Small 2-storey house project. Two-story house: layout, options, examples of successful projects, photos

A two-story house has its advantages and disadvantages over. Some people choose this option because a two-story house looks more solid and presentable than a one-story house; someone chooses it due to the lack of technical ability to build a one-story house of the same area. In any case, in order for the constructed structure to be convenient to use, careful preliminary planning of a two-story house is needed.

Project, facade and layout of a two-story house 8x8

Only proper distribution of premises and installation of utilities will allow you to feel comfortable in a house with two floors.

Layout of a two-story house 6x6 with dimensions

You can build a two-story house from any modern building materials that are on the market today: from logs, from timber, from piece material - a brick house, foam blocks, gas blocks, etc. The choice is limited only by your financial capabilities and taste preferences. On the technological side, there are no restrictions.

Wooden houses

Traditional material for the construction of a country house. Wood in all its forms remains a warm, reliable and environmentally friendly material. They are light in weight, which allows them to be placed on lightweight foundation options. A finely buried strip foundation, solid slab or pile foundation with strapping is ideal for these purposes.
Wooden houses can be assembled from solid timber, laminated veneer lumber, or logs. And with a small width of the walls it can be very warm.

Project and layout of a two-story cottage 10x10 made of timber

Wooden houses retain heat well and heat up very quickly even after complete cooling, which is important for country houses that are used seasonally or only a few times during the winter.

The interior decoration of a wooden two-story house can be minimal, since the wood itself looks very natural and beautiful. This advantage attracts many homeowners, since finishing repairs account for a significant portion of the entire construction budget.

One of the main disadvantages of two-story houses made of timber and logs is the mandatory conditioning of the assembled box. It must be left for a period of 3 months to a year, and only after that make window and door openings, install double-glazed windows and begin the next stage of work. This is necessary so that houses made of timber or logs finally settle and take on their unchangeable shape.

Houses made of piece material

Houses made of brick, foam blocks or similar materials are reliable and durable if built strictly according to technology.

Layout of a cottage with an attic 6x9

Such structures have an impressive weight, which means that a high-quality foundation must be prepared for them: there will be no savings at this stage of work. Since a poorly made foundation will lead to the fact that a two-story house will walk, cracks will appear on the walls and its further operation can be completely dangerous.

Houses made of foam blocks and other piece materials that require laying on a special mortar are more suitable for permanent residence, and not for summer cottages.

Such a house retains its temperature well, but only if it is not allowed to cool down. Like any stone structure, such houses need to be heated for a very long time to achieve a comfortable temperature. The stone is able to absorb heat for a long time.
The advantage of two-story houses made of brick and other piece materials is freedom in design.

Detailed house plan 6x8

A stone house can be of any shape, with various architectural features: balconies, bay windows, rounded corners, arches and other elements. It is possible to repeat similar things when building a house from timber or logs, but it is extremely difficult.

Houses using frame technologies

In a nutshell, it’s simple, fast and inexpensive. Freedom in construction, as when working with bricks and blocks, and performance qualities are similar to houses made of wood. The main advantages of such a two-story house will include:

  • Low cost of the entire structure;
  • Light weight, which will save on the foundation;
  • Fast construction, building materials do not require curing;
  • Simplicity and practicality in operation;
  • When using environmentally friendly materials, the house will not be inferior to a wooden one;
  • Almost any size and shape of the building.

Optimal dimensions of a two-story house

The optimal minimum building area is considered to be a 7x8 meter rectangle or an 8x8 square.

Project of a two-story 8x8 cottage with a terrace and balcony

It is these dimensions that allow the rooms to be rationally located, where they will be located comfortably rather than in the attic, and there will also be room not only for the kitchen, living room and master bedrooms upstairs, but also for guests to have a place to stay.

With a smaller base, the structure can also exist, but then the layout of a two-story house will be inconvenient and non-functional. The living room will turn into a walk-through room, most of the usable space will be eaten up by the staircase, and upstairs, provided that not a full floor is built, but an attic one, only one bedroom will fit.
This option can be considered as a country house for one person or a married couple without children.
The upper limit for the size of a two-story house is limited only by common sense and specific needs. For a family of two with two or three children, a two-story house with a total area of ​​110-130 square meters will be sufficient. If we consider the total area of ​​the house with a garage, then we can talk about an increase. Houses larger than this area will be very expensive to operate and maintain, and most of the premises, as practice shows, simply will not be used.

First floor layout

The drawings of the first floor of a two-story house must contain all the necessary premises for living. Among the mandatory ones:

  • Kitchen;
  • Living room;
  • Entrance hall, also known as the hall;
  • Guest bathroom;
  • Boiler room;
  • Tambour.

