Cooking meat on the grill. Recipes: cook meat on the grill. How long to keep steaks on the grill

Grilling the perfect steak is an art. Even talented chefs take years to master this science. To help you cope with this task, detailed tips and recommendations will be useful to you!

Go to a good butcher shop

You can buy a piece of meat in any store, but you won’t know where it came from or how long ago it was cut. Better go to a good shop or market. You should buy meat where it is cut in front of the customers.

When you don't know what to choose, take ribeye

The best steaks to cook at home are marbled or T-bone ribeye. Marbled meat has a special aroma and incredible juiciness. Don't know what marbled beef is? This is the one that has small streaks of fat in it.

Pay attention to the thickness of the piece

When you plan to cook a delicious steak, you need a thick cut of meat. If it is large enough, it will be perfectly cooked with a reddish center. You can buy a large piece, which can then be conveniently cut for the whole family and friends who come to your grill party.

Choose a piece from the center

Always take a piece from the center, not the edge. Whatever type of steak you want to cook, it is worth remembering that the central cut will be of optimal quality for a good final result and even cooking.

Look for organic meat

Good farm beef has more beneficial Omega-3 acids, and it just tastes better. After you try this product, you will no longer want ordinary store-bought steaks.

Look beyond ribeye steak

If you don't want to spend money on an expensive steak, you can easily choose another cut of sirloin. Meat from the shoulder can be no less tender than filet mignon, and at the same time costs three times less. In addition, the taste does not suffer at all, some even like it better.

Avoid "improved" meat

Avoid meat with any additives, it is harmful. The same applies to options prepared in advance in marinade. Meat is often sold in a saline solution. This is only to increase the weight of the piece and make you pay more.

Don't trim the fat

The fat may not look very appetizing on an uncooked steak, but that doesn't mean it should be trimmed off. Remember that fat provides flavor to the steak, so leave it on the meat. This is what will make your dish especially appetizing.

Cut off the skin

If you choose a piece that has skin on it, be sure to remove it before frying. The skin does not become softer during cooking, and it will also make the appearance of your dish not entirely aesthetic.

Grease the piece with oil

Use a mixture of olive oil and canola oil, apply it before using seasonings. Lightly coat the piece with oil on all sides. The oil ensures that the surface of the piece is quickly sealed, resulting in a juicier result. Do not use pure olive oil. Save it for salads, where the taste will be more expressive.

Don't use fancy marinades

Besides butter, a good marbled steak requires only coarsely ground pepper and good quality salt. In this case, the taste will be perfect. Season a little more intensely, as some of the seasoning will be lost during the grilling process, so the flavor will be bland if you don't take this into account.

Prepare marinades for unusual cuts

If you decide to go with a less traditional steak, using a marinade will help bring out more flavor and combat the tough texture. A simple marinade can be made from olive oil, balsamic vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, Dijon mustard and garlic.

Cook on a clean grill

Clean the grill grate thoroughly with a wire brush after each use, while the metal is still hot. Preheat the grill for thirty minutes before cooking. While it's heating, brush the grate with oil to prevent anything from sticking. But be careful: if you use a cheap butter brush, lint may end up on the grill. This is a common cause of stomach problems for many people during the summer months.

Light the grill with charcoal

Gas grills have also become popular, but it is still correct to use a charcoal grill. Do not use fire starter as it may impart an unpleasant taste to the meat.

Make sure the grill is hot

The heat quickly seals the surface of the meat, resulting in a juicy and appetizing steak with a nice crust. If you are cooking over charcoal, you need to wait until it turns white and is evenly distributed. Do not try to speed up the process by lighting it, or start cooking meat over an open fire. This way you will only burn it and the taste will be unpleasant.

Don't heat the grill too hot

A small fire is good, but a strong one is not so good. The grill needs to be hot on all sides so you can move the steak across the surface without placing it over too much heat. As a last resort, you can spray the grill with water. You want to try to keep it as hot as possible, but without open flame.

Don't use a fork

It may be easier to pierce the meat with a fork to turn it, but you should resist this urge if you don't want an unevenly cooked piece. The fork pierces the surface, causing juice to flow out of the meat. This can cause the steak to dry out and be less flavorful. It is better to use a spatula or tongs. Little things like this matter when cooking the perfect steak!

Do not drag a piece of meat across the grill surface.

Don't drag the piece around the grill when you flip it, just lift it in one motion and place it back. Once you have the steak on the hot spot of the grill, leave it there to allow the meat to cook evenly. When it's ready, lift it up and turn it over onto a cooler side. If you turn too often, you will disrupt the frying process and lose much of the seasoning.

