Beautiful reefs in the sea. Corals are the oldest creatures on Earth. Why are corals dangerous in Egypt?

A coral reef is a huge colony consisting of billions of tiny creatures called coral polyps. Their length is only a few millimeters. They absorb calcium dissolved in seawater, forming a calcareous colony skeleton from it.

The most famous and longest coral reef stretches for almost two thousand kilometers along the east coast of Australia - this is. It consists of many coral islets. It consists of about 2,900 individual reefs and 71 islands. Some call this reef the eighth wonder of the world, and it is the most popular place among scuba divers. Its age is at least ten thousand years. Reefs grow at different rates. Some manage to grow by 20 centimeters from year to year, while others barely add 20 millimeters.

Coral reefs are home to about 4,000 species of mollusks, about 2,000 species of fish, 1,000 different sponges, 350 species of starfish and other echinoderms. There are almost two and a half thousand reef-forming corals in total.

Depressions are visible on the surface of the reefs: polyps hide in them and wait for their prey. Polyps catch plankton. They are helped to hunt by their stinging capsules, whose touch is unpleasant for humans.

German journalist Alfrem Brem cites the story of a scientist who studied corals: “I try to break off a twig from another coral, but again unsuccessfully: the coral turns out to be burning and at the first touch my hand begins to burn terribly, as if it had been burned.” Polyps feed on single-celled organisms, as well as worm larvae and tiny crustaceans infesting the plankton.

In addition, they absorb nutrients contained in the water. However, this diet is not enough for most corals. Therefore, they live in symbiosis with unicellular algae. Algae help corals by supplying them with oxygen, and in return they receive minerals. It is algae that colors tropical coral reefs in amazing colors.

And so, all this is good, and coral reefs have many advantages for the animal world, as we see. But, in 1998, the death of coastal corals began to be noticed in the Pacific and Indian oceans. And it turned out that a quarter of the entire Great Barrier Reef was damaged. A decline in the number of reefs is still observed today; scientists are working on this problem. They argue that if things continue like this, then humanity will also have problems, and not just the fish world.

Corals are dying primarily because the water in the World Ocean is becoming warmer due to the greenhouse effect. The staff of the US National Oceanographic Institute came to this conclusion: Corals react very sensitively to all temperature changes. In tropical seas, the water is usually heated to 26 - 28 degrees. If it rises by just one degree for several days, then the corals become uneasy: they experience real stress. And a state occurs in which they are forced to reject the algae with which they live in symbiosis. The reefs are bleached, their colorful colors fading. The lush underwater forest turns into a dull, whitish frame made up of limestone skeletons.

Australian biologist Professor Ove Hegh-Guldberg from the University of Sydney confirmed this guess with the help of simple experiments (their results were published in the summer of 1999). He placed the corals in a simple aquarium and heated the water in it, after some time their fertility dropped by 40 percent. If the extinction of coral reefs continues, the seas will become completely different, their aquatic world will become poorer.

This is what the famous 19th century zoologist Alfred Edmund Brehm wrote about coral reefs - “the wonderful coral thickets are superior to the mythical gardens of the Hesperides.” Coral reefs provide a huge service to cities by serving as natural breakwaters. In addition, some coral species are used in medicine, for example, Eleutherobia. This species produces the protein eleutherobin, which stops the development of cancer cells.

In general, coral reefs feed many and are useful to many, including humans. But there is a way out; it is possible to restore the dead areas of the reef. Many reef species reproduce only once a year, releasing their reproductive cells during the full moon in the spring. For several days, the sea near the reef is covered with a thick mucous mass. Then the larvae sink to the bottom, forming a new colony or merging with the parent community.

In this way, this building material can be transferred to problem areas.

Or there is another, more interesting way. Take a wire dipped in water and pass a small current through it. Soon the metal becomes covered with a crust: brucite and calcium carbonate, substances containing magnesium and calcium, settle on it. This crust serves as a shelter for corals and mollusks. Over time, the reef grows. This way you can control the overall appearance of the reef. For example, you can extend a line along the beach.

Coral reefs photos

Let's talk about corals- the oldest creatures on Earth and some of the most beautiful sea inhabitants.

Great Barrier Reef- the largest population of coral polyps that formed a reef system more than 2600 kilometers long. The reef is located along the northern coast of Australia. The Great Barrier Reef includes more than 2,900 independent reefs and 900 coral islands.