If the area of ​​the first floor allows, then the following may also be present:

  • Study;
  • Dining room;
  • A guest room.
  • gable;
  • gable broken line;
  • pitched roof.

The first two options can be classified as cheaper types in terms of cost, and they are also easier to implement. In these cases, roof slopes will be used for the sides, and pediments will be used for the ends. The latter should be lined with the same material as the first floor. The type of roof and roofing material must be determined at the stage when the project is being prepared.

You should also think in advance about how you will arrange and what you plan to place on the attic floor.

Is it worth making an attic floor in a house?

If you nevertheless decide to start building such a house, but are still thinking about the need for an attic, then it is better to decide for what purposes you are going to use it. For an accurate solution, it is worth considering in detail all the pros and cons of such a structure, but only from the point of view of its attic part.


  1. Significant savings. Building a two-story house with an attic is considered a more economical option when considering the construction of a three-story house, even though there will be costs for constructing a roof.
  2. Appearance. With the help of a complex gable roof with a break, as well as slopes at different angles, you can achieve an interesting appearance and attract attention.
  3. Interior. Using the attic space you can create an original, unique interior. However, to do this you need to correctly play with its shape. That is why, if you are a supporter of originality, then the attic is exactly what you need.

you can make an original attic like this in your home


Unfortunately, the attic has its own disadvantages:

  1. It is necessary to take a more careful approach to the arrangement of not only ventilation, but also thermal insulation. If technology is not followed, problems with freezing and moisture condensation may be identified.
  2. Problem with natural light. In the event that daylight can enter through typical vertical windows that are installed in a structure called a “birdhouse,” then it will not have a sufficient level of illumination. However, there are special windows that will help solve this problem.
  3. "Dead zone". The area of ​​the attic part is practically no different from the area of ​​the house, but its useful part is much smaller. This refers to a space near an inclined wall that cannot be approached closely. There is an option to order special furniture for this space, but then the “zest” of the room may disappear.
  4. You cannot work in this space or place a children's room. This is due to the fact that a person living in a room with sloping walls will feel a constant threat and internal anxiety.

General characteristics of the house

The total area of ​​the entire structure is 185.5 square meters. m. The material for the walls is a 400 mm aerated concrete block or brick. A monolithic slab will be required for the foundation. The roofing will be carried out using wooden beams. Metal tiles or soft tiles are used as roofing material. Siding of various colors is used for exterior decoration.

Now we can conclude that this scheme and layout of a two-story house with an attic and 3 bedrooms on the second floor is a structure that is not suitable for every family due to its technical features. However, this is an economical option, because the attic will serve as an additional floor.

Layout of a two-story house with a garage and veranda

The layout of the two-story house that will be presented in this project is completely new. It has many features, including living rooms on the ground floor. Such a project is perfect for a large family that values ​​coziness and comfort.

So, you can get into the house through two entrances:

  1. The first (main) starts from a small porch and leads to the vestibule (3.1 sq. m.) then directly into the hall (7.6 sq. m.), from which you can go to the remaining living rooms.
  2. The second entrance begins with a small porch, the area of ​​which is 2.3 square meters. m. From the porch you enter the veranda, which can be used as a winter garden.

Combining kitchen and living room

One of the features of this layout is the combination of a kitchen-dining room with a living room. Thus, the total area of ​​the room is 61.2 square meters. m. Such an interior is often recommended by professional designers.


  • A real increase in space.
  • The boundaries of the room visually expand.
  • Communication will become more convenient.
  • Receiving guests will be more comfortable.
  • While preparing food, the hostess will not be separated from other residents.

Disadvantages of this approach:

  • You will have to do general cleaning more often.
  • It is possible that aromas from cooking may spread, which are not always pleasant.

However, the biggest disadvantage is that the living room must be coordinated with the kitchen, that is, the design should be similar, but it is necessary to clearly separate the zones. The following techniques can be used for this:

  1. Using a bar counter.
  2. Placement of kitchen furniture so that in the center there will be an island-shaped hood.
  3. Application of lighting.
  4. Try to use different floor coverings, for example, tiles in the kitchen and laminate in the living room. It is then that you get a dividing line that can even be drawn on the ceiling.
  5. Unusual color schemes on the surface of the walls, which, by the way, can be duplicated on the floor.

Try to choose the same and similar colors for furniture to show that this is, after all, a single room. However, do not forget about simple accessories; they will help focus attention on what you want.