Monitor the temperature

Always keep a thermometer handy while frying. This way, you won't have to guess whether the meat is ready. This is especially useful if you are cooking for a group of people with different cooking preferences.

Create a lattice pattern like a pro

Beautiful roast lines are a good addition to the dish. Getting the pattern is very easy. You just need to carefully turn the meat at an angle before turning it over to the other side.

be patient

It's understandable that you want to try the results of your efforts as quickly as possible, but be patient. Once the meat has been cooked, you should wait seven to ten minutes before slicing it. The juices are squeezed out during the cooking process; if you leave the meat on the plate, they can be distributed more evenly throughout the piece.

Fry a second time

After the steak has rested on the plate, place it on the grill for thirty seconds on each side. You can add a little salt during the process for a special taste.

Add seasoning

Any gourmet knows that a piece of meat should not be spoiled with sauces, however, seasonings will be quite appropriate. Use pink Himalayan salt, white pepper, cinnamon, brown sugar, chili, espresso, all of which help bring out the steak's natural flavor.

Pair steak with red wine

Finally, it's time to eat! How to make your impressions even brighter? Just add wine! Pairing steak with red wine can transform the flavors of both.

It’s a wonderful time - the weather is pleasant, all the things at the dacha have been rearranged. It's time to cook a real steak instead of store-bought pork shish kebab - according to all the rules, from beef sirloin, on a charcoal or gas grill, with an unusual espresso sauce.

Sirloin steaks - striploin with espresso sauce

Frying mode: direct high heat (230-290 °C)
Frying time: 6-8 minutes

For 4 servings:

  • 4 beef sirloin steaks, 300-350 g each, 2.5 cm thick, trim excess fat
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • ¾ tsp. coarse sea salt
  • ¾ tsp. freshly ground black pepper

For the sauce:

  • 1 tbsp. l. butter
  • 2 tsp. finely chopped shallots
  • 1 clove of garlic, pressed through a press
  • 120 ml ketchup
  • 4 tbsp. l. strong natural coffee or espresso
  • 1 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. l. brown sugar
  • 2 tsp. ground ancho chile
  1. For the sauce, melt the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Add the shallots and, stirring frequently, sauté for 3 minutes until translucent. Add the garlic and sauté for another 1 minute. Add the remaining ingredients, bring the sauce to a boil and reduce heat. Stirring frequently, simmer the sauce over low heat for 10 minutes until thickened. Remove from heat, cool.
  2. Brush both sides of the steaks with olive oil to prevent them from sticking to the grill. Add salt and pepper - oil helps the spices stick to the meat better. Leave at room temperature for 20-30 minutes.

  1. Prepare the grill for direct high heat. Clean the grill grate with a special brush. Place steaks on the grill diagonally at a 45° angle. Cook covered on high heat.

  1. After 1-2 minutes, lift the meat with tongs - but not with a fork! Rotate the steaks at a 90° angle, close the lid and cook on high heat for another 1-2 minutes.

  1. Turn the steaks over and you will see that they have a nice cross pattern. Fry until desired doneness (6-8 minutes - medium rare, meat remains bright pink inside). If you wish, you can make the same pattern on the other side.

  1. Remove steaks from grill and let rest for 3-5 minutes. At this time, the internal temperature of the meat will continue to rise for a few minutes (by about 2 °C), and the meat juices will be distributed more evenly.
  2. Serve along with the sauce.

How to Cut Sirloin Steaks (Thin Edge)

  1. If you buy the sirloin part of the beef carcass (thin edge) whole, then you will get the best steaks at a good price.
  2. It is advisable to trim off as much of the fat covering the top of the piece of meat as possible.

  1. Remove the fat-streaked meat from the thin edge.
  2. Cut steaks from the whole sirloin to the required thickness.

  1. Trim excess fat from steaks, leaving a layer about 0.5 cm thick.
  2. If you don't use all the steaks, freeze the remaining ones.