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. About 400 species of corals, 1,500 species of fish and a variety of other animals and plants have been found here.

UNESCO has listed the Great Barrier Reef as a World Heritage Site. (Photo by Nicole Duplaix):

Corals are the flowers of the sea. These corals from the Philippines really look like flowers. (Photo by Tim Laman):

Corals are unusual marine animals, representatives of the coelenterate phylum - one of the most primitive types of living creatures on Earth. This is one of the oldest groups of multicellular organisms on Earth, they have existed for many millions of years. Corals are unusual in that they have the ability to form a strong calcareous skeleton, which persists after the death of the animal and contributes to the formation of atolls and reefs.

It grows up to 30 cm. It often lives at the entrance to underwater caves, at shallow depths, up to 30 meters. (Photo by Heather Perry):

Corals are found in tropical and subtropical marine waters and live in water with a temperature of at least 21 degrees Celsius. Corals come in different colors (pink, red, blue, white, black), their color depends on the composition and amount of organic compounds. More than 2,500 species of corals are known. (Photo by Tim Laman):

Red corals are called “blood foam”, “blood flower”, black ones are called “royal corals”. Pink, red and black corals are considered the most valuable. A coral reef is a kind of magnet that, for various reasons, attracts crabs, lobsters, shellfish, fish and scuba divers. (Photo by Heather Perry):

. (Photo by Tim Laman):

(Photo by Tim Laman):

In the Cayman Islands. Coral reefs are calcareous geological structures formed by coral polyps and certain types of algae. The total area of ​​coral reefs in the world exceeds 27 million km². They are located mainly in the Pacific and Indian oceans. About 1/3 of the world's coral reefs have already been destroyed. On current trends, some reefs will be destroyed by 2030. (Photo by Raul Touzon):

In Papua New Guinea. The word “coral” in our minds is always associated with something solid , fragile. However, there are also soft corals, which, as the name suggests, lack a solid hard skeleton. Soft corals can occupy quite large areas of the reef. Many types of soft corals shrink into shapeless clumps during the day, which only straighten out at dusk. Therefore, their exquisite beauty can only be fully appreciated during a night dive. (Photo by Wolcott Henry):

Alcyonaria or soft corals- the most numerous order of eight-rayed corals. They are widespread in the seas and oceans, found from the polar regions to the equator and from the littoral zone to great depths. (Photo by Wolcott Henry):

in New Zealand. They create an underwater forest for colorful reef fish and can live for 300 years. (Photo by Brian Skerry):

Corals at the National park Komodo, which is located in the center of Indonesian archipelago, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site:

And clown fish:

Named in honor of Medusa the Gorgon:

Green acropora tenuis coral:

Another representatives soft corals:

Soft violet coral:

Bright red soft coral:

Egypt is the beginning of an ancient civilization, the “pearl of the east,” a blessed land. This is a country of sun and warm sea.

Egypt is a huge Arab country, occupying part of the Sinai Peninsula and large areas of North Africa. Parts of Egypt are hilly or sandy desert interspersed with oases. The remaining small part is the delta and valley of the Nile River, inhabited by 65 million people.
It's mild and subtropical here. The warm sea, high-class hotels, and many tourist routes can make your holiday in this country unforgettable and exciting.

Coral reefs in Egypt

The diversity of the underwater world in the Red Sea is a godsend for those who love to enjoy underwater beauty. This is a pearl that attracts diving enthusiasts. Even beginners who are inexperienced in underwater sports, coming to the resorts of Egypt for the first time, become true connoisseurs of the indescribable beauties of the Red Sea. It invites vacationers to enjoy the contemplation of a huge number of species of fish, There are about one hundred and fifty species of corals here.

All the wealth of the sea depths is a national treasure. The country's authorities show attention and concern for the preservation of national wealth. Therefore, causing any harm to the flora and fauna of the underwater world is subject to large fines and certain sanctions.

In some places, coral reefs are located along the coast. They amaze with their variety of shapes and colors. Corals can be branched, flat, round, and dark blue to pale pink. It is noteworthy that Only living corals are colored. After dying and losing soft integumentary tissue, corals leave a white-calcium skeleton.

What are corals

This is a class of marine invertebrates such as cnidarians. Their polyps, living at depths in warm tropical seas, feed on plankton. The temperature of the water where corals live should be at least twenty degrees Celsius. Coral islands, like reefs, are formed by large concentrations of coral.