Surrounding layout

You can exit from the kitchen-living room into the hall, not through ordinary doors, but through arches. They can be decorated beautifully and elegantly, or, conversely, brightly and catchily. It is recommended to insert multi-colored lights into them. You can also go from the hall to the bathroom (3.7 sq. m.) and the garage (22.7 sq. m.). From the street you can get into the boiler room (7.4 sq. m).

Most often, there are utility rooms on the ground floor, but this scheme violates all standards and includes the location of a guest bedroom on the ground floor. Its size is 14.4 sq. m. It is recommended to reserve this bedroom for small children or for elderly family members who find it difficult to go up and down the stairs.

Combined garage

And another “highlight” of the first floor is that. Usually its location depends on the size of the site, and what the territory may be useful for. This layout includes the fact that the site will be completely dedicated to the garden, so to save space there will be a garage combined with the house. It is worth noting that such a solution and construction work on this matter will cost less than the construction of a detached garage.

The ideas of suburban construction found mass implementation in the early 90s of the last century. On 6-9 acres of land, the maintenance of which later became impossible for many. Through trial and error, the golden mean of construction was adopted. Modern plans for two-story houses allow you to comfortably accommodate the average family, allocating their own separate corner for each. The variety of proposals from design organizations makes it possible to choose your ideal option for comfortable housing.

When planning your own home, the developer can use a standard plan or offer individual wishes for the project.

  • First of all, you need to decide on the construction material. You can choose natural wood, gas silicate blocks, brick, foam blocks, ceramics or the combined use of building materials;
  • individual designs of houses with 2 floors allow you to choose the optimal size of the premises and their purpose;
  • Additionally, you can plan auxiliary elements: bay window, terrace.

In order to choose a construction material, it is necessary to study its properties and follow the entire technological process during the construction period. Then during operation there will be no unpleasant surprises.

When creating a private house project, it is necessary to take into account the interests of each family member. The largest room on the ground floor is reserved for the living room, where everyone gathers for a family dinner. You can also arrange it there. located on the second floor. Workshops are allocated in the basement.

This is a typical arrangement of rooms in a two-story project.

Advantages of two-story projects

The popularity of two-story construction is due to many reasons.

  • Saving space. This is especially important for owners of small areas. A large family can be accommodated quite comfortably on two floors, without wasting precious land;
  • Rooms of different directions are combined on two floors. You can increase functionality, and;
  • the appearance of the project is carried out in any style from a classic log house to modern minimalism. Bay windows or terraces will provide additional functionality;
  • The interior design of the interior can be decorated,. The imagination of designers is limitless in the use of interesting interior design elements.

Disadvantages of two-story houses

Despite all the obvious advantages, there are some features of two-story construction compared to one-story. Elderly people, small children and people with disabilities will find it quite difficult to climb to the second floor. Therefore, their placement must be planned on the ground floor or a convenient lift to the upper floor must be provided. should have wide steps with frequent steps and comfortable.

In addition, when building a two-story house, additional costs are required.

  • Per device more than ;
  • installation of reliable floors;
  • installation;
  • connecting the necessary communications to the upper tier;
  • increased consumption of building materials.

Before planning a two-story building, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages. However, the idea of ​​such a house will improve comfortable living conditions for all family members.

The main difficulties of planning two-story houses

Only a specialized organization can complete drawings and designs of houses or cottages; a ready-made plan can be offered free of charge as a bonus. In addition to the project, specialists must perform the necessary load calculations and select appropriate materials. The layout of the second floor entails strengthening the base and selecting appropriate ones. Incorrect calculations entail the risk of structural collapse.

All internal communications must be carried out to the second floor. To do this, you should complete the project with complex wiring. In addition, it is necessary to think over a competent one. For this purpose, it may be suitable with a thermal fluid inside the circuit. It will ensure the circulation of hot water around the entire perimeter of the house.

Particular attention should be paid, which ensures the forced movement of water through the internal pipeline. Properly selected performance will eliminate problems during the cold season.

The construction of a two-story structure requires the installation of scaffolding. This is an additional cost item, however, without it it is impossible to lift materials and.

Our climate requires additional. This will also increase the cost of the house on the one hand, but will significantly save money on subsequent heating of the house.

Materials for the manufacture of two-story houses

The wide variety of possible options makes the choice quite difficult. Each of them is good in its own way. You can build a tower from a log house or build a house from brick or gas silicate blocks. Many people focus on a modest budget, for which the ideal option would be to use frame technology. Let's look at the features of each material.


It is important to consider the location of the rooms in relation to the cardinal directions. The kitchen can be positioned with windows facing east or south, the living room has an exit to the west, and the bedroom - east. It is advisable to install a staircase on the north side of the house.

