, you will have to unscrew two bolts from the back side and remove it from the front clamps.
  3. Remove the detergent tray.
  4. Unscrew the bolts that hold the control panel and also remove it from the clamps. The work must be carried out with extreme caution so as not to tear off the numerous wires leading to the program unit.
  5. Open the hatch, remove the clamp holding the cuff and the sealing rubber itself.
  6. Unscrew the screws that hold the main front protective cover; it is removed from the clamps (moved slightly towards itself and down).

Now access to the heating element is open. All that remains is to disconnect it in the same way as described in the instructions above, carry out maintenance of the tank (remove scale or foreign small objects) and install a new heating element in place.

Where to buy a new heating element for a washing machine?

If you plan to replace a failed element yourself, then it is best to purchase components for repairing household appliances in specialized stores. There, qualified sellers will help you choose the appropriate device option.

You should not purchase components at reduced prices through various message boards. The quality of such parts cannot be properly verified. In the worst case, they can lead to damage to other elements of the device.


If the washing machine stops heating the water, then most likely the heating element has failed. You can replace it yourself, without the help of a specialist. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and choose the right new heating element that will match the model of the washing machine.

The heating element is the heating element of the washing machine. It is located in the tank of the machine. Or rather, in its lower part. Household appliances are produced in various countries. There are quite a few companies that make it. And their design may also differ. So, in some models the heating element is located on the front side of the machine. And for others it’s the opposite. Let's look at both options.

How to get to the heating element in washing machines of various brands?

As already written above, access to the heating element can be obtained from the front for some machines and from the back for others. In order to understand where he hid from us, it is necessary to look at the design of our car. If, when examining the back of the housing, we noticed that the removable part is large and occupies the main or entire area of ​​the wall, then it is likely that the heating element is located at the rear.

If our inspection showed that the removable part at the back of the machine is small, then it is unlikely that the heating element is located behind it. Most likely it's in front. If we decide that it is at the back, then we will remove the back of the case. And if you come to the conclusion that it’s in the front, then the front. By the way, If you are in doubt about the location of this part, it is better to first remove the cover from the back. It is much easier to take off and put on than the front one. Therefore, to finally make sure, you can open it to check and examine the insides of the machine.

You can use another method to determine the location. Typically, the heating element is located on the back of equipment from the following manufacturers: Zanussi, Kandy, Electrolux, Ariston, Indesit, Ardo.

In machines from Hans, we can get to the part we need through the base panel. On top-loading machines from this manufacturer, it may be located on the side. By the way, in other vertical washing machines you can get to the heating element through the side of the body.

How to remove the heating element of a washing machine?

In order to remove the heating element, we need to empty the water from the tank. To do this, we can either place the drain hose at floor level or twist the drain pump filter.

By the way, in order to remove leaked water, you can prepare a rag in advance or place a small container. Next we will need to disconnect the wires that are attached to the heating element. Then twist the nut, which is located in the middle. And we need to drive the remaining threaded rod, the one on which there was a nut, inside. To do this, you can press it firmly or gently tap it with a hammer. Then we need to pick up the heating element with a screwdriver or knife and carefully pull it out of the tank.

After we removed the heating element, we only had to check its functionality. If it is faulty, then we simply replace it with a new one.

How to install the heating element?

  • We take out our new (or working old) heating element and carefully insert it into the hole.
  • It is necessary to check its position. It must be the same as the previous heating element. No bending or anything like that. Its fit should be tight.
  • Having fixed our part with your hand, slowly tighten the nut.
  • The heating element needs to be securely fastened, but if you overdo it, you can squeeze it out of its place.
  • Then put the wires back in place.
  • After this, we perform a test wash. You can run a program with heating up to 60 degrees.

If everything is in order, then put the removed housing wall back on and return the machine to its usual place. Wash for your health!

By the way, for those who perceive video better, we have posted a video in which the entire process of replacing the heating element is filmed. See:

If the water in the washing machine does not heat up during washing, then in most cases the heating element must be replaced. It is called a heating element; if it is faulty, it needs to be replaced. Let's consider removing the heating element from the washing machine LG, Samsung, Candy, Bosch, Indesit and other popular brands.