They are called the sea “treasures” of Egypt. This is a real sea oasis.

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Where are the best corals in Egypt?

South Sinai- this is a huge expanse for diving enthusiasts, stretching from Sharm el-Sheikh to the Ras Muhammad National Park. The Strait of Tiran stretches here, with a series of various coastal reefs.

Ras Muhammad Nature Reserve stretched from Sinai into the depths of the Red Sea. There are three main areas where diving centers are concentrated.

The most famous area is called Shark Reef.
It forms the top of a seamount that rises off the coast. It is separated from the land by a shallow strait. It is famous for its sheer wall, which goes more than fifty meters deep. The coral thickets here amaze with their density and splendor. They are especially visible in flat and shallow areas. The coral species found here are Dendronephthya and Acropora, gorgonian corals, plate corals and cabbage corals.

Daedelus Reef
Located along the coast of Egypt towards Saudi Arabia.
This is an isolated small reef. It reaches a depth of seventy meters. The concentration of active coral growth is observed here from the western slope.

Marsa Alam
The resort is proud of its main attraction - the untouched coral coast. The water here is crystal clear and very rich in flora and fauna. The huge advantage of the resort is peace and quiet, beautiful coastal reefs. Here is a famous diving school throughout Egypt. This is a great dive site.

Abu Dabbab has a huge number of corals, forming dense columns that rise to the surface of the sea.

Elphistoune is rightly called the pearl of coral. It is small in size. Its steep walls go to great depths. They are just covered with all kinds of corals of different types.

Shaab Samadai— the shape of this reef is similar to a horseshoe, which makes it stand out from the rest. It has an impressive size. It is distinguished by the richness of the underwater world.

Shaab Sharm— located eight km. from Mars Alam. Oche

This is a large hammer-shaped reef. It is all covered with thickets of corals. It is noted by diving enthusiasts as a place with a huge wealth of the underwater world.

Where are the best corals in Egypt in Hurghada

In the water surroundings there are about forty places, distinguished by a variety of fauna, flora and relief. Each of them is unique.

Here are a few of the most famous:

Smol Giftun
This is a coral reserve belonging to Giftun National Park. Gardens of corals and gorgonians grow on the eastern side of the island.

Abu Ramada Hulk. It is popular for its sheer wall, which goes seventy meters deep. There is an underwater ten-meter through cave - this is an interesting tunnel in the reef for divers. On the northern side of Abu Ramada there is a beautiful plateau. A little further north there is a wide cave popular with divers. Despite the strong currents characteristic of these places, it is most attractive to divers due to the extraordinary beauty of the plateau and coral wall. But the best place is considered to be the south side. Here you can dive in any weather, with almost complete protection from winds and currents.

"Reef Carless"– famous for its lush coral garden and two coral towers. Carless is prized for its varied terrain, although it is the most remote reef around Hurghada. He is standing on the open sea. It doesn't come out of the water.

"El Fanadir"- the longest reef in the vicinity of Hurghada, more than two km long.

Where are the best corals in Egypt?

There are reefs almost everywhere in this area. But there are several places where they are the most picturesque.

The brightest can be called Ras Um Sid Bay. Its coral reefs are some of the most magnificent. In some places the shore line descends smoothly into the depths. And the reef itself goes sixty meters deep.

Worthy to be called second in beauty and sophistication. The reef is very beautiful and alive.

The most beautiful corals in Egypt on the islands

However, in order to see the rarest species of corals, it is advisable to visit Ras Mohamed Nature Reserve. There you can purchase a yacht excursion to one of the islands and spend the whole day enjoying the beauty of the rich flora.

Such islands can be found in coastal areas, such as in Sharm, or in the open sea.

Egypt offers a lot of exciting things to do. Excursions to the islands with corals last the whole day.

You will be able to independently explore all the beauties of the underwater world. Further from the coastline, on the islands, the water world seems untouched and surprisingly diverse.

Here are a few of Egypt's many famous coral islands:

Tiran Island
This is a beautiful place for snorkeling and diving. Here in the strait there are several coral reefs. Intricate corals, shells, sponges, and gorgonians grow on them. Meetings with representatives of aquatic fauna are also common here. You can watch dolphins and turtles. The excursion program includes snorkeling.