The location of streets must also be taken into account when planning. It is advisable to arrange rest rooms away from noisy passages.

An architect's advice will help you choose the right project.

Correct layout of the first floor

The correct layout must accommodate the required premises:

  • living room;
  • hall;
  • vestibule.

Projects of large houses can allow you to organize a dining area, a place for a study, or a living space for guests. The room for installation can be planned both on the first and in the basement.

The golden mean of planning is considered to be a space with a minimum number of corridors; layout options can be found in catalogs of interesting photos of private house projects.

Correct layout of the second floor

It is not advisable to plan bedrooms above the garage. Above it you can consider installing a flight of stairs, a dressing room or a hall.

Rules for combining several rooms

The roof slope is the side of the room, the gables are the end side. The installation of an attic allows you to increase the area. In fact, this is the third floor of the house at the cost of a two-story project.

Sloping walls allow you to implement non-standard techniques for decorating rooms.

When building an attic house, it is important to arrange it competently, well and think it through. There are many interesting photos of house projects with an attic on the Internet.

Related article:

Such designs can significantly increase living space. In the article we will look in detail at projects and photos of finished buildings, useful tips, which will allow you to build a house yourself or with the help of specialists without errors.

Projects of two-story houses with a garage

The layout of houses and cottages with two floors can be supplemented by the construction of a garage in the basement or as an extension to the house. Only owners of large plots can afford a separate place. For construction, it is necessary to use the same materials and the same architectural direction as for the house, so as not to disturb the overall perception.

When installing a garage in the basement, an important element is the staircase. Under it you can arrange a storage area for winter preparations. It is important to consider good ventilation to avoid exhaust gases entering the room.

Features of a two-story house with a veranda

Adding a veranda to your home is the most successful project. On the veranda you can arrange a comfortable relaxation area or a winter garden.

Advantages of installing a veranda.

  • A significant increase in space, this is especially important for the plan of a two-story house 6 by 6 m;
  • comfortable rest;
  • if the veranda is a continuation of the kitchen, this will allow the hostess to be close to the guests all the time.

The only disadvantages include additional areas for cleaning.

Review of two-story house projects

An individual house project is quite expensive. After all, it is a detailed plan for construction work, wiring of all communications, and connection to the area. In addition, he must undergo an examination, and this will take some time. You can save money and time and choose a standard project for yourself, choosing a comfortable area taking into account the wishes of the whole family. Let's look at the most common projects of two-story houses with plans and photos.

Before choosing a project, you can look at some professional tips.

House layout 9 by 9 m

The layout of a two-story house 9 by 9 m is the most optimal area for the average family. The square perimeter will allow rational use of all rooms. A full second floor will allow you to make maximum use of the usable space by arranging 3 bedrooms, a spacious bathroom and a dressing room. The balcony can be used as a relaxation room or winter garden with good glazing.

Compact at first glance, the house has a large area for the implementation of the most daring plans. This will not be prevented by a small plot of land, on which there will be room for and.

Plan of a two-story house 10 by 10 m

The project of a two-story house 10 by 10 can easily be called a VIP project. The only thing you need when choosing such a plan is to have sufficient area. In a small area the house will look bulky. It is desirable that there is space left for additional buildings:, pond,.

The layout will allow for full-fledged recreation rooms, a bathroom and a dressing room on the attic floor. The only drawback is that it is advisable to order furniture for the attic floor according to an individual project, which will allow rational use of the entire usable area.

This is useful to know! For better illumination of the attic floor, you should use special structures instead of conventional glazing.

Project of a two-story house 7 by 7 m

The 7 by 7 m house layout has become very popular lately. Any material can be used for construction; there are no restrictions. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the land plot, the size of which must be at least 4 m². The shape of the plot can be of any configuration; a square house will harmoniously fit on any land.

The price of a house of this size will depend on the materials, technologies used and the region of development. Correct zoning of the first floor will allow you to place rooms of different functionality in a small area.

When choosing a project, you need to determine the different interests of family members.

House layout 6 by 8 m

Small house projects are among the most popular for the average family. They are suitable for land plots of 8-9 acres. It could also be a country house. The rooms cannot be called spacious, but zoning techniques will visually expand the boundaries. 2 bedrooms on the second floor, a kitchen with a living room on the first floor, a garage with a boiler room and a laundry room in the basement.

A house project of 8 by 6 m is suitable for a family of 4-5 people.