How to cook steaks on the grill: 5 rules

  1. Salt in advance. You've probably heard more than once that you shouldn't salt meat before frying. This is true. But if you salt the meat and leave it for 20-30 minutes, the salt will dissolve in the released juice, which contains sugar and proteins. When frying, this mixture will turn into an appetizing crust, making the taste of the steak more intense.
  2. Steaks at room temperature cook faster. A well-fried steak should be crispy and golden brown on the outside, and tender and juicy on the inside. If the steak is cold, it will take longer for the meat to reach the required degree of doneness, which means that by this time the outside will already be dry and burnt. Therefore, before cooking, keep the steaks for 20-30 minutes at room temperature: this will make them more juicy.
  3. The higher the heat, the more flavor. Professionals often cook steaks on high heat. They know that searing meat at high temperatures brings out its flavor, so they cook steaks so that the outside of the meat turns dark brown. And don’t believe those who try to convince you that because of the intense heat, “the pores on the surface of the meat will close” - these are all fairy tales.
  4. Thick steaks require more handling. Thin steaks work best when cooked on high heat (if flames appear during frying, take appropriate action). But it is better to cook steaks thicker than 2.5 cm using a combination of high and moderate heat, otherwise they will char on the outside and not cook through on the inside. Once you've browned the steaks on both sides at high heat, move them to indirect heat until they're done.
  5. The main thing is to calculate the time correctly. High heat instantly evaporates the juices and fat from the steaks. As a result, the meat becomes less juicy. To retain as much juice as possible in steaks, it is important to remove them from the heat in time. Typically, pinkish-red steaks (medium rare) become half-done (medium-rare) in 1-2 minutes, and then almost cooked (medium well). Therefore, you need to be constantly on your guard. And remember: a steak removed from the heat too early can be cooked later, but it cannot be made juicy again!

Comment on the article "How to cook beef steak on the grill: 5 rules"

How to cook beef steak on the grill: 5 rules. Beef steaks: recipe and tips for cutting meat. I really liked it - the meat was “meaty” :), not a single bone. In general, it is used for barbecue in habitats. For me the taste is so-so. I don’t want to repeat it.

How to cook beef steak on the grill: 5 rules. But the most important difference is the butcher shop with a large selection of marbled beef. Visitors have the opportunity to choose and buy fresh beef to take home and cook for free...

Hot dishes. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. Beef steaks: recipe and tips for cutting meat.

Can’t you fry them on just a grill? Place the grate with the prepared product over the coals and close the grill with a lid. From time to time you need to open the valve on the lid - then the temperature inside will not be too high and the product will not dry out.

ham steak. Teach you how to cook! Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, don’t let half a kilo of ham spoil for the holidays:) tell me how to make a steak correctly and tasty How to cook a beef steak on the grill: 5 rules.

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There's nothing better than a perfectly cooked steak on the grill. To get a delicious steak, you need to choose the right piece of meat, as well as the cooking method. In addition, steaks need to be seasoned to suit the most demanding taste.

  • Preparation time (traditional recipe): 40 minutes
  • Frying time: 10-20 minutes
  • Total cooking time: 50-60 minutes


Traditional grilled steak recipe

    Choose a thick cut of meat. Typically, the thicker the steak, the better, especially if you like the outside to be perfectly crispy and the inside to be juicy, pink. Try to take a piece of meat 3-4 cm thick. If the piece is very large for one person, it is quite acceptable to eat the steak for two or save it for later.

    • Why is a thick steak better than a thin steak? A thick steak takes longer to cook than a thin steak. If it's thin, you risk overcooking the inside, creating a crispy crust. If the steak is thick, you can cook it longer without worrying that it will overcook inside.
    • If you are grilling steak at high temperatures, it is especially advisable not to use thin cuts. It is better to choose a thick piece, especially if you have a grill that cannot be adjusted to temperature.
  1. Season steak generously at least 40 minutes before grilling. Salt takes away moisture from the meat, so it will be very bad if you salt the meat right in front grilling. Therefore, it is better to salt it at least 40 minutes in advance or several days (yes, days!) in advance.

    • So what happens if you salt your steak 40 minutes before cooking? The salt draws moisture from the meat, but since this moisture has nowhere to go, the moisture seeps back into the softened meat. The longer salted meat sits, the more tender it becomes and the more moisture is returned to the meat.
  2. Allow steak to come to room temperature before cooking. Steak at room temperature cooks more evenly than steak that's just come out of the refrigerator and is still cold inside. In addition, this steak does not need to be grilled for a long time.

    For best results, use hardwood charcoal. If you don't have one, you can use charcoal briquettes, but they burn at a lower temperature and take longer (while hardwood coals burn at a higher temperature, but faster). Do not use kindling liquid; use the ignition pipe instead.

    • If you don't have a real BBQ with fire, don't fret. You can use a gas one, just don’t expect the smoke from the fire, which is always there if you cook over a fire. Gas barbecues don't get as hot as charcoal barbecues, so you'll have to cook a little longer.
  3. Place the coals on the grill on one side only, leaving the other side empty. This way, one part will be hot and the other cold. You'll cook mostly on the cool side to create a juicy, delicious steak.

    Start cooking the steak on the cool side with the lid closed. Most recipes instruct cooks to "seal in" the juices by searing the steak over the hot end first. It is a myth. In fact, juices flow out of meat depending on before what temperature did it heat up, and not at what temperature do you fry it at?

