Between must and want. Find your path and follow it. Between I must and I want Between I must and I want fb2

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Pages: 176

The year of publishing: 2017

Language: Russian


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El Luna is an artist-designer, writer, and managing director of the Bulan Project textile company. El Luna lives in San Francisco, speaks around the world, sharing advice from her book Between Need and Want.

Complexity of presentation

3 out of 5. Also suitable for students.

The target audience

Those who want to change their careers, who are looking for a vocation in life and want to change it for the better.

This bright, colorful, inspirational book directs you to search for a vocation that lies at the crossroads between "need" and "want". “I must” is the obligation and expectations of others, “I want” is a cherished dream. The book describes stories different people who have achieved the fulfillment of desires already at an old age. In the book you will find answers to questions, how to find time and finances for “want” and the desired life, how to throw false “must” out of life, how to find out your true desires. We are very different, but united by one pain: we do not know how to use abilities 100%.

Reading together

“I want” differs from “must” in that what is our essence, we are real. Everything that inevitably and inexplicably comes from the depths of the soul, does not agree to compromises, does not want to correspond to other people's ideals, reveals the inner potential - this is the best choice that only the human soul can do.

10 ways to help you find your destination:

  1. “Should” often steals freedom and requires complete obedience to social norms and rules. But some of them are inherited genetically or laid down by upbringing, so it is important to preserve some of them, and refuse some in favor of “I want”.
  2. There is an empty chair technique that came from Gestalt therapy in the middle of the 20th century. Sitting on two chairs alternately for 15 minutes, you need to talk to yourself on behalf of "I need" and on behalf of "I want". You cannot keep emotions in this monologue, you can shout, be indignant, get angry. When you start a conversation, sitting in the second chair, you will be able to understand which "shoulds" should be thrown away and which ones to listen to.
  3. The best memories of myself come from childhood. If you can't answer the questions of who you wanted to become, what you were in the company, what you loved to do, you can ask your parents or people who know you well. The notes taken during the conversation will help determine the future destination.
  4. Write down everything pleasant that you would like to master: learn to sing, dance, etc. Learn a new lesson every month and look for yourself in it.
  5. Think back to the most frequent things you do, putting off something important for later.
  6. Allow yourself the wildest fantasies. Answer yourself honestly: given opportunities, who would you like to be in life? The more honestly we admit our desires, the more consciously we spend time.
  7. Imagine what will be written in your two imaginary obituaries if you choose two different life paths: available and desired.
  8. Leave some time to remember the true pleasures of which butterflies flutter in your stomach.
  9. It is not always possible to see the connection between completely different interests, but they all make up you. By mastering a skill every month, you can subsequently see that these interests mutually enrich each other.
  10. You should look for a purpose through giving yourself 10 minutes for small, but important changes. “I want” is always an action.

It was not for nothing that Van Gogh once said: "I dream about my paintings, and then I paint my dream."

Best Quote

“I noticed that everything comes to us at the right time. Not earlier. And not later. "

What the book teaches

It is possible to come to a dream life without sacrificing the comfort of yourself and your family.

You can start taking action today if it seems to you that the time has come. The disconnect between everyday life and dreams only says that you need to listen to yourself more carefully and look for hindrances.

Any choice involves a meeting with fear: will it work out, will the loved ones condemn, will you be left alone. Only you can decide which fears to remain your companions, and which are not the place in your new life.

It is impossible to receive a destination fully formed. For its manifestation, it is necessary to write about it every day.

Year of publication: 2016
Author: El Luna
Translator: Translated from English by Anastasia Sukhanova
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber
ISBN: 978-5-00100-093-8
Russian language
Format: PDF
Quality: Publishing layout or text (eBook)
Interactive table of contents: Yes
Number of pages: 151

A vibrant book that will inspire you to find your true calling and follow it.
Who among us has not asked the question: How can I find my true calling? El Luna describes it as a crossroads between must and want. All this must have been fun to come up with Schwarzenegger spending enough time. A must is what we should do, as it seems to us, or what others expect of us. I want - what we dream about in the depths of our souls.
His own path inspired the author to write a manifesto on the difference between must and want, which was shared by 5 million Twitter users and which was read by hundreds of thousands of people. I wanted to send it to all my employees, ”wrote one executive who read the article,“ but realized that a third of them would leave if they read it. But you know what? If they don't want to work here, they have to quit - so I sent this article out.
Now El's ideas on the difference between need and want are presented in this inspiring bright book, which will be useful to both the student and the artist, and to any person who is looking for his vocation and wants to change his life for the better.