House layout 6 by 10 m

Compact house project 6 by 10 m without a garage with a boiler room on the ground floor. The kitchen is quite spacious 13.0 sq.m. With this planning, you can clearly see how a corridor of 9.0 sq.m took the main place on the first floor. However, there is still room for a shared living room and a guest bedroom. There are spacious bathrooms on both floors.

On the second floor, one of the rooms was used as an office, the other as a dressing room. There were only 2 bedrooms for relaxation. In general, this project is intended for a family of 3-4 people.

House layout 9 by 6 m

The design of a 9 by 6 m house allows you to take an unconventional approach to accommodating family members. 4 bedrooms on the second floor and 2 on the first floor will allow you to organize life as much as possible for a family of 6 people. One of the rooms can be used as a guest room or dressing room. Placing a bathroom and bathroom only on the 1st floor is not very convenient. This project can be finalized by changing the internal piping to the 2nd floor.

With an area of ​​12.1 sq.m., the overall space is quite spacious, which can be divided by a bar counter.

The project can be called quite successful, since there are no corridors in it, only a small hall on the 1st and 2nd floors with an area of ​​4.9 and 5.3 sq.m., respectively. The highlight of the project is the balcony, which, with good glazing, can become a small winter garden.

Large two-story houses 12 by 12 m

The project of a two-story house 12*12 made of timber is suitable for a family of 4-5 people. On the ground floor there is a veranda, above which a balcony-terrace is built. The first floor was not burdened with partitions and the kitchen-living-dining room was combined in one area. There are 3 bedrooms on the second floor.

Experts say that a modern, comfortable home does not have to be large. In fact, 28 m is quite enough for a person to live a normal life. 2 . It turns out that a family of four will feel comfortable in a house with an area of ​​slightly less than 120 m2 2 . And such a house can rightfully be called small.

As a rule, small house projects are one-story. But at the request of the customer, it is possible to complete a full second floor or attic.

In order to accommodate all living rooms in a relatively small area and ensure comfortable family living, the size of technical and utility rooms is reduced. Although the space is organized according to the same principles as in any other project. But there are features that are due to the need to strictly save usable space.

Large house project: fight for every square meter

  1. When designing small buildings, architects minimize the use of internal partitions. Thus, rooms with different functionality are combined into a single space. For example, the living room, dining room, and kitchen are grouped into a day area and separated purely visually - using design techniques. The design of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable space. At the same time, additional rooms remain isolated.
  2. The bedrooms of family members, bathrooms, and dressing rooms form the night zone and are located in such a way as to maximally protect the personal space of the residents of the house from strangers. If the house is two-story, then the night zone is located there.
  3. They try to design the utility area, consisting of bathrooms, a boiler room and other utility rooms, to a minimum size.
  4. In order to productively use non-residential space, they strive to limit the number of corridors and passages.
  5. If the house is two-story, there should be two bathrooms. In order to reduce costs when installing utility networks, they are placed one above the other. In a one-story house, the bathroom is placed so that it has a common riser with the kitchen.

Pros of small house projects

  • The construction of a small house does not depend on the configuration and size of the land plot.
  • Construction of such a house will also cost much less.
  • Short design and construction times.
  • Relatively low utility costs and easy home maintenance.

Small house projects: results

A carefully thought-out design of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable space. Thanks to this, the customer receives modern, comfortable housing for relatively little money. Therefore, we recommend choosing professional small house projects from Dom4m.

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Features of plans for two-story houses with an attic

When thinking about construction, you should immediately decide for what purpose this superstructure will be built. In order to make a final decision on the need to develop such a project, it is worth knowing in advance all the advantages and disadvantages of construction. The advantages include:

  • Presentable appearance. A gable roof with a break and slopes made at certain angles can add attractiveness;
  • Possibility of creating an original interior, with the right choice of attic shape.

The disadvantages of such a house include:

  • Increased requirements for the quality of ventilation and thermal insulation. If the technology for performing the work is violated, during operation the walls and roof will freeze and condensation will appear;
  • Difficulties with natural light. Installing vertical windows will not provide sufficient lighting. The installation of special windows will be required, which will increase the cost of construction;
  • Presence of a “dead zone”. With the same total area of ​​the first and attic floors, the latter has much less useful space due to the presence of a sloping wall. Standard furniture cannot be installed in this area.

Despite these disadvantages, such plans are somewhat popular. We invite you to get acquainted with the projects and photos of houses with an attic that have already been built. They will help you decide on the feasibility of building a two-story house of this type on your site.

Related article:

Buildings with an attic floor are a practical and very attractive idea for an individual plot. Projects, photos of successful interiors and recommendations from experienced builders are in our material.