    • If you sear the steak first, the top layer of meat is overcooked and begins to lose its juices. It turns out that the top layer is almost ready, but the inside of the steak has just begun to cook.
    • On the contrary, if you cook the steak over moderate heat, but longer, the whole steak will be well cooked and the crust will be crispy. If you want to make the crust even more seared, place the steak directly over the heat before removing it from the grill.
  4. Turn the meat frequently. Turning the steak frequently while cooking over moderate heat will help the meat cook more evenly. Use a spatula or tongs when turning. Do not use a fork as this will release the juices.

    Use a thermometer to know when the steak is done. Using an electronic device to determine whether your steaks are done may not sound cool, but you can't go wrong. An electronic thermometer allows you to “look” inside the steak, something you can’t do just by looking. If you don't have a thermometer, Can Check the steak for doneness using your fingers.

    • 49° C = with blood
    • 54° C = medium rare
    • 60° C = medium rare
    • 66°C = almost done
    • 71°C = well done
  5. Grill steak quickly on low until grill reaches desired temperature. If you cooked long and over moderate heat, the steak should develop a nice crust. Fry for no more than 1-2 minutes on each side.

  6. Literally a few degrees before the steak reaches the desired temperature, remove the meat from the heat and let it stand. Very important let the steak sit. Immediately after the steak is cooked, the meat fibers on top remain quite dense and do not release the juices from the steak. If you cut it right away, all the juices - which are concentrated in one place - will flow into the plate, and the steak will become much drier.

    • If you let the steak sit before cutting it, the meat fibers will “relax” and the juices will disperse throughout the steak. Instead of a tough hockey puck, you'll get a perfectly cooked, juicy steak.
  7. Grilling steak using marinades

    Prepare a marinade with beer, lime and chili pepper. This marinade is reminiscent of Mexican, but many people like it. This recipe requires fresh ground pepper, salt, lime, beer and chili powder.

    • Pour the beer (light or dark) into the container. Make sure it is large enough so that the beer completely covers the steak and thoroughly tenderizes and saturates it. Squeeze a whole lime into the marinade and season with chili powder.
  8. Prepare a marinade from soy sauce, lemon, garlic and honey. This marinade is a classic marinade base for flank steak, but is also suitable for classic steak. It will require soy sauce, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, ginger and honey.

    • Mix in a blender:
      • 2 cloves of garlic;
      • 2 tsp. ginger;
      • 2/3 cup soy sauce;
      • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil;
      • 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
      • 4 tbsp. l honey.
    • Soak the beef in this marinade for at least 30 minutes and then refrigerate for 6 hours.
    • Before grilling the steak, season the meat with pepper and salt. Prepare as described above.
    • How do you know when the steak is ready? Here are some tips...
      • With blood(red inside) 49-52° C, to the touch - like the body between the thumb and index finger of a relaxed hand
      • Medium rare(pink inside – but only inside!) 52-60 ° C
      • Medium rare/Rare(somewhat pink inside/mostly grey) 60-68° C, feels like the body between the thumb and index finger of a tense hand
      • Well done(not pink), >71 ° C, feels like a body between the thumb and index finger of a clenched hand.
    • Leave the steaks at room temperature for about an hour before cooking.
    • Marinate the steak for 3 to 24 hours. Please note: this should not be done for tender meat when preparing rib eye steak.
    • Add some Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, liquid smoke and black pepper.
    • If you have a small brush, add the marinade directly to the steak as it cooks, or brush the steak with your favorite seasoning or teriyaki sauce as it cooks.
    • A proven way to cook a perfect medium-rare steak is to set the steak in and cook without turning it. When you see blood on the top of the steak, turn it over and cook the other side for the same amount of time as you cooked that side.
    • Reserve some of the prepared marinade for use during frying. Never use a marinade that has been in contact with raw meat during cooking - this can introduce harmful bacteria to the meat and ruin the flavor of good meat.
    • Place the steak on the hot grill for 3-5 minutes to brown, then flip and cook for the same amount of time. If you like your steaks rare, they're done. For those who prefer their steaks medium-rare, move them to the cool side of the grill and sear them for a few minutes on each side. Remove the steaks and let them sit for a few minutes while you prepare the potatoes, corn or green salad.
    • To prepare a paste-like marinade that can be used to coat steaks, combine the following ingredients in a shallow bowl:
      • 1 cup olive oil and 1/2 cup soy sauce or teriyaki sauce;
      • freshly ground pepper, salt to taste;
      • juice of half a lemon;
      • 1 tsp. Dijon mustard or chili sauce;
      • spices (for example, 1 tsp cumin, 1 tbsp cilantro):
      • 1 tbsp. l. brown sugar and beer to taste. Optional: If you would like a wetter marinade to soak the meat overnight, use 350ml dark beer. You can also experiment with cider.
    • Leave for 30 minutes, then turn over and leave for another 30 minutes.