Location of the heating element in washing machines depending on the brand

Since the heating element is always in the water, it is located at the bottom of the drum. At the same time, it is necessary to obtain this element in different ways for different models. You can get to the heating element to replace it in the following ways:

  • through the front wall;
  • through the back wall;
  • through the side wall.

In the photo you can see different options for the arrangement of elements.

In machines such as Samsung, Bosch or Veko, the heating element is located both behind and in front of the tank. To determine which washing machine cover should be removed, you need to start looking at the back wall.

When the cover on the back of the machine is full-sized or occupies almost the entire rear wall, then it is highly likely that the heating element is located at the back of the tank. And to get to it, you need to unscrew all the screws that are located along the perimeter of the back cover.

When the cover on the machine panel occupies a small part of it, then, as a rule, it is necessary to access the belt. And you can change the heating element through the front panel, since it is mounted in front of the tank. If in doubt, you can first remove the cover at the back of the machine to be sure.

You can remove the heating element from the washing machine Indesit, Ariston, Atlant, Candy and a number of other models only by removing the back panel. To get to the heating element, you need to unscrew all the screws used to secure the cover.

On some front-loading machines, you can get to the heating element by removing the bottom panel on the front side. To remove it, you need to unscrew a couple of screws located on the side.

To change the heating element for models with a vertical loading type, you need to remove the left or right side panel. It is usually secured with several screws to the rear panel and with one screw from the bottom at the front of the machine.

How to replace heating elements using the example of the Bosch brand

It should be noted that you can remove the heating element from a Samsung washing machine by following these instructions. Since many Samsung washing machines have a heating element located in a similar way.

The work order will be as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to turn off the power to the washing machine;
  2. To get to the heating element, you need to remove the front panel. The first step is to remove the top panel, to do this you need to unscrew several hex screws. To speed up the process, you can use an electric screwdriver;
  3. The next step is to remove the detergent dispenser. This can be done by pressing a special latch lock;
  4. Next you need to remove the front wall. To do this, you will have to unscrew several screws; this will allow you to remove the control panel, which can be removed upward without disconnecting the wires. Then you need to remove the bottom panel. Then you need to disconnect the cuff on the hatch; it is secured with a spring clamp. They vary depending on the version, but for all models you need to pull it. After which the cuff moves inward, and all the screws holding the front wall and blocking the door are unscrewed;
  5. The heating element is located at the bottom of the tank. You need to disconnect all the wires that connect the heating element. To remember how they are connected, you can take a photo on your phone, this will help you connect them back correctly when reassembling;
  6. The heating element nut must be unscrewed. You should not unscrew it all the way, this will allow you to remove the heating element by pressing on the gasket;
  7. The next step after removing the heating element is to remove the thermostat. It can be installed in a new heating element. You can apply a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the seal, this will simplify the process of installing the part;
  8. To ensure that the new heating element fits into place correctly, you need to press it hard enough. It is secured by tightening the nut. If the seal is well secured, you can start connecting the wires;
  9. The final step is to install all the parts in the reverse order.

This instruction is suitable for almost all models of Bosch (Bosch), Samsung (Samsung) and a number of other brands.

Replacing the heating element located at the rear of the drum

For many washing machines of the LG, Ariston, Indesit and Atlant brands, the heating element can be replaced through the back panel. Let's look at how you can remove the heating element from an Ariston washing machine.

In this case, the process of removing and installing a new heating element is much simpler. There is no need to remove the front wall and control panel. To remove the back cover you need to unscrew several bolts.

As in the case described above, it is best to first photograph the location of the wires. After this, you need to disconnect the wires and loosen the nut. There is no need to unscrew it completely, it should remain on the thread. Next, the pin is pressed in to remove the heating element.

Before finally assembling the washing machine, you should check whether all parts are installed tightly. To do this, you can pour water into the drum without starting the wash. If water leaks, you need to tighten the nut tighter. And only after that complete the assembly of all parts.

In this case, the new heating element must be a complete analogue of the old one. And to simplify the process of changing a failed heating element, it is best to remove the drive belt.

For installation, it is best to purchase a new heating element; a used one will last much less, and then it will need to be replaced again.

To buy a heating element, you can contact a service center that services identical washing machines. You can purchase heating elements in the online store.

The video below will allow you to clearly see how to replace the heating element in a washing machine.

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