Features of projects of two-story houses with a garage

If the family has a car, a garage on the plot becomes important. With a limited area of ​​the local area, the option of a separate building must be abandoned immediately. In addition to the squares for the garage itself, you will have to provide additional meters for the passage between the house and the garage.

Projects of two-story houses with a garage help to wisely manage the available space. The solutions proposed by the designers will allow placing not one car, but two or more, under one roof. The space above the garage can be allocated for one of the rooms or.

Features of a two-story house with a veranda

If there is no desire to install on the site, it is worth considering the possibility of erecting residential buildings with an open area. Large groups can gather here to drink tea or just chat.

The dimensions of such an extension and its design must be consistent with the size of the house and the chosen stylistic direction. This is thought through at the stage of developing a plan for the future structure. In this case, the finished building will have a presentable appearance.

Review and drawings of two-story house projects

It is not always possible to determine the design features of future housing the first time. Currently, you can find drawings of house and cottage projects for free. They can be used as an idea for subsequent implementation.

Advice! When studying standard designs of two-story houses in the catalog, it is worth paying attention to the size of the building.

House layout 9 by 9 m: possible options

When constructing buildings with similar overall dimensions, construction technology must be strictly observed. The impressive weight places increased demands on the base. The foundation must withstand the applied load.The layout of a 9 by 9 house is developed taking into account the equality of the walls. Bedrooms on the second floor are made of equal area if the flight of stairs is located on the other side.

When developing the layout of a two-story house 9 by 9 meters, you should pay attention to each floor. After this, you can begin decorating the facade.

Plan of a two-story house 10 by 10 m: standard solution

If the area of ​​the plot allows, the design of a two-story house 10 by 10 meters will be the best choice. This area will be enough to develop a suitable solution and select the optimal layout. The plan of a two-story house 10 by 10 m allows you to increase the square footage of individual rooms.

Project of a two-story house 7 by 7 m

It is difficult to erect buildings with large dimensions on a small site. In this case, it is advisable to consider the possibility of building a house with a small area. With a small occupied area of ​​​​the plot, it is possible to provide all the main rooms: kitchen, bedrooms, living room.

A typical design of a two-story house 7 by 7 m allows you to become the owner of comfortable housing without significant financial investments. However, you should not skimp on the materials used.

Advice! It is better to entrust the layout of a 7 by 7 m house to professionals.

House layout 6 by 8 m: an interesting solution

The rectangular shape of the house imposes certain requirements on the layout of a 6 by 8 m house. On the ground floor there is a kitchen with a living room, and on the second floor there are bedrooms.

If the parameters of the site do not allow placing a two-story building 6x8 m, it is worth considering a house project 8 by 6 m.

House layout 6x10 m

Another example of a rectangular layout is the design of a 6 by 10 m house. It involves placing rooms oriented towards guests on the first floor, and bedrooms for people living in the house on the second floor. The area is enough to provide a dressing room and even a small gym.

House layout 9 by 6 m: standard solutions

A typical house layout of 9 by 6 m allows for a rational arrangement of all main rooms. In this case, the office can be located not only on the first floor, but also on the second.

When working on a house project of 9 by 6 meters, you should add personality to the house. Especially if the family has small children.

Layout of a two-story house 12 by 12 m

The large area of ​​the house allows for a garage. In a two-story house 12 by 12 m, you can plan a garage measuring 6 by 6 m.

The cost of building a two-story turnkey house - design, construction

It is not necessary to carry out all construction work yourself. You can order turnkey construction. Projects of two-story houses with plans and photos will allow you to evaluate the final result. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the average prices for such services:

PhotoPeculiaritiesCompanyPrice, rubles
Frame, 6×6"Tree"515 000
Frame, 7×7.5"Tree"695 000
Frame, 10×11"Tree"2 300 000
Djv-cottage XL29 - 136 m² (9×8 m) made of planed timberRIFT1 900 000
Zx51, 7.7×9.3ODiDO2,295,000 from aerated concrete

2,601,000 made of brick

58-49, 12.9×12.95ODiDO2,691,000 from aerated concrete

3,050,000 made of brick

41-46, 11.9×13.40ODiDO2,708,000 from aerated concrete

3,069,000 made of brick

House projects: photos of interesting solutions

We invite you to familiarize yourself with photos of house projects that implement interesting solutions.

Video: house layout 6x6, 2nd floor 2 rooms

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Today, developers are increasingly using two-story house designs to develop their suburban plots of land. Such buildings are considered the golden mean in terms of size, usable area, and type of placement of rooms. The classic version of buildings on two floors involves the traditional placement of premises with the organization of general purpose rooms and a kitchen on the first floor, and bedrooms and a bathroom on the second.