Brothers Islands
They are also called El Akhawein. These are two small islands in the northern part of the Egyptian coast, located in the open sea.
The islands are represented by the tops of two huge reef peaks. These are some of the largest reefs in the area.

The islands have an unprecedented diversity of coral populations that densely cover all the slopes of the reefs. At depth in the zone of strong currents, favorable conditions have been created for species such as eight-rayed gorgonians and soft, stony corals.

Skalisty Island
The island is located 50 km from the Egyptian coast. This islet is highly prized by divers for its steep walls and narrow sloping sandbank, which is exposed to strong sea currents.

At the border, the reef has many narrow coves, caves and breaks. The coral growth here is lush, unspoilt by anyone. It is distinguished by the presence of soft species and fragile luminous forms. Stony corals are found everywhere; stony corals are visible here, and along the wall there are gorgonian corals, as well as eight-rayed corals.

Hotels with coral reefs in Egypt


The beaches in Hurghada are mostly sandy; entry into the sea is smooth and comfortable, especially for children or those who cannot swim.
Not all hotels have a coral reef. But you can have a nice boat ride to the nearest reef.

Here are some hotels with the best reefs in Khurada:

Carols Makadi Resort 5*- This hotel has a diving center on the beach. There is a very beautiful underwater world.

"Iberotel Arabella 4*"- located in a small bay. The bay is separated from the sea. Suitable for recreation for lovers of coastal reefs. They are spread out all over the beach here.

"Iberotel Makadi Beach 4*"- They offer diving here. There are several unique and beautiful places.

"Magic Life Kalawy Imperial 5*"- Coral reefs are located nearby. The hotel is popular with divers.


"Zahabia" 4*;
“Coral Beach Rotana Resort” 4* (one of the best reefs);
"Arabia Azur" 4*;
"Arabella Azur" 4*;
Bel Air Azur 4*;
"Grand Azur Horizont" 4*.

Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharks Bay is famous for the presence of a huge number of coral reefs.

Diving enthusiasts are accommodated in the following hotels:

"Concorde El Salam", ;
"Island View Resort", ;
"Savoy Sharm El Sheikh"

"Reef Oasis 5*"
The distance to the airport is 14 km, to Naama Bay - 7 km, on the coastline.
The buildings are one or two-story, there are no elevators. Room capacity - 628 rooms.
All inclusive food system. Three restaurants, five bars. There is its own disco and sports events are held. Seven outdoor swimming pools, two of which are heated. There is a children's club, a teenagers club, and a playground with attractions for children.

"Tropicana Grand Azure 5*"
The best in the price-quality category.
The area is large and green. Great animation. Entrance to the sea is only by pontoon. There is a coral reef. And of course the Black House disco and animated shows!

"Coral Beach Montazah 4*"
This is a four-star hotel located in a quiet bay of Shark Bay. Tourists are attracted here by the pristine reefs. Interestingly, ships do not sail here. Therefore, these places are considered a real paradise for diving enthusiasts. The hotel has a professional diving school.

Why are corals dangerous in Egypt?

It is dangerous to swim among corals, you should not forget about this.
Sponges living in corals are poisonous. Small, invisible poisonous arrows are thrown out immediately after a person touches them. As a result, redness on the skin, itching, blisters and hematomas may appear. Possible increase in temperature.
It is clear that such troubles can significantly ruin your vacation.
But, if you prudently take care of the necessary protective equipment, you will be safe. After all, corals don’t move!

On any beach, you will be advised to purchase special safety shoes. It can be plastic or rubber, it is comfortable and practical, you can swim in it. You will be safe in these slippers.
These slippers are sold in Egyptian stores.

But in addition to buying shoes, you need to understand a few important rules:

— There is no need to step on the coral. Your foot may fall into a crevice between the corals and get injured;
— Corals are covered with mucus, so if you step on them, you can slip;
— You can’t touch the corals.

If trouble does occur, then, first of all, immediately contact the hotel’s medical staff.

Measures you can take yourself:

- treating the damaged area of ​​skin with food vinegar;
- lubricate the wounds with synthomycin emulsion.

Buy corals in Egypt

, donated by the Red Sea, everyone really wants to bring it home.

You can purchase and export any souvenir products made from corals or shells. It is advisable to keep the receipt.
The law of the country prohibits the export of living corals. Violation is subject to a large fine. But, if you bought coral in a store, it is packaged, there is a receipt, then no problems will arise. If you want to take shells with you, you can also buy them in the store.