    • Optional: Preheat grill on all burners for 5 minutes. Open it, add steak, leaving all burners on high. Close the grill lid. Cook on one side, depending on the thickness of the steak and the desired result (rare, medium, well done) for 4 minutes, flip, cook for another 4 minutes on the other side.
    • Use tongs. A fork will make holes in the steak, allowing all the precious juices to leak out.
    • Keep an eye on the steak so as not to overcook it.

26.01.2016 27 739

How to Grill the Perfect Steak - 10 Important Tips

Creating the perfect steak is more challenging than simply choosing a stove to cook until it's done! Below are practical tips to help you cope with this task:

  1. Choosing the right meat. For flavor and tenderness combined, ribeye is considered one of the best cuts. A high degree of marbling, which means juiciness, allows you to cook a steak quickly and easily. Before you start cooking, inspect the piece. A large number of veins allows you to cook meat without loss of juiciness. Even with great desire and ability to cook the perfect steak from low-quality beef, it will not work;
  2. Using marinades. Good beef for steak is expensive (from 2,000 rubles per piece), you can buy more affordable cuts and then use various marinades to improve the taste. The meat, of course, will not become expensive, but it will be softer and juicier;
  3. in the photo - ribeye steak

  4. Beef should be at room temperature for grilling.. Before you start frying the steak, remove the meat from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours. After such a rest, the pieces will be evenly fried, the texture and color of the finished product will be uniform;
  5. Steak thickness. The thickness of a classic piece of beef for steak is 3-4 centimeters. The minions are cut 5-7 centimeters thick and the width of the piece is made smaller;
  6. Use of oil. The oil is applied in a thin layer on both sides. The need to use the product is that when frying, the oil burns and a golden brown crust forms on the piece, which retains all the meat juices of the steak. Cold-pressed oil is not recommended for use, the taste and aroma are too pronounced;
  7. Using spices. Cooking the perfect grilled steak doesn't require a large amount or variety of spices, just freshly ground black pepper and salt. Marbled beef cooked on the grill will be great without adding unnecessary ingredients. The real taste of meat is lost when steaks are seasoned with a large amount of aromatic herbs. Never salt the meat you are going to fry in advance. Salt will draw out all the juices and the finished product will be dry and hard;
  8. View this post on Instagram

  9. Hot fire. To cook a delicious steak, you need a good heat on the grill. The coals are distributed evenly so that the temperature on the surface of the grate is uniform. A small fire will not hurt; it will quickly fry the meat on top, but it will not be completely cooked inside;
  10. In the photo - cooking steak on the grill

  11. Don't twirl the steak. To get an amazingly tasty dish, do not turn the piece too often. Constantly fiddling around on the grill will not give a beautiful lattice pattern, the spices will be burned;
  12. Steak doneness. Depending on what kind of meat you prefer, it depends on how much you need to fry it on the fire. With a crust and red cold meat inside, the dish is prepared for 1-2 minutes per side (the meat should cool under foil for nine minutes after cooking). Rare steak cooks for 2-3 minutes (cools for 8 minutes). A more well-done piece with less blood is fried for 3-4 minutes (cools for 7 minutes). To get pink meat on the cut and blood inside the piece, fry it for about 4-5 minutes, then let it sit for six minutes. By frying the meat for 6 or 7 minutes on each side, you will get a baked gray-brown steak; as a rule, such frying makes the meat dry. The need to cool the steak after frying is necessary to distribute the temperature and juiciness inside the piece;

To prepare the dish we will need the following ingredients. Actually the meat itself, cut into steaks about 1 centimeter thick, as well as seasonings: thyme, rosemary, salt and ground black pepper.

Rinse the steaks under running cool water, then pat dry with paper towels. Rub the marbled beef steaks with ground black pepper and add sprigs of thyme and rosemary and leave to marinate for 30-40 minutes.

While the meat is soaking in the aromas of herbs, prepare the barbecue and grill. Place the grill on the grill to heat up, cut the onion in half and dip the half in vegetable oil and grease the grill. Then place the marbled steaks on the grill.

Sprigs of herbs can be removed from the meat and placed next to it on the grill; they will add a pleasant aroma to the meat.

During the frying process, turn the meat periodically to prevent it from burning.

At the very end, you can salt the meat to taste; if you do this at the time of marinating, the meat will not be as juicy as ours.

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