Two-story house project: layout

Projects for two-story houses come in a wide variety, and developers can adjust them at their own discretion:

  • select the construction material (a two-story house, the layout of which is any, can be built from aerated block, wood, foam blocks, ceramics, brick, etc.);
  • independently determine the dimensions of each room;
  • add additional structural elements at your own request (attic, terrace, veranda, attic, bay window, garage).

Layout features

When developing the layout of two-story houses (photos attached), it is worth considering that residents spend most of their time on the ground floor, so it is very convenient to use the living room as a common room, a nursery or an office. The family goes up to the top floor only in the evening to sleep, so it is worth providing the common space with the most comfortable conditions in order to create convenience for everyone.

Advantages of houses with two floors

The construction of two-story houses has the following advantages:

  • Significant savings in site area, which is especially important for small land areas. On the saved space in the local area, you can build additional structures for recreation (for example, a gazebo, a bathhouse, a canopy, a summer kitchen, a flower garden, etc.) or buildings for utility purposes (a barn, a carport...).
  • Aesthetic appeal. A two-story house (the layout can be very different) allows you to implement the most unusual design solutions affecting the exterior. Using the services of an architect or professional designer, you can build an interesting structure and design the site in the same style.
  • Possibility of zoning space. The layout of two-story houses (photo attached) allows you to divide the living space into a day zone and a night zone. Day room - on the ground floor (living room, kitchen/dining room, boiler room, various utility rooms, etc.). The second floor is the night area, where bedrooms are usually located, and where you can go and relax in silence at any time, without the intrusion of strangers.
  • For construction, you can use a variety of materials - brick, aerated concrete, timber (laminated, profiled), logs, and also use frame technologies.

  • The facade can be diversified with a beautiful balcony (railings can be made of natural stone, wood decorated with carvings, durable glass, metal, complemented by artistic forging, etc.).
  • There is a wide variety of possibilities for interior design.

Disadvantages of two-story projects

The construction of a house with two floors requires more funds than in the case of one-story buildings. And this is due to many factors. First of all, this is the need to build a strong foundation. To support the weight of several floors you will need a strong and reliable foundation. For two-story buildings, a strip foundation made of concrete is provided. The cost of its construction is quite high, but it is capable of supporting the weight of a building with an attic and furniture filling even in a small building area.

In a two-story house, a staircase structure must be created, which leads not only to additional costs, but also significantly complicates the technology of building the house itself.

Difficulties in planning two-story houses

There are other factors that increase the cost of construction. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • due to the large weight of a two-story house, additional reinforcement of the interfloor floors is necessary, otherwise living in the room will be quite dangerous;
  • the communication system and heating in such buildings has a more complex branched scheme, requiring the laying of additional water pipes, sewage drains, and the installation of a special circulation pump, which facilitates the normal movement of the coolant within the circuit to ensure complete heating;
  • construction, finishing and facade work requires the installation of scaffolding to ensure the ability to lift materials to the required height;
  • for families with children and elderly people, special projects are being developed, where the rooms belonging to these residents and the necessary premises are located on the ground floor, since moving up stairs can be dangerous and problematic for them;
  • the cost of purchasing insulation increases, because the wind load on the walls increases.

But, despite the listed disadvantages, if you have sufficient funds for construction, you can build truly reliable and very comfortable housing on a small plot of land. To do this, you can choose a free project or use the services of a specialized company that deals with design development.

Materials for the construction of country houses

For the construction of two-story buildings, different building materials are used, which are presented in a wide variety on the modern construction market.


  • log;
  • beam;
  • piece materials (bricks, foam blocks, gas blocks).

Among developers today, frame construction technology is the most common, but other options are also used. The choice of raw materials for housing construction depends solely on the budgetary capabilities and taste preferences of the future owners.

Two-story houses 6 by 8

Despite the fact that the house is 6 by 8 two storeys (the layout is described below), the building is small, it can offer comfort and quite normal living conditions.

We suggest you consider an excellent option for a small family.

The main entrance to the premises is located from the porch. The large living room is combined with a compact kitchen adjacent to the bathroom.

From the living room you can take a staircase to the upper floor, where there are two bedrooms. One of them can be easily converted into a guest or children's room. The rooms are separated by a dressing room, which is intended for common use.

In this project, the total area is increased due to the long terrace adjacent to the living room. This area of ​​the house can be used as a dining room in the warm season. From the terrace there are two entrances leading into the house, thanks to which owners and guests can easily enter the building from the street.