The world's oceans have always attracted people with their mystery, power and strength. The underwater life there is incredibly beautiful and interesting, and has not been fully studied even in our age of modern technology. Many colonies of fish settle near the reefs, and people have a unique opportunity to observe them. The reefs themselves are a very impressive and very beautiful sight, so you definitely won’t regret that you once decided to go underwater to look at the beauty of the sea.

Some of them are gradually disappearing due to rapid climate change today, so it is likely that we will soon not have the chance to admire these unique biosystems. The reefs are home to countless fish, dolphins and sharks, who will also suffer from the destruction of their natural biomes.

Of course, all these reefs are ideal diving spots, attracting millions of tourists from all over the world. You don’t have to be a professional to dive towards colorful corals and cute fish - in order to see corals, you don’t have to dive deep, you just need to take a mask, a breathing tube and go on an adventure.

Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Belize Barrier Reef, Belize

Coral reefs of the Andaman Sea, India

Palancar Reef, Mexico

Coral reef Raja Ampat, Indonesia


Tubbataha Reef, Philippines

Namena Marine Reserve, Fiji

Aldabara, Seychelles

Coral reefs are the largest and most magnificent living structures on our planet, the greatest repositories of biological formations. Although today, unfortunately, they are in danger of extinction. Scientists have estimated that if immediate measures are not taken to correct the situation, we risk losing up to 70% of all coral reefs by 2050.

Let’s hope that people will still be able to preserve our oceans, including coral reefs, in the form they are today, and our descendants will be able to admire their magnificence not only from pictures in books, but also in person.

We invite you to take a look at our selection of coral reefs, which are considered the most beautiful and fantastic on Earth.

Coral reefs of the Red Sea

The Red Sea is home to more than 260 different species of stony corals and over 1,100 species of fish. This sea is located between the Sahara and the Arabian deserts. The Red Sea coral reef is over 1,200 miles long. Its age exceeds 5000 years. They began to emerge during the reign of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

Coral reefs of the Florida Keys

The shallow waters of the Florida Keys provide ideal conditions for the creation of beautiful coral reefs. These corals were formed due to the warm tropical climate under the influence of waves. There is a lot of plankton here, which is necessary for the survival of various species of living beings. Unfortunately, these reefs are on the verge of extinction and, according to some sources, by 2020 they may completely die.

Mesoamerican Barrier Reef

The Caribbean Sea is home to many species of fish and rare animals. It borders one of the world's largest and most beautiful coral reefs. Its size is approximately 943 kilometers. This reef is also subject to various threats: changes in sea level and ocean chemistry.

For many years, in the area of ​​the Philippine coral reef of Apo, active fishing took place to catch all living things, including the use of incendiary substances. As a result, a third of the coral reef has completely disappeared. The Philippine government has decided to ban fishing in an area of ​​170 square miles off the coast of the island of Mindoro. Today Apo Reef is a National Park and Conservation Area.

Andros in the Bahamas is considered one of the longest barrier reefs in the world (its length is more than 140 miles). Divers have the opportunity to explore many interesting areas within these reefs. The island of Andros, near which this reef is located, is located along the edge of an ocean chasm called the Tongue of the Ocean.

Maldives Chagos-Lakshadwhil atolls

This structure is a chain of coral reefs that is 280 km long. These reefs are located along the coast of Belize, approximately 300 meters from the coast in the northern part and 40 kilometers in the southern reaches of the country. The Belize Barrier Reef is part of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, which is one of the largest reefs in the world (second only to the Great Barrier Reef).

The name “Raja Ampat” itself means “4 kings”. The four major islands of Batanta, Misuul, Salwati and Waigeo, which are connected to hundreds of smaller islands, surround these coral reefs. This Indonesian coral reef is rich in wildlife. There are more than 1,500 species of fish, about 700 species of shellfish and more than 500 species of stony corals.

Barrier Reef of New Caledonia

This is the third largest coral reef and is also considered one of the most magnificent in the world. This is where the endangered dugong lives and where green turtles lay their eggs. The place near the reef is famous for its clear waters. The lagoons of this barrier reef are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

This reef extends over approximately 130 thousand square miles. That's bigger than the United Kingdom. The Great Barrier Reef is undoubtedly the world's largest coral reef. Moreover, it is even the largest object created naturally from living organisms. It is considered one of the seven wonders of the world.

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