Screenshots for reference

The artist and designer El Luna wrote the book "Between Needs and I Want" especially for those who have not been able to dare to change something in their lives for a long time.

Often all our "want" shatter against the unyielding daily "must". How to solve this contradiction, and which way to follow to the goal and to the realization of your potential?

Who is this book for

This book is for those who cannot say with certainty that they have found themselves and are doing what they love. For those who want to realize their destiny and follow it. Most of us have forgotten our childhood dreams: to become a musician or poet, ballerina or astronaut, artist or writer. What now prevents us, adult independent people, from taking a step towards our dreams?

According to El Luna, it's never too late to start. She gives very compelling examples, one of which is the story of the artist Anna Mary Robertson Moses, who hit the cover of the Times magazine at the age of 100. And grandmother Moses began to draw only after she stopped crocheting due to arthritis.

One thing is enough for you - the understanding that everything is not going at all the way you would like. Then you will find yourself at the crossroads between "want" and "must", from here you can start the thorny path to your dream. The book's inspiring examples and colorful artwork will motivate you to take action and give you courage.

What is this book about

The author does not call the reader to the revolution, does not advise to give up everything and run to your dream at breakneck speed. On the contrary, he gives advice on how to achieve the goal without making global changes in life, without coming into conflict with family and with oneself.

The book is divided into 4 chapters, which sequentially list all the obstacles on the way to our "want" and possible ways overcoming them. Everything sounds very reasonable, and you understand: yes, I have 10 minutes for my dream every day.

Of course, the book does not contain answers to the question "What do I want?" However, the reader will find in it the "right" questions that should be asked to himself in order to understand his desires. Also, the author offers a number of interesting exercises that will help you understand your purpose. El Luna advises: call your mom, ask about what you liked as a child. Were you a loner or a lover of a company, an organizer or a dreamer, trying to be independent or seeking cooperation? After all, the purpose is most clearly manifested in childhood, when we are not yet limited by the framework. public opinion and thousands of "must".

Will all these exercises help you achieve success, recognition and self-realization? Either way, you won't know until you try. Some exercises may seem strange (for example, talking out loud to yourself), while others may be fun and interesting. You will definitely succeed in getting pleasure from the process, namely in the process, gradually, as the author assures, and your idea of ​​the purpose will develop.

How the book was made

The very design of the book inspires and motivates to action. In support of her words about “wanting,” El Luna makes the book exactly the way she wants it. All headings are handwritten, each page contains multi-colored illustrations, motivating posters drawn from the heart. There are no restrictions here, the reader, if he wants to, can finish drawing anything himself without ruining the book.

You can flip through the book over and over again during difficult periods of creative crisis, and it will not fray: a reliable hardcover will allow the book to remain attractive appearance for a long time.


Many of us lack the courage to make decisions. The book "Between Necessary and I Want" will not only help you to realize your dreams, but also encourage you to take action. Go ahead! It's time to realize your purpose and act. Many have already succeeded. It will work out for you.

Buy the book "Between I must and I want"

You can buy El Luna's book "Between Needs and I Want" in paper form in the Ozon online store at a price of 780 rubles or an electronic one for 350 rubles.

His own path inspired the author to write a manifesto on the difference between "must" and "want", which was shared by 5 million Twitter users and which was read by hundreds of thousands of people. “I wanted to send it to all my employees,” wrote one executive who read the article, “but realized that a third of them would leave if they read it. But you know what? If they don't want to work here, they have to quit - so I sent this article out. "

Now El's ideas on the difference between “must” and “want” are presented in this inspiring, colorful book, which will be useful for a student, an artist, and any person who is looking for his vocation and wants to change his life for the better.

From the author

These pages are written to support your inner voice that you can give this world something special. They are intended to remind: although you do not know where this road will lead, many have already passed it. They allow you to forget everything that necessary do to remember what you are want to do.

Who is this book for

For everyone who wants to change their career and life, find their true calling and the courage to follow it.

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