House 7 by 7 two-story: layout, photo

Two-story houses 7x7 are perfect for a family of 5-6 people. This cottage very harmoniously combines all the amenities for permanent residence outside the city. Ready-made projects of this area are very popular among private developers.

Let's consider one of the classic options.

The layout of a 7 by 7 house (two-story project) is quite functional and includes all the premises necessary for a comfortable family stay.

The first floor of the premises is reserved for receiving guests.

Here is located:

  • living room;
  • dining room;
  • kitchen;
  • full bathroom;
  • hallway and dressing room.

If desired, you can significantly increase the usable area by combining the space of several rooms (for example, a living room, kitchen and dining room).

The two-story house, the layout of which is being considered, has two porches. The first serves as the main entrance from the street. Upon entering the room through the hallway, there is immediately a dressing room in which you can leave shoes and outerwear. Another porch is located on the other side of the building, at the exit from the living room.

This option is beneficial for many reasons. In the backyard you can always create a recreation area or a flower garden. You can also create a play area for children in the backyard, which they can access through the living room. There is no need to walk around the building.

The layout of such a small two-story house takes into account the needs of the whole family.

Two-story houses 8x8 meters

An 8 by 8 two-story house (layout, photos attached) is a cozy home where each family member has personal space in the form of a room. A cottage with such dimensions can easily fit even on a fairly small area.

The layout of an 8 by 8 house (two-story project) may be as follows.

On the ground floor there is a kitchen, living room, hallway and bathroom, and the upper floor is completely dedicated to bedrooms or there are three bedrooms and another bathroom. It is very convenient to arrange a dressing room for storing things on one of the floors or under an interfloor staircase.

Future owners can adjust the following in the house at their discretion:

  • room layout;
  • facade and interior decoration;
  • arrangement of a garden, yard or local area, etc.

Two-story house 9x9

The non-standard layout of a 9 by 9 house (two-story project) proposed here will appeal to any family.

The entrance to the premises will begin with a stone porch with an area of ​​5.7 square meters. m. Then there is a corridor and a hall (8 sq. m.). For design, you can use an unusual combination of colors, for example, a gray tone in combination with a green tint in the hallway will give a beautiful style that will be remembered by every person for a long time.

First floor

From the hall there is an entrance to the kitchen, which passes through an arch into the living room. It is well lit and has access to the terrace. Both rooms are decorated in blue and silver. The drawing of this house has a small corridor (area 2.5 sq. m), behind which there is a bathroom with shower (4.5 sq. m). On the ground floor there is also an office (10.2 sq. m) and a boiler room (2.1 sq. m).

Second floor

The two-story house, which has a non-standard layout, has a corner corridor on the second floor. This is the distinctive feature of this project. You can decorate it with photographs, paintings or mirrors hung on the walls.

From the corridor there is an entrance to three bedrooms. Their design is unusual; they are all placed around the corridor.

This two-story house is an excellent option for a family of 5-6 people.

Two-story house 10x10

The layout of the house is 10 by 10 (two-story option) suitable for a large family. The project can be implemented from timber, foam blocks, logs, stone and other, no less high-quality materials.

The set of premises for the first floor is standard. Rooms for different purposes can be located here, but some of them are mandatory:

  • hallway or hall;
  • living room;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • boiler room

After adding the required premises to the plan, there may still be some free space on which additional rooms can be organized, for example:

  • cabinet;
  • guest room;
  • dining room

The layout of two-story houses (photos are posted in the article) may include a garage under the roof of the building with two entrances, one of which runs from the house through the hallway, the other from the street.

Achieving a comfortable placement of rooms is not at all difficult. The main thing is to exclude long and narrow corridors in the layout. This can be achieved by combining the area of ​​​​several rooms. As for long corridors, the space they occupy cannot be considered useful and functional.

The second floor of the house in classic layout options is given exclusively to a family recreation area.

Here are located:

  • bedrooms;
  • bathroom;
  • children's rooms.

If there is enough space, you can create a family room and dressing room upstairs.

Just as in the case of the lower floor, it is better to avoid creating corridors.

Combining living room and kitchen

Quite often the living room is connected to the kitchen and dining room. This type of placement has many advantages.

  • space and usable area increases;
  • boundaries are visually expanded;
  • comfortable conditions are created for family communication during a joint vacation or dinner;
  • convenience of receiving guests;
  • When preparing food, people who are in the kitchen are not separated from other residents.

There are also disadvantages:

  • unpleasant odors from the kitchen may spread throughout the house;
  • the need to increase the frequency of general cleaning.

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